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INTRODUCTORY ANALYSIS A Deeper View of Calculus Richard J. Bagby DepartmentofMathematicalSciences NewMexicoStateUniversity LasCruces,NewMexico SanDiego SanFrancisco NewYork Boston London Toronto Sydney Tokyo SponsoringEditor BarbaraHolland ProductionEditor JulieBolduc EditorialCoordinator KarenFrost MarketingManager MarianneRutter CoverDesign RichardHannus,HannusDesignAssociates Copyeditor AmyMayfield Composition TeXnology,Inc./MacroTEX Printer Maple-VailBookManufacturingGroup Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper. (cid:1)∞ Copyright(cid:1)c 2001byAcademicPress All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,includ- ingphotocopy,recording,oranyinformationstorageandretrievalsystem, withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to: Permissions Department, Harcourt, Inc., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive,Orlando,Florida,32887-6777. ACADEMICPRESS AHarcourtScienceandTechnologyCompany 525BStreet,Suite1900,SanDiego,CA92101-4495,USA http://www.academicpress.com AcademicPress HarcourtPlace,32JamestownRoad,LondonNW17BY,UK Harcourt/AcademicPress 200WheelerRoad,Burlington,MA01803 http://www.harcourt-ap.com LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber: 00-103265 InternationalStandardBookNumber: 0-12-072550-9 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 00 01 02 03 04 MB 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ix PREFACE xi I THE REAL NUMBER SYSTEM 1. FamiliarNumberSystems 1 2. Intervals 6 3. SupremaandInfima 11 R 4. ExactArithmeticin 17 5. TopicsforFurtherStudy 22 II CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONS 1. FunctionsinMathematics 23 2. ContinuityofNumericalFunctions 28 v vi CONTENTS 3. TheIntermediateValueTheorem 33 4. MoreWaystoFormContinuousFunctions 36 5. ExtremeValues 40 III LIMITS 1. SequencesandLimits 46 2. LimitsandRemovingDiscontinuities 49 ∞ 3. LimitsInvolving 53 IV THE DERIVATIVE 1. Differentiability 57 2. CombiningDifferentiableFunctions 62 3. MeanValues 66 4. SecondDerivativesandApproximations 72 5. HigherDerivatives 75 6. InverseFunctions 79 7. ImplicitFunctionsandImplicitDifferentiation 84 V THE RIEMANN INTEGRAL 1. AreasandRiemannSums 93 2. SimplifyingtheConditionsforIntegrability 98 3. RecognizingIntegrability 102 4. FunctionsDefinedbyIntegrals 107 5. TheFundamentalTheoremofCalculus 112 6. TopicsforFurtherStudy 115 VI EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS 1. ExponentsandLogarithms 116 2. AlgebraicLawsasDefinitions 119 CONTENTS vii 3. TheNaturalLogarithm 124 4. TheNaturalExponentialFunction 127 5. AnImportantLimit 129 VII CURVES AND ARC LENGTH 1. TheConceptofArcLength 132 2. ArcLengthandIntegration 139 3. ArcLengthasaParameter 143 4. TheArctangentandArcsineFunctions 147 5. TheFundamentalTrigonometricLimit 150 VIII SEQUENCES AND SERIES OF FUNCTIONS 1. FunctionsDefinedbyLimits 153 2. ContinuityandUniformConvergence 160 3. IntegralsandDerivatives 164 4. Taylor’sTheorem 168 5. PowerSeries 172 6. TopicsforFurtherStudy 177 IX ADDITIONAL COMPUTATIONAL METHODS 1. L’Hoˆpital’sRule 179 2. Newton’sMethod 184 3. Simpson’sRule 187 4. TheSubstitutionRuleforIntegrals 191 REFERENCES 197 INDEX 198 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank many persons for the support and assistance that I have received while writing this book. Without the support of my departmentImightneverhavebegun,andthefeedbackIhavereceived from my students and from reviewers has been invaluable. I would espe- cially like to thank Professors William Beckner of University of Texas at Austin,JungH.TsaiofSUNYatGeneseoandCharlesWatersofMankato State University for their useful comments. Most of all I would like to thank my wife, Susan; she has provided both encouragement and impor- tanttechnicalassistance. ix PREFACE I ntroductoryrealanalysiscanbeanexcitingcourse;itisthegatewayto animpressivepanoramaofhighermathematics. Butforalltoomany students,theexcitementtakestheformofanxietyoreventerror;they are overwhelmed. For many, their study of mathematics ends one course soonerthantheyexpected,andformanyothers,thedoorwaysthatshould have been opened now seem rigidly barred. It shouldn’t have to be that way,andthisbookisofferedasaremedy. GOALS FOR INTRODUCTORY ANALYSIS The goals of first courses in real analysis are often too ambitious. Stu- dents are expected to solidify their understanding of calculus, adopt an abstractpointofviewthatgeneralizesmostoftheconcepts,recognizehow explicit examples fit into the general theory and determine whether they satisfy appropriate hypotheses, and not only learn definitions, theorems, andproofsbutalsolearnhowtoconstructvalidproofsandrelevantexam- plestodemonstratetheneed forthehypotheses. Abstractpropertiessuch as countability, compactness and connectedness must be mastered. The xi xii PREFACE studentswhoareuptosuchachallengeemergereadytotakeontheworld ofmathematics. A large number of students in these courses have much more modest immediateneeds. Manyareonlyinterestedinlearningenoughmathemat- ics to be a good high-school teacher instead of to prepare for high-level mathematics. Others seek an increased level of mathematical maturity, but something less than a quantum leap is desired. What they need is a new understanding of calculus as a mathematical theory — how to study it in terms of assumptions and consequences, and then check whether the neededassumptionsareactuallysatisfiedinspecificcases. Withoutsuchan understanding,calculusandrealanalysisseemalmostunrelatedinspiteof thevocabularytheyshare,andthisiswhysomanygoodcalculusstudents are overwhelmed by the demands of higher mathematics. Calculus stu- dentscometoexpectregularitybutanalysisstudentsmustlearntoexpect irregularity; real analysis sometimes shows that incomprehensible levels of pathology are not only possible but theoretically ubiquitous. In calcu- lus courses, students spend most of their energy using finite procedures to find solutions, while analysis addresses questions of existence when there may not even be a finite algorithm for recognizing a solution, let aloneforproducingone. Theobstacletostudyingmathematicsatthenext levelisn’tjusttheinherentdifficultyoflearningdefinitions,theorems,and proofs;itisoftenthelackofanadequatemodelforinterpretingtheabstract conceptsinvolved. Thisiswhymoststudentsneedadifferentunderstand- ing of calculus before taking on the abstract ideas of real analysis. For some students, such as prospective high-school teachers, the next step in mathematicalmaturitymaynotevenbenecessary. Thebookiswrittenwiththefutureteacherofcalculusinmind,butitis alsodesignedtoserveasabridgebetweenatraditionalcalculussequence andlatercoursesinrealornumericalanalysis. Itprovidesaviewofcalculus thatisnowmissingfromcalculusbooks,andisn’tlikelytoappearanytime soon. Itdealswithderivationsandjustificationsinsteadofcalculationsand illustrations, with examples showing the need for hypotheses as well as casesinwhichtheyaresatisfied. Definitionsofbasicconceptsareempha- sized heavily, so that the classical theorems of calculus emerge as logical consequencesofthedefinitions,andnotjustasreasonableassertionsbased on observations. The goal is to make this knowledge accessible without dilutingit. Theapproachistoprovideclearandcompleteexplanationsof thefundamentalconcepts,avoidingtopicsthatdon’tcontributetoreaching ourobjectives. PREFACE xiii APPROACH Tokeepthetreatmentsbriefyetcomprehensible, familiarargumentshave been re-examined, and a surprisingly large number of the traditional con- ceptsofanalysishaveprovedtobelessthanessential. Forexample,open andclosedintervalsareneededbutopenandclosedsetsarenot,sequences are needed but subsequences are not, and limits are needed but methods for finding limits are not. Another key to simplifying the development is to start from an appropriate level. Not surprisingly, completeness of the realnumbersisintroducedasanaxiominsteadofatheorem,buttheaxiom takes the form of the nested interval principle instead of the existence of supremaorlimits. Thisapproachbringsthepowerofsequencesandtheir limitsintoplaywithouttheneedforafineunderstandingofthedifference between convergence and divergence. Suprema and infima become more understandable, because the proof of their existence explains what their definition really means. By emphasizing the definition of continuity in- stead of limits of sequences, we obtain remarkably simple derivations of the fundamental properties of functions that are continuous on a closed interval: existenceofintermediatevalues existenceofextremevalues uniformcontinuity. Moreover,thesefundamentalresultscomeearlyenoughthatthereisplenty of time to develop their consequences, such as the mean value theorem, the inverse function theorem, and the Riemann integrability of continu- ous functions, and then make use of these ideas to study the elementary transcendentalfunctions. Atthisstagewecanbeginmainstreamrealanal- ysis topics: continuity, derivatives, and integrals of functions defined by sequencesandseries. Thecoverageofthetopicsstudiedisdesignedtoexplaintheconcepts, not just to prove the theorems efficiently. As definitions are given they are explained, and when they seem unduly complicated the need for the complexityisexplained. Insteadofthedefinition-theorem-proofformat often used in sophisticated mathematical expositions, we try to see how the definitions evolve to make further developments possible. The rigor is present, but the formality is avoided as much as possible. In general, proofsaregivenintheirentiretyratherinoutlineform;thereaderisn’tleft withasequenceofexercisestocompletethem. xiv PREFACE Exercises at the end of each section are designed to provide greater familiarity with the topics treated. Some clarify the arguments used in the text by having the reader develop parallel ones. Others ask the reader to determine how simple examples fit into the general theory, or give examples that highlight the relevance of various conditions. Still others address peripheral topics that the reader might find interesting, but that werenotnecessaryforthedevelopmentofthebasictheory. Generallythe exercisesarenotrepetitive;theintentisnottoprovidepracticeforworking exercises of any particular type, and so there are few worked examples to follow. Computational skill is usually important in calculus courses but thatisnottheissuehere; theskillstobelearnedaremoreinthenatureof makingappropriateassumptionsandworkingouttheirconsequences,and determiningwhethervariousconditionsaresatisfied. Suchskillsaremuch harder to develop, but well worth the effort. They make it possible to do mathematics. ORGANIZATION AND COVERAGE Thefirstsevenchapterstreatthefundamentalconceptsofcalculusinarig- orousmanner; they forma solid core fora one-semestercourse. The first chapter introduces the concepts we need for working in the real number system, and the second develops the remarkable properties of continuous functionsthatmakearigorousdevelopmentofcalculuspossible. Chapter 3 is a deliberately brief introduction to limits, so that the fundamentals of differentiation and integration can be reached as quickly as possible. It shows little more than how continuity allows us to work with quantities given as limits. The fourth chapter studies differentiability; it includes a developmentoftheimplicitfunctiontheorem,aresultthatisnotoftenpre- sentedatthislevel. Chapter5developsthetheoryoftheRiemannintegral, establishingtheequivalenceofRiemann’sdefinitionwithmoreconvenient onesandtreatingthefundamentaltheoremevenwhentheintegrandfailsto beaderivative. Thesixthchapterstudieslogarithmsandexponentsfroman axiomaticpoint of viewthat leads naturally to formulasforthem, and the seventhstudiesarclengthgeometricallybeforeexaminingtheconnections betweenarclengthandcalculus. Buildingonthisfoundation,Chapter8getsintomainstreamrealanal- ysis,withadeepertreatmentoflimitssothatwecanworkwithsequences andseriesoffunctionsandinvestigatequestionsofcontinuity,differentia- bility, and integrability. It includes the construction of a function that is continuouseverywherebutnowheredifferentiableormonotonic,showing that calculus deals with functions much more complicated than we can

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