INTRODUCTIOTNO TUNG'S ACUPUNCTURE INTRODUCTTIOO N TUNG'S ACUPUNCTURE Dr.C huan-MiWann g,D .C.,L .Ac. EditbeySd t evVeans ilLa.kAics. , CHINESTEU NGA CUPUNCTUREI NSTITUTE LOMBARDI,L LINUOSIAS , ChinTeusneAg c upuncItnusrtei tute Publications 250H6a5m potn Lane LombaIrL6d 01,84 wwwa.cupr-occ.hoim Alrli grhetssee drN.vo p arotft hbioso mka yb er eprodiunac nefydo romrb y anmye anesl,e ctorrmo enicch aninicclauld,pin hgo tocorpeycionrgod,rinb gy, aniyn formatioann drs ettorrisaeygvseatw lei mt,h poeurtm isisnwi roint ing frotmh peu bleirs.h Copyhr©ti 2g013b yC huan-WMainng FirEsditt ion Prinitnte hdUe n itSetda otfAe mse rica Covdeer snia gnbdo olka yobuySt t evVeans ilakis MastTeurnC gh ing-C(hMaa2ny3g 1, 91-6N ov7 ,1 975) CONTENTS ForwabryHd u i-YCaanMi ,D , PLhADc, 9 ThWea yt oT ugn'Asc upuncture 11 Preface 17 lA. re1aP: o intosnt hFein gers 29 2A.r e2aP: o inotnts h Hea nd 51 3A.r e3aP: o inotnts h Feo rearm 61 4A.r e4aP: o intosnt hUep peArr m 75 5A.r e5aP: o inotnts h e PlFaonotta r 91 6A.r e6aP: o inotnts h e DFoorosta l 99 7A.r e7aP: o intosnt hLeo weLre g 151 8A.r e8aP: o inotnts h Teh igh 134 9A.r e9a: Poointn htEesa r 196 10A.ra e1 0P:o intosnt he HeaFdac ea nd 177 11A.r eVaT+ DTP:o intosnt hDeo rsaanldV entTrrauln k 179 12A.d dendum 221 13M.a stTeunrg' Ssp ecialT eNcehnieqdulees 225 14D.i agnaonsTdir se atSmternatt egy 229 15B.l oodlAertteioanfstg h Lee g 247 16M.a stTeurgns 'T herapIenudteixc 253 17A.l temlantdei caotfti hoPeno si notnts h 1e4 Channels 299 18T.un g'Usn iqPuoein Itn dex 311 Referse nce 321 7 Forward ItnruocdttioTo ungns 'A cpuucnteuc romprtihsmeeo ssc to mprehesntsuoidvfMye a tser Tung'ascu punpcotinuttrsoed o setx citthinaDgtr C .h uan-WMainn g has writtthebinos o kh eah saa sd eeupn derstoafnp daitnicgea nrutes inMga setrT ungs' methoHdasv.ic nogm fer om Taainwsdant udyMiantsgeT ru gn'Asc upuncattanu re earalgyeh ,el atgerra dufartoeNmda tioCnoalllo efCg hei ropinr i csu r renbtoltyah c hiropprhaycstiiaccni adac nu puncitunUr SiAsD tr W.a nsg tudiMeads ter Tung'mse thodfsos re veyreaalar nsd mastthetiresec dh nique. tAhpeppsrleay citnigc es succestsocf luilnlpiyrc aaclth ienc oeot,n lfyo rmaer di cbha soifts h eobruyat l esxot en sicvlei niacpapll icathialosen c.t wuHirete thdhA es iAanm eriAccuanp unctuArses ocia tio(AnA AAa)nh da tsa ugnhutm ercoluass ses. Beianf ge llloewc tuartte hre AAaAnAad f taetrt ensdeivneglr eaclt u1b reegsat,onu se MastTeunrgs 'b as1ia sms. o a pprectihagatytin veec oalnodrg eyp roductive endocrinolo gy.1 f ouMnads tTeunrg 'mse thotdos i bnev aliunam bycl lei unsiicon ngl ayf enwe edles forg reeaffte cts. MastTeurni gss e etnob eo noef t hmeo sitm poratcaunptu ncitunrm iosdtehsmi st.o ry Himse thobdesc afmaem ofuosur s ing feownn leeyd lawe istm hi racurleosuuHsli tss . 9 poinwtesr e oftent oar s"e mafgeirbcre"ec da tuhseehy a di nstaannldto nlga steifnfge cts. Beisnogq uiinc tkh edierl ivaenedrf yf ieactlt l,o twhasec upuncttosu erneiu smte rous paitenitnass hotritm e. 3A9yf etaesrirsn Mcaes tTeunrgs 'p ainsgsa wahyi,ms e thod cabne s aitdoh avgea inpeodp aurliwtoyr ldwhiadveis npgr etaoCd h inJaa,p aKno,r ea, SouthAesaisaatn, Ad m eriThcea s.p reaodfhi inmsge thodohloowgeyvh,ea rbs,e en throhuigdshsi ciplleecsta unrdtee sa chwiintlghi ttlliet ertaot luforowTel.h ibso ookff ers the paud beleipc sotfbu odttyhh aep pclaitiaonnidsn dicatMiaosntTseun rgo s'pf oints asw elalso ffertinhge orebtais1cia asmsl. o a pprectihaaDttriC .vh eu aMni-nW anhga s publitshhcieosdm prehebnosotikhv waeti e lnla btlhteer atdiioonfM astTeurnt goc on tinuef laonudr ish. AsM asetrT ungw oulodf tseanty oh isst udewnhteasns kqeude stions,f o"rO bserve your,st ehlefn atbhoinikut t1. h "o pteh at arlela tdhw bihosoo cka n tuhseets eec hniques carefinu tlhlepyir ra catnitdch ei nk .d eeply Hu-iYanC ai,M D, PLhADc, ProfeosfAs courp uncatnuOdrr ei eMnetdailc ine, NatioUnnailv erosfHi etahylS tciences 10