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INTRODUCTION TO FOCUSED ION BEAMS Instrumentation, Theory, Techniques and Practice INTRODUCTION TO FOCUSED ION BEAMS Instrumentation, Theory, Techniques and Practice Edited by Lucille A. Giannuzzi FEZ Company Fred A. Stevie North Carolina State University Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationD ata A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 0-387-231 16-1 e-ISBN 0-387-23313-X Printed on acid-free paper. O 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now know or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks and similar terms, even if the are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. Printed in the United States of America. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SPIN 1 13 12024 Dedication This book is dedicated to Jeff Bindell, whose insight made it possible to have leading edge instrumentation available and whose inclusiveness fostered the interactions that provided much of the material for this work. Contents Dedication v Contributing Authors xi .. . Preface Xlll The Editors xv Acknowledgments xvii 1. The Focused Ion Beam Instrument 1 F. A. STEVIE, L. A. GIANNUZZI,A ND B. I. PRENITZER 2. Ion - Solid Interactions L. A. GIANNUZZI, B. 1 PRENIZER, B. W. KEMPSHALL 3. Focused Ion Beam Gases for Deposition and Enhanced Etch F. A. STEVIED, .P . GRIFFIS, AND P. E. RUSSELL 4. Three-Dimensional Nanofabrication Using Focused Ion Beams i? KArTo 5. Device Edits and Modifications. K. N. HOOGHAN ... VIII Introduction to Focused Ion Beams 6. The Uses of Dual Beam FIB in Microelectronic Failure Analysis 107 B. HOLDFOKD 7. High Resolution Live Imaging of FIB Milling Processes For Optimum Accuracy 133 P. GNAUCK, P. HOFFROGGE, M. SCHUMANN 8. FIB For Materials Science Applications - A Review 143 M W. PHANEUF 9. Practical Aspects of FIB TEM Specimen Preparation R. ANDERSOANN D S. KLEPEIS 10. FIB Lift-Out Specimen Preparation Techniques 20 1 L.A. GIANNUZZI, B, W. KEMPSHALL, S.M. SCHWARZ, JK.L OMNESS, B.I. PRENITZER, AND F.A. STEVIE 1 1. A FIB Micro-Sampling Technique And A Site Specific TEM Specimen Preparation Method 229 T.K AMINO, T. YAGUCHI, T.H ASIIIMOTO, T.O IINlSI-II AND K. UMEMURA 12. Dual-Beam (FIB-SEM) Systems R. J. YOUNG AND M. ?! MOORE 13. Focused Ion Beam Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (FIB-SIMS) 269 F. A. STE VIE 14. Quantitative Three-Dimensional Analysis Using Focused Ion Beam Microscopy 28 1 D.N. DUNN, A.J. KUBIS AND R. HlJLL 15. Application of FIB In Combination With Auger Electron Spectroscopy 301 E. L. PRINCIPE Appendix A: Ga Ion Sputter Yields 3 29 Appendix B: Backsputtered Ga Ion Fraction 333 Appendix C: 30 keV Ga Ion Range at 0 degrees 337 Appendix D: 30 keV Ga Ion Range at 88 degrees 341 Introduction to Focused Ion Beams Appendix E: 5 keV Ga Ion Range at 0 degrees Appendix F: 5 keV Ga Ion Range at 88 degrees Notes Index Contributing Authors Ron Anderson, Microscopy Today Derren N. Dunn, IBM Lucille A. Giannuzzi, FEI Company Peter Gnauck, Carl Zeiss SMT, Inc. Dieter P. Griffis, North Carolina State University T.Hashimoto, Hitachi High-Technologies Peter Hoffrogge, LEO Elektronenmikroskopie GmbH Becky Holdford, Texas Instruments, Inc. Kultaransingh (Bobby) N. Hooghan, Agere Systems Robert Hull, University of Virginia Takashi Kaito, Seiko Instruments, Inc. Takeo Kamino, Hitachi Science Systems Brian W. Kempshall, NanoSpective Inc. Stanley J. Klepeis, IBM Microelectronics Division A.J. Kubis, University of Virginia Janice K. Lomness, University of Central Florida Mary V. Moore, FEI Company T.Ohnishi, Hitachi High-Technologies Mike W. Phaneuf, Fibics Inc. Brenda I. Prenitzer, NanoSpective Inc. Edward Principe, Carl Zeiss SMT, Inc. Phil E. Russell, North Carolina State University Fred A. Stevie, North Carolina State University M.Schumann, Carl Zeiss SMT, Inc. Stephen M. Schwarz, University of Central Florida, NanoSpective Inc. K.Umemura, Hitachi Central Laboratory xii Introduction to Focused Ion Beams T.Yaguchi, Hitachi Science Systems Richard Young, FEI Company Preface The focused ion beam (FIB) instrument has experienced an intensive period of maturation since its inception. Numerous new techniques and applications have been brought to fruition by the tireless efforts of some very innovative scientists with the foresight to recognize the potential of this upstart apparatus. Over the past few years, the FIB has gained acceptance as more than just an expensive sample preparation tool, and has taken its place among the suite of other instruments commonly available in analytical and forensic laboratories, universities, geological, medical and biological research institutions, manufacturing plants, and more. The applications for FIB that have yet to be realized are endless. The future for this instrument is certain to be filled with innovation and excitement. Although the utility of the FIB is not limited to the preparation of specimens for subsequent analysis by other analytical techniques, it has revolutionized the area of TEM specimen preparation. One anecdotal example is relayed by Lucille Giannuzzi, one of the editors of this book. Approximately 18 months of Lucille's graduate research effort was devoted to the development of a TEM specimen preparation technique for the cross- section analysis of galvanized steel. Upon her introduction to an FEI 61 1 FIB in 1995, the value of the FIB instrument, which was then capable of preparing TEM specimens of semiconductor materials in about five hours, was overwhelmingly and immediately apparent. Today's FIB instruments can prepare TEM specimens in less than an hour. The FIB has also been used to prepare samples for numerous other analytical techniques, and offers a wide range of other capabilities. While the mainstream of FIB usage remains within the semiconductor industry, FIB usage has expanded to applications in metallurgy, ceramics, composites,

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