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Related Pergamon Titles of Interest Books BARKER: Computers in Analytical Chemistry COSOFRET: Membrane Electrodes in Drug-Substances Analysis HOGFELDT: Stability Constants of Metal-Ion Complexes. Part A: Inorganic Ligands JEFFERY & HUTCHISON: Chemical Methods of Rock Analysis, 3rd edition KERTES: Solubility Data Series MEITES: An Introduction to Chemical Equilibrium and Kinetics PERRIN: Stability Constants of Metal-Ion Complexes. Part B: Organic Ligands SERJEANT & DEMPSEY: lonization Constants of Organic Acids in Aqueous Solution Journals Applied Geochemistry (new) Electro chimica Act a Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedicai Analysis Progress in Analytical Spectroscopy Progress in Reaction Kinetics Tal ant a Full details of all Pergamon publications/free specimen copy of any Pergamon journal available on request from your nearest Pergamon office. ION-SELECTIVE ELECTRODE REVIEWS Volume 7 Editor-in-Chief J. D. R. THOMAS UWIST, Cardiff, Wales PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · NEW YORK · TORONTO · SYDNEY · FRANKFURT TOKYO · SAO PAULO · BEIJING U.K. Pergamon Press, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 0BW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press, Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. CANADA Pergamon Press Canada, Suite 104, 150 Consumers Road, Willowdale, Ontario M2J 1P9, Canada AUSTRALIA Pergamon Press Australia, P.O. Box 544, Potts Point, N.S.W. 2011, Australia FEDERAL REPUBLIC Pergamon Press, Hammerweg 6, OF GERMANY D-6242 Kronberg, Federal Republic of Germany JAPAN Pergamon Press, 8th Floor, Matsuoka Central Building, 1-7-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan BRAZIL Pergamon Editora, Rua Eça de Queiros, 346, CEP 04011, Säo Paulo, Brazil PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Pergamon Press, Qianmen Hotel, Beijing, OF CHINA People's Republic of China Copyright © 1985 Pergamon Press Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. This edition 1986 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Ion-selective electrode reviews.—Vol. 7 1. Electrodes, Ion-selective—Periodicals 541.3724Ό5 QD571 ISBN 0-08-034150-0 First published as Ion-Selective Electrode Reviews, Volume 7, Nos 1 and 2, 1985, and supplied to subscribers as part of their subscription. Also available to non-subscribers. Printed in Great Britain by A. Wheaton & Co. Ltd., Exeter Ion-Selective Electrode Rev. 1985, Vol. 7, pp. 1-2 0191-5371/85 $0.00 + .50 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1985 Pergamon Press Ltd. EDITORIAL To reach the seventh volume represents a significant mile­ stone for ION-SELECTIVE ELECTRODE REVIEWS. It coincides with a vigorous growth of interest in sensors in general which can be regarded as conseguent on the general success of electrochemical sensors, especially those that fall within the scope of ION-SELECTIVE ELECTRODE REVIEWS. The range of applications of electrochemical sensors has been well covered in previous volumes. The present issue complements this by the extensive review by Dr. K.Vytras on "Potentiometric Titrations Based on Ion-Pair Formation". The versatility of ion- selective electrodes will be discussed by Dr. T.R.Yu in his article on their applications in soil science which is to appear in the next issue of this volume. Biosensors have stimulated the imagination and ingenuity of many research workers. Here the use of enzymes immobilized in membranes fitted to potentiometric and amperometric electrodes has greatly extended the scope and use of enzymes catalyzed reactions for determining substrates. Of course, such reactions can be adversely affected by inhibitors, but this can be harnessed to good use as illustrated by Dr. C.Tranh-Minh in his article on "Immobilized Enzyme Probes for Determining Inhibitors". Finally, the greatest of the editorial joys of collecting together the articles of this volume is associated with the first article. Here, Academician Nikolskii and Dr. Materova address them­ selves to aspects of the substitution of the liguid internal contact of ion-selective electrodes by solid contacts. But, of course, the name of Academician Nikolskii has graced the pages of ION-SELECTIVE ELECTRODE REVIEWS from the beginning, for the celebrated Nikolskii Eguation is a hallmark of the guality of ion-selective electrodes. In this article, he and Dr. Materova debate the term "selectivity coefficient" further and propose "influence coefficient" for our attention. More significant is their consideration of the stability conditions of ion-selectj_ve electrode potential with due emphasis on factors concerning the difficult task of ensuring reversibility and eguilibrium stability in the transition from electronic to ionic 1 2 Editorial conductivity in solid contact electrodes. They emphasise that unless there is an equilibrium and stable process of electron conductivity change into ionic conductivity and vice versa, the electrode cannot work well. "A little onward lend thy guiding hand To these dark steps, a little further on. (Samson Agonistes, I: Milton) ^> J&r~ March 1985 J.D.R.Thomas Ion-Selective Electrode Rev. 1985, Vol. 7, pp. 3-39 0191-5371/85 $0.00 + .50 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1985 Pergamon Press Ltd. SOLID CONTACT IN MEMBRANE ION-SELECTIVE ELECTRODES B. P. Nikolskii and E. A. Materova Chemical Department, Leningrad State University, 199164 Leningrad, U.S.S.R. CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THEORETICAL ^ART 2.1 Ion-exchange theory of ion-selective electrodes 2.2 Buffer properties of membrane systems 2.3 The region of transition from one ISE function to another 2.4 Influence (selectivity) coefficients 2.5 Stability conditions of ion-selective electrode potential 3. LITERATURE REVIEW OF ISEs WITH SOLID INTERNAL CONTACT 3.1 Electrodes with solid crystal membranes 3.1.1 Membranes with mixed electronic and ionic conductivity of membranes 3.1.2 LaF3 membranes 3.2 Glass electrodes with solid internal contact 3.3 Poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC)matrix electrodes with solid contact 3.3.1 Solid contact ISEs with internal electrodes of the second type 3 B. P. Nikolskii and E. A. Materova 3.3.2 Solid contact ISEs with redox systems in the organic phase 3.3.3 ISEswith a combined glass-PVC membrane 3.3.4 Coated-wire electrodes (CWEs) 3.3.5 Selectrodes .4. CONCLUSION 5. SYMBOLS AND NOTATION 6. REFERENCES KEYWORDS: Buffering properties of membrane systems; influence co­ efficients; ion-selective electrodes with solid internal contact; potential stability of ion-selective electrodes; selectivity and influence coefficients. 1. INTRODUCTION The last two decades have seen increasing interest in methods of analysis and production control based on the application of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs). This branch of chemistry may be given the title of "ionometry". The great practical significance of ionometry provides the initiative for various ISE improvements. This article deals with one such improvement, namely, sub­ stitution of the liquid internal contact by solid contact (SC) between the metal conductor and the ion-selective membrane. Several advantages of ISEs with the correctly arranged solid contact if com­ pared with the usual ones (with liquid filling) show the importance of this improvement: 1. Ion-selective electrodes with solid contact (ISE SC) can function in any space position, namely, vertical, horizon­ tal and "upside down", and can endure rotation, vibration, shaking and weightlessness. 2. Many electrodes of this type can be used at temperatures above 100°C, which is essential for sterilization and at temperatures below 0°C, which is important for winter transportation. 3. Time stability and potential reproducibility of SC-electro- des are often higher than those of electrodes with liquid filling. 4. Many SC constructions do not demand the use of noble metals. 5. In some special cases ISE SC can have other advantages which are mentioned later. Solid Contact ISEs To realize these advantages, the true electro-chemical equilibrium in the system is necessary. However, not all the ISE SC construction designs described in the literature satisfy these requirements. Therefore, this problem will be considered in detail. 2. THEORETICAL PART 2.1 Ion-exchange theory of ion-selective electrodes The first ISE was a glass electrode for the determination of hydrogen ion concentration. After the classical work of Haber and Klemensievicz in 1909 [1], a number of attempts to find a suit­ able composition of glass providing the highest selectivity of electrodes to H+ ions was made [2-5]. The greatest success in this field was achieved by Perley [6] with further developments in other works [7-9]. A review of works in this field up to 1967 was made by Izard [10]. Later on glasses of complex compositions were synthe­ sized. Among them there were glasses for electrodes selective to other ions (sodium, lithium, potassium, ammonium, silver, thallium) [11,12], as well as electrodes with electron function for measuring the oxidation potentials of solutions [13]. In 1935-37 an ion-exchange theory of glass electrode was developed [14,15]. This was elaborated upon by many authors (Simon, Nikolskii, Shultz, Eisenman [12, 16-19,40]. Nowadays, this theory i generally accepted. Since the principles of ISE SC action are based mainly on this theory, it is useful to summarize its main ponts. An outline consideration is sufficient. Usually an ISE device with internal liquid contact can be represented by the following scheme: Examined Membrane Reference halfcell solution + A Internal solution | Ag Cu A+ (f <P (f[ KC1, AC1, AgCl ^ e D If the membrane is selective to A ions then the internal solution should contain the salt of this ion. This provides the reversibility of the processes which take place when current passes through the cell. The theory suggests [20, p.11] that between the surface membrane layer and the solution in contact with it there exists an ion-exchange equilibrium. Let us consider the simplest case: A(M) + B (S) *— A (S) + B (M) where (S) and (M) denote the solution and membrane respectively; B is an interfering ion. A and B may be also anions. It is supposed that in the membrane medium all ions are in a "free state" (complete dissociation). The equilibrium of this ion-exchange process is determined by the equation: 6 B. P. Nikolskii and E. A. Materova where a and b - A + and B+ activities in solution; ä and b - their relative concentration in the membrane*; K - and equilibrium constant (exchange constant). by changing the proportion a/b in the solution, it is possible to shift ä/B ratio in the membrane phase in any direction. The ion- exchange equilibrium constant K characterises the relative select­ ivity of absorption of A+ and B+ ions by the membrane from the solu­ tion. On the membrane-solution boundary, potential difference arises according to the equilibria? A+(S) * A+(M) and B+(S) * B+(M) The condition of these equilibira can be presented (Ρ,Τ-const) in the form: dG = >*dn - M dn + z Ff dn = 0 A A and dG = A^dn - A dn + z F^dn = 0 JD toJD aD Here G - Gibbs free energy of the membrane-solution system, jW· and /x. - chemical potentials of ions in a membrane and solution, respectively, dn - number of A+ and B+ moles passing from solution into the membrane, z, and z - ion charges (equal to 1 in our case), R F - Faraday constant, and tf - potential difference between membrane and solution. Hence f = ^Α -Μκ - MB M B As μ = Μ^ + RT In a, M = /^ + RT In b κ B μ = Ä° + RT In Έ, M = <^° + RT In b κ B a -go , -, b ^= ^J + S l o gf ^ + S 0l o g| (2) S where S = 2.303 ¥RT' ?w1?-0Ύ ·>AA <ΛΩΚΟ 'ΎA>ß ,^0OB =^,A„O + S ^κ If we assume that the sum of a + "b is constant, it is not difficult to derive from (1) and (2) the basic equation for membrane potential relative to the solution ^14] Cf> = φ° + S log (a + Kb) (3) If the diffusion potential arising within the membrane due to the difference between A+ and B+ mobilities is taken into account, then for the membrane potential If = Cf° + s log (a + K b) (4) A>ß * The ratio of the activity coefficients of ions A and B in the membrane is supposed to be independent of exchange degree. Solid Contact ISEs 7 where Κ „ = K —, and TL and ΰ^ are the mobilities of the ions in AΛ · B — A ID UA the membrane. 2.2 Buffer properties of membrane systems As already mentioned, an outline of the theory is sufficient to fulfil the aims of this article. Hence, equation (1), (2) and (3) will mainly be used, i.e., account will not be taken of the differences in ion mobilities. This theory was first developed for glass electrodes, but as a first approximation, it can be used for the majority of other ISE types. It is useful to consider three cases: 1. a» K b. According to equation (1), "a» b, i.e., the membrane exchange capacity is occupied by A ions mainly. Membrane potential in this case will be determined according to equation (3) only by A ions. 2. a<< K b. Then "a«b, i.e., the membrane is occupied mainly by B ions and its potential will be a function of the activity of B ions only. 3. a« K b, ~âç&h, i.e., the membrane contains approximately equal quantities of both ions. Its potential is equally changed by alteration of the activity of both the ions in the solution. By considering the first case it can be seen that doubling of the interfering B+ ion activity halves the -5 ratio (a = constant). According to equation (1), the ^ ratio should also be halved since a very small quantity of B ions enter the membrane to displace an equivalent number of A ions. This process will practically not change the concentration of A ions in the membrane, since a » B. Hence the value of b can increase almost twice without breaking this inequality* The membrane potential will_practically not change since in equation (2)^ ^ , fe b/b ratio remains almost unaltered*!* = + s Thus, it is possible to say that the reason for the insens- itivity of membrane potential to B ion activity in solution is the high degree of membrane exchange capacity favouring A + ions. x It is assumed that the total content of A and B ions in the solution is much larger than in the membrane. xx A more precise calculation according to equation (2) gives the following result. Suppose the B ion content_in the membrane con­ stitutes 1% of its exchange capacity, i.e., b = 0.01 (a + b). After doubling the concentration of this ion in the solution, its content in the membrane increases not twice but by -=— * *. = 1.98 times. The corresponding shift of membrane potential will be: *<P = 59 log^ 98

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