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January2,2009 14:52 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in tasi08˙pgl 1 9 0 INTRODUCTION TO THE STANDARD MODEL AND 0 2 ELECTROWEAK PHYSICS n a PAULLANGACKER J School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study 2 Princeton, NJ 08540, USA E-mail: [email protected] ] h p Aconciseintroductionisgiventothestandardmodel,includingthestructure - of the QCD and electroweak Lagrangians, spontaneous symmetry breaking, p experimentaltests,andproblems. e h Keywords:Standardmodel,Electroweakphysics [ 1 1. The Standard Model Lagrangian v 1 1.1. QCD 4 2 The standard model (SM) is a gauge theory1,2 of the microscopic interac- 0 tions.Thestronginteractionpart,quantumchromodynamics(QCD)a isan . 1 SU(3) gauge theory described by the Lagrangian density 0 1 (cid:88) 9 L =− Fi Fiµν + q¯ iD(cid:54) αqβ, (1) 0 SU(3) 4 µν rα β r r : v where g is the QCD gauge coupling constant, s i X Fi =∂ Gi −∂ Gi −g f Gj Gk (2) µν µ ν ν µ s ijk µ ν r a is the field strength tensor for the gluon fields Gi, i = 1,··· ,8, and the µ structure constants f (i,j,k =1,··· ,8) are defined by ijk [λi,λj]=2if λk, (3) ijk where the SU(3) λ matrices are defined in Table 1. The λ’s are normalized by Trλiλj =2δij, so that Tr[λi,λj]λk =4if . ijk TheF2 termleadstothreeandfour-pointgluonself-interactions,shown schematicallyinFigure1.ThesecondterminL isthegaugecovariant SU(3) aSee3forahistoricaloverview.Somerecentreviewsinclude4andtheQCDreviewin5. January2,2009 14:52 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in tasi08˙pgl 2 derivative for the quarks: q is the rth quark flavor, α,β =1,2,3 are color r indices, and Dα =(D ) =∂ δ +ig Gi Li , (4) µβ µ αβ µ αβ s µ αβ wherethequarkstransformaccordingtothetripletrepresentationmatrices Li =λi/2. The color interactions are diagonal in the flavor indices, but in generalchangethequarkcolors.Theyarepurelyvector(parityconserving). Therearenobaremasstermsforthequarksin(1).Thesewouldbeallowed byQCDalone,butareforbiddenbythechiralsymmetryoftheelectroweak partofthetheory.Thequarkmasseswillbegeneratedlaterbyspontaneous symmetry breaking. There are in addition effective ghost and gauge-fixing termswhichenterintothequantizationofboththeSU(3)andelectroweak Lagrangians, and there is the possibility of adding an (unwanted) term which violates CP invariance. Table1. TheSU(3)matrices. „τi 0« λi= , i=1,2,3 0 0 00011 000−i1 λ4=@000A λ5=@00 0A 100 i 0 0 00001 000 01 λ6=@001A λ7=@00−iA 010 0 i 0 010 01 λ8= √1 @01 0A 3 00−2 u d gs gs gs g2 s G u d Fig.1. InteractionsinQCD. QCD has the property of asymptotic freedom,6,7 i.e., the running cou- pling becomes weak at high energies or short distances. It has been exten- sively tested in this regime, as is illustrated in Figure 2. At low energies –TypesetbyFoilTEX– 1 January2,2009 14:52 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in tasi08˙pgl 3 or large distances it becomes strongly coupled (infrared slavery),8 presum- ably leading to the confinement of quarks and gluons. QCD incorporates the observed global symmetries of the strong interactions, especially the spontaneously broken global SU(3)×SU(3) (see, e.g., 9). Average Hadronic Jets e+e- rates Photo-production 0.3 Fragmentation Z width ) ep event shapes m(s0.2 Polarized DIS a Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) t decays 0.1 Spectroscopy (Lattice) U decay 0.1 0.12 0.14 0 2 a s(MZ) 1 1m0 GeV 10 Fig. 2. Running of the QCD coupling αs(µ) = gs(µ)2/4π. Left: various experimental determinationsextrapolatedtoµ=MZ usingQCD.Right:experimentalvaluesplotted at the µ at which they are measured. The band is the best fit QCD prediction. Plot courtesyoftheParticleDataGroup,5 http://pdg.lbl.gov/. 1.2. The Electroweak Theory The electroweak theory10–12 is based on the SU(2)×U(1) Lagrangianb L =L +L +L +L . (5) SU(2)×U(1) gauge φ f Yuk The gauge part is 1 1 L =− Wi Wµνi− B Bµν, (6) gauge 4 µν 4 µν where Wi, i=1, 2, 3 and B are respectively the SU(2) and U(1) gauge µ µ fields, with field strength tensors B =∂ B −∂ B µν µ ν ν µ Wi =∂ Wi−∂ Wi −g(cid:15) WjWk, (7) µν µ ν ν µ ijk µ ν bForarecentdiscussion,seetheelectroweakreviewin5. January2,2009 14:52 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in tasi08˙pgl 4 where g(g(cid:48)) is the SU(2) (U(1)) gauge coupling and (cid:15) is the totally ijk antisymmetric symbol. The SU(2) fields have three and four-point self- interactions. B is a U(1) field associated with the weak hypercharge Y = Q−T3, where Q and T3 are respectively the electric charge operator and the third component of weak SU(2). (Their eigenvalues will be denoted by y, q, and t3, respectively.) It has no self-interactions. The B and W fields 3 will eventually mix to form the photon and Z boson. The scalar part of the Lagrangian is L =(Dµφ)†D φ−V(φ), (8) φ µ (cid:18)φ+(cid:19) where φ = is a complex Higgs scalar, which is a doublet under φ0 SU(2) with U(1) charge y =+1. The gauge covariant derivative is φ 2 (cid:18) τi ig(cid:48) (cid:19) D φ= ∂ +ig Wi + B φ, (9) µ µ 2 µ 2 µ where the τi are the Pauli matrices. The square of the covariant derivative leads to three and four-point interactions between the gauge and scalar fields. V(φ)istheHiggspotential.ThecombinationofSU(2)×U(1)invariance and renormalizability restricts V to the form V(φ)=+µ2φ†φ+λ(φ†φ)2. (10) For µ2 < 0 there will be spontaneous symmetry breaking. The λ term de- scribesaquarticself-interactionbetweenthescalarfields.Vacuumstability requires λ>0. The fermion term is F L = (cid:88) (cid:0)q¯0 iD(cid:54) q0 +¯l0 iD(cid:54) l0 +u¯0 iD(cid:54) u0 f mL mL mL mL mR mR (11) m=1 + d¯0 iD(cid:54) d0 +e¯0 iD(cid:54) e0 +ν¯0 iD(cid:54) ν0 (cid:1). mR mR mR mR mR mR In (11) m is the family index, F ≥ 3 is the number of families, and L(R) refer to the left (right) chiral projections ψ ≡ (1∓γ )ψ/2. The left- L(R) 5 handed quarks and leptons (cid:18)u0 (cid:19) (cid:18)ν0 (cid:19) q0 = m l0 = m (12) mL d0 mL e−0 m L m L transformasSU(2)doublets,whiletheright-handedfieldsu0 , d0 ,e−0 , mR mR mR andν0 aresinglets.TheirU(1)chargesarey = 1, y =−1, y =q . mR qL 6 lL 2 ψR ψ January2,2009 14:52 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in tasi08˙pgl 5 Thesuperscript0referstotheweakeigenstates,i.e.,fieldstransformingac- cording to definite SU(2) representations. They may be mixtures of mass eigenstates (flavors). The quark color indices α = r, g, b have been sup- pressed. The gauge covariant derivatives are (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) D q0 = ∂ + ig(cid:126)τ ·W(cid:126) + ig(cid:48)B q0 D u0 = ∂ + 2ig(cid:48)B u0 µ mL µ 2 µ 6 µ mL µ mR µ 3 µ mR (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) D l0 = ∂ + ig(cid:126)τ ·W(cid:126) − ig(cid:48)B l0 D d0 = ∂ − ig(cid:48)B d0 µ mL µ 2 µ 2 µ mL µ mR µ 3 µ mR D e0 =(∂ −ig(cid:48)B )e0 µ mR µ µ mR D ν0 =∂ ν0 , µ mR µ mR (13) from which one can read off the gauge interactions between the W and B and the fermion fields. The different transformations of the L and R fields (i.e., the symmetry is chiral) is the origin of parity violation in the elec- troweak sector. The chiral symmetry also forbids any bare mass terms for thefermions.WehavetentativelyincludedSU(2)-singletright-handedneu- trinos ν0 in (11), because they are required in many models for neutrino mR mass. However, they are not necessary for the consistency of the theory or for some models of neutrino mass, and it is not certain whether they exist or are part of the low-energy theory. The standard model is anomaly free for the assumed fermion content. There are no SU(3)3 anomalies because the quark assignment is non- chiral, and no SU(2)3 anomalies because the representations are real. The SU(2)2Y and Y3 anomalies cancel between the quarks and leptons in each family, by what appears to be an accident. The SU(3)2Y and Y anoma- lies cancel between the L and R fields, ultimately because the hypercharge assignments are made in such a way that U(1) will be non-chiral. Q The last term in (5) is F (cid:88) (cid:104) L =− Γu q¯0 φ˜u0 +Γd q¯0 φd0 Yuk mn mL nR mn mL nR m,n=1 (14) (cid:105) + Γe ¯l0 φe0 +Γν ¯l0 φ˜ν0 +h.c., mn mn nR mn mL nR where the matrices Γ describe the Yukawa couplings between the single mn Higgs doublet, φ, and the various flavors m and n of quarks and leptons. One needs representations of Higgs fields with y = +1 and −1 to give 2 2 masses to the down quarks and electrons (+1), and to the up quarks and 2 neutrinos (−1). The representation φ† has y = −1, but transforms as the 2 2 2∗ rather than the 2. However, in SU(2) the 2∗ representation is related to January2,2009 14:52 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in tasi08˙pgl 6 (cid:32) (cid:33) φ0† the2byasimilaritytransformation,andφ˜≡iτ2φ† = transforms −φ− as a 2 with y = −1. All of the masses can therefore be generated with a φ˜ 2 single Higgs doublet if one makes use of both φ and φ˜. The fact that the fundamental and its conjugate are equivalent does not generalize to higher unitarygroups.Furthermore,insupersymmetricextensionsofthestandard model the supersymmetry forbids the use of a single Higgs doublet in both ways in the Lagrangian, and one must add a second Higgs doublet. Similar statements apply to most theories with an additional U(1)(cid:48) gauge factor, i.e., a heavy Z(cid:48) boson. 2. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Gauge invariance (and therefore renormalizability) does not allow mass terms in the Lagrangian for the gauge bosons or for chiral fermions. Mass- less gauge bosons are not acceptable for the weak interactions, which are known to be short-ranged. Hence, the gauge invariance must be broken spontaneously,13–18 which preserves the renormalizability.19–22 The idea is thatthelowestenergy(vacuum)statedoesnotrespectthegaugesymmetry and induces effective masses for particles propagating through it. Let us introduce the complex vector v =(cid:104)0|φ|0(cid:105)= constant, (15) whichhascomponentsthatarethevacuumexpectationvaluesofthevarious complex scalar fields. v is determined by rewriting the Higgs potential as a functionofv,V(φ)→V(v),andchoosingvsuchthatV isminimized.That is, we interpret v as the lowest energy solution of the classical equation of motionc. The quantum theory is obtained by considering fluctuations around this classical minimum, φ=v+φ(cid:48). The single complex Higgs doublet in the standard model can be rewrit- ten in a Hermitian basis as (cid:18)φ+(cid:19) (cid:32)√1 (φ1−iφ2)(cid:33) φ= = 2 , (16) φ0 √1 (φ3−iφ4 2 cIt suffices to consider constant v because any space or time dependence ∂µv would increase the energy of the solution. Also, one can take (cid:104)0|Aµ|0(cid:105)=0, because any non- zero vacuum value for a higher-spin field would violate Lorentz invariance. However, these extensions are involved in higher energy classical solutions (topological defects), suchasmonopoles,strings,domainwalls,andtextures.23,24 January2,2009 14:52 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in tasi08˙pgl 7 where φ =φ† represent four Hermitian fields. In this new basis the Higgs i i potential becomes (cid:32) 4 (cid:33) (cid:32) 4 (cid:33)2 1 (cid:88) 1 (cid:88) V(φ)= µ2 φ2 + λ φ2 , (17) 2 i 4 i i=1 i=1 which is clearly O(4) invariant. Without loss of generality we can choose the axis in this four-dimensional space so that (cid:104)0|φ |0(cid:105)=0, i=1,2,4 and i (cid:104)0|φ |0(cid:105)=ν. Thus, 3 1 1 V(φ)→V(v)= µ2ν2+ λν4, (18) 2 4 which must be minimized withrespect to ν. Two important cases are illus- trated in Figure 3. For µ2 > 0 the minimum occurs at ν = 0. That is, the vacuumisemptyspaceandSU(2)×U(1)isunbrokenattheminimum.On the other hand, for µ2 <0 the ν =0 symmetric point is unstable, and the minimumoccursatsomenonzerovalueofν whichbreakstheSU(2)×U(1) symmetry. The point is found by requiring V(cid:48)(ν)=ν(µ2+λν2)=0, (19) which has the solution ν =(cid:0)−µ2/λ(cid:1)1/2 at the minimum. (The solution for −ν canalsobetransformedintothisstandardformbyanappropriateO(4) transformation.)Thedividingpointµ2 =0cannotbetreatedclassically.It is necessary to consider the one loop corrections to the potential, in which case it is found that the symmetry is again spontaneously broken.25 V (φ) ν ν − φ Fig.3. TheHiggspotentialV(φ)forµ2>0(dashedline)andµ2<0(solidline). We are interested in the case µ2 <0, for which the Higgs doublet is re- (cid:18) (cid:19) 0 placed,infirstapproximation,byitsclassicalvalueφ→ √1 ≡v.The 2 ν January2,2009 14:52 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in tasi08˙pgl 8 generatorsL1,L2,andL3−Y arespontaneouslybroken(e.g.,L1v (cid:54)=0).On theotherhand,thevacuumcarriesnoelectriccharge(Qv =(L3+Y)v =0), so the U(1) of electromagnetism is not broken. Thus, the electroweak Q SU(2) × U(1) group is spontaneously broken to the U(1) subgroup, Q SU(2)×U(1) →U(1) . Y Q Toquantizearoundtheclassicalvacuum,writeφ=v+φ(cid:48),whereφ(cid:48) are quantumfieldswithzerovacuumexpectationvalue.Todisplaythephysical particle content it is useful to rewrite the four Hermitian components of φ(cid:48) in terms of a new set of variables using the Kibble transformation:26 (cid:18) (cid:19) φ= √1 eiPξiLi 0 . (20) 2 ν+H H isaHermitianfieldwhichwillturnouttobethephysicalHiggsscalar.If wehadbeendealingwithaspontaneouslybrokenglobalsymmetrythethree Hermitian fields ξi would be the massless pseudoscalar Nambu-Goldstone bosons27–30 that are necessarily associated with broken symmetry genera- tors.However,inagaugetheorytheydisappearfromthephysicalspectrum. To see this it is useful to go to the unitary gauge (cid:18) (cid:19) φ→φ(cid:48) =e−iPξiLiφ= √1 0 , (21) 2 ν+H inwhichtheGoldstonebosonsdisappear.Inthisgauge,thescalarcovariant kinetic energy term takes the simple form 1 (cid:20)g g(cid:48) (cid:21)2(cid:18)0(cid:19) (D φ)†Dµφ = (0ν) τiWi + B +H terms µ 2 2 µ 2 µ ν M2 →M2 W+µW−+ ZZµZ +H terms, (22) W µ 2 µ wherethekineticenergyandgaugeinteractiontermsofthephysicalH par- ticle have been omitted. Thus, spontaneous symmetry breaking generates mass terms for the W and Z gauge bosons 1 W± = √ (W1∓iW2) 2 Z =−sinθ B+cosθ W3. (23) W W The photon field A=cosθ B+sinθ W3 (24) W W remains massless. The masses are gν M = (25) W 2 January2,2009 14:52 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in tasi08˙pgl 9 and M =(cid:112)g2+g(cid:48)2ν = MW , (26) Z 2 cosθ W where the weak angle is defined by g(cid:48) M2 tanθ ≡ ⇒ sin2θ =1− W. (27) W g W M2 Z One can think of the generation of masses as due to the fact that the W andZ interactconstantlywiththecondensateofscalarfieldsandtherefore acquire masses, in analogy with a photon propagating through a plasma. The Goldstone boson has disappeared from the theory but has reemerged as the longitudinal degree of freedom of a massive vector particle. √ ItwillbeseenbelowthatG / 2∼g2/8M2 ,whereG =1.16637(5)× F W F 10−5 GeV−2 is the Fermi constant determined by the muon lifetime. The weak scale ν is therefore √ ν =2M /g (cid:39)( 2G )−1/2 (cid:39)246 GeV. (28) W F Similarly, g = e/sinθ , where e is the electric charge of the positron. W Hence, to lowest order √ (πα/ 2G )1/2 M =M cosθ ∼ F , (29) W Z W sinθ W where α ∼ 1/137.036 is the fine structure constant. Using sin2θ ∼ 0.23 W from neutral current scattering, one expects M ∼78 GeV, and M ∼89 W Z GeV. (These predictions are increased by ∼ (2−3) GeV by loop correc- tions.) The W and Z were discovered at CERN by the UA131 and UA232 groupsin1983.Subsequentmeasurementsoftheirmassesandotherproper- tieshavebeeninexcellentagreementwiththestandardmodelexpectations (including the higher-order corrections).5 The current values are M =80.398±0.025 GeV, M =91.1876±0.0021 GeV. (30) W Z 3. The Higgs and Yukawa Interactions The full Higgs part of L is L =(Dµφ)†D φ−V(φ) φ µ (cid:18) H(cid:19)2 1 (cid:18) H(cid:19)2 =MW2 Wµ+Wµ− 1+ ν + 2MZ2ZµZµ 1+ ν (31) 1 + (∂ H)2−V(φ). µ 2 January2,2009 14:52 WSPC-ProceedingsTrimSize:9inx6in tasi08˙pgl 10 The second line includes the W and Z mass terms and also the ZZH2, W+W−H2 and the induced ZZH and W+W−H interactions, as shown in Table 2 and Figure 4. The last line includes the canonical Higgs kinetic energy term and the potential. Table 2. Feynman rules for the gauge and Higgs interactions after SSB, taking combinatoricfactorsintoaccount.Themomentaandquantumnumbersflowinto thevertex.NotethedependenceonM/ν orM2/ν. Wµ+Wν−H: 12igµνg2ν=2igµνMνW2 Wµ+Wν−H2: 21igµνg2=2igµνMνW22 ZµZνH: 2igcoµsν2gθ2Wν =2igµνMνZ2 ZµZνH2: 2icgoµs2νgθ2W =2igµνMν2Z2 H3: −6iλν=−3iMH2 H4: −6iλ=−3iMH2 ν ν2 Hf¯f: −ih =−imf f ν Wµ+(p)γν(q)Wσ−(r) ieCµνσ(p,q,r) Wµ+(p)Zν(q)Wσ−(r) itaneθWCµνσ(p,q,r) Wµ+Wν+Wσ−Wρ− isine22θWQµνρσ Wµ+ZνγσWρ− −itane2θWQµρνσ Wµ+ZνZσWρ− −itane22θWQµρνσ Wµ+γνγσWρ− −ie2Qµρνσ Cµνσ(p,q,r)≡gµν(q−p)σ+gµσ(p−r)ν+gνσ(r−q)µ Qµνρσ ≡2gµνgρσ−gµρgνσ−gµσgνρ After symmetry breaking the Higgs potential in unitary gauge becomes µ4 λ V(φ)=− −µ2H2+λνH3+ H4. (32) 4λ 4 ThefirsttermintheHiggspotentialV isaconstant,(cid:104)0|V(ν)|0(cid:105)=−µ4/4λ. It reflects the fact that V was defined so that V(0) = 0, and therefore V < 0 at the minimum. Such a constant term is irrelevant to physics in the absence of gravity, but will be seen in Section 5 to be one of the most seriousproblemsoftheSMwhengravityisincorporatedbecauseitactslike a cosmological constant much larger (and of opposite sign) than is allowed by observations. The third and fourth terms in V represent the induced cubic and quartic interactions of the Higgs scalar, shown in Table 2 and Figure 4. The second term in V represents a (tree-level) mass √ (cid:112) M = −2µ2 = 2λν, (33) H

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