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Investment Efficiency in a Socialist Economy BY HENRYK FISZEL TRANSLATED FROM POLISH BY OLGIERD WOJTASIEWICZ TRANSLATION EDITED BY P. F. KNIGHTSFIELD PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD LONDON · EDINBURGH · NEW YORK TORONTO · PARIS · BRAUNSCHWEIG PAtfSTWOWE WYDAWNICTWO EKONOMICZNE WARSAW Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W. 1 Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon Press Inc., 44-01 21st Street, Long Island City, New York 11101 Pergamon of Canada, Ltd., 6 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario Pergamon Press S.A.R.L., 24 rue des Écoles, Paris 5e Vieweg & Sohn GmbH, Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright (§) 1966 Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne Warsaw First English edition 1966 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 66-20031 This is a translation of the original Polish Efektywnoêc inwestycji i opti- mum produkcji w gospodarce socjalistycznej published by Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warsaw, 1963 PRINTED IN POLAND 2735/66 PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION The present book which is the result of many years' research into the dynamics of socialist economies is the first of a series to be published by the author on management theory. Each volume may, however, be treated as a self-contained publication. The main aim of this book is to furnish a method of accounting investment efficiency, allowing for the many factors which may influence optimal results. The author endeavours to provide an answer to the question how investment means, which are always limited, should be used in the most efficient manner. He also shows the extent to which investment policies could become regulators of the balance of trade and the balance of payments within an economic alignment of socialist countries. In the author's view, the methods presented here can be applied both in planned and mixed economies with a private and public sector. In some limited cases, these methods may even be used with success in private concerns. The English-language version is based on the second Polish edition with a slight rearrangement of the contents. The author hopes that this book will prove to be of interest also to readers in countries with different economic systems. vii CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM OF EFFICIENCY OF INVESTMENTS (General Methodological Comments) 1. CHOICE BETWEEN ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS The problem of management is principally a problem of the proper choice between different alternatives. By making a choice concerning production we determine not only the amount of outlays necessary to yield an intended effect in the form of output, but also the amount of materialized labour, the period of time during which the amount of labour must be frozen in machines, installations, stocks, etc. Investments are precisely the field of management in which means are frozen over long periods of time. Hence, when studying the efficiency of investments we must fully account for the struc- ture of investments in time. The rate of interest seems the best suited indicator for the purpose, for it is only by computing the interest to be paid on invested means that we can make comparisons between the various alternatives and accordingly choose the best from the point of view of economy of social labour. Any attempts to disre- gard interest as a factor not applicable in a socialist economy must lead economic accounting astray.1 The purpose of this Chapter is to present some methods of analysis of the efficiency of investments by means of the interest rate. Consider the case, which is the most frequent in practice, when production is programmed and the problem is only to make a choice between alternative investments, or, strictly speaking, between different technologies. Suppose that only two technological solutions (1 and 2) come into question, that their respective investment outlays are J x and J where J> J , and that their respective exploitation costs 2 x 2 1 2 The Problem of Efficiency of Investments (without depreciation and interest) are K and K . It is obvious x 2 that Κ must be smaller than K i.e. Κ< Κ^ for otherwise the λ 29 λ problem would lose all its meaning.2 Assume further that the expected period during which the plant is to be exploited is n years in both cases, and that the rate of interest is s. That alternative will be chosen for which total outlays made and discounted at a certain moment are the lowest. Hence n Α = Λ + ^- (1+J)1 and (1) n K, Α = Λ + ^ (1+ί)'· where 1/1 +s, is the discounting factor. If exploitation costs are constant over n years, equations (1) can be given the following form: (2) etc. To simplify, we assumed that all exploitation costs are incurred at once, at the end of each year; in fact, however, they are spread over the entire year. If it is assumed that costs are spread more or less evenly, it may also be assumed with sufficient accuracy that the costs are discounted from the middle of the year, and hence equation (1) becomes (3) and equation (2) becomes (4) The simplified formulae will be used hereafter. When comparing the two alternative investments we have assumed that the output is constant in both cases (so that it is The Problem of Efficiency of Investments 3 at the same level each year over the whole period of exploitation of the plant), whereas in fact the output often varies from year to year. Formula (1) must therefore be modified accordingly so as to take into account the temporal structure of discountable output: Λ+ Σ Kt (\+sY d = '■=! etc., (5) x n Σ (1+*)' i=l where P = the size of output3 in the year 1,2,..., n, and wherein f d is calculated in zlotys per ton for instance, whereas D is expres- x x sed in zlotys. So far it has been assumed that both plants have the same life-span (n years), whereas in fact different technological solutions may yield different periods of exploitation for the plants, and the formulae given above must be adjusted accordingly. Consider the exploitation periods of two investment variants with J and ± J outlays to be n and n , where η> n . 2 x 2 λ 2 Thus, outlays J and J are not comparable, since the exploi- x 2 tation period of the first variant is longer by n—n years. If we x 2 adopt n as the basis of calculation, we must adjust outlay J 2 x as follows:4 Jl - THSP" = Jl ^-^-n^n^l+s)~nt] = J*nt)· (6) J["9) stands for investment outlays of the first alternative solution, but reduced, as it were, by an equivalent advantage resulting from the fact that the life-span of the plant is longer by n—n x 2 years. While bearing in mind the necessity of such adjustments we shall hereafter disregard them to simplify the procedure. Any economic account must, of course, take into consideration not only the expected costs of the investment planned, but also the period during which the investment means are frozen, i.e., 4 The Problem of Efficiency of Investments the period from the moment construction begins to the moment the plant starts production. In view of the varying rate of growth of investment outlays in various years during construction, and also in view of the different construction cycles characteristic of the different alter- native solutions, interest on investment means should be calculated as follows: 7ί=Σ*.(1+')*-*. (?) ί=1 where: i = partial outlays in period / from the moment construction t has been started (it being assumed, conventionally, that outlays are made at the end of each year); t = construction time in years; b Λ = Σ U\ r=i J[ = investment outlays including interest on means frozen in the plant under construction. If we assume that all partial outlays are made in the middle of each year, which is more in agreement with facts, we may transform formula (7) as follows: Λ'=Σί.α+'Γ-,+Β· (7') Finally, if we consider the case when the outlays increase uniformly, we must use the following formula:5 j (i+,y»-i. J { ( r) t S b By allowing for interest on means frozen during the construction period we may write formula (5) in its expanded form, namely: tb n y», , jb-t \i Kt W ίΛ+ST' +tΣ 4 «^ n -· (8) The Problem of Efficiency of Investments 5 So far, the period of construction has been strictly separated from the period of exploitation, on the assumption that a plant starts production from the moment its construction is completed. That moment is taken as the base from which exploitation costs and production are discounted and interest on partial investment outlays calculated. In fact it is sometimes otherwise. A plant starts production when still under construction, until it gradually reaches its planned production capacity. In this way, investment outlays are inter- twined with exploitation costs. Assume that the outlays, costs and output are as follows: Years 1 2 3,..., n Investment outlays h Exploitation costs K ... K z n Output P*~.Pn where: h> **2> h stand for the partial outlays in the years 1, 2, 3 respec- tively, so that J= Σ '*; k=l K ,K , ...,K„ are exploitation costs in the various years; 2 Z P , P ,..., P stand for output in the various years. 2 3 n In this example it has been assumed that the period from the moment in which construction is started to the moment of the end of the plant's life-span is n years. By taking moment zero as the base it is convenient to discount outlays, costs and output on that moment, which in the present case yields the following formula: 2j (1+5)* +2j~ (1+sY 4= k=l V ' r-2 (9) Σ- (1+sY r=2 All alternative solutions are treated in this way. 6 The Problem of Efficiency of Investments * * * It is now convenient to use the so-called annual allocation of capital (C) in choosing the most efficient alternative investment. By distributing the investment outlays / over n years with the annual interest rate s we obtain the annual allocation (C):6 (1+sY-l Hence the formula accounting for yearly outlays and outputs can be represented as follows: J(l+sY-l* J s(l+sY K d=—p—-Tx<i+*)--i+r (10) where K is the total annual costs (without depreciation), and P is the total annual output. This approach assumes that both costs and outputs are constant over n years during which the plant is exploited. But in fact this can be otherwise: both costs and the size of production may vary from year to year. If we therefore want to observe the method of accounting for annual outlays and output, we modify the formulae for costs and output as below: 'JU (l+s)'~(l+i)"-l ' 1=1 _P, e(l+*)· w V(ii + y ~ (i+sY-i- s i=l Hence formula (10) will take the following form: s(l+sY y K s(l+sY t (1+sY-l + Z/ (l+s)> X(l+i)"-l (11) 4-j (l+jy^o+är-i ι=1 The Problem of Efficiency of Investments 7 Dividing both the numerator and the denominator by (Ι+^-Ι' we obtain back formula (5): '+Σ^φγ d = Σ Pt (l+sf i=l Thus, the application of this method is advantageous when the costs and the outputs are constant. When the interest rate was used above as an instrument of economic accounting, it was treated as known. But the issue is not quite so simple. This problem is dealt with in more detail in the other sections of this book. For the time being let it only be stressed that the level of the interest rate determines the choice of the correct investment alternative. In this connection it sometimes seems advisable to make use of the internal rate of interest as a factor in the analysis of the efficiency of investments. By the internal rate of interest is meant such a rate of interest for which the value of expenditure and revenue, discounted for a given moment, equals zero, or, which means the same, for which the two series {that of expenditure and that of revenue) are equiv- alent.1 This can be illustrated by an example. Suppose that the moderniz- ation of some installations will in the future yield savings in exploitation costs, and that investment outlays and revenue from savings will be as follows: Years | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 Sums | -20,000 | +8,000 | +8,000 | +8,000 If r is the internal rate of interest then, by definition -20000+8'00°+ 8)000 I 8'°°° - 0 20>000+(I+7 + (T+7?+ (l+r)3 - °- )

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