INVOKAINNGGE LS INVOKINAGN GELS THEURGIC IDEAS anJP RACTICES, THIRTEENTH to SIXTEENTHC ENTURIES Edited by CLAIRE FANGER THE PENNSYLVANISAT ATEU NIVERSITPYR ESS UNIVERSITY PAR.K. PENNSYLVANIA CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii INTRODUCTION: THEURGY, MAGIC,A ND MYSTICISM ClaFiarneg er I. Texotfts h Thei rteeanntEdh ar lFyo urteCeenntthu ries MagiThce,ur gayn,S dp iitruailnti htMeye dieRviatlu al oft hAer s notoria 37 JluiWerno n(eEsneg tlriasnhsb lyCa ltaiFioarnne g er) 2 UpliftSionugThl esL :i bdeeer s sesnpttiuiruai m antdh Lei bRearz ielis 79 Sophie Page 3 TheL ibieurr Haotnuosar ntidh iCe h risRteicaenp tion ofA ngMealg ic 131 KateMleysnl er Honorainutdsh Sei goifGl o dTh:e L iber ini uratus 4 BerengGaarnieSolu l'msms aa cmraeg ice 151 JaRn.V eenstra 5 Covenaanntdth Dei vine RNeavmies:ti htLeii nbigeu rr atus anJdo honfM origLniybfl'seou rrm 192 ClaFiarneg er Vi CON TENTS IIL.a tFeo urteThernotuhgS-hixt eenth-CTeenxttsu ry 6 AntodnaiM oo ntolDmeoo 'csc uelmtta insif esort is Libienrt elliAgneA nnntoitaaCrtruiemtdE:i d ciatli on withE ngliTsrha nslaantIdin torno duction 219 NicoWleaisl l(-icPnoa lrloatb woirtJhau tlWiiroeonnn ese) 7 BetwetehnMe a rcohfA ncoannaFd l oreJnecweiM:sa hg ic anadC hrisTteixta n 294 Harvey]. Hames 8 LagnuagSee,c reancdy,t h eM ysteorfLi aewsTh: e urangyd theC hrisKtaibabnalo afJh o hanRneuecshl in 312 ElliRo.Wt olfson 9 RituIanlv ocaatnEidao rnMl oyd eSrcni e:Thn ecS ekrying ExperiomfeH nutmsp hrGeiyl bert 341 FraKnlk aassen SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS lhis book toomkor et haand e acdet op utto getehr. Duringt hatti mmeyc hil dreng rewu pa nlde hfto mea,nId a ccetepd ap ositaitRio cneU n ievritsya nd movedf roOmn tatroTie xoas O.f t helsiefe -chaenvgeinnfingti ss,h inbgo otkh is was inn ow ayt hlee aismpotr atnt. Io wem any dofeg bartttuisd e, firstott he othere igchotn tribfuotpraot erinst,bl eyari ngw itmheal l thtiismd ee,l ivering everythingI a skeda nfbdoe rl,i eivnthi enp grjeo catn;dt om yt woc areafnudl perceprteisveeaa srschi sMtaarngtaMsrc,eC tat hrwyh,o d raftetdh bei bliogra phya,nd J essMicNcaall wyh,o h elped withfin icmkaybn yi otfspr oofreading andc onsitesncyc heckiThnegw .o rokfb othhab se einn valuThaeb twloea .n on ymousr eadfeoPrres n Snta teP resasl ssigoni ficantyli nfortmhfieend als ahpeo f theb ookan, dt hdei liegncea nkde eant tenotfSui zaonnn Weo lk,c opyedihtaosr , profounaffdelcyd tb eotthh ceo nsisotfie trnsec fye reannctdih qneug a loifit tys proseF.o cro mmeonntm syp iceeso ft hbeo oaktv a riotuism aensid n v arious stages,an df omro rsalu ppaottrh tre igmhotm enItw osu,l ldi kteot haJnoks eph GoerinKga,r en KalneNdti tcehroW,alt assoM ny.f at eh,r DaviFdan ger, helped me top olimsyht ransloaftti hoeeln eg ant FroefnJu cliehn V eroneasndew ith mucehl bseesid es. My husband,P aulC oyne, sawo urch ildreno ff,p ackeudp ouhro usaena,dr rangedf otrh meat erialt ransopfeo vrte rythinIog w no vethre thirt een hundrebde tmwiuelsee;ns th af,to arn dpe rahpsm orthea na nything elsef oargre eingt oc omwei tmhea nsdt aorultri voveesir nT exhaesi s,si nqe uo non. ToJ iFma ubiIoo wne g ratiftuorrde aedin ga nrdes pondingt ot hsee ocnd incarnatoift ohnie n trodauncd ttohi oinamn, dt oW. R.D ullfo rt heiinrc redi blgee nerionsfe eiditngym ea npdu ttair noogof v emry h eadduri ngt hfien al monthAsl.lo ft hepseepoe lh avfeca ilittahtere edso luotifnuo nme rousp rbo lemasn;ry emaienrirnaogrr oesfc, o ursmey, own. Id editchbaiotsote kmo y f atwhieltr,oh v e. INTRODUCTION: THEURGY, MAGIC, ANMDY STICISM ClairFea nger This isth be oobky w hich Gcoadnb es eefna cteof acient hilsi st hbeo obky w hich anyoneat al lc anb es aveadn du nhesitabteil negdflo yr inttho e ternlial.f .e. Th.i si st he bookw hicwha st hem osptr ecitohuisng gi vebnyt heL ord-moprree citohuasan n ything else excetphtes acrameThnitssi .st heb ookb yw hiccho rporaenadvl i sinbalteu craen speak, converasnedb, e i nstrubcytt ehdaw th icihsi ncorpoarnedia nlvi sible. -fromt hefi nalp aragroafpt hh Le ibieurra tHuosn orii Nakeda st hemya yb ea,b strafcrtoecmdo nteaxntdp resenitnte hdee videinnt nocencoef t hewiirs fhu lfillmtehnetsc,el aimwsh,ic cho nclutdheef ourteenth centurSyw orno fHB oonooikru1 t se,st tiofyt hep ersistoeftn wcoef undamental questiocnesn ttraotl h ivso lume: L Howm ayt hed ivibneem anifienst th iwso rladn di nt hintghsa htu manb e ingcsa nk no?w 2. Howm ayh umanb eingusn,fift o dri rekcnto wledogfte h ed ivine, neverthe lesesn gawgiet dhi vine tihnoi rndgetsro b es aved? Therea roe themro,r ec onventional respoqnuseesst iitonton h selt a hteesre MiddleA gesb,u tt hivso lumiesa bousto meo ft hel escso nventioonneasThl.e essaysc ollechteerldeo oakt a v arioefta yl ternvaiteiwvoseft her elatioonfs hip humanb einwgist thh ed ivianser ,e cordientd e xtthsa t entgraagdei ttihoenal ologainedsl iturignui neuss uwaaly ss,o metiwmeeasv itnogg etshoeurr cferso m moret haonn er eligainodns ometimferso ms ourcceosm monlrye gardaesd magicSaolm.e o ft hestee xwtesr ceo ndemnbeydm edievaanlde arly modern theologiaasbn esi nignt hes amec laasssd emonimca giDce.s pitthee sitra tus, thena ndn owo,u tsitdheec anoonfm edievraell igainodud se votiworniatli ngs, 2 INVOKING ANGELS thetseex otffsei rm porptaenrts peocntt ihvseet su odfyr eliignit ohMnei ddle AgeIsn.g enera, tlheayt tteots htep l urality ofv isioofrne lsii ogusp ractniocte , onyli nth el atMeird dAlgee bsu ti nttohs eix teecnethn tThueryya .l sdoe mon stratthea t ptlhuriasilt yi ncludfeedr tcirloes s-cuelxtuchraangle. Theira bun dancienm anuscartitpettso at nsi ncreainsetriesntgi n a lternaftoirvmoesf accetsos d tihiveen, a ndp erhaspa lstooap araallnexile tthyoa rdti anryl iturgies ansda cramemnigthstn otb es ufficientt op rocsuarlev atioy,n t.h evFsaiern iall ousap proachest ot hdei vianle sbeoar u ponn aturalp hilossociepnhcey, a,n d raitnoality,d emandmionrgne u anced aptpotr horea eclhaetiso nbsehtwiepesn scienitficp ractiacnedds e votoinoensa.l Untfiali rrelceyn tyl, thewsoer khasd r emained aunltomuohcsedtb yhi sto rianStsar.ti ngi nt hlea 1t9e8 0tsh,eb reeg atnob ea m arkinecdr eainss ec holar shiopn m edievalr itumaalg itce xatnsd r,e altedly, ont hber oadpreorb loemf magiOcve.rth ep astt eyne artsh,ter i ckleo fn ewart iclbeoso,k ansd,e ditoifo ns thetseexh tasis n creatsose od methtihnamgit g ahltm obsetc alals epda Itnem .y 199c8o llecCtoinorjniu nSgp irIic tosm,p latihnatethda e r eoaf teaxtnsmd a nu scriopfmts ed eivali ntellemcagtiucsa lt ihaldlt oloi ttcloe verbaegyeo wnhda t wasa vailaibnLl yen Thno rndike's HistoofrM ya giacn d ExperimSecniteanlc e, compleint1 e9d5 N8o.w2t haer elao ockomsp leteyld iffereInnft a.c itm,p ortant newd iscovaerrceiom einsgs ot hiacnkdfa stt haitti so ftedni fficfuolprt u bli catoni tok eeupp -gettain negw d iscoivnetprory i bnetf oirtie so utdaitsae d chalelngteh acatn bboet ehx hilaraatnindgfr sutratinfgo trh oisnev od.l v3e Forth isb ooIkh ,a vse olicciotnetdr ibfurtoismoc nhso wlhaorsswe o rhka s made signifiicannrto iandttso hs fi ormwiledre rnestsrer toiry. Taketonge tehr, thee ssacyosl lehcetrseehd e ldi gohntc o nnectiboentsw etehnde o maionfs reliagnidso cni enacsce o ntinausopuesoc fthsa bfiotwrrui st earnsod p erators oft hetseex tthse;sy h ohwo wn ecessiatir syt oc onsimdeedri eavnalde arly moderne pistemoalsao w ghyo lwiet,ih n thceo ntoefax lttlh kie ndosft extthsat concern it. Int hhei tosryo fi deatsh,"em aigcal" haosft enm ergeed asa l abfeolar ni dea ora pprotahcahapt p raentyls houhladv bee ebnr okaewna fyr oemar lier- a problofef mos siltihinzkiendg. 4 Y eitfm odern sciehnactsee ndteodd e finiet self byo pposittoaim oagni c wtahaistn p rinciolpdelr,el eknsoswi nga,n lde spsr o gressaivtte h,se a mtei mteh per ocoefs"n sor mal scienhcaes"a lwaypsr ag maticadaalpteldyi tsteolt fh me odeosft hougehxtp,l anaantedix poernmi,e ntal practoifct eh eti meS.oa lshaosn ormmala giocfc, o urIsnde iff.e erntw ayst he cosmiincfu sioonfk nowlesdoguegb hytt h lei tuorftgh Ayer sn oto(rdiia scussed byV eronetshees )p,i rictuoaslm oldoegyt aiinlA entdon iod aM ontlomo'sD e occueltmt aisn if(edsitsicbusys W seiledl -Paanrtdoh step )i,r it-cdoinajruriiensg ofH umphreyG ilber(td iscubsysKl eada ssaellns )h ohwo wm edievaanlde a ryl INTRODUCTION 3 modern intewlrlietcmetirugsah lt asstohcaein agteelw iocr ladnsd t hweo rlodfs human knowledgaeto nceex perimlelnsytc,ai entlilfiaycn,ad s piritually. Anothears peocftt hep remodern episiltleummoilnoagbtyyet dh esees syas is thep urposebfruilc oloafJg eew isChh,r istainadIn s,l amriict uealle metnhtast appeari nt hesteet xs.W hilteh em utuailn flueonfcm eesd ievJaelw isChh,r is tian, andI slamwirci teornps h ilosoapnhdsy c ienhcaevle o nbge eans ubjeocft exam inatifooinrn tellehcitsutaolrt ihaein nst,e racbteitownet ehne sgreo uposn typologicaanlg,e loloagnidcl ailt,u rgliecvaehlla ssb eemnu chh ardteors tudy, in partb ecauosfer estricitmipoonsseb dyd isciplbionuanrdya rbiuets ,m ore significantlbye cautsheed atfao sru cihn teracdteipoennssd os tronognlt ye xts thatar ee xaminheedr iend eptihn,s omec asfeostr h efi rstti mMea.n ye ssaiyns this volumaer ceo ncerwnietdkh e yp oinotfts h iisn tercualntdui rnatle rreligious n gfer omth eL atiLni bRearz iaendlL iisbd eeer s sentia spiriutmud,i sscsuebdyS ophiPaeg et,on ewfi ndinognst hper obabrleel ation ship betweCehnr istJieawni,s ahn,dM usliimn fluenocnet sh eL ibieurr atus HonobyrJ ina Vie,en satnrdaK atelMyens letroa, n alyosfet sh ew ayJ ewiasnhd Christiaind entiatrifeeo sr metdh rouagnhd a gainst aibdoeuetaa sc oht her's li turgical practaissc heosw,in n e ssabyyms y self, HHaarmveesay,n dE lliWootl f son.I ti so nlbyy o peniunpgt heh istoorfiy d eaassw, e lalst he varhiiosutso ries of scienacneds piritutaolc iotnyt,e mplaotfti eoxnot fst hiksi ntdh awte c an begin tof oramt ruhliys torpiiccatluo rfme e dievaanlde armloyd erlni fe. IT.e xtasn dC ontexts Oneg oaolf t hibso oki st ob rinfgo rwanredw r eseadracthfa o src holwahros specializei nm edievmaaln uscroifpm tasg ibcu;t i ti sa lshoo petdh atth eb ook mayp rovisdoem eu sefuiln formattoia o bnr oadaeurd ienocfre e aders inter ested in contiguaoruesao sfm edievsaolc icaull,t uarnadlr ,e lighiiousst oBrey. cause nota lplo tentrieaald ewrislb lef amilwiiatrth h tee xutnsd edri scusisni on this volumweh,a tf olloiwsas b riceofn spectus,t og piavnreot vliycr ee adear s thumbnails ketocfht hesree latiovbeslcyut reex tpsa,r ttloiy n dicsaotmee thing ofth e wayt heh istorniacrraalt iavreo untdh emw ilblef urthcehra ngbeydt he essaysi nt hibso ok. The Arsn otoroiNrao tAorryt The Arnsoo trwiaasa texats critboeS do lomocno ntainai lnegn gtsheyot f prayerasn dr ituparlasc tifcoetrdh ep urpoosfeg aining knowflreodamgn eg els. Iwta so neo ft hmeo scto mmona ndp opulwaorr kosfm edievaanlg emla gic, yet 4 INVOKING ANGELS untrielc enitthla yd n otb eedne emewdo rthyo fa c ritiecdailt iAocnc.o rdtion g JulieVne ronewsheo,h asp roductehdfie rscrtitic aeld itiooftn h tee xatn di st he scholmaors ti ntimwaittehi thsi tosry,i tp robabelmyerg edi nt hel attew lefth centuirnyn ortheIrtnal yp,r obabilnty h er egioofnB olog5n Gai.v etnh atth e perioofde mergenocfte h Aer nso tocroirar espwiontdhts h rei soeft huen iversi tieisti, sp e rhapusn surpritshiatnthg es o ughtkn-foowrled geh eriesc urcruilar knowledgteh:we o rkpe titionsa ngetlots r anskmniotw ledogfte h see velinbe ral artpsh,il osopahnydt, h eoloigynt hoer deirnw hicthh ewye rseu pposteohd a ve beelne arnbeydt h es tudenThte. operaotfot rh er ituiasal i deidnt hiqsu ebsyt ane laborsaeottfe m editaefit giuvretsh,en oate(o nro tewsh)e,n caecc,o rdignt o thete xt'so wne tymologiysd, e rivtehdew ordn ot roi 6a Th.e worda ppeatrobs e relatteo"d n otaarnyd,s "c ridboess o metiminetesr hcangeth etw o spellings.' The enormoaupsp eoaflt het exmta yb ej udgendo to nlbyy th e numbeorf manuscriinpc tirsc ulat(itohnei rsae l smoo ret haonn ee arplryin teedd ition),8 buta lsboy t hen umbero ft heologwiacranli nigsss uaebdo uitt hapsth e mostfr equenrtleyp eatcaevde haatd t od ow itthh el ikelihtohoadtht e p rayers usinwgo rdisn u nknown laguan gesm ighstu mmond emondse,s piatlaelss er tiotnost hec ontraYreyet.v etnh ougcho ndemnatoifto hnets e xwte rfer equent, iti sa lscol e(aarwis l ble s eebne low int hec asoefJ ohn Moofr igntyh)aa ttl east somep eopelnec ounteirftio ntrgh fier stti mhea dn os ensoefi ta sa c ondemned ord angerousw orkb utr athaeprp rehenidtae,tdl eaasttfi rsats,a viabsleeot f prayethrasts o ughtr easonable bbylee gniteifiamttesm eansTh.e prayetrhse m selv(easlt e atshto sthea td on otu seu nknown names-thaererm ea nyl engthy prayeirnas m edleoyfL atiGnr,e eHke,b reCwh,a ldeaannd,A rabiucs)es tan darldi turgfiocramlul aaen da rei ndistingufirsohmoa tbhleCera tholipcr ayers bys tyleo rc onteDnetp.cit oins ofa ngeolftse nd ecortahtpeea ges. Somep arotf t hep opularoiftyt heA rsn ootriwaa st hupsr obabdluyet oi ts self-represaessn atcarteindood;n o ubitt psr oliferwaatshi eolnp eadl ontgo,o , byt hep ragmantaitcu orfei tasd vertgiosaeld(s w hicmhi ghpto tentieaalsley theex penosfue nivesrtusdiyrty,e ducintgi msep enotne ducatainodtn h oev er alclo sotfb ookansd exemplarBsy)t .h el atfeo urteceenntthu trhyet exetx isted in severvaelr sioannsdc, o pifreosm thipse riodc anb ef oundde rivifnrgom manyE uropelaonc atiThoen esa.r lioers" tA,v, e"r si(oanVs e ronelasbeels i ti n hiesd itiiosna }nu, n glossed ritucaoln tainpirnagy enrost,a aen,ds omem ytho historciocnatle bxuttal, m ostn or ituianls trucat siloing;h tlyv erlsait(oetnrh e "B"ve rsioinn)c9l utdheoesr iginal apnrdna yoetrasna dae d dasn e xtensiveg loss containing rituailn strucatnidof nusrt hemryt hohistocrointcxeat.lTh e gloss offercsl uteost hues ea ndr eceptoifto hnbe a silci turgy, asnosmweie mrpionrg tanqtu estiaobnosuh to wt her ituwaalss upposteobd e p erformaenddh owi t INTRODUCTION 5 was understaonodd thought Parbiotouortt h.we o rokf V eornseet,h ree lation between thve ariovuesr siooftn hsen otoarrywt a su nknowna,n dt heg lsosed -rersion wase sselnltuyin aeradI.nh icsh aptientr h ivso lumVee,r onesea gives descriptivea ndi nterreptiavcec ouonftt h gel osvseerds idoens,c ritbhioenp ge r ating instrucatsri eopnrse seinntt hegedl osisneP sa riBsi,b liotnhaetqiuoen ale de Franclea,9t .3 3t6h,ez no omionugtt o t remaotr ber aodlys omoef t hoep era tive resemblabnectewset ehnAe rnso toNreiopal,a ttohneriugcy a,n dC hristian sacram ents. As wast hce ommofna toefm anym edieval ltihtneuo rtgaiareryswt ,a sf re quentlyt akeanp aarntd ciotmsp onernetpsu rpoistpesrd a;y evresr,bf aorlm ulae, and structiudreiwanesgr ree usiendo thewro rkss,o mme oren earalnyds ome mordei starnetllaytt oei dtTh .e wortkh aitsm osetx pcliitcloyn necttoie itd st h e Booko tfh Fel owoeHfre sa veTnelaycb hyJi onhgonf M origny. Johno Mfo rigny Johnw asam onko ft hBee nedicotridneaertM oriyg,en ducaatteC dh artarneds Orleanasn da ctiivnte h fier sqtu artoeftr h feou rteecnetnht uWrhya.ti skn own abouth imc omes alemnotsitrf eorlmy h iosw nL ibfleorr um cdeolcetsrtiinse (Boookft hFel owoefHr esa veTnelayc hwihnicgih)n,a, d dittiooc no ntaian ing legthnyp rayteerx( tm odeloentd h Ae rnso toarnids aim,i larly tdope estiigned tionan gelfsor t hte ransmiosfsc iuornr ickunloawrl edignec)l,u mdaensya uto biograpphaiscgsaeal1s .J0 o hnw'rsi tianrgeask eys ourocfei nofrmatiaobno ut theA rnsto oiras,i nhceed escrihbioesws n a ndo theerxsp'e rioefni ctoesp er ationb eofrel earn(ivnigaa v isiionnd ucbeydt heA rnso toirtsieatlh fat)th e prayeirnos u tlantdoinsghuh easdi nf actb eecno rrupbtyse udb tilnes erotfi on demoniincv ocations.U Byh iosw na ccouJnoth,dn i csovertehdAe rnso tioawhr enh ew asa s tudent toop ootro a fforbdo kosH.e h ada cquiarw eodr ko fn ecromancya c forlom leaguaen dc opiaesdm ucho fi ta s choeu lbdu,th ew asb esbeytd oubatbso ut pursuiitnrsgi tsu.Aa lfterc onsulat Lionmgb arddo ctnoarm eJda cohbe,w as directetdot hAe rnso t,of rriowmah icahc,c doirntgo t hdeo tcorh,em ighotb tain altlh ek nowlehdgese o ugwhitt hoduatn gteorh isso uIzlG .u idebdyt he doct,Jo orhfinr satp proacthheAed r nso toarsa is aac rteedxa tn da w holesome alteratnitvoet hdee mnoicco njuratihoandbs e ehcneo ntemplating. Ash eu setdh aer ht,el earnbeedt tTheer A.r nso toorpeinave ids toanas d ark visionalrayn dscfialplewe idt nhi ghtmafrorimssha ndd emonmsa squerading asm onkosr p ersoonfts h Ter iint.Jy ohwna se ventuhaelllpyte odf rehei mself byC hriJsoth,tn h Eev angealnidse ts,pi eaclltyh Vei rgMianr .yW hen fihnea lly