I .! I { l-1 B, 1 - Introduction to Stability and Control Problems of High Speed Aircraft While airplane sp· eds were entirely below the subSonic critical, the problems arising fran increased speeds were usually caused by the propeller slipstream or by dyna.mj.c pressure effects such as large control surface hinge moments, skin distortion, or aeroelastic wing twist. About w the time of World rtar II, compresaibili effects on the stability and control of airplanes becall!e evident during high speed dives. 'lbese appeared in the form of longitudinal .and directional trim changes, wing drOpping, loss of control effectiveness, buffeting, large increases in control forces, ~md changes in lift-curve slope and sta.bilitv. These changes generally occurred ZJ.t about the same fach number within the high subsonic range and the fact that they appeared in conjunction with a rapid drag rise led to the popular notion of a "sonic barrier. tt Successful atta.in'bnent of supersonic fiight with operationally useful aircraft depended on developments which effectively eliminated the barrier or .at least reduced the undesirable effects to tolerable ma.gni tudes. Qle of these developnents was the turbojet engine which provided the required high thrusts at h.i.gh speeds. Another development was -the introduction of aerodynamic refinements such as sweptback and low aspect ratio p;Lanforms for wings and tail surfaces, thin airfoil sections with no camber, and higher fineness ratio fuselages. These developments, although alleviating the problems formerly encountered in the traneonic region, introduced a l- 2 wide variety of other problems covering the entire speed range of th~ aircraft. The use of wings with sweptback leading edges, sometimes accompa.nj,ed 'tv considerable taper as in triangular or delta wings, introduces phenODiena such ae strong spanwise air flow and separated vortez: flow· at the leading edge. These in turn cause significant effects on the aerodynamic atabilitq parameters, in particular, their variation with angle of attack. Low aspect ratios with their consequent low lift curve slopes resulted 1n large angles w of attack Vlhieh increase the severi of many a tab ili 'o/ problems. Body aer~cs have became of increased signifieance because of the generally increased sizes of fuselages compared to wings and also because of the high angles of attack being encountered. As a result of the changes in configuration, inevitable alterations in the distribution of the mass of airplanes have occurred. 'lbe use of thin lOW' aspee t ratio Wings and high fineness ratio fuselages results 1n the mass of the airplane being distribut-ed primarily along the fuselage ra. ther than along the wings. Thus the moments of inertia in pitch and 1 yaw are much greater relative to the moment of inertia in roll than was fonnerly the ease. In addition, increa.ses in wing loadings and operational altitudes have cnused significant increases in the relative densiw .facto~. 'Ihese changes in mass distribution and relative density have resulted in profound effect.s on the dynamic stabili1;ir maneuverablli ty, and spinning of 1 'lirplanes. w ~~ '!he stabili t.Y and maneuverabili during landing and t..~ke-off o'! air- planes have also deteriora tA:ld as a reeul t of the altered features required for high speed flight. 1- 3 Historical Background Ole of the first studies of aircraft stabili -cy was that of T..anchester CIJ in the years before the first powered-airplane fl ight. Lanchester studied the long period longitudinal motion., 1Yhich he named the phugoid, and also considered lateral motions. Chly the most elementary of aerodynamics was \ included. Somewhat later Bryan [P,] placed the theory of the stabili t.Y of airplanes on a firmer basis with a more complete and rigorous stuey. He considered both long and short period modes of longitudinal motion and the three-degree-of-freedom lateral motion. The methods developed by Br,ran are still the basis for most dynamic stability work today. During these years practically no experimental aerodynamic information was available. Some rudimentar,y mq;erimentB had been made by Lan..,.,ley on a whirling arm and by the Wright brothers in a home-made wind tunnel. Laboratory experiments in aerodynamics were performed in the F.ffel wind tunnel in Paris from about 1909 on, and in a whd tunnel at Gottingen, Germany, prior to 1914. For the next two decades the work on stability and control consisted mostly of addi tiona! theoretical work and improved experimental methods for detennining the varicus aerocynamic stabil i tgr derivatives. The work up to this time was well summarized by B. H. Jones [ $} • Further develop ment included the effect:s of free controls [-f) ., the effects of aero elasticity [5;'), and the effects of compressibility [7] • Initial studies of the effects of compressibility considered only t.~e high subsonic speed region. Later st dies extended the realm of investigation into the 8J • supersonic region [ 1 - 4 In recent years a great amount of effort has gone into theoretical studies of the configurations evolved from high speed flight requirements, and into experimental determination of tile longitudinal and lateral stability derivatives. Experi:lnental methods have been perfected for determining not only the static derivatives but also the rota.r:y- and (f!; "') • acceleration derivatives In the field of dynamics no fundamental changes in the method of study have taken place. Additional methocls of solution of the equations of motion have been put to use, such as the laplace transform ['!] , and electric analogue oanputing equipment. Maqy excellent treatises are available an the fundamentals of aircraft stability and control. It is not the purpose of seetian th~.s of the present volume to furnish another such source or to supersede previous studies. The primary purpose is rather to provide a review of the special problems that arise as a consequence of the aircraft configurations and flight conditions evolved in the quest for high flight speeds, nnd to indicate insofar as possible the solutions that have been obtained for these problems. I -5" HANDLING ODALITIES·- Through a considerable portion of the histor,y of flight, the subject of stabilit.y and control remained largely on a qualitative basis, since desirable handling qualities of airplanes were not clearly defined. Shortly before the beginning of orld a.r II, however, program aimed at the specification of satisfactor,y handling qualities were instituted both in the United States and Great Britian. The work consisted largely of fljght testing, in "'''hich attempts were made to correlate pllots opinions of airplanes UlXier various flight conditions with quantitative measurements of control positions, control forces, and airplane response. Many pilots participated in the programs, and airplanes of almost ever,y type were employed. 'fue programs conducted in the United States resulted in the issuance by R. R. Gilruth of the National Advisory Con:mittee for :Aeronautics of a paper ( 10) f.B~~in which the first comprehensive act of requirements ~ set forth. This paper formed the basis for specifications adapted later by the military services, although the original work has been e.xpazxied and modified at various times as a result of continued testing and the discovery of new problems for the more recent aircraft. The specific requirements used in different countries and by different services shaw same variations; ho ever, in general, the items treated essentially the same. ith regard to dynamic motions, consideration is given to the phugoid and short-peroid longitudinal modes, and to the rolling, spiral, and oscillatory (short-period) lateral modes. Normally, only the short period modes are considered to bear a definite relation to pilot's opinions. The specifications indicate minimum damping rates, usually in terms of cycles or "ti!-ne to damp to a given fraction of the initial amplituda following a disturbance. Requirements for static-longit\Xlinal stability normally are applied to the control position and force characteristics associated with speed variations from 4-6 - . ~ a trimmed straight flight condition and with maneuvering at essentially constant speed. Stable control position variations (rearward stick movement with reduced speed or with increased normal acceleration) are desired; however, it is usually considered sufficient to require that stability be demonstrated only within cert in specified ranges of critical flight corrlitions. It is also desired that the control-force variations be stable in the sense that a pull force is associated with decreased speed or increased normal acceleration from an initial trimmed condition, ho ever, the requirements also restrict the magnitudes of the forces within definite limits. Requirements for static lateral stability refer to desirable control force and position variations associated with a~ymmetrio displacements of the airplane. The ability to trim an imposed as~,mmetric condition and to provide a specified roll rate also are covered. Additional requirements have been formulated with regard to such items as stall warning and spin recovery. Appropriate trea~nt of some of the more reoent difficulties, such as transonic trim change, pitch-up, and coupled motions is in the formative stage of development. The establishment of definite requirements has been of profound significance lrl.th regard to the entire field of stability and control, since the application of both wind-tunnel and analytical studies thereby have become firmly established. ~, r.t:,;.;reJ The relationships of the requirements to more basic concepts have been ~taa by William H. Phillips (B, J • 2)q(it). 2 - 1 B, 2 - Elementary Concepts Before proceeding into a d tailed discussion of the effects on air- crafts bilit:T and control of the configurations and flight conditions th t h vo evolved .fron the requirements of high speed flight, 1 t is beneficial to review some simplified concepts. 'Dlese concepts may be more familiar to the reader and \Till serve to illuetrate some of the e rliest o erved effects of high speed. flight. Oily steady motions of the aircraft l7ill be considered at this point so that the mass and inertia of the ire raft or of its component parts are of no consequence. nte static stability and controllabilHu of an airplane are evident to a pilot 'through the control otions and control forces he must supply to change from one steady trimmed flight condition to another or to produce certttin desirod m neuvers. We will consider first the longitudinal am or Gym!Iletrlc l"C~ie of flight. In the n:;e of any angular accelera tiona or velocities the following simple expressions for the lift and pitching mo ent coefficients can be written: (2-1) (2- 2) 'lhese equ:1t1ons represent an airpl· ne co.U'igura.tion nhich in the past has been called conventional) 1hnt ia, one bnving a tail surface · th an elevator for control, such th t C~ c n be assumed zero. For an all moving 1:.411 or a tailless de 1gr. · ' : "n elovator control this ass tion £L is less v. lid but the refinement of adding tb tem lrill be rese~Ted Cfe 2 - 2 for a later llrticle. It is also aesumed. for this simplif'ied approach that the various nerodynmc derivatives are linear functions o-f> oc 'Ltd ie. 'i nte QWllltit iC';l nd Cm. nre the lift and pitching moment 0 0 coefficients t zor·o a:; .. d cfe nnJ .wight be considered as representing an effective camb r or unsymmetrical character of the irplane as a whole. Solving equations (2-1) and (2-2) for tfe nssuming trLrr Jed flight (cm=oJ ... ,.. CI'Noc ,d mald.n usc of the form ~Cm : '"'"'c - t- we JcL eL~ obtain tho eQu:ttion: --- c 11'1l*L ( CL - C: } - ("l' no (2-3) C~ Lo CI7J~ e oe In the absence of compressibili tg e!fec ts tL, md em_ .re constllnt and 0 0 tbe x· te of change of elevator deflection with lift coefficient will be -- CmcL. {2-4) CmEe S ce in trimmed level flight the lift coefficient is given by (2-5) then the variation of elevator deflection for trim with speed will be dSe == Cm~ /_ 4 ~) .__,7 (2-6) dV c177~ ~f'~ oe ;~e ~ Cm and these 'lbus the stabili t,y criterion is proportion 1 to Jc;_ two factors define the "static r inn in the absenct- co -Jressibili cy effects. As the l~' ,,+ .r of fT"' oved reamnrd on a stable airplane tho values or both ~~" ar.' (- ;~9 Jecl'!! so IUid tho center or gl'llvi t;y 2 - 3 for which they are zero is refeiTed to as the neutral point with eti.ck fixed. One of the first effects of compressibility observed as <>irplo.ne fliqht sp~eds approached the tr.~msonic was a loss in effectiven~se, Cm , .Fe of elevator controls. As indic;:~tfd in equation (2-6) this would cause an inc rease · -dI V$'12 . even tho urh ~Cm were to remtu· n cons •w-.n t or even ~n ~ t.t 'JCL d.£ ~ Cm decrease slightly. 'lhus although ooth ~ and would still indicate C/V (1 CL the same neutral point location they would not indicate the same variations of stability with changing speed at other center of gravity positions. Another of the early effects of comprcssibilit :-1 was a change in the value of Cm (usuttlly in a negative di.rection) and as can be seen from 0 equation (2-3) this also ce.ttsee a variation of 8'e 1'rl.th speed. In this rv d.SQ d Cm q, case and ~ no longer indicate the same neutral point, and the concept of neutral point loses some of its significance. Further comments on this phonomena will be made in the later more detailed discussion of compressibility effects. A catastrophic erfect of the above mt'lntioned reductions in C.me "~'1d 0 negative changes in C~n0 wit1 increasing speed was occasionally encountered in high speed dives of airplanes of the orld War TI era. As the speed at w! ioh these aerodynamic changes took place was reached in a dive the 1 airpl11ne would nose down or "tuck under." IT the pilot used the lonei tudinal trim tab to retrim the airplane to the original ~.tti tude, then during the pullout from the dive the changes occurred in the reverse direction as the speed decreased caus ng a buildup or normal acceleration in excess of c. 1- e.dj 1D no.taa.uoa.tb ema , e..tqe!)noo "~..tl'I.ae.al:I" no bee.scf S'!.B "t.U.sl.ra.l:l - eesv;Is.a.s rro.t..tom ~.sm ..tls'lo'Il:.a beeqa-rl8.l:d lo aeoslwa edt ..t.uocf.s ~l:..ta.l:xe aaol:..t l:baoo ol:msnV>o'[es ""t..flilds..ta lo no.l:..t.sluo!so edt lo nol:ee.uoe.l:b s ebsoe'Xq "tfe..t.e.l:'!qo"Iqq.s ol~bo-re.s ..toeqa.s oi lo a30i:w !I.i:d.t as eew..t.sel d:x~e o.t bel evsd ..trlsJ:11 beeqa-rl3Ld eve.tdos o.t bns - ~osdqeewa lo e..tnuoms gni~'!GV bns 'leqs..t e!d.e'!eb.l:anoo d..tlw ~liaua.u - ol:..ts'! eicfs'Iebl:anoo 'IOl eidl:enoqae'I e-I.S eew.t.eel eaedT .o.t..ts".t aeenen.tl-rl~.d lo ae.l:bocf .a.toel'l.e eonS"Iel".te..tn.t erl.t .rtl: b.as e.tnenoqmoo ectt ..tuods 110ll us 9rl..t nJ: ano.U.aol:!qmoo .~)lrfT beesd 8\tnem.tse'IA't btm , evl..t ol'I.tee"' "'(I.dgtd ae::ns..ten.l: ,;crsm nl e'IS ae8l;isas 'ISenll n-saf .be'"Il.eeb ed o.:t e'l.S enol:..t.s'!eb.tanoo be!.t.s.teb S"'Om .rro aevl..tsv..t'Ieb ~..ti:Il:ds..ta erl..t "IOl ano.l:..t.u.roe wo!l-isl:..tne..toCJ -.awti:w \1'1!9$ wo.G , e.teiduob t aeo. .t .t'Iov lo je~a .G "(d 8fihr erfj lo .rroM .e..tneee"'qO"' mo-d ev.J:ove ~.II.s'Ieaes adJ no e.l:l aeolimsS"'je ..tae'!Sen erlJ jsdj nol:j.tbnoo erl.t i£Ilaoqml: ned.t - aeO"!Uoa 'IO anoljsmmue e..tsl'IqO'Iqqs d5.1:J'o'!rfj benl:.e..tdo e'IS eevl:..t.svl:'!eb adj lo eeu!sV .eosl'IlJa ed ~ oais enol:..ta'Ieblenoo ol:esd emae erlT .nol:..ts'Ieieoo.s 'IO ~..tl:oo!ev ,ehujl:J.t.s ,eoslwa 8CL[lr edt mO'Il ~sws o!l erl..t lo 'Ie..ton..sdo ed.t dal:Id.sjee o.t noqv bebneqeb .ejnaaoqmoo 'Isdjo 'lo eno..i:..t.ud..t'Ijnoo ed..t £10 anl:w «fj 'lo ..toelle ed.t t"tfjne.upeanoo bas ..t .i:m.i:! tee'IUoo lo t ano.l:.tl:bnoo "'(;'!Sbmsod be.aweas erl.t mo":Il wo!l i..se'l erfj 'lo ee"mt'lSqsCI olesd' s:i..t ae.tsiolv 'IS"'(;Si ~sfxluod s lo e!l!Ie.telxe edj teanee ..to.l:'Lte a ai n1: n ..t eJ: bas bedosj..ts aa.i:.sme":I -rsts.I -"'('!Sbrurod e& nerllr -rsve11od enol:.:tquwaas t t e.tnuoms bttS a.uol:'!ea d'on al: .t:>elle a.t.l: teeeroto.trl..t flol:.toee-8fi.(w ed.:t d.tl:w noel'Isqmoo 'lo 'lab'Io m..t 1o eilo'l.'Il:s 'IO~ .e.U1o"Iq ao.t.toae al s8£I.SdO sv.t.toelle ilsma s oj 'V;[tio