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Inverse-detected NMR of ciguatoxin: quaternary carbon locations confirmed in CTX-1 PDF

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Preview Inverse-detected NMR of ciguatoxin: quaternary carbon locations confirmed in CTX-1

. INVERSE-DETECTED NMR OFCIGUATOXIN: QUATERNARY CARBON LOCATIONS CONFIRMED IN CTX-1 RICHARD LEWIS ANDIAN M. BRERETON J. Lewis, R.J. & Brcrcton, I.M. 19940801; Inverse-delected NMR ofciguatoxin; quaternary carbonlocationsconfirmedinCTX-1 MemoirsoftheQueenslandMuseum34(3),555-559. . Brisbane. ISSN0079-8835. Short-range(HMQC,,Jch)andlong-range(HMBC,23Jch)2-dimensionaIinverse-detected heieronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of0.45mg of ciguatoxin-1 are shown. These spectra provide independent support forthe structure proposed forciguaioxin-1 and confirmtheI3Cassignmentsandthelocationofthetwoquaternarycarbonsinciguatoxin-1 HMBC Thepresenceoffouretherlinkages wasalsoconfirmed from the experiment. RichardJ. Lewis,SouthernFisheriesCentre,QueenslandDepartmentofPrimaryIndustries, PO Box 76, Deception Bay. Queensland 4508: km M. Brereum, Centrefor Magnetic Resonance, UniversityofQueensland, StLucia, Queensland4072; 22November, 1993. A majoradvance in ciguatera research was the detected spectraofCTX-1, determined usingthe & determination of the structure of ciguatoxin method ofMartin Crouch (1991), provide in- (Murataet al.,1989,1990). Ciguatoxin-1 (=CTX- dependent support for this structure, including 1, Fig.1) is the most toxic ciguatoxin isolated confirmationofthelocationofthetwoquaternary to-date (Lewis et al..l99I) and is dominant in carbons in the molecule. ciguatericfishflesh(Lewis&Selling992).CTX- METHODS 1 is probably responsible for the clinical syndromethatfollowsconsumptionofciguatenc fish; especially carnivorous species. CIGUATOXIN-1 (CTX-1) The structure of CTX-1 was proposed on the CTX-1 was purified in 1991 (Lewis et al., NMR NMR basis of one-dimensional 'H and nOe 1991). experiments were performed on a spectroscopy, two-dimensional homonuclear 0.45mg sample ofCTX-1 in 0.45ml ofpyridine- scalar coupled spectroscopy 267hh) and mass ds (99.96%, Cambridge Isotope Laboratories), ( spectroscopy (Murata et al.,1989,1990). Short- range (one bond) inverse-detected heteronuclcar Nuclear MagneticResonance(NMR) experiments (HMQC) supported the structure Spectroscopy proposed for CTX-1 (Murata et a!.,1992). The The formation ofheieronuclear multiple quan- absolute stereochemistry of CTX-1 (Fig.l) has tum coherence between protons and C nuclei been proposed (Suzuki etal.,1991). Short-range provides a powerful tool for molecular structure (HMQC) and long-range (HMBC) inverse- determination. Two dimensional experiments CTX - 1 R, = OH CTX - 2 R = H 1 CTX - 3 Rt = H Me H 60 HO' FIHGM.B1.CStrsupcetcurteruomfcairgeusathooxwinn-b1ol(dRied=.OH)proposedby Murataetal. (1990). Connectivitiesconfirmedfromthe 556 MEMOIRS OFTHEQUEENSLANDMUSEUM Mi 1.2 1.0 0.8 2.5 2.0 Protonchemicalshift(ppm) Protonchemicalshift(ppm) r 4.0 3.5 6.2 6.0 5.8 Protonchemicalshift(ppm) Protonchemicalshift(ppm) FIG.2. HMQC spectrum ofciguatoxin-1 (CTX-1) at 400 MHz in pyridine-ds (30°C). Vch clustered into four regionsshownindetailinpanelsAtoD.Carbonnumberofthecarbonsgivingriseto'7charelabelledaccording tothestructureofCTX-1 (Fig.l). Datawerezero filledtogive amatrixconsistingof4Kx 1 Kpoints. provide extensive proton to carbon connec- short- or long-range correlations are determined tivities, both direct via one bond scalarcoupling depends on the evolutionary manipulation of HMQC ]Jcu) with the experiment and long heteronuclear coherences according to the value ( range via 2 and 3 bond scalar couplings 2,37ch) of the respective heteronuclear coupling con- ( with the HMBC. The long-range experiment al- stants (~140Hzforonebondcouplings and 5-10 lows correlations across and to quaternary car- Hz for 2 and 3 bond couplings). The sensitivity bons (i.e. carbons without attached protons) and of these experiments can be maximised if the across heteroatoms (e.g. oxygens). Whether generated heteronuclear multiple quantum 1 NMR OFCIGUATOX1N- 557 scansaveraged)overaspectral width of43 0Hz) andwas op- 1 timised for 8.3Hz couplings. The two- dimensional homonuclear Hartman Hahn experiment (HOHAHA) was performed according to Bax & I) :, c Davis(1985) at 500MHzon an AM X-500 at 30CC (246 ti I values, each with 2048 points (88 scans averaged) over a P. At V Q Q spectral width of4505Hz) No »!?• •' twhaetseerseuxppperreismseinotns.waTsheuseNdMfRor no data were processed using p o FTTOOLand spectra analysed Ir JS t on a SUN SPARCstation-2 c also using this software. For each 2-D experiment, a gaus- 1 sian deconvolution with line broadening was applied to t? data(datazerofilledtogive4K points in F2) and a Hamming filter applied lo ti data (zero- 3 filled to give IK points in Fl) to obtain optimal signal to noise in each dimension. rhtniitiilshtfttpprri) Chemical shifts are given in ppm downfield of the pyridine 1-1G.3.HOHAHAspectrumofciguatoxin-l (CTX-1)at>00MHzmpyridine- resonance ('H at 7.21ppm and ds (30°C). Chemical exchange between hydroxyl protons ofCTX-1 and C at 123,5ppm). H2O was detected as direct and relayed cross-peaks from each hydroxyl protontothewaterresonanceat4.94ppm(mixingtime55msec). Datawere RESULTS zero filled togiveamatrixconsistingof4 K x 1 K points. HMQC The spectrum of coherences are converted to observable proton CTX-1 (Fig.2) detected all 'Jch except those signals, ratherthan using magnetisation from the associated with the proton resonances at 4.86 lesssensitive heteronucleus, ill the so-called"in- ppm which were obscuredby the H2O resonance verse"orprotondetectedcorrelationexperiment. which was not suppressed in this experiment. The one-bond correlation variant ofthis experi- This spectrum allowed us to inde- ment is known as the inverse-detected HMQC pendentlydetermine the l3C chemical shifts for and the somewhat less sensitive long-range eachcarbononCTX-1 andthe 'Hchemicalshifts mvualrtiainptleabsontdhecoirnrveelrastei-onde(teHcMteBdC)heetxepreorniumcelneta.r orfestphoenadtttoacthheedaspsroitgonnme(nTtabolfeMu1r).aTthaeesteatd.a(t1a99c2o)r,- Theseprocedureswereappliedtotheciguatoxins widi the minorexception ofcarbon 36 to which as described below. we assign a 13C chemical shift of Sl.Oppm, as (HThMeQCsheoxrpte-rriamnengte) (txJwcon-)diimnevnesrisoen-adletNecMteRd moeptphoisneedstion 8C3T.X6-9p1pma.ndThteheseasdsaitganmceonntfiorfmtahlel spectrum ofCTX-1 was obtained at 400MRz on double bond in the flexible portion of CTX-1 a BrukerAMX-400 at 30°C (206 ti values, each (ring F). In addition, all carbons assigned as at- with 2048 points (512 scans averaged) over a tached tooxygen had ,3Cchemical shiftscharac- spectral width of 4000Hz}. The long-range teristic ofsuch a chemical environment. The 13C (**Vch)NiMnvRerse-detected (HMBC) two-dimen- assignments were confirmed by careful com- sional experiment on CTX-1 was per- parison of the coupling patterns of protons ob- formed at 500MHz on a Bruker AMX-500 at served in the HMQC, HOHAHA and reference 30°C (495 ti values, each with 2048 points (96 MEMOIRSOFTHEQUEENSLANDMUSEUM mM ona 1 solution). However, we were able to confirm the location offour ether linkages by this experiment(Figs 1.4). DISCUSSION C&ttUn*IC5MHMI 4U We HMQC obtained and «Iftflfffl o' (411H57fi HMBC spectraofa ImM solu- tionofCTX-1 inpyridine-ds at HMQC 30°C. The spectnimin- dependently confirmed the nC assignments of CTX-1 given - by Murata et al. (1992). The HMBC spectra confirmed the position ofcarbons 33 and 52, I ,,111 wC<W - tphreesetnwtoinqCuTaXte-r1na(rFyig.cl)a.rbTohniss tti/Utt* spectrum also confirmed the location offourofthe 13 ether linked rings (Fig. 1). The loca- - tion of these quaternary car- bons and 12 of the 13 ether —i—i—r T i—T T T—«—iiH—/IcMJt I lfeirnrkeadgefsromwaUsCpcrheevmiiocuasllsyhifitns- 4.0 V5 3.0 2.5 2.0 15 1-0 and one-dimensional nOe ex- Protnitrhnnii:il shift (ppm> perimentsH(MMuBrCataetal.t1990). The experiment nG.4.HMBCsr^ctmmofciguatoxin-l(CTX^lUt5(K)MHzinpyndine-d3 detected all carbons two or (30°C). 2iJcu arc labelled according lo the proposed structure ofCTX-1 three bonds from methyl (Fig. 1). Data were zero Filled to give a matrix consisting of 4 K x 1 K protons but owing to the rela- points. tively poor signal to noise of this experiment (compared to 1-D JH NMR spectra. All 'H chemical shifts the HMQC experiment) it was not sufficiently HMBC assignedfromthe experimentoverlapped sensitive to detect many ofthe 2Vch couplings. HOHAHA thechemical shifts assigned from the These couplings may also be either larger or experiment also obtained at 30°C (Fig.3). In ad- smaller than 8.3Hz, the coupling size for which dition to scalar coupled connectivities, the theexperimentwasoptimised. Inconclusion,our HOHAHA (55msec mixing time) also detected datasupportthe structureproposedoriginally for thechemicalexchangebetweenhydroxy1protons CTX-1 by Murata et al. (1989). ofCTX-1 andresidualH2Ointhesolvent.Similar exchange was detected previously for CTX-2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (Lewisetal.,1993).Suchsignalsprovideauseful means ofidentifying the exchangeable hydroxyl We thank Peter Barron (Bruker, Australia) for HMQC protons in molecules. running the experimentand Ray Norton The HMBCspectraofCTX-1 (Fig.4) includes and David Doddrell forencouragement and sup- ^ 2"Vchforallmethyl protons. Fortunately, thetwo port. quaternarycarbonsinCTX-1 (carbons33and52) were within three bonds ofamethyl, allowingus LITERATURECITED toconfirm unambiguously the l3Cchemical shift (Table 1) and location (Fig.l) of these carbons. BAX A. & DAVIS, D.G. 1985. MLEV-17-basedtwo- Mustotherlong-rangecouplingsexpectedforthe dimensional homonuclear magnetisation transfer proposed structure ofCTX-1 were not detected, spectroscopy.JournalofMagneticResonance65: at least in part owing to the small quantity of 355-360. CTX-1 available (experiments were performed LEWISR.,S.R,.JM.,ACSELLELOIDN,, MJ..K,.P&OUS,HEMI.LA,.,M.NOM.RT1O9N91,. NMROFCIGUATOXIN- 559 TABLE 1. 13Cand 'HNMRchemicalshiftsforCTX-I Purification and characterization of ciguatoxins HMQC at30°C(400MHz, pyridine-^) from the ex- from moray eel (Lxcodomis javaniats, Murae- periment. LEWInSi,dae)R..ToJ.xi&conS2E9L:L1I1N1,5-1M1.27.1992. Multiple Poa 13C 'H Pos 13C 'H ciguatoxins inthe fleshoffish.Toxicon30: 915- ition (ppm) (ppm) iuon (ppm) (ppm) 919 1 67.1 3.96 31 40.0 2.52,2.52 LEWISE.CCR.LJ.E.SN,ORCTDO.N,19R.9S3..T BCRiEguRaEtToOxNin.-2I.Mi.s&a 2 72.9 4.68 32 74.5 4.16 diastereomer ofciguatoxm-3. Toxicon 31: 637- 3 132.0 6.36 33 78.6* - 643 J 131.0 6.36 34 80.8 3.31 MARTIN, G.E. & CROUCH, R.C. 1991. Inverse- NMR 5 78.0- 4.86 35 36.4 1.92,2.26 detected two-dimensional methods: ap- plications in natural products chemistry. Journal 6 136.0 5.91 36 81.0 3.34 ofNatural Products54: 1-70, 7 126.8 5.78 37 73! 350 MURATA, M.. LEGRAND, A.M., ISHIBASHI, Y.& 8 34.6 2.54,2.73 38 46.8 1.54. 1 84 YASUMOTO, T. 1989. Structures ofciguatoxin 9 76.6 3.50 39 27.8 1.91 and its congener. Journal American Chemical Society 111:8929-8931. 10 hi a 3 75 40 46.1 1.71,2.03 MURATA> M LEGRAND. A.M. ISHIBASHI, Y.. 11 74.1 4.10 41 81.5 3.21 FUKUI, M,.& YASUMOTO,T. 1990.Structures 12 82.0 3.43 42 84 ."' ':; and configurations ofciguatoxin from the moray eel Gymnothoraxjavanirus and its likelyprecur- !3 73.6 3.34 43 41.4 1.78,2.59 sor from the dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus 14 37.5 1.85,2.56 44 74.8 4.47 toxtcus.Journal AmericanChemical Society 112: 15 7V.7 3.55 45 87.6 3.20 438CM386. 1176 18303.56 45..0734 i 4476 4747..00 24..2519 MURAYcTiAgAuS.aUtoMMx.iO.nTLbOEy,GiRTn.Ave1Nr9sD9e2.-.dAe1.t3CeMc.tN.eMdSRC2HDaEssUspiEegRcnt,mreoPns.tcJs.opo&yf NMR 18 131.1 5.89 48 72.6 4.06 and an explanation of signal broadening. 19 83.3 4.07 : 7W7.M0 ', 96 SUZUTKetIr,ahedTr.o.n LeStAteTrsO.33: 5O2.5.-52H6.IRAMA, M., 20 83.6 4.21 50 2.0] YAMAMOTO, YM MURATA, M., 21 132.3 5.67 51 42.: 1.68 YASUMOTO, T. & HARADA, N. 1991. Enan- 22 135.9 6.04 52 109.7* - tioselective synthesisofthe AB ring fragment of 23 85.7 4.02 53 15.9 2.34,2.40 gambiertoxin 4B. Implication for the absolute configurationofgambiertoxin4Bandciguatoxin. 24 85.0 3.64 54 70.7a -'. t Tetrahedron Letters35: 4505^1508. 25 32.5 -2.2,2.96 55 75.1 4.18, i is 26 128.2 5.97 56 9.7 1.37 27 128.2 5 96 57 28.3 0.94 28 32.7 -2.3,2.93 58 20.2 132 29 83.9 3.76 59 16.2 1.31 30 85.4 3.63 60 13.9 1.23 1H chemical shifts at 4.86ppm (2 protons) were obscured by the water resonance 13C values from ( Murataeta!.,1992). b 13Cchemicalshift valuesforquaternarycarbonsfrom theHMBCexperimentat30°C (500MHz, pyridine- ds).

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