Y L F M A E T Team-Fly® Introduction to 3G Mobile Communications Second Edition ForalistingofrecenttitlesintheArtechHouseMobileCommunicationsSeries, pleaseturntothebackofthisbook. Introduction to 3G Mobile Communications Second Edition Juha Korhonen Artech House Boston • London www.artechhouse.com LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Korhonen,Juha. Introductionto3Gmobilecommunications/JuhaKorhonen.—2nded. p.cm.—(ArtechHousemobilecommunicationsseries) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN1-58053-507-0(alk.paper) 1.Wirelesscommunicationsystems. 2.Mobilecommunicationsystems. 3.UniversalMobileTelecommunicationsSystem. I.Title. II.Series. TK5103.2.K67 2003 384.5’3—dc21 2002043665 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Korhonen,Juha Introductionto3Gmobilecommunications.—2nded.—(ArtechHouse mobilecommunicationsseries) 1.Mobilecommunicationsystems I.Title 621.3’8456 ISBN1-58053-507-0 CoverdesignbyYekaterinaRatner.TextdesignbyDarrellJudd. ©2003ARTECHHOUSE,INC. 685CantonStreet Norwood,MA02062 Allrightsreserved.PrintedandboundintheUnitedStatesofAmerica.Nopartofthisbook maybereproducedorutilizedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,in- cludingphotocopying,recording,orbyanyinformationstorageandretrievalsystem,with- outpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. Alltermsmentionedinthisbookthatareknowntobetrademarksorservicemarkshave beenappropriatelycapitalized.ArtechHousecannotattesttotheaccuracyofthisinforma- tion.Useofaterminthisbookshouldnotberegardedasaffectingthevalidityofanytrade- markorservicemark. InternationalStandardBookNumber:1-58053-507-0 LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber:2002043665 10987654321 Chapter 0 Contents Preface xv Acknowledgments xvii 1 Overview 1 1.1 HistoryofMobileCellularSystems 1 1.1.1 FirstGeneration 1 1.1.2 SecondGeneration 2 1.1.3 Generation2.5 5 1.2 Overviewof3G 8 1.3 Proposalsfor3GStandard 10 1.3.1 WCDMA 10 1.3.2 AdvancedTDMA 11 1.3.3 HybridCDMA/TDMA 12 1.3.4 OFDM 12 1.3.5 IMT-2000 13 1.4 3GPP 14 1.4.1 TDD 15 1.4.2 TD-SCDMA 18 1.5 3GPP2 20 1.6 3GEvolutionPaths 23 References 24 2 PrinciplesofCDMA 25 2.1 Radio-ChannelAccessSchemes 25 2.2 SpreadSpectrum 28 2.3 RAKEReceiver 32 2.4 PowerControl 32 2.5 Handovers 37 2.5.1 SoftHandover 38 2.5.2 Relocation 41 2.5.3 HardHandover 44 2.5.4 IntersystemHandovers 45 2.6 MultiuserDetection 47 References 48 v vi CONTENTS 3 WCDMAAirInterface:PhysicalLayer 49 3.1 General 49 3.1.1 ForwardErrorCorrectionEncoding/Decoding 52 3.1.2 RadioMeasurementsandIndicationstoHigherLayers 53 3.1.3 MacrodiversityDistribution/CombiningandSoftHandover Execution 55 3.1.4 ErrorDetectiononTransportChannels 56 3.1.5 MultiplexingofTransportChannelsandDemultiplexingof CCTrCHs 57 3.1.6 RateMatching 57 3.1.7 MappingofCCTrCHsonPhysicalChannels 57 3.1.8 Modulation,Spreading/Demodulation,andDespreading ofPhysicalChannels 58 3.1.9 FrequencyandTimeSynchronization 60 3.1.10 Inner-LoopPowerControl 61 3.1.11 PowerWeightingandCombiningofPhysicalChannels 64 3.1.12 RFProcessing 66 3.1.13 TimingAdvanceonUplinkChannels 69 3.1.14 SupportofUplinkSynchronization 70 3.2 Channels 70 3.2.1 LogicalChannels 71 3.2.2 TransportChannels 72 3.2.3 PhysicalChannels 74 3.2.4 SharedChannels 78 3.2.5 ChannelMapping 80 3.3 SpreadingandScramblingCodes 81 3.4 Diversity 83 3.4.1 TimeDiversity 83 3.4.2 MultipathDiversity 84 3.4.3 Macrodiversity 85 3.4.4 AntennaDiversity 87 3.5 TransportFormats 92 3.6 DataThroughLayer1 97 References 99 4 ModulationTechniquesandSpreadSpectrum 101 4.1 SpreadingTechniques 101 4.1.1 DS-CDMA 101 4.1.2 Frequency-HoppingCDMA 101 4.1.3 Time-HoppingCDMA 102 4.1.4 MulticarrierCDMA 102 4.2 DataModulation 104 References 109 Introduction to 3G Mobile Communications CONTENTS vii 5 SpreadingCodes 111 5.1 OrthogonalCodes 112 5.2 PNCodes 114 5.3 SynchronizationCodes 117 5.4 AutocorrelationandCross-Correlation 118 5.5 IntercellInterference 119 References 119 6 ChannelCoding 121 6.1 CodingProcesses 121 6.2 CodingTheory 122 6.3 BlockCodes 123 6.4 ConvolutionalCodes 125 6.5 TurboCodes 127 6.6 ChannelCodinginUTRAN 129 References 129 7 WidebandCDMAAirInterface:ProtocolStack 131 47.1 GeneralPoints 131 7.2 ControlPlane 133 7.3 MAC 135 7.3.1 MACServices 137 7.3.2 MACFunctions 137 7.3.3 TFCSelection 142 7.4 RLC 143 7.4.1 RLCServices 145 7.4.2 RLCFunctions 147 7.5 RRC 148 7.5.1 RRCServices 148 7.5.2 RRCFunctions 148 7.6 RRCProtocolStates 183 7.7 LocationManagementinUTRAN 187 7.8 CoreNetworkProtocolsintheAirInterface 190 7.8.1 Circuit-SwitchedCoreNetwork 190 7.8.2 Packet-SwitchedCoreNetwork 195 7.9 UserPlane 196 7.10 PacketDataConvergenceProtocol 196 7.11 Broadcast/MulticastControl 198 7.12 DataProtocols 200 7.13 Dual-SystemProtocolStackinUE 201 References 202 Introduction to 3G Mobile Communications 8 Network 203 8.1 GeneralDiscussion 203 8.2 EvolutionfromGSM 204 8.3 UMTSNetworkStructure 206 8.4 CoreNetwork 208 8.4.1 MobileSwitchingCenter 208 8.4.2 VisitorLocationRegister 209 8.4.3 HomeLocationRegister 210 8.4.4 EquipmentIdentityRegister 211 8.4.5 AuthenticationCenter 212 8.4.6 GatewayMSC 212 8.4.7 ServingGPRSSupportNode 212 8.4.8 GatewayGPRSSupportNode 213 8.5 UMTSTerrestrialRadioAccessNetwork 213 8.5.1 RadioNetworkController 214 8.5.2 NodeB 215 8.6 GSMRadioAccessNetwork 216 8.6.1 BaseStationController 216 8.6.2 BaseTransceiverStation 217 8.6.3 SmallBaseTransceiverStations 218 8.7 Interfaces 221 8.7.1 AInterface 221 8.7.2 GbInterface 222 8.7.3 IuInterface 222 8.7.4 IubInterface 226 8.7.5 IurInterface 228 8.7.6 MAPInterfaces 230 8.8 NetworkProtocols 233 8.8.1 AsynchronousTransferMode 235 8.8.2 AAL2andAAL5 235 8.8.3 IuUserPlaneProtocolLayer 235 8.8.4 GPRSTunnellingProtocol-User 236 8.8.5 SS7MTP3-UserAdaptationLayer 237 8.8.6 MAP(MAP-AThroughMAP-M) 237 8.8.7 MessageTransferPart 237 8.8.8 NodeBApplicationPart 237 8.8.9 PhysicalLayer(BelowATM) 238 8.8.10 Q.2150.1 239 8.8.11 Q.2630.1 239 8.8.12 RadioAccessNetworkApplicationPart 239 8.8.13 RadioNetworkSubsystemApplicationPart 241 8.8.14 SignalingATMAdaptationLayer 242 8.8.15 Service-SpecificCoordinationFunction 242 Introduction to 3G Mobile Communications CONTENTS ix 8.8.16 Service-SpecificConnection-OrientedProtocol 242 8.8.17 SignalingConnectionControlPart 243 8.8.18 StreamControlTransmissionProtocol 243 8.8.19 UDP/IP 243 8.9 UMTSNetworkEvolution—Release5 243 References 247 9 NetworkPlanning 251 9.1 ImportanceofNetworkPlanning 251 9.2 DifferencesBetweenTDMAandCDMA 251 9.3 NetworkPlanningTerminology 255 9.4 NetworkPlanningProcess 256 9.4.1 PreparationPhase 256 9.4.2 NetworkDimensioning 258 9.4.3 DetailedRadio-NetworkPlanning 262 9.5 NetworkPlanninginWCDMA 262 9.5.1 PilotPollution 263 9.5.2 SHOParameters 263 9.5.3 HOProblems 263 9.5.4 HierarchicalCells 264 9.5.5 MicrocellDeployment 266 9.5.6 PicocellDeploymentandIndoorPlanning 267 9.5.7 SectorizationandAdaptiveAntennas 269 9.5.8 OtherNetworkElements 271 9.6 AdmissionControl 272 9.7 CongestionControl 276 References 277 10 NetworkManagement 279 10.1 Telecommunication-ManagementArchitecture 279 10.1.1 FaultManagement 280 10.1.2 ConfigurationManagement 281 10.1.3 PerformanceManagement 283 10.1.4 RoamingManagement 284 10.1.5 AccountingManagement 285 10.1.6 SubscriptionManagement 285 10.1.7 QoSManagement 286 10.1.8 UserEquipmentManagement 286 10.1.9 FraudManagement 286 10.1.10 SecurityManagement 287 10.1.11 SoftwareManagement 288 10.2 Charging 289 10.2.1 ChargingofCircuit-SwitchedServices 291 Introduction to 3G Mobile Communications