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Ion mediated crosslink driven mucous swelling kinetics S. Sircara and A. J. Roberts SchoolofMathematicalSciences,UniversityofAdelaide,SA5005,Australia a CorrespondingAuthor(email:[email protected]) 5 1 0 2 Abstract n Wepresentanexperimentallyguided,multi-phasic,multi-speciesionicgelmodeltocom- a J pareandmakequalitativepredictionson therheologyofmucusofhealthyindividuals(Wild 0 Type) versus those infected with Cystic Fibrosis. The mixture theory consists of the mucus 2 (polymerphase)andwater(solventphase)aswellasseveraldifferentions:H+,Na+ andCa2+. The model is linearized to study the hydration of spherically symmetric mucus gels and cal- ] O ibratedagainstthe experimentaldata ofmucus diffusivities. Nearequilibrium,the linearized T formoftheequationdescribingtheradialsizeofthegel,reducestothewell-knownexpression o. used in the kinetic theory of swelling hydrogels. Numerical studies reveal that the Donnan i potentialisthedominatingmechanismdrivingthemucusswelling/deswellingtransition.How- b - ever,thealteredswellingkineticsoftheCysticFibrosisinfectedmucusisnotmerelygoverned q bythehydroelectriccompositionoftheswellingmedia,butalsoduetothealteredmovement [ ofelectrolytesaswellasduetothedefectivepropertiesofthemucinpolymernetwork. 1 v 3 Keywords:Donnanpotential,CysticFibrosis,mucusdiffusivity,polyelectrolytegel 0 0 5 1 Introduction 0 . 1 0 Mucus is a polyelectrolyte biogel that plays a critical role as a protective, exchange and transport 5 mediuminthedigestive,respiratoryandreproductivesystemsofhumansandothervertebrates[1,2]. 1 : Its swelling mechanism are of special interest because of its role in understanding a variety of v i diseases including cystic fibrosis (CF) [3, 4, 5]. The conformation of the long-chain, negatively X chargedmucus glycoproteinsdepends stronglyon factorssuchas pH,ionicstrength andionic bath r a composition [6]. Mucin is present in secretory vesicles at very high concentrations where they are shielded primarily by a combination of divalent ions (e.g., Ca2+) [7]. Experiments show that the mucus gel may swell explosively, up to 600-fold, in times that are the order of a few seconds, a process not observed in hydrogel swelling [8, 9]. Experiments also confirm that this rapid and massive expansion of the mucus gel is driven by an exchange of calcium in the vesicle for a monovalent ion (e.g., Na+) in the extracellular environment [9]. This is because, calcium being divalent, must balance two negative charges rather than one. Hence, a divalent Ca2+ ion can act as a ‘cross-linker’ between two polymer strands, allowing much tighter condensation than when thenegativechargesofthenetworkareshieldedbymonovalentions(Fig.1).Further,experiments demonstrate that the exocytosed mucin is recondensed if the calcium concentration of the ionic mediumisincreasedsufficiently[10].Theseobservationsindicatethattheamountandthenature 1 ofthesaltdissolvedinthesolventdeterminestheinitialandtheequilibriumconfigurationofthese gels. Experimental findings have reported that (unlike hy- drogelswelling)asimpleosmoticpressuredifferenceof solute particles across the mucus gel cannot explain the massiveandtheexplosivepost-exocytoticswellingobser- vations [11]. Mucushydration results froma balancebe- tweenosmoticforces,diffusionalhindrance(oftheensem- ble of entangled polymer mesh of the mucus), polyionic charges of the mucin and the other fixed polyions en- trapped within the gel’s matrix,the last two factors being themainideabehindtheforcesviaDonnanpotential[12]. Figure 1: Schematics showing how the The Donnan potential is not constant, but modulated by ion-displacementchangesbetweencal- the concentration offree cationsand polycationsandthe cium ion (Ca2+) and a monovalent ion pH of the hydrating fluid [13]. Marriott et al. observed (e.g.,Na+)leadingtochangesinthenet- that a decreased monovalent ion concentration, or an in- workstructureofthemucusmatrixand creased Ca2+ concentration, in the airway surface liquid itseventualexpansion. was a limiting factor in mucus hydration in CF-infected mucus[14].Lisleindicatedtheroleofdefectiveprocess- ing of mucin polymers, via increased sulfation, in the abnormal mucus hydration in CF [15]. In- creasedsulfationandsialilationfoundinCFmucins[16]areimportantformucusswelling,since the high affinity of sulfate residues for calcium drastically shifts the normal monovalent/divalent ion-exchange properties of mucins and their swelling characteristics following the exocytotic re- lease [17]. In summary, besides the ionic composition of water on the surface of the airway, the defective processing of mucins and its abnormal ion exchange properties are essential factors to explainthecharacteristicallydeficienthydrationandrheologyofmucusinCF.However,theprecise quantitativelinkbetweentheseelementsandmucushydrationstillremainsunknown[18]. Thetheorytounderstandtheswellinganddeswellingofionicgelshasalonghistorybeginning with the classical work of Flory [19, 20, 21] and Katchalsky [22] (see also [23, 24]). An early study to understand the kinetics (and not simply the equilibria) of swelling and deswelling, was done by Tanaka and colleagues [25, 26] who developed a kinetic theory of swelling gels viewing a gel as a linear elastic solid immersed in a viscous fluid. Although they neglected the motion of the fluid solvent, the model reasonably explained the swelling of a gel to its equilibrium volume fraction.Theirworkgaverisetotheconceptofgeldiffusivityasawaytocharacterizethekinetics of swelling. The gel diffusivity is defined as D = L2/τ where L is the equilibrium size (length or radius) of a gel and τ is the time constant of exponential swelling toward the equilibrium size. They found that expansion of the gel was governed approximately by a diffusion equation with diffusion coefficient D. However,how the diffusivity of the gel,or more generally the kinetics of swelling (perhaps with large changes in volume fraction) is affected by the movement of the ions anddefectivepropertiesofthemucuspolymernetworkispoorlyunderstood. Subsequent studies relaxed the assumption of linear elasticity by defining the force on the gel to be the functional derivative of the free energy function for the polymer mesh [27, 28, 29, 30, 31]. However, most of these works neglected the fluid flow that must accompany swelling. Wang et al. [32] added fluid flow by application of two-phase flow theory but considered only small polymer volume fractions and small gradients in the volume fraction. Durning and Morman [27] 2 also used continuity equations to describe the flow of solvent and solution in the gel, but used a diffusionapproximationwithaconstantdiffusioncoefficienttodeterminethefluidmotion.More recently,Wolgemuthetal.[13]extendedthesetheoriestostudytheswellingofapolyelectrolytegel. However, these current state of the art models do not couple the binding/unbinding of the ions to the network micro-structure,an idea which is critical in describing the bulk mechanical properties ofthepolymer[33,34]. The purpose of this paper is to provide a new comprehensive model detailing the swelling kineticsofmucin-likeionicgelsanduseittocalibratetherheologicaldataofsphericallysymmetric mucin granules, exocytosed from the goblet cells of CF-patients versus those released from the non-CF individuals. The novel feature of this model is the coupling of the dynamical motion of the swelling gel with the ionic binding to the polymer network. We use this model to show how the altered kinetics of the CF-infected mucus depends on the electro-chemical environment of theswellingmediaaswellastherheologicalpropertiesofthepolymernetwork.Thenextsection presentsthedetailsofthismodel(§2),includingequationsofmotion(§2.1)andchemistryofbinding reactions (§2.2). Sections §2.3 and §2.4 outline the linearized analysis of spherically symmetric swelling gels and methods to estimate model parameters, respectively. The results pertaining to theswellingkineticsandtheequilibriumconfigurationoftheseionicgelsunderdifferentchemical stimuliarepresentedin§3.Weconcludewithabriefdiscussionoftheimplicationoftheseresults onthepathophysiologyoftheinfectedmucus. 2 Multi-species, multi-phase mucus-gel model Thepolymergelismodeledasamulti-componentmaterial,consistingofk differenttypesofparti- cles.Specifically,thismaterialconsistsofsolventparticles,polymers,andseveralsmallmolecular ion species. The polymer is assumed to be made up of monomers (i.e., charge units), denoted asM,eachofwhichcarriesasinglenegativecharge.Thepositivelychargedionsinthesolventare Hydrogen (H+), Sodium (Na+) and Calcium (Ca2+). The negatively charged ions could include Hydronium(OH−)andChloride(Cl−).Becausethenegativelychargedionsareassumedtobenot involved in any binding reactions with the gel, acting only as counterions to positive charges, we identify these ions by the name chloride. The binding reactions of the positively charged ions with themonomersare M− +H+ −(cid:41)−k−h(cid:42)− HM, M− +Na+ −(cid:41)−k−n(cid:42)− NaM, M− +Ca2+ −(cid:41)−k−(cid:42)c− MCa+, M− +MCa+ −(cid:41)−k−(cid:42)x− M Ca, 2 k−h k−n k−c k−x (1) where k and k , for C = h,n,c,x, are the binding and the unbinding rates, respectively. We C −C assume that all the binding sites/charge sites are identical although the binding affinities for the different ions are different. The species M Ca are cross-linked monomer pairs, and the species 2 M−,MCa+,NaMandHMaredifferentmonomerspecies,allofwhichmovewiththesamepoly- mer velocity. The ion species are freely diffusible, but because they are ions, their movement is restrictedbytherequirementtomaintainelectroneutrality.Finally,becauseasmallamountofwater dissociates into hydrogen and hydronium, we are guaranteed that there are always some positive andnegativeionsinthesolvent. 3 2.1 Equations of motion and interface conditions SupposewehavesomevolumeV ofamixturecomprisedofktypesofparticles(includingpolymer, solvent and ion species) each with particle density (number of particles per unit volume), n (x,t) j andparticlevolume,ν ,movingwithvelocity,v (x,t),j = 1,...,k.Thesubscripts(1,2)denote j j thepolymerandthesolventphase,respectively.Wedenotethesephaseswithsubcripts(p,s)respec- tively.Thevolumefractionsforpolymerandsolventareθ = ν n andθ = ν n .Conservationof p p p s s s polymerimplies ∂θ p +∇·(v θ ) = 0. (2) p p ∂t Weassumethattheothermolecularspeciesdonotcontributesignificantlytothevolume.Therefore, the volume fractions, θ + θ = 1. It follows from (2) and a similar conservation argument for p s solventthat ∇·(θ v +θ v ) = 0. (3) s s p p Themotionofthepolymerandsolventphaseofthismulti-componentmixtureisgovernedbythe StokesequationforNewtonianfluid,whichare θ θ s p ∇·(θ σ (v ))−ξ φ (v −v )− ∇µ = 0, (4) p p p p p s p ν ν s p and θ θ (cid:88) θ s s ˆ s ∇·(θ σ (v ))−ξ φ (v −v )− φ ∇µ − ∇µ = 0, (5) s s s p s p j j s ν ν ν s s s j≥3 whereσ (v) = ηj(∇v+∇vT)+λ I∇·v,aretheviscousstresses,η > 0andλ aretheviscosities, j 2 j j j ξ is the drag coefficients. φp = np/np+ns, φs = ns/np+ns, φj = nj/(cid:80)i(cid:54)=1,2ni for j ≥ 3 (assuming that the ions are dissolved in the solvent), are the polymer, solvent and ion species per total solvent particle fractions, respectively. The first and second terms in PDE (4, 5) represents the viscous forces and drag forces due to the friction between the two phases, respectively. The third term in PDE (5)representstheforceduetothedissolvedcounter-ionsinthesolvent(osmoticeffect),while the last terms in PDE (4, 5) are the chemical forces due to the respective phases. The chemical potentialsaregivenby µ = k TM +z Φ +ν P, p B p m e p µ = k TM +ν P, (6) s B s s where M and M represent the entropic contribution to the respective chemical potentials (de- p s scribed later in this section), k is the Boltzmann constant, T is temperature, P is pressure, z is B m theaveragechargepermonomer(definedlaterin§2.2),Φ istheelectricpotentialarisingfromthe e unbalancedcharges.Fortheionspecies,theparticlevolume,ν ,iseffectivelyzerosothat j µ = k T (lnφ +1−2σ )+z Φ , j ≥ 3, (7) j B j I j e wherez isthechargeonthejthionicspecies.Incalculatingparticlefractions,φ ,weassumethat j j theparticledensityoftheionsisinsignificantlysmallcomparedtotheparticledensityofpolymer (cid:80) andsolvent, n (cid:28) n +n .Theionspeciessatisfytheforcebalance j≥3 j s p ξ n (v −v )−n ∇µ = 0, j ≥ 3. (8) j j s j j j 4 Finally,sincethereisafreemoving-edgetothegel,ononesideofwhich(insidethegel)θ− = θ , p p andontheothersideofwhich(outsidethegel)θ+ = 0,θ+ = 1,implyingthatthereisnopolymer p s outsidethegel.Thesuperscripts(+,−)denoteregionsinsideandoutsidethegel,respectively.The interfaceconditionsare (cid:18) (cid:19) k T P σ (v−)n = B M− +z Ψ +ν n, (9) p p ν p m e pk T m B and (cid:18) (cid:19) k T P (cid:0)σ (v+)−σ (v−)(cid:1)n = B M+ −M− −σ+ +σ− −ν n, (10) s s s s ν s s I I sk T s B where (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 T (cid:16)χ (cid:17) M = lnφ + −1 φ + 0 φ2 +µp , p N p N s T 2 s 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 T (cid:16)χ (cid:17) M = lnφ + 1− φ −σ + 0 φ2 +µs . (11) s s N p I T 2 p 0 N isthenumberofmonomersperpolymer-chainandT isareferencetemperature.Thehydrostatic 0 pressureisP− = P,P+ = 0andthenormalizedelectrostaticpotential(Ψe = Φe/kBT)is,Ψ−e = Ψe, Ψ+ = 0. The normal to the free surface is denoted by n. The term σ in the solvent chemical e I (cid:80) potential (Eq. (11)) is the total ion particle fraction (σI = j≥3nj/ns) and represents osmotic pressure as characterized by van’t Hoff’s law. The quantities χ,µp,µs are the Flory interaction 0 0 parameter,standardfree energies forpure polymerandpure solventrespectively. These arerelated tothecross-linkfraction,α (thefractionofmonomersboundwithcalcium), (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 χ = z((cid:15) +(cid:15) )−2 1− (cid:15) −(cid:15) α, 1 2 1 1 N (cid:18) (cid:19) z 1 1 µp = −(cid:15) +(cid:15) 1− + (cid:15) α, 0 12 4 N 2 3 z µs = −(cid:15) . (12) 0 22 (cid:15) (i = 1,...,4)arethenearestneighborinteractionenergiesparametersofthevariousmonomer- i monomer and monomer-solvent pairs and z is the number of interaction sites on a lattice (i.e., coordinationnumber)[35].EliminatingP fromEqns.(9,10)wefindasingleinterfacecondition (cid:0) (cid:1) σ (v−)−σ (v−)+σ (v+) n = Σ n, (13) p p s s s s net whereΣ isthenetswellingpressureattheinterface, net Σ M− M− T µ0 z σ− σ+ net = p − s + 0 s + mΨ + I − I . (14) e k T ν ν T ν ν ν ν B m s s m s s Intheaboveequation,thefourthtermrepresentsswellingpressurecomingfromanyelectriccharge on the monomers, referred as the Donnan pressure (z Ψ is the corresponding Donnan potential) p e whereas the last two terms represents the osmotic swelling pressure coming from the difference betweentheconcentrationsofionsdissolvedinthegelandthosedissolvedinthebath.Sircaretal. 5 [35] derivedthese equations of motion and the interface conditions using the standard variational arguments to minimize the rate of work dissipated within the polymer and the solvent. Unlike previoustheories,thismodelaccuratelycaptureshowthebinding/unbindingofthedissolvedions influences the motion of the swelling gel. The chemistry of the dissolved ions and the charged polymerspeciesisdescribednext. 2.2 Ionization chemistry This section formulates a mathematical model to represent how the chemical species move and react. Let the concentrations per total volume of the polymer species be denoted by x = [M Ca], 2 m = [M−],v = [NaM],w = [MCa+]andy = [HM],withthetotalmonomerconcentration m = m+2x+w+v +y. (15) T The concentrations per solvent volume of the ion species are denoted as c = [Ca2+], n = [Na+], h = [H+],andc = [Cl−].Withconcentrationsexpressedinunitsofmolesperliter,therelationship l between ion particle fractions φ and concentrations c is φ = ν N c , where N is Avagadro’s j j j s A j A number. To describe thechemicalreactions, weuse thelaw ofmass action. Since allthe monomer speciesareadvectedwiththepolymervelocityv ,themonomerspeciesevolveaccordingto p ∂j +∇·(v j) = R+ −R−, j = x,v,w,y (16) ∂t p j j whereR+,R− aretheforwardandbackwardratesforthemonomerbindingreactionsinEqn.(1), j j respectively.Themonomerconcentration,m,isobtainedfromEqn.(15)andmT = θp/νpNA.Under theassumptionoffastchemistry,wesettherighthandsideofthe PDE (16)tozero,whichreduces intothefollowingsetofequationsforeachofthemonomerspecies θ θ θ θ w = s mc, v = s mn, y = s mh, x = s m2c, (17) K φ2 K φ2 K φ2 4K2φ4 c s n s h s c s where Kc = k−c/kc, Kn = k−n/kn, Kh = k−h/kh, Kx = k−x/kx = 4Kc. The above expressions (17), assumethattheunbinding (dissociation) reactionsareionizationreactionsthatrequiretwo “units” ofsolvent.Wetaketheunbindingreactionratestobek φ2,forC = c,x,n,handbecausecalcium −C s isadivalention,2k = k andk = 2k . x c −x −c Similarly,undertheassumptionoffastdiffusionandchemistry,thelawofmassactionforthe ionspeciesreducesto C = C e−zCΨe (18) b with symbol C = c,h,n,c , z = z = 1,z = 2 and z = −1. The subscript ‘b’ denotes l n h c c l the corresponding bath concentrations [35]. The electrostatic potential, Ψ , is determined by the e electroneutralityconstraintinsidethegel,namely, (2c+n+h−c )θ +z m = 0, (19) l s m T where z is the average residual charge of the unbound monomers which depends on the amount m ofbindingwithions, z m = w−m. (20) m T 6 Sinceboththeelectrostaticpotentialandpolymerparticlefractionareassumedtobezerooutside thegel,electroneutralityinthebathrequiresthat 2c +n +h −c = 0. (21) b b b lb Finally,thecrosslinkfraction(orthefractionofmonomersboundwithcalcium)isα = x ,where mT Eqns.(15,17)definetheconcentrations,m ,x,respectively. T Insummary,thedynamicalmotionofafreelyswellingmucus-gelismodeledbythesystemof equations including the mass conservation PDE (2), total volume conservation PDE (3) together withforcebalance PDES (4-5)andinterfaceconditionEqn.(13),subjecttotheconstraintsEqn.(15) (monomerconservation),Eqn.(18)(ionmotion)andEqn.(19)(electroneutrality). 2.3 Linearized analysis of spherically symmetric swelling gels Wenowconsidertheswellingkineticsofaradiallysymmetricmucusgelusingalinearizedanalysis ofthegoverningequations,describedintheprevioustwosections.Thevolumefractionθ isnon- p zeroonthedomain0 ≤ r < R(t),withR(maximumradiusofthesphere)afunctionoftime.Since onlythefinitesolutionsofthegoverningequationsareofinterest(inparticular,finitesolutionsof the force balance, PDES (4, 5)) inside this domain, we assume that vp = vs = 0 at r = 0. The volumeconservation, PDE (3),impliestheconstraintθpvp+θsvs = 0throughoutthedomain.Using this constraint, we reduce the two force balance equations into a single equation (by multiplying PDE (4)byvolumefractionθs and PDE (5)byvolumefractionθp andsubtracting) (cid:20) (cid:18) ∂v λ ∂ (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:26) (cid:20) ∂ (cid:18)θ v (cid:19) λ ∂ (cid:18)r2θ v (cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:27) θ ∇· θ η p + p r2v +θ ∇· θ η p p + s p p s p p ∂r r2 ∂r p p s s∂r θ r2 ∂r θ s s (cid:18) (cid:19) φ φ p s +ξv θ + −θ θ ∇(Σ ) = 0, (22) p p p s net ν ν s p whereastheinterfacecondition(Eqn.(13))reducesto ∂v ∂ (cid:18)θ v (cid:19) λ ∂ λ ∂ (cid:18)r2θ v (cid:19) η p +η p p + p r2v + s p p = Σ at r = R(t). (23) p ∂r s∂r θ r2 ∂r p r2 ∂r θ net s s Notethat∇(µp − µs) = ∇(Σ ),whereΣ istheinterfaceswellingpressuredefinedinEqn.(14). νm νs net net Thevelocitiesinsidethegelarev− = v andoutsidethegelarev+ = 0.Next,weassumethat p/s p/s p/s thelinearizedvelocityv issmall(theequilibriumvelocityv∗ = 0)andthatθ = θ∗ +δθ ,where p p p p p θ∗ is the equilibrium polymer volume fraction. Sircar et al. [35] gives details on the equilibrium p solution.Sincethisisamovingboundaryproblem,itisconvenienttomapthedomain0 ≤ r < R(t) ontothefixeddomain0 ≤ y < 1bymakingthechangeofvariablesr = R(τ)y andt = τ.Further, we seek space-time variable separated solutions of the form v = a(τ)f (y) and δθ = a(τ)f (y). p 1 p 2 Undertheseassumptionsthereducedforcebalance, PDE (22)is 2(η +2λ )R (cid:20) 2λ ξR (cid:18)φ∗ φ∗(cid:19)(cid:21) f(cid:48)(cid:48) + e e f(cid:48) + e + s + p f = −θ∗RΣθ (θ∗)f(cid:48), (24) 1 (η +λ )y 1 (η +λ )y2 η +λ ν ν 1 s net p 2 e e e e e e p s andtheinterfacecondition,Eqn.(23),is 2λ (η +λ )f(cid:48) + ef = θ∗Σθ (θ∗)f at y = 1. (25) e e 1 y 1 s net p 2 7 Thesupercripts((cid:48))and(θ)denotethederivativeofthefunctionswithrespecttothevariablesyandθ, respectively.Thenetshearandbulkviscositiesaregivenbyη = θ∗η +θ∗η andλ = θ∗λ +θ∗λ . e s p p s e s p p s φ∗,φ∗ are the equilibrium particle fractions for the polymer and solvent, respectively. For a finite p s solutionofEqn.(24),itisassumedthatf (0) = 0.Further,weassumethatf(cid:48) = f .Theseassump- 1 2 1 tionsreduceEqn.(24)intothehomogeneous,sphericalBesseldifferentialequationwhosesolutions (cid:113) have the form f = yγJ (βy), where γ = 1 − (ηe+2λe)R, β = ξR (φ∗s + φ∗p)+θ∗RΣθ (θ∗) 1 n 2 ηe+λe ηe+λe νp νs s net p (cid:113) and n = |γ2 − 2λe |. The Bessel functions, J , are of the first kind of order n. Since there are ηe+λe n several solutions satisfying the condition f (0) = 0, we choose the solution with the lowest order 1 n = n ,whichdeterminestheequilibriumradiusoftheswellinggel,R = R(τ → ∞), min f (cid:32) (cid:115) (cid:33) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 2λ η +λ R = − n2 + e e e . (26) f 2 min η +λ η +2λ e e e e Thevariable-separable,linearizedformofsolution(linearizednearequilibrium)formassconserva- tion,Eqn.(2),gives 1∂a 1 θ∗ 1 = − p (y2f )(cid:48) = − , (27) a∂τ f R y2 1 τ 2 f ch whereτ isaconstant(tobedeterminedlater).ThefirstandthelastpartofEqn.(27)impliesthat ch a(τ) = e−τ/τch. Because the polymer is conserved (neither created nor destroyed) the velocity of themovingboundarymustbethesameasthegelvelocityattheboundary,v (y = 1), p ∂R = v (y = 1) = e−τ/τchf (1). (28) p 1 ∂τ The solution to the above equation is numerically computed via Matlab ODE solver ode15, with trivial initial conditions. In particular, we note that if R ≈ R , then f (1) ≈ constant and in this f 1 caseEqn.(28)canbesolvedexactly,i.e.,R(τ) = R (1−e−τ/τch).Thisexpressionisidenticalto f the radial expansion of the linearized form given by Tanaka et. al [25] in their kinetic theory of swelling hydrogels. Finally, the time constant of gel-swelling towards the equilibrium size (Eqn. (27)),is f R y2 (cid:12) τ = 2 f (cid:12) , (29) ch θ∗(y2f )(cid:48)(cid:12) p 1 y=1 whichdefinesthediffusivityforsphericalgels,D = Rf2/τch. 2.4 Parameter Estimation Twosetsofdataareusedtocalibratethemodelforthekineticsofsphericallysymmetricswelling mucus gels. The first experiment, conducted by Verdugo et al., measures the diffusivity data (R2 f versus τ values) of the swelling kinetics of exocytotic mucin granules from four (human) CF- ch patients and three healthy individuals at pH = 7.2, T = 37◦C and [Ca2+] = 1mM as well as b [Ca2+] = 2.5mM [8]. In the second experiment, performed by Kuver et al., kinetic data was b collected from culturedgallbladder epithelial cells from wild-type andCF-infected mice at pH = 7.0, T = 37◦C, [Ca2+] = 4mM and [Na+] = 140mM [36]. The microscopic composition of the b b 8 mucusinbothoftheseexperimentswerereportedidentical.Fig.2aandFig.2bpresentstheresults fromthesetwoexperiments,respectively. Table 1 lists the values of the parameters used in our numerical calculations. The constants in the model are the monomer particle volume, ν , the solvent particle volume, ν , the coordination p s numberofthepolymerlattice,z,andthenearestneighborinteractionenergies,(cid:15) (Eqn.(12)),shear i andbulk viscositycoefficientsof solvent(i.e.,water),η ,λ ,respectively,at referencetemperature. s s Theundeterminedconstantsarethebindingaffinitiesofthevariouscationswiththegel,K ,K ,K h c n (introducedinEqn.(17))andthepolymerviscositycoefficients,µ ,λ ,andthedragcoefficient,ξ p p (Eqn.(4)). Table1:Constantparameterscommontoallthenumericalsimulations.Thereferencetemperature fortheviscositycoefficientsandsolubilityparametersisfixedatT = 25◦C. 0 Constants Value Units Source Repeatunitperchain(N) 266 – [7] Molecularvolumeofmucus(ν ) 5×10−20 m3 [7] p Molecularvolumeofwater(ν ) 2×10−23 m3 [7] s Shearviscosityofwater(η ) 8.88×10−4 Pas [37] s Bulkviscosityofwater(λ ) 2.47×10−3 Pas [37] s Hildebrandsolubility(δ ) 1.0928(α = 0),1.3258(α = 1) MPa1/2 [38] p Hildebrandsolubilityforwater(δ ) 48.07 MPa1/2 [39] s Theradiallysymmetricallyswellingmucusgelhasa3-Dconfiguration,whichsuggeststhatwe choose the coordination number, z = 6, mimicking the 3-D structure of the polymer lattice [19]. Thestandardfreeenergies,k T µ0andk T µ0andtheenergyinteractionparameters,(cid:15) (Eqn.(12)) B 0 p B 0 s i arefoundfromtheHildebrandsolubilitydata,δ [39].Thevaluesforthesolubilitydataformaterials i mimicking mucus glycoproteins are given in a study by Mimura [38]. The fully un-crosslinked (no Ca2+ binding) and fully crosslinked (Ca2+ bound) states are denoted by α = 0 and α = 1, respectively. The standard free energy is the energy of all the interactions between the molecule and its neighbors in a pure state that have to be disrupted to remove the molecule from the pure state.Therelationbetweenthestandardfreeenergiesandthesolubilityparameters(Table1)are −k T µ0 = ν δ2 B 0 s s s −k T µ0 = ν δ2, (30) B 0 p m p where ν = 2 × 10−23 cm3 is the volume of one molecule of water at reference temperature, s T = 298K. The negative sign in Eqn. (30) indicates that k T µ0,k T µ0 < 0, since they are the 0 B 0 p B 0 s interaction energies. Using the relations in Eqn. (30), these values are fixed at (cid:15) = 4.84, (cid:15) = 1 2 3.74, (cid:15) = −13.70, (cid:15) = 0.ThereferencetemperatureoftheexperimentswasfixedatT = 25◦C. 3 4 0 The volume of a mucin oligomer/multimer chain is calculated by mathematically modeling a chaincomprisingN freelyjointedcylindricalsegmentsoflengthl andwidthd,whereN = L/l is thenumberofKuhnsegments(oreffectiverigidcylindricalsegmentswhichdeterminesthedifferent conformations a chain can have), and L is the end-to-end length of the chain. For a gel forming mucin(e.g.,human MUC5AC,usedintheexperimentaldatatocalibrateourmodel),l ≈ 0.03µm, L ≈ 8µm and N = 8/0.03 ≈ 266 [6, 40]. The radius of gyration, R , (defined as the average g 9 distance from all Kuhn segments to the center of mass of the chain) and the pervade volume, V, (i.e.,theapproximatesphericalvolumeofaspherewithradiusR )is[23] g l0.8 ×d0.2 ×N0.588 π R ≈ , V ≈ 4× ×R3. (31) g 2.45 3 g Substitutingvalues,thevolumeV(= ν ) ≈ 0.05µm3. p The undetermined parameters, namely the binding affinities K ,K ,K and the rheological h n c coefficients η ,λ ,ξ are computed by minimizing a nonlinear least-square difference function be- p p tween the experimental values of diffusivity data (R2 versus τ ) and the corresponding model f ch output(Eqns. (26, 29)),implementedvia the MATLAB non-linearleast-square minimizationfunc- tion lsqnonlin. These values are found as log (K ) = −2.27,log (K ) = −3.65,log (K ) = 10 n 10 h 10 c −3.12,η = 0.11,λ = 0.31,ξ = 1.97(wild-type mucus) and log (K ) = −2.55,log (K ) = p p 10 n 10 h −3.98,log (K ) = −7.12,η = 1.02,λ = 2.87,ξ = 0.21(CF-infectedmucus).Theclosenessof 10 c p p fit between the model (highlighted by the solid lines) and the experimental data points is shown in Fig 2. The error bars represent the maximum and minimum deviation from the sample points andsetat 5%marginoferror.Noticethelinear relationship betweenR2 andτ ,predictedbythe f ch experimentsandaccuratelycapturedbythemodel. 3 Results and discussion Themainideabehindthisworkistoprovideanobjectivecomparisonoftheswellingpropertiesof normalversusunhealthymucus,immersedinanextracellularmediumwithchemicallycontrolled composition. Well established results exist in literature which detail the relationship between the swelling rate, final size of the gel and the swelling time [25, 26]. However, these results do not explicitlyoutlinehowtheseandotherphysiochemicalelementsinfluencingthemucushydrationand rheology, depend onthe nature of the swellingmedia. Hence, in§3.1,we explore the relationship betweentheradialsizeoftheswellingmucusgelandtherheologyofthemucuspolymer,namethe dragandtheviscositycoefficients.Theeffectofthecalciumandthesodiumionsinthesolventon theequilibriumsizeofthemucusblobaredetailedin§3.2and§3.3,respectively. 3.1 Swelling kinetics Numericalsimulationswereperformedtooutlinethedifferencesbetweentheswellingkineticsfor WT and CF-infected mucus, by altering the electro-chemical composition of the swelling media. Fig. 3 presents the radius of the swelling gel, R(τ), versus time, τ, for WT mucus with calcium bathconcentrations, C = 1mM andC = 2.5mM (the‘dash-dot’ and‘solid’ curve,respectively), b b as well as for CF-infected mucus (highlighted by the ‘dotted’ and ‘dashed’ curve, respectively). The sodium ion concentration and the pH in the bath are fixed at N = 0 and pH = 7.2. These b concentrationscorrespondtotheinvitroconditionsofVerdugo’sexperiments[8]. In particular, note that the expansion of the CF-infected mucus (‘dashed’ and ‘dotted’ curves, Fig.3)isappreciablyslowerthanWTmucus(‘dash-dot’and‘solid’curves,Fig.3).Thisdifference inswellingprofilesisaconsequenceofsmalldragcoefficientoftheCF-infectedmucusgels,relative totheviscositycoefficients(i.e.,theratioδ = ξ issmallforCF-infectedmucus). θs∗(ηp+λp)+θp∗(ηs+λs) Usingtherheologicalparameters,estimatedin§2.4(i.e.,η ,λ ,ξ),thesolventparameterslistedin p p 10

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