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Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry: How Drugs Act and Why PDF

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Preview Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry: How Drugs Act and Why

CHAPTER 1 Basic Considerations of Drug Activity 1.1. Introduction Voltaire (1694-1778) stated, "Therapeutics is the pouring ofa drug ofwhich one knows nothingintoapatientofwhomoneknowsless."Themedicalandpharmaceuticalsciences have been working diligently to ameliorate both aspects of the problem. The progress made,especiallyintheperiodfollowingWorldWarII,hasbeenimpressive,ifnotastound ing. However, therearemanyimportantriddlesstilltobesolvedandmuchtobelearned. Oneoftheareasofstudyhasconcerneditselfwiththedeterminationofthefactors that affect a drug's activity and the reasons for the effects observed. A relationship between physicochemical properties ofa chemical compound and its biological activity has been assumed and sought for more than acentury. Our definition ofwhatconstitutes physical andchemicalproperties,however, hasbeenconstantlyexpandingasaresultofnewideas, discoveries, and instrumentation. Modem instrumentation in particular has helped to changeouroutlookondrugs. 1.2. Factors Affecting Bioactivity The biochemical systems encountered by a drug molecule are extremely complex. Therefore, itshouldnotbesurprisingthatthefactors affectingthedrug'sinteractionsand contributing to its final effect are also manyfold. The factors may be divided into three categories: 1. Physicochemicalpropertiessuchassolubility,partitioncoefficients,andionization. 2. Chemicalstructureparameterssuchasresonance,inductiveeffect,oxidationpotentials, typesofbonding, andisosterism. 3. Spatialconsiderations such as moleculardimensions, interatomicdistances, andstere ochemistry. 1 2 INTRODUCTIONTOMEDICINALCHEMISTRY Stored Stored Stored I I I , R / ----. Drug Free Free R I R Inactive Figure1-1. Thefateofadrug.Risareceptor. 1.2.1. Physicochemical Properties Thephysicochemicalpropertiesconsideredinthisdiscussionareimportantbecausethey all relate to the transport ofthe drug molecule to its site of action, more than likely a receptor with which the drug will interact in a given tissue or in an invading microor ganism. Figure 1-1 represents a simplifieddistribution chart ofa bioactive substance in the body. A drug given orally or parenterally must traverse several semipermeable membranes before reaching its destination. The efficiency ofthe passage depends on the solubility characteristicsofthedrug,thatis,itsbehaviorinaqueoussolutionandtowardlipids.Also, notethatineachcompartmentthemoleculeissubjecttovariousfactorstendingtodecrease the concentration of the active form. Thus the drug may be constantly excreted either directlyorfollowingbiochemicalinactivation. Inaddition, ifthedrug isboundinastored butinactiveform, suchas toplasmaproteins, there tends tobe adecrease in itseffective ness. Since it is only the unbound free drug that produces the desired pharmacologic actions,itmay bepossibletocompensateforthis phenomenonbyincreasingthedose. We are concerned with solubility in polar solvents such as water and in nonpolar sol vents such as lipids. More specifically we are interested in a drug's partition coefficient, whichistherelative solubilitybetweenthesetwo phases. Suchacoefficientisdetermined bydissolvingthesubstanceinanaqueoussolutionandequilibratingitbyagitationwithan organic solvent.I Theratio oftheconcentrationofthe drug in the two phases is the parti tioncoefficient. Anyratiogreaterthan0.01 indicates appreciablelipidsolubility. Sincemostdrugsarenotstructurallysimilartonormalcellularcomponents,theyarenot likely to be transported across the membranes by "active transport" mechanisms. Rather, theirrateofpassage through thelipoproteinmembranesis mainlyapassiveprocessdeter minedbytheirdegreeoflipidsolubility,orpartitioncoefficient. 1 Chloroform,oliveoil,orl-octanoltosimulatethelipidphaseofabiologicalsystem. BASICCONSIDERATIONSOFDRUGACTIVITY 3 Solubility is important to bioactivity. Many groups of drugs, especially those with closelyrelatedstructures,exhibitadirectrelationshiptosolubility(i.e.,increasedlipidsol ubility exhibits higher bioactivity). This correlation is true in general anesthetics, local anesthetics, certain antibacterial agents, antiviral agents, and others. Ofcourse, solubility factors are closely related to drug absorption. The degree ofabsorption is one important determinantoftheintensityofthedrug'saction. In addition to lipid solubility, anotherphysicochemical property ofmolecules, which affects solubility directly, is the degree of the drug's electrolytic nature. All chemical compounds can be classified by their electrical conductivity behavior in aqueous solu tion. Whendissolved, inorganic salts willcompletelydissociate intoions (chargedparti cles). Positively charged ions, which are electron deficient with respect to the neutral atom, arecalledcations, whereasnegativelychargedions (carryingexcesselectrons) are calledanions. Thus sodium chloride will dissociate, orionize, yielding sodium ions and chloride ions. (1.1) Substances that ionize completely in solution are considered to be strong electrolytes. Compounds that are completely undissociated, but that are still very water soluble, are termed nonelectrolytes. They do not ordinarily increase the electrical conductivity ofthe solution. Examples ofnonelectrolytes are such polarorganic compounds as sugars, Iow molecular-weight alcohols, and urea. A majority of drugs are in a third category, weak electrolytes. These substances are only partially ionized in solution. They exist as a mix ture ofionized and un-ionized molecular forms. The un-ionized molecular species is the morelipid-solubleform. The ionizedportion ofsuch adrug moleculeusually has amuch lower, often negligible, lipid solubility. Therefore, its passage through membranes fre quently approaches insignificant levels. This fact has direct bearing on a drug's capacity forabsorption, andthereforeactivity. When a drug is a weak acid or a weak base, we find that its lipid solubility is greatly affectedbythe pHofitsenvironmentandby itsdegree ofdissociation, expressedas pKa. Thefractionofthetotaldrugconcentrationthatisinthemolecularandionicforms isindi cated by the dissociation constant Ka. Equations 1.2 and 1.3 illustrate the interaction of weak acids and weak bases with water, which results in dissociation. A and B represent acidsand bases, respectively. HA+H20~H 0+ +A (1.2) 3 BH+ +H20 ~ H30+ + B (1.3) Note that the initial reaction forbothsubstances is shown as aprotolytic reaction (pro tonation)betweenanacidspeciesandwater.Thewaterispresentin suchlargeexcessthat theprotontransferhasonlyanegligibleeffectonitstotalconcentration.Thuswatercanbe eliminatedfrom theequationwithoutsignificanterror. Oursimplifiedequationforaweak acidnowbecomes (1.4) Applyingthelawofmassactionweobtainthegeneralrelationship: (1.5) 4 INTRODUCTIONTOMEDICINALCHEMISTRY Theequationcanberearrangedintothe moreusefulHenderson-Hasselbachequation: C pKa = pH+logC~ (1.6) 1 where C and C representtheconcentrationsofun-ionizedandionizedforms ofthedrug, u j respectively. Thecorrespondingrelationshipsforweakbasesare: (1.7) (1.8) C pKa= pH+loge' (1.9) u Weak acids have a higher pKa than stronger ones. Thus, an acid with a pKa of5 is 100times weakerthananacidwhosepKais3;converselyweakerbaseshavelowerpKa values. Itisnotsurprisingthatthe bioactivityofmany weakacids andbasesisdirectlyrelated to theirdegree ofionization, which in tum is greatly affectedby the pHofthe mediumin whichthedrugfinds itself. Sincemanyofthedrugsweencounterareweakacidsorbases,anunderstandingoftheir solubility characteristics is important. Because the ionic form is the more water-soluble chemical species andthe pH ofthe solventenvironmentdetermines the degree ofioniza tion achieved, itbecomespossible, forexample, to formulate liquidpharmaceuticalprod ucts such as injectables, syrups, and elixirs of drugs that would ordinarily be poorly soluble. Low-molecular-weight carboxylic acids such as acetic acid and propionic are totally watersoluble. However,as theygobeyondafive-carboncontenttheirsolubilitydecreases rapidly. An interestingexample ofhow advantage canbe taken ofthese factors to form a water-soluble parenteral dosage form of a drug that is highly insoluble is the steroid methylprednisolone(structureI). , R-H Methylprednisolone ~ R--C-CH CH - C-OH 2 2 Methylprednisolone-21-hemisuccinate , I ,..+ R--C-CH CHa-C-O- a MethylprednisoloneSodiumSuccinate Reactingthedrugwithsuccinicanhydrideresultsinthehemisuccinatederivative,obvi ouslynowalarge25-carboncarboxylicacid. Its solubilityis less than 1mg/ml. However, by the simple expedientofneutralizing the acidic function and forming the ionic sodium saltthesolubilityisincreasedtoover200mg/ml. Thisismorethanadequatetoformulate injectableproductsofconsiderableconcentrations. BASICCONSIDERATIONSOFDRUGACTIVITY 5 Let us apply these concepts and attempt to make some predictions. The very useful, widelyuseddrugaspirinisaweakacidwithapKaof3.5.Itisusuallytakenorally.ThepH ofgastricjuice in the stomach is about I; in the small intestine it is about 6. From which area would the majority of this drug be absorbed into the bloodstream? By applying Equation 1.6wefind thatthedrugis almostcompletelyun-ionizedin thegastricjuice. Since we have already seen that the molecular form of a drug is the lipid-soluble species, we would expect it to be readily absorbed in the stomach, which has lipoprotein membranes in its lining. This is actually thecase formany weakly acidicdrugs. Thecon verse argument, of course, would apply to weakly basic drugs. We would expect their absorptionfrom the stomachtobepoor. Considerthe threebarbituricacidderivativesthiopental, secobarbital,andbarbital with respective pKaof7.6, 7.9, and7.8. Thesedrugs are very weakacids. Onthebasisoftheir ionization constants we would expect very little difference in their absorption rates from thestomach, yetthedrugs areabsorbedatverydifferentrates. Thereasonbecomesappar ent when the partition coefficients between chloroform and water are considered. Thiopental's value is over 100,whereas the values ofsecobarbitalandbarbitalare23 and 0.7,respectively. Nowwhichwouldonepredicttobetheleastrapidlyabsorbedandwhich themost?Byconsideringonlyonephysicochemicalparameterandexcludingothers,erro neous conclusions canresult. Figure 1-2illustrates ahypothetical relationshipofbiologi calactivityasafunction ofpHonly. Studies on the distribution ofdrugs between the intestine and plasma, between kidney tubules and urine, and between plasma and other body compartments suggests that the importantgeneralconclusionthatonlylipid-soluble, undissociatedforms ofadrugpasses through membranes readily. Ionizedspecies usuallycannot pass unless amediatedtrans portsystemispresentforaspecificcompound(oraclosecongener)inagivenmembrane, whichisarareoccurrence. The previous discussion may be an oversimplification since there are some anomalies thataremoredifficulttoexplain.Forexample,almosttwothirdsofadoseofsalicylicacid (pKa3)isabsorbedfromtheratstomachin 1houratpH 1,asmightbeexpected.However, ifthepHisraisedto8,atwhichpointtheacidiscompletelyionized,overone-tenthofthe doseisstillabsorbed.Anotherpossibilitythatshouldbekeptinmindisthattheun-ionized formofsomeweakelectrolytedrugsmayhaveintrinsicallypoorlipidsolubilitybecauseof Basic ConsiderationofDrul Activity ..... Bioactivity pH Figure1-2. BioactivityasafunctionofpH. 6 INTRODUCTIONTOMEDICINALCHEMISTRY a high proportion of polar functional groups. The opposite situation, where the ionized form maystillhaveappreciable lipidsolubility, wherethedrug hasfew polargroupsbuta relatively largehydrocarbon skeleton, is apossibility. Methyl prednisolone sodiumsucci natewouldbeanexample. AlthoughlipidsolubilityatphysiologicalpHenhancesadrug'spenetrabilityofamem brane, too much may not necessarily result in increased activity. Many antibacterial sul fonamides exhibit their peak effectiveness at pH values at which they are only approximately half-ionized. These sulfonamides have pKa values in the 6-8 range. The apparent reason is thateventhough the molecularform canreadily penetratethebacterial membrane, only the anionic form is bacteriostatic once inside. Thus approximately 50% ionization appears to be optimal. Nevertheless, several highly active sulfonamides exist with a pKaconsiderablyoutsideofthis optimal range. Otherfactors are also presumably involved. Insummary,ifbioactivityiscausedbyionicformsofdrugs,activitywillincreaseasthe degreeofionizationincreases.Ontheotherhand,ifundissociatedmoleculesaretheactive species, thenincreasedionizationwillnecessarilyreduce thisactivity. 1.2.2. Chemical Stmctural Aspects One of the long-term objectives ofmedicinal chemistry is the establishment ofrelation shipsofadrug'sstructuralfeatures toitspharmacologicalproperties [i.e.,structure-activ ity relationships (SARs)]. Although qualitative linkages, often on an intuitivebasis, have sometimesbeen assigned, aquantitativefoundation is thegoal. Attempts toexpress phar macological activity by mathematical means are being made, with some success. Both classicalqualitativeconceptsandthenewermorenumericalideasmustbetakenintocon sideration to understand drug activities better and, equally important, more rationally to designandthendevelopnew, moreeffective, andsaferdrugs. Bothaspectswillbebriefly describedhere. Someconceptswillbedevelopedinsomewhatgreaterdetailinsubsequent chapters. Resonance andInductive Effects Resonance is aconceptstating that ifwe can representa molecule by two or more struc tures thatdifferonlyintheirelectron,butnotatomic, arrangementthen neither(orany)of the representations is satisfactory since the molecule is a hybrid of these possible struc tures. Each structureasdepictedcontributes to the "real" structure. Oneadvantage ofthis ideaisthatitforcesustothinkofadrugmoleculefromadditionalmentalanglesratherthan justthose normally printed on a page. Electron density and electron distribution patterns helpexplain adrug's reactivity. Unlikethe theoreticalresonanceconcept, inductiveeffectsare measurableelectrostatic phenomena. Inductiveeffects arecausedbyactualelectronshifts,ordisplacements,along bonds. Theseshiftsresultfrom attractionsexertedbycertaingroups becauseoftheirelec tronegativity. Thus groups or atoms that attract electrons more strongly than hydrogen have a negative inductive effectand tend to displace electron density toward themselves. Thehalogensareprimeexamples. Groupswithpositiveinductiveeffecttendtopushelec tronsintotherestofthemolecule. Theseareusuallyalkylgroupssuch as methylandiso propyl. Theelectronicconsequencesareastronginfluenceonphysicochemicalproperties such as acidity. Table 1-1 illustrates this effect. Using formic acid as the prototype, we BASICCONSIDERATIONSOFDRUGACTIVITY 7 Table }-}. InductiveEffects onAcidStrength Acid Formula pKa Formic HCOOH 3.76 Acetic CHCOOH 4.76 3 Chloracetic CICHCOOH 2.81 2 Fluoroacetic FCH2COOH 2.66 note thatthepositiveinductiveeffectofthemethylgroupinaceticacidcausesanincrease in the pKa by a whole unit, which is a 10-fold decrease in acid strength. Conversely, in chloroaceticacidwefindthe stronglyelectronegativeelementchlorinewithdrawingelec trondensity from thecarboxyl function, which results in adropofalmost two pKaunits, or a IOO-fold increase in acidity. It stands to reason thatdifferences in bioactivity would alsooccur. Electronic effects in compounds containing aromatic rings are especially pronounced sinceinductiveeffectsare readily transmittedthrough suchconjugatedsystems. An inter estingexampleisfound inapairofcarcinolyticnitrogenmustardcompoundsinwhichthe intensity ofactivity is dependent on the degree ofnucleophilic halogen displacement. In Structure II, thep-amino group pushes electrons into the system, resulting in facile chlo rine displacement by a nucleophilic species it encounters in a biological environment, therefore exhibiting a cytotoxic effect. The negative induction of the p-chloro atom in Structure III has the opposite effect, reducing halogen displacement to less than 10% of thatexhibitedbyStructureII. Theresultisadecreasedbioactivity. A group oflocal anesthetics related to procaine (Novocaine) illustrates several ofthe conceptsdiscussed,particularlytheinfluenceofsubstitutentsofthearomaticportionofthe molecule on pharmacological effects. The local anesthetic effectiveness of this p aminobenzoicacidesterisbelievedtoberelatedtothedegreeofpolarcharacterpossessed bythe estercarbonylfunction. Structures IV and Vare two resonance forms ofprocaine, neitherofwhich,asexplained, representsthedrug. Rather,ahybridstructure, whereinthe carbonylfunction ispartiallyionic(nottotallyasinV), wouldbeamorecorrectrepresen tation.Totestthishypothesisitshouldbepossibletovarytheanestheticpotencybychang ingthe natureoftheparasubstituentonthe benzenering andrelate itto the bondorderof the estercarbonyl by measuring its infrared stretching frequency. Such a study was done withinterestingresults,andissummarizedinTable 1-2. Amino and alkoxy groups are considered electron donors by resonance and thus enhancethedipolar(ionic)characteroftheC=0 group,ascanbeseenbytheinfraredfre quency values (Table 1-2). Para substituents having a strong electron-withdrawing effect III IV V 8 INTRODUCTIONTOMEDICINALCHEMISTRY Table 1-2. RelationshipofLocalAnestheticActivityandBondOrder Rsubstituent EDso(mmolu/lOOmL) CzHsO 1,708 0.012 CHrO 1,708 0.060 HrN 1,711 0.075 HO 1,714 0.125 H- 1,727 0.600 OzN- 1,731 0.740 a Effectivedosein50%ofguineapigstested.(FromGalinskyetal.1963.) result in the carbonyl function having more double bond character and thus less intense local anestheticactivity. Aswasseenwiththeearlierexampleofthebarbiturates,itislikelythatmorethanasin gle factor is influencing bioactivity. Since local anesthetics must penetrate alipoid mem branecoveringthenervefiberstheyaffect,thenitwouldbeprudentalsotoconsiderfactors such as lipid solubility. It is likely thatthe aromatic ring here functions both as aconduit for electron movement and contributes very significantly to the lipid solubility of these compounds. Thecompoundwithoutaparasubstituent(i.e., only H) iseighttimes weaker than procainebecausethe resonanceenhancementofthep-NH grouphas beenremoved. 2 The p-N0 group, an electron-withdrawing moiety, reduces anesthetic activity an addi 2 tional 20%. Finally, it is interesting to speculate on the reason for the fivefold greater potency of the p-ethoxy over the p-methoxy compound. The infrared frequency would indicate no difference in the polarizing ability ofthe carbonyl by resonance factors. Yet, the additional CH represents a6% increase in the hydrocarbon nonpolarcharacterofthe 2 molecule.Itcanbesafelyassumedthatthiswillenhancelipidsolubilityandthereforepen etrabilityintothenervefibers toadegree. Isthissufficient,however,toaccountforafive fold increasein activity? Oxidation-Reduction Potential Oxidation-reduction potentials are expressed in volts relative to the standard hydrogen electrodeat0volts,andrepresentthetendencyofacompoundtoloseelectrons(oxidation) or gain electrons (reduction). Various enzyme systems in respiration reactions (e.g., the cytochromes) utilizing ascorbic acid, hemoglobin, as well as reactions in the Krebs cycle (succinic andfumaric acids) involveelectrontransfers. Drugscan affectall these systems, and theconsequencesmustbetaken intoaccount. Types ofBonding Thetypesofbondsinvolvedinchemicalinteractionsincludethecovalent,hydrogen,elec trostatic, vanderWaals, andhydrophobic bond. CovalentBond Thecovalentbondisformedbytheinteractionofelectronsfromdifferentatoms.Ifeachof the two atoms involved contributes only one electron, then the bond formed and holding BASICCONSIDERATIONSOFDRUGACTIVITY 9 them together is known as a single orsigma (0') bond. Ifan additional pair ofelectrons, calledpi(1t) electrons, become involved, then we describe thejunction as adouble bond. Triplebondsalsoexist. Theyconsistofa0'bondandtwo1tbonds. Covalent bonds are the bonds commonly encountered in organic molecules. Their strengths-theenergiesintermsofheatnecessarytobreakthem-areconsiderablygreater than the otherbonds to be discussed. Energies range from about 33 kilocalories permole (kcaVmole) toover200. Table 1-3 lists thoseofinterestin biochemical processes. Attemperaturesnormallyencounteredinliving matter(30-40°C), bondsstrongerthan 10 kcal/mole are not likely to be broken by nonenzymatic means. The majority ofdrugs designed to affect physiological functions do not react with receptors orvarious biopoly mersinoursystemsbytheformation ofessentiallyirreversiblecovalentbonds. Thosefew that do are usually very toxic, long-acting, and difficult to control safely from a clinical standpoint.Pharmacodynamicagentsthatinteractatthesesitesbymuchweaker,reversible bondingprocesses(discussedlater)aremuchmoredesirable. Experimentally,theireffects canbeeasilyreversed, usuallybysimplywashingoutthelooselyboundagents. Inthecaseofchemotherapeuticagents,drugs intendedtoridourbodyofdisease-caus ing parasites such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths (worms), ideal compounds would indeed be those that interactcovalently and irreversibly with vital cellularcompo nentsofthe invaderandbecytocidaltothem.Theproblemisthatthesedrugsmustnotbe injurious to us, the host (e.g., they must be selectively toxic). In many instances we have such"idealagents."Examplesaretobefoundamongmanyoftheantibacterial,antifungal, andotherantiparasitic drugs. Inthe areaofcancerchemotherapy,wherethecellswe seek todestroyareourown, selectivityis,unfortunately, usuallynotachievable. Hydrogen Bond This weak bonding force has acrucial role in stabilizing protein structures as well as in otherphysiologicalsystemsandtheirinteractionswithdrugsandotherexogenouschem icalsubstances.Thehighintensityofpositivecharacterinrelationtosuchasmallatomic volume allows ittofunction as aprecarious, yetreal, bondingbridge between two elec tronegativeatomsorevensitesofelectronegativitysuchasadoublebondand1t-deficient nitrogen-containing heterocyclic rings. Hydration (by hydrogen bonding) ofcompounds containing thepyridine ring such as pyridine and nicotinamide leads to watersolubility, whereastheanalogousbenzenoidcompounds,benzeneandbenzamide,exhibitverymea geraqueous solubility. As long as the three atoms can assume alinearrelationship (e.g., -O-H··..N-, -OH····O-), hydrogen bonding becomes feasible. The elements capable of Table 1-3. BondEnergiesofBiochemicalInterest Bond Energy(kcaVrnole) Bond Energy(kcal/rnole) H-H 105 C=C 200-230 C-H 77-1000 C-N 150 N-N 100 C=N 210 O-H 115 C-F 109 S-H 88 C-CI 69-95° C-C 77-88Q C-Br 54-700 C=C 145-1753 0-0 33-4<Y' a Thisvaluecanvarydependingonwhattheotherbondingstothecarbonatomsare. b Organicperoxides.

This work brigdges the compartmentalized undergraduate organic and biochemistry and biology subjects to the pharmacology and the clinical areas a modern pharmacy practice requires. The changes and constantly increasing responsibilities of today's pharmacist have dictated a restructuring of the pharm
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