Springer Monographs in Mathematics G.-M. Greuel • C. Lossen • E. Shustin Introduction to Singularities and Deformations Gert-MartinGreuel FachbereichMathematik UniversitätKaiserslautern Erwin-Schrödinger-Str. 67663Kaiserslautern,Germany e-mail:[email protected] ChristophLossen FachbereichMathematik UniversitätKaiserslautern Erwin-Schrödinger-Str. 67663Kaiserslautern,Germany e-mail:[email protected] EugeniiShustin SchoolofMathematicalSciences RaymondandBeverlySacklerFacultyofExactSciences TelAvivUniversity RamatAviv 69978TelAviv,Israel e-mail:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2006935374 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2000):14B05,14B07,14B10,14B12,14B25,14Dxx, 14H15,14H20,14H50,13Hxx,14Qxx ISSN1439-7382 ISBN-103-540-28380-3 SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13978-3-540-28380-5 SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialisconcerned,specifically therightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyother way,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublicationorpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsofthe GermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfrom Springer.ViolationsareliableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia springer.com (cid:2)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2007 Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply,eveninthe absenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandtherefore freeforgeneraluse. TypesettingbytheauthorsandVTEXusingaSpringerLATEXmacropackage Coverdesign:ErichKirchner,Heidelberg,Germany Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:10820313 VA4141/3100/VTEX-543210 Meiner Mutter Irma und der Erinnerung meines Vaters Wilhelm G.-M.G. Fu¨r Carmen, Katrin und Carolin C.L. To my parents Isaac and Maya E.S. VI A deformation of a simple surface singularity of type E into four A - 7 1 singularities. The family is defined by the equation (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:4) (cid:5) (cid:6) 4t3 F(x,y,z;t)=z2− x+ · x2−y2(y+t) . 27 The pictures1 show the surface obtained for t=0, t= 1, t= 1 and t=1. 4 2 1 The pictures were drawn by using the program surf which is distributed with Singular [GPS]. Preface Singularity theory is a field of intensive study in modern mathematics with fascinating relations to algebraic geometry, complex analysis, commutative algebra, representation theory, the theory of Lie groups, topology, dynamical systems, and many more, and with numerous applications in the natural and technicalsciences.ThespecificfeatureofthepresentIntroductiontoSingular- ities and Deformations, separating it from other introductions to singularity theory, is the choice of a material and a unified point of view based on the theory of analytic spaces. This text has grown up from a preparatory part of our monograph Singu- lar algebraic curves (to appear), devoted to the up-to-date theory of equisin- gular families of algebraic curves and related topics such as local and global deformationtheory,thecohomologyvanishingtheoryforidealsheavesofzero- dimensional schemes associatedwithsingularities, applicationsandcomputa- tional aspects. When working at the monograph, we realized that in order to keep the required level of completeness, accuracy, and readability, we have to provide a relevant and exhaustive introduction. Indeed, many needed state- mentsanddefinitionshavebeenspreadthroughnumeroussources,sometimes presented in a too short or incomplete form, and often in a rather different setting. This, finally, has led us to the decision to write a separate volume, presenting a self-contained textbook on the basic singularity theory of ana- lyticspaces,includinglocaldeformationtheory,andthetheoryofplanecurve singularities. Having in mind to get the reader ready for understanding the volume Singularalgebraiccurves,wedidnotrestrictthebooktothatspecificpurpose. Thepresentbookcomprisesmaterialwhichcanpartlybefoundinotherbooks and partly in research articles, and which for the first time is exposed from a unified point of view, with complete proofs which are new in many cases. We include many examples and exercises which complement and illustrate the general theory. This exposition can serve as a source for special courses in singularity theory and local algebraic and analytic geometry. A special attention is paid to the computational aspect of the theory, illustrated by a VIII Preface number of examples of computing various characteristics via the computer algebra system Singular [GPS]2. Three appendices, including basic facts fromsheaftheory,commutativealgebra,andformaldeformationtheory,make the reading self-contained. In the first part of the book we develop the relevant techniques, the ba- sic theory of complex spaces and their germs and sheaves on them, including the key ingredients - the Weierstraß preparation theorem and its other forms (division theorem and finiteness theorem), and the finite coherence theorem. Then we pass to the main object of study, isolated hypersurface and plane curve singularities. Isolated hypersurface singularities and especially plane curve singularities form a classical research area which still is in the centre of current research. In many aspects they are simpler than general singularities, but on the other hand they are much richer in ideas, applications, and links to other branches of mathematics. Furthermore, they provide an ideal intro- duction to the general singularity theory. Particularly, we treat in detail the classical topological and analytic invariants, finite determinacy, resolution of singularities, and classification of simple singularities. In the second chapter, we systematically present the local deformation theory of complex space germs with an emphasis on the issues of versality, infinitesimal deformations and obstructions. The chapter culminates in the treatment of equisingular deformations of plane curve singularities. This is a new treatment, based on the theory of deformations of the parametrization developed here with a complete treatment of infinitesimal deformations and obstructions for several related functors. We further provide a full disquisi- tion on equinormalizable (δ-constant) deformations and prove that after base change, by normalizing the δ-constant stratum, we obtain the semiuniversal deformationoftheparametrization.Equisingularityisfirstintroducedforde- formations of the parametrization and it is shown that this is essentially a linear theory and, thus, the corresponding semiuniversal deformation has a smooth base. By proving that the functor of equisingular deformations of the parametrization is isomorphic to the functor of equisingular deformations of the equation, we substantially enhance the original work by J. Wahl [Wah], and, in particular, give a new proof of the smoothness of the μ-constant stra- tum. Actually, this part of the book is intended for a more advanced reader familiarwiththe basicsofmodernalgebraicgeometryandcommutativealge- bra.Anumberofillustratingexamplesandexercisesshouldmakethematerial more accessible and keep the textbook style, suitable for special courses on the subject. Cross references to theorems, propositions, etc., within the same chapter are given by, e.g., “Theorem 1.1”. References to statements in another chapter are preceded by the chapter number, e.g., “Theorem I.1.1”. 2 See [GrP, DeL] for a thorough introduction to Singularand its applicability to problems in algebraic geometry and singularity theory. Preface IX Acknowledgements Our work at the monograph has been supported by the Herman Minkowsky– Minerva Center for Geometry at Tel–Aviv University, by grant no. G-616- 15.6/99 from the German-Israeli Foundation for Research and Development and by the Schwerpunkt “Globale Methoden in der komplexen Geometrie” of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. We have significantly advanced in our project during our two ”Research-in-Pairs” stays at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. E. Shustin was also supported by the Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. OurcommunicationwithAntonioCampillo,SteveKleimanandJonathan Wahl was invaluable for successfully completing our work. We also are very grateful to Thomas Markwig, Ilya Tyomkin and Eric Westenberger for proof- reading and for partly typing the manuscript. Kaiserslautern - Tel Aviv, G.-M. Greuel, C. Lossen, August 2006 and E. Shustin X Preface (a) (b) Deformations of a simple surface singularity of type E (a) into two A - 7 1 singularities and one A -singularity, resp. (b) into two A -singularities, 3 1 smoothing the A -singularity. The corresponding family is defined by 3 (cid:7) (cid:8) √ (cid:5) (cid:6) 3 F(x,y,z;t)=z2− x+ t3 · x2−y2(y+t) , 10 resp. by (cid:7) (cid:8) √ (cid:5) (cid:6) 6 F(x,y,z;t)=z2− x+ t3 · x2−y2(y+t) . 10 Contents Chapter I Singularity Theory .............................. 1 1 Basic Properties of Complex Spaces and Germs............... 8 1.1 Weierstraß Preparation and Finiteness Theorem ......... 8 1.2 Application to Analytic Algebras ...................... 23 1.3 Complex Spaces ..................................... 35 1.4 Complex Space Germs and Singularities ................ 55 1.5 Finite Morphisms and Finite Coherence Theorem ........ 64 1.6 Applications of the Finite Coherence Theorem........... 75 1.7 Finite Morphisms and Flatness ........................ 80 1.8 Flat Morphisms and Fibres ........................... 87 1.9 Normalization and Non-Normal Locus .................. 94 1.10 Singular Locus and Differential Forms ..................100 2 Hypersurface Singularities .................................110 2.1 Invariants of Hypersurface Singularities.................110 2.2 Finite Determinacy ..................................126 2.3 Algebraic Group Actions..............................135 2.4 Classification of Simple Singularities....................144 3 Plane Curve Singularities ..................................161 3.1 Parametrization .....................................162 3.2 Intersection Multiplicity ..............................174 3.3 Resolution of Plane Curve Singularities .................181 3.4 Classical Topological and Analytic Invariants............201 Chapter II. Local Deformation Theory.......................221 1 Deformations of Complex Space Germs ......................222 1.1 Deformations of Singularities ..........................222 1.2 Embedded Deformations..............................228 1.3 Versal Deformations..................................234 1.4 Infinitesimal Deformations ............................246 1.5 Obstructions ........................................259 2 Equisingular Deformations of Plane Curve Singularities........266