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UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones 5-2010 IIoonn--eexxcchhaannggee ((IIXX)):: aarrsseenniicc aanndd cchhrroommiiuumm rreemmoovvaall ffrroomm bbrriinneess aanndd rreemmoovvaall ooff iinnoorrggaanniicc ccoonnttaammiinnaannttss bbyy ssppeecciiaallttyy rreessiinnss Behrang Pakzadeh University of Nevada Las Vegas Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/thesesdissertations Part of the Environmental Engineering Commons, and the Water Resource Management Commons RReeppoossiittoorryy CCiittaattiioonn Pakzadeh, Behrang, "Ion-exchange (IX): arsenic and chromium removal from brines and removal of inorganic contaminants by specialty resins" (2010). UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. 336. http://dx.doi.org/10.34917/1580935 This Dissertation is protected by copyright and/or related rights. It has been brought to you by Digital Scholarship@UNLV with permission from the rights-holder(s). You are free to use this Dissertation in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s) directly, unless additional rights are indicated by a Creative Commons license in the record and/or on the work itself. This Dissertation has been accepted for inclusion in UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones by an authorized administrator of Digital Scholarship@UNLV. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ION-EXCHANGE (IX): ARSENIC AND CHROMIUM REMOVAL FROM BRINES AND REMOVAL OF INORGANIC CONTAMINANTS BY SPECIALTY RESINS by Behrang Pakzadeh Bachelor of Science Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Tehran, Iran 2001 Master of Science Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark 2006 A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering Graduate College University of Nevada, Las Vegas May 2010 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE We recommend the dissertation prepared under our supervision by Behrang Pakzadeh entitled Ion-Exchange (IX): Arsenic and Chromium Removal from Brines and Removal of Inorganic Contaminants by Specialty Resins be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Jacimaria R. Batista, Committee Chair Thomas C. Piechota, Committee Member Sajjad Ahmad, Committee Member Kazem Taghva, Committee Member Spencer M. Steinberg, Graduate Faculty Representative Ronald Smith, Ph. D., Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate College May 2010 ii ABSTRACT Ion-Exchange (IX): Arsenic and Chromium Removal from Brines and Removal of Inorganic Contaminants by Specialty Resins by Behrang Pakzadeh Dr. Jacimaria R. Batista, Examination Committee Chair Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas Although ion exchange is highly efficient in removing inorganic contaminants, similar to other water treatment technologies, ion exchange has some drawbacks that need to be studied further. Three issues related to drawbacks of ion-exchange resins in water treatment were addressed in this research. The first issue was the influence of anionic inorganic co-contaminants including nitrate, Cr(VI), Se(VI), and As(V) on the performances of nitrate and perchlorate specialty (selective) resins in water treatment. It was found that nitrate can be removed from waters using perchlorate specialty resins, but the resin is poorly regenerated. Perchlorate was not easily removed from either nitrate or perchlorate specialty resins. The results showed that simultaneous removal of nitrate and Cr(VI) is optimal when using nitrate specialty resin. Perchlorate/nitrate specialty resins were inefficient in removing As(V), but could exchange Cr(VI) or Se(VI). A major issue realized from this research is the accumulation of co-contaminants in specialty resins and their release during resin regeneration. Such a release may deem waste regenerant brines hazardous, significantly affecting disposal costs. The presence of the co-contaminant ions affected the run length and the brine composition when perchlorate or nitrate iii specialty resins were used. Brine treatment is a serious challenge for IX water industry when removing arsenic (V) or chromium (VI) from drinking water. Arsenic (V) removal from brines using ferric chloride was the second issue of this research. The optimum pH range for the process was found to be 4.5-6.5. Higher brine alkalinity affected coagulation because it commands larger amounts of acid to lower the pH to the desired level. Increasing ionic strength slightly enhanced the arsenic (V) removal efficiency. For arsenic (V) concentrations typical in ion exchange brines and to achieve a remaining As (V) concentration of 5 mg/L, Fe/As molar ratios varying from 1.3 to 1.7 are needed at operating pH values of 5.5 to 6.5. The Fe/As ratios needed to treat brines are significantly lower than those used to treat drinking waters. Solids concentration varying from 2 to 18 mg/L were found. The third issue of this research was chromium removal from IX brines. Optimum pH range for the process was found to be 8-10.3. The chromium removal efficiency improved only slightly when the ionic strength increased from 0.1 M to 1.5 M. For chromium (VI) concentrations typically found in IX brines, a CaS /Cr(VI) molar ratio 5 varying from 0.6 to 1.4 was needed to obtain a final chromium concentration below 5 mg/L. The maximum total chromium removal efficiencies were obtained at reducing conditions when oxidation reduction potentials of the brines were between -0.1 to 0 V. Solids concentrations varying from 0.2 to 1.5 g/L were found. The results of this research have direct application to the treatment of residual wastes brines containing chromium. iv AKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Jacimaria R. Batista, the committee chair, for her extensive effort in advising me in my dissertation during the four years of my Ph.D. studies at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). I am grateful to Dr. Batista for the tremendous amount of time that she spent working with me. I want to express my gratitude to my dissertation examination committee members: Dr. Sajjad Ahmad, Dr. Spencer M. Steinberg, Dr. Thomas C. Piechota, and Dr. Kazem Taghva. I have enjoyed working for two years as a teaching assistant for Dr. Ahmad, and want to thank him for that opportunity. I appreciate all the comments and help from Dr. Steinberg. The first two years of my studies was fully funded by Basin Water, Inc., Rancho Cucamonga, California as a research assistantship. I would like to thank Basin Water, Inc. for the funding and Dr. Batista for allocating this funding to me. The last two years of my studies was funded by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNLV as a teaching assistantship. I wish to express my gratitude to the people that have supported my TA funding applications in the department including: Dr. Batista, Dr. Ahmad, Dr. Nader Ghafoori, and Dr. Edward S. Neumann. I would like to thank Nevada Power, the Wolzinger Family, Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA), and UNLV for their generous scholarships that have helped me pass through my studies and focus on my research. Many people have helped me to edit my dissertation. I would like to express thanks to Ray A. Wilson for his valuable comments and to Rachel K. Wilson for her time in editing my write up. I appreciate the help of the UNLV Writing Center, which I found to be an incredibly useful program that has helped me to become a better writer. My v specials thanks go to Natalie Hudson and Carol Turner, who have patiently read my dissertation and have helped me with my English. I would like to thank my brothers, Behrooz and Bobby, who have supported me mentally through this hardship, for those wonderful times that we have had together. I want to show my gratitude to Bobby for providing me with a nice house for my stay during my studies. I would like to thank my friends at UNLV for some great times. I would like to acknowledge the assistance of Jon Becker, Allen Sampson, and Levia Lanier from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. I would like to thank my beloved fiancée, Rachel K. Wilson, for lending her enduring patience, care, and love during my frustrating endeavor. I am deeply grateful to Rachel for standing by me. I love you, and I am forever yours, faithfully. I would like to dedicate my dissertation to my wonderful parents, Zahra and Ahmad. Their deepest desire has been to see me getting an education. My mother has sacrificed a lot for me, and I would not have my Ph.D without her. She made me persevere when it was way too hard to continue. I love you so much, and thanks for all that you did for me. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... iii AKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. vii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. xi LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... xvi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1 1.1. Background ........................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Issue One: Impact of Co-Contaminants on the Performances of Perchlorate and Nitrate Specialty Resins .............................................................. 2 1.3. Issue Two: Arsenic Removal from Ion-Exchange Brines Using Ferric Chloride ...................................................................................................... 5 1.4. Issue Three: Chromium Removal from Ion-Exchange Brines Using Calcium Polysulfide ................................................................................. 10 1.5. Research Objective and Hypotheses ................................................................... 12 CHAPTER 2 STATE OF KNOWLEDGE ................................................................ 14 2.1. Occurrence, Health Effects and MCL of Inorganic Contaminants Removed by Ion-Exchange (IX) ......................................................................... 14 2.2. Classification of Ion-Exchange Resins ............................................................... 21 2.3. Selectivity in Ion-Exchange ................................................................................ 25 2.4. Laboratory Ion-Exchange Minicolumn Design .................................................. 32 2.5. Highly Selective (Specialty) and Conventional Ion-Exchange Resins for Nitrate and Perchlorate Removal ........................................................................ 39 2.6. Regeneration of Conventional, Nitrate Selective and Perchlorate Selective Resins .................................................................................................................. 47 2.6.1. Regeneration Principles For Conventional and Nitrate Selective Resins .... 48 2.6.2. Regeneration of Perchlorate Selective Resins and Methods to Improve the Process .......................................................................................................... 50 2.7. Coagulation Principles ........................................................................................ 58 2.7.1. Properties of Particles and Forces at the Solid-Solution Interface .............. 59 2.7.2. Mechanisms of Coagulation ........................................................................ 62 2.8. Adsorption Principles.......................................................................................... 66 2.8.1. Physiochemical and Electrical Properties of Oxide and hydroxide Surfaces ........................................................................................................ 67 2.8.2. Mechanisms of Adsorption of Anions on oxide and hydroxide surfaces .... 70 2.8.3. Adsorption Isotherms ................................................................................... 74 2.8.4. Adsorption Models....................................................................................... 76 2.8.5. Properties of Ferric Iron as a Coagulant ...................................................... 79 2.9. Arsenic Removal from Brines ............................................................................ 84 vii 2.9.1. Arsenic Health Effects and Chemistry ......................................................... 84 2.9.2. Arsenic Treatment Technologies ................................................................. 90 2.9.3. Mechanisms of Arsenic Removal by Iron Precipitates during Coagulation ................................................................................................ 102 2.9.4. Arsenic Removal by Ferric Chloride from Drinking Water ...................... 106 2.9.5. Arsenic Removal by Ferric Chloride from Industrial Water: Ion-Exchange Brines ................................................................................. 113 2.10. Chromium removal from brines...................................................................... 122 2.10.1. Chromium Health effects and chemistry ................................................. 123 2.10.2. Chromium treatment technologies ........................................................... 132 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................ 172 3.1. Work Plan to address Issue One ....................................................................... 172 3.1.1. Experimental Approach ............................................................................. 172 3.1.2. Experimental Procedure for Laboratory Breakthrough Curves Generation .................................................................................................. 173 3.2. Work Plan to address Issue Two ....................................................................... 184 3.2.1. Experimental Approach ............................................................................. 185 3.2.2. Modeling of Arsenic Removal Using Ferric Chloride by MINEQL+ ....... 189 3.2.3. Laboratory Experiments Procedure ........................................................... 191 3.2.4. Experimental design................................................................................... 194 3.3. Work Plan to address Issue Three ..................................................................... 200 3.3.1. Experimental Approach ............................................................................. 201 3.3.2. Laboratory Set Up and Operation of Batch Tests ...................................... 202 3.3.3. Batch Experiments Procedure .................................................................... 203 3.4. Analytical Methods ........................................................................................... 207 3.5. Analysis of Data ................................................................................................ 212 3.5.1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 212 3.5.2. Data Analysis for Issue One ...................................................................... 213 3.5.3. Data Analysis for Issue Two ...................................................................... 214 3.5.4. Data Analysis for Issue Three .................................................................... 218 3.6. Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) .................................................. 222 CHAPTER 4 IMPACT OF INORGANIC ANIONIC CO-CONTAMINANTS ON PERFORMANCES OF PERCHLORATE AND NITRATE SPECIALTY ION-EXCHANGE RESINS ........................................ 226 4.1. Abstract ............................................................................................................. 226 4.2. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 227 4.3. Experimental ..................................................................................................... 231 4.3.1. Materials .................................................................................................... 232 4.3.2. Experimental Procedure ............................................................................. 233 4.3.3. Analytical Methods .................................................................................... 239 4.3.4. Cost Analysis ............................................................................................. 240 4.4. Results and Discussion ....................................................................................... 241 4.4.1. Loading and Regeneration for Nitrate Removal .......................................... 241 4.4.2. Loading and Regeneration for Cr(VI) Removal .......................................... 254 viii 4.4.3. Loading and Regeneration for Se(VI) Removal .......................................... 258 4.4.4. Loading and Regeneration for As(V) Removal ........................................... 261 4.5. Implication of the Findings Regarding The Use of Perchlorate and Nitrate selective Resins in waters with other co-contaminants ........................ 265 CHAPTER 5 REMOVAL OF ARSENIC FROM ION-EXCHANGE WASTE BRINES WITH FERRIC CHLORIDE ............................... 270 5.1. Abstract ............................................................................................................. 270 5.2. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 271 5.3. Experimental ..................................................................................................... 276 5.3.1. Synthetic Brine Preparation and Reagents ................................................. 276 5.3.2. Experimental Procedure ............................................................................. 277 5.3.3. Analytical Methods .................................................................................... 280 5.3.4. Surface Complexation Modeling ............................................................... 280 5.3.5. Statistical Analysis ..................................................................................... 282 5.4. Results and Discussion ....................................................................................... 283 5.4.1. Effect of pH on As(V) Removal from Brines with Ferric Chloride .......... 283 5.4.2. Effects of Ionic Strength, Initial As(V) Concentration, and Ferric Chloride Dosage on Removal .................................................................... 285 5.4.3. Two-Layer Surface Complexation Modeling ............................................ 291 5.4.4. Effects of Initial Alkalinity ........................................................................ 297 5.4.5. Sludge Solids Generated from the Coagulation Treatment ....................... 299 5.6. Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 301 CHAPTER 6 REMOVAL OF CHROMIUM FROM ION-EXCHANGE WASTE BRINES WITH CALCIUM POLYSULFIDE .................... 304 6.1. Abstract ............................................................................................................. 304 6.2. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 305 6.3. Experimental ..................................................................................................... 309 6.3.1. Typical Composition of Actual IX Waste Brine ........................................ 309 6.3.2. Central Composite Experimental Design................................................... 310 6.3.3. Statistical Analysis ..................................................................................... 313 6.3.4. Reagents ..................................................................................................... 314 6.3.5. Coagulation Batch Experiments and Analytical Methods ......................... 315 6.3.6. Batch Experiments to Evaluate the Effects of pH, CaS Dosage, 5 and Initial Cr(VI) Concentration ................................................................ 317 6.3.7. Batch Experiments to Evaluate the Effects of Ionic Strength and Alkalinity ................................................................................................... 318 6.4. Results and Discussion ....................................................................................... 318 6.4.1. Effect of Ionic Strength .............................................................................. 318 6.4.2. Center Composite Design (CCD) Prediction of the Effects of pH and Initial Cr(VI) Concentration on Total Chromium Removal ...................... 322 6.4.3. Effects of pH .............................................................................................. 323 6.4.4. CCD Prediction for the Effects of CaS Dosage and Initial Cr(VI) 5 Concentration on Total Chromium Removal ............................................. 327 6.4.5. Effects of Calcium Polysulfide Dosage and Initial Chromium ix

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