Inventory to the J. C. Allen negatives and photographs, 1915-1974 Purdue University Libraries Virginia Kelly Karnes Archives and Special Collections Research Center 504 West State Street West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2058 (765) 494-2839 © 2012 Purdue University Libraries. All rights reserved. Revised by: Elizabeth Wilkinson, 14 Februrary 2012 Processed by: Christian Ordaz, Olivia Gunter, Pooja Patel, Kali Smith, Stephanie Paine, and Elizabeth Wilkinson 1 Descriptive Summary Creator Information Allen, John C., 1881-1976 Title J. C. Allen negatives and photographs, 1915-1974 Collection Identifier MSP 25 Date Span 1915-1974, predominant 1920s-1950s Abstract Photographs and negatives of Purdue University from the 1910s to 1970s. Extent 96 shoe boxes Finding Aid Author Elizabeth Wilkinson, 2012 Languages English Repository Virginia Kelly Karnes Archives and Special Collections Research Center, Purdue University Libraries Administrative Information Location Information: ASC Access Restrictions: Collection is open for research. Some items in the collection are fragile or damaged. Please take care when handling the glass negatives. Red font: Denotes damage Yellow highlights: Denotes the container or contents are missing. Acquisition College of Agriculture transferred to the Purdue Libraries Archives and Special Collection 2 Information: in 2008 Preferred Citation: MSP 25, J. C. Allen negatives and photographs, Archives and Special Collections, Purdue University Libraries Copyright Notice: Purdue University Related Materials MSP 104, J.C. Allen and Son photographs and negatives Information: 3 Biography of J. C. Allen John “J. C.” C. Allen was born in 1881. His mother died when he was a year and a half in age, and when he was six his father passed away. Before J. C.’s father died, he made arrangements for J.C. to live at the Indiana Soldier’s and Sailor’s Children’s Home. The Children’s Home operated a farm which gave J. C. his earliest agricultural training. He graduated from the Home in 1897 and took on a myriad of jobs. He started out working on a railroad crew, then coal miner, a farm hand, then as a telegraph operator. In 1904 he married Mary Abby Peavy and they later had a son, Chester, and a daughter, Martha. Later that year they attended the World’s Fair in St. Louis and purchased a portable Kodak camera for the trip. This is how J. C. Allen was bitten by the photography bug. Later that year he purchased a wooden box camera that used 5x 7 inch glass plates and found the clarity of the photographs to be superior to his other camera. The married couple settled in on a farm along the Illinois-Indiana state line. Over time Allen developed proficiency in agronomy and livestock—the skills that led him to a position at Purdue in 1909. Allen later stated that he was hired by the Purdue College of Agriculture to work in livestock judging, animal nutrition, poultry and agronomy. According to John O. Allen, J. C.’s grandson, he found using photographs in judging livestock useful because you could easily compare animals and look for examples of conformation. J. C. Allen’s hiring by Purdue just happened to coincide with the brisk expansion of the College of Agriculture. He was able to document the early activities of Ag Extension around the state. Purdue placed several of his photographs in Agricultural Experiment Station publications. His work expanded beyond the College of Agriculture to chronicling the activities of the entire University, including taking photographs of Amelia Earhart when she was a lecturer at Purdue in the 1930s. Allen did not exclusively work for Purdue either, but also took photographs for his own personal business, J. C. Allen & Son. His photographs began appearing in publications such as Prairie Farmer, Breeder’s Gazette, and Farm Journal, as well as in books. Allen would not only travel the Midwest and take photographs, but also the entire country taking photographs of farm life. However, he always returned to West Lafayette. In 1929 Chester Allen became the “Son” in J. C. Allen & Son. After Chester graduated with a B. S. in horticultural science from Purdue, he went to work in his father’s office and was also a freelance photographer/writer for magazines and newspapers. Chester’s son John joined the family business in 1967 after receiving his B. S. in agricultural economics from Purdue and a stint in the Navy. 4 J. C. retired in 1952, but still continued to take photographs for almost twenty-five more years. He passed away in 1976 at the age of 94. Chester worked until his death in 1996 at the age of 89. John has now become the custodian of the J. C. Allen & Son archive. The collection consists of over 77,000 subjects and covers all fifty states. J. C. Allen & Son materials are still in great demand today. Publications such as Country Woman, Reminisce, Draft Horse Journal, and Farm & Ranch Living often use their work. Many of the images are also used in displays and exhibits around the country. In the 1970s J. C. Allen presented nearly 20,000 prints, negatives and glass plate negatives to Purdue. The collection was housed by the College of Agriculture until spring 2008 when it came to the Purdue Archives & Special Collections. Arrangement The collection has been maintained in the original subject and item order as arranged by J.C. Allen. 5 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION Item listing: ID Number Title Description Date 25.1.1 Taylor, Henry, Former Trustee of Purdue - 1865-70 B&W Negative, Portrait ? 25.1.2 Richard Taylor, Sullivan County, Indiana 4 Copies of B&W Portrait, Jan. 9, 1942 4-H Club Boy who will make trip to Washington DC 2 Copies of its negative 25.1.3 J. H. Telfer, soil conservation service of Purdue University 2 B&W negative on single film, Portrait Nov. 26, 1946 25.1.4 Ralph Test, County Agricultural Agent, of Wayne County, Indiana, with the 4 copies B&W photographs with descriptive note 1925 watch presented to him by P. D. Armour of Armour & Co. for ‘bull dogging’ a attached to them, wild cow in the yards & probably saving from death or serious injury some of standing pose the club boys & girls who were on an inspection tour through the yards at 2 copies of negatives on glass 1925 International (Livestock Show.) 2 extra descriptive notes 25.1.5 Tetrault – Taken for Miss Hand B&W Negative, Portrait Jan. 1938 25.1.6 Thompson, Arthur –Wabash, Indiana –Copied for A. H. Dept. B&W Negative, Portrait Jan. 1950 25.1.7 H. C. Thompson, Ext. Field Agent 2 Copies of B&W Negative, Portrait Mar. 30, 1940 25.1.8 J. Ralph Thompson –Copied for Miss Hand B&W Negative, Portrait July 24, 1941 25.1.9 John L. Thompson copied for Miss Wade, American Shropshire Association. 2 B&W Negatives, Small Portrait with name in front ? 25.1.10 Mr. Dick Thornton, Scholarship Foundation 2 films of B&W Negatives, Mar 1947 2 similar portraits on each of them 25.1.11 Dr. Throckmorton copied for the Dean Harry Reed. Oct. 1943 B&W Negative, Portrait Oct. 1943 25.1.12 Prof. J. Tiffin, Education Department 5 Copies of B&W photographs Apr 20, 1940 Portrait Negative of the same 25.1.13 Mr. Wayne Timmons, Safety Institute, Purdue. A B&W photograph, Portrait, May 8, 1942 Negative of the same 25.1.14 Leon Todd, portrait 2 Copies of B&W negatives, Portrait Dec. 1934 25.1.15 Tiberi, Art – Guard? 2 B&W Negatives, Headshots May 15, 1950 25.1.16 DPA – Tolin, Roy W. of Montezuma, Indiana Total 16 B&W Negatives, Portraits Dec. 26, 1952 25.1.17 Prof, A. N. Topping A B&W portrait photograph & its negative Apr. 17, 1942 25.1.18 Kenneth Torr, D.P.A. from Greencastle, Indiana. 13 small B&W photographs, headshot. Jan. 1958 4 larger copies of same, 12 negatives of same. 25.1.19 Troop, Prof J. “Daddy”, Purdue Staff Member for past 40 years. Taken for 2 B&W Negatives, Headshots. Dec. 1930 Agriculturist. A photograph from one of it. 25.1.20 John Trost 3 B&W Negatives, Headshots. May 1938 A photograph from one of it. 25.1.21a Miss Edna O. Troth, 4-H Club Department. 1 small B&W formal portrait with its 2 negatives. Mar 30, 1940 6 ID Number Title Description Date 1 larger B&W informal portrait and its one negative. 25.1.21b Miss Edna Troth, 4-H Club Department, Purdue University 4 B&W Photographs Portrait of a woman and 4 B&W Jan. 1950 Negatives same. 25.1.22 Trueblood. Taken for Miss Hand. 1 B&W Negative, Portrait Jan. 1938 25.1.23 Trustees of Purdue Univer. Taken for Dr. Stone just before leaving for his last 1 B&W Group Photograph and its Negative. June 1921 trip. 25.1.24 Board of Trustees, Purdue University. 2 B&W Glass Negatives. May 1925 25.1.25 Tuttle, Joseph F. Crawfordsville, Former Trustee of Purdue 1 Simple and 1 Glass Negative. ? 25.1.26 -Blank ‘u’ 25.1.27 The Uland, Head Yell Leader 2 B&W Standing Pose Photographs with its one 1928-29 negative (poor condition). 2 other B&W negatives (poor condition). 25.1.28 Underwood, W. W., of Farm Management Dept., taken for extension Booklet. 1 B&W Negative, Portrait. Oct. 1930 Killed in an auto accident near Martinsville, Ind. Mar. 8, 1931 25.1.29 -Blank ‘v’ 25.1.30 C. V. Vanaman, Student Affairs Dept. Purdue. 1 B&W Photograph, Portrait. May 15, 1950 4 Negatives of the same. 25.1.31 J. L. VanCAmp, Forestry Ext. Dept. 1 Small B&W Photograph, Portrait. Mar. 30, 1940 2 Negatives of the same. 25.1.32 Fred Vandergraff. Purdue Swine Farm, R. R. l, Lafayette, Ind. 2 very small B&W Photographs, Headshot. Dec. 1957 6 negatives of same. 25.1.33 Louis Van Mol, Yell Leader 1 B&W Photograph, Standing Pose. 1928-29 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.34 Job VanNatta, Purdue University Trustee. –copy 1 B&W Photograph, Portrait. ? 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.35 Two men copied for TRJ 2 B&W Negatives, Headshots. Nov 1946 No. 1 is Wm. S. VanNAtta 25.1.36 Mrs. Harriet Van Ness Taken for President’s Office. 1 B&W Negative, Upper-body shot Sept. 1946 25.1.37 Col. Smith Vawter, one of the Trustees of Purdue University in the early days. 1 B&W Glass Negative, Portrait. Nov. 6, 1928 Copy from old portrait. 25.1.38 Venemann, H. G. Frigidaire Expert at Purdue Univ. 1 B&W Photograph, Upper-body shot Aug. 1929 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.39 Prof. H. G. Veneman of Purdue Engineering Dept. wearing his “P” Sweater 1 B&W Photograph, Prof. at his work desk January 1947 25.1.40 Prof C. W. Vestal, Animal Husbandry Dept. Purdue in charge of hog 2 B&W Negatives, Portrait Dec 30, 1946 experimental farm 25.1.41 Vogler, E. W. – New Personal Director – Copied for TRJ 1 B&W Photograph, Portrait. Oct. 31, 1941 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.42 Mrs. L. M. Vogler, formerly Miss Aneta Beadle of Purdue 6 B&W Photographs, Various poses Apr. 18, 1940 7 ID Number Title Description Date 5 negatives in total. 25.1.43 Mr. & Mrs. L. M. Vogler 1 B&W Photograph, Couple Picture. Apr. 18, 1940 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.44 Mrs. Marshall Vogler. – Taken for B & O railroad 3 B&W Negatives, Portrait, Jan 15, 1941 25.1.45 Iron Key Member. For Debris. (Dwight Wart) 1 B&W Photograph, person at the work desk. Mar 3, 1937 25.1.46 C. A. Waldo, copy from book, former head of Math. Dept. at Purdue 9=(1895- 1 small B&W Negative, Portrait. Apr 7, 1947 1908) 25.1.47 Steve Walford, Purdue University poultry staff. 2 B&W Photographs, Upper-body shot Sept. 1932 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.48 Joe Wailing of Purdue 2 B&W Negatives, Portrait. Feb. 10, 1947 25.1.49 G. P. Walker, Agronomy Dept. 1 B&W Negative, Portrait. Feb. 15, 1941 25.1.50 E.T. Wallace, Dairy Husbandry 2 B&W Photographs, Portraits. Mar. 30, 1940 2 Negatives of the same. 25.1.51 Wallace, Henry A. –Copied from photograph for TRJ 1 B&W Photograph, Portrait. Sept,1939 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.52 Mrs. Wallace of Wallace Hatchery at her desk. 1 B&W Photograph of Mrs. Wallace at her work Oct. 1943 desk. 2 Negatives of the same. 25.1.53 Lt. Col. John Hobert Wallace – Commandant of Purdue 1 B&W Negative, Portrait in Uniform April 6, 1940 25.1.54 J.E. Walters, Head of Purdue Personnel Staff. 2 B&W Negatives, Poses at his work desk. May 1939 25.1.55 Kue Yu Wang, Chinese student who graduated from the Purdue University 1 Glass Negative, Portrait. Feb. 1930 school of Agriculture with class of 1928. He has now been made president of a college in China. The youngest president of the world. 25.1.56 Ward, W.B. Hort Dept. – Copied. 2 small B&W Negatives, Portrait. Summer 1954 25.1.57 W.B. Ward, Horticulture Ext. Dept. 1 B&W Photograph, Portrait. Mar 30, 1940 3 Negatives of the same. 25.1.58 Warren, Hort Dept. staff 1 B&W Photograph, Portrait. Fall 1949 2 Negatives of the same. 25.1.59 Mr. D. C. Warren – Poultry Department – Purdue University 1 B&W Negative, Nov. 1948 Person at his work desk. 25.1.60 Maj. Benjamin H. Watkins – Commandant at Purdue University. 1904 1 B&W Negative. April 6, 1940 Portrait in uniform. 25.1.61 Frank Watson, Architect at Purdue. 2 B&W Photographs. Person at his work desk Sept. 16, 1935 2 Negatives of the same. 1 B&W Photograph. Portrait. 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.62 E. Waugh, student dairy judging taken for Diary Department. 1 B&W Negative. Portrait. Fall 1940 25.1.63 Mary Wein 6 B&W Photographs. Different Headshots. April 1936 8 ID Number Title Description Date 4 Negatives of same. 25.1.64 Mary Wein 5 B&W Photographs. Different Headshots. April 1936 2 Negatives of same. A letter from Elmer Wein. 25.1.65 Mortar Board Member. Mary Wein. Taken for Debris. 1 B&W Photograph. Portrait in Graduation Gown. February 22, 1939 2 Negatives of the same. 25.1.66 Wells, Dr. Copy of painting in Lafayette Library. 1 B&W Negative. Portrait- Person sitting on a chair Aug. 1927 with a newspaper. 25.1.67 Wells, Mrs. Copy of panting in Lafayette Library. 1 B&W Negative. Portrait. Person sitting on chair. Aug. 1927 25.1.68 Kenneth Welton, soil conservation, Lafayette, Ind. 2 B&W Negatives. Portrait. Nov. 1944 25.1.69 Rev. Mr. Western of Royal Center, Indiana, taken for O. W Mansfield Institute 1 B&W Photograph. Portrait. Oct 10, 1944 use. 2 Negatives of the same. 25.1.70 Katherine Weygold, Accounting Department, Agr. Exp. Station. 1 B&W Photograph. Portrait. Sept. 14, 1940 2 Negatives of the same. 25.1.71 Wheeler, Clifton, Trustee of Purdue University. 2 B&W Photographs. Portrait (Copy of Photograph) June 1939 1 Negative of the same. 1 B&W Photograph. Person at work desk. 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.72 Harry Wheeler, Chicago, IL, President of the Railway Business Association, 1 B&W Photograph. Portrait. Nov. 1932 who will speak at the Purdue Industrial Conference, Nov. 18. 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.73 White, Emerson, Former President of Purdue 1 B&W Photograph. Portrait. ? 1 Glass negative of the same. 25.1.74 Prof. A. T. Wianco, Agronomy. 1 Small B&W Photograph. Portrait. Mar. 30, 1940 2 Negatives of the same. 25.1.75 Wianco, Prof. of Purdue. – Copy of Portrait to be used as an insert in State 1 Small B&W Photograph. Headshot. June 1934 Fair Exhibit of W. O. Mills. 1 B&W Photograph. Portrait. 1 Simple & 1 Glass Negative of the portrait. 25.1.76 Claude Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture, copied from a portrait. 1 B&W Negative. Person at his work desk. ? 25.1.77 Distinguished Ag., Hugh Wildermuth, Akron, IN 2 B&W Photographs. Portrait. Dec. 1946 4 Negatives of the same. 25.1.78 Harvey W. Wiley – former Commandment of Purdue 1 B&W Negative. Portrait. April 6, 1940 25.1.79 R. H. Wileman, Agric, Engineering. 1 B&W Negative, Portrait. Fall 1939 25.1.80 Mr. James Wiley 2 B&W Photographs. Portrait Oct.6 , 1936 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.81 Prof. J. R. Wiley looking over cross-bred hogs at Purdue 2 B&W Photographs. 2 people looking over hogs. July 1948 2 Negatives of the same. 25.1.82 J. R. Wiley of Purdue looking at crossbred hogs being developed in his work. 2 B&W Photographs. 2 people looking over hogs. Summer 1948 4 Negatives of the same. 9 ID Number Title Description Date 25.1.83 Prof. R. B. Wiley, Head Civil Eng. Purdue 3 B&W Photographs. Portrait. Dec. 1937 4 Negatives of the same. 25.1.84 Wells, Reuben – Former Trustee of Purdue 1 Medium B&W Photograph. Portrait. ? 1 Simple and 1 Glass Negative of the same. 25.1.85 L. A. Wilhelm – Poultry Department, -copied 1 B&W Photograph. Portrait. Sept. 27, 1941 1 Negative of the same. 25.1.86 Williams – Former Trustee of Purdue University. 1 B&W Negative. Portrait. ? 25.1.87 Wiley U. Z. Former Trustee of Purdue University – 1890-92 1 B&W Negative. Portrait. ? 25.1.88 G.A. Williams, Diary Husbandry. 1 Small B&W Photograph. Portrait. Mar. 30, 1940 3 Negatives of the same. 25.1.89 G. A. Williams, Purdue Dairy extension 3 B&W Negatives. Portrait. Dec. 1952 25.1.90 Jack Williams. For Mr. Booher 3 B&W Photographs. Portrait. ? 2 Negatives of the same. 25.1.91 Williams, Mary Mills –Former Sec’y. Bd. Of Trustees. Purdue University 1 B&W Negative. Headshot. ? 25.1.92 Mr. Dick Wilsey, Farm Safety Specialist. Purdue. 2 B&W Photographs. Portrait. Jan. 21, 1946 4 Negatives of the same. 25.1.93 Miss Wilsey 1 B&W Negative. Portrait in Uniform (?) Apr. 5, 1940 2 B&W Negatives. Portrait in formals. 25.1.94 Guy Wilson, Kokomo, Ind., New Trustees of Purdue. 1 B&W Negative. Portrait. Jun 30, 1944 25.1.95 Jeanne Wilson, beauty contest winner at Purdue. 2 B&W Photographs. Headshot. Feb. 14, 1946 Copied for TRJ 1 Negative of the same, 25.1.96 J. C. Winget of Pennville, Purdue University student with class of 1933, with 1 B&W Negative. Portrait. Mar. 1932 the class of 1933, who was elected chairman of the 1932 Junior Promenade committee. Copy from Portrait for TRJ. 25.1.97 Philip Winslow, Carthage, IN, winner of high individual honors at the State 3 copies of B&W Photographs. Portrait. Oct. 1942 Livestock Judging Contest held at Purdue University. He is a freshman at 2 Negatives of the same. Purdue. 1 B&W Photograph. Portrait, different angle. 25.1.98 E. A. Wisskopt, Psychology Dept. at Purdue. 4 B&W Negatives. Portrait. Jan. 1950 25.1.99 Robert Withrow, Physics Dept. formerly of Hort. Dept. 2 B&W Photographs. Portrait. April 26, 1945 5 Negatives of the same. 25.1.100 Capt. Woelfel, new head of NROTC at Purdue University. 1 B&W Negative. Portrait in Uniform. Aug. 14, 1949 1 B&W Negative. Person at his work desk. 25.1.101 Dick Wonsetler, Cambridge City, President of the Purdue University Senate 1 B&W Photograph. Standing upper body pose with Sept. 1934 for 1934-35 a “P” on sweater. 1 B&W Photograph. Portrait in formals. 25.1.102 Wood, Bert. Agr. Ec. 1 B&W Photograph. Portrait. Dec. 9, 1949 4 Negatives of the same. 25.1.103 Carolyn Wood, Purdue Freshman 1 B&W Photograph. Lady in a recording room. Apr. 16, 1941 10