NREL/SR-440-22U2C5 C3a tego1r2y1:3 DE97000234 • • Invesotfi gation ,,,��, AerodByrnaakDmieiivcfgi o cre s WinTdu rbAipnpel �cations D. A.G riffin R. & LyneAtstseo ciates SeaWtatslhei,n gton NREL technmiocnailtP oaruM:li gliore NationRaeln ewabElnee rgLya boratory 1617C olBeo ulevard GoldeCno,l ora8d0o4 01-3393 A natiolnaablo ratooftr hyeU .SD.e partmoefnE tn ergy 'ManagbeydM idwesRte searIcnhs titute fotrh eU .SD.e partmoefnE tn ergy undecro ntrNaoc.tD E-AC36-83CH10093 Workp erformeudn deSru bcontNroa.cZ tA A-5-12272-05 Apri1l997 NOTICE Thirse powratsp reparaesad n a ccouonfwt o rskp onsobryea dn a gencoyft heU nitSetda tes government. Neithtehre UnSittaetdge osv ernmennotra nya genctyh erenoofra, n yo ft heeimrp loyemeask,e sa ny warranteyx,p reosris m plioerad s,s umeasn yl eglaila boirlr ietsyp onsifbotirhl aei ctcyu raccyo,m plneetses, oru sefulnoefas nsyi nformataipopna,r aptruosd,u ocrtp ,r ocess disocrrl eopsreeds,te hnatitstu ss ew ould noitn fripnrgiev aotwenleyrd i ghRtesf.e rehnecree tioan n ys pecicfoimcm ercpiraold upcrto,c eosrss ,e rvice byt radnea met,r ademamrka,n ufactourroe trh,e rwidsoee sn otn ecessacroinlsyt iotrui tmep ly its endorsemreencto,m mendaotrfi aovno,rb iytn hgUe n itesdt atgeosv ernmeonrat n ya genctyh ereTohfe.v i ews ando pinioofna su thoerxsp ressheerde dionn otn ecessasrtialtoyerr efltehcots oeft heU nitSetda tes governmeonrat n ya genctyh ereof. AvailatboD lOeE a ndD OEc ontracftroorms: OffiocfSe c ientainfdT iecch niIcnaflo rmat(iOoSnT I) P.OB.o x62 OakR idgTeN, 3 7831 Pricaevsa ilbaybc lael l{i4n2g35 )7 6-8401 Availatbotl hepe u blfirco m: NatioTneaclh niIcnaflo rmation( NSTeIrvSi)c e U.SD.e partmenotfC ommerce 528P5o rt''RoRyoaald SpringfViAe 2l2d1,6 1 (7034}8 7-4650 .,.. '•-'P rinotnep da pecorn tainaitln ega 5s0t% w astepaipnecrl,u 2d0i%np go stconsuwmaesrt e FOREWORD TheN atioWnianld T echnolCoegnyt oefrt hNea tioRneanle wable LEanbeorrgay(t NoRErLy) i s supportthieenf gf oorfti sti sn dusptarryt nteodr esv elop advanced, ale wind oft hree seabrecihnc go nducftoecdu soenis n novactoimvpeo neanntdss u bsysttehmaestv entually mayb ei ncorpoirnatttoeh dea sdev ancteudr binRe.Ls y.n ettAes socicahtoestse oi nvestigate, & amonogt hetre chnoltohgueis eeos f,t railinage-reoddgyen barmaikcae ssa na lternattoit vhee rotattiinpagsn dt ivpa netsh aatr tey piocfas lt all-cownitnrtdou lrlberidon teo rs. Theu seo ft railindge-veidcfgeoeasr e rodyncaomnitcor fow li ntdu rbrionteo hrassa ttrarcetneedw ed interreescte nntoltya,bb lyNy e wW orlPdo weTre chnology CZoomnpdSa ynsyt,e ms, Inc., R.L ynettAes soicataensdP SE nterprIinsce.Ts.h, e sceo mpanairesese ekiinmgp rovnetmisen & aerodynamica-nbdrp akoiwnegr -regsuylsatteiwmoisntr he gatrocd o swte,i g(hotwr e ight distribnuotiisoaenn,)dr , e liabAitlfi irtys.t , wtahsce ornes idesrpaebcluel raetgiaornd tihneg effectiovfev naersiso us aerodynMaomsiotcf t shhiuasnp ceesr.t haaisbn eteyln a itdor esbtyt he comprehewnisni-dvteu ntneeslat nsd,l imiattemdo sphteersirtces f,e rehnecreediT nh.en exlto gical questiroenlsat tote h ceo satn dw eigohftr ealiismtpilce mentoaftt iroanisl indge-veidcgTeehs e.s e arthee i ssutehsaa tr aed dresisnte hdir se port. Asi st hcea swei tahl clo mpettiencgh noltohgueil etsi,m ate osftu rcacielsisn dge-veidcrgeeesq uires thetmo b ee mbracbeyad p articduelsairga nnedbr r ougthomt a turbiyti yt erativoef d ceyscilgens, fabricatteisaotnn,dr, e desiOgnnl.ty h ewni ltlh ree mainqiunegs tioofnn osi siec,i nrge,l iabainldi ty, maintainbaeba inlsiwteyr ed. Thea uthaonrdh icso lleaDgouneR so,b erGtesn,Qe u andStc,o Mtitl laenrdA rtP ortaerre, commendfeodtr h ef ormulaatnideo xne cutoifao m ne ticuelnoguisn eeprrioncge- s-lsi terature searwcihn,td u-nnteels dtast,aa n alyasnidss y stdeems i-g-anl elx ecuwtietdph r eciasnidos nc rupulous attenttoid oent ail. NRELa ndt he S.D epartmoefEn nte ragrype r outdos upporrets eaarccthi voiftt ihehesi gh U. qualrietpyr esebnytt heidpsr ojaencdtd ocumenitnte hdi rse port. PauGl. M i PhD.. @iOI'e, NREL SeniPorro jMeac ta ger lll PREFACE The presweonrtwk as s uppobrytt ehNdea tioRneeanwla bElnee rLgayb ora(NREtLo)r yu nder Subocntr#aZcAAt-5 -21227-05m,o ntioredP abuyMl i gilorTeh.ea uthwooru llidtk oeth anPka ualn d otheartNs R ELf rot hesiurpo protnt hpirsjo cet. The widrea nogfefl apco nfigurtaetsiitonthedn e sw intdu n,nan edl tqhueia tylo ft hdea tfaor,m ead solfiuodna dtifoornt hsei zainnddge ployanmaelneytss . Portoefthr eW ichSittaaUt niev esrity Art (WSU)m acihnseh owpa isn valiunat bhdleee t adielseiadgn nmdan ufarceotu fth ew ind tmuondneell anidn stnrtuamteiThoen s.u ccoefts hswe i nd tutnenwseatls tdotu heoe u tasntdiwnogrp ke orrfmed byB onnJioeh nasnotdnh een tcirreew oWfS Uthw ei ntdu n.nS ecloMtitl lperro viedxecde llent technsipucpaotlrh tr ougthhtoeeu stt . Much tohpfirs o jweascc to mplbeytRi ecdh aBredc ektitn,c lutdhioenr gi ginoaftt hflieio pn- tip conpctep,r elimdienvaisrceyel ecstiizoilnno,ga an,da syl siasn,pd r elimmiecnhaarnyi cal. designs GenQeu anadltsp or ovimduecsdhu poprthtr ouaglhpl h aseosft hwiso rkA.tA dvancWeidn d Turbi,In cne.sD,o nR obepretorsrf methde detailweodr askd ,we eslasil gt nhc eo satnw de ight anal.yTh see asuthowro ullidtk eoa ckwnloedangdet haRnikc h,aG redne,D oannfd or t heir invalcuoanbtlrei btuott hiwioosnsr k. iv ABSTRACT Thisr epodrotcu metnhstees l ectanidop nr elimdiensaiorgnfya n ewa erodybnraamkisicyn sgt feomr usoen th es tall-rAe gWTu- l2a6t/we2id7n tu dr beisnTh.e goawla st oi denantdid fye siag n configurtahtaoitffo enri empdr ovemoevnethtrese xisttiibpnr ga uksee bdyA dvcaneWdi nTdu brin,e s In.c( AW T).A lthouthgehd esiogbnj ecantdia vpperso aocfthh i rspe orartes pectioafi ecr odynamic brakoifnA g WT - 26/t2ub7ri n,em sanoyf ithses audedsr eisnts hewidos r arke a pplictaoba wl ied er clastsu roebfsi peorrmfancetr endansd d esicghno ipcreensst eeidnt hriesop rsth oubleod f generalw iunstdeu rbtdioen sei gwnheor sca orinesd erailntge rnaateirvoed ybnraamkimicen htgo ds. A litteurrsaee arcwhas c ombiwniethpd r iemlinwaorryok nd eviscizei, nl goaadnsmd e cahnical desiCgann.d icdoantfieg uratiasosness oswnete dhr epei otre ntfiroba enle fiitnsth ea reoafcs o st, weigahetr,o diycnna omirseeil,a bianldip tye orrfmancuen der ciocnidonin.gtsA isa r esutlwto, configurwaetriieod nesn tfiorfifu erdth esrtu d:yth e" spori-fllaeanpd"t h"efli p-.t"iW pintdu nnel exeprimewnetsrc eno ducattWe di chSittaaUt nei rvseittyoe valthuaept eeor rmfanceo ft hcea ndidate aeordynabmriacko enans aiorifslect iorne preseonftht eaA t iWTv- e2 6/b2l7a .dT ehsew intdu nnel datwae rues etdop redthiecb tr akeiffnectgi veanneddse sp ylmoencth ararcitseotfith cecs a ndtied a devifcore swa i drean ge deosf ipgaramne te.rTh se evaluwaatsii toenr ,aw tiitmvhee cahnidceasli gn ansdtr uctaunrlaaylsb iesic nogn duinc tpeadr alwliettlhh b er akinpge rformsantcduei .e s A spori-lflewaipth a ctmievceah nidceaoplyl mewnatss e lecftroed de tadielseidThg en s.y stweams desigtnome edet th aee drynoambirca krienqgu ireomfthe enA t WTs- 2t6ub rinSetr.u ctaunraalloy fs is thed esignp ewrfaso rfromb eodtt hh dee viacnetd h meo difitedu rbbialndeeA .l thouegsht imates showaenid n casreedc omponweenitgo hf4t . 9k g( 10l.bp8)e brl adthewi,os u lbdep artially offset by impromveentisn wediigshtrttii boun. The priemlineasrtyi omaftt hseep oril-eflsayps tceomsw tas $ 510l etshsan t hper oducAt WTi- o2n6 /27 tivpa n.eTh sisr eprnetassr e educotnoi f appro5xi%im ntha tece olsoytft haee rodybnrakmaiincg syst.e mvIine owf pthree liminnaartyuo rfte hd ee siigwtno ,u bldep rudteopn lta fnorc ontingencies inb othc osantdw eigNhetv.e erlsthesth,er esuolftt hssi tsu adryee n courfaorg infiagr st-gteinoenr a design. v tr� l TABLEO F CONTENTS 1IN.T RODUCTI.O.N. ................................................................................1...-...1... . . 1.B1a ckgr.o.u.n.d ......................................................................1.....-....1.. . ....... 12.P reocjStc hedu.l.e. ...............................................................1...-..1... ............. 13.P uprose 1-1 ...... ......................................... ........................ ............. .............. 14.O bejcti.v.e.s ............................................................1..2-.. ................. .......... 15.A ....................................................................1....-...2.. ............ ... 2.A ERODYNACMI BRAKING DEVICE.S. ..................................................2..-..1.. ....... 2.O1v eirev.w ................................................................2..-..1.. ................ ........ 2.G2e neArealr odynBarmaiPkcee r form.a.n.c.e. ................................2..-...3... .......... 3.IN ITIACLO NFIGURATDIEOFNIN ITIO.N.S.. .....................................3..-..1.. ............ 3.B1a selCionnefi gtuiroAanWT,- 26/T2i7Vp a n.e. ...................................3.-..1... ...... 3. 2C andiCdoanfitgeu ........................................3...-...3.. ......... ............ ��I 32.1.S pioler.-F.l..a..p.. ..........................................................3..-..3. ........... 32..F2l iTpi.-p. ........................................................3.-..5.. ............. ........... 4.W IND TUNNELE XPERIMENTS .........................................................4.. -..1.. ........"' . . 41.M odeDle siagnnInd s trumenttiao.n. .......................................4. ..-...1. .........'...:..l.. 4.T2e sMta tr.ix. ..........................................................................4...-...3.. ......... 4.W3i nTdu nnTeels t RanedsD uilstcsu s.s.i..o..n. ....................................-.4...4. .. ..... 4..3B1as leiSne8 1A0i rf.o.i..l. ....................................................4..-.4. ......... 4.34.5%2 Ch ordD .........................................4..-. .4.. ...................... 4.3E.ff3ec to f Devic.e. .Ch.o.r.d. ...................................4....-....1...2 . .............. 43..R4e ynoNludmsb eEffrect s. .......................................4..-..1..3.. .............. ... 4..35Par tialE-ffSepcat.ns. .........................................4..-.1.6.. ................ ....... 5.S IZINAGN DD EPLOYMENSTT UDIE.S. ......................................5....-....1.. .............. 51. WAT - 26/B2r7a kRienqgru eime.n.ts ......................................5...-1.. .................. . 5.S2i zionfCg an ditdeDa evi.ce.s. ........,.. ....................................5.-...3.. ............. ... 5.A3e rodycnD aemiploeynCmta lcul.a.t..i.o..n..s ................................5...-..6. ............ 53..S1p ................................................5...-...8 . ..................... 5.23F .liTpi.-p. .......................................................................5...-.1.4. ........ 5.A4c tiMveceh aniDcealp lmoeyn.t. ....................................................5.-..1...4.. ...... 5.P5as siMveceh anicDalep loeynm.t. .......................................5..1-...8... ............ ...... 56.C ongfiuratSieolne cftoriD oent aiDleesdi. g.n. ...................................5....-....1 ..8.. .. 6.D ESGINO FS POILER-FLFAPO RA WT-26/R2O7T OR. ................................6....-...1 .... 6.M1ec haniDceasli. g.n. ..................................................................6..-...1.. ........ 61..O1v eirevowf DeCvoincsettr iu.con. .....................................6..-..2.. .......... 61.2.M echanical .i.o.n ..............................6..-...3.. ................ 6.L2o ads and Structural Analysi.s.. .......................6....-. .6.. .................................... 6.12B .laLdoea dansdS tructAnuarlayls .i.s. ................................6..-..6.. .......... 6.2D.e2v iLcoeda s aSntrdu cturAaln al.ys.i.s. .................................6..-..7. ........ 6.C3o santd W eigEhstt ...................................................6..-.8.. .............. 7.C ONCLUSIO.N.S. ...............................................................................7....-...1.. .... 8.R EFERENC.E.S.. .............................................................................S..-..1.. ........... vi '• LISTO F FIGURES Figure Page 2-1 VelocainFtydo rDciea graatRm a diBallaP does ..................2..-..3.. ................ 2-2 ExamlpeC pT-SRC urvforeA WT-2w6i thD eploAyeedr odynBarmai.kce. ....2.-.5. ......... 31- GeneCroanlfi giuoronaf t AthWTe- 26/T2u7ri bnes. .....................3..-.1.. ................... 3-2 MajoCro mpnoenotfAs WT-26T/i2p7 ..........................3..-..2.. ................ 3-3 IsomeVtireiowcfD eploSypedlo ei-rFpl. a.........................3..-4.. ...................... ....... 3-4 IsomeVtireiowcfD eploFyleidp .-T.i.p. ...........................................3..-..6.. ........... 4-1 SectViioenow fW inTdu nnMeold e.l. .................................................4...-..1. ....... 4-2 EndV ieowfF lpaD eflecAtsisoenm .b.l..y. .........................................-.4.2.. ........... 43- EffecotfG apS eaoln3 8 %C horDde vi.c.e. .........................-.4.5. ................... ........ 4-4 Effecto fG ap Soen4a 5%l ChorDde vi.c.e. .................................-.4.5.. .................. 4-5 AerodynCaomeifficc ifeon4rt5% s Ch ordP laFilna p, AH-1i. n.g.e.. ................-4..6. ..... 4-6 AerodynCaomeifficc ifeorn4 t5%s C horSdp ori-lFe,lH aipngA-e3 . ..............-4.8. ......... 4-7 EffecotfH ingLeo catoinDo env iacte 75°. ............................-.4.1..0.. ................ o= 4-8 BrakEiffnegc tivspe enUren siDte viCcheo .rd.. ..............................4..-1..2.. .......... ..... 49- ReynolNdusm beEffre cotnS poril-eFpl. a...............................................-4..1.4.. ...... 4-10 SectioVniaeolw fM odewli tPhart s... ...............................4.-1...6... ..... 4-11 EffecotfF inAistpee Rcatt oinoF laBpr akEiffnecgit ven.e.s.s. ...............4.-.1..7.. ........... 5-1 AWT2-6 Rotora tVP aorwyeiRrno gt atSipoeednsa. l. ....................5..-..1.. ................. 5-2 RotPoorw eCro efficiferonA tWsT- 2a6tL owT SR. ...............................5..-...2.. ....... 5-3aS izionfFg l -iTpifporA WT-2A6e rodynBarmaikci ng . 55- ..�... ...................... ....... ....... 53-b SizionfSg p ori-lFelfaoAprW T- 2A6e rodynBarmaikc.i .ng. ...........................5.-.5. ..... 5-4 EstimHaitneMgdoe m enDtat afro 4 5% ChorSdp oeirl-FaltHa ipn gLeo ctaioAn-. 4.5 .5.-.10 5-5 RotPoorw eCro efficiferonD tesp loSypeodri F-llea.p. .............................5.-.11. ........... 5-6 ImproSpperrian ndgD ampiRnagt feorsA erodynaDmeicpalloSlypyeo dri -lFel.a.p.5 .-.1.3. . 5-7 Near-OpStpirmianandlgD ampiRnagt feorsA erodyincDam epylmoenotfS pioler.-5F -1l3a p 5-8 RotPoorw eCro efficiferonD tesp loFyleiTdpi .-p .............................5..-..1.5.. ............ . 5-9aH ingMeo menDta tfaro B alanScpedo ri-lFe,lH aipngA-e3. ..................5.-1..6.. ............. 5-9bH ingMoem enDta tfao Bral nacedS pioler,-H FinlgaAep- .35. .................5..-.1..6. .......... 5-10 RotPoorw eCro efficifeonDrte sp loSypeodri ....................5..-.1..7.. ............... 6-1 AW T- 2B6l aPdlea onrfmw ithS pori-lFelLaopc ation. ..S.h..o.w.n. .............6..-..2.. ....... 6-2 Spori-lFelHaipn gTher usBte ariCnognfi guraattSi toant io.n . . 6-3 I 464 . ........... .... ..... .... 6-3 LayooufMt e chaniAccatlu .r. .......................................6..-..4. .............. 6-4 SectiLoanyaoolufM t e chanicDarli v.e.r. ......:... ............. ................6..-...5... ...... ...... 6-5 Stat3i7oB4nl aSdeec tPiroonrtp iees 6-7 ............................................... .................. vii LISTO F TABLES Table Page 1-1 MajoAre rodynBarmakiDece velopTmaesnCktos m ple.t.e.d. ........1.-.1. ...................... 2-1 ChartaecriosftC iucrsrA eenrto dynBarmaiDkcee s .....................2...-..2... ..... .... 3-1 Cosatn Wde igfhrotM ajoTri p-VSanueby sste.m.s. .............................3..-...2... ........ 4-1 FlaCpo nfigurTaetsitobenySds t and8a-rSedwp .e ......................-.43. ........................ 5-1 VariatoifSo pno ri-lFelEaffecpt iveeswnsi tShp awnisLeo catio.n .. 5-6 ...... ..... �.. ........ ...... 5-2 BladeA-eTriopd ynfaormN iocrsm Oaple raotfAi WoTn- 26./.2.7.. ............5-.1.0. ............ 5-3 Sprinagn Dda mpiTnogr qSuceh edfuorlS peo ileDre-pFlloaypSm ieumnlta t.i.on...s.5. .-1.2. 5-4 ActunaR teiqouirefmoreA ncttsiM veec hanDiecpoalylm eonfSt p ..5.-.1.8. ....... 6-1 ActuaStpecoirfi cat.i..o..n..s .....................................................6.-..5.. ................. 6-2 BlaBdeen diLnoga dastS tatio.n. .3..7..4.. ...........................................6..-.6. .......... 6-3 BlaPdeer cenSttraegIsens c remaetSn ttast 3i7o.4n. . ..................................6... -.7. ...... 6-4 DeviCcrei tLiocaadls 6-8 .................... ............................................................... 6-5 DeviCcrei tSitcrael.s .se.s. ...............................................................6.-.8. ........... 6-6 Cosatn Wde igAhnta lySsuimsm a.r.y. .................................6.-9. ........................... viii .. ABBREVIATIONS AWT AdvancWeidn Tdu rbeisIn,n c. BEMT Blaedlee mmeonmte nttuhme ory CER Combienxepde rirmoetnotr em Centeitmer/centimeters ft Feeoto/tf FMEA Failmuordeea sn edff ectasn alysis Inndeiram eter ID in. Inch/inches kip Ki-lpoound/fporocuen ds kg Kilogram kPa Kilopascal kV Kilovolt kW Kilotwta LEGR Leadingg-redrigoteu gehnss lbs Pounfdrosc e m Meter/meters Miilmle/tmeirllimeters mm mph Milpeesr hour N Newton/Newtons NGIS Nexte-nGernaIn tnioovatSiuvbes ystems NREL NatioRneanlea wblEen erLgayb oratory OD Outdeirm aeter OhiSot aUtnei vietyr s osu Pa Paslc/apascals psf pounpdessr q uarfeoo t psi pounpdessr q uarien ch rad Radni/aradians RLA R.L yntet&e A ssotceisa Re Reynonludmsb er rpm Revolupteiro nmisn ute s Secosnecdo/nds Wichita State University wsu ix LISTO F SYMBOLS a,a ' Interffearcetntochreaas ct c ofuonprtr eseonfrc oet (odre fiinneS de ct2i.o2n) Swepatr eoafr otor Ar otor Areoaft urbbilnaesd eec tion Ascction A Planfaorreomaft ivpan e vane c Airfcohiol/r ldo cballa cdheo rd Device chord Coevicc Drag coe(ffidceifieinnnetS d e ct2i.o2n) Co Maximvuaml oufde r acgo efficient Comax ch Hingmeo mecnote ffici(ednetfib nyedE quat4i-o1n) Liftc oeffici(ednetfi inneS de ct2i.o2n) CL Maximvuaml oufle i cfto efficient CLmax Valuoefl icfto efficiaetzn etran og loefa ttack Cvx=O Rotpoorw ecro effici(ednetfi bnyeE dq uat2i-o6n) Cp,r otor Normaflo rccoee ffici(ednetfi bnyeE dq uat2i-o2n) eN Suctciooenffi ci(ednetfi bnyeE dq uat2i-o1n) Cs Maximvuaml oufse u ctciooenffi cient Csmax Coefficiteoan ctcso fuondrtr iveltoraadi/nl (odsesfieinsneE dq uat5i-o3n) CrCz., c3,c 4 Dampinagn sdp ricnoge fficifeonflrta spd epleony(tmd efiinnEe qdu ation 5-4) D Drafgo rce I Rotatmioomneaonlft i nerotffi laaa pb otuhthe i nlgie(n dee fiinneE dq uat5i-o4n) Flap I Rotatmioomneaonlft i nerotfthi ear otsoyrs taebmo thuetl ow-sspheeadft Rotor (defiinnedE quat5i-o3n) L Liftf orce MLSs Momenotrt orqaubeo ut lroowt-osrsp heeda ft Power p P Rotpoorw er rotor q Dynampirce ss(udreefi innedS ecti2o.n2 ) r Radipaols itiotnu rablbiolnnaegd e R Totraald diiamle nosfib olna de TSR Tip-srpaeetd(i doe fibnyedE quat2i-o7n) TS ilibriumS tabtliep -srpaetueindod freere wheelriontgo r conditbiyEo qnusa t(2id-oe8nfi) n ed � TSRmax Maximaulml owtaibpl-esr paeetdi o u axicaolm ponoefin ntfl ovwe loc(idtye fiinneSd e ct2i.o2n) V Free-swtirnesdamp eed o Resulvtealnotvc ecittoayrt w intdu rbbilnae(d dee fiinneS dec tion 2.2) w ij w "Swivrell"o c(idtye fiinnedS ect2i.o2n) Y3 Stavtarei abfloeirsn tegroafdt eipolno yemqeunatt (idoenfisbn yeE dq uat5i-o5n)s YrY.z . a. Airfbolialad/ne g olfae t tack lj 5 Devidceef leancgtli(eoe nx preisnrs aeddio ardn esg rase aepsp ropriate) AngloefW withr esptecotht e r otpolra onfer otat(idoenfi inneS dec ti2o.n2 ) <I> IJ Blacdheo anrgdl ree lattothi evr eo tpolra onfre o tat(idoenfi innedS ect2i.o2n) a Aidre nsity p Matersitarle ss cr IJ Rotatriootnsoaprle (ede xpreisnrs aedod/r rps m as appropriate) n Rotor speed undecro nfrdeeiwt(hideoeefinlbnsiye En dqg u at2i-o8n) nrrccwccling 'I X '• lj