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Introduction to the Theory of Infinitesimals PDF

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INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY OF INFINITESIMALS Pure and Applied Mathematics A Series of Monographs and Textbooks Editors Samuel Eilenberg and Hymrn Bass Columbia University, New York RECENT TITLES E. R. KOLCHIND. ifferential Algebra and Algebraic Groups GERALDJ. JANUSZ. Algebraic Number Fields A. S. B. HOLLANIDnt.r oduction to the Theory of Entire Functions WAYNER OBERTASN D DALEV ARBERGC.o nvex Functions A. M. OSTROWSKSIo. lution of Equations in Euclidean and Banach Spaces, Third Edition of Solution of Equations and Systems of Equations H. M. EDWARDRiSem. ann’s Zeta Function SAMUEELIL ENBERAGu. tomata, Languages, and Machines: Volumes A and B MORRIS HIRSCHAN D STEPHESNM ALED.i fferential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Linear Algebra WILHELMM AGNUSN. oneuclidean Tesselations and Their Groups FRANCOTIRSE VEBSa. sic Linear Partial Differential Equations WIJLIAM M. BOOTHBYA. n Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry BRAYTOGNR AYH. omotopy Theory : An Introduction to Algebraic Topology ROBERAT . ADAMSS. obolev Spaces JOHNJ . BENEDETTOSp. ectral Synthesis D. V. WIDDERT. he Heat Equation IRVINEGZ RAS EGALM.a thematical Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy J. DIEUDONNT~re. atise on Analysis : Volume 11, enlarged and corrected printing ; Volume IV ; Volume V. In preparation WERNEGRR EUBS, TEPHENH ALPERINA,N D RAYV ANSTONCEo. nnections, Curvature, and Cohomology : Volume 111, Cohomology of Principal Bundles and Homogeneous Spaces I. MARTINI SAACCSh. aracter Theory of Finite Groups JAMES R. BROWNE.r godic Theory and Topological Dynamics K. D. STROYAANND W . A. J. LUXEMBURInGtr. oduction to the Theory of Infinitesimals In preparation CLIFFORAD. TRUESDEAL LF.i rst Course in Rational Continuum Mechanics : Volume 1, General Concepts B. M. PUTTASWAMAANIAD HJO HND . DIXON.M odular Representations of Finite Groups MELVYNB ERGERN.o nlinearity and Functional Analysis : Lectures on Nonlinear Problems in Mathematical Analysis GEORGGER ATZELRa. ttice Theory INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY OF INFINITESIMALS K. D. Stroyan Department of Mathematics The University of Iowa Iowa City. Iowa In collaboration with W. A. J. Luxemburg Department of Mathematics California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California ACADEMIC PRESS New York San Francisco London 1976 A Subsidiary .of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers COPYRXGHT 0 1976, BY ACADEMIPCRE SS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDINQ, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/18 Oval Road, London NWI Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Stxoyan,K D Introduction to the theory of infinitesimals. (Pure and applied mathematics, a series of mono- graphs and textbooks ; ) Bibliography: p. 1. Mathematical analysis, Nonstandard. I. Lux- emburg, W. A. J., (date) joint author. 11. Ti- tle. 111. Title: Infinitesimals. IV. Series. QA3.P8 [QA299.82] 510'.8s [515'.33] 76-14344 ISBN 0- 12-674150-6 AMS (MOS) 1970 Subject Classifications: 02 - 00, 02 - 01, 26A98, 30A76,46 - 00,46 - 02 PWTED IN THE UNITED STAT= OF AMERICA To the memory of ABRAHAM ROBINSON This Page Intentionally Left Blank CONTENTS Preface, xi Acknowledgments, xv PART 1 CLASSICAL INFINITESIMALS 1. INTRODUCTION: WHAT ARE INFINITESIMALS? 2. A FIRST LOOK AT ULTRAPOWERS: A MODEL OF RATIONAL ANALYSIS 2.1 A Free Ultrafilter on a Countable Set J, 7 2.2 An Ultrapower of the Rational Numbers, 8 2.3 Some Calculus of Polynomials, 10 2.4 The Exponential Function, 14 2.5 Peano's Existence Theorem, 16 2.6 Summary, 18 3. SUPERSTRUCTURES AND THEIR NONSTANDARD MODELS 3.1 Introduction, 20 3.2 Definition of a Superstructure, 23 3.3 Superstructures Are Big Enough, 25 3.4 Nonstandard Models of Superstructures, 25 3.5 The Formal Language, 30 3.6 Interpretations of the Formal Language, 35 3.7 Models of a Superstructure, 36 3.8 Nonstandard Ultrapower Models, 37 3.9 Bounded Formal Sentences, 42 3.1 0 Embedding 3' in Set Theory, 43 3.1 1 *-Transforms of Categories, 46 3.1 2 Postscript to Chapter 3,47 4. SOME BASIC FACTS ABOUT HYPERREAL NUMBERS 4.1 Addition, Multiplication, and Order in 'R, 49 4.2 Some Simplifications of the Notation, 51 4.3 'R Is Non-Archimedean, 52 4.4 Infinite, Infinitesimal, and Finite Numbers, 53 4.5 Some External Entities, 56 4.6 Further Simplification of Notation and Classical Functions, 58 4.7 Hypercomplex Numbers, 60 APPENDIX A. PRELIMINARY RESULTS ON ORDERED RINGS AND FIELDS A.l Terminology, 62 viii CONTENTS A.2 Ordered Rings and Fields, 64 A.3 Archimedean Totally Ordered Fields, 67 5. FOUNDATIONS OF INFINITESIMAL CALCULUS 5.1 Continuity and Limits, 70 5.2 Uniform Continuity, 77 5.3 Basic Definitions of Calculus, 78 5.4 The Mean Value Theorem, 85 5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, 88 5.6 Landau's "Oh-Calculus," 90 5.7 Differential Vector Calculus, 92 5.8 Integral Vector Calculus, 110 5.9 Calculus on Manifolds, 126 6. TOPICS IN INFINITESIMAL CALCULUS 6.1 Peano's ExistenceT heorem Revisited, 142 6.2 Interchanging Limits, 145 6.3 Euler's Product for the Sine Function, 147 6.4 Robinson's Lemma and Generalized Limits, 150 6.5 Dynamical Systems, 155 6.6 Geometry of the Unit Ball and Boundary Behavior, 159 PART 2 INFINITESIMALS IN FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 7. MORE TOOLS FROM MODEL THEORY 7.1 Countable Ultrapowers, 175 7.2 Enlargements, 176 7.3 Comprehensive Models, 180 7.4 Saturated Models, 180 7.5 Ultralimits, 183 7.6 Properties of Polysaturated Models, 187 7.7 The Isomorphism Property of Ultralimits, 188 8. THE aENERAL THEORY OF MONADS AND INFINITESIMALS 8.1 Monads with Respect to a Ring of Sets, 195 8.2 Chromatic Sets, 198 8.3 Topological Aspects of Monad Theory, 199 8.4 Uniform Infinitesimal Relations and Finite Points, 205 8.5 Topological lnfinitesimals at Remote Points, 221 9. COMPACTIFICATIONS 9.1 Discrete tech-Stone Compactification of N, 228 9.2 Measurable Infinitesimals, 231 9.3 The Samuel Compactification of the Hyperbolic Plane, 235 9.4 Normal Meromorphic Functions and Analytic Disks, 238 9.5 The Fatou-Lindelof Boundary, 242 9.6 Bounded Holomorphic Functions and Gleason Parts, 244 9.7 Fixed Points of Analytic Maps on A, 252 9.8 The Bohr Group, 259 CONTENTS ix 10. LINEAR INFINITESIMALS AND THE LOCALLY CONVEX HULL 10.1 Basic Theory, 268 10.2 Hilbert Spaces, 285 10.3 Banach Spaces, 292 10.4 Distributions, 299 10.5 Mixed Spaces, 306 10.6 (HM)-Spaces, 312 10.7 Postscript to Chapter 10, 314 References, 316 Index, 323

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