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Investigating second grade. PDF

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I N V E S T I G AT I N GE Grade 2 I N V E S T I G AT I N G GRADE D A R G EE S E C O N D EE N D G R A D E 2 yr S E C O LL LL e t s II II y FF Calling all FF M second grade pU EE detectives! EE -xi M SS SS e AA AA h T CC ofisncnbml adutooes heneoesse vtsd t thaeiac hdlinanseeeetsttd aosnIeiem ,warn c s!nol aveeon Rfi.nensl’n vesscdUaug aeht .sni wC dyogaetWe ouuha chwttlshmtthea heit s ovetsoe mmk timm mmstDhiyylitoleeeea isosxdsosrttdr ees etrewyefh icrdo nasiytita treetki.huhn v c Alepts doeathom hhln ’ntvoescoahd gn e op·sNte u rmg og S waog mr2pptdgtoaah0eelyeetdseel b0 lsl etaia iotn ecw n resois ootgrtpakktsaui yu i o Pnl,stazu lao?dspznst a:lrtdc Geraeo sedrmcl tlnstte ia-oscct eth . INVESTIGATINGSECOND Gr CC a · Phonics · Addition d · Grammar · Place Value e · Subtraction · And More! · Counting Money Be a second grade detective! T Build school skills! H INKIN Collect clues! · Math G PO BoxC a3r5s6o6n5- D• eGllroesean Psbuobrlios,h NinCg 2L7L4C25 USA KIDS® Crack the case! · Language Arts carsondellosa.com · Reading 704718 CO 2.indd 1-3 12/7/16 9:54 AM 704718 CO 2.indd 4-5 12/7/16 9:54 AM II NN VV EE SS TT II GG AATT II NN GG E A DD E R A FEI CROSNTD G G R S TThhiinnkkiinngg KKiiddss®® CCaarrssoonn--DDeelllloossaa PPuubblliisshhiinngg LLLLCC GGrreeeennssbboorroo,, NNoorrtthh CCaarroolliinnaa 704718 INT 2 book.indb 1 12/6/16 9:00 AM C O N T E N T S CONTENTS About This Book...........................................................................................4–5 Mystery Story Opener: “The Mix-Up Mystery”...........................................6–8 Clues to Find: When? What? Top Secret File #1............................................................................................ 9 Clue to Find: Where? Language Arts Activities: Phonics and Spelling.......................................10–58 Find Evidence Alerts! on pages 21, 31, 42, 53 and Clue Corner on page 58. Top Secret File #2..........................................................................................59 Clue to Find: Who? Math Activities: Addition,Subtraction,and Place Value........................60–106 Find Evidence Alerts! on pages 68, 76, 88, 98 and Clue Corner on page 106. Top Secret File #3........................................................................................107 Clue to Find: Who? Language Arts Activities: Grammar and Vocabulary...........................108–154 Find Evidence Alerts! on pages 116, 127, 137, 147 and Clue Corner on page 154. Top Secret File #4........................................................................................155 Clue to Find: Who? Math Activities: Measurement, Time, Money, and Shapes...................156–201 Find Evidence Alerts! on pages 165, 175, 185, 195 and Clue Corner on page 201. Detective’s Notebook............................................................................202–203 Thinking Kids® Carson-Dellosa Publishing LLC Mystery Story Conclusion: “The Mix-Up Mystery”.............................204–206 P.O. Box 35665 Greensboro, NC 27425 USA Answer Key..........................................................................................207–256 © 2017 Carson-Dellosa Publishing LLC. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or distributed in any form or by any means (mechanically, electronically, recording, etc.) without the prior written consent of Carson-Dellosa Publishing LLC. Thinking Kids® is an imprint of Carson-Dellosa Publishing LLC. ISBN 978-1-4838-3852-6 704718 INT 2 book.indb 2 12/6/16 9:00 AM C O N T E N T S CONTENTS About This Book ...........................................................................................4–5 Mystery Story Opener: “The Mix-Up Mystery” ...........................................6–8 Clues to Find: When? What? Top Secret File #1 ............................................................................................ 9 Clue to Find: Where? Language Arts Activities: Phonics and Spelling .......................................10–58 Find Evidence Alerts! on pages 21, 31, 42, 53 and Clue Corner on page 58. Top Secret File #2 ..........................................................................................59 Clue to Find: Who? Math Activities: Addition, Subtraction, and Place Value ........................60–106 Find Evidence Alerts! on pages 68, 76, 88, 98 and Clue Corner on page 106. Top Secret File #3 ........................................................................................107 Clue to Find: Who? Language Arts Activities: Grammar and Vocabulary ...........................108–154 Find Evidence Alerts! on pages 116, 127, 137, 147 and Clue Corner on page 154. Top Secret File #4 ........................................................................................155 Clue to Find: Who? Math Activities: Measurement, Time, Money, and Shapes ...................156–201 Find Evidence Alerts! on pages 165, 175, 185, 195 and Clue Corner on page 201. Detective’s Notebook ............................................................................202–203 Mystery Story Conclusion: “The Mix-Up Mystery” .............................204–206 Answer Key ..........................................................................................207–256 3 INVESTIGATING second grade 704718 INT 2 book.indb 3 12/6/16 9:00 AM AABBOOUUTT TTHHIISS BBOOOOKK CCLLUUEE CCOORRNNEERR What? When? Where? How? or Who? Record each clue you find in the Detective’s Notebook on pages 202 and 203. Ifsvacbnuuhcao ntciolIliuh kdnvpe ’viar,swt eai suegis clssrwtlti iainhsrcgdugieaete plti iapniprlnc egroytgv erioc vegtSuol uie.ntcr licu Sateosrrprsonar envfcednot ne diGrorto ir rbnnes assdgst,dsa a ajeaetuuenn,n gs dtydhtei o adtpacueluo o rrfcmus easgcnwathertit soioihmnlswnd giaai v nwinlmen usdis lot,t cl enla ouasfinenn nnyedfidg.daa deu Acrerhahdlsnugl st cedna pe fadnra oyaradrr enci twndytsdi gsoic tt mueohop rp fal ta ishcctsiees r 4. dhteNE Roxiaaedo apcac thcpienotte br slthnydowi,maeo Cedpokreln?p u oq eeyeWn unosl eu?eh pist neatafitne igntnor ehdddn sei is nWd a2 D l 0heiiecktal2ot ueech edhcaat,itn h pdibrdevp eois eecxt2en’?o s 0s?ra 3Nhd bW. ooo iwBtuth eetnei bn r.tso ehYuto ehordk eeuim d Dt wyoiets i tltwhlee racrfiiyptntie:pvd eW ecnc’lhlsu?u ae eHtss o w important skills that lead to success at school. 5. Solve the Mystery Bmicamwnhnuivoyildtltles d isItvpa entwaunirvgttsyieea lw ltsst ohe etbcseir ecgta icuuncanolrdgtdumrie neevnsesgdiot t .asltSa v o Aletdeg octq.ee outttWlneehhecadheestr triiGleinv eotnr e noawdc, sdo cci otmeroahf alb pil ctseoalhk ceunne ttt tii o inhnbwn geoogth ro rccpedkilagnriu,snu a,eye aicswn!otr iughyac rbe em wro yaeuyooc,tsr ut atkisnevnbugridosty o iip ehnksesvo!tc, owe tIyrsst yo t tihu gterao t or aYscgsUhottros oleouesvrei c ecyncahe rl tobslbah o.eoct elgThkx, ihmeeent doesnyco licits!unnhhtege eoys r io oyccyn.aeu os sCrup e oyaD ncaogeogunetlr dela2mec tcf0tuaoti4ekuvla.dene t T ’ditswoho ncNei lhls luol ,ee cetlsteosptebm ecacoropboosnoml kedyu tp otwegl u ehrit ltaholwe dwe hret eohs tlittoepneo v rmsyiyeunoys csuatscii dntegmeedear d atyo k re! Help your child follow these steps to become a second grade investigator: 1. R ead the Mystery Story: “The Mix-Up Mystery” Read the mystery story beginning on page 6. Learn about where the mystery took place, what happened, and which suspects were witnessed at the scene. Look closely—you may find clues right in the story. Record clues in the Detective’s Notebook on pages 202 and 203. 2. C omplete Learning Activities and Find Evidence Complete skill-building math and language arts activities in each of four sections. On selected activity pages marked Evidence Alert!, solve puzzles to find evidence about the case. Keep track of the evidence you find. You will use it at the end of each section to discover a clue. 3. C ollect Clues On the final page of each section, complete the Clue Corner activity. On this page, use all the evidence you found in the section to reveal a clue that answers a question such as 4 INVESTIGATING second grade 704718 INT 2 book.indb 4 12/6/16 9:00 AM AABBOOUUTT TTHHIISS BBOOOOKK CCLLUUEE CCOORRNNEERR What? When? Where? How? or Who? Record each clue you find in the Detective’s Notebook on pages 202 and 203. Ifsvacbnuuhcao ntciolIliuh kdnvpe ’viar,swt eai suegis clssrwtlti iainhsrcgdugieaete plti iapniprlnc egroytgv erioc vegtSuol uie.ntcr licu Sateosrrprsonar envfcednot ne diGrorto ir rbnnes assdgst,dsa a ajeaetuuenn,n gs dtydhtei o adtpacueluo o rrfcmus easgcnwathertit soioihmnlswnd giaai v nwinlmen usdis lot,t cl enla ouasfinenn nnyedfidg.daa deu Acrerhahdlsnugl st cedna pe fadnra oyaradrr enci twndytsdi gsoic tt mueohop rp fal ta ishcctsiees r 4. dhteNER oxiaaedo apcac thcpienotte br slthnydowi,maeo Cedpokreln?p u oq eeyeWn unosl eu?eh pist neatafitne igntnor ehdddn sei is nWd a2 D l 0heiiecktal2ot ueech edhcaat,itn h pdibrdevp eois eecxt2en’?o s 0s?ra 3Nhd bW. ooo iwBtuth eetnei bn r.tso ehYuto ehordk eeuim d Dt wyoiets i tltwhlee racrfiiyptntie:pvd eW ecnc’lhlsu?u ae eHtss o w important skills that lead to success at school. 5. S olve the Mystery Bmicamwnhnuivoyildtltles d isItvpa entwaunirvgttsyieea lw ltsst ohe etbcseir ecgta icuuncanolrdgtdumrie neevnsesgdiot t .asltSa v o Aletdeg octq.ee outttWlneehhecadheestr triiGleinv eotnr e noawdc, sdo cci otmeroahf alb pil ctseoalhk ceunne ttt tii o inhnbwn geoogth ro rccpedkilagnriu,snu a,eye aicswn!otr iughyac rbe em wro yaeuyooc,tsr ut atkisnevnbugridosty o iip ehnksesvo!tc, owe tIyrsst yo t tihu gterao t or aYscgsUhottros oleouesvrei c ecyncahe rl tobslbah o.eoct elgThkx, ihmeeent doesnyco licits!unnhhtege eoys r io oyccyn.aeu os sCrup e oyaD ncaogeogunetlr dela2mec tcf0tuaoti4ekuvla.dene t T ’ditswoho ncNei lhls luol ,ee cetlsteosptebm ecacoropboosnoml kedyu tp otwegl u ehrit ltaholwe dwe hret eohs tlittoepneo v rmsyiyeunoys csuatscii dntegmeedear d atyo k re! Help your child follow these steps to become a second grade investigator: 1. Read the Mystery Story: “The Mix-Up Mystery” Read the mystery story beginning on page 6. Learn about where the mystery took place, what happened, and which suspects were witnessed at the scene. Look closely—you may find clues right in the story. Record clues in the Detective’s Notebook on pages 202 and 203. 2. Complete Learning Activities and Find Evidence Complete skill-building math and language arts activities in each of four sections. On selected activity pages marked Evidence Alert!, solve puzzles to find evidence about the case. Keep track of the evidence you find. You will use it at the end of each section to discover a clue. 3. Collect Clues On the final page of each section, complete the Clue Corner activity. On this page, use all the evidence you found in the section to reveal a clue that answers a question such as 555 IIIINNNNVVVVEEEESSSSTTTTIIIIGGGGAAAATTTTIIIINNNNGGGG sseeccoonndd ggrraaddee 704718 INT 2 book.indb 5 12/6/16 9:00 AM CCLLUUEE CCOORRNNEERR RRRRRRReeeeeeeaaaaaaaddddddd ttttttthhhhhhheeeeeee bbbbbbbeeeeeeegggggggiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg ooooooofffffff ttttttthhhhhhheeeeeee mmmmmmmyyyyyyysssssssttttttteeeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy ssssssstttttttooooooorrrrrrryyyyyyy....... TTTTTTThhhhhhheeeeeeennnnnnn,,,,,,, fffffffooooooollllllllllllllooooooowwwwwww ttttttthhhhhhheeeeeee But who? And why? And what was mixed in those delicious dddddiiiiirrrrreeeeeccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss ooooonnnnn pppppaaaaagggggeeeee 88888..... smoothies? I need answers!” “Interesting,” said Blenda. “What did these smoothies look like?” “Some customers said they were orangey-blue. Others said they were reddish-green. A few people said the The Mix-Up color was so unusual that it did not have a name.” Mystery “That is not much help,” sighed Blenda. “What did the smoothies taste like?” “Customers said they were sweet, but not too sweet. They were both creamy and icy. They were fruity, but no one OOOnnn aaa sssuuunnnnnnyyy TTTuuueeesssdddaaayyy,,, BBBllleeennndddaaa LLLoootttttt ssskkkiiippppppeeeddd hhhaaappppppiiilllyyy aaalllooonnnggg ttthhheee ccoonultda ienxepdl. aWini twhohuatt ak irnedcsip oef, tfhruerite tihs ey sgtghirrdaeae nnwsddtaoffaalrkttehh. feeSorrcr’ hs ato nhnodeel wwtph aasessh t oo otfpueh,tw e Srf mo wwroe otoerhktkhese i.ed rO saSn yst. a esStroihvmoeen e .wc duSaahsstye ohs mh,e aasedhdr seeb. d eh Oetenonlp hovetedihsr ieh trien rg BKsnmolue monhodoqtapuh,eai e ytos?of u aUm gagaalriike nf i.nra uDngi ittde?hx tetIhs rjeeauy -ssc ttuh urdapivooeneun ’sptd aoakupnnasdo y wa!? days, he mixed up Blenda’s favorite treat, a chocolate-banana- extra-clever girl. Will you help solve this coconut smoothie. mystery? I have to leave the shop for a As Blenda approached the store, she saw a customer burst out while. Could you find some clues about the front door and storm away. He had an angry look on his face. what was in those drinks?” Blenda’s grandfather followed the man. “Sorry!” he called out. “Sure, Grandpa,” promised Blenda. “I will have a look around “Please come again!” and ask some questions. Who was here on Monday?” Blenda stopped skipping. “What’s wrong, Grandpa?” she asked. “Mr. Solid and Trudy were here. Oh, and Ms. Wright, too,” “Everything!” he exclaimed. “A dozen customers have gone Blenda’s grandfather said quickly. “I have to run now. Good luck!” arsaemwroeaor yotda teahlrkni eitgn hrtgeyh ae‘ttybooo dtguaaotlyt!l. y hWT edheri efedyf eo yr aenelslno tttse ,ar hcidadoav myte.hp eaBle nustytae lmIny he eaw atmvh seaim nzngioon.o gTitd,hh esieeauys p w weohrna a ntttath setehtd y et’y o ofiBntrn oBtechlskeesn .S mdoHalee indL h uowet atla ptts eh Sdaom uBfogrloiheetnthn daidaebl ’yosS u tmgatr tataihnonne dw fpwhaeatoohs pke lprnea emhcwkea erakd eg l rwosatui ntarhdeb f ohatuehthtaa elett rxhe eynvr eacrmiyseethd a.i nngd menu. I was at home all day yesterday. Someone else must have ingredients. mixed up a new kind of smoothie and served it to customers. 6 INVESTIGATING second grade 704718 INT 2 book.indb 6 12/6/16 9:01 AM CCCLLLUUUEEE CCCOOORRRNNNEEERRR Read the beginning of the mystery story. Then, follow the But who? And why? And what was mixed in those delicious directions on page 8. smoothies? I need answers!” “Interesting,” said Blenda. “What did these smoothies look like?” “Some customers said they were orangey-blue. Others said they were reddish-green. A few people said the color was so unusual that it did not have a name.” “That is not much help,” sighed Blenda. “What did the smoothies taste like?” “Customers said they were sweet, but not too sweet. They were both creamy and icy. They were fruity, but no one On a sunny Tuesday, Blenda Lott skipped happily along the ccoonultda ienxepdl. aWini twhohuatt ak irnedcsip oef, tfhruerite tihs ey sgtghirrdaeae nnwsddtaoffaalrkttehh. feeSorrcr’ hs ato nhnodeel wwtph aasessh t oo otfpueh,tw e Srf mo wwroe otoerhktkhese i.ed rO saSn yst. a esStroihvmoeen e .wc duSaahsstye ohs mh,e aasedhdr seeb. d eh Oetenonlp hovetedihsr ieh trien rg BKsnmolue monhodoqtapuh,eai e ytos?of u aUm gagaalriike nf i.nra uDngi ittde?hx tetIhs rjeeauy -ssc ttuh urdapivooeneun ’sptd aoakupnnasdo y wa!? days, he mixed up Blenda’s favorite treat, a chocolate-banana- extra-clever girl. Will you help solve this coconut smoothie. mystery? I have to leave the shop for a As Blenda approached the store, she saw a customer burst out while. Could you find some clues about the front door and storm away. He had an angry look on his face. what was in those drinks?” Blenda’s grandfather followed the man. “Sorry!” he called out. “Sure, Grandpa,” promised Blenda. “I will have a look around “Please come again!” and ask some questions. Who was here on Monday?” Blenda stopped skipping. “What’s wrong, Grandpa?” she asked. “Mr. Solid and Trudy were here. Oh, and Ms. Wright, too,” “Everything!” he exclaimed. “A dozen customers have gone Blenda’s grandfather said quickly. “I have to run now. Good luck!” arsaemwroeaor yotda teahlrkni eitgn hrtgeyh ae‘ttybooo dtguaaotlyt!l. y hWT edheri efedyf eo yr aenelslno tttse ,ar hcidadoav myte.hp eaBle nustytae lmIny he eaw atmvh seaim nzngioon.o gTitd,hh esieeauys p w weohrna a ntttath setehtd y et’y o ofiBntrn oBtechlskeesn .S mdoHalee indL h uowet atla ptts eh Sdaom uBfogrloiheetnthn daidaebl ’yosS u tmgatr tataihnonne dw fpwhaeatoohs pke lprnea emhcwkea erakd eg l rwosatui ntarhdeb f ohatuehthtaa elett rxhe eynvr eacrmiyseethd a.i nngd menu. I was at home all day yesterday. Someone else must have ingredients. mixed up a new kind of smoothie and served it to customers. 7 INVESTIGATING second grade 704718 INT 2 book.indb 7 12/6/16 9:01 AM CCLLUUEE CCOORRNNEERR Trudy Culors was a teenage girl who loved drawing and painting. Trudy was always thinking about her next art project. She worked at Smoothie Station when she was not at school. Phonics and Spelling Rita Ann Wright was a reporter for the local newspaper. Blenda Learning Goals: knew that Ms. Wright was writing an article about the new • Review consonant sounds smoothie shop in town. • Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in words Did one of these people know what was in the mysterious smoothies? It was time to find out. • SpelTl wOordsP w itSh loEngC vowRel EsouTnds FILE 1: • Use apostrophes to write contractions and possessives • Write compound words and other two-syllable words • Use common spelling patterns to write words • Write words with irregular spellings • Use a dictionary Collect Evidence on These Evidence Alert! Pages: Pages 21, 31, 42, 53 Rita Ann Use Evidence to Find a Clue on the Clue Corner Page: Brock Solid Wright Page 58 Clue Question: Trudy Cul ors Where were the smoothies made? IItt llooookkss lliikkee tthhiiss iiss aa ccaassee ffoorr aa sseeccoonndd ggrraaddee ddeetteeccttiivvee!! WWhhoo mmiixxeedd up the mysterious smoothies? What ingredients made them so delicious? It is up to you to collect clues and solve the mystery. Look again at the story. Can you find clues in bold that answer these questions: When were the mystery smoothies sold? and What was in the smoothies? Write the clues in the Detective’s Notebook on pages 202 and 203. Now, keep going! Turn the page to complete learning activities, find evidence, collect clues, and solve the mystery. 8 INVESTIGATING second grade 704718 INT 2 book.indb 8 12/6/16 9:01 AM

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