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Memoirs ofthe Museum ofVictoria 56(2):649-653 (1997) INVERTEBRATE BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION IN TASMANIAN CAVES N. E. Doran, S. M. Eberhard', A. M. M. Richardson, and R. Swain Zoology Department, University ofTasmania, GPO Box 252C, Hobart, Tas. 7001, Australia 'NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, PO Box 733, Queanbeyan. NSW 2620, Australia Abstract Doran,N.E.,Eberhard,S.M., Richardson, A.M.M. and Swain,R., 1997. Invertebratebiod- iversity and conservation in Tasmanian caves. Memoirs ofthe Museum ofVictoria 56(2) 649-653. Tasmanian caves support a diverse invertebrate fauna, representing the richest known assemblages ofcave obligate species in temperate Australia. Current studies have yielded much valuableand unusual information regardingspider,amphipod andcricket speciesin particular, while highlighting their sensitivity to environmental disturbance. Introduction limited. In Tasmania, the barren appearance of Cave ecosystems offer unique opportunities to caves is increased by the absence ofany major vertebrate usage; roostingbatsand birds arenot evolutionary biologists because of their often present (most probably due to the low tempera- highly adapted fauna combined with theirwell- ture ofTasmanian caves), nor are any cave fish defined abiotic environmental parameters. known. The only visiting vertebrates are Despite its barren appearance and slow rate of humans and the occasional rodent, macropod, change, the cave environment can be remark- or snake seeking shelter. In spite of this, ably speciose, and Tasmanian caves have Tasmanian invertebrate cave assemblages are recently been identified as hosting the richest amongst the richest known in temperate zone assemblages of cave obligate invertebrates in Australia. temperateAustralia(Eberhardetal., 1991).This Caveanimals,orcavernicoles,areessentiallya high biodiversity combined with Tasmania's heterogeneous assemblage occupying different location at a climatic and geographic extreme, regionsofcaves, andtheirclassification isbased and its relative abundance ofundisturbed sites, around their relationship to particular cave makes the region extremely valuable for the zones. While there are many systems for such study ofthe evolutionary history ofAustralian classification, the simplest (Vandel, 1965; with cave biota. expansion by Howarth, 1983) divides animals In Tasmania as elsewhere, however, land into four groups as follows. management and land degradation problems Troglobites are obligate cave species, strictly pose a significant danger to caves and their adapted to subterranean habitats and unable to fauna.Currentstudiesofthelifecyclesofcertain survive outside them. These animals often dis- cave animals have highlighted their sus- play a large suite ofdistinctive morphological, ceptibility to environmental disturbance physiological, and behavioural adaptations, (Richardsonetal., inpress,andourunpublished many quite bizarre, and their domain is that of data), whileatthesametime indicatingboththe the deep cave. practical benefits that further study may pro- Troglophiles are facultative cavernicoles that vide, and the high scientific and conservation commonly live and reproduce in caves, but are values ofthese delicate ecosystems. not totally confined tothem; they may be found in similar sheltered, cool, dark and humid General background epigean microhabitats. The deceptive first impression that caves are Trogloxenes are occasional cavernicoles that depauperate is based on a combination of the regularly inhabit caves, usually near the small size of many cave organisms, their fre- entrance, for refuge and a favourable microcli- quently sparse distributions, and their cryptic mate, butmustperiodicallyreturntothesurface nature^ since animals more frequently occur in to feed, usually at night. Such animals often the smaller cracks, crevices, and folds of cave require direct access to both the epigean and formations to which human access is severely hypogean environments in order to survive. 649 650 N.E. DORAN Accidentals are surface animals which wan- ensured theanimal'ssurvival duringthe rapidly der, fall, or are washed into caves, but cannot fluctuating conditions of the Pleistocene survive there. (Goede, 1967). Examplesofthe first three ofthesegroupsare In contrast, very littlehasyetbeen discovered presented in the following section. about the troglobitic amaurobiids (Family Amaurobiidae), which inhabit deeper parts of Components ofthe Tasmanian cave fauna the cave not prone to external seasonal influ- ence. These spiders do not spin webs, but wan- ThecavernicolousfaunaofTasmaniaconsistsof der widely, although they may display some five major phyla, Platyhelminthes, Nemertini, degree of territoriality (our unpublished data). Aschelminthes,Annelida,andArthropoda,with The amaurobiids are often locally abundant, the arachnids, crustaceans, and insects being and thejuveniles at least are depigmented and particularly well represented (Eberhard et al., display some degree ofeye reduction (M. Gray, 1991). Ninety percent ofthe recorded Tasman- pers comm.). ian cave genera are arthropods, and most ofthe cave obligate species belong to this phylum. In Amphipods (Malacostraca) thecourseofnumerouscavestudiesand surveys Several genera and species of troglobitic carried out by the authors, the followinggroups amphipodsin theSuperfamily Crangonyctoidea have received particular attention. inhabit streams and pools in Tasmanian caves. The stream dwelling Antipodeus sp. (Family Spiders (Araneae) Paramelitidae), the generic placement ofwhich Tasmanian caves support an interesting and diversespiderfauna, including Hickmania trog- is currently under review (W.D. Williams, pers ltroodgyltoepsh(itlhee,Taasnmdanainan uCna-vneaSmpeidder)amwahuircohbiisida cdwoemlml.er),,oisraaqsutyagtoibciotrnotg:laobnitoeb.liIgtatisefgoruonudndawtasteevr- spiHdierc,kmwahniicah itsroagtlroodgyltoebsit(eF.amily Austrochili- TerrailmsimteesriCnanvoertatheMronlTeaCsrmeaenkia(,seienfcolluldoiwnignLgistetcle- tion). In contrast to terrestrial troglobites, this dae) is the largest spider in Tasmania, with a leg-span ofup to 18 cm when fully grown, and Species displays distinct seasonal tendencies, ctoonTsatsrmucatnsiaa,weabndofthuepotnol1y2k0nboyw6n0scpme.ciEensdienmtihce adenpdenitdsenlitfeucypcolen atphpeeayresarltyo cbheanaglemsostindsirtercetalmy flow. Mating occurs from late-winter to spring, genus, /-/. troglodytes is of high systematic and and over the summer months the amphipods zoogeographic interest. Its closest relatives live may display protective burrowing behaviour in Chileand Argentina, and it isofconsiderable prior to stream drying (our unpublished data). evolutionary significance as it possesses major Thisburrowingallowstheamphipodstosurvive physical traits of both the primitive (liphistio- morph and mygalomorph) and advanced (ara- seasonal dry spells, and appears to be triggered (perhaps by increasing calcium concentrations neomorph) spider groups. While the species is no longer considered a direct evolutionary link in the water)beforethepoolsdry. Theseamphi- cbleotswesetenatrhaenseeogmrooruppsh,sittiosctohnesiadnecreesdtroanlesopfitdheer bpyodsthgeensetrraelalmy,feaeldthoonugdehtrdiitfufsertehnatt issizcearrcliaesdseisn type from which thev all diverged (Marples, appear to have their own preferences amongst the selection that this material offers. 1968). Hickmania troglodytes builds large pear Crickets (Orthoptera) shaped egg sacs which hang from the roofand Cavecrickets(FamilyRhaphidophoridae)are sidesofthe cave. Theyoungtakeapproximately easily the most common trogloxenes in Tas- nine monthstoemerge from thesesacs, a period mania, the two main genera being Micropathus significantly longer than the one to two months and Parvotettix. Whilespecies from both genera typicalofepigeanspiders,andtheirlifespan may may inhabit the same cave, species from the cover decades (Doran, unpublished data). The same genus appear not to coexist (Eberhard et egg sacs themselves are of intricate internal al., 1991). Micropathus species are most com- design and are highly resistant tofungal growth, mon in the moister western and southern parts which can over-run other organic materials in ofTasmania, wheretheyareestablished in large caves in a matter ofdays or even hours. A very colonies, and the distribution and derivation of ancient member of the Tasmanian fauna, //. the species-complexes may have been influ- troglodytes' stronghold is the twilight and tran- enced by Pleistocene glaciation (Richards, sition (early) zones of caves, which may have 1971a). Cavecricketsaregenerallyomnivorous, BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION IN TASMANIAN CAVES 651 and leavethecaveat nighttofeedon forest floor yielded over 55 taxa (Houshold and Clarke invertebrates and materials (Barr, 1968), 1988). although they may also prey onjuvenile spiders withinthecave(ourunpublisheddata).Toadult Comparisons with temperate mainland spiders, beetles and other animals, the crickets Australia provideamajorsourceoffood input tothecave, Few data have been published forcaves in tem- either directly as prey, or through their drop- perate mainland Australia, but the literature pingsandeggs.Thelatterareburied insiltbanks includes over 6 troglobites from the Nullabor ofthe deep cave, and possibly provide the sole Plain (e.g., Richards, 1971b; Knott, 1983), at food source for troglobitic beetles specially least 6 more from five cave areas in Victoria adapted to retrieve them. (Davey and White, 1986), 2 troglobites and 5 troglophiles from Wombeyan Caves (Smith, Major sites and regions examined 1982) and 2 species of troglophile from Bun- gonia Caves in New South Wales (Wellings, In the MoleCreek region ofnorthernTasmania, 1977), and 25 species of aquatic cavernicole 71 invertebrate taxa have been recorded from from a cave at Yanchep in Western Australia Kubla Khan and Genghis Khan caves (although the number ofstygobiontic species is (Eberhard, 1990b), including 3 species each of not given; Jasinska and Knott, 1991). Against fanlnaetlwiodrsm,smyarnidapsopdrisngatnaidlsm,oll5usscpse,ci6esspeeacicehs ooff these figures, it would appear that Tasmania is comparatively rich in troglobitic diversity. crustaceans, 21 arachnids and 23 insects. Althoughabout 9ofthesespecieswereacciden- 1 Conclusions tals, at least 1 1, and possibly more, are troglo- bitic.Thediversityofspeciesrecorded hereisby WhiledatacurrentlyshowthatTasmaniancaves far the highest for any single Tasmanian cave support substantially higher biodiversity than (Eberhard et al. 1991). caves in temperate mainland Australia, such Precipitous BlufF, far southern Tasmania, comparisonswill remain rathercrudeuntilsam- supports the richest assemblage ofcaveobligate pling strategies and sampling intensities can be species presently known in temperatezoneAus- in some way standardised, and until all karst tralia, with at least 15 troglobiticorstygobiontic areas have been surveyed. However, Tasmania species recorded among a total cave fauna of is likely to remain an extremely rich source of some 32 (+ +) species (Eberhard et al., 1991). cavefauna, whoseageand diversity is related to Thisarea has the most highly cave adapted rep- thegeology and geomorphic history ofthe karst resentatives in several animal groups, including systems in which it is found. amphipods, beetles, molluscs, and harvestmen, As caves are entirely dependent on outside while the hydrobiid mollusc and opilionid (har- sources for their energy input, and as their vestmen) faunas are particularly notable for the environmentsareslowtochangeand/orpredict- diversity ofspecies represented. able, these ecosystems are highly vulnerable to Ida Bay, far southern Tasmania, has 31 external events, which may even occur at some recorded cavernicolous species including 5 tro- distance from the caves themselves. Two major globites (21% of the fauna) from one survey sources of food input, cricket guano and water (Richards and Oilier, 1976), and 30 species carriage, areat high risk from land usepractices hianrcdl,udi1n9g901a)1.trTohgleosbeitfeisg(ur3e6s%)exicnlaudneotahcecrid(eEnbtearl- tEhvaetnaftfheectdissurrurpotuinodninofgHfoorwestleavenldswianttoerthqeuaclaivtey., or surface fauna, and cover such groups as the whether by an increase or decrease, can have opilionids, pseudoscorpions, aranaeids, crus- devastating effects on the cave fauna. While taceans,collembolans, hemipterans,andcoleop- water levels may fluctuate enormously during terans amongst others (Eberhard et al., 1991). thenormal yearlycycle, this isgenerally predict- MountAnne(southernTasmania)and Mount able,andexceptionallysevereconditionsduring Ronald Cross (central to western Tasmania) the normal season are not as potentially cata- support at least 5 and 3 troglobitic species strophic as relatively minor floods occurring at respectively (Eberhard, 1987, 1989), while at unusual times, or even the absence offloods at Bubs Hill (western Tasmania) at least 6 definite the expected time (Howarth, 1983). troglobites and 6 other taxa of uncertain status More direct effects arc also important. Caves have been recorded (Clarke 1989). Including may be heavily affected by quarrying, rubbish accidentals, one cave in the Bubs Hill karst has dumping, the in-fillingofentrancesorclearance DORAN 652 N.E. ofsurrounding land. Visitors are also a signifi- and release, the impact on the fauna is minimal. cant potential source ofdisturbance, and some Recordsarealsokeptofthedate,duration,party cave inhabitants and habitats are particularly number, and course taken through the cave for vulnerableto them (Richardson et al., in press). each visit, so that the impact on the cave Indirect disturbance alone, such as light or environment of even these few visits can be movement, can disturbcavespidersand disrupt assessed. courtship and mating. Spiders may desert their The benefits ofthis monitoring strategy have egg sacs ifdisturbed frequently, which probably been many. LittleTrimmerCavehasbeenfound accountsfortherarityoftheseanimalsintourist to contain a rich invertebrate fauna in keeping caves. Seepage pools supporting rare syncarid with that observed in other areas of the state, shrimps (Family Psammaspididae) can be and this diversity is due, at least in part, to the destroyedbyasinglecarelessfootstep,ascansilt wide variety of substrates and consequently banks which support many ofthe small terres- habitat typeswithinthecave.Throughthemini- trial invertebrates deep in caves. The cave malimpactnatureofourprogram,theseanimals environment is a very special, fragile habitat, andhabitattypeshavebeenabletobestudiedin into which even scientific visits should be care- an essentially undisturbed state, and this fullyregulatedtoreducepotential,and veryreal, approach has yielded much valuable infor- impacts. mation. The species presented as examples in this paperare present in large numbers in Little Trimmer, and much of the new information Future directions: the Little Tri—mmer Cave reported hascome aboutasa direct result ofthe Biological Monitoring Program a model Little Trimmer program. The slow rate ofcave study biological processes means that long-term, Afaunal study designed to beoflow impactwas intensive studies are essential for comprehend- specifically formulated for LittleTrimmerCave ing the ecology ofcave organisms, and the nine atMoleCreek,Tasmania, in 1990.Thisprogram month incubation period and apparent lon- was established at the cave at the beginning of gevityoftheTasmanian Cave Spiderin particu- 1991 and is still ongoing today. lar demonstrate how ideal an opportunity the Little Trimmer Cave is a well decorated, Little Trimmer program presents. stream bearing cave of reasonable length (the In view ofthe success ofthe Little Trimmer major passage is approx. 200 m). Situated in study, we fully endorse the 'sampling with State forest, it has been gated by the Tasmania replacement' recommendations of Slaney and Forestry for several years, so that access is lim- Weinstein (at this conference), and believe that ited to facilitate scientific studies in an undis- such low impact, non-collection studies are the We turbedhypogeanenvironment.Visitsareregular way forward in biospeleological research. and infrequent (ranging from monthly to believe that the Little Trimmer program is an bimonthly), visitor numbers are restricted, and excellent example ofhowdata collection can be studiesare designed around conservation ofthe optimised yetatthe sametime balancedagainst cave environment and its fauna. Movement the needs of faunal conservation. through the cave is kept smooth and quiet to minimise disturbance due to noise and sudden Acknowledgements vibration, and in all but the most carefully con- sidered cases the introduction of any foreign Parts ofthe work reported here were supported matter, particularly organic, volatile, or odor- by grants from both the Australian Research iferous substances which may attract or repel Council and the National Estate Grants cavernicoles, is avoided. Pathways are marked Program. Thanks are also given to the Forest by string to reduce the area exposed to disrup- Practices Unit ofForestry Tasmania, forkindly tion by researchers traversing the cave, and the offeringand allowingus continued accessto the greatest care is taken to avoid even the smallest closed environment of Little Trimmer Cave. animalsandcaveformationsonandabovethese paths. Substrate Protection Zones are estab- lished thoughout the cave to preserve the more References fragile habitats and subcommunity types, and Barr, T.C.. 1968. Cave ecology and the evolution of studyofthefaunaisconductedbycensus, mark- troglobites. Evolutionary Biology 2: 35-102. ing, and careful observation. With a strict Clarke.A.. 1989.Faunafromthecasesandkarstsofthe regime of capture, measurement, description BubsHillarea. Western Tasmania. Fromareport . BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION IN TASMANIAN CAVES 653 tothe Department ofParks, Wildlife& Heritage, theAustralianSpeleologicalFederationInc., Mar- Tasmania. 24pp. garetRiver, WesternAustralia. Australian Speleo- Davey, A.G.andWhite,S., 1986.ManagementofVic- logical Federation Inc. — torian caves and karst. A report to the Caves Knott, B., 1983. Amphipods from Nurina Cave ClassificationCommittee, Dept.ofConservation, Nullarbor Plain. ASFNewsletter 101: 3-4. Forests and Lands, Victoria. Marples, B.J., 1968. The hypochilomorph spiders. Eberhard,S.M., 1987.Notesoncavefauna. Pp. 24-30 ProceedingsoftheLinneanSocietyofLondon 179: in: Greenslade, P. (ed.). Significanceoftheinvert- 11-31. ebratefaunas ofthe Lemonthyme and Southern Richards, A.M., 1971a. The Rhaphidophoridae Forests. Consultancy report to the Common- (Orthoptera)ofAustralia,part9.Thedistribution wealth Commission of Inquiry into the Lemon- and possible origin of Tasmanian thyme and Southern Forests, Tasmania. Rhaphidophoridae, with descriptionsoftwo new Eberhard, S.M., 1989. Survey ofcave fauna in the species. PacificInsects 13: 575-587. Western Tasmania WorldHeritageArea, PartIII. Richards,A.M., 197lb.Anecologicalstudyofthecav- AreporttotheDepartmentofParks,Wildlifeand ernicolousfaunaoftheNullarborPlain,Southern Heritage, Tasmania. 18pp. Australia. JournalofZoology 164: 1-60. Eberhard, S.M., 1990a. Ida Bay karst study: the cave Richards. A.M. and Oilier, CD., 1976. Investigation fauna at Ida Bay in Tasmania and the effect of andreportontheecologicalprotectionofExitCave quarry operations. Report to the Department of nearIdaBayin Tasmania(fortheNationalParks Parks, Wildlife and Heritage, Tasmania. 25pp. and WildlifeService, Tasmania). Unisearch Ltd., Eberhard, S.M., 1990b. Biological resources. Pp.25- Sydney. 73pp. 33 in: Spate, A. (ed.). Kubla Khan Cave State Richardson, A.M.M., Doran, N.E., Eberhard, S.M. Reserve, Mole Creek, Tasmania: draft pilot man- and Swain, R. (in press). Bioconservation and agement study. Tasmanian Cave Fauna. Papers andProceedings Eberhard, S.M., Richardson, A.M.M. and Swain, R., oftheAustralasian Cave andKarst Management 1991. The invertebrate caveJduna ofTasmania. Association (ACKMA) Conference on Manage- National Estate Grants Program. 174pp. mentofCavesandKarst, GowriePark, Tasmania Goede, A.. 1967. Tasmanian cave fauna: character (May 1995). and distribution. Helictite 5: 71-86. Smith, G., 1982. Cavefauna. Pp. 173-178 in: Dyson, Houshold.I.andClarke.A., 1988.BubsHillkarstarea H.J., Ellis R. and James, J.M. (eds), Wombeyan resource—inventory and management recommen- Caves. Sydney Speleological Society Occasional dations withsupplementaryreportson theSur- Paper No. 8. prise River, Cardigan River, Cheyne Range and Vandel, A., 1965. Biospeleology: thebiologyofcavern- Nelson Valleykarst areas. Unpublished report to icolous animals (translated from French by B.E. the Department of Lands, Parks and Wildlife, Freeman). Pergammon Press: Oxford, 524 pp. Tasmania. 67pp. Wellings, G., 1977. Invertebrate fauna of Bungonia Howarth, F.G., 1983. Ecology of cave arthropods. Caves. Pp 150-153 in: Ellis, R., Hawkins, L., Annual Review ofEntomology 28: 365-389. Hawkins, R., James, J., Middleton, G., Nurse, B. Jasinska,E.J.,and Knott, B., 1991.Theimportanceof and Wellings, G. (eds), Bungonia Caves. Speleo- caves at Yanchep, Western Australia. Pp.55-57 logical Society Occassional Paper No. 4, Syd- in: Proceedingsofthe 18th BiennialConferenceof ney.

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