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Investigations of Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic and Set Theory in Strength between Π1-CA and ∆1-CA + BI: Part I 1 2 MichaelRathjen DepartmentofPureMathematics UniversityofLeeds LeedsLS29JT,England Abstract This paper is the first of a series of two. It contains proof– theoretic investigations on subtheories of second order arithmetic and set theory.Amongtheprinciplesonwhichthesetheoriesarebasedonefindsau- tonomouslyiteratedpositiveandmonotoneinductivedefinitions,Π1 trans- 1 finite recursion, ∆1 transfinite recursion, transfinitely iterated Π1 depen- 2 1 dent choices, extended Bar rules for provably definable well-orderings as well as their set-theoretic counterparts which are based on extensions of Kripke-Platek set theory. This first part introduces all the principles and theories. Itprovideslowerboundsfortheirstrengthmeasuredintermsof the amount of transfinite induction they achieve to prove. In other words, itdetermineslowerboundsfortheirproof-theoreticordinalswhichareex- pressedbymeansofordinalrepresentationsystems. Thesecondpartofthe paperwillbeconcernedwithordinalanalysis. Itwillshowthatthelower bounds established in the present paper are indeed sharp, thereby provid- ingtheproof-theoreticordinals. Alltheresultswereobtainedmorethen20 yearsago(inGerman)intheauthor’sPhDthesis[43]buthaveneverbeen publishedbefore,thoughthethesisreceivedareview(MR91m#03062). I thinkitishightimeitgotpublished. 1 Introduction To set the stage for the following, a very brief history of ordinal-theoretic proof theoryfromthetimeafterGentzen’sdeathuntiltheearly1980sreadsasfollows: Inthe1950’sprooftheoryflourishedinthehandsofSchu¨tte. In[59]heintroduced aninfinitarysystemforfirstordernumbertheorywiththeso-calledω-rule,which had already been proposed by Hilbert [23]. Ordinals were assigned as lengths to derivations and via cut-elimination he re-obtained Gentzen’s ordinal analysis for number theory in a particularly transparent way. Further, Schu¨tte extended his 2 MichaelRathjen approachtosystemsoframifiedanalysisandbroughtthistechniquetoperfection in his monograph “Beweistheorie” [60]. Independently, in 1964 Feferman [13] andSchu¨tte[61],[62]determinedtheordinalboundΓ fortheoriesofautonomous 0 ramifiedprogressions. AmajorbreakthroughwasmadebyTakeutiin1967, whoforthefirsttimeob- tainedanordinalanalysisofastrongfragmentofsecondorderarithmetic. In[69] he gave an ordinal analysis of Π1 comprehension, extended in 1973 to ∆1 com- 1 2 prehension in [70]. For this Takeuti returned to Gentzen’s method of assigning ordinals (ordinal diagrams, to be precise) to purported derivations of the empty sequent(inconsistency). Thenextwaveofresults,whichconcernedtheoriesofiteratedinductivedefini- tions, wereobtainedbyBuchholz, Pohlers, andSieginthelate1970’s(see[10]). Takeuti’s methods of reducing derivations of the empty sequent (“the inconsis- tency”)wereextremelydifficulttofollow,andthereforeamoreperspicuoustreat- ment was to be hoped for. Since the use of the infinitary ω-rule had greatly fa- cilitated the ordinal analysis of number theory, new infinitary rules were sought. In 1977 (see [5]) Buchholz introduced such rules, dubbed Ω-rules to stress the analogy. They led to a proof-theoretic treatment of a wide variety of systems, as exemplified in the monograph [11] by Buchholz and Schu¨tte. Yet simpler infini- taryruleswereputforwardafewyearslaterbyPohlers, leadingtothemethodof local predicativity, which proved to be a very versatile tool (see [40–42]). With theworkofJa¨gerandPohlers(see[28,29,33])theforumofordinalanalysisthen switchedfromtherealmofsecond-orderarithmetictosettheory, shapingwhatis now called admissible proof theory, after the models of Kripke-Platek set theory, KP. Theirworkculminatedintheanalysisofthesystemwith∆1 comprehension 2 plusBarinduction,(BI),[33].Inessence,admissibleprooftheoryisagatheringof cut-eliminationtechniquesforinfinitarycalculioframifiedsettheorywithΣand/or Π reflectionrules1thatlenditselftoordinalanalysesoftheoriesoftheformKP+ 2 “therearexmanyadmissibles”orKP+“therearemanyadmissibles”. Byway of illustration, the subsystem of analysis with ∆1 comprehension and Bar induc- 2 tioncanbecouchedinsuchterms,foritisnaturallyinterpretableinthesettheory KPi:=KP+∀y∃z(y∈z∧zisadmissible)(cf.[33]). Theinvestigationsofthispaperfocus,asfarassubsystemsofsecondorderarith- metic are concerned, on theories whose strength strictly lies in between that of ∆1-CAand∆1-CA+(BI). ∆1-CAisactuallynotmuchstrongerthanΠ1-CA, 2 2 2 1 the difference being that the latter theory allows one to carry out iterated hyper- jumpsoflength< ω whiletheformerallowsonetocarryoutiteratedhyperjumps 1Recallthatthesalientfeatureofadmissiblesetsisthattheyaremodelsof∆0collectionandthat∆0 collectionisequivalenttoΣreflectiononthebasisoftheotheraxiomsofKP(see[3]). Further- more,admissiblesetsoftheformLαalsosatisfyΠ2reflection. InvestigationsofSubsystemsofSecondOrderArithmeticandSetTheory 3 oflength<ε . Thejumpfrom∆1-CAto∆1-CA+(BI)isindeedenormous. By 0 2 2 comparison,eventheascentfromΠ1-CAto∆1-CA+BR(withBRreferringto 1 2 theBarrule)isratherbenign. Togetanappreciationforthedifferenceonemight also point out that all hitherto investigated subsystems of second order arithmetic in the range from Π1-CA to ∆1-CA+BR can be reduced (as far as strength 1 0 2 isconcerned)tofirstordertheoriesofiteratedinductivedefinitions.2 Thetheories investigatedherearebeyondthatlevel. Amongtheprinciplesonwhichthesethe- ories are based one finds autonomously iterated positive and monotone inductive definitions,Π1 transfiniterecursion,∆1 transfiniterecursion,transfinitelyiterated 1 2 Π1dependentchoices,extendedBarrulesforprovablydefinablewell-orderingsas 1 well as their set-theoretic counterparts which are based on extensions of Kripke- Platek set theory. This first part introduces all the principles and theories. It pro- videslowerboundsfortheirstrengthmeasuredbytheamountofprovabletransfi- niteinduction. Inotherwords,itdetermineslowerboundsfortheirproof-theoretic ordinalswhichareexpressedbymeansofordinalrepresentationsystems. Thesec- ondpartofthepaperwillbeconcernedwithordinalanalysis. Itwillshowthatthe lowerboundsestablishedinthepresentpaperareindeedsharp,therebyproviding theproof-theoreticordinals. Alltheresultswereobtainedmorethen20yearsago (inGerman)intheauthor’sPhDthesis[43]buthaveneverbeenpublishedbefore, though the thesis received a review (MR 91m#03062). I always thought that the results in my thesis were worth publishing but in the past I never seemed to have enough time to sit down for six weeks and type the entire PhD thesis again. The thesis was produced by the now obsolete word processing system “Signum” and it was also written in German. Over the past 20 years or so academic life has changedinthattime,e.g. fordoingresearch,hasbecomealuxurygood. Iwould liketothankAndreasWeiermannfornudgingmeagainandagaintopublishit. Zueignung Denkreatu¨rlichenFreundenBobby,HonkyTonk,SchnuffiundMarlenegewidmet. Outline of the paper In the following I give a brief outline of the contents of this paper. It is roughly dividedintotwochapters. Thefirstchapter,entitled“THEORIES”,introducesthe backgroundandpresentsalltheprinciplesandtheoriestobeconsidered. Italsoes- tablishesinterrelationshipsbetweenvarioustheories. Thesecondchapter,entitled 2Sincethisthesiswaswritten,though,ordinal-theoreticprooftheoryhasprogressedwaybeyondthe strengthofsuchtheoriesandcannowanalyzesystemsbasedonΠ1comprehension(cf.[53,54,56, 2 57]). 4 MichaelRathjen “WELL-ORDERINGPROOFS”,introducesanordinalrepresentationsystemand establishes lower bounds for the proof-theoretic ordinals of most of the theories considered. Section 2 carefully defines the basic theory of arithmetical comprehension, ACA , whichformsthebasisforallsubsystemsofsecondorderarithmetic, and 0 alsothebasicsettheoryBTwhichformsthebasisofallsettheories. Whilesuch attentiontodetailwillnotmatterthatmuchforthepresentpaperitwillcertainlybe ofimportancetoitssequelwhichfeaturesproofanalysesofinfinitarycalculi. Sec- tion 3 introduces second order theories of iterated inductive definitions. Systems investigated in the literature before used to be first order theories with the induc- tivelydefinedsetsbeingcapturedviaadditionalpredicatesanditerationsrestricted toarithmeticalwell-orderings.Goingtosecondordertheoriesallowsonetoformal- ize iterations along arbitrary well-orderings and also to address the more general scenarioofmonotoneinductivedefinitions. Section4comparesthetheoriesofthe foregoingsectionwiththeoriesoftransfiniteΠ1 comprehension. Insection5itis 1 shown that theories of iterated inductive definitions can be canonically translated intosettheoriesofiteratedadmissibility. Thistranslationexploitsthestructurethe- oryofΣ -inductivedefinitionsonadmissiblesetsoriginatinginGandy’sTheorem + (cf.[3,VI]). Section6featuresiterationsbasedonstrongeroperationssuchas∆1 2 comprehensionandΣ1 dependentchoices. Section7dealswiththeirset-theoretic 2 counterpartswhicharetobefoundincertainformsofΣrecursion. In order to approach the strength of ∆1-CA+(BI) it is natural to restrict the 2 schema (BI) to specific syntactic complexity classes of formulae, (F-BI). An alternativeconsistsindirectingtheattentiontothewell-orderingoverwhichtrans- finiteinductionisallowedinthatonerequiresthemtobeprovablywell-orderedor parameter-free. This will be the topic of section 8. Particular rules and schemata consideredincludetheruleBR(impl-Σ1)andtheschemaBI(impl-Σ1): 2 2 ∃!X(WO(X) ∧ G[X]) (BR(impl-Σ1)) 2 ∀X(WO(X) ∧ G[X]→TI(X,H)) whereG[U]isaΣ1 formula(withoutadditionalparameters),H(a)isanarbitrary 2 L formula,WO(X)expressesthatX isawell-ordering,andTI(X,H)expresses 2 theinstanceoftransfiniteinductionalongX withtheformulaH(a). (BI(impl-Σ1)) ∃!X(WO(X)∧G[X])→∀X(WO(X)∧G[X]→TI(X,H)) 2 whereG[U]isaΣ1 formula(withoutadditionalparameters)andH(a)isanarbi- 2 traryL formula. 2 The rule BR(impl-Σ1) is, on the basis of ∆1-CA, much stronger than the 2 2 rule BR whereas BR(impl-Σ1) is still much weaker than (BI). The difference 2 InvestigationsofSubsystemsofSecondOrderArithmeticandSetTheory 5 in strength between (BI) and BR(impl-Σ1) is of course owed to the fact that the 2 firstisarulewhilethesecondisaschema. Butonecansaysomethingmoreillu- minativeaboutit. Asitturnsout,BR(impl-Σ1)andBI(impl-Σ1)areofthesame 2 2 strength(onthebasisof∆1-CA),inactualitythetheories∆1-CA+BR(impl-Σ1) 2 2 2 and∆1-CA+BI(impl-Σ1)provethesameΠ1 statements. Thusthemaindiffer- 2 2 1 encebetweenBR(impl-Σ1)and(BI)istobefoundinthepremissofBI(impl-Σ1) 2 2 requiringthewell-orderingtobedescribableviaaΣ1formulawithoutparameters. 2 Section 8 also considers set-theoretic versions of (BR(impl-Σ1) and 2 (BI(impl-Σ1))whichcanbeviewedasformalcounterpartsofthenotionofagood 2 Σ definition of an ordinal/set known from the theory of admissible sets (cf. [3, 1 II.5.13]). Withthenextsectionweenterthesecondchapterofthispaper. Sections9and 10developanordinalrepresentationsystemOT(Φ)whichwillbesufficientunto thetaskofexpressingtheproof-theoreticordinalsofalltheforegoingtheories. Section 11 introduces the technical basis for well-ordering proofs. By a well- orderingproofinagiventheoryT wemeanaproofformalizableinT whichshows thatacertainordinalrepresentationsystem(orasubsetofit)iswell-ordered. The notionofadistinguishedset(ofordinals)(inGerman: ausgezeichneteMenge)will be central to carrying out well ordering proofs in the various subtheories of sec- ondorderarithmeticintroducedinearliersections. Atheoryofdistinguishedsets developedforthispurposeemergedintheworksofBuchholzandPohlers[4,6,7]. Theremainingsections12-15areconcernedwithwell-orderingproofsformost of the theories featuring in this paper. The lower bounds for the proof-theoretic ordinalsoftheoriesestablishedinthisarticleturnouttobesharp. Proofsofupper bounds, though, will be dealt with in the second part of this paper which will be devoted to ordinal analysis. The final section of this paper provides a list of all theoriesandtheirproof-theoreticordinals. I. THEORIES 2 The formal set-up Thissectionintroducesthelanguagesofsecondorderarithmeticandsettheorywith thenaturalnumbersasurelements. Moreover,acollectionoftheories,comprehen- sionandinductionprinciplesformalizedintheselanguageswillbeintroduced.Our presentationofsecondorderarithmeticisequivalenttothosefoundinthestandard literature (e.g. [10,65]). The same applies to set theory with urelements, where 6 MichaelRathjen we follow the standard reference [3]. Slight deviations are of a purely technical nature,onepeculiaritybeingthatwedefineformulaeinsuchawaythatnegations occur only in front of prime formulae, another being that function symbols will be avoided. Instead, we axiomatize number theory by means of relation symbols representingtheirgraphs. 2.1 The language L 2 ThevocabularyofL consistsoffreenumbervariablesa ,a ,a ,...,boundnum- 2 0 1 2 bervariables x ,x ,x ,..., free set variables U ,U ,U ,..., bound setvariables 0 1 2 0 1 2 X ,X ,X ,...,thelogicalconstants¬,∧,∨,∀,∃,theconstants(numerals)n¯ for 0 1 2 eachn∈N,a1-placerelationsymbolP,three2-placerelationsymbols∈,≡,SUC andtwo3-placerelationsymbolsADD,MULT.Inaddition,L hasauxiliarysym- 2 bolssuchasparenthesesandcommas.Theintendedinterpretationofthesesymbols isthefollowing: 1. Number variables range over natural numbers while set variables range over setsofnaturalnumbers. 2. Theconstantn¯denotesthenthnaturalnumber. 3. Pstandsforanarbitrarysetofnaturalnumbers. 4. ∈denotestheelementhoodrelationbetweennaturalnumbersandsetsofnatu- ralnumbers. 5. ≡denotestheidentityrelationbetweennaturalnumbers. 6. SUC, ADD, and MULT denote the graphs of the numerical functions n (cid:55)→ n+1,(n,m)(cid:55)→n+m,and(n,m)(cid:55)→n·m,respectively. ThetermsofL arethefreenumbervariablesandtheconstantsn¯. Assyntactical 2 wealsousea,b,c,d,eforfreenumbervariables,R,S,U,V forfreesetvariables, u,v,w,x,y,z,i,jforboundnumbervariables,W,X,Y,Zforboundsetvariables, r,s,tforterms,andA,B,C,D,F,G,H forformulaeofL . IfEisanexpression, 2 τ ,...,τ aredistinctprimitivesymbolsandσ ,...,σ arearbitraryexpressions, 1 n 1 n then by E(τ ,...,τ | σ ,...,σ ) we mean the expression obtained from A by 1 n 1 n writing σ in place of τ at each occurrence of τ . If A is a formula of the form i i i B(τ ,...,τ | σ ,...,σ ) then this fact will also be expressed (less accurately) 1 n 1 n bywritingBasB(τ ,...,τ )andAasB(σ ,...,σ ). 1 n 1 n InvestigationsofSubsystemsofSecondOrderArithmeticandSetTheory 7 Definition 2.1. The atomic formulae of L are of the form (s ≡ t), (s ∈ U), 2 SUC(s,t),P(s),ADD(s,t,r),andMULT(s,t,r). The L -formulae are defined inductively as follows: If A is an atomic formula 2 thenAand¬AareL -formulae. IfAandBareL -formulaethensoare(A∧B) 2 2 and(A∨B). IfF(a)isanL -formulainwhichtheboundnumbervariablexdoes 2 notoccurthen∀xF(x)and∃xF(x)areL -formulae. IfG(U)isanL -formula 2 2 in which the bound set variable X does not occur then ∀XG(X) and ∃XG(X) areL -formulae. 2 The negation, ¬A, ofa non–atomicformula A isdefined tobetheformula ob- tainedfromAby (i)putting¬infrontanyatomicsubformula, (ii)replacing∧,∨,∀x,∃x,∀X,∃X by∨,∧,∃x,∀x,∃X,∀X,respectively,and (iii)droppingdoublenegations. Asusual,(A→B)abbreviates(¬A∨B)and(A↔B)standsfortheformula ((A → B) ∧ (B → A)). Outer most parentheses will usually be dropped. We writes (cid:54)= tfor¬(s ≡ t)ands ∈/ U for¬(s ∈ U). Toavoidparenthesiswealso adopt the conventions that ¬ binds more strongly than the other connectives and that∧,∨bindmorestronglythan→and↔. WealsousethefollowingabbreviationswithQ∈{∀,∃}: Qx ...x F(x ,...,x ) := Qx ...Qx F(x ,...,x ), 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n QX ...,X F(X ,...,X ) := QX ...QX F(X ,...,X ), 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n and∀x∃!yH(x,y) := ∀x∃yH(x,y) ∧ ∀xyz(H(x,y) ∧ H(x,z)→y ≡z). Definition 2.2. The formula class Π1 (as well as Σ1) consists of all arithmetical 0 0 L -formulae,i.e.,allformulaewhichdonotcontainsetquantifiers. 2 If F(U) is a Σ1-formula (Π1-formula) then ∀XF(X) (∃XF(X)) is a Π1 n n n+1 (Σ1 )formula. n+1 2.2 The theory ACA 0 As a base for all theories in the language L we use the theory ACA which in 2 0 additiontotheusualnumber-theoreticaxiomshastheaxiomschemaofarithmetical comprehensionandaninductionaxiomforsets. Aswewillsubjectthesetheories toproof-theoretictreatmentweshallpresenttheaxiomatizationofACA inmore 0 detailthanwouldotherwisebenecessary. Definition2.3. ThemathematicalaxiomsofACA arethefollowing: 0 (i) Equalityaxioms (G1) ∀x(x≡x). 8 MichaelRathjen (G2) ∀xy(x≡y →[F(x)↔F(y)])forF(a)inΠ1. 0 (G3) n¯ ≡n¯. (G4) n¯ (cid:54)≡m¯ ifn,maredifferentnaturalnumbers. (i) AxiomsforSUC,ADD,MULT. (SUC1) ∀x∃!ySUC(x,y). (SUC2) ∀y[y ≡¯0 ∨ ∃xSUC(x,y)]. (SUC3) ∀xyz(SUC(x,z) ∧ SUC(y,z)→x≡y). (SUC4) SUC(n¯,n+1). (SUC5) ¬SUC(n¯,m¯)ifn+1(cid:54)=m. (ADD1) ∀xy∃!zADD(x,y,z). (ADD2) ∀xADD(x,¯0,x). (ADD3) ∀uvwxy[ADD(u,v,w) ∧ SUC(v,x) ∧ SUC(w,y) → ADD(u,x,y)]. (ADD4) ADD(n¯,m¯,n+m). (ADD5) ¬ADD(n¯,m¯,k¯)ifn+m(cid:54)=k. (MULT1) ∀xy∃!zMULT(x,y,z). (MULT2) ∀xMULT(x,¯0,¯0). (MULT3) ∀uvwxy[MULT(u,v,w) ∧ SUC(v,x) ∧ ADD(w,u,y) → MULT(u,x,y)]. (MULT4) MULT(n¯,m¯,n·m). (MULT5) ¬MULT(n¯,m¯,k¯)ifn·m(cid:54)=k. (iii) InductionAxiom (Ind) ∀X[¯0∈X∧∀xy[SUC(y,x)∧y ∈X →x∈X] → ∀x(x∈X)]. (iv) ArithmeticalComprehension (ACA) ∃X∀y[y ∈X ↔F(y)] whereF(a)isΠ1andX doesnotoccurinF(a). 0 InvestigationsofSubsystemsofSecondOrderArithmeticandSetTheory 9 AslogicalrulesandaxiomsforeverytheoryformulatedinthelanguageofL we 2 choosethefollowing: (L1) AllformulaeofL thatarevalidinpropositionallogic. 2 (L2) The number quantifier axioms ∀xF(x) → F(t) and F(t) → ∃xF(x) for everyL -formulaF(a)inwhichxdoesnotoccurandeverytermt. 2 (L3) Thesetquantifieraxioms∀XH(X) → H(U)andH(U) → ∃XF(X)for everyL -formulaH(V)inwhichX doesnotoccurandsetvariableU. 2 (L4) Modusponens: FromAandA→BdeduceB. (L5) From A → F(a) deduce A → ∀xF(x) and from F(a) → A deduce ∃xF(x) → A providing the free number variable a does not occur in the conclusionandxdoesnotoccurinF(a). (L6) From A → H(U) deduce A → ∀XH(X) and from H(U) → A deduce ∃XF(X) → A providing the free set variable U does not occur in the con- clusionandX doesnotoccurinF(U). WewriteT (cid:96) AwhenT isatheoryinthelanguageofL andAcanbededuced 2 from T using the axioms of T and any combination of the preceding axioms and rulesofACA . 0 ByACAwedenotethetheoryACA augmentedbytheschemeofinductionfor 0 allL -formulae: 2 (IND) F(¯0) ∧ ∀xy[SUC(y,x) ∧ F(y)→F(x)] → ∀xF(x) whereF(a)isanarbitraryformulaofL . 2 ThesublanguageofL withoutsetvariableswillbedenotedbyL . 2 1 2.3 The languages L∗ and L∗(M) L∗ willbethelanguageofsettheorywiththenaturalnumbersasurelements. L∗ comprisesL andinadditionhasaconstantNforthesetofnaturalnumbers,a1- 1 placepredicatesymbolSetfortheclassofsets,anda1-placepredicatesymbolAd fortheclassofadmissiblesets. TheintendedinterpretationsofL andL∗ diverge 1 withrespecttothescopesofthequantifiers∀xand∃xwhichinthecaseofL∗ are viewed as ranging over all sets and urelements. Moreover, L∗ has also bounded quantifiers(∀x ∈ t)and(∃x ∈ t)whichwillbetreatedasquantifiersintheirown right. 10 MichaelRathjen WewillalsohaveuseforanextendedlanguageL∗(M)whichhasaconstantM, intendedtodenotethesmallestadmissibleset. ThetermsofL∗(L∗(M))consistofthefreevariablesandtheconstantsn¯andN (andM). The atomic formulae of L∗ (L∗(M)) consists of all strings of symbols of the forms(s≡t),(s∈t),P(t),SUC(s,t),ADD(s,t,r),MULT(s,t,r),Ad(s),and Set(s),wheres,t,rarearbitrarytermsofL∗(L∗(M)). Definition2.4. L∗-formulaeareinductivelydefinedasfollows: 1. Aand¬AareL∗-formulaewheneverAisanatomicL∗-formula. 2. IfAandBareL∗-formulaesoare(A∧B)and(A∨B). 3. IfF(a)isanL∗-formulainwhichxdoesnotappearandtisanL∗ termthen ∀xF(x),∃xF(x),(∀x∈t)F(x),and(∃x∈t)F(x)areL∗-formulae. L∗(M)-formulaearedefinedinasimilarvein. Thenegation,¬A,ofaformulaAis definedasinDefinition2.1,butextendedbytheclauses¬(∀x∈t)F(x) := (∃x∈ t)¬F(x)and¬(∃x∈t)F(x) := (∀x∈t)¬F(x)fortheboundedquantifiers. Definition 2.5 (Translating L into L∗). Let U∗ := a , X∗ := x , a∗ := 2 i 2·i i 2·i+2 i a ,x∗ :=x ,andn¯∗ :=n¯. 2·i+1 i 2·i+1 ToeveryL -formulaAweassignanL∗-formulaA∗ asfollows: Replaceevery 2 free variable X in A by X∗. Replace number quantifiers ∀x...x... and ∃x...x... by (∀x∗ ∈ N)...x∗... and (∃x∗ ∈ N)...x∗..., respectively. Replace set quanti- fiers ∀X...X... and ∃X...X... by ∀X∗[Set(X∗) ∧ X∗ ⊆ N → ...X∗...] and ∃X∗[Set(X∗) ∧ X∗ ⊆ N ∧ ...X∗...], respectively, where X∗ ⊆ N stands for ∀u[u ∈ X∗ → u ∈ N]. The translation A (cid:55)→ A∗ provides an embedding of L 2 into L∗, preserving the intended interpretations. In what follows we view L as 2 sublanguageofL∗,formallyfixedbythenaturaltranslation ∗. 2.4 Syntactic classifications Definition2.6. The∆ formulaearethesmallestcollectionofL∗ formulaecon- 0 taining all quantifier-free formulae closed under ¬,∧,∨ and bounded quantifica- tion. Spelled out in detail the last closure clause means that if F(a) is ∆ , t is 0 a term and x is a bound variable not occurring in F(a) then (∃x ∈ t)F(x) and (∀x∈t)F(x)are∆ . 0 L∗formulaewhichare∆ oroftheform∃xF(x)withF(a)∆ aresaidtobeΣ . 0 0 1 Dually,aformulaisΠ ifitisthenegationofaΣ formula. 1 1

Investigations of Subsystems of Second Order. Arithmetic and Set Theory in Strength between. Π1. 1. -CA and ∆1. 2. -CA + BI: Part I. Michael Rathjen.
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