Invitation to Anthropology, Fourth Edition 1133__444499--LLaassssiitteerr..iinnddbb ii 1122//1166//1133 66::5588 AAMM 1133__444499--LLaassssiitteerr..iinnddbb iiii 1122//1166//1133 66::5588 AAMM INVITATION TO ANTHROPOLOGY, Fourth Edition Luke Eric Lassiter ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD Lanham • Boulder • New York • Toronto • Plymouth, UK 1133__444499--LLaassssiitteerr..iinnddbb iiiiii 1122//1166//1133 66::5588 AAMM Published by Rowman & Littlefield 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706 10 Thornbury Road, Plymouth PL6 7PP, United Kingdom Copyright © 2014 by Rowman & Littlefield All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lassiter, Luke E. Invitation to anthropology / Luke Eric Lassiter. — Fourth edition. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-7591-2253-6 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-7591-2254-3 (pbk. : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-7591-2255-0 (electronic) 1. Anthropology. I. Title. GN25.L37 2014 301—dc23 2013039826 ™ The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992. Printed in the United States of America 1133__444499--LLaassssiitteerr..iinnddbb iivv 1122//1166//1133 66::5588 AAMM For my parents, Max and Laura 1133__444499--LLaassssiitteerr..iinnddbb vv 1122//1166//1133 66::5588 AAMM 1133__444499--LLaassssiitteerr..iinnddbb vvii 1122//1166//1133 66::5588 AAMM Contents Preface to the Fourth Edition ix PART I: ANTHROPOLOGY, CULTURE, AND ETHNOGRAPHY Chapter 1: Evolution and the Critique of Race: A Short Story 3 Chapter 2: Anthropology and Culture 35 Chapter 3: Ethnography 71 PART II: ETHNOLOGY: SOME HUMAN ISSUES Chapter 4: History, Change, and Adaptation: On the Roots of Our World System 109 Chapter 5: Sex, Power, and Inequality: On Gender 135 Chapter 6: Work, Success, and Kids: On Marriage, Family, and Kinship 161 Chapter 7: Knowledge, Belief, and Disbelief: On Religion 187 Afterword 205 Glossary 209 Suggested Readings 219 Index 231 About the Author 239 vii 1133__444499--LLaassssiitteerr..iinnddbb vviiii 1122//1166//1133 66::5588 AAMM 1133__444499--LLaassssiitteerr..iinnddbb vviiiiii 1122//1166//1133 66::5588 AAMM Preface to the Fourth Edition As in previous editions, this new edition of Invitation to Anthropology in- cludes updates, corrections, and clarifications throughout the text. I have, for example, briefly expanded or clarified descriptions of evolution, language, histories of ethnography, fieldwork, population statistics, gender identities, family, and belief systems, as well as updated the suggested readings list. I have also added several new examples of current anthropology via textboxes that are new to this edition. These are titled “Anthropology Here and Now: Check It Out!” and feature brief descriptions of research, work of individual anthropologists, or references to further information about a particular topic. Each of these includes links to a Web source. My hope is that these brief sidebars may encourage further exploration about particular topics, as well as provide links to current and ongoing conversations of anthropology’s rel- evance to contemporary human problems. As this is somewhat experimental for this edition, I would greatly appreciate readers’ feedback on these addi- tions, as well as hear about examples of anthropology “here and now” that you think I should include in future editions. Along these lines, I have greatly appreciated the correspondence I have received from faculty, students, and others who have read this book. In many cases, I have tried to incorporate suggested changes as space allows and to clarify terms and concepts that seem confusing. I realize, of course, that this text in several places embraces an unconventional discussion of anthropol- ogy, and chapters like the last (on religion) continue to strike many as a bit too unconventional for an introductory text. As I have noted before, I have ix 1133__444499--LLaassssiitteerr..iinnddbb iixx 1122//1166//1133 66::5588 AAMM