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INVESTIGATING SEAFLOORS AND OCEANS Other Books by Dr. Antony Joseph through 2013 Tsunamis: Detection, Monitoring, and Early-Warning Technologies Elsevier /Academic Press,NewYork, 448 p.(2011) Measuring Ocean Currents:Tools,Technologies, and Data Elsevier,NewYork, 426p. (2013) INVESTIGATING SEAFLOORS AND OCEANS From Mud Volcanoes to Giant Squid D . A J R NTONY OSEPH Formerly,ChiefScientist,MarineInstrumentationDivision, CSIRdNationalInstituteofOceanography,DonaPaula,Goa–403004,India AMSTERDAM (cid:129) BOSTON (cid:129) HEIDELBERG (cid:129) LONDON (cid:129) NEW YORK (cid:129) OXFORD PARIS (cid:129) SAN DIEGO (cid:129) SAN FRANCISCO (cid:129) SINGAPORE (cid:129) SYDNEY (cid:129) TOKYO Elsevier Radarweg29,POBox211,1000AEAmsterdam,Netherlands TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UnitedKingdom 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,UnitedStates Copyright©2017ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 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Practitionersandresearchersmustalwaysrelyontheirownexperienceandknowledgeinevaluatingandusinganyinformation, methods,compounds,orexperimentsdescribedherein.Inusingsuchinformationormethodstheyshouldbemindfuloftheir ownsafetyandthesafetyofothers,includingpartiesforwhomtheyhaveaprofessionalresponsibility. Tothefullestextentofthelaw,neitherthePublishernortheauthors,contributors,oreditors,assumeanyliabilityforanyinjury and/ordamagetopersonsorpropertyasamatterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuseoroperation ofanymethods,products,instructions,orideascontainedinthematerialherein. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN:978-0-12-809357-3 ForinformationonallElsevierpublications visitourwebsiteathttps://www.elsevier.com/ Publisher:CandiceJanco AcquisitionEditor:LouisaHutchins EditorialProjectManager:HilaryCarr ProductionProjectManager:MariaBernard Designer:MatthewLimbert TypesetbySPiGlobal,India Dedication To my parents, who left this world years ago Foreword Amulti-disciplinarybookofthisnaturewaslongover- Apartfromauthoringthisbook,Dr.Josephhaswritten dueforteachingandresearchandDr.AntonyJosephhas two other books, “Tsunamis: Detection, Monitoring, and accomplishedthiscommendablework.Providingample Early-Warning Technologies” and “Measuring Ocean references to original work, scientists, teachers, and stu- Currents: Tools, Technologies, and Data,” published by dents from various science disciplines will find this Elsevier, New York. He has written several articles in book extremely useful and interesting. Opening up a the Encyclopedias and presented 41 research papers at new window on multi-disciplinary research and teach- various Science & Technology Conferences in India, ing,Dr.Josephhasexploredawiderangeoftopics,from France,Singapore,Japan,SouthAfrica,Russia,Australia, the Earth's core and oceans' bottom, to deep inside the and the United States. Dr. Joseph been published in vastexpanseoftheuniverse.Indoingso,hehascritically IOC-UNESCO manuals and dozens of research papers analyzedthegeological,geophysical,physical,geochem- in national and international journals of repute. He ical,astronomical,astrophysical,biological,biochemical, hasdeliveredseveraldozensoftalksinseveralcountries. and biomedical aspects. In addition, he was a faculty member at the Indian Hisvastrangeofinterestsandhisexcitementaboutthe Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research while at topicshavemadethisaninterestingandusefulbookfor CSIR-NIO. teaching and research. He addresses all the topics with Thisbookhas10chapters.AsIwentthroughtheman- such equal expertise that it is difficult to determine to uscript, I found it to be a unique endeavor. The topics which discipline of science he belongs. His knowledge addressed in this book are discussed in a way that even in every sphere is profound. He has worked painstak- non-specialist readers with an interest in the starry sky, inglyforthelastfouryearstoaccomplishthisgreatfeat. oceanic life, nutrition, pharmaceuticals, earthquake, My admiration for this book is great and I congratulate tsunamis, etc., and curious about oceans, the seafloor him for writing such an urgently needed book. If your andsub-seafloorcanunderstandandenjoy.Alargenum- interestsextendtoacomplexrangeoftopicsfromdiffer- ber of high-quality illustrations are included. Further- entdisciplinesofscience,you'llfindthisbookparticularly more, text- and picture-specific websites are provided, helpful. giving additional resources and extend the chapters of Dr. Antony Joseph is an eminent scientist who had a the text to the internet's resources. I would like to now long oceanographic career associated with the CSIR- refer to some topics of the book. National Institute of Oceanography (CSIR-NIO), Goa, In his chapter, “Oceans' Role in Origin of Life and India,fromFebruary1978toJuly31,2012.Whilepartic- BiologicalEvolution,”Dr.Josephdescribesthemechanism ipating in oceanographic cruises onboard research ves- oforiginsoflifeonEarthandsubsequentbiologicalevolu- sels, he had opportunities to see remarkable marine tionofhumans(Homosapiens)whoarebelievedtobethe creatures, examine the intricacies of the seafloor, and onlyanimalcapableofcriticallyunderstandingtheworld observeoceanographicprocesses,includingvaluableliv- aroundthem—avaluablegoalinitself.Theoriginoflifeis ingandnonlivingresources.Dr.Josephhassubstantially asubjectmatterofintensiveresearchforbiologists,anthro- contributed to the design and performance evaluation pologists, geologists, and cosmologists. Science now has (both laboratory-scale and field-based) of ocean current evidence about the origin of the universe and the life and sea-level measuring devices. He led the establish- supported by Earth and some clue about possible life on mentofanin-housedesignedsea-levelstationinGhana, otherplanetsandgalaxiesaswell.Abundantlifeappears West Africa. The data measured from this station upon to have colonized this planet approximately 3800 million the arrival of the Sumatra tsunami in December 2004 years ago (ie, 3.8 billion years ago (BYA)). Most durable contributed to understanding the global extent of this bio-signatures have provided evidence and scientists disastrous tsunami. He also helped establish a network concentrate on photosynthetic life, because its high pri- of internet-accessible real/near-real time reporting sea- maryproductivityhasleftaverydurableancientrecord. level, sea-state, and surface meteorological stations on The origin of life is a long-standing and controversial the Indian coastlines and islands. subject, and different processes have been proposed. ix x FOREWORD Accordingtoone,lightning intheearlyatmosphereand homochirality onto others. It is believed that once the consequent production of amino acids, when com- D-sugars appeared in RNA, L-amino acids in protein binedinlongpolymerchains,providedthebasicconstit- mighthavebeenautomaticallyformed.Emergenceofthis uents of life. The second concerns chemical processes at homochiralityisaveryimportantquestioninthemecha- submarinevolcanicventswhicharethoughttohavebeen nism of origin of life. “How did this homochirality of common in the Archean period (4–2.5BYA), and life at aminoacidsandsugarsarise?”hasbeenapuzzlingques- thosedepthswouldhavebeenshieldedfromtheultravi- tionforscientistsworkingonthismystery.Alllifeknown olet radiation that then existed due to the absence of an to exist on Earth today, and all life evidenced in the ozonelayer.Thethirdproposedmechanismhaslifeorig- geological records, seems to be based on DNA genomes inatingfromthecarbonandhydrocarbonsincometsand and protein enzymes (with exceptions of some RNA meteorites as they burned in the atmosphere. It has also viruses).DNAislikeablueprintofbiologicalinformation been suggested life may have originated in inter-tidal neededtobuildandmaintainthelivingorganisms.While pools that were repeatedly flooded and dried out under discussing the DNA versus RNA in terms of identifying the sun—a process for which the geological record pro- livingcells,useofahighlysensitivemoleculartechnique videsevidence. specifically targeting RNA as indicator of living cells in The first known single-cell organisms called prokary- deeply buriedmarine sedimentshas been explained. otes probably originated in the Archean period about There are also detailed discussions on the leading 3.8BYA in the oceans, when chemical composition of “RNAworld”theoryoforiginoflife;arguingthatbefore the ocean and the atmosphere was very different from presentlifeemerged,itwasbasedsolelyonRNA.Strong today. Scientists have identified liposomes (pre-cellular reasonshavebeengiventoconcludethatDNAandpro- systems) in which the encapsulation of DNA has been tein based life was preceded by simpler life forms based achieved using dehydration-hydration cycles similar to primarilyonRNA,inwhichthegeneticinformationwas those that may have occurred in an inter-tidal setting storedinthesequenceofRNAmolecules,andthepheno- on early Earth. Darwinian selection would have acted typederivedfromthecatalyticpropertiesofRNA.RNA onceself-replicationoflifewasestablishedandthenevo- was the first genetic molecule to form, providing a tem- lutiontomorecomplicatedformsoflifecouldhavetaken plate to reproduce itself and make further molecules of place.ProkaryotesweretheonlyformoflifeonEarthfor life. Informational polymer RNA must have arisen by millionsofyearsuntilmorecomplicatedeukaryoticcells purelychemicalmeansatsomestageintheoriginoflife. cameintobeingthroughevolution.Microbiallifehaspre- Thesupport infavorof“RNAworld”hypothesiscomes vailedinthebiospheresincetheArcheanperiodatleast, fromthefacts,including:(a)thecentralroleplayedbydif- andaccordingtothemostrecentstudy,probablyforthe ferent RNA molecules in the protein synthesis, (b) this last 4.1billion years. process can take place in the absence of DNA, but not Thetwogroupsofprokaryotes(ie,archaebacteriaand ofRNA,and(c)theexistenceofreplicatingbiologicalsys- eubacteria)aresignificantlydifferentincellularmake-up tems such as viroids and RNA viruses that use other and in their modes of evolution. There is now a general single- or double-stranded RNA molecules to store consensusamongtheOriginofLifescientiststhattheLast geneticinformation.So,itisarguedthatgeneticcontinu- Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) is the previous itywasassuredbythereplicationofRNA;andgenetically stage of prokaryotes. It is the most primitive organism encoded proteins were not involved as catalysts during from which all organisms now living are supposed to the origin and evolution (development) of life on Earth. haveevolved.TheLUCAisestimatedtohavelivedsome It is also interesting to view DNA as a modified RNA, 3.8–3.5BYA.Atabout3BYA,somethingsimilartomod- because the components of DNA are synthesized from ernphotosynthesisdevelopedandoxygenwasproduced. RNA components in modern biological systems. It was Over time, it transformed the earth's atmosphere to its alsoassumedbytheproponentsofaRNA-worldhypoth- currentstate.Someoftheoxygenreactedtoformozone, esis that RNA-based life had been driven to extinction whichcollectedinalayerneartheupperpartoftheatmo- long agowith the arrival of superiorDNA-based life. sphere. By blocking the ultraviolet radiation, it allowed According to some origin of life scientists, “life” may cells to colonize the surface of the ocean and ultimately haveoriginatedwhenfirstofallRNAchainsexperienced the land. thebasicconditions(asconceivedbyDarwin)fornatural This book provides an interesting discussion on the selectiontooperate.Theseconditionsare:(i)heritability, homochiralityofaminoacidsandsugars.Homochirality (ii) variation of type, and (iii) competition for limited is essential for the functioning of proteins as amino acid resources.FitnessofanearlyRNAreplicatorwouldlikely polymers, andforthe structure ofdeoxyribonucleic acid havebeenafunctionofadaptivecapacitiesandtheavail- (DNA)andribonucleicacid(RNA),whichrequiresincor- ability of resources. Three primary adaptive capacities poration of D-sugars. Appearance of homochirality in could be: (1) capacity to replicate with moderate fidelity some biomolecules can apparently force corresponding (resulting in heritability and variation), (2) capacity to xi FOREWORD avoid decay, and (3) capacity to acquire and process ratioofCarbon-12toCarbon-13—thatindicatesthepres- resources. These capacities would have been encoded in ence of photosynthetic life. Therefore, the most recent theirnucleotidesequences.Theirrelativevaluesofadap- research reported in 2015 argues that the graphite's C12 tive capacities would have determined the competitive -rich isotopic signature may be evidence for the origin success among different RNA replicators. RNA/vesicle oflifeonEarthby4.1BYA,basedonexaminationofzir- systemsthatcontainmoregeneticmaterial(duetofaster consdiscoveredfromJackHills,WestAustralia.Thedis- RNA replication) develop more internal tension than coveryindicatesthatlifemayhavebegunshortlyafterthe neighboringvesicleswithlessRNA,anddrawmembrane planetformed4.54BYA.Somescientistsbelievelifearose material from them. This would have allowed natural relativelyquicklyonEarth;thenbyanalogy,lifecouldbe selection of vesicles by competition and control their commoninthewholeuniverse.Theresearchfurthersug- owngrowth.Thus,forthefirsttime,asystemwouldhave gests that lifein theuniversecouldbeabundant.Simple undergone Darwinian “evolution by natural selection” lifeonEarthappearstohaveformedquickly,butitlikely actingonvariationandbeenanewandcrucialemergent took many millions of years to evolve the ability to property arising at the transition from non-life to life. photosynthesize. However, a superior DNA molecule is thought to have Darwin's theory of “natural selection” proposed a taken over the role of data (genetic information) storage mechanismbywhichalllifecouldhavedescendedfrom due to its increased stability, while proteins, through a a common ancestor. Darwin propounded a plausible greater variety of monomers (amino acids), replaced mechanism, natural selection, defined as the principle RNA's role in specialized bio-catalysis. In contemporary by which each slightvariationof atrait, ifuseful,ispre- life, we have our familiar DNA/RNA/Protein world served. According to some Darwinists, the common we now inhabit. ancestor somehow evolved from nonliving matter, which However,therearealsoobjectionstothe“RNAworld” ispresumedtobesomekindofdirty-watersoupcompo- hypothesis. The central problem is to understand how a sition.Thus,submarinehydrothermalventshavebecome protein-freeRNAworldbecameestablishedontheprim- important to the origin of life studies. Charles Darwin itive Earth. It is far from obvious how ribonucleotides, showed that it is the gradualness of evolution through building blocks of RNA, could have formed from their the natural selection process that allows formation of constituent parts (ie, ribose and nucleo-bases). The advanced/complicated life forms from simple ones. As researchershavereliedonlyonindirecthintstoinferwhat forexample,ancestorsthatlooklikebacteriacanchange RNA-based life was like. Some scientists believe that into descendants that look like humans gradually over RNA-based life may not have been the first life to exist. time, if given sufficient generations. As long as there is It is believed that RNA may have played a major step some variation between individuals and that variation intheevolutionofcellularlife,butthisdoesnotnecessar- isheritable,therewillbeaninevitableselectionofindivid- ily mean that first life was RNA-based. Evidence have ualswithmostadvantageousvariations.Ifthevariations beenputforwardthatmultipleself-replicatingmolecular are inherited, then differential reproductive success will systemsprecededRNA.ThemainobjectionstotheRNA- lead to a progressive evolution of particular population worldhypothesisare:(i)RNAistoocomplexamolecule ofaspecies,andpopulationsthatevolvetobesufficiently tohavearisenprebiotically,(ii)RNAisinherentlyunsta- different eventually become different species. “Origin of ble,(iii)catalysisisarelativelyrarepropertyoflongRNA Species” was published in 1859, 23 years after Darwin sequencesonly,and(iv)thecatalyticrepertoire(skills)of returned from his long research voyage aboard the RNA istoo limited. HMSBeagle.Theconceptwassimplebutpowerful:indi- Dr.Josephalsoexplainsthetimeperiodofclueforlife viduals best adapted to their environments are more on the Earth and Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection. likely to survive and reproduce. Although Darwin's Evidence for biological activity can be derivedfrom car- explanation of the causes of evolution had fallen out of bonisotopesbecauseahighC12/C13ratioischaracteristic favor among biologists during the first decades of the ofbiogeniccarbon.Themicrofossilrecordonlyextendsto 20th century, the advent of molecular biology has (cid:1)3.5BYA and the chemo fossil record to (cid:1)3.8BYA. advanced and accelerated the study of evolution by Besides this, evidence of life on Earth is manifestly pre- allowing direct examination of the genetic material that served in the rock record as well. Given the temporal ultimately determines the phenotype (the set of observ- limitsofrockrecord((cid:1)4billionyears),thedetritalzircons able characteristics of an individual resulting from the as old as 4.38 billion years have been documented. Zir- interaction of its genotype with the environment) upon cons,servingastimecapsules,cancaptureandpreserve which natural selection acts. theirenvironment.TherearereportsonC12/C13ofgraph- Scientists have proved recently that simple microbes itepreservedin4.1billionyearsoldzircongrainsimaged found at the oceans' floors were our real ancestors. bytransmissionX-raymicroscopy.Thecarboncontained The discovery in 2015 of a group of microorganisms in the zircon has a characteristic signature—a specific called Lokiarchaeota throws light as to from what type of xii FOREWORD microbial ancestor humans descend. Deep beneath the briefly pointed out in passing how science and technol- Atlantic Ocean, scientists have found microorganisms, ogyhaveinteractedwithanadamantandintolerantreli- Lokiarchaeota, which they call a missing link connecting gioussociety(particularlytheRomanCatholicChurch)in the simple cells (prokaryotes) that first populated the alifeanddeath wayduringthe16thand 17thcenturies. earth to the complex cellular life (eukaryotes). These Theproblemoforigin,evolution,andthestructureof microorganismsinhabittheinhospitable,frigidseafloors theuniverseandlifeonEarthhasalwaysbeenanintrigu- andicycold,oxygen-starved,hostileenvironmentabout ingandexciting questionforthescientists.According to 2.35kmundertheoceansurfacenottoofar(15km)from Dr.(Fr.)GeorgesLemaitre'sBigBangtheory,theuniverse ahydrothermalventspewingfluidsreachingabout300° evolved with an explosion from a single point of matter C.Thediscoveryoftheserudimentarymicrobesfromsea- with an infinite density and temperature at a finite time floor sediment layers was made during voyages of a inthepast,about13.8BYA.Self-organizationintheorigin Norwegian research vessel. Microbial life originated and evolution of the universe (physical world) and life 4.1–3.8BYA. The first complex cellular life appeared (biological world) has drawn much attention to these roughly2BYA.Ithasbeenoneofthebigpuzzlesofevo- researchers. Itis now generally accepted in scientific cir- lutionarybiologyhowcellularcomplexityfirstdeveloped cles that the laws of nature are so self-sufficient that the from prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) to eukaryotes complexity of the entire physical universe evolved from (fungi, plants and animals, including humans). Lokiarch- fundamental particles. Just as atoms, stars, and galaxies aeota share with eukaryotes several similar important self-assembledoutofthefundamentalparticlesproduced gene characteristics, many of which have to do with cell by the Big Bang, the laws of nature are self-sufficient membranefunctions.Scientistsareoftheviewthatthese enoughtoself-assemblelifebychemicalevolutionofsuit- genesareresponsibleinprovidingaLokiarchaeota“starter able molecules and structures, regardless of whether kit”to support the development of cellularcomplexity. theselawsarenotdesignedordesignedbyGod,aspro- The author has also explained the extinction events posedbyoneschoolofthought.Inthelanguageofscience which affected life on Earth and the complexities of sea- embodiedinDr.(Fr.)Lemaitre'sBigBangtheory,theuni- floors and oceans. He discussed such topics as sub- verse evolved by self-organization of simple material seafloor microbial life (partial clues to origin of life), structures towards more and more complex structures. organismslivingabove100°Cunderanaerobicconditions Atoms,stars,andgalaxiesself-assembledoutofthefun- (such as deepsub-seafloor sediments,submarine hydro- damentalparticlesproducedbytheBigBang.Ithasbeen thermal areas, and submarine volcanoes), significance suggestedthat,justlikestarsandtheirplanets'satellitesin of deep-sea hydrothermal vents, microbial activity in the Universe—formed primarily from heavier elements hydrothermalfluids,andanewHomogenuscalledHomo such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen that were born in naledi, indicating the slow evolutionary transition from theexplosionsofsupernovae—we,whoconsistprimarily simplemicrobesfoundattheoceans'floorstomorecom- oftheseverysameelements,arethusliterallybornfrom plexlifeformsthatpermeatedtheearthoveralongperiod the stardust. of time. Asindicatedearlier,theprocessofbiologicalevolution Inthechapteron“AstronomicalandBiologicalOrga- started from bacteria-like tiny cells, termed the LUCA, nizationalRelationships,”Dr.Josephprovidesanaccount and gave rise to complex life forms on Earth, including ofournewunderstandingoftherelationshipbetweenthe human beings. It is very interesting and admirable that organization and evolution of biological system and thesatisfactoryexplanationofferedbytheBingBangthe- astronomicalsystem,citingconcreteevidence.Biological ory of the origin of the universe, founded solely on Dr. organization at the microscopic level (DNA molecule) AlbertEinstein's“GeneralRelativity”theoryandHubble's and astronomical organization at the macroscopic level cosmological measurements, gave a new dimension to have striking resemblances. As a prelude to explaining the discussion on the topic of a totally different subject thisrelationship,hefirstbringsintofocusthegreatstrides in science, that is, biological evolution of complex life made in astronomy, cosmology, and the working of the formsfromsimplecells.PrimitivelifeonEarthisbelieved universe by extraordinary thinkers and visionaries such to have happened just over 3.5 to 4.0(cid:3)109years ago. as Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), Giordano Bruno Oparin in his book “The Origin of Life,” proposed that (1548–1600),JohannesKepler(1571–1630),GalileoGalilei in prebiotic times, spontaneous generation of life would (1564–1642), Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1726), Dr. Albert be less difficult if the ocean contained a large amount of Einstein (1879–1955), Dr. Vesto M. Slipher (1875–1969), complex organic components similar to those present in Dr. Alexander Friedmann (1888–1925), Dr. (Fr.) Georges living organisms. These compounds would serve both Lemaitre (1894–1966), Dr. Edwin Hubble (1889–1953), as structural components and as the energy source for Sir Arthur Eddington (1882–1944), and Dr. George the first organisms. He also proposed that Earth had a Gamow(1904–1968).Whileappreciatingthegreatcontri- reducing atmosphere of hydrogen (H ), ammonia 2 butions made by these visionaries, Dr. Joseph has also (NH ), methane (CH ), and water (H O) in its early 3 4 2 xiii FOREWORD stages, and that organic compounds might be formed togethertoformatissueofspecializedfunction,anddif- under these conditions. Urey based his arguments for ferent tissues are organized to form organs to perform a thereducingatmosphereonthethermodynamicproper- particularfunctioninanorganism.Thereisalsoadefinite tiesofgasesinacosmicdustcloudfromwhichthesolar organizationalplaninoursolarsystemandgalaxy,other system was formed. He proposed that organic com- galaxies,andclusterofgalaxiesoftheexpandinguniverse pounds might be synthesized by ultraviolet radiation asrevealedbytelescopicandastrophysicalinvestigations and by electrical discharges (lightening) in the reducing ineverybandoftheelectromagneticspectrum.However, atmosphere. Stanley Miller performed fundamental littlehasbeendonetoinvestigatearelationshipbetween experiments using electrical discharges in a flask into themicroscopicorganizationoflivingorganismsandthe whichwatervapor,H ,CH andNH hadbeeninjected astronomicalorganization.Myinvestigationimpliesthat 2 4, 3 andfoundthataminoacidshadformed,therebystrongly thetwopartsofnature—biologicalworlddowntomicro- supporting the above theories. Since then, several other scopiclevelandphysicalworldatmacroscopiclevel—are stepsinthesynthesisoforganicmoleculeshavebeencar- intimately correlated; a fact which has always been riedoutandexperimentssimulatingprebioticconditions overlooked.Theinvestigationpointsoutadefinitecorre- haveyieldedsugars,fattyacids,andnucleicacidbases.In lationbetweentheorganizationalplanofDNAmolecule continuationoftheseresults,muchresearchonchemical andcellsduringorganicevolutionandtheorganizational evolution and the originof life have beencarried. plan of our solar system during inorganic evolution. Acloserelationshipbetweenthechemicalevolutionof Thefollowingequation,showingthecorrelationbetween lifeandtheevolutionofEarth'scrusthasbeenreported.It the genetic code of DNA molecule and the apparent isarguedthatchemicalevolutionwasfollowedbybiolog- motion of the Sun—due to Earth's revolution around ical evolution, in which proteins were formed by poly- the Sun—has been derived by me and reported: merization of amino acids, and aggregates appeared in (64(cid:5)K)/20¼339/107.65, where 64¼number of codons; thewatermediumalongwithotherorganiccompounds. 20¼numberofaminoacids;K¼astro-molecularconstant Then,onlyaftertheoriginofthegeneticcode,determined derived in my paper; 339¼number of disks of the sun by the sequence of bases in nucleic acids—the first self- to measure its apparent path along the ecliptic in the reproducingmolecule,self-perpetuatingcellscouldhave celestial sphere between the two equinoxes; and arisen.Thus,self-organizationoflifefirsttookplaceatthe 107.65¼average distance of the sun in terms of its own molecular level, for example, proteins, nucleic acids diameter from Earth. (RNAandDNA).Followingtheevolutionofthefirstcell All living organisms on the earth share the same 64 ontheEarth(ie,prokaryoticcells,whichdidnothavedis- codonsand20aminoacids.Theaboveequationcorrelates tinct organization of nucleus), organization of nucleus the biologicalmolecular data withthe astronomical data, took place in eukaryotic cells, which evolved from pro- thereby implying a common organizational plan of the karyoticcells.Subsequently,fromthelowerformsofuni- DNAmoleculeandoursolarsystem,probablyduetothe cellular livingorganismsevolved all the higher forms of influence of a common governing force, that is, gravita- complexmulti-cellularlivingorganisms,spearheadedby tionalforceandwaves.IntheframeworkofDr.Einstein's modernhumans.Itisnowawell-establishedfactthatthe General Theory of Relativity, the properties of space, time, geneticcodehasplayedakeyrolethroughouttheevolu- andgravitationaremergedintooneharmoniousandele- tionaryprocessandactedasanintracellularcomputerin gant picture. Dr. Albert Einstein propounded the idea of the organization of the cells, tissues, organs, and the gravitationalcurvatureofthefour-dimensionalspace-time whole organisms. continuum. This correlation also suggests that all natural AsDr.Josephexploresinhischapteron“Astronomical self-assembly—from microscopic to macroscopic world andBiologicalOrganizationalRelationship,”I,too,have (microcosmtomacrocosm)—areprobablyinfluencedand touchedon,reported,anddiscussedsomeaspectsofcor- controlledbygravitationalcurvatureofspace-time,asfor relation between biological organization at microscopic example,self-assemblyofthesolarsystemandDNAdou- levelandastronomicalorganizationatmacroscopiclevel; blehelicalmolecule.Scientistshavelongusedmathematics and found an underlying unifying relationship between to describe the physical properties of the universe. But two seemingly different disciplines of science. Based on cosmologistMaxTegmarkbelievesthattheuniverseitself thelatestestimates,thereexistabout8.7(cid:4)1.3milliondif- ismathematics.InTegmark'sview,everythingintheuni- ferent species of organisms on Earth; at the cellular and verse,humansincluded,ispartofamathematicalstructure. molecularlevels,thereisauniquemasterplanoforgani- Inhisbook,“OurMathematicalUniverse,”theM.I.T.phys- zationcommontoall.Allorganismshavethecellsastheir icistMaxTegmarkdescribestwoimportantaspects—oneis basic structural and functional unit and all have essen- aninformative survey of excitingrecentdevelopmentsin tially the same genetic code made of DNA. The light, astrophysicsandquantumtheory,andtheotherisadiscus- scanning, and transmission electron microscopic studies sionofhisinnovativeideathatrealityitselfisamathemat- have shown that cells of a particular type are organized icalstructure.DNAandlifeoriginatedandevolvedinthe

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