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Ion Beam Treatment of Polymers. Application aspects from medicine to space PDF

317 Pages·2008·8.494 MB·English
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Preview Ion Beam Treatment of Polymers. Application aspects from medicine to space

Contents Introduction.......................................... vii 1. Interactions of ion beam with polymer: physical picture............................. 1 2. Sources for ion beam treatment .............. 11 3. Interaction of ion beam with polymer: chemical picture............................ 29 4. Structure of polymers after ion beam treatment................................... 75 5. Wetting.................................... 147 6. Adhesion................................... 161 7. Hardness................................... 179 8. Ion beam synthesis.......................... 195 9. Biological and medical applications .......... 205 10. Protection in an aggressive environment...... 243 11. Polymerization of liquid polymer matrix in free space environment.................... 261 Index................................................. 303 Introduction This book is devoted to modern and future applications of ion beam implantation technologies for polymer mate- rials. Modern ion beam sources have become cheaper and much more effective for use in industrial processes. This has given us the impetus to collect data on modification effects in polymer materials and to show different kinds of polymer processes where the ion beam implanter can offer newpropertiesorsolvetechnologicalproblems.Weconsid- ereddifferentkindsofapplicationsfromkitchenappliances such as dishwashers to high tech devices such as human organism implants or space constructions. The book is written mostly from our original results (School of Physics at the University of Sydney, Australia; Rossendorf Research Center and Institute of Polymer Research, Dresden, Germany; and Institute of Technical Chemistry, Perm, Russia), and previous experience in ion beamimplantationofpolymersaswellasbasicphysicaland chemical knowledge related to this field are presented. We do not pretend that the scientific description of polymers and industrial polymer processes for ion beam technologies is by any means complete, and if readers can find other useful applications for ion beam implantation of polymers or solutions to any problems using ion beam implantation, we will be happy to hear from you. Due to our attempts to present ion beam techniques for industry, we do not consider very high energy particle sourcesbecauseoftheircost.Ouraimthereforeistoconcen- trate on low cost devices and systems which could be used even in small enterprises for production of special kinds of polymer material and polymer devices, where the ratio of “cost of equipment”/“cost of material” is not too high. viii Introduction Research into high energy and big accelerators is chang- ing and it is now more common to find small and effective machines being used in research centers and universities. Researchersarenowfocusingonsmallionbeamimplanters suchasplasmaimmersionionimplanters(PIII)orKaufman sources,whichcanbeboughtusingapost-doctoralgrant,for example. This, however, limits significantly the ion beam systems by ion energy and ion current. Such systems and their application are the subject of this book. The book is written using our own experimental and the- oreticalresultsaswellasknownliteraturedata.Weappreci- ate the help of our friends and colleagues, who contributed a great deal of knowledge and effort: Yuri Klyachkin, Valery Begishev, Nail Valeev, Viktor Trushnikov, Gennady Mesyats, Nikolay Gavrilov, Elsa Tereshatova, Sergey Lisenko, Valery Karmanov, Svetlana Astafyeva, Valentina Romanova, Irina Osorgina, Rustam Khaibullin, Reihard Guenzel, Manfred Maitz, Edgar Richter, Emily Pecheva,GalinaNechitailo,AlexanderMashinski,Vladimir Briskman, Stephane Langloise, Manfred Stamm, Pilip Volodin, Jan Weber, Bee Kwan Gan, David McKenzie and Irina Kondyurina. We also appreciate the help of Helen Smith for language corrections. 1 Interactions of ion beam with polymer: physical picture Ion beam treatment of a solid target causes a significant transformation to the structure and properties of the treated surface [1, 8]. These changes in the target depend on: its temperatureandthematerialused;thegaseousenvironment; and the type of implanting ions, their kinetic energy, and the density of ion flux. The first experiments using charged particlestopenetratesolidsweredonebyRutherford.Asthe ion penetrates the solid target it collides with atoms of the target material. These collisions cause the atoms and elec- tronstoshiftslightlyfromtheirequilibriumpositionsandto generateexcitedphononswhichcandissipateenergyasthey propagate. Atoms and electrons can leave these positions in the target if the transferred energy from the penetrating ion is higher than the ionization energy of the target atom (for the electron) or energy of bonding in the molecule (for the atom). If a recoiled atom or electron has enough kinetic energy, it can transfer energy upon hitting other atoms and electrons.Thisproducesacascadeofcollisions.Alldefects tothestructurecausedbythedisplacementandrecoilingof atoms and electrons form a field in the target known as the “spur” of the penetrating ion. Usually, the volume of the spur has the shape of a drop: narrow enter, wide waist and obtuse end. The collision events of flying ions in the target can be considered based on the theory of scattering particles. The energylostbythepenetratingionatcollisionwiththeatom in the target depends on the angle of ion attack, interaction 2 Ion Beam Treatment of Polymers of ion with atom and electron, and density of the target. If we assume that the excitation processes of the electron and atom are not correlated, the energy transfer is the sum of electron and nuclear stopping effects: dE =N(cid:2)(cid:3)S (cid:3)E(cid:4)+S (cid:3)E(cid:4)(cid:5) (1.1) dx n e where S (cid:3)E(cid:4) and S (cid:3)E(cid:4) are nuclear and electron cross- n e sections of the stopping effects and N is the atomic density of the target [2, 8]. Typically all models used to calculate ionpenetrationarebasedonsuchadditiveassumptions.The nuclear and electron cross-sections depend on interaction between collided particles. Usually, pair potentials for col- lided particles are used as WHB or ZBL potentials, which areusedinmodernmodelsandcomputercodesforioncol- lision calculation. Theoretical results of modern computer simulations correspond well with experimental data on ion penetration depth, defect distribution, phonon distribution, scattered atoms and electrons, and transparent ion calcu- lations. Generally, the codes TRIM and SRIM, based on the Monte Carlo method of calculation, are used for the simulation of ion implantation effects in solids, including polymers [2]. Forexample,anareaofnitrogeniontrackinpolyethylene calculatedwiththeTRIMcodeispresentedinFig.1.1.The ionpenetratesandcollideswithcarbonandhydrogenatoms, causing them to recoil. With high energy, the recoiled atoms fly apart and collide with other carbon and hydrogen atoms. A tree of collisions grows. Thousands of ions pene- tratingintorandomlydistributedtargetatomsarecalculated and analyzed (Fig. 1.2). After simulation a complete sta- tistical analysis of all collisions, stopped ions, recoiled and displaced atoms and electrons as well as phonons is pre- sented.Stoppedionsaredistributedwithmaximuminunder surface layer (Fig. 1.3). The profile of stopped ions was analyzed by experimental methods for different materials, including polymers, and a good agreement with theoretical Interactions of ion beam with polymer: physical picture 3 Polyethylene N+ Track of nitrogen ion Track of recoiled Track of recoiled hydrogen atom carbon atom Fig. 1.1. Result of calculation by TRIM codes for ten penetrating ions. Target–polyethylene,penetratingions–nitrogen,ionenergy–20keV. Polyethylene N+ Fig.1.2. ResultofcalculationbyTRIMcodesfor1000penetratingions. Target–polyethylene,penetratingions–nitrogen,ionenergy–20keV. 4 Ion Beam Treatment of Polymers ION RANGES Ion range = 819 A Skewness = –0.5095 Straggle = 230 A Kurtosis = 2.9848 2) cm 24 × 104 s/ m o 20 × 104 at 3)/( 16 × 104 m c ms/ 12 × 104 o (At ene 8 × 104 yl h yet 4 × 104 ol P 0 0 A 2000 A Target depth Fig.1.3. ResultofcalculationbyTRIMcodesfor1000penetratingions. Target–polyethylene,penetratingions–nitrogen,ionenergy–20keV. Nitrogeniondistributionaftercompletestopping. COLLISION EVENTS C Target Vacancies H Target Vacancies Target Vacancies m o str .24 g n n/A .20 o er/I .16 b m u .12 N e n e .08 yl h yet .04 ol P 0 0 A 2000 A Target depth Fig.1.4. ResultofcalculationbyTRIMcodesfor1000penetratingions. Target–polyethylene,penetratingions–nitrogen,ionenergy–20keV. Distributionofcarbonandhydrogenvacanciesafterionpenetration. Interactions of ion beam with polymer: physical picture 5 data is observed. For polymer materials a low fluence of implantation is usually used and the distribution of stopped ions is not very important. More important information is contained in a graph of collision events, which shows the distribution of carbon and hydrogen atom vacancies (Fig. 1.4). This distribution corresponds to a distribution of free valences in polymer macromolecules, or in another words, the distribution of free radicals created by the propagating impacts. The free radicals are a result of significant structural damage to thepolymermacromolecule,andinitiatecomplexstructural transformations. The sum target vacancies graph cannot be applied to polymers, because the recoiling of carbon and hydrogen atoms has different consequences for structure transformation. Ideally, if a hydrogen atom is recoiled, a carbon atom binds an unpaired electron which is strongly attracted to pair with another unpaired electron. However, the recoiled carbon atom (for example, in a polyethylene macromolecule) generates four unpaired electrons: two at the hydrogen atoms and two at the neighboring carbon atoms. Therefore, to analyze the full number of free radi- cals, the structure of the polymer macromolecule must be taken into account. H H H H H H H H H H H –H C: R1 R2 R1 R2 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H –C R1 R2 H H H H H: H H H H H: R1 C: C: R2 H H H H 6 Ion Beam Treatment of Polymers 18 16 Ionization by ions 14 A V/ 12 e y, 10 g er n 8 e s s 6 o L 4 2 Ionization by recoils 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Target depth, A Fig.1.5. ResultofcalculationbyTRIMcodesfor1000penetratingions. Target–polyethylene,penetratingions–nitrogen,ionenergy–20keV. Energy transfer to ionization of the target atoms caused by penetrating ionsandrecoiledtargetatoms. The density of free radical concentration in polymers is higher than when calculated from ion penetration effects. The example of energy lost on ionization is presented in Fig. 1.5. The curve of ionization caused by the incom- ing ion starts from the surface. The penetrating ion causes moreionizationeffectsthanproducedbytherecoiledtarget atoms.Freeelectronsappearingduetoionizationeventscan leave the polymer that gives additional charge to the poly- mer target. Such electrons are called secondary electrons. Usually, the ion generates a large number of spattered elec- tronsandachargecausedbyanincomingionissmallerthan the charge caused by electron release. Also free electrons withhighenergycanpenetrateintolayersofpolymertarget that are deeper than the penetration depth of the ion. The collisions of such electrons with polymer macromolecules can cause structure transformation in deep layers. Phonon distribution is responsible for low energy trans- fer (Fig. 1.6). A small amount of phonons are generated Interactions of ion beam with polymer: physical picture 7 7 6 A 5 Generated by recoils V/ e s, 4 s o y l 3 g er En 2 1 Generated by Ions 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Target depth, A Fig.1.6. ResultofcalculationbyTRIMcodesfor1000penetratingions. Target–polyethylene,penetratingions–nitrogen,ionenergy–20keV. Phonondistributiongeneratedbyionsandrecoiledatoms. by implanting ions and the majority of phonons are gener- ated by recoiled atoms of the target. Phonon excitation can be interpreted in thermodynamical terms as the vibrational temperatureofthemacromolecules.Recalculationgivesthe temperature increase up to 104K, which is impossible for polymer materials. After a short time (100ns) the tempera- ture drops to initial temperature due to phonon dissipation. Local overheating occurs in a very short time. If current densityishighenough(itisobservedforpulseregimes),the second ion enters the local region of the polymer heated by the first ion (Fig. 1.7). This means that local overheating of the surface layer is expected, especially at the pulse regime of ion implantation with high pulse current density. The overheated region lies under the surface layer and depends on the penetration depth of the ion. Overheating of the polymer sample can occur at average high current density and weak thermoconductivity of the sample holder. Due to the high sensitivity of polymers, this overheating effect is frequently observed for polymer film in the absence of good contact with the cooled substrate. The film could be wrinkled or even rolled under the ion

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