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Preview Investigations in the Preparation of a Low-Cost, High-Capacity Ion Exchange Material

INVESTIGATIONS IN THE PREPARATION OF A LOW-COST, HIGH-CAPACITY ION EXCHANGE MATERIAL by Phillip E. McGarry A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Mineral Dressing in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mineral. Dressing Engineering 22750 RY-MONTANA TECH kJXTE, MONTANA. MONTANA SCHOOL OF MINES Butte, Montana May 23, 1951 UMI Number: EP33368 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent on the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Publishing UMI EP33368 Copyright 2012 by ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This edition of the work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 THE HISTORY OF ION EXCHANGE 2 The Discovery Period (1819-1905) 2 The Zeolite Period (1906-1930) - 3 The Organic Zeolite Period (1931-1934) 3 The Resin Period 3 THEORY OF ION EXCHANGE EQUILIBRIA 4 Mechanism of Attachment of Ions 4 Ion Exchange Formulae 7 Factors Affecting Ion Exchange Equilibrium 10 CLASSIFICATION MID PREPARATION OF EXCHANGE MATERIALS 14 Classification of Exchange Materials 14 Preparation of Exchange Materials 15 Qualities Desired in an Exchanger 18 ION EXCHANGE OPERATION 20 Exhaustion 20 Elution 20 Regeneration _ __ _ 20 Rinsing 21 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 21 Column Tests 21 Agitator Tests 26 Multiple Tank Tests 27 ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1: Synthesis of a Typical Exchange Resin 16 Plate 2: Schematic Diagram of Column Apparatus 22 Plate 3: Typical Column-exchange Graphs 25 Plate 4: Schematic Diagram of Multiple Tank Apparatus 28 GRAPHS Fig. 1: Percent Extration of Zinc by Unactivated Mineral Wool 30 Fig. 2: Exchange Capacity of Unactivated Mineral Wool 31 Fig. 3: Percent Extraction of Zinc by Activated Mineral ¥ool 32 Fig. 4: Exchange Capacity of Activated Mineral Wool 33 Fig. 5: Percent Extraction of Zinc by Sulfuric Acid- activated Quartz 35 Fig. 6: Exchange Capacity of Sulfuric Acid-activated Quartz 36 Fig. 7: Percent Extraction of Zinc by Sulfuric Acid- activated Quartz 37 Fig. 8: Exchange Capacity of Sulfuric Acid-activated Quartz 38 Fig. 9: Percent Extraction of Zinc by Sodium Silicate- activated Quartz 39 Fig. 10: Exchange Capacity of Sodium Silicate-activated Quartz 40 Fig. 11: Percent Extraction of Zinc by Unactivated Sawdust _ __ 4.3 Fig. 12: Exchange Capacity of Unactivated Sawdust 44 Fig. 13: Agitation Tests on Unactivated Sawdust 46 Fig. 14-: Agitation Test on Unactivated Resinous Sawdust 47 Fig. 15: Agitation Tests on Activated Sawdust 48 Fig. 16: Multiple Tank Tests on Acid-activated Sawdust 51 Fig. 17: Multiple Tank Tests on Acid-activated Sawdust 52 INTRODUCTION Recent advances in the field of ion exchange—in particular, the introduction of higher capacity exchange materials — have aroused interest in the possibility of the use of ion exchange in the mineral industry. Although ion exchange processes find wide use in water treatment and increasing use in industrial waste recovery, applications in the mineral industry have been negligible because of the high cost of the exchange materials. The purpose of this investigation was to test the exchange properties of some common materials in an effort to produce a low-cost exchange material of satisfactory capacity. The uses to which ion exchange may be put in the mineral industry may be, in a general way, divided as follows: (1) Recovery of valuable metals from the dilute solutions of mine, mill, and smelter waste waters. (2) Purification of mine, mill, and smelter waste waters to minimize and control stream contamination. Since stream contamination is not as great a problem in Montana as it is in more populous regions, the first of these possibil ities seems the more attractive. The materials tested were: mineral wool, crushed quartz, and sawdust. Of the three, sawdust alone offered possibilities for further investigation. - 1 - THE HISTORY OF ION EXCHANGE The history of ion exchange has been aptly described by Nachod -* as being "characterized by its discontinuity of development". These discontinuities divide the history of ion excliange into four general periods; namely, the discovery period, the zeolite period, the organic zeolite period, and the resin period. The Discovery Period: (1S19-1905) Gazzari, in 1819, did perhaps the first vork on ion ex change when he found that clays would decolorize liquid manure. He deduced that the clays removed soluble constituents from manure solutions and later gave them up to growing plants. 20 23 Thompson and Way are given credit for the discovery of ion exchange in 1850. They discovered that certain soils would remove potassium and ammonium ions from solution and return other ions, principally calcium, to the solution in exchange. In 1S52 TJay2-' proved that -ohs active substances in the soils were sodium-aluminum silicates, or the so-called zeolites. - 2 - The Zeolite Period; (1906-1930) In his work with alumino-silicates, the German chemist 5 Gans first produced a granular exchanger in 1910, and sug gested its use in water softening. The synthesis and fusion of zeolites to produce granular materials vith much higher ex change capacity than natural soils led to a considerable use of ion exchange in water softening between 1910 and 1930. The Organic Zeolite Period? (1931-1934.) The search for higher capacity, acid-resistant materials for use in ion exchange led, in the period between 1931 and 1934-* to the patenting of a large number of humin-like sub stances by Borrowman.^ The most successful of these was sul- 12 19 fonated coal. Later Liebknecht and Smit, independently, obtained other patents on methods of treatment of organic substances to produce exchange qualities in them. These developments gave, for the first time, exchange materials which were sufficiently acid-resistant to be cap able of hydrogen ion exchange. They were at first called "organic zeolites", but are more commonly known now as carbonaceous exchangers. The Resin Period; (1935-present) In 1935, Adams and Holmes synthesized the first resin exchanger by condensation of phenolsulfonic acid with formal dehyde. These exchangers are extremely acid-resistant and have a high capacity. The desirable properties of these - 3 - exchangers have led to the widespread use of ion exchange in many fields. THEORY OF ION EXCHANGE EQUILIBRIA The theory of ion exchange is, as yet, in the formative stage. Several divergent theories have been advanced but no one theory satisfies all of the data. The same situation exists in consideration of the mechanism of attachment of ions to exchangers. Mechanism of Attachment of Ions: The most prevalent theory of the mechanism of attachment of ions to the surface of clay mineral particles is that of the Gouy diffuse double layer. The diffuse double layer is Q a more modern concept of the Helmholtz7 double layer. Helm- holtz assumed that ions of opposite sign -would be adsorbed to the surface of the solid in separate, rigid, monoionic layers, while the Gouy diffuse double layer postulates a rigidly attached layer of ions on the surface and a diffuse layer of ions of opposite charge in a relatively wide, mobile layer extending further into the liquid. If the diffuse layer consists largely of cations, other cations could be exchanged for the original cations. A more recent theory of the attachment of ions to clay mineral particles is that of Jenny. He visualizes the plate- shaped particles as having ions adsorbed on their surfaces. - k - ..see ions oscillate because of heat notion and Browniar- move- r.cr.t and, at times, may be a considerable distance from the surface. It is possible, therefore, that another ion could slip in and occupy this oscillation space if it were approx imately of the same size as the first ion or if it could be deiorned sufficiently. This theory also recognizes the diffuse nature of the adsorbed layer of ions, since the amplitude of oscillation is considered to be the thickness of the adsorbed 10 layer. The mechanism of attachment of ions to zeolites is consid ered to be quite different from tliat of ions to clays. Zeo lites as used in ion exchange are natural or synthetic sodium- 22 or potassium-aluminum silicates. According to Walton, "prac tically all of the exchange takes place in the interior of the particles, which have a gel structure". The capacity of such exchangers, depending as it does on an exchange of ions within the particle, would be difficult indeed to calculate theoret ically, since the density of the gel network of fibers should vary considerably with the method of preparation. Whereas, with clay minerals it should be possible to determine the amount of surface available for adsorption by one of the var ious methods in use in colloid chemistry, with gels there is no method known for determining space available for adsorp tion. Most of the carbonaceous exchangers also have a gel struc- - 5 -

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