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“Real Alternatives. ‘So To: inaana State Department of Heath [ATT¥G Finance Purchasing, 2c Empowering Wemen for Life Ince No: NO-016.009 loc Oate: 12417 ‘Order Number 0018523208 2N.Merden Street Fund ‘819101571513 1905000 indanapots, IN 48208 escon Senos Personal Servcas Federal io: 2.296860, ‘Contact Pero sa/vaove- 072017 ‘Contact Amount 32,250,000.00 CConvat Number: AroS0MN37 Date of Serves sannore- 120172016 Payment requested for: Real Ateroatves, Ine. ‘Description of Services and Total Pai suger 34 ‘See ataches deed charges required Dy ISDH rogram Project Code: NA Act Code NA Yerore sgnatoe Te ¢/ Z Dae a 7810 Abenown Boulevard, Suto 304, Harbus, PA 17112 ‘Ti7s44-1112 ()_ 717-841-0713.) womReatAteratves.org = wwntLoveFacs rg + ww ConcemedParents com = Bes ES Ms sommes SS wun mom stat ‘Stems Sn sn gant = om ene “sete fe Sr ~ on Bhie nant Pe . 00 areca Fe ses oni gia saree Fre see 2loces sistas sana Sian ware gee Real Alternatives ‘Actual Administrative Expenses Indiana: Fiscal Year 2016-17 |cost category Budgeted Dollars | Actual Expenses. | Actual Expenses Remaining Cost lan 2017 to Sep) Ipersonne! pec16 | vrD-Dec2016| _2017 President & CEO, $55,000.00. $2.60921[$ 8234.09 $46,765.91 [vP of Adminstration 20,000.00 1,957.50 ]$ 4365.36 | $15,634.68 [assistant Director of Fir $0.00 $ - $0.00 [Senior Accountant 36/000.00 $as5a2|§ iyooss | $4390.12 Lunior Accountant $0.00 $ - $0.00 Bookkeeper $2000.00 Sssa7[s sera | giats.28 Profesional Development $2,000.00 $277.98 [$313.98 [$1,686.02 Payeol Taxes 5,000.00 233.71 [$3807 | $4,461.93 [workers Compensation Insurance $500.00 $2150 [$68.65 435.35 Pension 2,500.00 199.05 |§ 373.11] $2,126.89 employee Group insurance 14,000.00 822.66 [$2484.65] $1515.35 Lob Advertsing $500.00 450 3.00] $491.00 [New Employee Screen $250.00 $ . $250.00, Total Personnel 3__107,750.00 15 98580] $ 18,240.51 | $99,509.49 (Operating [Budgeted Dolars [accounting/T/Legal Consulting $10,000.00. $u3s0|§ 43050] $9,569.50 Postage/Shipping $10,000.00 362.40 [$689.62 [$9,310.38 [auating $4,000.00. i270.ai [$813.20 | $3,186.80 [raveytodging 3500.00, = 500.00. Rent $40,000.00 1689 $9488.70 | $37,511.30 [Telephone Service 3,500.00 1s420[§ss2a| $2,947.69, [General Business Lbilty insurance $1,000.00, $384a[$ 1573] $804.27 lnsurance-Directors & Officers $1,500.00, $9607] 28891] $1,211.09 lofice Expense 31,000.00 3eaz72 [$1037.27 | $29:962.73 [computer Resources $15,000.00 3 =| $15,000.00, 3 = $0.00 [Total Operating — 6500.00. iea7e|$ 6416.24 | $ 190,083.76 [Equipment [Budgeted Dollars [Equipment Senice Contracts 750.00 Tie 3625] 359875, “otal Adminitrative poo00 S 3.0820 [$24,813.00 137.00 ‘Actual Services Expenses Indiana: Fiscal Year 2016-17, cost category Budgeted Dollars | Actual Expenses| Actual Expenses| Remsining Cos personnel ‘Dec16 | YID-Dee 2016 {an 201719 sep20s Vice President of Operations Sago00] —§usi053]§ —47oLse| —$35296.06, indiana Services Director $40,000.00 s = [$40,000.00 services Coordinator $10,000.00 Gaiso|s 19790] $8922.10 [Bling Coordnator 5,000.00 219.96 472.68 | $4527.32 services Assistance 7,500.00 17523 [§ 123478 6265.22 service Provider Approval 52,000.00 $9.6 sias| ——s194as2 sence Provider Monitoring $3,000.00 4.78 | $2951.22 [Hotline Counselor $2,00000| —$i0330[§ 275.47 | su,7aassa Payroll Taxes $9,000.00 $7837|§ 293.86] $6,706.14 Workers Compensation Insurance $500.00 s17ss]s 5290 $47.10 Pension $2,000.00 S57 [$182.90 1,817.10 [Employee Group Insurance $10,000.00 39.54 576.98 9,023.02 [otal Personnel $131,000.00 Barz | $9368.27 | 8 194 073 (Sperating [Budgeted Datars [Glen education Material $11,160.00 S00 |S 00] —sizasa00 erices Advertsing $8,240.00 $0.00] $ $8,840.00 IMectings/Seminar/ Conference $7,000.00 € = $7,000.00 Hrave/Lodging To Service Providers $10,000.00 | §70aae | $516.95] $9,493.01, sree Database Consulting & Dev $15,000.00 22:50 [§ 510.00 | $14,490.00 [Gent service Providers 7,809 500.00 | $157,057.69 [$ #40.936.61 | $366,563.39 ol free Referral System $2,500.00 $54.56 tases] $2313.36 [Contract Closeout Cost $25,000.00 = [325 000.00 [otal Operating “Tass 000.00 [$137,368.19 | § aa, 156.74 | $606 80376 Equipment [Budgeted bolas [Pregnancy Tests $5,000.00 a0 1$ 107930 3920.50 Total Services 375,000.00 3 ERSPEED)

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