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Investigation of Local Heat Transfer Phenomena in a Pebble Bed HTGR Core Deliverable RES-07 ... PDF

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Preview Investigation of Local Heat Transfer Phenomena in a Pebble Bed HTGR Core Deliverable RES-07 ...

amec!J Investigation of local Heat Transfer Phenomena in a Pebble Bed HTGR Core NROOl/RP/002 ROl May 15, 2009 PreparC(! by: Prepared by: R. St31nsby ~ Heat Transfer and flU: Consultant AMAEC N u':d e3rz "ttu;.. '11.._J./ Prepared by: ?rcpared by: B. Mclaughlin ~ Analyst AMEC NSS VerifIed & RevlewC(! / i I 11 Prepared by: ~, .~~~c=.~~Aa~L~~~c-Z-=-~_ M. Worsley E. van Heerden Senior Physicist Senior Analyst A1'lEC Nudear (UK) AMECNSS Prepared by: fT."\~/<. . J ." Reviewed by: F. Dawson .7A . DennIer Analyst TH Applkations and t-let~s AJ.1EC Nuclear (UK) =~ = MP"v~? ~r,:$ ,=~~~ "",."dby, Approved by: Principal Consultant Director - Thermal Hydraulics Af'1EC Nuclear (UK) AMEC NSS _." AMEC.. .N SS Umited Revision Summary Rev Date Author Comments R00 March 2009 R. Stainsby For U.S.NRC Review R01 May 2009 R. Stainsby Incorporate an Executive Summary per U.S. NRC’s request. AMEC NSS Limited NR001/RP/002 R01 Page ii Form 114 R15 Executive Summary This report summarizes the research on Pebble Bed Reactors (PBR) Heat Transfer from the study “Investigation of the Local Heat Transfer Phenomena in an HTGR Core”, solicitation number RES-07-087. The objective of this work is to identify the computational tools and techniques available to resolve local fluid behavior in the core of a high temperature gas reactor (HTGR). This information is needed for U.S. NRC staff to develop the evaluation model that will be used to audit licensee calculations under normal operation and accident conditions. This report summarizes the research performed on local heat transfer phenomena in a pebble bed core. Several models have been developed and sensitivity studies have been performed as part of this research based on the thermal fluids and accidents analysis R&D phenomena tables developed by the U.S. NRC for HTGRs. Based on this research, constitutive models will be developed for inclusion into systems codes (such as the code MELCOR) that are being developed to predict the system-wide thermal fluidic behavior of HTGRs. This report is structured in thirteen sections. Sections 1 to 3 present an introduction, a discussion of pebble bed HTGRs and a review of the U.S. NRC’s Thermofluid and Accident Analysis PIRT exercise. Section 4 presents the scope of the research programme covered by this report and how this is linked to the findings of the aforementioned PIRT exercise. The investigations were divided into four main themes with each theme targeted on groups of the high-priority PIRT items. These themes were chosen to capture the heat transfer mechanisms from the scale of individual coated particles out to the scale of the whole core, and were identified as: 1. Mechanisms influencing fuel and moderator temperatures. 2. Investigation of pebble bed pressure losses and heat transfer mechanisms. 3. Effective thermal conductivity of the pebble bed in loss of forced circulation (LOFC) conditions. 4. Production of a whole-core CFD model. Sections 5 to 9 describe the work and results from the investigation of the first theme. Within Section 5, multi-scale models were developed which are capable of predicting the temperature distributions within individual coated particles and within individual pebbles containing many particles. The multi-scale methods were developed by starting from one-dimensional steady state conduction problems which featured multiple embedded discrete heat sources. Analytical solutions exist for these problems and the bounds of applicability of the multi-scale decomposition were investigated by comparison with these solutions. It is shown that the decomposition of the discrete heat sources into spatial average plus local perturbations resolves the temperature field without approximation. However, averaging of fine-scale material property AMEC NSS Limited NR001/RP/002 R01 Page iii Form 114 R15 variations over longer length scales does introduce approximations and care is required when considering such averaging. Generally, for practical application, the degree of approximation is not large because the packing fraction of particles within pebbles is small. Section 6 investigates the statistical likelihood of clustering of the coated particles within pebbles. A method was developed by which random arrangements of particles with the correct average packing fraction could be generated and interrogated to determine the frequencies of obtaining different sized clusters of particles. Finite element predictions were made of the temperature enhancement experienced by the centre particle in approximately spherical clusters. The largest such cluster examined contained 14 particles, although a 13 particle cluster was found to be a worse case as it was more spherical. The next largest spherical cluster size that could be considered would contain about 61 particles and it was considered that the occurrence of such a large cluster would be extremely rare. The thirteen particle cluster yielded a temperature enhancement of approximately 4°C for a pebble with average power. In a peak rated pebble, with assumed (paradoxically) highly irradiated graphite, the temperature enhancement is 12°C. From this work it appears, tentatively, that a small margin of about 20°C can be added to a best estimate calculated particle temperature to allow for uncertainties associated with clustering, when considering fission product release. Further work to improve the statistical treatment should be possible – the current method of sampling introduces a scale effect in which the results are influenced by the size of the volumes within which the particles are counted. A scale- independent way of counting to identify the presence and size of clusters should be possible. Section 7 presented an analytical method, based on Maxwell’s method for determining the effective conductivity of a pebble containing a mixture of coated particles and graphite. The predictions of the analytical method were compared with finite element predictions for three different structured arrangements of particles. Also, two alternative treatments of the particles were considered in the finite element simulations. In the first, the multiple layers of a single coated particle were homogenized with a conductivity that was determined by Maxwell’s method. In the second treatment, the fuel kernel and each of the coating layers was resolved explicitly within the finite model. The finite element predictions showed that alternative structured arrangements of particles had a negligible influence on the effective conductivity, therefore, it can be concluded that a random arrangement would have given the same result. Further, there was no significant difference in the predicted conductivities between using homogenized and explicitly-layered particles. Finally it was shown that the effective conductivities predicted by Maxwell’s method was close to the values obtained from all of the finite element predictions with an accuracy of better than 0.4%. Section 8 presents a model by which the pebble-to-pebble power and temperature differences that would occur in a multi-batch core can be taken into account. Typically, a CFD calculation of a whole reactor core would calculate a single coolant temperature and a single pebble surface temperature within each computational cell in the core. The multi-batch model starts from these two batch-averaged macroscopic AMEC NSS Limited NR001/RP/002 R01 Page iv Form 114 R15 quantities within a given computational cell. The differences in power developed between different batches, together with estimates of the batch-to-batch and cell-to- cell heat exchange coefficients, are used to “de-average” these temperatures. Thus, it is possible to back-out the pebble and particle temperatures of each of the fuel batches within the given computational cell. Section 9 is a review of available data and methods for the calculation of thermal properties of irradiated graphite. Section 10 covers the work of the second research theme, “investigation of pebble bed pressure losses and heat transfer mechanisms”. A numerical method for generating random arrangements of pebbles in cylindrical and annular geometries has been developed. This was used to generate a large annular core assembly which has the dimensions of the PBMR-400 core. From this assembly, two smaller assemblies were extracted; a cylindrical assembly from a radial position that was midway between the inner and outer boundaries, and a semi-elliptical assembly taken from the outer edge of the pebble bed corresponding to the location of the outer reflector. Later, a wider semi-cylindrical region was extracted from the outer reflector region to improve the averaging of the results in the circumferential direction. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models were developed for these sub-assemblies using the FLUENT code. Meshing of the domains was not trivial. The point contacts between pebbles led to severely skewed meshes in the vicinity of the contacts and the imposition of planes bounding the models also gave rise to degenerate element shapes. The solution to the contact problem was to build small cylindrical bridges between touching pebbles and to impose a tightly controlled grid around the contacts. The issue with imposing planar boundaries on the model was overcome by using curved boundaries that were free from sharp corners. These methods resulted in high quality elements throughout the entire fluid domain. The CFD models were used to determine axial pressure drops and heat transfer coefficients for each model. Initially, a Reynolds analogy approach was used to infer the heat transfer coefficients as an alternative to performing thermal calculations. However, problems in determining an appropriate reference velocity led to this being abandoned in favor of modeling the power and temperature distributions directly. Remote from the reflectors, the pressure drop predictions agreed very well with established correlations. Close to the reflectors, the CFD models predicted significantly lower pressure drops than the correlations. This was to be expected as it is known that the phenomenon referred to as wall channeling should yield a lower pressure drop for a given mass flow when compared with correlations derived for complete pebble beds due to the lower packing fraction near the reflector wall. This wall channeling effect was explored further using the semi-cylindrical model and a strong correlation between the radial distributions of axial mass flux with observed oscillations in pebble bed porosity was apparent. Heat transfer coefficients derived from the Reynolds analogy were generally too high when compared with existing correlations. Conversely, heat transfer coefficients derived from thermal simulations were significantly lower than those obtained from AMEC NSS Limited NR001/RP/002 R01 Page v Form 114 R15 correlations. It is too early to say that either are in error and more work is required to investigate the influence of turbulence modeling and the methods by which local heat transfer coefficients are determined and then averaged to ensure consistency of approach with the methods used to derive the correlations. A CFD model of an assembly of pebbles from a multi-batch core was developed to compare with the predictions of the analytical model presented in Section 8. Three different batches of pebbles were simulated with powers of average, 0.5 times average and 1.5 times average power respectively. The temperature spread across the batches of ±16.55°C agreed well with the values predicted by the analytical model of ±16.1°C. Section 11 addressed the third research theme and attempted to model heat transfer through a pebble bed in the absence of any significant forced or natural convection. This is an important scenario and represents the passive decay heat removal route in a depressurized loss of forced circulation scenario. The intention was to compare the predicted effective conductivity of a section of pebble bed, accounting for solid and gaseous conduction plus thermal radiation heat transfers, with the established correlations of Zehner and Schlünder, and Breitbach and Barthels. However, in the specific case of no fluid flow, severe convergence problems were encountered with the selected thermal radiation model in FLUENT. Many attempts were made to accelerate the convergence and to execute simpler test problems in consultation with the code vendors. Unfortunately, none of these attempts were successful and the investigation was halted. The fourth research theme is addressed in Section 12. A three-dimensional model of the PBMR core was developed in Section 12. This model was based on the two- dimensional benchmark problem that was part of the IAEA’s CRP-5 coordinated research program on high temperature gas cooled reactor performance. Whilst the current model has a three-dimensional representation of the riser and reactivity control channels, the circumferential extent of the model was limited to a 20° sector to remain representative of the two-dimensional benchmark problem and to limit the geometrical description to what could be sourced from the open literature. Whilst the flow channels in the reflector were represented explicitly, the pebble bed was simulated as a porous medium. A simple homogeneous model was chosen as this was adequate for the benchmark calculation which only required a steady state model and had a very simple power distribution. The pebble bed hydraulic resistance was specified using correlations and an analytical version of the multi-scale model of Section 5 was used to determine the fuel and pebble temperatures. The model predicted very similar coolant, fuel and moderator temperatures to the CRP 5 participants, showing a fuel temperature difference of 21oC and an overall coolant temperature rise of 500oC. Further work is required to extend the model to be applicable to more realistic power distributions and to transient conditions. Specifically, a heterogeneous two-phase porous medium model is required so that separate energy equations can be solved for the gas and solid fractions within the bed. Similarly, models for the “geometrical” dispersion of heat and momentum within a packed bed would need to be introduced. Further, the full finite difference form of the multi-scale AMEC NSS Limited NR001/RP/002 R01 Page vi Form 114 R15 model, as presented in Section 5, would need to be implemented to model fast transients. Overall conclusions and recommendations for further work are presented in Section 13. The work of most of the sections can be extended and refined, but these recommendations focus on two aspects where further work is definitely required. These are: 1. Re-attempting the analysis of Section 11 but using a CFD code that can both handle the large number of degrees of freedom and be able to simulate thermal radiation in the absence of forced flow, and, 2. Further development of the whole-core CFD model to be applicable to realistic power shapes and transient conditions. AMEC NSS Limited NR001/RP/002 R01 Page vii Form 114 R15 Table of Contents Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1-1 1.1 References for Section 1..................................................................................1-2 2.0 PEBBLE BED REACTOR CORES.................................................................2-1 2.1 Purpose of Section 2.......................................................................................2-1 2.2 Early Pebble Bed HTRs....................................................................................2-1 2.2.1 AVR...............................................................................................................2-1 2.2.2 THTR-300......................................................................................................2-1 2.3 Current Operating HTRs..................................................................................2-2 2.3.1 HTR-10..........................................................................................................2-2 2.4 Pebble-Bed HTR Designs under Development....................................................2-3 2.4.1 PBMR.............................................................................................................2-3 2.4.2 HTR-PM.........................................................................................................2-5 2.5 References for Section 2..................................................................................2-6 3.0 REVIEW OF U.S. NRC THERMOFLUID AND ACCIDENT ANALYSIS PIRT WITH REGARD TO PEBBLE BED CORES...................................................3-1 3.1 Purpose of Section 3.......................................................................................3-1 3.2 Findings of the PIRT........................................................................................3-1 3.3 Allocation of Research Priorities........................................................................3-3 3.3.1 Prioritised List of Phenomena and Scenario Pairings...........................................3-4 3.3.2 High Priority Research Items............................................................................3-4 3.4 References for Section 3..................................................................................3-7 4.0 SCOPE OF THE CURRENT PROGRAMME OF RESEARCH............................4-1 4.1 Purpose of Section 4.......................................................................................4-1 4.2 PBR Theme 1 .................................................................................................4-1 4.3 PBR Theme 2 .................................................................................................4-2 4.4 PBR Theme 3 .................................................................................................4-3 4.5 PBR Theme 4 .................................................................................................4-4 4.6 References for Section 4..................................................................................4-5 5.0 MICRO AND MESO-SCALE FUEL PARTICLES AND PEBBLE TEMPERATURE MODELS – STEADY STATE AND TRANSIENT............................................5-1 5.1 Purpose of Section 5.......................................................................................5-1 5.2 Finite Element Models.....................................................................................5-2 5.2.1 Modelled Geometry.........................................................................................5-2 AMEC NSS Limited NR001/RP/002 R01 Page viii Form 114 R15 5.2.2 Material Properties and Boundary Conditions.....................................................5-4 5.2.3 Steady State Results.......................................................................................5-5 5.2.4 Influence of Material Thermal Conductivities.....................................................5-7 5.2.5 Transient Model.............................................................................................5-10 5.3 Micro and Meso-Scale Models..........................................................................5-11 5.3.1 Previous Steady State Approach......................................................................5-12 Steady State Temperature Profile in a Pebble...................................................5-12 Steady State Temperature Profile in a TRISO Particle........................................5-13 5.3.2 Extension to Transients..................................................................................5-16 Revised Steady State Analytical Treatment in One Dimension............................5-16 Transient Solution in a One-Dimensional Linear Domain....................................5-24 5.3.3 Application to a Cylindrical Representation of a Pebble......................................5-29 5.3.4 Application to a Spherical Pebble.....................................................................5-34 5.4 Closure.........................................................................................................5-39 5.5 References for Section 5.................................................................................5-40 6.0 PARTICLE CLUSTERING...........................................................................6-1 6.1 Purpose of Section 6.......................................................................................6-1 6.2 Monte Carlo Modelling of Particles Clusters........................................................6-1 6.2.1 Nearest Neighbour Function.............................................................................6-2 6.2.2 Particle Clustering...........................................................................................6-3 6.2.3 Validation.......................................................................................................6-4 Nearest Neighbour Function.............................................................................6-4 Particle Clustering...........................................................................................6-5 6.2.4 Results...........................................................................................................6-6 Nearest Neighbour Function.............................................................................6-6 Particle Clustering...........................................................................................6-7 6.3 Finite Element Models of Particle Clusters.........................................................6-10 6.3.1 Material Properties.........................................................................................6-14 6.3.2 Results..........................................................................................................6-15 6.4 Closure.........................................................................................................6-19 6.5 References for Section 6.................................................................................6-20 7.0 DETERMINATION OF PEBBLE EFFECTIVE CONDUCTIVITY......................7-1 7.1 Purpose of Section 7.......................................................................................7-1 7.2 Determination of Pebble Effective Conductivity using Maxwell’s Equation.............7-1 7.2.1 TRISO Fuel Particle Properties..........................................................................7-1 7.2.2 Particle Packing Fraction in PBMR Fuel Pebbles..................................................7-2 7.2.3 Maxwell’s Theory of Conductivity of Composite Materials....................................7-2 7.2.4 Analytically Derived Effective Thermal Conductivities..........................................7-3 7.3 Finite Element Modelling..................................................................................7-3 7.3.1 Geometry Used for 3-D Finite Element Models...................................................7-3 7.3.2 Model Unit Cell Dimensions..............................................................................7-4 7.3.3 Boundary Conditions and Material Properties.....................................................7-4 7.3.4 Results...........................................................................................................7-5 AMEC NSS Limited NR001/RP/002 R01 Page ix Form 114 R15 7.4 Closure..........................................................................................................7-8 7.5 References for Section 7..................................................................................7-8 8.0 MULTI-BATCH FUEL MODELS...................................................................8-1 8.1 Purpose of Section 8.......................................................................................8-1 8.2 Derivation of the Multi-Batch Model..................................................................8-2 8.2.1 Average Pebbles.............................................................................................8-2 8.2.2 Batch-Specific Pebbles.....................................................................................8-3 8.2.3 Assumptions...................................................................................................8-6 Batch-to-Batch Heat Exchange.........................................................................8-6 Distribution of the Cell-to-Cell Conductive Heat Transfer between Batches...........8-7 8.2.4 Revised Distribution of the Overall Conduction Term between Batches................8-8 8.2.5 Determination of Batch Surface Temperatures...................................................8-9 8.3 Extension to Transient Behaviour....................................................................8-10 8.4 Closure.........................................................................................................8-13 8.5 References for Section 8.................................................................................8-13 9.0 IRRADIATED GRAPHITE THERMAL PROPERTIES....................................9-1 9.1 Purpose of Section 9.......................................................................................9-1 9.2 Graphites Used in Past/Existing Reactor Cores...................................................9-1 9.3 Selection/Qualification of Graphites for Future HTGRs........................................9-2 9.4 Models Used for Predicting Graphite Specific Heat .............................................9-3 9.5 Models for Predicting Graphite Conductivity.......................................................9-6 9.5.1 Terminology...................................................................................................9-6 9.5.2 Existing Thermal Conductivity Data...................................................................9-7 9.5.3 Methodology..................................................................................................9-10 UK Methodology............................................................................................9-11 PBMR Methodology........................................................................................9-22 US Methodology.............................................................................................9-24 9.6 Through Life Variations in Density of Graphite..................................................9-24 9.7 Recovery of Thermal Conductivity at High Temperatures...................................9-25 9.8 Closure.........................................................................................................9-25 9.9 References for Section 9.................................................................................9-26 10.0 MODELS FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF PEBBLE BED PRESSURE LOSSES AND HEAT TRANSFER MECHANISMS.....................................................10-1 10.1 Purpose of Section 10 ....................................................................................10-1 10.2 Random Packing of Spherical Pebbles within a Cylindrical or Annular Pebble Bed.10-2 10.2.1 Review of Existing Methods............................................................................10-2 10.2.2 Pebble Bed Generation Method Adopted in this Work........................................10-3 10.2.3 Generated Assemblies of Pebbles....................................................................10-3 10.3 Introduction to CFD Modeling .........................................................................10-4 10.3.1 Existing Literature for Explicit Modeling of Packed Beds.....................................10-5 10.3.2 Approach of Current Work..............................................................................10-5 AMEC NSS Limited NR001/RP/002 R01 Page x Form 114 R15

J. Investigation of local Heat Transfer. Phenomena in a Pebble Bed HTGR Core. NROOl/RP/002 ROl. May 15, 2009. Prepared by: ?rcpared by: "ttu;.. '11. Abaqus. Abaqus is a finite element analysis package commonly used for structural and thermal applications; however, the software does contain a
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