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INTRODUCTION TO CITIES HOW PLACE AND SPACE SHAPE HUMAN EXPERIENCE Xiangming Chen, Anthony M. Orum, and Krista E. Paulsen e res ources a bsit vaila e elb w INTRODUCTION TO CITIES About the website The I ntroduction to Cities: How Place and Space Shape Human Experience companion website contains a number of resources created by the authors that you will find helpful in using this book for university courses or for your own intellectual growth. Students List of urban studies journals presents a large number of scholarly journals that publish urban research from around the globe. A nnotated list of urban studies web resources directs you to the websites of research centers, data compilers, and nonprofit organizations working on urban questions. Annotated documentary guide provides information about a number of films that help to illustrate many of the key themes in the book. Instructors Essay and discussion questions supplement the critical thinking questions included in the book. A dditional cases and examples are provided for use in the classroom, including a guide to how to pair them with the relevant chapters of the book. INTRODUCTION TO CITIES HOW PLACE AND SPACE SHAPE HUMAN EXPERIENCE Xiangming Chen, Anthony M. Orum, and Krista E. Paulsen This edition first published 2013 © 2013 Xiangming Chen, Anthony M. Orum, and Krista E. Paulsen Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Registered Office John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK Editorial Offices 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5020, USA 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at www.wiley.com/wiley-blackwell . The right of Xiangming Chen, Anthony M. Orum, and Krista E. Paulsen to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Image of Anthony Orum courtesy of William Bridges. Image of Krista Paulsen courtsey of David Wilson, UNF Center for Instructional and Research Technology. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Chen, Xiangming, 1955– Introduction to cities : how place and space shape human experience / Xiangming Chen, Anthony M. Orum, and Krista E. Paulsen. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4051-5554-0 (pbk.) 1. Cities and towns–Social aspects. 2. Urban sociology. 3. Urbanization–Social aspects. I. Orum, Anthony M. II. Paulsen, Krista E. III. Title. HT119.C485 2013 307.76–dc23 2012009764 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Cover image: Tourists walk along the Bund (Wai Tan) in front of the Pudong skyline. Shanghai. © Eightfish / Getty Cover and internal design by Design Deluxe Set in 10/12pt Minion by SPi Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India 1 2013 BRIE F CONTENTS Introduction 1 Part I The foundations 5 1 Cities as places and spaces 6 2 Social theories of urban space and place: The early perspectives 28 3 Social theories of urban space and place: Perspectives in the post-World War II era 49 4 Methods and rules for the study of cities 72 Part II The changing metropolis 99 5 The metropolis and its expansion: Early insights and basic principles 100 6 The origins and development of suburbs 123 7 Changing metropolitan landscapes after World War II 154 Part III The metropolis and social inequalities 177 8 The early metropolis as a place of inequality 178 9 Inequality and diversity in the post-World War II metropolis 204 Part IV The metropolis in the developing world 231 10 Urbanization and urban places in developing-country cities 232 11 Cities in the global economy 261 Part V Challenges of today and the metropolis of the future 295 12 Urban environments and sustainability 296 13 The remaking and future of cities 321 CONTENTS List of illustrations xi Ferdinand Tönnies: Community List of tables xvii and society 32 List of boxes xviii Georg Simmel: The metropolis About the authors xx and mental life 33 Acknowledgments xxi Tönnies and Simmel: Further refl ections 35 Walk-through tour xxiii Exploring further 2.1 36 The Chicago School of Sociology 38 Introduction 1 The city as social space 39 The city, social change, and social order 40 Studying the city 2.2 42 Part I Life in the city as a way of life 44 Making the city better 2.1 46 Early social theories of urban life 47 3 Social theories of urban space and THE FOUNDATIONS 5 place: Perspectives in the post-World 1 Cities as places and spaces 6 War II era 49 Cities as places 9 Theoretical descendents of Marx 50 Exploring further 1.1 11 Manuel Castells and the urban question 50 Identity, community, and security 14 David Harvey: Injustice and inequality Places as the site of our identity 14 in the city 51 Places as the site of community 15 John Logan and Harvey Molotch: Places as sites of security 16 The city as a growth machine 53 Studying the city 1.1 17 Making the city better 3.1 54 Human beings make and remake places 17 Making the city better 3.2 56 Place and space 20 Further refl ections: Marx and the critique Studying the city 1.2 21 of modern cities 57 Making the city better 1.1 24 The return to place and the turn Cities shape the fates of human beings 25 to culture 58 Cities and people 26 Jane Jacobs and the discovery of community in the modern metropolis 58 2 Social theories of urban space Studying the city 3.1 59 Sharon Zukin and the turn to culture 61 and place: The early perspectives 28 Exploring further 3.1 63 The social and theoretical roots Going global: The 1980s and the creation of modern urban theory 29 of the global city 66 Studying the city 2.1 31 Evaluating theories of the city 69 Contents vii 4 Methods and rules for the study The metropolitan center and its links to the of cities 72 hinterlands 115 Human agents and social institutions in the First rules for doing a social science of cities 74 expansion of the metropolis 116 The rule of validity 74 Studying the city 5.2 117 The rule of reliability 76 Making the city better 5.1 120 Exploring further 4.1 77 Urban growth, institutions, Cities and the question of numbers 78 and human agents 121 Studying the city 4.1 79 The city as a case study 80 The city as the typical case 82 6 The origins and development The city as a prototypical case 85 of suburbs 123 Ethnographic and historical case studies 87 Ethnographic case studies 87 What is a suburb? Defi nitions Studying the city 4.2 89 and variations 125 Historical case studies 90 Alternative suburban forms 127 From one to multiple cases 91 A brief history of suburban Studying the city 4.3 94 development 129 A last but very important rule on doing The original suburbs 129 a good social science of cities: Fitting Culture and the demand for suburban good theory to good methods 94 living 131 And what about insight? 95 Making the city better 6.1 133 Exploring further 6.1 134 Early suburban diversity 135 Part II Transportation technologies and suburban expansion 136 Making the city better 6.2 139 The role of policy in suburban expansion 140 THE CHANGING METROPOLIS 99 The mass production of US suburbs 142 5 The metropolis and its expansion: Early Changes and challenges in contemporary insights and basic principles 100 suburbs 144 Privatization and gated communities 144 Metropolitan growth: Basic features 102 The varied fates of older suburbs 147 The metropolis and its expansion 104 Suburbs as places 149 The center of the city 105 Studying the city 6.1 151 The zone of transition 106 The zone of commuters 106 Assessing the concentric zone theory 106 7 Changing metropolitan landscapes The natural areas of the city 107 after World War II 154 Alternative views of the city 107 Studying the city 5.1 108 Los Angeles: The prototype of the postwar The mobility of people and groups metropolis 156 in the metropolis 109 Exploring further 7.1 160 Social differences and migration The changing metropolitan order 162 in the metropolis 109 The decline of older industrial Exploring further 5.1 110 cities 162 Migration and the expansion The rise of the postindustrial/postmodern of the metropolis 113 metropolitan regions 163 viii Contents The importance of transportation, Gentrifi cation and the remaking of the again 164 metropolis 212 The remaking of places and spaces: Exploring further 9.2 214 The profound human and political Studying the city 9.1 216 consequences 165 Social diversity and the transformed Making the city better 7.1 166 metropolis 217 The emerging global economy: The new immigration and the A brief overview 168 transformation of the metropolis 217 Studying the city 7.1 171 Europe 217 People, place, and space in a global The United States and Canada 219 world 173 Reconstructing the contemporary metropolis: New ethnic enclaves 221 Part III Studying the city 9.2 224 Other dimensions of urban diversity 226 Making the city better 9.2 227 The Western metropolis in fl ux 228 THE METROPOLIS AND SOCIAL INEQUALITIES 177 Part IV 8 The early metropolis as a place of inequality 178 Colonial cities as unequal places 180 Early urban diversity 182 Cities of immigrants 184 THE METROPOLIS IN THE Immigrant lives: New York’s Five Points 185 DEVELOPING WORLD 231 Studying the city 8.1 189 The Five Points case in context 190 10 U rbanization and urban places Early reform and intervention efforts 193 in developing-country cities 232 Making the American ghetto 193 Integrated beginnings 193 Urbanization: The basic path and Making the city better 8.1 194 its impact on place 233 New neighbors, new tensions 195 Developing-country cities in historical The perpetuation and implications perspective 235 of black ghettos 196 Studying the city 10.1 236 Studying the city 8.2 197 The basic dimensions of urbanization 237 Exploring further 8.1 199 Urban hierarchy 237 The signifi cance of urban diversity Urban primacy 239 and inequality 201 Over-urbanization versus under-urbanization 239 9 Inequality and diversity in the Studying the city 10.2 241 post-World War II metropolis 204 Natural increase and in-migration 242 From process and system to place 243 Inequality and the metropolis 205 A basic profi le with multiple Poverty and race 205 wrinkles 243 Exploring further 9.1 207 Megacities as places: Opportunities Poverty and homelessness 209 and challenges 245 Making the city better 9.1 211 Size and density 245

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