INTRODUNC TI TO LINEAALRG EBRA FifEtdhi tion GILBESRTTR ANG MassachIunssettoitfTts eu cthen ology WELLESL-CEAYM BRIDPGREE SS Box8 120W6e0l leMsAl0 e2y4 82 IntrodtuoLc itnieAoalnrg e5btrEhad ,i tion Copyr©i2g0hb1ty6G ilbSetrrta ng ISB9N7 8-0-978-062 327- Alrli grhetsse rNvope ador.ftt h biosom ka bye r eproodrsu tcoeordrte rda nsmitted bya nmye anisn,c lpuhdoitnogc woiptyhiwonrugit,tp teernm ifrsosmi on Welle-Csalmebyr PirdegTsers a.n silnaa ntlyia onng iussat grepi rcothliy-b ited authotrriaznesdal raaetr iroabnnystg hepedu blisher. BTX typesbeytA tsihnlCge.F ye rnan(diens [email protected]) E Prinitnteh Uden itedo fAS mteartiecsa 9876543 QA184.2S071856 1 2'9.35- 14092 Othteerxfr tosmW elle-Csalmebyr Pirdegses ComputaStciioeannnacEdlen gine,Ge irlibSnetgrrta ngI SB9N7 8-0-976 14088-1- WavelaenFtdis l BtaenrkG si,l SbterraatnnT dgru oNnggu yen ISB9N7 8-0-79-691 4088- IntrodtuoAc ptpiloMinae tdh emGaitlibcSestr,rt a ng ISB9N7 8-0-9614088-0-0 CalcTuhliuErsdd i t(i2o0n1G 7i)l,bS etrrta ng ISB9N7 8-0-9802327-5-2 AlgorifotrGh lmosbP aols itiKoaBnioi rn&rg Ge,i lbSetrrtaI nSgB9 N7 8-0-9802327-3-8 EssaiynLs i neAalrg eGbirlabS,et rrta ng ISB9N7 8-0-9802327-6-9 DiffereEnqtuiaatalin oLdni sn eAalrg eGbirlabS,et rrta nIgS B9N7 8-0-9802327-9-0 AnA naloyfts hiFesi nEilteem Meentth 2o0d0,e8 d itGiiolnbS,et rratan nGdge orFigxe ISB9N7 8-0-978 02327-0- Welle-Csalmebyr Pirdegses [email protected] Box 812060�gs WelleMsA0l 2e4yU8 S2A phone(781)431-8488 www.wellesleycambrfiad(xg6 e12.75c)3o -m4 358 Thwee bsfiottrhe bi osoi kms a linearalgebra ThSeo luMtainoucnaa blne p rinfrtoemtd hw aetb site. Courmsaet eirnicallus dyilnlagan bedux sa amnsad l svoi deolteacpteudr es araev aiolnat bhbleoe ow ke bsainttdhe te e acwheibnsgwi etbe.:m LinAelagre ibisrn ac liunMd ITe'dOs p enCourssioetcWewa .rmei. t .edu Thpirso vviiddeleseo c touftr hfueels ll i naelagrec boru1ar8 s.ea0 n61d 8 .S0C6. MATLABia®sr egisttreardeeodmfT a hrMeka tWho rkIsn,c . Thfer ocnotvc earp tauc reenstrid aeloa fl inaelagre bra. Ax= b isso lvwahbeblniei s nt h(er ecdo)l usmpnao cfAe . Onpea rtiscoulluyati riis ont n h( ey elrlooswwp )a Acye= :b . Adadn vye cztfr oormt h(eg reneunl)l osfpA a:Ac ze= 0 . Thceo mpsloeltueit xsi= oy n+ z .T heAnx= A y+ A z= b . Thceo vdeersw iagtsnhi en spioLrfoa Sitesil oalnneG dra Csio lr bett. Preface Ia mh appfyoy ro ut os eteh iFsi fEtdhi toifIo nnt rodtuoLc itnieoAanlr g ebra. Thiisst htee fxotmr y v idleeoc tounMr IeTsO' pse nCour(soecWwa.rmeai ntd. edu alYsoou TubIeh ) eh olseec twuirbleeuls s etfoyu ol(u m ayebveee nnj oy!a)b.l e Hundroefcd o�sgl elasn udn ivehrasvcieht oiseteshtn ie sx tfobrot ohkeb iarsl iicn ear algecboruar As es.a bbagtaivmceeaa lc hantcope r eptawrnoee wc hapatbeorust probaabnisdlt iattayin sudtn idcesr nugso afon tdhisem rp rovteomoents proboanbnlloyyt ibcyte hadeu t.h. oH re.ri easn eawd difotrsi tound aennadtlr sle aders: Evesreyc toipoewnni sat b hr iseufm mtaoer xyp liatcison n tWehnetynso .u reaand e swe ctainowdnh ,ey no rue vais seicttt ioro env aineodwr ganize iti ny oumri ntdh,o lsiena ersaeq uigcuki adnead n a itdom emory. Anotbhiecgrh ancgoemo enst hbioso wke'bss miatteh trea lgebra. nowc ontsaoilnustt oit ohPners o bSleetimsnt hbeo oWki.t uhn limsiptaetcdhei i,ss mucmho rflee xitbhlpaern i nsthiosnrogtl utTihoeanrrstee.h rkeeweye bs:i tes ocw.miMte.sesdacugo emfrseo mt housoafsn tdusda ennfadtc su latbyol uitn aelagre bra ont hOipse nCourssietTWeha1.er8 e.a 0n61d 8 .S0C6c ourisnecslv uiddleee oc toufr es ac ompsleemteeos fct lears c touffreaernis n depernedveoinfett whw eh ole subjbeacsotent d h tiesx tboporko-ftehtseis msoetr afr'yessae n tdh set udteinmctea' ns be2a .m(.T hree addoeersh na'vtteob ei nac laasatsl llviioenwa errosut nhde worhladvs ee ethne vsied (eaomsag )zI.ih nopyeofi un tdh ehme lpful. 8ta.ehs0 o 6m ewaonredkx sa (mwsi stohl utfiotorhn cesu )r rent couarsisi tets a uagnhadtsf , ab ra caks1 99T6h.e arraeel rseov qiueews tJiaodvneasm ,o s, TeachCiondgea snsd,h oersts (aayntsdh v ei odl eecst)u.Mr yge oiatslom akteh bioso k asu setfoyu olau sp osswiibatllhtel h,c e o umrastee wreci aapnlr ovide. hiinhseab aser caolamgnaee c btrwievbes Iintto ewh. a Sso lutions toE xercissepsa-tcwoeei x tphli adienTa reae l nseoew x erfrcoimsm easnd yi f feresnotu rces-pprroabcldteeimvcsee,l oopftm eexntteb xoaomkpc loedisenM,s A TLAB anJdu lainaPd y otnh,p luwsh ocloel leocfet xiao(mn1ss8 a.n0od6t hefrorsre) v iew. Plevaistsehi litis n aelagres birtSeaen .sdu g egstoinst ol inearalgeabirla.bocookm@ gm V vi Preface ThFei fEtdhi tion Thceo vsehro twhsFe o uFru ndameSunbstpaacl-e tshreo swp aacnend u llsapraec e ont hlee sfitdt ehc,eo lusmpnaa cnetd h neu plalcsoef AT aroent hrei gIhittns .o u ts ual tpou tthc ee nitdreaoalfts hs eu bojned cits pllitakhyeiW sh!ey no mue etth ofosuesr p aces inC hap3ty,eo rwu i ulnld erwshttyah npadit c itssuo rc ee nttolr ianle ar algebra. Thowseern ea mtehdFe o uFru ndamSeunbtsapilanm c yefi srb soto akn,td h esyt art froma m atAr.iEx a crho owf A isav ecitnno -rd imensspiaocWneha.etl nh mea trix hams r owesa,cc ho luimasnv ecitnmo -rd imensspiaocTnehac.elr ucoipaelr aitni on linaelagrei btsrot a a lkien ceoamrb inoafct oilounvmsen c tTohrsii.ess x actthrleey s ult ofam atrixm-uvletcitpolArix ic asac aftt hcieoo lnu omfAn .s Whewne t aaklecl o mbinAaxto ifto hcneos l uvmenc twoegr estt,h c eo lusmpna ce. Itfh is isnpcaltcuhevde ee csbt w,oe cr a sno ltvheeeq uaAtxi= o bn. MayIc aslple caitatlet noSt eicotn1i .ow3nh, e trhee isdeec aosme ea rly-with two speceixfiacm pYoluea srn.eo e tx petcoct aetdec vhed reyto afvi elc stpoaric noe nse day! Buyto wui slelte h fier msatt riintc hebeso oakn,ad p ictouftr heec iorl usmpna ces. Theiresev eanni nvemrsaet arniidxt c so nnetcoct ailocnuY lowuuis bl.el l eartnhien g langoufla igneae lagrei bntr hbaee asntmd o setf ficwiaeybn:yut s iintg. Evesreyc toifto hbnea sciocu ernsdwesi atl ha rcgoel leocfrt eivopinre owb lTehmesy. asyko tuou steh ied eiants h saetc tiodni-m-etnhosefti hoceno lusmpnaa cb ea,sfo irs thsapta tchere,a nakni dn vearndsdee t ermainendia gnetn ovfaA l.Mu aenspy r oblems loofokrc omputbayht ainoodnna s s m amlalt raintxdh, he ayv bee ehni gphrlayi Tsheed . ChallPeronbgleeg moas s t feupr tahnsedor m,e tdiemeepLsee mrte. g ifvoeeu xra mples: Sect2i.oW1nh: i rcohew x chaonfagS eusd omkaut prrioxd auncoetS huedrom kaut rix? Sect2i.oI7Pnf:i asp ermumtaattriwoihnxiys ,s o mpeo wpekr e qutaoIl ? Sect3i.oI4Anf:x =b anCdx= bh avtehs ea mseo lufotrie ovnebsrd, yo eAse quCa?l Sect4i.o1Wn:h acto ndiotnti hofeno suv re ctro,nr ,cs ,£ a lltohwet mob eb asfoers threo swp atchene,u llstphcaeoc leus,mp naa cnetd,h l ee nfutl losfpa a c22e m bayt rix? ThSet aorftt h Ceo urse Theeq uaAtxi= o bnu setshl ea ngoufal gienc eoamrb inraitgaihwotan Tysh. ve e ctor Axi asc ombinoaftt hcieoo lnu omfAn .sT heeq uaitasis oknfoi rna gc ombintahtaito n sse o luvteicoxtcn oo rm aettsh rleeeva enladsla lri em portant: 1.Dirseocltu ttofiin oxdnb yf orwealridm iannabdta icsokun b stitution. 2.Matrisxo luutsiitonhnige n vemrasterx i= x A:-1b ( iAfh aasni nverse). 3.Particsuolalru( ttAioyo= n b p)l nuusl lsspoalcu(ett Aiozo= n 0 ). Thavte cstpoarsc oel uxt= i yo+ nz i ssh oownnt hceo voeftr hb eo ok. Preface vii Direelcitm iintsah tmeio osfrnte queunstealdly g oriinst chime cnotmipfiucTt hien g. matArb iexc otmreisa ngusloalru-cttoihmoqeenun si cWkela obe a sfeotsrh f eo ur subspBaucdteo sns.'p tef nodr eovnpe rra cteilciimnign. a gt.oi oo.idn d eaarcseo ming. Thsep eoefed v enreysw u percoimtspe usottnAee xrd= b: p urlei naelagre Bburta . eveasn u percodmopeuswtnae'ntrtthi en vemrastert iosxol: o Iwn.v egristvehesse i mplest formuxl= a A -lbbun to tth teo spp eAended.v ermyuosnkten otwh daett ermairnea nts evesnl oweri-nsto hw earayle i naelagrec boruasr hsoebu elgdwi intf ho rmfuoltrah se deteromfia nnna b nynt m er mhualvaape sl abcuent,o fi tr pslta ce. Strucotftu hTreee x tbook Alreiantd hypi rse faycoecu,a s ne tehs et yolfte hb eo oakni dtg so toi assle rious, toe xpltahbiiensa uatniudfus le fuolfmp aatrhte mYaotwuii cslselh.e o twh aep plications ofl inaelagrer berian tfhokere ciyed omko vgersa duaansldtl eya frdoiml y numbteovr esc ttoosr usb spacelse-vceeoalmc nehas t uarnaedlv leyr cyaognne eit t . Heraer1 e2p oianbtoslu eta rannitdne ga cfrhoimtn hgi s: book 1.Chap1ts etraw rittvshe ctaondrdos pt r oduIcftt hcsel. a hsamsse tth ebme fore, focquusi coknll iyn ceoamrb inaSteicotn1is.op.3nr ovtihdreiesne d ependent vectwohroscs oem binfialtalilo olf3n -sd imensspiaaocnnetda,h l r deeep endent vectionapr lsa Tnheo.ts weeo x ampalrteeh sbe e ginonfli innge ar algebra. 2. Chap2ts ehro twhsre o pwi ctauntrdhe ce o lupminc toufAr x=e b .T hhee aorft lineari isan tl hgcaeotbn rnae bcettiwotenher eno wosfA antdh ceo lumAn: s of thsea mneu mbbeurvtse rdyi ffepriecnttTu hreebnse .g tihnaesl geobfmr aat rices: ane limimnaattErii omxnu ltiAp tlopi reosd auz ceer o ailst oc apture thweh oplreo ceswsi-Atsh,tm aurlttb iyEp 'lesyn, wd i Uth. Elimiinssae teiinont n hb ee auftoirfAmu = l L U.T hleo wtreira ngLuh laorl ds thfoer waerldi misntaetapinsoUd,n i su ppterri anfgoubrla acsrku bstitution. 3. Chap3ti elsri naelagrea bttrh baee lsetv seulb:s pTahcceeo mpnac coen tains allli nceoamrb inoaftt hiceoo nlsuT mhncesr .u qcuieaslit sHi:oo wmn a noyft hose coluamrnnese edTehdae?n swteeurls lt shd ei mensioconl uosmfpn aa tcnhede, thkee iyn forambaotAui.Wto e nr eatchFheu ndamTehnetoaorlfLe imn Aelagre bra. 4. Witmho reeq uattihouannnsk noiwitnas sl ,m soustrthe Aa xt= bh ansos olution. Wec anntohtro ouwet v emreya surtehmiaestcn lto bsuent o pte rfeexcatclty! Whenw es olbvyle e assqtu atrhekese w,yi blelt hmea tArTiA x.T hiwso nderful matarpipxe eavresr yiwnahp eprlmeia etdh emwahteinic rssAe , c tangular. 5.Determingainvfteos r mufloaarsl t lh ahta sco mbee fore-CRrualmee,r's invemraster viocleusim,ne dnsi mensWiedo onnsn'.et et dh ofsoer mtuocl oams yl ouwsd owBnu.dt e At = t0e wlhlsea nm atirssii xn g:ut lhiaisrs thkee tyeo igenvalues. vm Preface 6.Sect6.i 1oe nx pleaiignesn fovra2 lb uy2e m sa triMcaencsyo. u rwsaentstos ee eigenevaarlIluityecs .so mplreetaesloytn oca obmhleee dr ier efrcotmCl hya p3t,er becatuhdseee t erimesia nfosayrna t b 2y2 m atrThiekx e.ey q uaitAsix o=n>. x. Eigenvaaneldiu geesn vaeracenat sotrosn wiastyhou i nndge rass tqaunmadar ter ix. Theayr neo fotr A x= b,t heayrf eo dry naemqiuca tliiodknueds/ t = Au. Thied iesaa l watyhssea mfeo:l tlhoeewi genvIentc htoossrspe.e cdiiarle ctions, Aa cltisak s ei nngulmeb( etreh ieg en>.v)aa nltduh peer obilosen me -dimensional. Ane ssenhtiigahllo ifCg hhatp 6t iesrd iagonaal sizyimnmge mtartirci x. Wheanl tlhe ei genavrapelou seistt himeva et,ir si" xp osdietfiinvieTt heik"se. y idea ctohnwenh eoccloteus r se-ppiovsaointtddsie vtee rmainnedai ngtesn values anedn erIwg oyrh.ka trrode atchhpi osii ntnth b eo oaknt deo x plibatyie nx amples. 7.Chap7ti neser w n trosdiuncgevusala lrau nesdsi ngvuelacrt parate almla rtiincsteiosm ppileec reasn,ki enod r doeftr h eiimrp ortYaonwuci esl.el e onwea tyo c ompraenis msa gEes.p ecyioacula alnny a laym zaet furliolxfd ata. 8.Chap8te exrp llaiinntesraa nrs formaTthiiiogssne so.m ewtirtyha oxueatsl ,g ebra witnhoc oordiWnhaetwnee cs h.o oabs aes wiesr ,e atchbhee psots smiabtlrei x. 9.Chap9tm eorv freosm r enaulm baenrvdse cttoocr osm pvleecxta onmrdas t rices. ThFeo urmiaetrFr iitsxh meo sitm porctoamnpmtla etxwr eiw xi elvlse erAe n.d 1 thFaes tFo uriTerarn sfor(mm ultiqpuliycbikyFnl agyn pd- )i rse volutionary. 10C.hap1t0ie fsru olfal p plicmaotrtieho aannnssy ,i ncgoluecr osuenl ede d: 10.G1ra phasnN de tworkst-otl heeead dgien-mgna otdforeriKi xr chhoff's Laws 10.M2a triinEc negsi neeringe-qduiafftpeiarorenatnslomt l aietalerl qi uxa tions 10.M3a rkov MatirnGi ocoegsPl-aeag'ses R aalngko rithm 10.L4i nPeroagrra mminnge-rwae quirx2'.e 0m a ennmdti nimiozfta htceio osnt 10.Fo5u riSeerr iesa-llgienfoberfura narc tainoddni sg siitgapnlra olc essing 10.C6o mpuGtraeprh ics-mmaotvareni rdco etasan tcdeo mpirmeasgse s 10.L7i nAelagre ibnCra p tographnye-swte hcitwsia fosun tn ow riTtheHe.i ll ry Cipihnseo rtt o soe cuIrutes m.eo sd ualrairt himnetteifrgcoe:mOrt spo 1-. = = Multipgliivc4ea stx i o15(n m o1d9 )F.od re cotdhiginisgv 4e-1s 5. 11H.ows hocuolmdp ubteii nncgl iunadl eidn aelagrec boruarI sctea ?on p eann e w undersotfma antdriincge csl-aesvfisen radwby ia lllaM nAcTeL.aA nBMapd l ea nd Mathemaarpteoi wcear dfiuffle wriaenyn Jstu. la inPadt y hoanrfr ee aen ddi rectly accesosnti hWbeel beT. h onseew learn guaarpgeoe wse trof!ou l Basciocm mabnedgisiCn nh ap2t.Te hreC nh ap1t1me orv teosw parrodfe ssailonal gorithcmasun.p Ylooauan ddd o wnlcooaddfe ostr h ciosu rosnte h wee bsite. 12C.hap1t2oe nrP robaabniSdlt iattyii nsse twiw,ci stt hr uilmyp oratpapnlti cations. Wherna ndvoamr iaarbneloi etns d epewnegd eceton vta rmiaatnrcFieoc retsu.n ately thaeryse y mmeptorsiidcte ifivneTi htleei .na elagrei bnCrh aa p6ti nesre edneodw . Preface ix ThVea rioefLt iyn eAalrg ebra Calciumslo ussat bloyou ntse p eocpiearl(a ttdhieeor ni vaantiditi vsne v)e( rtishneet egral). Ofc ouIra sdemt ihtca atl ccuolubulesid m por.t.Ba.un.stt om anayp plicoafmt aitohns ematairdceis s crraettthheeca ron n tidniugoriuatsta,thl he aarnn a lTohcgee. n toufdr ayt a habse guYnow!ui filnlad l ight-ehsescaaarylt" leTedoMd ou cCha lcuolnmu yws e"b site. Thtreu tihths a vte ctaonmrdas tr ihcaevbsee cothmelae n guatgkoen ow. Paorftt h laatn giutsah gweeo ndevrafruoilfem tayt rLiecmtee gs her eexea mples: Symmemtartirixc Orthomgaotrixn al Trianmgautrixla r -1 0 1 1 2 -1 0 1 11 -1 1 -1 2 - 2 1 -1 -�l1�� 1� � � � -1 0 0 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1 ol 1 0 0 0 1 l Ak egyo ailsl earntio"n rge aamd a"t rYioxnu.e etdo tshemeee aniintn hgne u mbers. Thiirsse atlhelesy s eonfmc aet hematicasn-tdph aemtietrae nrnisn g. Ih avues eidt aalnibdco sld ftaopc ieoc uktt h kee wyo rodnes a cpha gIek .n otwh ere artei mwehsey no wua nttor eqaudi clkoloykf,io tnrhgi e m porltiannets . MayIe nwdi tthht ihso ufgophrrt o feYsosmuoi rgsfh.ett e hlta htde i reicrsti igohnt , anwdo ndieyfro usrt udaernrete saJ duysg.ti th veem a c hanLciet!e trhaolulsoya fn ds studheanvwters i ttmote efr,ne quewnitstluhyg geasntsdiu ornpsr oifstiweningtt lhhya nks. Thekyn otwh ciosu hrasasep urpboesceat,uh psere o feasnstdoh breo oakro ent hesiird e. Linaelagrei basfar nat astiecn jsioutyb. j ect, HelWpi tThh iBso ok Thger eaetnecsotu raogfae limltse h nfete eltihynaogtau r deo isnogm etwhoirntgh while wiytohul riH feu.n droefgd esn erreoaudhsea rvsseei ndte aanesdx amapnlcdeo sr rections (afanvdo rmiatter tihcaaeptsp )ie na rbt ohoiTksh. a ynokau l l. Onpee rsohne lhwpaiesetd vh e wroyri dnt hbioso Hkei. As s hlCe.Fy e rnawnhdoe s, preptahrJb.eeT d]3Xfi leIsit.ns o swi bxo otkhsha eht a asl lomwete owd r iatnrede write, aimfionargc cuarnaadcl yfs oolr i Wfeo.r kwiinfrtgih e inasdh sa pwpayty lo i ve. Frieinndssai ndodeu tstihMdeIe T m atdhe parhtamvebene tew no nderAflualn. EdelfomraJu nl iaan mdu cmho rAel,e Txow nsefonrtd h flea egx ampiln7e .sa1 n,d PetKeerm pthfootrnrhfie en anecxea mipn7l .e:t3 hossteao nudDt o.Sn p ickler's website onc ryptoigssri ampphlyy eItx hcaeJnlokBln le onotJm.a,c D ko ngaHrirlaFa,ir nyu cane, PavGerli nfRealnddL,ye VequDea,v Viodg aLni,a Wnagn ga,n dK arWeinl lcox. Th"ee igenifan7c .ec3sa "mfr eo mM attThuerwak n Jde Jffa ureAgnudti hb.ei sgt ep tos ingvuallawuraea ssc celbeyRr aaRjta eodg' rsec aotu arMtsi ec higan. Thbioso okw essom ucthmo y h apspayb baitnOi xcfoarTldh .a ynokNu i,c Tkr efethen anedv ioatulh rleey a dBeersw!ti sihnye osu wro rk.