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Investigation of a new lead-free Bi0.5(Na0.40K0.10)TiO3-(Ba0.7Sr0.3)TiO3 piezoelectric ceramic. PDF

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Preview Investigation of a new lead-free Bi0.5(Na0.40K0.10)TiO3-(Ba0.7Sr0.3)TiO3 piezoelectric ceramic.

Jaitaetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2012,7:24 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/7/1/24 NANO EXPRESS Open Access Investigation of a new lead-free Bi (Na K ) 0.5 0.40 0.10 TiO -(Ba Sr )TiO piezoelectric ceramic 3 0.7 0.3 3 Pharatree Jaita1, Anucha Watcharapasorn1,2 and Sukanda Jiansirisomboon1,2* Abstract Lead-free piezoelectric compositions of the (1-x)Bi (Na K )TiO -x(Ba Sr )TiO system (when x = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.5 0.40 0.10 3 0.7 0.3 3 0.15, and 0.20) were fabricated using a solid-state mixed oxide method and sintered between 1,050°C and 1,175°C for 2 h. The effect of (Ba Sr )TiO [BST] content on phase, microstructure, and electrical properties was 0.7 0.3 3 investigated. The optimum sintering temperature was 1,125°C at which all compositions had densities of at least 98% of their theoretical values. X-ray diffraction patterns that showed tetragonality were increased with the increasing BST. Scanning electron micrographs showed a slight reduction of grain size when BST was added. The addition of BST was also found to improve the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the BNKT ceramic. A large room-temperature dielectric constant, ε (1,609), and piezoelectric coefficient, d (214 pC/N), were obtained at an r 33 optimal composition of x = 0.10. Keywords: ceramics, X-ray diffraction, dielectric properties, microstructure, piezoelectricity Background Aside from BNT, lead-free barium strontium titanate, Although Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 has played a dominant role in (Ba1-xSrx)TiO3, as well as doped BaTiO3 are currently piezoelectric materials, waste of products containing Pb important dielectric materials for capacitor applications causes a crucial environmental problem. Thus, it is [5]. The main purpose of adding Sr2+ into BaTiO is to 3 urgent to search for lead-free piezoelectric ceramics shift the Tc (approximately 130°C) towards room tem- with excellent properties comparable to those found in perature, offering a high dielectric constant and a low lead-based ceramics. dielectric loss, tanδ [6]. At x = 0.3 composition, a rela- Because it has a large remanent polarization [Pr] of tively high permittivity was achieved. Recently, Lee et al. approximately 38 μC/cm2 and a high Curie temperature [2] have studied the (1-x)(Bi Na )TiO -x(Ba Sr ) 0.5 0.5 3 0.7 0.3 [Tc] of approximately 320°C, (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 [BNT] is a TiO3 system. The addition of (Ba0.7Sr0.3)TiO3 into candidate material for a lead-free piezoelectric ceramic. (Bi Na )TiO generated a phase transition from 0.5 0.5 3 However, poling difficulties due to its high coercive field rhombohedral to tetragonal. The improvement of both [Ec] of approximately 73 kV/cm and high conductivity dielectric and piezoelectric performances was found at often require some modifications. It has been reported an MPB of x = 0.08. that BNT-based compositions modified with BaTiO [1], In order to develop a new material system with both 3 (Ba, Sr)TiO [2], and Ba(Zr, Ti)O [3] showed improved high piezoelectric and dielectric performances, (1-x)Bi 3 3 0.5 piezoelectric properties. Another modification based on (Na K )TiO -x(Ba Sr )TiO [(1-x)BNKT-xBST] (x 0.40 0.10 3 0.7 0.3 3 the work of Sasaki et al. [4] showed that Bi0.5(Na1-xKx) = 0 to 0.20) ceramics were prepared. The effect of the TiO ceramic had a morphotropic phase boundary BST concentration on phase, microstructure, and elec- 0.5 3 [MPB] between rhombohedral and tetragonal phases trical properties of the ceramics was investigated and near x = 0.16 to 0.20, at which a relatively high d of discussed. 33 151 pC/N was obtained. Methods Conventional mixed-oxide technique was used to pre- *Correspondence:[email protected] pare Bi (Na K )TiO and (Ba Sr )TiO powders. 1DepartmentofPhysicsandMaterialsScience,FacultyofScience,Chiang 0.5 0.40 0.10 3 0.7 0.3 3 The starting materials were Bi O , Na CO , TiO , MaiUniversity,ChiangMai,50200,Thailand 2 3 2 3 2 Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2012Jaitaetal;licenseeSpringer.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium, providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Jaitaetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2012,7:24 Page2of6 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/7/1/24 K CO , BaCO , and SrCO . A stoichiometric amount of Results and discussion 2 3 3 3 BNKT and BST powders was weighed, ball-milled for 24 XRD patterns of BNKT-BST mixed powders are shown h, and dried using the oven-drying method. BNKT and in Figure 1a. There were no detectable impurities for all BST powders were separately calcined for 2 h at 900°C compositions. A separation of (110) main peak (2θ at for BNKT and 1,100°C for BST. The calcined powders approximately 32°) was not observed for pure BNKT were then weighed, mixed, and oven-dried to produce powder. When 5 mol% BST was added, the (110) main the mixed powders of (1-x)BNKT-xBST (when x = 0, peak was slightly asymmetrical and featured a slight 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20). After drying and sieving, a splitting of the BST peak. With increasing BST, peaks few drops of 3 wt.% PVA binders were added before that belonged to BST were dominantly shown and led being uniaxially pressed into pellets of 10 mm in dia- to more splitting. meter. These pellets were covered with their own pow- Plots of relative density as a function of sintering tem- ders and subsequently sintered at 1,050°C to 1,175°C for perature with different BST contents are shown in Fig- 2 h with a heating/cooling rate of 5°C/min. ure 1b. The optimum sintering temperature of BNKT- Phase evolution was examined using an X-ray diffrac- BST ceramics was 1,125°C at which all samples had tion [XRD] diffractometer (X’Pert, PANalytical B.V., densities ranging from 5.72 to 5.81 g/cm3, correspond- Almelo, The Netherlands). Bulk densities were deter- ing to at least 98% of their theoretical values (see Table mined using Archimedes’ method. The theoretical den- 1). Thus, the samples sintered at this temperature were sities of all samples were calculated based on the selected for further characterizations. theoretical densities of BNKT (5.84 g/cm3) [7] and BST Figure 2a showed XRD patterns of BNKT-BST cera- (5.75 g/cm3) [8]. Surfaces of the ceramics were observed mics. All compositions showed a pure perovskite phase. using a scanning electron microscope [SEM] (JSM- BST had diffused into the BNKT lattice and formed 6335F, JEOL Ltd., Akishima, Tokyo, Japan). Grain size solid solutions. All peaks were found to shift slightly to was determined by mean linear intercept method. a lower angle. The shift scale was increased with the For electrical measurements, two parallel surfaces increasing of BST to a maximum value at x = 0.20. The were polished and painted with silver paste for electrical slight distortion of the XRD patterns was attributed to contacts. Dielectric properties were determined at 25°C larger sized Ba2+ (1.42 Å) and Sr2+ (1.26 Å) ions diffused to 500°C with a frequency of 10 kHz using a 4284A- into the BNKT lattice to replace Bi3+ (1.17 Å), Na+ (1.18 LCR meter (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, Å), and K+ (1.33 Å) [9], resulting in the enlargement of USA) connected to a high-temperature furnace. A stan- lattice constant and lattice energy which induced a dard Sawyer-Tower circuit was used to measure the hys- phase transformation in order to stabilize the structure teresis loop. The samples were poled at 60°C in a stirred [10]. In Figure 2b, Bi (Na K )TiO was a mixed 0.5 0.40 0.10 3 silicone oil bath by applying a DC electric field of 5 kV/ phase between BNT rhombohedral and BKT tetragonal, mm for 15 min, and piezoelectric measurements were whereas (Ba Sr )TiO was mainly tetragonal in phase. 0.7 0.3 3 then carried out using a d -meter (S5865, KCF Tech- At x = 0.05, the peak around 46.5° was slightly asymme- 33 nologies, Inc., State College, PA, USA). trical, and (202) peak started to split into two peaks of Figure1XRDpatternsandplots.(a)XRDpatternsofBNKT-BSTpowders.(b)Plotsofrelativedensityandsinteringtemperature. Jaitaetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2012,7:24 Page3of6 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/7/1/24 Table 1Physical andelectrical properties of(1-x)BNKT-xBSTceramics sintered at 1,125°C x Density(g/cm3) c/a Grainsize(μm) Tc(°C) εra tanδa Pr(μC/cm2) Ec(kV/cm) Rsq d33 (pC/N) 0 5.81±0.01 1.0083 0.60±0.09 320 1,419 0.0479 31.62 32.01 1.12 178 0.05 5.80±0.02 1.0118 0.40±0.04 310 1,581 0.0559 14.03 10.28 0.48 98 0.10 5.77±0.01 1.0120 0.39±0.04 308 1,609 0.0618 28.14 22.96 1.04 214 0.15 5.76±0.01 1.0156 0.46±0.07 305 1,430 0.0576 25.11 25.67 0.98 205 0.20 5.72±0.01 1.0163 0.47±0.06 289 1,082 0.0477 21.96 29.08 0.98 191 aDielectricdataobtainedatroomtemperature(1kHz). (002) and (200). At x = 0.10, the intensity of (200) peak grain size. The microstructure of a pure BNKT ceramic was found to decrease, while it was gradually increased revealed a larger grain size (0.60 μm) with a relatively for (002) peak. Moreover, (200) peak underwent an wide grain size distribution compared to BST-added asymmetric broadening, and (002) peak obviously split samples. The addition of BST, however, slightly inhib- into two peaks. This indicated that the addition of a ited grain growth, as can be seen from a slight drop of higher tetragonal BST into BNKT at x = 0.10 became grain size from 0.60 μm for pure BNKT to around 0.39 close to the optimum of rhombohedral and tetragonal to 0.47 μm for BST-added samples (see Table 1). phases of the BNKT-BST system. As its crystal structure Dielectric constant and dielectric loss of (1-x)BNKT- was considered to contain nearly the same amount of xBST ceramics were plotted as a function of tempera- coexisting rhombohedral and tetragonal structures in ture shown in Figure 4. At Tc, the highest εr of 5,006 BNKT-0.10BST ceramic, the optimal dielectric and was observed in pure BNKT. For BST-added samples, piezoelectric properties should be obtained in this com- the maximum εr of 4,921 was observed in BNKT- position. The addition of a BST content greater than 10 0.10BST ceramic. Since the crystalline structure of mol% led to a wider separation of the (002) and (200) BNKT-0.10BST was considered to be near optimum peaks and showed mainly a tetragonal structure, corre- composition having a comparable coexistence of rhom- sponding to an increase in tetragonality as shown in bohedral and tetragonal phases, the increase in εr would Table 1. be expected. The Tc of pure BNKT was found to be SEM images in Figure 3 confirmed that all ceramics 320°C. It has been shown that an A-site isovalent addi- were of high quality and densely sintered at 1,125°C. An tive had the effect of lowering the Tc [11]. BST is vir- addition of BST allowed shortening of the sintering tually an A-site isovalent additive in which Ba Sr has 0.7 0.3 duration to attain a dense sintered bulk with similar an effective charge of +2, which is the same as +2 of Figure2XRDpatternsofBNKT-BSTceramics.Thesamplesweresinteredat1,125°C.(a)2θ=10°to80°and(b)2θ=44°to48°. Jaitaetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2012,7:24 Page4of6 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/7/1/24 Figure3SEMmicrographsof(1-x)BNKT-xBSTceramics.Thesamplesweresinteredat1125°C.(a)x=0,(b)x=0.05,(c)x=0.10,(d)x=0.15, and(e)x=0.20. Bi0.5(Na0.40K0.10). Moreover, BST has a much lower Tc From Figure 5, the hysteresis loop of pure BNKT (approximately 42°C) [12] compared with BNKT; a showed the maximum Ec at approximately 31.49 kV/cm, reduction of Tc was observed in our system. At room Pr at approximately 30.48 μC/cm2, andR sq at approxi- temperature, εr of pure BNKT was found to be 1,419. mately 1.10. Ferroelectric property was slightly degraded The addition of 10 mol% BST showed an optimum εr of when BST was added, as can be seen from a decreasing 1,609. As free energy of the rhombohedral phase was trend in Rsq, Ec, and Pr. Since BST by itself was known close to that of the tetragonal phase, these two phases to have a lowE c (approximately 2 kV/cm) and Pr existing at the BNKT-0.10BST composition easily chan- (approximately 5 μC/cm2) [12] compared with pure ged to each other when an electric field was applied. BNKT, this seemed to be the reason for a reduction of This helped promote the movement and polarization of both Pr and Ec observed in BST-added samples. Among ferroelectric active ions, leading to the increase of εr BST-added samples, the highest Pr of 28.14 μC/cm2 was [13]. With a further increasing BST, a slight decrease in observed for BNKT-0.10BST. Besides, an increase of εr was observed. Phase analysis using XRD patterns indi- spontaneous polarization directions due to the coexis- cated that the compositions slightly deviated from the tence of rhombohedral and tetragonal phases (eight optimal composition, and hence, the lowering of εr directions for rhombohedral phase and six directions for values in our samples seemed reasonable. tetragonal phase) was also a reason that gave a high Pr in BNKT-0.10BST. Moreover, a decrease of Ec (approxi- mately 22.96 kV/cm) in BNKT-0.10BST in comparison with that in pure BNKT was also observed at this com- position. This decrease in Ec indicated easier ionic motion, and therefore, the improvement of piezoelectri- city would be expected for this composition [14]. The addition of BST content over 10 mol% caused the mate- rial to completely transform to a tetragonal phase, resulting in a slight decrease of Pr. The reduction of Pr when the crystal structure changed to be more tetrago- nal in structure was similar to the previous work on BNT-BST system [2]. Piezoelectric coefficients of (1-x)BNKT-xBST ceramics are listed in Table 1. The d of pure BNKT ceramic 33 was 178 pC/N, which was close to the value of 165 pC/ N observed earlier by Hiruma et al. [15]. The highest Figure 4 Plots of temperature dependence on dielectric d of 214 pC/N was observed for the BNKT-0.10BST 33 constantanddielectricloss.Themeasurementwasdoneata ceramic. As the crystal structure of BNKT-0.10BST was frequencyof10kHzforBNKT-BSTceramicsandsinteredat1,125°C. nearly a coexistence of rhombohedral and tetragonal Jaitaetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2012,7:24 Page5of6 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/7/1/24 Figure5Plotsofpolarizationasanelectricfieldfunctionof(1-x)BNKT-xBSTceramics.Thesamplesweresinteredat1,125°C.(a)x=0,(b) x=0.05,(c)x=0.10,(d)x=0.15,and(e)x=0.20. phases, a flexibility increase in the domain wall could Acknowledgements effectively occur. Moreover, Ec of this composition was TthheisNwaotirokniaslfRineasnecairaclhlyUsunpivpeorsritteydPbroyjetchteuTnhdaeilranTdhaRileasneda’srcOhfFfiucendof(TtRhFe)and lower than that of pure BNKT, whereas Pr was main- HigherEducationCommission(OHEC).TheFacultyofScienceandthe tained. Thus, it is obvious that the optimal piezoelectric GraduateSchool,ChiangMaiUniversityisalsoacknowledged.PJwouldlike properties would occur in this composition. The d toacknowledgefinancialsupportfromtheTRFthroughtheRoyalGolden 33 JubileePh.D.Program. decreased with the further increasing BST content of over 10 mol%. This was supported by phase analysis Authordetails using XRD which indicated a deviation of the composi- 1DepartmentofPhysicsandMaterialsScience,FacultyofScience,Chiang MaiUniversity,ChiangMai,50200,Thailand2MaterialsScienceResearch tion from the mixed rhombohedral and tetragonal Center,FacultyofScience,ChiangMaiUniversity,ChiangMai,50200, phases of BNKT-BST system to mainly the tetragonal Thailand BST phase. In addition, the change in crystal structure Authors’contributions to being more tetragonal may also contribute to the PJcarriedoutexperimentsandwrotethemanuscript.AWandSJ reduction in the piezoelectric performance of BNKT- participatedintheconceptionofthestudyandrevisedthemanuscriptfor BST ceramics similar to the reduction in d observed importantintellectualcontents.Allauthorsreadandapprovedthefinal 33 versionofthemanuscript. in the previous work on BNKT-BZT system [13]. Competinginterests Conclusions Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompetinginterests. New (1-x)BNKT-xBST ceramics were successfully fabri- Received:6September2011 Accepted:5January2012 cated. The optimum sintering temperature of all cera- Published:5January2012 mics was 1,125°C. XRD indicated that the addition of BST into BNKT caused a change in crystal structure References 1. TakenakaT,MaruyamaK,SakataK:(Bi Na )TiO-BaTiO systemforlead- and increase in lattice parameters. 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