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lonospheric Modeling Edited by Jurij N. Korenkov 1988 Springer Basel AG Reprint from Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH), Volume 127 (1988), No. 2/3 Editor's address: Jurij N. Korenkov Kaliningrad Observatory of IZMIR AN (KMIO IZMIRAN) pr. Pobedy 41 Kaliningrad,236017 USSR Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Ionospheric modeling / edited by Jurij N. Korenkov. p. cm. »Reprinted from Pure and applied geophysics (PAGEOPH), volume 127 (1988), no. 2/3« - -T. p. verso. 1. Ionosphere - - Mathematical models. 2. Atmosphere, Upper - - Mathematical models. I. Korenkov, Jurij N. QC881.2.I6I528 1988 551.5' 145 - - dc19 88-22274 CIP-Titelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek Ionospheric modeling / ed. by Jurij N. Korenkov. - Basel Boston ; Berlin : Birkhäuser, 1988 Aus: Pure and applied geophysics ; Vol. 127. 1988 ISBN 978-3-0348-6534-0 ISBN 978-3-0348-6532-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-6532-6 NE: Koren'kov, Jurij N. [Hrsg.] This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, wh ether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use a fee is payable to ,NerwertungsgeselJschaft Wort«, Munich. © 1988 Springer Basel AG Originally published by Birkhäuser Verlag Basel in 1988. Contents 183 Introduction, Yu N. Korenkov 189 Simulations of the seasonal and universal time variations of the high-Iatitude thermosphere and ionosphere using a coupled, three-dimensional, model, T. J. Fuller-Rowell. D. Rees. S. Quegan. R. J. Moffett and G. J. Bailey 219 Global model of the thermosphere-ionosphere-protonosphere system, A. A. Namgaladze. Yu. N. Korenkov. V. V. Klimenko. I. V. Karpov. F. S. Bessarab. V. A. Surotkin. T. A. Glushchenko and N. M. Naumova 255 A mathematical model of the middle and high latitude ionosphere, R. W. Schunk 305 A three-dimensional model of ionospheric F-region, E. /. Ginzburg and V. T. Gulyaev 323 Numerical modeling of the high-Iatitude F-Iayer anomalies, V. S. Mingalev. V. N. Krivilev. M. L. Yevlashina and G. I. Mingaleva 335 Modeling of the planetary structure of the ionosphere and the protonosphere coupling, Yu. S. Saenko. N. S. Natsvalyan and N. Yu. Tepenitsyna 353 Modeling of the lower ionosphere, N. V. Smirnova. O. F. Oglobfina and V. A. Vlaskov 381 An investigation of the dependence of structural parameters of the middle atmosphere on the intensity of photochemical and dynamical processes, V. V. Koshelev and N. N. Kolpakidi 403 Electron loss and the determination of electron concentrations in the D region, W. Swider 415 Modelling of neutral-gas releases into the Earth's ionosphere, L. G. Bruskin, M. A. Koen and I. M. Sidorov 447 The nighttime winter anomaly (NWA) effect in the American Sector as a consequence of interhemispheric ionospheric coupling, M. Förster and N. Jakowski 473 Minimal Joule dissipation models of magnetospheric convection, D. D. Barbosa 491 Theory of thermospheric waves and their ionospheric effects, S. B. Leble 529 The role ofvibrationally excited Nitrogen in the ionosphere,A. V. Pavlov 545 Quasilinear heating of electrons in the earth's plasmasphere, O. A. Gorba chev. Yu. V. Konikov and G. V. Khazanov PAGEOPH, Vol. 127, Nos. 2/3 (1988) 0033-4553/88/030183-05$1.50 + 0.20/0 © 1988 Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel Introduction The major advance in the thermospheric and ionospheric physics has been taking place in recent decades on the grounds of the active development of the mathematical modelling of the upper atmosphere of the Earth representing a complex, multicom ponent inhomogeneous gas system. The mathematical modeHing of the atmosphere is a tool of its study based on the numerical calculation of the equations describing the spatial-temporal distribution ofthe medium parameters. It comprises the physical recognition of the problem; mathematical substantiation of the modelling equations, of the boundary and initial conditions; the choice or working out of the method and the algorithm of the solution of the obtained set of equations; constructing, testing and debugging of the model's software; calculations, data processing and analysis of the results. The development of the modelling, as an instrument aimed at investigating the Earth's atmosphere, was stimulated by several factors. First, it is the rapid growth of the computer engineering and the methods of the numerical calculations of very complicated nonlinear sets of equations. The growth of the computer speed and the greater volume of the working memory aided in formulating and solving the prob lems which formerly had been considered as unfeasible within reasonable fiscal and technicallimits. Second, it is the qualitative leap in the experimental technique used for the near-Earth space probing. The unique experimental data on the thermosphere and ionosphere, coHected with the help of the devices on-board the satellites and inhabited space ships, as weH as on the incoherent scattering mechanisms, badly needed a new theoretical approach. At the same time these data provided an excellent bench mark to check the theoretical notions about the processes in the upper atmosphere. However, these data are too scarce to create a full and detailed picture of the phenomena in the upper atmosphere with the help of experimental data only. Hence, the necessity of theoretical calculations, in addition to the experimental data providing the cause effect relationships between the individual experimental facts from the numerical experiments, will be the third reason. And last: an apparent merit of the modelling method, is the possibility with the help of it, to study theoretically those processes which are impossible to study experimentally; it yields the quantitative estimation of the antropogeneous factors resulting from man's influence on the near-Earth space; it is used when the complex expensive experiments in the upper atmosphere are 184 Yu. N. Korenkov PAGEOPH, developed, when radio systems are constructed and exploited. All these advantages of the mathematical modelling make it essentially up-to-date. Historically, the development of the mathematical modelling of the near-Earth space was closely controlled by the evolution of our physical notions, experimental material accumulation and the advancement of computer technique. The behaviour of the Earth's upper atmosphere can, in principle, be totally calculated on the grounds of the joint solution of the equations describing the dis tribution of the neutral and charged particles, electric fields and currents. Neverthe less, until recently the mathematical modelling has been developing in three inde pendent directions: thermospheric processes modelling, charged particles behaviour modelling (i.e. that of ionosphere) and the electric fields and currents distribution modelling. The results of spatial-temporal distribution of parameters of the in vestigated medium obtained in one the modelling branches, were utilized as the initial parameters at the development of the models in the adjacent branches. Hence, the data on the spatial-temporal behaviour of the charged particles are involved when the model of the neutral atmosphere is being developed; the development of the model of the electric fields and currents needs the information on the spatial temporal distribution of both neutral and ionized components, and it is impossible to ignore the parameters of the neutral atmosphere and the electric field when the models of ion and electron distributions are resolved. In each modelling area models were developed for the individual physical pro cesses and for the individual regions of the upper atmosphere in wh ich it was possible to single out the dominant processes controlling the behaviour of the neutral and charged particles. Those models are the following: mesospheric circulation model, thermospheric circulation and composition model; the model of generation and propogation of the planetary, tide and internal gravity waves in the upper meso sphere and lower thermosphere-in the neutral atmosphere modelling; the models of the high- and middle-Iatitude and equatorial ionosphere; the models for D(50-90 km), E-FI-F2(90-800 km) and outer ionosphere-in the ionospheric modelling; processes of generation and spatial distribution of the fields from the magnetospheric sources, and processes of the motion in the neutral atmosphere, were considered individually in the electric field modelling. High-Iatitude region of the upper atmosphere as a wh oIe and D-region as an individual ionospheric height region are the most intricate regions from the point of view of the modelling of the physical processes. High-Iatitude inospheric region is the location of an intensive ionospheric-magnetospheric interaction providing the delivery of the solar wind energy comparable with that of the solar EUV radiation energy into the atmosphere. The processes which take place in this zone considerably influence the global distribution of the thermospheric-ionospheric parameters. The ionospheric D-region is controlled by a complex pattern of the photo chemical phenomena, as weIl as by a variety of dynamical processes in the neutral atmosphere such as wave motions, active turbulence and the global circulation Vol. 127, 1988 Introduction 185 flows, These processes play an important role in the behaviour of the parameters of the above ionospheric regions, Thus, the high-Iatitude region of the upper atmos phere and the ionospheric D-region are specific boundary regions by means of which the energy transport to the other thermospheric and ionospheric regions is accomplished, Therefore an enhanced interest in the modelling of the physical pro cesses in these regions results, the fact being reflected in the general tendency of the articles below, At present, the main efforts of scientists are aimed at furt her quantitative devel opment of the existing regional models, The model description of many individual processes reached a nearly perfect fit with the observed phenomena, But many problems require solutions, some are as follows, In the neutral atmospheric modelling, the problem of the circulation and turbu lent and molecular diffusion in the composition variations, at the heights of not only upper thermosphere but and especially of the turbopause as weIl, still remains dis putable. The fuIl three-dimensional problem of the generation and propagation of the thermospheric tide and gravity waves on the global scale is still to be solved, for which purpose a new theory of the nonlinear wave propagation in the stratified upper atmosphere should be developed. One also faces the problem of identifying the mechanism of energy and mass transport from the lower atmosphere into the thermosphere. In the ionospheric modeIling, the quantitative role of the individual patterns of the formation of the main ionospheric trough is not c1arified yet, as weil as questions concerning the energy regime, such as the heating of the ionsopheric plasma by means of the ring current, anisotropy of the plasma temperature as the factor in fluencing other ionospheric parameters. As for the lower atmosphere, we have many questions here, concerning the spatial and temporal distribution of the smaIl neutral components, such as the odd nitrogen compounds, the compounds of the carbon dioxide, ozone, etc. However, even now one can report the attempts to create aglobai model of the thermosphere/ionosphere/protonosphere system (TIP) on the basis of the synthesis of particular regional models, which justifies the high ability of the mathematical modelling of the upper atmosphere as a whole. When such a closed model is being constructed, there arises the necessity to solve sets of equations which are considerably fuller and more complex, compared with the regional models. For this purpose a thorough analysis of the influence of various initial and boundary conditions on the behaviour ofthe set as a whole, should be carried out, as weIl as a careful and valid choice of the input parameters, the number of them being, as a rule, not great for the fuIl models. The above stated can be illustrated by the problem of the energy regime of the system as a whole. External energy in the form of the solar EUV radiation fluxes, precipitated particles and electric fields and currents in the high latitudes is an input parameter and is introduced by means of the experimental data. This energy should be enough to obtain the same temperature regime of the ionospheric plasma 186 Yu. N. Korenkov PAGEOPH, components as was observed experimentally. To put it another way, it is impossible to change the energy input on the condition that the temperature regime of either only thermosphere or only ionosphere remains unchanged, as it results in the dis agreement between the spatial-temporal behaviour of other parameters and their experimental values. The problem of the electric field generation from the dynamo-source at the heights of the ionospheric E-region, is an example of the influence of the boundary conditions for the thermospheric equations upon the behaviour of the solution of the whole system. This problem is as follows: global circulation resulting from the model calculations for heights of 100-130 km should give rise to the electric field generation with amplitude-phase characteristics corresponding to the correct des cription of the equatorial anomaly in the ionospheric F2-region. This problem is unlikely to be solved correctly without appropriate bottom boundary conditions for the thermospheric set of equations. The above ex am pies do not cover all the problems of the mathematical modelling of the thermospheric-ionospheric phenomena. The reader should refer to the articles of this edition for a detailed description of many other problems. The papers reported on the seminar on the ionospheric processes modelling (Rostov-on-Don, USSR, June 1986) are included in this book, as weIl as articles written specifically for this issue by the international authors. As is seen from the contents, the represented papers cover a broad spectrum of the problems associated with the mathematical modelling of the thermosphere, ionosphere, electric fields and particular processes, and highlight the different ways of the near-Earth space modelling. In papers by T. J. FuIler-RoweIl et al. and A. A. Namgaladze et al., the authors attempted to develop aglobai self-consistent thermospheric and ionospheric model. In the first paper, major attention is paid to the thermospheric phenomena, and in the second one to the ionospheric and protonospheric modelling involving the combined calculation of the electric field. In papers by V. S. Mingalev et al., R. W. Schunk, E. I. Ginzburg and V. T. Gulyaev, the authors study the ionospheric modelling where thermospheric parameters are introduced with the help of empirical models and are considered as input data. In the paper by V. S. Mingalev et al. practical application of the ionospheric parameters modelling is studied, viz. the calculation of the radio waves routes on the basis of the model calculations of spatial distribution of the electron concentration. In the paper by Yu. S. Saenko et al. a special place is reserved for the interaction of the F2-region and the outer ionosphere plasmasphere. The modelling of the D-region is considered in papers by N. N. Smir nova et al., V. V. Koshelev and N. N. Kolpakidi, and W. Swider. One can refer to the paper by D. D. Barbosa for a review of the theoretical models of the mag netospheric convection based on the minimum Joule dissipation concept. The effects of the anthropogeneous factors, such as the injection of the active chemical species into the ionosphere, are analysed on the basis of model calculations in a paper by Vol. 127, 1988 Introduction 187 L G. Bruskin et al. The paper by M. Förster and N. Jakowski provides an example of model calculations application to a co nc re te ionospheric phenomena. A review by S. B. Leble is devoted to the theoretical problems accompanying the analytical solu tion of the problems of generation and propagation of internal gravity waves in the Earth's thermosphere and their influence on the ionization vertical distribution in the ionospheric F2-region. Particular problems of the physics of the ionospheric processes are examined in papers by A. V. Pavlov, and O. A. Gorbachev et al. In a paper by A. V. Pavlov the influence of the vibrational ex ci te of the nitrogen moleeules on the ionospheric parameters is studied, and O. A. Gorbachev et al. carried out an estimation of the electron gas heating arising from the ring-current dissipation. Both mechanisms largely affect the processes in the disturbed ionosphere. The represented papers are not intended to give a thorough study of all problems of the mathematical modelling of the near-earth space, a very intricate region as it is, but they do reflect the current state of development of this new study method con cerning the upper atmosphere. Acknowledgement This topical issue owes a great deal to Dr. Renata Dmowska the Executive Editor of PAGEOPH who has been very helpful in its creation. Guest Editor Yu. N. Korenkov

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