Springer Tracts in Modern Physics Volume 234 ManagingEditor:G.Ho¨hler,Karlsruhe Editors: A.Fujimori,Tokyo J.Ku¨hn,Karlsruhe Th.Mu¨ller,Karlsruhe F.Steiner,Ulm J.Tru¨mper,Garching P.Wo¨lfle,Karlsruhe StartingwithVolume165,SpringerTractsinModernPhysicsispartofthe[SpringerLink]service. ForallcustomerswithstandingordersforSpringerTractsinModernPhysicsweofferthefulltext inelectronicformvia[SpringerLink]freeofcharge.Pleasecontactyourlibrarianwhocanreceive apasswordforfreeaccesstothefullarticlesbyregistrationat: springerlink.com Ifyoudonothaveastandingorderyoucanneverthelessbrowseonlinethroughthetableofcontents ofthevolumesandtheabstractsofeacharticleandperformafulltextsearch. Thereyouwillalsofindmoreinformationabouttheseries. Springer Tracts in Modern Physics SpringerTractsinModernPhysicsprovidescomprehensiveandcriticalreviewsoftopicsofcurrentin- terestinphysics.Thefollowingfieldsareemphasized:elementaryparticlephysics,solid-statephysics, complexsystems,andfundamentalastrophysics. Suitablereviewsofotherfieldscanalsobeaccepted.Theeditorsencourageprospectiveauthorstocor- respond with them in advance of submitting an article. For reviews of topics belonging to the above mentionedfields,theyshouldaddresstheresponsibleeditor,otherwisethemanagingeditor. Seealsospringer.com ManagingEditor Solid-StatePhysics,Editors GerhardHo¨hler AtsushiFujimori EditorforThePacificRim Institutfu¨rTheoretischeTeilchenphysik Universita¨tKarlsruhe DepartmentofPhysics Postfach6980 UniversityofTokyo 76128Karlsruhe,Germany 7-3-1Hongo,Bunkyo-ku Phone:+49(721)6083375 Tokyo113-0033,Japan Fax:+49(721)370726 Email:[email protected] Email:[email protected] http://wyvern.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/welcomeen.html www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/ PeterWo¨lfle ElementaryParticlePhysics,Editors Institutfu¨rTheoriederKondensiertenMaterie Universita¨tKarlsruhe JohannH.Ku¨hn Postfach6980 76128Karlsruhe,Germany Institutfu¨rTheoretischeTeilchenphysik Phone:+49(721)6083590 Universita¨tKarlsruhe Fax:+49(721)6087779 Postfach6980 Email:woelfl[email protected] 76128Karlsruhe,Germany www-tkm.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de Phone:+49(721)6083372 Fax:+49(721)370726 Email:[email protected] ComplexSystems,Editor www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/∼jk FrankSteiner ThomasMu¨ller Institutfu¨rTheoretischePhysik Institutfu¨rExperimentelleKernphysik Universita¨tUlm Fakulta¨tfu¨rPhysik Albert-Einstein-Allee11 Universita¨tKarlsruhe 89069Ulm,Germany Postfach6980 Phone:+49(731)5022910 76128Karlsruhe,Germany Fax:+49(731)5022924 Phone:+49(721)6083524 Email:[email protected] Fax:+49(721)6072621 www.physik.uni-ulm.de/theo/qc/group.html Email:[email protected] www-ekp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de FundamentalAstrophysics,Editor JoachimTru¨mper Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rExtraterrestrischePhysik Postfach1312 85741Garching,Germany Phone:+49(89)30003559 Fax:+49(89)30003315 Email:[email protected] www.mpe-garching.mpg.de/index.html Ewald Balcar Stephen W. Lovesey · Introduction to the Graphical Theory of Angular Momentum Case Studies ABC Prof.Dr.EwaldBalcar Prof.Dr.StephenW.Lovesey ViennaUniversityofTechnology ISISFacility,STFC,&DiamondLight AtominstitutderO¨sterreichischen SourceLtd Universita¨ten DidcotOX110QXOxfordshire Stadionallee2 England,UK 1020Vienna [email protected] Austria [email protected] E.Balcar,S.W.Lovesey,IntroductiontotheGraphicalTheoryofAngularMomentum:Case Studies,STMP234(Springer,BerlinHeidelberg2009),DOI10.1007/978-3-642-03118-2 ISSN0081-3869 e-ISSN1615-0430 ISBN978-3-642-03117-5 e-ISBN978-3-642-03118-2 DOI10.1007/978-3-642-03118-2 SpringerHeidelbergDordrechtLondonNewYork LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2009935006 (cid:2)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2009 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9, 1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsare liabletoprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelaws andregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Coverdesign:IntegraSoftwareServicesPvt.Ltd. Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) Dedicated in gratitude to Hildegard and Margaret. Acknowledgements It is our pleasure to express our gratitude to Prof. Dimitri A. Varshalovich for his interest and communications in the initial stage of our work. In a way, his impressive work provided the stimulus and touchstone for the subject of this book. It is also obvious that, without the generous continuing support and in- frastructure of our home institutions through many years this book would never have been compiled. Oneof us, E.B., wishes to expresshisappreciation of encouragement and friendship extended by Prof. Helmut Rauch as direc- tor of the Atominstitut Vienna, while S.W.L. is grateful to A.D. Taylor and N. Gidopoulos (ISIS Facility) and G. Materlik (Diamond Light Source Ltd.) for ongoing support. Editorial assistance WewanttoexpressourgratitudetothestaffofSpringerVerlagwho,inmany ways, have helped to create this book, and to acknowledge, in this respect, thesupportreceivedfromAdelheidDuhmandJaquelineLenz,whosuggested technical adaptations of the final manuscript. TeXnical assistance In preparing this work we have benefited a great deal from the contributions of many people, too many to name them all. The foundation was laid by Donald E. Knuth who, driven by his quest for beauty in fonts, type-setting and book-printing, has presented the world of science with TeX. This book, in particular, would have been very difficult to write without the PS-Tricks package of Timothy van Zandt which was used extensively to create the diagrams. We have used the TeXLive distribution and LaTeX2e, and the user interface was WinShell written and supported by Ingo de Boer. Preface Lectures on Quantum Mechanics will, in most cases, stop at Clebsch–Gordan coefficients and, perhaps, mention the Wigner–Eckart Theorem. Any student venturingbeyondthislimitintothetheoryofatomicstateswill,ofcourse,be immediately confronted with further coupling coefficients of higher order. Once familiar with these concepts and quantities, it is quite natural to seek and explore the conditions and options available. Drawing from our own experiences,werealizedthatatextlikethisintroductioncouldencourageand facilitate getting deeper into the subject. However, an introductory chapter presentsnotation,relationsbetweenandsymmetrypropertiesof,moreorless, familiar coupling coefficients as a bridge-head into unknown territory. The graphical representations and methods for treating and manipulating higher-order coupling coefficients represent the main topic of this book. Al- thoughthegraphicaltheorypresentedherehasbeenaroundforsometime,it has, perhaps, not received the attention it merits. Starting from the simplest building blocks we gradually introduce more complex elements. Initially the emphasis is on the equivalence between al- gebraic and graphical representations, but later we shift to solving problems with the help of graphical methods. The solutions to these problems are de- rived in a step-by-step manner to provide the option of self-study. Most of the results are known from the literature, but it would be negligent not to demonstratethatthepowerofthegraphicalmethodenablesonetotranscend the set of known results, as we do in a few cases. The final, and rather difficult, chapter is devoted to an application of the graphical theory within a calculation relevant in the area of atomic physics. Therewedemonstratetheeleganceandsuperiorityofthegraphicalmethodin deriving a result for which the algebraic method is only a theoretical option. Thisbookcontains,perhaps,lesswrittentextthanmightbeexpectedbut manymorefigures.Itisthusobviousthatthediagramsrepresentanessential part of the presentation and merit detailed study. We have tried hard to provide enough explanatory figure captions to soften the impact of complex diagrams. X Preface Only the future will tell whether we were successful in compiling a useful and reader-friendly book, as was our intention. Although great care was ex- ercised in the preparation of text and diagrams, we have to accept the blame for all errors escaping unnoticed in the final copy. Vienna and Wantage Ewald Balcar June 2009 Stephen W. Lovesey PS: Looking back, it could be said, this project may have started a long time ago, when we had first contact with coupling coefficients in quantum mechanics. For one of us (E.B.) it was his teacher, mentor and friend Prof. Otto Hittmair, who introduced him to these strange entities, that govern even stranger nuclear reactions. In later years both authors had the privilege of working as postdocs with Walter Marshall (later Lord Marshall of Gor- ing), and again, we encountered these vector coupling coefficients as essential ingredientsofmany-electronwavefunctionsdescribingmagneticneutronscat- tering. On and off through the years, due to our mutual influence and collabora- tion, familiarity with the vector coupling coefficients of higher rank increased and culminated in the developments of a program1 for the algebraic values of these coefficients as a tool for theoretical physicists working in this field. It was only in recent past, when the focus of our work shifted from neu- trons to x-rays, that we became aware of the potential and promise offered by mastering the graphical technique for manipulating vector coupling coef- ficients. In order to profit from this potential one has, however, to suffer the labours of the plain acquiring enough skills before attempting to climb. The urge to facilitate the hard work by providing a ‘how-to’ manual for mastering the graphical theory of angular momentum supplied the primary momentum for assembling the material collected in this book. 1 In order to obtain this Windows program please contact one of the authors by e-mail. Contents 1 Introduction............................................... 1 1.1 Historical Background ................................... 1 1.2 Intent and Motivation.................................... 2 1.3 Layout and Contents..................................... 3 1.4 Application of the Graphical Theory....................... 5 2 Properties of 3jm- and 3nj-Symbols....................... 7 2.1 Properties of 3jm-Symbols ............................... 7 2.2 Properties of 3nj-Symbols ................................ 10 2.3 Comment on Notation ................................... 10 3 Basic Tools for the Graphical Method ..................... 11 3.1 Graphical Representation of 3jm-Symbols .................. 11 3.2 Special Elements of the Graphical Method.................. 13 3.3 Treatment of 3jm-Symbols with a Zero-line................. 14 3.4 Direct Change of a Node Sign............................. 15 3.5 Single External Line ..................................... 17 3.6 Two-line Nodes ......................................... 19 3.7 A Simple Closed Diagram ................................ 21 3.8 Reversal of Direction for an Internal Line................... 24 3.9 Line Reversal of an External Line ......................... 25 3.9.1 Reversal of an Outgoing Line ....................... 26 3.9.2 Reversal of an Ingoing Line......................... 26 3.9.3 Reversal of an Outgoing Line and a j =0-Line........ 27 3.9.4 Reversal of an Ingoing Line and a j =0-Line ......... 28 4 Orthogonality Relations for 3jm-Symbols.................. 31 4.1 Identity for 3jm-Symbols I ............................... 31 4.2 Identity for 3jm-Symbols II............................... 34 4.3 Identity for 3jm-Symbols III.............................. 36 XII Contents 5 Properties of the 6j-Symbol ............................... 41 5.1 Definition of the 6j-Symbol............................... 41 5.2 Symmetry Properties of the 6j-Symbol..................... 43 5.3 6j-Symbol with a zero element ............................ 45 5.4 6j-Symbol with Three 0-Lines............................. 46 6 Properties of the 9j-Symbol ............................... 49 6.1 Definition of the 9j-Symbol............................... 49 6.2 Symmetry Properties of the 9j-Symbol..................... 51 6.3 A 9j-Symbol with a zero element.......................... 52 7 General Principles for Diagrams ........................... 55 7.1 Multiplication Convention ................................ 55 7.2 Notation for Graphical Elements .......................... 56 7.3 Transformation and Deformation .......................... 56 7.4 Diagrams Connected by a Single Internal Line .............. 57 7.5 Separation for Diagrams Connected by Two Lines ........... 58 7.6 Contraction of Two Angular Momentum Lines .............. 60 7.7 Summation Procedure ................................... 61 7.8 Separation for Three Lines ............................... 63 7.9 Joining Two Diagrams ................................... 66 7.10 Separation for Four Lines................................. 67 7.11 Separation for Five Lines................................. 69 8 Closed Diagrams .......................................... 73 8.1 Sums with Single 3nj-Symbols ............................ 73 8.1.1 Sum with a 3j-Symbol ............................. 73 8.1.2 Alternating Sum with a 3j-Symbol .................. 75 8.1.3 Sum with a 6j-Symbol ............................. 76 8.1.4 Alternating Sum with a 6j-Symbol .................. 78 8.1.5 Sum with a 9j-Symbol ............................. 81 8.2 Sums with Two 3nj-Symbols ............................. 82 8.2.1 Sum with Two 6j-Symbols ......................... 82 8.2.2 Alternating Sum with Two 6j-Symbols............... 85 8.2.3 Sum with a 6j- and a 9j-Symbol .................... 88 8.2.4 Sum with Two 9j-Symbols ......................... 93 8.3 Sums with Three 3nj-Symbols ............................ 99 8.3.1 The 9j-Symbol Expressed Through 6j-Symbols ....... 99 8.3.2 Sum with One 9j- and Two 6j-Symbols ..............103 8.3.3 Alternating Sum with One 9j- and Two 6j-Symbols ...109 9 Open Diagrams............................................119 9.1 Sum with Two 3jm-Symbols..............................119 9.2 Sum with Three 3jm-Symbols ............................122 9.3 Sum with Four 3jm-Symbols I ............................126