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Rinse THE LIVING THEOLOGICAL HERITAGE OF THE UNITED CHURCIT OF CHRIST Barbara Brown Zikmund Series Editor VOLUME SEVEN United and Uniting Edited by Fredevick 8. Trost and Barbara Brown Zitmumnd he Pilg Pres Cleveland, Obi rseT ry Doing Theology CConsriaion of 22 United Churek af Chit sees aims sits owe th as of he Tiseris Church oxp eed 11 tho anes, creeds and wes Ta the Basie Lisighis af the Pastel, totuuts” aad at i “aera Ue esponsibility of he Chun i eau shevalin 9 enake his Ca it aon, Duos te prolonged unior negotiations herwven the Ciengregaionat ‘Christan Clwchos andthe Evangelial and Refined Church major then Joga’ omntroweries it no ene, Ail patios agaced that tselogicalls shsnove choreh sand dine vga the leit of hs sie clue sale sintoouth ccurury Refs dou, ad Ut ete wee lesa asd ways ‘hie (weureth-cenuty Civics ight meke Uns dah the ewat, Ue UICC Stateea of Fit (1985) sola ts thal enabod the new domom- ‘uation ts articulate fs eomsivone ny eelehseting Gad’ seta ealing ‘Christiane ino nin {508 al. 78 Developing a Theologien) Center ‘The Valted Chore of Clumt was eslogeally combust ats Brus, bat tis purtculaty aeolomnedly sltcunscious. UCC weiss daverbed th ‘cenra ibhead roo prosentin the life athe new tren ey scene vvarinn theological viewpoint in a rove apiit apd cthowr Fanéane (2 val. 2:52). Mambors of thoclegica oul, #3 all pains 42 guy Joy leads, shared a conan respect fer Chustian doctine. Ther coal ns eonvsive of Me slant wa ko iL Yel ther Uses lee alleen, lougside dospening sucil etues. Althuugh the diversity of ae United {Chureh of Chm wa admired anc pope wer tani hy eho evolving and passinnats prosanee af he UCC i saciey, there wes eles. They fuged that the ICC was Tile azoie than a socal sctoa gro0p. rigs pethaps. but rbecTuaicalls vacnceaing, They aise thatthe CC woh theology “for ureuled” They poised to fiuey evelesivlegy Cri visas sora of thea loving. parse. ba response tk CCC resided i terites saat the veal of the chovch ¥¢femerzust “tll the Cla ory 1 pepe sins as calnpien eahige ofthe Incomplete. ovr im i became more arti In 19K2 the UCC Leader’ How definod Tseng 49 “bili eieved spout Ged ant ll ther is reed wa Cind” tecluimed thar iheuley dws upon the Bis and teva, ad al vet gems expericoce ad the comempora-ylit of the chsh, Theubancal wenay sit impl¢a mater cf sfetanes. Tis shape WY 4 ess, Les the cots of "theolagica llngne io sea of the Weed al Ged in vol. 754) By the 1970s aby Cae Churct Chis leaden spk whom hi stucellas deciny its ological ence in etion-reflectio lids 30 vol. :28). hie sometimes Todo a purscosialieutityereumed in fit expressed in “eusteaditery pues" ice Yo. 38 For thasaceaon she: ahed abe what they CE mentors comfvetante hin up key phrases emheddet the hse nl pet ther nedtions They inviethat ho grape af lems "that Hy may all be (ne;"stnod athe ss oF their ees inet fo enc xy. Thy sumed “i stsentins it, inners. fn al tinge wher Thay aseeted thar faith otements are "eimai rather then ests oF th” “They ggomnaes desir mis Tn Ge bape daa “awe is yet mace igh asd tu se heck ov fom Cis oly Waa." And sy sLinnusd “Segui. SE al Velievers® upside Whe priaciple vf “reapounible Led.” Fo the United Chueh of Christ ‘hevlogy wan a journey sather Ua « aatie ooseani tace vol 256) ‘On is bevlogca jouruey the agch hears any volves ities many songs. TL marked by a long {nme Fem one general sou wine the sp sonkerponery sting” (ee 5 euntincns end ecesnants throng next ene cal te embrace the jonmey. Fsiloical challenge hal fx alas pron. malcolm Clarifying ‘Lheological dentity Dosing te ate 1970, bower, the sie el hoe poles of tional aLiewation wee by Une Vaited Char of Chnit ware hevimaing motes iugly inseyuate. Ia 1971 the Genzral Synod wrested with wha it zllsd Ue "Thana andthe Clive far mer Life snd Leaders (OCI) Juached aut sxplocaiv:” programs. Som a ymoup aT LCC leer came lupe so fll sous the mare af sousd (Uns lsieal eacng” in the luis, They sereuriel os LOC. emeermed Gl sceoximesttel Wi cultre values pteepons” Wey nila] anew Gisenciee” load he stile ean ina m= act uf iiulues,” For thang il wu ur exciing ine € “ehotlogae rena” eos ey a esi Lonees ane influsaced Py grog tres p “iberaio theulggies” ‘A fy sta ime, theologians in the UCC press foe thelial l= ity, UEC thecdogian lsmes Gnstation ssrue shou the need ta rec a encestie” or “ielcenrened” wusklsiew (Soe vol, 758: TRB a paper Araisd by a salt gina of ECC seminary raeulky and eoniue lly signed by thiry-adae theolugica efiation colleagues Ham a Laser the copnmry, way seu tho WCE Executive Couxel, Tae "Te ran tte: Thirgerine”theulogical ofucalors waencd Hat 33 Caled Chureh of (Chis as fecing "Mus! Del and Uae Time" Magred with CCC prositen. Avery Post eat vm sas a“ibsulogical afc” i, the ohare fda “son! suale, Aiseploed zeflestion.” reall fx Se attion ae tie offi ne Tide and mens of ae sto "Yah Tg hedrock suth 3: Jess Christ i oun eouyeaa firs" {see val 758. “the Lxevanire Covi tesponded will a slerrmet anaes “Prenlogi= cal Renee in rie Uaied Cinch of Chas” (March 14. Tt cee brat fis “explosion of theological expressiad yi ures, Nov ool ste the totaal eduwatnis cling fer dveipncsl eutn, hate 998 9 jee tame in spilt, 9 neve Couns en Racin” snd bale Me ipllise (OREM: Counaitiag on Plnaisny an =mergiag ecunentiaa! Troningy around inaes ul baprisr, sucturist, anf unity aud vera Diber vownes “involve ia Dnutesnea sul sad actne.” Son ther, the see “sabely relate sooinaries ofc. Cote (Chet of Chest aac. Hex teokogpcal ouanal, Pr: A The Fors $3 the tonite Choe of Cini all LOB51 te sir challenges the entire chures to enter iy “eleerksaded .. hiicing ad dss space alan ei. "AUthe same time abe Olle “oF Chur Lie ab Lesdership (OCI eovernd a “Theolagy Wouk Group” uf elwea people 20 eapluse the “Tog! Founadtous i hs Unies Chaxt of Chis.” (ns 1988) the wn group se as Wo deserine how dhe Gated CIs vf Christ dose hovlbey. fino preweacl outer actin ve ce, mt shatedl is 8 Selayst or faster cbecsaskon et converse” in tgiocal thedlogicl rs el eszzbvu Ho country (1985 86) cece vol. 7 ‘Sonia people hese Wy sugars thar be UCC aceed a new dhs al “eo ers ane plaforms,” tke Wilistna Walber’s Creede [Blyjoraes af Cangregastonedirs cranes Slemene of With, Ip Ht stm Selsation the vision for seis; eeeme He Living TReotogical Boritnge of she Crud Caan a Cet (1998-20814 wus hott AL ual tl be a tollssticu if “auluitative document” but a wrekavelione leary Fe sonrces 49 infinia and muxtue ekeuloeieeh maturity in the LCC. The Living, lneolngcal rite of the UCC wes ban, i, averse, bt mips peuple dis ot knee hue 9 acces is thesures Glhor ernsssoeschoologrerl delupracals emerged, Lu 1977s sat 20 of pasion and Isty, volved in a atom eelemuion vf the Exouselent Synoil of Nock Arceview i Chistew recoghiasl heed “ge wer xteoGonos intilectual work ia the LIC They omg 1 Meagan Gone (le “BTL Chk ei vi af call. hit tet yearly ty share yapecs onthe ats of ssripue the sucrancals, contstisus, ane othe theolngival ‘epics, 1 1979 at is sneeting in Tau Peessburg, Ponnsyleacna, the sus a stews! callirg the Urited Claceh ot Chis co 3 “aecaltoalou” ene ro Tisten vu B81) Snbsoquently, the “RTL Club,” ia eullabomion wi a nex” gioup ocing #9 sontempoeiz: the lenecss uf nineueenth sudan Meroe lung Uesbloge tsee vl. 8.26, 2k ama vol, TS, cemmored tae Hest “Cee ville Colles" S198 "Mestre on the rounds of de wld “Clusien ampgromal” in Cape Cod. bacame the fst at tiny yearly Creel Collaqvies Uetheaod fo providing epperunitios Cor gasmoots ostous cal wo, alsa un ceumenical component, wilbn the Ponae ork or the UCC Corstinive, Craigvill: sat veo theolugy “tia belo bringing wether poop Fama ifort theologieal perspeuives ie ‘ret sutisule comsoou concerns, The list “Cagle Collogny "19% pinised God fr the “theoingteal ferent oe church end the LICE sreune social wimess eis biblical conor fee val. 240, et the Orfioe foe Church Lie and ie xsethip (OC. enureued ‘8s “Theology ‘Bowe Group. and the semnfcaiss lame! @ new Nol aud she “BTV. Club joined veth the Marsersbute Solty ka spear Crvigeille Colloqnies, Ut Unied Chueh oe Christ wes amckod ‘y the vider “vkariamare mvesient.” During the nies cus of 2 1870s see LCE peaals ican a extbasiowtie aul revitsliziog worshinie foccs un hs ieamediatereigious expericuce ut the Holy Spicn. The charsaate owen wis ofRcWcutcizod fa garni ey bi escapise e9y but LCC Chariatie insite thaeencuees ith the Spi tut bully supported the lnone social cinrcitmeints othe WCC EL 1937 the Unined Chureh of Caxist Charisma 1 allaweip ses arganiced see vol 72s up te ly 19 the one Wa, Jesus Christ tee led stage and wished ‘Thowlogial concerts nition se Ladle Chuecl af Clusters aso sialon by the views chore aronnd huroin sequels that took place atti 1977 General Syn, Aller ibe Sgro vote on Pan Seuss A Praonorory Sur Gee V0. E981. arimorts vaneus made ura dcexat who voted agains. the Seren: repa oust a nom speialiters up, the Uriel Chuck Pecpls for Biblical Witness (LOPUYE: Ale Tough he UCPDDW wir, Sor a8 3 prnost pana Ui rewunlLceuse Jie sade yseceived present We sexnaiey study, oko CCPEW atte Us ir wantod ta he“ pore Frso for bihheal aecountabi,reoered bras tise. spiogl tense ssh, her thin gies the Cade Cush a Chie, Fo the nest eve spas the Uma Churett People Zac Enblsal Wituess FUCPUW) urged the Gamera! Syaud t9 eoluin shal I Soleved 49 be more aed wnesnstanding oF serps! auhority or sosualiy ss Wher. the UCPINW wes unable 9 accomplish thie soul i decid da reli nom dh tip own wus Ios an, Tne, i ae 1982 sh UCP! leaders rim Duhugue, lesa, clscuss the Faure af Ui reval work 29 the Unie Charok nf Cat, they aeongusiced we fon snes: angunrativa sory tn werk om ths “holla” «ange Die theological tance nf the UAC, aking une ame, “ible. Times Fe lovsstip” (BWI, es lear draied the “Dulbogue Declaraton (1933 suremiving dir salle a onbosbes tnecgy, WWE bre Wo sme ai the weiss FCC theolugan Dona Sheesh a: Duhugue Thsvlou fecal Seminary th soppor ty stance. al rls la bko-niudssd LCC! angrezitions ta in the BASE by afm the “Dabugue Declartc” spec val 28, Tgolngieal terment in exe CK anole many ifieren: forme ia the cnn TOSS. While eanse who mente te decne raiiuoal theukasy fimo the UCP amd ee AWE: Gn TOD a group oF UCC: socal uate ‘ogame x group callez “ches Yor hace Seta (CIA aera jestiee iaenes weidhin the UCC. bn 1985, dren up the words of th Drophet igh itaiay 58), CHA favies the UCC 0 recagice in proacet ation wh the: church rater than Ged miasey. rm misplace axie'y feet “ang nesnherhip stasis, He are cla "ats prs. it tandem 10 eunake spe Ly atl haps ith ie gasp CIA rend che sends of lana sth neve pon, cally We LEH Soma re the some joy of clteipleship al exe reo of le sty a mission S02 val. 75) Abt the same tins the General synod airo took several ukitiugad el. Ta 1985 it accom siongien Ihe theokigzal wmayy 0! 0 Atctanen justice and peace 29 he church poids Gor the em LODE tnd fepacwd a proncmncsiment “AMRIT lke Und Cunt a Cla | hea Just Peace Cunt 41985), Work Jeuling the pronounce bat bean i 4981 and te fa the publication ot a small Shady book oni 2 fase Perse Corel (19R6}, reining everyone that. mL pease hind ‘vig jnstie ave Une Grs-gven task of all Chea (2 vol. 7.68), ‘he enimre uf tae United Chureh ef Cats changing, lunge et recial anu thie civessny more are mare whims were strain sesninacvs aud heenming ocdained ws pasty abi etchers, Wilnas msing ‘yun Us wmien's Ieaderahip ana Fs expondswwarruess wf the need for inchueve langvage Che 1971 Gepeeal Sinn passed several page save pronnnocementsadsoosting fur woe Ho chun’ end society (see 01 7.85 and 86). HevinietLeulogy emmvnced a diversity of ret ns ‘gt lo rethink Chuiou heals. Chri fers. “steed by > unre radicl expression of women’s "patience ote tansteuent.” de solnpsel acw views ot pues and value aed up mole of paiepatin ‘inti, ned voila ace vo. 7:68), [By the end of the 1980s the Lnited Cine af Chain elon tore “olga ocean ad done som mpl ingen aif bee lyfe! Weal. 1 a moved Fra Aeolian. ael-ereigue and “Tern Icain gow tesplogicalsolt-caaldence. lthongh it di not Foo ‘eutional pliers, the United Ceuroh of Cla we begining, to theolngicaly Living with Theological Diversity ola: heuth” of he Uae Cuno Chine ws « lute. Yee 5 the denoutnstion macntod it four a varisy of ps Wo sustain if Chvisoveten: conviction tat is Hew git tom Ge an rot a hwngn accomplishment, evea ay aL embraced “hoaourca every he gposle Paul ad rincn Hat “thee ne waieie vfs, ha he ne Spirits anu tere ets vatleies of service, lt estate Lent and there sce varitos ef atisiies. but itis dhe sane Gaal wh aetvares all of then. everynne” The United Camzeh of Cluisl ws ecking 0 ive outits calling convideut thet “To exh i given the manifesto of Cie Spirit fe the onion pose" (1 Corinhiahs 12:4—7, NRSV}, ‘hevlopical wally i due Univ Chorch vf Christ took away form Traveing npn dhe bisiris dealosical legacies af dh> Relormalioa, the United Chih uf Christ conte to eeconirs the vmlue uf tations) thendogy ad ley inca vol, 72863, AL the saint tes Uted ‘of Chast applauded sis aeritist conviction that Ihe “hatue art power ul Teeus Chris ininsisstubly Tino es the Wworole soappl> for anew pes. nad be eat” Caee wa, 78 tthongh the United Chun of Chie, valuod the wrk ef many ul Is sistaondh-cantary Protestant reormer® it alsa appracceé the wuss in hich ninetoecth-semuuy Mercersburg Iboutogy reminds ioe eh oi -athaig™ ary. uring th earl 19896, the" Mecersburg Soviets” 943 Fone study and reurops nee enrannntl ad tural nse ul Juha Rlistnsou Nevin and Philip Se wt? ane provisos appari, for comexporary UCC chrgy and Lily te Jews sbeut Me Mevoorsuns Taste ati (see vo 826. ZR, AB aa gol 4:88, 1). Those wD might rm naruane the Mereersare pensetive fhrnigh comma prs unl scurerpleiou Ieading to “waste aetou ia the ie uf the Chas and us world” fsnced Fo Onda of Corpus Cli: (42 vol. 7258 I TUB) the [nite Chore of Cet fur seh is moolngica self derstanding by sdupriay "Resolution fowan’ a Caveat in Mis “ut rd Fait” wilh tes Lsengtical Churea of toe Un (EKUD in beat er and West Germany. The Fear hefaa, the EXC, ane of the CC craters ih Dio fst,” Is seloewledged “the stegrty of the CaiDb and ison af the Uke Chursho Cra und wil "kirchsngerncinsshah” fake saping fl eam, ot fal eamnovanknm ily Rie meme ‘niustes a sacceteuts” ofthe Waited Chul of Crs 1980 the Lied Chereh of Ceri. rennae so dhe RK reflosant acsepening ot histovie tes, Diving the 1990s, Bsia Toeulapicl Somaya ge sat houaeary degree (it aisenia} wy Merin Niemoeller whu fad been srpewone. m# sanceainason camp in Germany thr his ekonlogy ad iis esitance to National Sacalioy Not loug therafle, Uke president of the seuizary, Saratel Poss, obsetved thas the Confessing Churct in Germiny af which Nierieiler war a eal) wa ening fe pastors "or rnseryedom.” "Kirsnangemmiasehat was est ot anc svi oF ith, soled in te bitival atiny and ake te solonce face. nee the worl sernaly "Phe Unie Church ef Christ respnvas tothe BRU in 9B a8 sig Cel isa dell Tek i vital ways Yo lls: Chsistas seehiay tu Le aubenesLoy prea m Us work td developing sound ffl samimumion” the UCAS sme ta 4 move a nee "soba [soe 768), vivnships further expanded UCC thevlovica b= av Pschurehcemtinue! 1 fertieipaiom i he Con ulation om huh Union 1COC723, whieh wont bao 29 1967. The Teng, standing eat hip ‘i Ie Crstian Clune Diccplee uf Chis} oud nev enpress The reson of Uk Ltd Chane: of Chr tu the Work’ Cuanedl af Chunks Faith snd aver documento Beta, christ aut Amie te se volvenuenr of the Titel Chunct ul Chrie in dlalagne wi? Tact st JReloenee churches als deena UCL thse Tf confer fe oh PHEW TUS, 100 014 135) ediasovsring thee al “Ywulations and responcing, t theulegicl sng. ena diversity tye anus foc. I ean tat tha TCC Rerane fs Iasi? sow seo uo he the: “church” 4 semplele crus analy ol Chow's peop e. General Synod astians qu! Iocal ck ie Anving Fe 1980» esched eu Co ecple la wee appre, mergimale, a dillerenl, wing sew veice and recogriti te: Afviean Arricaus, ‘ouirene favs. lesbians. and hisoesal, psaple with hasdisappiag cond finn: A> pose: prop’ lom Sparish-speing eullures Asin ar Paste Isis ana Iiensous peoples Gas vel, 783, $1, 116, #9, 94.97. 123, san Desbia.s iu tbe UCC ws extremely Tcl fue some raeminon- ths church i aeeep. There wore tess wh a the station italetahle."Thoy stmmarizod thir unhappiags inthe "Days Devdas 1991, tating a twa in “oe “Tz meen, of the Chueh of lesus Chrise tn call ta accom’ the lars 9° am ongini7ad clch thar eels ssl Ciatiaa” The Deytou Declacian acsetce dae LCE tears see pully oF allt the wore of seripuue, aleec snbinlical sexual pracies, dering therighcco ifs and sisting the Great ‘Cunumlsson, Whikss ody Dayan Duvlaration ashe te DbLCa Witaess Velho sip (WTS 0 ohio lous cearches reget recent tions They gid enrrest Usted Chuck Cri laos af Teanga ete petty” love vol 7-704, “This wos u pail eras 9 rhe Oniued Carh of Chis. National adm had dite wederemnding Lave their elite 29 oper the dones af the efi 10 be aco tly the by of Cnn ie the vor were equsted 2th “aposany” or doparicy am die chure Ita a perio of es caren, ana, as eon dhs e3ss, aie a¥ asmptig 19 aan grec lacy, ‘She theoluicalenengy tht al yonerared te 1. Ctuh, Soural Teach ing, the Mowserabnrg, Sovisty. the Craigetle Callegaes, the Chae of Carpi Cia. dae UCC Chart Fellow sip, the Lae: Kees the 39 ‘Ersolog al Factors, ds UICC "Tacalogy rajee, and eke new thealeg- isaljouml Pisani nou was. A te 1880s gave way U9 Te 1906 Ts Uhited Chandi uf Chis found fees sg io aut is eclegical hi and sistant ne Clustucentris core, while nearing pen orem 1h 195 the Joncra Synod asia! eument “Toil the 288 Cte cary Statzmeat oi Cammmitmeah” Ue Sr ey tool al press Fe lfemed the calling of te 1 titod Cluurh af Cha iat to bet humul tes Tee ty te Wor" tol "2 euch inctaeve of all peopl to ae “acharch renpousive ta Gods call are 84 eur supportive of ene anole Sore 2718 Phat ae ear a cous nng ome sup, eailing self ocuetig Chrnt hehe el CC der nd crore ies ‘heart coureznony, iy pele cars at ty ae Momagige hs dltgus thou meng a noone ote eg? pie tied Chur of Cat, he anges ptser is 6 s. ai es evar Cog hea ee ets ye hee 2 ihe 195 BarmeDasan (esl by he een hun een n Nae Guy. Tet Cvs as i tn Hay Surgtr isthe oe Woof Cd ich eA her a ‘enw taveto mvt and obey fain dst par Cookson Fre inoohs Cosmo se Hien 244. swat toe it hie rs grunge ger people ng who ors he ue “fats -eop ne see he hae teh sub la Jeroen oro pon upon hers eh woul fe nan Shaved rapt Cota 30 he “aloe with ow aot on “ih thee nt eve bene wee, co efra he Mt oft She fre ort wean nev uch" They calles for rons eae tremens hoa sone, sgt engi de fee vol 3 Tring, “16%! ho Office fw Chine Gai ans Lerdership 0312) als VEE Teviutve hagutge Grdelines sind suggested that Un ‘zie langoage rs rhe ehuech ght he ign” tha hod sh hain esi.” Laggagy “alin ng hee, Sh Gas pre only weap te gy a heap idles eatery des cipips caches note ute ds sea ne esses vag: Conan at nn cg rs alee serge prs each gu ibe CCC on sednaly smear oy chu € Meuse Sr SHSKE ant uruaus esploed be poor uf abo ating tnt Giusti psi’ nd roiabng am Boe Pe Poort 8 fhe tane of lb inpasealao¢ aruba ladon es 0) Reaching Gut in Mission 1 Mee wit oF the calles ef the INS, the inked Chnich of Christ hop is lan Ie drew upovt i> Atcha ay fang ns and susteined the ignemii imerplay bolncen enecinn and aetna. Aw Ihe UCC! wus ern a anal paprsaich book ented The Pah BP Proedine (V6) summarized the “Movtiaal viewpoi woneraly io Evangelical ata Refoxuued Cusach” I reflected the ha set switnesar > Gras mig al of nth sels i hs hilo the word aml rela ity faim i grate espoase co owe ucts. think years terre "mes ata he message” of he eurch ti ot Perth rem furtanaly 2 seaae. Gos isin Christ “Feconcibug i23 weet... "(2 Corathina FIM ‘The hunts “loses 9 Casts dds” shnough is mininry tn 22 needs ‘uf society Jos Uo i uaholds “the realy end saversigay af Goe?s code: "The church ern he itself unos ists ta the wae 500 wo Fi ustkormore,riniscring sn ho world flows fan. covenant inherit from the past. As itrowe 135 om, the Urited Cue a Chest “eoanices tha stands bef Gods moe seal sal Fs buy in sous Chis “nnseands all memories.” Ta 1977, Joseph Evucs the thin: puesivent of the CCC, call the shite ta bold Leth. “This bolduess sboukd make nn deca he Uvied Chuck of Chait ty Sing 4 auneonary inate in ts hand of Golf bring abot i momen of love ual untce in the world” Ge vel “There were sl Une 0 eieved that de United Chaves seas nates ogelly serious.” ta th theo ssn trey “aio ad te opinions unapily ade vt seme praca wet thelogy tu “uty pit already taken fer aufewrted seal thoes ata, theolagian sme sthicist Reger Sain1 comment thar a ae thon og is not sa ‘song, Uf ioe meers us inthe mito a he evsaks <I i's as Bly thy. sn angen human deovand sl Toad ca A Mhelogical insight 95 Ua Iaslagy wT Ted ta serine” ‘see vat TP The United Charchef Chis oes igelegy” its ay its ae ily sare of sistent has ound ad ciel Uevlogia vente aul eae asco its guowing diversity Ty theleieal work, however, bis ol ‘on 98 "inteiaal beusehosping.” Ween cue it meson, it erie. shou. fig gau of the WOW, Rothe Suture uf the chien 0 elie new vision at seek “ise wilh eat eave” whew te Ureted Chu Rens Yor Woe Minisies (UCT WM: celebrated ne 8h aniversary i song ut is calling to blll jusLve asthe ular ef tho aouce that ad Th eons” Wan ane son en sete he et Chechens Aarisrag dite tne ugy that evpewrers Claiscans to ftom. nol Dees? they believe they ea evden Ibe world. but hes thoy have elimpesc the soe, that Gad im Cavist ves xe world end pever tes of snmmoning Ibe chucub ta wimess te de naleiiplion ef the veo noth id and deed (29 vol FM BARTS Making a Difference “The Stcement ul Foith of the Cathet Churcte of Chris san sumstion af bs presence wf Jess Chri in every aepoet of I, 1a strapons {hscipieshi ht is but eons and coals, Celehrtiag Gud gsous nl power presence sano Ae Rete. ells Chvssiass to atin ingle Eabmissien m the gospel. AS a aamsoyusnoe, the UCC: undertasling of fas shiacl fits ecclenolugy} eaapasioes thet ii a comets vf sevice te eckem an Iho thin service i a04teat im the gue es about Gud Christ, Stanling deep within ee suc changing Reforuec eats, th iter Chet of Cais is 4 people alled wut only keep liturgies andsay prayers ilo nk ese he pomers of cD. Wilh other Clustians, UCC onsabere shar in Che's aprsm, eal al Christ's tae. al joi io Carit's pession end vist, Tie leit soul tw rellect te dinsipfeship preiveariest follows af esus, They do naciurn as vst Me wer. ba ‘ove rl wetness i MG Ue, He wns serra Me nj Gat sear the er i webich they fv. "A csitnent 49 wave] juss amd ube sey'er the chur OFS © God aad to avighhor iv ol aaxbored ia hur reso oF prince, 2 in nanan virtue v1 o0 wcionee, Rates, faith expressed “thle wintess toy gnspel fsa resent he chun, aes mewn, i eesponse ro 19 visite somnmems ts discipleship. The United Church to Cast Tike other deuouuzations, ig called wo Fer u rep @ di Het OF the Iseatinn, It acknowledges im ie lunyies that hmwevsn tid ie dreds hey a slags incompleted ota marke inappropriately by Seth ancl. Invariably. he efor. ne wide ofits sien ero ‘us, taped lo fe ts, Fo th ego ie cub i ath to “soil pies” and anisries of mew ules” shes asnupeid Dy Imager te prayer ef the tax collet a the pnable desu wel [herisce and the to enllecer, "God be mersful aly ove ane 13), Prechablenge dat fates Ue cluueh, in ade 4040 fats wncer en-is aevert frgal. un ask he question, “tow can people of Ta Jone the wil of Got that ley way do the wll of Ge “his question, i one fren wr er, owe Bows RNY winingawlh® 9 oo tule Care of Christ aes the question sexiously. In ite Tost Lt omen itis ped by is mgrtory that Cod Ch Tove ts ‘world, a achnumledeing dependence apou the Luly Sprit 6 pride sulevahip #5 tho sayy uf euth abt to maka Giacrey iu the work Laemrahers hat isa wihe 4 dilerence, only beemaes ist has alah mule acifersres. es wines tis auay Ph Promoting Racial Justice Ter eamiple. whet the UCL Ollie of Comrauuncation (4%) was erste ia (950i wow as tpival domsinationa puble relarone ore, Ute ibe Leadership of Lverett C. Parker it wake diligerty re satepuatd the public itevent 1 broareasne ne spactcaly «> ndvneaue fr sts vishts St people of er and fo etonen, Fe Ml Charlee hathy Rinks, who chars OX? Bowrd, sd Paser mde he cs of Centon FOC) a vatehdog atthe Fedsral Commenieaems Commission, eralan ing ike renova ef the broaest enses of stations coat scriminate sparc hlcks in the Somth, In 1989 ton & lnemar cate againet ae rir sation in eckson, Missisipys. Its sagcome in detencng, tho "pie lugores” wed pnoiirg ths “Euimoss dace” on behalf viewers att Hieerer, “ther th Rroadeastes, i Tegradary Christians age salle’ te poelaim Gal's Wan ara enshle the seach ar maatiug, La repout wo the 1959 Geaeral Syand the Ofoe of Cus dmulcaan sel fort « tealoeioa suede fos its work. “ET our gud ie amauuaiction of ie Fath. aur ace vst be we Leae poeple ia ths Cesta suru. Sere they ay cise te sedi tha an Ue era less of call, lease esalutous have phice in sick communion only they ame suite? to te test of tho principle, ideas. dels and pssibilitive of ke Woe soe vol, 813, The Coiled Church of Chris eommiaen, to racial juice Sspined sev work nthe cia righty nuove in the Vs foe eo, TST, I abt urdaryinec a decuts-long suggest» reo tem nus y impr ned young prople consicted lor conspiracy snd une unaslul urna oF a srovory ate dirmig 4 T97T cial denna in Witmington. Nove {Gatolina, The nine Afiieen Amerenns fone aC: staf anemee aad ‘white vaman VISTA wiorey Rosaries ae the “imagen 1" fh rs vours that tllsed yidenes sored thats wiesss in AAs ia Tisd ines Mey tesiied agaist. tte Wilmington “0. Cher irepuariie rigtligste 22 imustice of the defends convictne and imprieon nent Citing che adinonreen of serpmare, “Ramen ar hes who a 22 Fi, ae Laugh Wy prison with thon Hehrases 123 NRS¥), de Loited Chuech ce Criscumanind tnsonds ols omee ‘ sean of Stree seme ee 0 Fe Seep anette eres ee pe aor ee ad coe ia pote vers ora a on eh CC real se: Sanne Ue Gro al tere of loses are tnpvisome! ni all hose who are innncet are Ce of Ce came od or ST Re a ey se nove ada crs sd eS ene neem ne macs ad uti a ths 18 ae ee tr sa alo Md pH PST ae rnin the cnn tbe wc oe PD be ae ee erage i eh Deh exo To Se est ayia er ats hraicas mane One a ey rg, cela orstasvore Ure aoe pra murs of ek els pose sens Thubanags beta, yl, poeta Sr aera of ast 7% warop ie Gee Syl psa re “Pegg tas ed a tn ab Se Shc i exeine, ot oii. Fath i O08 eet a phe eid nthe a 9 Gti st See Pesce we mothe oes 81 i tic eat ep of he Ure nach of Ct einer Covemponey Rasa the Chars (291 aang ee cna cen tle Di char ope be Speen tay cel gl depucond anon 2 cmtuie cf equality aval coun mnily. “Recisnn,” the setker procleiumed. “is the: Prettnn aw grntntoia tne of poner ola, pera expt aa ean Chea er gb ope ie an “uty Gos 8) Advocating with Women boven os avert abd conga sa he ls 9° to ator the work of tho Unit Cure of Cit. ‘Romcr hecunts an inetsasingyimperuat sue. This exncern ful pom the inngdening eoneadtment of 3 tease of the tad Chas of (Christa he uimiaries ef wniaca,hoth iy and vine, Womer prec (Ga tat hour give ng Horie” Clevistans iu or mmmeoenth cemmny vol G8 17), Women clergy hae veda unlined yan ate a Cone voga‘owa churches beginning an ine TASK tvee wi, 73-95 Wesace Iissineriss a6 parters wi enor ybanes at ap sgl aur, ot shed the mission ulreach of erm, Comgtegatiouale Chis, a ‘Evangelical bounds and synods facet. :7 ad In thousand a con negating ayswemen supports global msion wek snd wid to mec "ee ees clutch and conuuamey wikia lea! acter elloataps a sis, by te ats 1958, some: wore ana use hezah suggessing tal ‘uate dsnom satioual wevten's sirens” were out el dale, A netier ‘Cuanei or Lay Life und Work (CLIS®) was ford, “ting up the impor Ueto te Tity Femme a men ie te miso ae Chueh, Dang The 19¢tls a ue env of east thing Le many pouager snr pros he national LCC 2a = es commit erst injawaees teleted to samen iu chureh and society (92 Ya 769), fe 1971 te Gomera] Syed passed Prxmouscomen: on “Che Seirss ‘of Somu ix Chn'ch aul Soctets.” Affuuing the hee Uht Chal meas 2 erin reparing Due wrth aes a fees zal at Roth are ea tn Guus igh, it ste tht. “stigctom made by suciery sic ast an inferior-specie elavship age casiary te the well 9° Gd, "he Goneval Syed seul on te caablid w “link Betsy oa Wrscn iy Cheha Society" 11971) wnds al suppure the Otc of the Prost cof the eautoh ee «0. 7:55), ‘Tee 197! Gonotel Suzve ales passed «propel fie ation ensteg “Veco of hice Concerning, Aboutive." Kssopnzing Una her ee ‘rane theolngisal and ethical futere ecuuscingdsigions about aborting, fins preps aimed nes zaspoazihilty ofl men nad wemnen so share te work of reauon with Gud. “Lavested 4 reverence foc waar. 31> and the need 0 pumice the Seah and dfoneles, th waiod thatthe press Ais Droldbing abwvrion ere urs a5d gnenforeeahl, soapelimg, ome ‘ta childmon occa See ilogal shorts. Jt elle fr the sepa a legal svotivtons agains physician peafart: abortions. se But sotto ‘son a luge al nue “the “eal a pea Ins” bul rater ea te veantary medically sae prucers avaible toll yeu. he cones hebind the penansal sas wo place vue wa “porsoua life at pon te ‘palty of Me, Vell acuat nd pots.” snd 0 give women “We ith csponsiilee” Even as stir avis, havweves i alana edged thie chures chgacon ro aid iu the soanfniou of the prams uf anssnted promancics twee vi. 7 Aston presi the chute Sih ue of eae mast divine woes i oLe People of tit mad comporsio ams fave different venvieric onc abortion, hit mast consis that shorn. never a dea selon ec susan yeogaacies, he Grace Synod af the TIC hes aroec. bu ‘Wale has eemintoney said that aleralives stich Gea women onvions tee sotse, Ber over lly yeaie. aunestanding ahoriar a a proton thecogial and sseial ne, the majriy of delegales w UCT Cee Spends have nnashengedsheie rinieme, Whe delegates arnggle with isete hey nicely pot of abentiva asa vig," hot athcrasa magic cbuice thas is toape eanal uabignuys. Altbongh in 19S armel minority tha saul uot canlone stuclisn under any ckeurstimnce formed a spacial inetesc group called TICE Prion ar ies" the majority of delegates ener Spnds aad mast BCC meamhers pial the hee tha 3 he ble shone iv oven more prohleciatic Ise vl, 74, Aste Lnited Chersk af Christ spoke our ar these sues, some pecple fot hac the UX wae hesnming oo "Yemini,” w eethere apd ak it ars nae doing enangh fae wees. 1p 52% a Task Fares. “spot on the Sratus of Wowner in Cinch and Sooty pressed er more acne. Po 1675 us 1979 an advisnry Cornmissien on Worion developed nee mays smpport women slergy a laywomen, tn 1979 4 Caos ting amr fr ‘on ir. Chch and Sacicty (CW) sought to “adress the >aeere af somos and ack strange tsslnnats seein ohn a ae." Ft ame Year the Ge otal Synod (NFU) yore to suppor the ratication ef the agquat Rights Amondmsas(HR we setirmed supper eur yar ate {188°5, Wane inthe Unt Chars of Chis were increase vibe thenationallearostip, ann 18 Carol Lopes Hin wavelectsdsterstary oF the LCCC she Heat Geman %e held 4 nanny lost ai. ‘Thiemghoor tie peso the rleinsship herwesp mcisn and soe Tn leh aid seciiy Rreams ew aoe cebeins In 1YF7 the Gosora Send ressod @ "Prommmaccunent on Reeisen an Sexiun” thar seemed hn ta conciame ite strife with sos ase Hey “erat imcnst, find compan each othsr® Thee wn has hac se. fess CI 1 ‘he service af Geel and eighbar shuld he shinng the Hist 9 uedertcnd val “HnmisaTitssisa means ao osmiciaganess " Oppel an ing apottations enucatbig the Lute” (see 78H Tafrumantcly, a least a6 far a8 way ‘wren Were eorsemed, the 1pited Chorek Cis rarnating Cuter far Women n Chae nd Suciety (CCW reussinad onl ar sAminisstiveofes ur der dhe OF- foe of te Prose since ts eariog in 1979. Yn 1887 COW"E sport ts Geactl Syd salle Mreokmech 19 romero the "boat oma rho isuusthy Jesma in the Guspel ET, Joss il hor thar shi fee af hor ‘gassed able ta “siaighren so op." Tn hat gp. wore leans fe TICE insite that tos ef the VTS win

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