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Introduction to Analysis [Lecture notes] PDF

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Introdu tion to Analysis Irena Swanson Reed College Spring 2016 Table of contents Preface 7 The briefest overview, motivation, notation 9 Chapter 1: How we will do mathematics 13 Section 1.1: Statements and proof methods 13 Section 1.2: Statements with quantifiers 24 Section 1.3: More proof methods, and negation 27 Section 1.4: Summation 34 Section 1.5: Proofs by (mathematical) induction 36 Section 1.6: Pascal’s triangle 45 Chapter 2: Concepts with which we will do mathematics 49 Section 2.1: Sets 49 Section 2.2: Cartesian product 57 Section 2.3: Relations, equivalence relations 59 Section 2.4: Functions 65 Section 2.5: Binary operations 74 Section 2.6: Fields 80 Section 2.7: Order on sets, ordered fields 83 Section 2.8: Increasing and decreasing functions 90 Section 2.9: Absolute values 92 Chapter 3: Construction of the basic number systems 96 Section 3.1: Inductive sets and a construction of natural numbers 96 Section 3.2: Arithmetic on N 101 0 Section 3.3: Order on N 104 0 Section 3.4: Cancellation in N 106 0 Section 3.5: Construction of Z, arithmetic, and order on Z 108 Section 3.6: Construction of the ordered field Q of rational numbers 114 Section 3.7: Construction of the field R of real numbers 118 Section 3.8: Order on R, the least upper/greatest lower bound theorem 126 4 Section 3.9: Complex numbers 129 Section 3.10: Functions related to complex numbers 132 Section 3.11: Absolute value in C 133 Section 3.12: Polar coordinates 137 Section 3.13: Topology on the fields of real and complex numbers 142 Section 3.14: Closed and bounded sets, and open balls 148 Chapter 4: Limits of functions 151 Section 4.1: Limit of a function 151 Section 4.2: When something is not a limit 162 Section 4.3: Limit theorems 165 Section 4.4: Infinite limits (for real-valued functions) 173 Section 4.5: Limits at infinity 176 Chapter 5: Continuity 179 Section 5.1: Continuous functions 179 Section 5.2: Topology and the Extreme value theorem 184 Section 5.3: Intermediate Value Theorem 187 Section 5.4: Radical functions 190 Section 5.5: Uniform continuity 195 Chapter 6: Differentiation 198 Section 6.1: Definition of derivatives 198 Section 6.2: Basic properties of derivatives 202 Section 6.3: The Mean Value Theorem 210 Section 6.4: L’Hˆopital’s rule 213 Section 6.5: Higher-order derivatives, Taylor polynomials 217 Chapter 7: Integration 222 Section 7.1: Approximating areas 222 Section 7.2: Computing integrals from upper and lower sums 231 Section 7.3: What functions are integrable? 234 Section 7.4: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 239 Section 7.5: Natural logarithm and the exponential functions 247 Section 7.6: Applications of integration 252 Chapter 8: Sequences 259 Section 8.1: Introduction to sequences 259 Section 8.2: Convergence of infinite sequences 263 Section 8.3: Divergence of infinite sequences and infinite limits 271 5 Section 8.4: Convergence theorems via epsilon-N proofs 275 Section 8.5: Convergence theorems via functions 280 Section 8.6: Bounded sequences, monotone sequences, ratio test 284 Section 8.7: Cauchy sequences, completeness of R, C 287 Section 8.8: Subsequences 290 Section 8.9: Liminf, limsup for real-valued sequences 294 Chapter 9: Infinite series and power series 299 Section 9.1: Infinite series 299 Section 9.2: Convergence and divergence theorems for series 303 Section 9.3: Power series 309 Section 9.4: Differentiation of power series 314 Section 9.5: Numerical evaluations of some series 317 Section 9.6: Specialized uses of power series 318 Section 9.7: Taylor series 322 Section 9.8: A special function 326 Section 9.9: A special function, continued 328 Section 9.10: Trigonometry 333 Section 9.11: Examples of L’Hˆopital’s rule 336 Section 9.12: Further exotic uses of trigonometry 337 Appendix A: Advice on writing mathematics 343 Appendix B: What you should never forget 347 Index 351 Preface These notes were writtenexpressly for Mathematics112 at Reed College, with first us- age in the spring of 2013. The title of the course is “Introduction to Analysis”, prerequisite iscalculus. RecentlyusedtextbookshavebeenRayMayer’sin-housenotes“Introductionto Analysis”(2006,availableathttp://www.reed.edu/~mayer/math112.html/index.html), and Steven R. Lay’s “Analysis, With an Introduction to Proof” (Prentice Hall, Inc., En- glewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986, 4th edition). In Math 112, students learn to write proofs while at the same time learning about bi- nary operations, orders, fields, ordered fields, complete fields, complex numbers, sequences, and series. We also review limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration. My aim for these notes is to constitute a self-contained book that covers the standard topics of a course in introductory analysis, that handles complex-valued functions, sequences, and se- ries, that has enough examples and exercises, that is rigorous, and is accessible to Reed College undergraduates.* Chapter 1 is about how we do mathematics: basic logic, proof methods, and Pascal’s triangle for practicing proofs. Chapter 2 introduces foundational concepts: sets, Carte- sian products, relations, functions, binary operations, fields, ordered fields, Archimedean property for the set of real numbers. In Chapters 1 and 2 we assume knowledge of high school mathematics so that we do not practice abstract concepts and methods in a vac- uum. Chapter 3 throughSection3.8takes a stepback: we“forget”most previously learned mathematics, and we use the newly learned abstract tools to construct natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, with all the arithmetic and order. I do not teach theseconstructionsingreatdetail;myaimistogiveasenseofthemandtopracticeabstract logical thinking. The remaining sections in Chapter 3 are new material for most students: the field of complex numbers, and some topology. I cover the last section of Chapter 3 very lightly. Subsequent chapters cover standard material for introduction to analysis: limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, sequences, series, ending with the development of the power series ∞ xk, the exponential and the trigonometric functions. Since students k=0 k! have seen limits, continuity, differentiation and integration before, I go through chapters 4 P through 7 quickly. I slow down for sequences and series (chapters 8 and 9). An effortismadethroughouttouse onlywhathadbeenproved. Inparticular,trigono- metric functions appear properly only in the last chapter, with occasional appearances in theexercisesearlier(withcareful listingoftheneeded assumptionsfor thesefunctions). For * I currently maintain two versions of these notes, one in which the natural, rational and real numbers are constructed and the Least upper bound theorem is proved for the ordered field of real numbers, and one version in which the Least upper bound property is assumed for the ordered field of real numbers. See my Math 112 webpage for links to the two versions. www.reed.edu/~iswanson/112.html 8 Preface this reason, the chapters on differentiation and integration do not have the usual palette of examples of other books where differentiability and derivatives of trigonometric functions are assumed. I acknowledge and thank the support from the Dean of Faculty of Reed College to fund exercise and proofreading support in the summer of 2012 for Maddie Brandt, Munyo Frey-Edwards, and Kelsey Houston-Edwards. I further thank Mark Angeles, Josie Baker, Anji Bodony, Zachary Campbell, Safia Chettih, Laura Dallago, Andrew Erlanger, Palak Jain, Ya Jiang, Albyn Jones, Mason Kennedy, Christopher Keane, Michael Keppler, Oleks Lushchyk, Molly Maguire, Benjamin Morrison, Samuel Olson, Kyle Ormsby, Ang´elica Osorno, Shannon Pearson, David Perkinson, Jeremy Rachels, Marika Swanberg, Simon Swanson, Matyas Szabo, Emerson Webb, Livia Xu, Qiaoyu Yang, and Dean Young for their feedback. If you have further comments or corrections, please send them to iswan- son@reed.edu. The briefest overview, motivation, notation What are the meanings of the following: 5+6 7 9 · 8 4 − 4/5 √2 4 8 − 1/3 = 0.333... 1 = 3 1/3 = 0.999... · (a b)2 = a2 b2 · · (a+b) (c+d) = ac+ad+bc+bd · (a+b) (a b) = a2 b2 · − − (a+b)2 = a2 +2ab+b2 √a √b = √ab (for which a,b?) · What is going on: √ 4 √ 9 = ( 4)( 9) = √36 = 6, − · − − − √ 4 √ 9 = 2i 3i =p6 − · − · − You know all of the above except possibly the complex numbers in the last two rows, where obviously something went wrong. We will not resolve this last issue until later in the semester, but the point for now is that we do need to reason carefully. The main goal of this class is to learn to reason carefully, rigorously. Since one cannot reason in a vacuum, we will (but of course) be learning a lot of mathematics as well: sets, logic, various number systems, fields, the field of real numbers, the field of complex numbers, sequences, series, some calculus, and that eix = cosx+isinx. We will make it all rigorous, i.e., we will be doing proofs. A proof is a sequence of steps that logically follow from previously accepted knowledge. But no matter what you do, never divide by 0. For further wise advice, turn to Appendix A. [Notational convention: Text between square brackets in this font and in red color should be read as a possible reasoning going on in the background in your head, and not as part of formal writing.] 1 Exercises with a dagger are invoked later in the text. † *2 Exercises with a star are more difficult.

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