Introducttioo n Vascular Ultrasonography Introducttoi on Vascular Ultrasonography FiftEhd ition mi ebMeD l, Profeosfs oRra dyi olog UniverosfUi ttaySh c hooofMl e dicine StfaR fadiologist Univerosfi tUytM aehd icCaeln ter andV AM edicCaeln ter SalLta kCei tUyT, JohSn.P elleMrDi to, ChieDfi,v isoifUo lnt rasCoTu,n da,n d MRI DirecPteorri,p hVearsacluL laabro ratory NortShh orUen irvseyi Htospital ManhasNsYe t, AssisPtraonfte osfRs aodrio goyl NewY orUkn iverSscihtooyof Ml e dicine NewY orNkY, ELSEVIER SAUNDERS ELSEVIER SAUNDERS AnI mproifnE tl sevier TheC urtCiesn ter 107 ISn dependMeanlWcl e 3 00E PhiladePlepnhnisay,l v1a9n16i0 a INTRODUCTTIOOV NA SCULAURL TRSAONOGRAPHY 0-712-606138- Copyrig©h 2t0 05, ElseviAelrlr served. Nop artt hoifs publmiacyba et iroenp roodrtu rcaends mittefdo riomnr b yaa nnyym eans, electroormn eicch aniicnacll,u dpihnogto opcyinrge,c ordoirn ga,innyf ormationa nsdt orage retriseyvsatlew mi,t hopuetr misisniw orni tifnrogtm h pe ubli.sP heerrmissmiaoybn ess ought direcftrloEyml sevHieearl'Stsch i enRciegshD tesp artmienPn hti ladelphiap,h oPnAe,: USA: (+12)1 253 87 86f9a,x (:+ 12)1 253 82239e-,m ahiela:l thpermissionsY@oeuml asye also complreetqeu oeynso-tul rvi intaeh Eel sevhioemre pa(ghet twpw:w/e./lsevoime.)rb.y c selec"tCiunsgt oSmueprp oarntd" t"hOebn taiPneirnmgi ssions" Notice Ultrasonoigsar nae pvheyr ndsaarfde ptrye cautmiuosbntse f ollowed, buta sn ewr eseaarncdch l ineixcpaelr ibernocaed oeunrk nowledcghea,n gients r eatment andd rutgh erampayyb ecomnee cessoarar pyp roprRieaatdeea.rr ased visteod chtehcek mosctu rrepnrto duicntf ormaptrioovni bdyet dh ema nufactoufer aecrdh r utgo b e administtoev reerdit fhyre e commenddoesde ,m etthheoa dn dd uratoifoa nd ministration, andc ontirnad icatiiostn hsre.e sIpto nsiobfti hlteir teya tpihnygs icriealny,oi nn g experiaenndkc neo wleodfgt eh pea tietnot ,d etedromsiangaeen sd tbheest tr eatment for eacihn divipdautaileN neti.t htehrPe u blisnhore r athuet haosrs uamney l iabifloirt ya ny injuarnyd /doarm agteop ersoonrps r opearrtiys firnogtm h ipsu blication. TheP ublisher Previeoduist icoonpsy rig2h0t0e01d,9 912,98 61,9 83. LibraroyfC ongreCsast aloging-in-PnbDlaitcaa tion Introdutcotv iaosnc uullatror naosgra-p5htyhe. d/.[ edibtye]Wd i lliaZmw iebel, J. JohSn. P ellerito p.e;m Reve.d o.f I:n trodutcotv iaosnc uullatrr asono/gW rialplhiJya.z m w ieb4etlhe. d . c2000. Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfheirceaanlnc die nsd ex. ISB0N- 762-10168-3 I.B lood-vessels-iUmlatgrina1gs.Z.o w neiicb Weill,l iam]. IIJ.o hSnP. el lerito, IIZIw.i ebWeill,l iJa.Im n trodutcotv iaosnc uullatrr aosgornaphy. [DNLM:1 .V ascuDliasre asuelstor-naosgrap2h.y . BlVoeosds els-nuolgtrraapshoy. WG 5001 63270 04] RC6196..U47125070 4 6163.017'54d3c-22 2003036397 AcquisitioAnlsl REaodnsi st or: DevelopmEendtiatJloe rni:nf Serh reiner ProjMeacnta gMearry:S termel BooDke SigSnteerv:Se tna ve PrinitenCd h ina Lasdti giistt h epr int num9b er8: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ToM argareBta tsoCnN,M ,m yw iffeo,hr e cra ring K. andh esru ppoorfmt y a cadempirco jeacntdts o,m ys ons, Coliann dA arofno,br e isnug cwho ndercfuhli ldren. -W,J.Z. Tom yw ifEel,i zabMeatlhtP ienl leMrDi,ta on,dm yc hildren, JohAnl,a naan,d D anieflot,rh epiart ieenncceo,u ragement, ands uppotrhrto ugthhoiuestn deavor. - J.S.P. Witshi ncgerraet itaucdke,n owIl tehdeg eI gratefauclklnyo wletdhgefe o llowing contribouftt ihofeno sll oiwnidnig vidupaelrss:wo hnosh avdei rtelocyr indirectly con Thea uthowrhso,sc eo mbineexdp ertitsrei buttote hdpe u blicoaftt ihoiwnso rk: is ftohuen daotfit ohnip su blicaTthieoyn .M y admiinstraatsisvies tBaanrtbsa,r a havper ovitdheedki nro wleadngdee x periStanco, MCaagriodl-eGD roereenMe,an g ri, encwei tghr ewaitl linagnndge esnse irtoys,a ndP atricia MfcoMtrah heosinur,p port andt hehya veg raciotuoslleyr aotuerd a ndg oohdu mo.r rigor(osuosmm ei ghstat ye dioeudsi)to ifn g Myc hairmMaint,c hAe.Gl oll dmaMnD,, themiart erial. fohri esn couragaenmdle enatd ership. JohPne lleMrDi,tf oos,rh arhiingsgr eat My colleaagnudfe rsi enRdosb,iW na r knowleodfg ev asscounloagrr awipthshyo shawys,Mk D;G wenH arrMiDs;,B rian manyp eopalnedf otra kionngt htea sokf BurkMeD,;E raBne nL evMiD,; R akeDs.h edi.t or ShahM,D ;a ndJ ameNsa idiMcDh,,f or Ms.J enniSfherree ri,nD evelopmentthaeulin rd erstaannddic nogm mitmteon t EditfoorrE lse,vI inecrP.u,b liswhheor se,x cellence. shephetrhdbee odo tkh routghhep roducMy chiteefc hnolAomgailsPitoa,s aen,d tiopnr oceTshset .i mepluyb licoaftt ihoinsa ltlh es onograpihnte hresU ltrasound worikst hree suolft heexrc elsleennostfe sectiaonndt heV ascuLlaabro rataotr y organizhaetrai totne,n ttoid oent aainld, NortShh orUen iverHsoistpyi ftoatrlh ,e ir her paptrioedndtoi fnt gh ea uthoarnsd dedicaatnidao sns istance. editors. My fellow edauncdap taorrtsni enr s Mr.A llan REoxsecsu,t Eidviet foorr crimIer,w Kiunp erbJeorsge;p h MPDo,l ak, ElsevIinecPr.u,,b lisfhoserur psp,o rtthiinsgM PH;M arshNae umyeBrS;,R V;T Larry publicaatnidof no rh isa dmiinstratNieveed lemMaDn;a, n dF ayLea inMgD,, for advice. making lefaurnn.i ng Ms. Linnea Hermaendsiotfnoo,rr pMryo jmeetcontrK ,e nnetWh.]T a.y lofro,hr i s P.M .G ordoAns,h,r e rd iliuniqcuoen tribtuotu ilotnrsa saonudfn odr genatn de xpearsts embolfta hgteee xt. hipsa ssfiooirnn nvoation. Nancy CotRtDrMeSlS;lh ,e llSemyi th, Saie"dNeahn aMza"g hoAudla;mC oop,e r RDMS; Jaanndi McceC heys,nR eVTo, ur RBPa;n d JaCmoeosp ,e rMDf,o rt heir excelgleennetur latlr asoundt/evcahsciumlaagrpe hso,t aonsd,i llustrations. nologaitst thseS alLta kCei tVyA MedicaAllt lh aeu thoofr st bhoiosfk o,tr h eoiurt Cent,ef ror tahsesiirs twaintschee c urisntga ndcionngt ributions. cliniilclauls trations. JenniSfhernree irA,l lan aRnodes vse,r y Finya,tl olm y famifloytr,o lenrga dtiisonea tE lsefvoitreh re ir ahnedel xpp ertise. appearaonfcm easn yh ourwsh ilIe w as My cod-iet,oW rilliaZmw]i.e bMeDl,, writinge diatntidhn itgse xt. fohri gsU idaanncdte r uwsitt h ptrhoijse ct. -W.J.Z.L asbtu tn ot lmeya swti,fEe ,l izabeth; childJroehnnA,,l anaan,dD aniberlo;t ,h er Petaenrdp; a renMtasr,i e anfdo trPh eetierr , endlceosnss idearnadlt oivoen. -J.S.. P isP rofesosfoR ra diol WilliaZmwJi.e bMeDl,, ogya tt heU niversoiftU yt ahi nS alLta keC ity, andh ep ractircaedsi oloagtby o tht heU niversity ofU tahM edicaCle ntearn dt heS alLta keC ity VA MedicaCle nterH.e graduatefdr om the HahnemannM edicaClo lleg(en owD rexeUln i versiStcyh ooolfM edicinPeh)i,l adelpihn1i 9a,6 9. Followinagn internshaitp M ercyH ospital, Pittsburhgeh c,o mpletae dd iagnosrtaidci ology reSidenactyt heU niversoiftW yi sconsiMna,d i son,i n 1976a,n d joinetdh ef aculotfy that institutthieos na mey earH.e r emainaetdt heU ni versiotfyW isconsuinnt il whenh ej oined 1984, theD epartmeonftR adiologtyh eaU tn iversoift y Utah.D r.Z wiebeli'nsv olvemewnitt hv ascular sonograpdhayt efsr om1 977.He ist hee ditoorf foure ditioonfst hitse xta,n dh e authoretwdo additiotneaxlt boockosn cernweidt hu ltrasound andv asculiamra ginFgo.r2 Sy earhse h asb eenc o editoofrt heb imonthrleyv iejwo urnSaelm inars in UltrasouCndT,a ndM RI.H ei sa m embero ft hee di toribaola rdo fU ltrasoiunnM de dicianned B iology andh oldfse llowshiintp hseS ocieotfyR adiologist inU ltrasouannddt heA mericaCno lleogfeR adi olgoy.H e wasa foundinbgo ardm embero ft he IntersocCioemtmails sifoonrt heA ccreditaotfi on VasculLaarb oratories. S. ist heC hief ofD itvhie John PellerMiDt,o , sioonf U ltrasouCnTd,,a ndM RIa ndD irectoofr theP eripheVraaslc ulLaarb oratoirnty h eD epart mento fR adioloagtNy o rthS horUen iversHiotsy pitailn ManhasseNte,w YorkH.e isa lsot he Directooftr h eB odyI maginFge llowsPhriopg ram atN orthS horUen iversHiotsyp itaanld A ssistant Professoofr R adioloagtyN ew YorkU niversity Schooolf M edicinDer..P ellergirtaod uatferdo m NewY ork Univebresfiotrryee ceivhiinsgM D from AlbanMye dicaClo llegHee.s erveadsa r adiologist atY ale-NeHwa venH ospitbaelf orhei sc urrent positiaotnN so rthS horUen iversHiotsyp itHael . ist hea uthoorfm ultipolrei gianratli calnedsb ook chaptearnsd h isc urrernets earicnht ereisntcsl ude developinnegw imaginsgt rategfioerOs B /GYN andc ardiovasdciulsaera sDers.P. e lleriisit nog reat demanda sa speakbeort hn ationaalnldyi nterna tionalalnyd currenthloyl dsm ultipeldei torial appointmeinntcsl udiRnagd ioloRgya,d ioGraphies, andJ ournaolf U ltrasoiunMn de diciHneei .s a board -examinfeorr t heA mericaBno ardo fR adiology andh ec urrenstelryv oenst heB oarodf G overnors of the AmericaInn stituotfe U ltrasouinnd Medicin(eA lUM)a ndt heB oardo fD irectoorfs theI ntersociCeotmamli ssiofno rt heA ccredita tioonf V ascular Labor(aItCoArViLe)s. Thiesd itoifIo nnt rodtuoVc atcsiuolUnal rtr aished etdhueciart viaolnuaaelst, h eoyf ten sognropahyi so rganiazleodnt gh es ame werleo casteevde ralf rpoarmge elsat teexdt . linaests h e preecdeidtibinuogtin sd iffeIrnt hiesd ititohnec, o liolrl ustraantdi ons enitn s eveirmaplo rtwaanytms o,s nto tabltye xatri en p roxiitmFyu.l clo lpourb lication thaed ditoifo snae coenddi .tO onreo bjecalseon livtehntese xatsc, o laorrt woarnkd tivoef co-ediistt ooa rdsdnh eiwpp e rspepcageb ordearrsei ncludtehdro ughout. tivoenst he authaonrdcs ohnitpeo nftt h e Hopefulleyn htahnictseh see ducational texOtu.r suicnct ehsirsse gairvsde rifiedv ablyuo eft heb oobky h olditnhger eader's theex pandsecdo poeft hiesd itiaoson u,t attentThieod no.w nsoifdf eu clol lpourb li linbeedol w.T he segco�amoldfc o-editcoartiiosan d depdr oducctoisobtnu, tt he shiipst oe nsucroen tinpuuebdl icoaft ipounb lishhaesar c complitshhiceshd a nge thipso putleaxrt tahfet eorr eidgiitnDoarr.l, w hilkee epitnhgep riocfet het exstu ffi Zwiebreelt,ii rnte hsne e xfte wy ears. cientlloywf ora ccebsys a lplo tential Av arioefnt eyw c hapthearbsse eand dedr eaders. throughtohuet tseuxbts,t anetxipaalnldy Althoumgahn yc hangaensda dditions intgh ce eh aptceorvsve arr iaraep pariennt th iesd itiwoehn a,v neo t ouss ubjescutcsah s h emodiaalcycseissss u,b stanatlitaetlrhlefeydo rmoaftt h beo ok aortsitceg nrta fatnsd, Dopapslseers smbeencta uistpe r eviously steoir nvterdo well oft hfee mapleel h ie ncluosfi odnu ce retaotd heperr si nciapnldpe rsa ctice thinse wm aterwiea lf,e ela lmtlah jaotr o fv ascusloanrro agphAyl.t hough new applicationss oonfo gDroaaprprpehel ype rc hapthearvse b eena ddedt,h eb asic resenltietde,r farlolhmy e atdo t oeT.h e knowlecdhgaep thearvbsee erne tained-in additoifon ne wc haptaelrsshoa sb roadupdatfeodr mosfc, o urAssew .i tphr evious enetdh aeu thorosfth hitepe xptr,o vidiendgi tiwoenh sa,vi en clumdaetde rtihaailts a widevri ewo ft echniacnadcl l inicsaulf ficideenettplo my e etth en eedosfo ur mattetrhsain n t hep revieoduist iTohne. r eadweirtsh oduetl viinngte os otesruibc authowresr ceh osfeontr h erierc ognizjeedcW tes a.l shoa ve attemmpeteettdh e to experitnti hsfieee lodfv ascuullatrr asouenddu,c atinoeneadolsfr eadweirtsvh a rying andt heciorn tribhuatvieeon nrsi cthheids b ackgroTuhneds tsr.e nogfpt rhe vieoduis newe dition. tiohnassr esiidnea dc hievtihneogsb ej ec Anothseirg nificchaanntig set hep rinttivaensd,w eh opteh is esduictcieoiennd s ing tohfie sd itiinofn u lclo l,oa rllowianl gi kmea nn.e r coliolrl ustrtaobt esi hoonwstn h roughout WilliJa.Zm w iebMeDl , thet exCto.l ofirg urweesr ceo nfinteod John PeSl.l eMrDi to, "welilnsp "r evieoduist iwohniscd,hi min- Contributors AndreVi. A lexandroMvD, JohnJ .C ronanM,D AssisPtraonfoter Ds,es ptamrenotfs ProfoerCs,hs airmoafDn i agnostiC NeurolaongdRy a dioyl,D oigrector, ImagiBnrgo,w Mne dicSaclh ool; CerebrovUalstcrualsaUornu invde,r sitRya diologistR-hiondI-esC lhainedf , ofT exaSst roTkreea tmeTneatm , The HospiPtraolv,i dReIn ce, Univerosfi xtTayeMs e dicSaclh ool, HoustToXn , EdwardB .D iethricMhD, MedicDailr e,cA troirzoHneaaI rnts titute, J.D ennisB akerM,D ArizoHneaa Hrots pital, AZPh oenix, Profeosfs oSerur ryDg,i visoifVo ans cular SurgeDrayv,iG de ffen School oPfet erM . DoubileMtD,, PhD MedicaitnU eC LAC;h ieVfa,s cular ProfeosfRs aodrli oogHya,r vaMredd ical SurgSeerryV ViAc eW,e LsotAs n geles SchoSoeln;i Voirc e-CohfRa aidri oyl, og HealthCceanrt,eLe orAsn gelCeAs , BrighaanmdW omenH'oss piBtoaslt,o n, MA DennisB andykM,D ProfeosfSs uorrg eUrnyi,v erosfi tSyo uthS teveGn. F riedmanM,D FlorCiodlal egMee doifc iTanmep,aF ,L AssocPiraotfee osfSs uorrg eNreywY, or k UniverMseidtiycS aclh oNoelw,Y ork, PhillJi.pB endickP,h D NY DirecotfSo urr giRceasle aDricrhoe,rc ,t PeriphVearsacluD liaarg noCsetnit,ce r SpenceWr. GaltM,D WilliBaema umoHnots piRtoaylaO,la k, AssociinaV taes cuSluarrg eGreyi,s inger MI MedicCaeln t,De arnviPlAl e, CaroBl .B ensonM,D Gregory KeMcDk , ProfeosfRs aodroi goylH,a rvaMredd ical IntervenRtaidoinoallSo oguitshtw,e st SchoDoilr;e cotfUo lrt rasaonudn d Medical ImaginDge pAasrstomceinatt es, Co-iDrecotfHo irg h-ORbisstke trical ofR adigoylM,oi dlaMnedm orial UltrasBoruingdh,aa nmdW omen's HospiMtiadll,a TnXd , HospiBtoaslt,o n, MA EvanC .L ipsitMzD, GeorgeL .B erdejBoA,, R VT AssisPtraonfte osfSs uorrg eArlyb,e rt DirectoVra,s culDaira gnostLiac boratories, EinstCeoilnl oefgM ee diciAntet;e nding MontefiMoerdei cCaeln taenrdJ acDk. SurgeaonndM edicDailr ecVtaosrc,u lar WeilHeors piBtraoln,Nx Y, DiagnoLsatbioCorr ayMt,o ntefiore BriaJn. B urkeM,D , RVT MedicCaeltn eNre,w Y orNkY, AssisPtraonfte sRsaodri gooylfN,o e wY ork UniverSscihtooyof Ml e diciNneew , MarkE .L ockharMtD,, MPH YorkN,Y ;A ttendRiandgi olSoegcitsito,An s sisPtraonftre ,Ds isroe,cM teodrical ofB odIym aging, North ShorSet udeEndtu catDiiorne,,cF teolrlowship UniverHsoistpyiM taanlh,a sNsYe t, ProgrUanmi,v erosfAi ltayb ama at BirmingBhiarmm,i ngAhLa m, StefaAn. C arterM,D , MSc,F RCP(C) ProfeosfPs hoyrs ioalnodMg eyd icine, EricLa. M itchellM,D UniverosfMi atnyi toWbian,n ipeg, VascuFleaolwrl, O regHoena ltShc ience & ManitoCbaan,a da Univeyr,Ps oirttlOaRn d, � Contributors ,--��------------------------------------------------------------------� GregorLy. M onetaM,D MichellLe.R obbinM,S ,M D ProfeosfSs uorrrg yeC,h ioeffV ascular ProfeosfRs aodri goylP,or ofeosfs or Suryg,eO rregon HeSaclitehn ce BiomedEincgailn eeCrhiinoegff, & Univeyr,Ps oirttland, OR UltrasUonuinvde,r osfAi ltayb aamta BirmingBhiarmm,i ngAhLa m, DariuGs. N abaviM,D Assistant oPfNr eoufroeogslyHs,eo arod f RoberSt. S inghM,D NeuroloUglitcraals Loaubnodr aatnodr yV ascuFleaolwrl, G eisingerC eMnet,de ircal Stroke/InCtaerUnens iiUtvn,ei versityD anviPlAl e, HospiotfMa uln s,tW eirlhelms SteveRn. T albotR,V T,F SVU Unievrys,iM tunster, Germany SupervTiecshinnogl oVgaissctu,l ar LaurencNee edelman,M D LaboorrayUt,n iverosfUi ttayHh o spitals JeffeMresdoincC aoll leAgtet;e nding andC linSiaclLsta, k Ceit yU,T RadiolTohgoimsaJtse, f feUrnsiovnte yr si JamesA .Z agzebskPih,D HospiPthaill,a dePlAp hia, ProfeasnsdCo hra irmDaenp,a rtmoefn t MarshaM . NeumyerR,V T, FSVFUA,I UM MedicPahly siUcnsi,v erosfi ty InternaDtiiroen,caV tlao srcuDliaarg nostiWci sconMsaidni,s WoIn , EducatSieornvaVila csec,u Rleasro urce R.E ugeneZ ierleMrD, AssociHaatrersi,s PbAu rg, ProfeosfSs uorrg eUrnyi,v erosfi ty ShirlMe.y OtisM,D WashingStcohno oofMl e dicine; ProfeSscsroirp,p s ACslsiinsitca;n t MedicDailr e,cV taosrcuDliaarg nostic Profe,Us nsiovrerosfCi atloyir fniSaa,n ServUinciev,e rosfWi atsyh ington DiegSoe;n iNoeru roloGgriesetn, MedicCaeln tSeera,t WtAl e, HospiStcarli Cplpisn LiaJc o,l ClAa , WilliaJm. Z wiebelM,D JohnS .P elleriMtDo , ProfeosfRs aodri goylU,on iverosfi tUyt ah ChieDfi,v isoifUo lnt rasCoTu,an ndd, SchooofMl e diciSnteaR;fa fd iologist, MRID,i roercP,te riphVearsaclu lar UniverosfUi ttayMh e dicCaeln taenrd LaboorrayNt,o rtShh orUen iversity VAM edicCaeln tSearlL,ta kCei tUyT, HospiMtaanlh,a sNsYe;t ,A ssistant Profeosfs oRra dyi,No elwoY ogrk UniverSscihtooyof Ml e diciNnewe , York, NY E.B erndR lngelsteMiDn , ProfeosfNs eourr oyl,Co hgairmaannd HeadD,e partmoefNn etu royl,o g UniverHsoistpyio tfMa uln s,t er WilheUlnmisv seirtMyu,n stGeerr,m any