APS/123-QED Ionization of hydrogen atoms by electron impact at 1eV, 0.5eV and 0.3eV above threshold J. N. Das and S. Paul Department of Applied Mathematics, University College of Science, 92 A. P. C. Road, Calcutta 700 006, India. ∗ K. Chakrabarti 6 Department of Mathematics, Scottish Church College, 0 1 & 3 Urquhart Square, Calcutta 700 009, India 0 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 2 We present here triple differential cross sections for ionization of hydrogen atoms by electron n impact at 1eV, 0.5eV and 0.3eV energy above threshold, calculated in the hyperspherical partial a wavetheory. Theresultsare inverygood agreement with theavailable semiclassical resultsof Deb J andCrothers[13]for theseenergies. Withthis,weareabletodemonstratethatthehyperspherical 2 partial wave theory yields good cross sections from 30 eV [12] down to near threshold for equal 1 energy sharing kinematics. ] PACSnumbers: 34.80.Dp,34.50.Fa h p - m I. INTRODUCTION [9,10,11],whichworksbeautifullyformanyatomicscat- tering problems and reproduces ionization cross section o results very satisfactorily above 2eV excess energy. For at Overthe lastcoupleofyearsconsiderableprogresshas 2eVexcessenergytheir resultsdiffer approximatelyby a . been made in the study of ionization of hydrogen atoms s factor of two from the absolute measured values [6]. Be- c by electron impact, apparently the simplest three body low2eVexcessenergyCCCresultsarealsonotavailable. i coulomb problem in quantum scattering theory, at low s Recent calculations of Das and co-workers [12] for equal y energies. Still full understanding of this problem,partic- energy sharing kinematics in the hyperspherical partial h ularly near threshold, has not been achieved. wave (HPW) theory also reproduced the experimental p Ionization near threshold was studied by Pan and data [6, 8] quite satisfactorily. [ Starace [1] where they reported a distorted wave cal- So far the hyperspherical partial wave theory has not 2 culations of (e, 2e) process with H, He and other rare been tested below 2eV excess energy. Deb and Crothers v gas targets at excess energies 4 eV (above the re- [13] have reported a semiclassical calculation that gives 1 6 spective ionization thresholds) and below for equal en- verygoodcrosssectionresultsforlowenergiesof4eVand 0 ergy sharing kinematics. For atomic hydrogen they 2eVabovethresholdandalsoforenergies1eV,0.5eVand 5 reported results at excess energies 2 eV and 0.5 eV 0.3eV above threshold. This calculation encouraged us 0 above threshold in the coplanar constant θab geome- to test whether the hyperspherical partial wave theory 3 try (in which the angle θab between the emerging elec- works for excess energy below 2eV. Here we made such 0 trons remain fixed) with θab = π. Jones, Madi- a calculation for excess energy of 1eV, 0.5eV and 0.3eV / s son and Srivastava [2] also reported a distorted wave abovethe ionizationthreshold. We foundthat the HPW c (e,2e)calculationwithatomichydrogenandheliumtar- theorygivescrosssectionresultsinverygoodagreement i s get for equal energy sharing kinematics but different ge- with the semi classical calculation of Deb and Crothers y ometries. Their results were in good qualitative agree- [13] for the above energies. One only needs to increase h p ment with the experiments at 2 eV above threshold for the asymptotic range parameter R∞ (defined later) to : atomic hydrogen for constant θab geometries. However, sufficiently large values of several thousands of a.u. It is v for the other geometries presented, there were consider- interestingtonoteherethatthehyperspherical -matrix Xi able deviations from the experimental results. with semiclassical outgoing waves(H M-SOW)Rcalcula- r Forequal-energy-sharingkinematicsMcCurdyandco- tion of Selles et al [14], for the doubRle photo-ionization a workers made a break-through calculation in their ex- of the Helium atom, also requires R∞ values of several terior complex scaling (ECS) approach [3, 4, 5]. Their thousands of a.u. for convergedresults. results for 30eV, 25eV, 19.6eV and 17.6eV agree excel- lently with the measured results of Ro¨der et al [6, 7, 8]. However, below 2eV, results of ECS theory are not yet II. HYPERSPHERICAL PARTIAL WAVE available. Another sophisticated approachis the conver- THEORY gentclose-coupling(CCC)theory ofBrayandassociates The hyperspherical partial wave theory has been de- scribed in details in [12, 15] and briefly in [17, 18]. In ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] this approach we determine scattering amplitude from 2 the T-matrix element given by the R-matrix [16] method and then continued to R∞ us- ing Taylor’s expansion method [17, 18]. Beyond R∞ the T = Ψ(−) V Φ (1) solutions are known from series expansions [12]. This fi h f | i| ii approach, however, suffers from pseudo resonance prob- where Φi is the initial state wave function, Vi is the in- lems as pointed out in Ref. [18] and hence this is not teraction potential in this channel and Ψ(−) is the ex- the one adopted here. Other possibilities include solv- f acttwo-electroncontinuumwavefunctionwithincoming ing the set of equations as a two point boundary value boundary conditions in presence of the nucleus, which problem (since the radial wave function is known at ori- is considered infinitely heavy and stationary at the ori- gin, and at R∞ from series expansions) as in the ECS gin. The scattering state Ψ(−) is determined by expand- method [4]. This again would require more computa- f ing it in terms of symmetrized hyperspherical harmon- tional resources than that we have at present. The most ics [15, 19] which are functions of five angular variables. effective approach for our purposes turns out to be the Thehyperradiusandtheangularvariablesaredefinedby following. We construct Nmx independent solutions of R = √r 2+r 2, α = arctan(r /r ), rˆ = (θ ,φ ), rˆ = Eq. (2)overtheinterval(0,∆)bysolvingtheseasatwo- 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 point boundary value problem. The kth solution vector (θ ,φ ) and ω = (α,rˆ ,rˆ ) and set P = p 2+p 2, 2 2 1 2 p 1 2 is made to vanishat the originandtakes the kth column α = arctan(p /p ), pˆ = (θ ,φ ), pˆ = (θ ,φ ) and 0 2 1 1 p1 p1 2 p2 p2 of the N N unit matrix as its value at ∆. These ω0 = (α0,pˆ1,pˆ2), p~1, p~2 being momenta of the two out- mx× mx going electrons of energies E and E , and positions ~r solutions are then continued over (∆, R∞) by solving 1 2 1 the coupled system of equations by the Taylor’s expan- and~r . 2 Different sets of radial waves with definite µ = sionmethodwithfrequentstabilization[20]. BeyondR∞ the solution may be obtained from expansion in inverse (L,S,π), (where L is the total angular momentum, S powersofRwithsuitablesineandcosinefactors[12,15]. is total spin and π is the parity) satisfy different sets of Theasymptoticincomingboundaryconditionsthencom- coupled equations each of the form pletely define [12, 15] the scattering-state wave function hddR22 +P2− νN(νRN2+1)ifN +X2P αRNN′ fN′ =0. dΨif(ff−se)r.enFcoertmheetihnoitdiaplrinotveersvamlo(s0t,e∆ffe)cstoivluet.ioInnboyutrheeafirnliiteer N′ calculation [12], at higher energies we used a five-point (2) difference scheme. This givesus verygoodcrosssections These equations are truncated to N = N which is mx for30eV,25eV,19.6eVand17.6eVforvariouskinematic the number of channels retained in the calculation for conditions. In our present calculation we propose to use each fixed µ. The N number of independent solutions mx largermeshsize(doublethatofourpreviouscalculation) of the truncated equations, need to be determined over and hence, in place of a five-point difference scheme we the interval (0, ). These equations may then be solved ∞ use a seven-point difference scheme. In the seven-point in different alternative approaches. One possibility is to scheme we divide the interval [0,∆] into m subintervals partition this interval into three subintervals (0, ∆), (∆, R∞) and(R∞, ), ∆ being ofthe orderofafew atomic by using mesh points R0,R1,R2,··· ,Rm−1,Rm where units and R∞ b∞eing a point in the far asymptotic do- Rk = hk,(k = 0,1,2,···m) and h = ∆/m. In this scheme we use the following formulae: main. The solution in (0, ∆) is then constructed as in ′′ 1 1 3 3 49 3 3 fN(Rk) = h2[ 90fN(Rk−3)− 2016fN(Rk−2)+ 2fN(Rk−1)− 18fN(Rk)+ 2fN(Rk+1)− 2016fN(Rk+2) 1 69 + f (R )]+ h6f(viii)(ξ ) (3) 90 N k+3 {25200 N 1 } fork =3,4, ,m 4,m 3. Fork =1,2andm 2,m 1 we use the the formulae ··· − − − − f′′(R ) = 1 [ 3f (R )+6f (R ) 11h2f′′(R ) 51f (R ) h2f′′(R )+6f (R )+ 3f (R ) ] N 1 h2 8 N 0 N 1 − 2 N 2 − 4 N 3 − N 3 N 4 8 N 4 23 + h6f(viii)(ξ ) . (4) 2 {−10080 } 3 f′′(R ) = 1 [ 3f (R )+6f (R ) 11h2f′′(R ) 51f (R ) h2f′′(R )+6f (R )+ 3f (R ) ] N 2 h2 8 N 1 N 2 − 2 N 3 − 4 N 3 − N 4 N 4 8 N 5 23 + h6f(viii)(ξ ) . (5) 3 {−10080 } fN′′(Rm−2) = h12[ 38fN(Rm−5)+6fN(Rm−4)− h2fN′′(Rm−4)− 541fN(Rm−3)− 121h2fN′′(Rm−3) 3 23 + 6fN(Rm−2)+ fN(Rm−1) ]+ h6f(viii)(ξ4) (6) 8 {−10080 } fN′′(Rm−1) = h12[ 38fN(Rm−4)+6fN(Rm−3)− h2fN′′(Rm−3)− 541fN(Rm−2)− 121h2fN′′(Rm−2) 3 23 + 6fN(Rm−1)+ fN(Rm) ]+ h6f(viii)(ξ5) . (7) 8 {−10080 } IneachofEqs. (3)-(7)quantities onthe righthandsides and hence we chose the above seven-point scheme in the within the curly brackets representthe error terms. The present calculation. We included states with L up to 5. corresponding difference equations are obtained by sub- Values of L above5 give insignificantcontributions. The stituting the values of second order derivatives from the (l ,l ) pairs which have been included in our calculation 1 2 differential equation (2) into these expressions. For con- aresufficientforconvergenceasfoundfromtheresultsof tinuing these solutions in the domain (∆, R∞) we need calculations with the inclusion of largernumber of chan- ′ firstorderderivativesf (R) at∆. These arecomputed nels. All the computations were carried out on a 2 CPU N from the difference formula SUN Enterprise 450 system with 512 MB RAM. fN′ (Rm) = 841h[−fN(Rm−4)+24fN(Rm−2) ferFeonrtgeaeochmeintrcyidheanvteebneeergnyptrhesreenetseedtsfoorftrheesutwltosowuitthgodinifg- 128fN(Rm−1)+105fN(Rm)] electrons having equal energies. These are the constant − + 2hf′′(R )+ 4h4f(v)(ξ) (8) - θab geometry results, θa-constant geometry results and 7 N m {−105 N } the results for symmetric geometry. For 1eV excess en- ergy we have presented these results in figures 1(a), 1(b) Heretoo,thequantitywithincurlybracketsrepresents and 1(c) respectively. The corresponding results for en- the error term. The solutions thus obtained in (0,∆) ergy 0.5 eV are presented in figures 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c) are then continued over (∆,R∞) by Taylor’s expansion respectively and the results for 0.3 eV have been pre- method,asstatedearlier,withstabilizationaftersuitable sented in figures 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c) respectively. The steps [20]. bottomrowofeachofthefigures1(a),2(a)and3(a)cor- responding to θ = 150o and θ = 180o are as in our ab ab earlier work [21] (though these are now calculated with III. RESULTS different R∞ values). This is merely to ensure complete- ness in the results presented and to compare our results Inourpresentcalculationforthe equal-energy-sharing with the semiclassical calculation of Deb and Crothers. kinematicsand1eV,0.5eVand0.3eVexcessenergies,we For other geometries, unfortunately, neither experimen- have included 30 channels and have chosen ∆ = 5 a.u. tal nor any theoretical results are available for compari- (as in our previous calculation [12] for higher energies). son. Theoverallagreementbetweenourresultsandthose Small variationof the value of ∆ about the value chosen of Deb and Crothers [13] for θ = 180o and θ = 150o ab ab does not change the results. Here we need to choose R∞ is highly encouraging. A little steeper rise of our results equal to 1000a.u. for 1eV, 2000 a.u. for 0.5eVand 3000 compared to those of Deb and Crothers [13] at 0o are in a.u. for 0.3eV for smooth convergence of the asymptotic conformity with the general trends of our corresponding seriessolutionandforsmoothfittingwiththeasymptotic earlier results [12] at 2eV and 4eV excess energies. Our solution [12] in the equal energy sharing cases. For un- results for θ = 120o and 100o also appear reasonable ab equalenergy sharingcases one may need to move to still whencomparedwith the shapes ofthe correspondingre- larger distances. For going that far in the asymptotic sultsfor2eVand4eVexcessenergy[12]. Unfortunately domain a larger value of h (grid spacing) is preferable. there are no experimental results for verification. The Here we have chosen h = 0.1 a.u. up to ∆ and a value results for θ -constant geometry and those of symmetric a 0.2 a.u. beyond ∆ in all the cases. Accordingly a seven geometry are also in very nice agreementin shapes, par- point scheme, as described above, is more suitable over ticularly for θ = 30o and θ = 150o, with those for a a a five point scheme used in our earlier calculation [12] 2eV and 4eV exces−s energy cases (−see Das et al [12]). 4 IV. CONCLUSION possible by increasing R∞ to thousands of atomic units. All these suggest that the hyperspherical partial wave From the results presented above it appears that the theory is capable of being developed into a successful hypersphericalpartialwavetheoryworkssatisfactorilyat method for (e, 2e) collisions. 1eV, 0.5eV and 0.3eV excess energies. We have already goodresults[12]forenergiesupto30eVforvariouskine- matic conditions. Calculations at a higher incident en- Acknowledgments ergy of 54.4eV are now in progress and we propose to present them in future. 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TDCS for coplanar equal-energy-sharing geometry at 1eV excess energy above threshold for fixed θ a and variable θ of the out going electrons. b Figure 1(c). TDCSforcoplanarequal-energy-sharingwith twoelectronsemergingonoppositesides ofthe direction of the incident electron with equal angle θ at 1eV excess energy above threshold. a Figure 2(a). TDCS for coplanar equal-energy-sharing constant Θ geometry at 0.5eV excess energy above ab threshold. Continuous curves, present results ; dashed-curves, semiclassical results of Deb and Crothers [13] Figure 2(b). TDCS for coplanar equal-energy-sharinggeometry at 0.5eVexcess energy abovethreshold for fixed θ a and variable θ of the out going electrons. b Figure 2(c). TDCSforcoplanarequal-energy-sharingwith twoelectronsemergingonoppositesides ofthe direction of the incident electron with equal angle θ at 0.5eV excess energy above threshold. a Figure 3(a). TDCS for coplanar equal-energy-sharing constant Θ geometry at 0.3eV excess energy above ab threshold. Continuous curves, present results ; dashed-curves, semiclassical results of Deb and Crothers [13] 5 Figure 3(b). TDCS for coplanar equal-energy-sharinggeometry at 0.3eVexcess energy abovethreshold for fixed θ a and variable θ of the out going electrons. b Figure 3(c). TDCSforcoplanarequal-energy-sharingwith twoelectronsemergingonoppositesides ofthe direction of the incident electron with equal angle θ at 0.3eV excess energy above threshold. a 0.5 0.7 E=1eV 0.6 0.4 θ =100o ab 0.5 E=1eV θ =120o 0.3 0.4 ab 0.3 0.2 0.2 1) 0.1 − V 0.1 e 2 m c 18 0 0 − 0 n (1 3 5 o cti se 2.5 E=1eV 4 E=1eV ss θ =150o cro 2 ab θab=180o 3 1.5 2 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 scattering angle θ (degrees) Figure 1(a) b 2 1.6 1.2 E=1eV θ =−150o a 0.8 0.4 −1) 0 V e 0.6 2 m c 8 1 − 0 on (1 0.4 Eθ==1−e9V0o cti a e s s 0.2 s o cr 0 2 1.5 E=1eV 1 θ =−30o a 0.5 0 −180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180 scattering angle θ (degrees) Figure 1(b) b 0.3 1) E=1eV − V e 0.2 2 m c 8 1 − 0 1 n ( 0.1 o cti e s s s o cr 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 scattering angle θ (degrees) b Figure 1(c) 1.5 E=0.5eV 1.2 E=0.5eV θ =100o ab θ =120o 1 ab 0.8 0.5 0.4 1) − V e 2 0 0 m 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 c 8 1 − 0 n (1 5 8 o cti e s 4 E=0.5eV E=0.5eV s cros θab=150o 6 θab=180o 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 scattering angle θ (degrees) b Figure 2(a) 4 3 E=0.5eV θ =−150o a 2 1 0 1) 0.6 E=0.5eV − eV θ =−90o 2 a m c 0.4 8 1 − 0 1 n ( 0.2 o cti e s s s 0 o cr 2.4 E=0.5eV 1.8 θ =−30o a 1.2 0.6 0 −180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180 scattering angle θ (degrees) Figure 2(b). b