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Introduction. Dr. Georg Curtius, When Discussing the Sanskrit Roots Taksh and Tékas With Their PDF

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Preview Introduction. Dr. Georg Curtius, When Discussing the Sanskrit Roots Taksh and Tékas With Their

Introduction. Dr . Geor g Curtius, when discussing the Sanskrit roots taksh and tékas with their kindred in other lan guages, observes that we have to deal with a group of ancient forms tak, taksh, tik, mk, tukh with kindred but varyin meanin s. These meanin s are not attached to g g g the individual forms , but play from one to another in the different speeches . The same phenomenon is observable in man y cases, and I have attempted to group Sanskrit roots, extract the primi tive idea of each group , with its developments , and study the laws by which sound and thou ht have cr stallized . The same se uences of thou ht g y q g recur in repeated cases . For instance the many roots expressin , g speech usuall y signify to burst out , dash out , flash out , shine . The word was a win ged arrow of ejaculation , effort , triumph, passion . - The ori inal Indo European vowel sound was an indefinite short g a , such as is found in the Sanskrit letter ri , which becomes either ’ ” r , ri , ra or or , but the prevailing resultant was 61 or d , and this was liable to great modification . Thus the Sanskrit pd (to drink) has “ ' the forms pivcimi , pibdmi , pin/a, piye, pi tas ; and that these forms were primitive is shown b y the Latin bibo and the Irish [p]i thim. Md (to [grasp , encircle] , measure) has the forms mami , mimé, mitas , " and develops mav , ma, mayy (to encircle , bind) ; miv, me, mfitas (to move round ) miv (to be round , fat) ; mf2 to [whirl], shoot , destroy. The roots pri , para, [paw], pm (to fill) develop in mi l (to round out , heap u p) ; plat), plu , [paw], parb to float, roam, move around ; pd! to en compass , guard ; paldy (to [eddy] , turn, flee); palyti l (to [turn, twist , wrench ], rub, wash off, lop ofi). Mri (to [grind , destroy] , perish) develops mara ydmi (to kill), mrin (to slay), mldi (to pine away) ; smri (to revolve in mind, remember) ; marv (to go round , fill); maryd boundar y ; miras [circling] sea ; marus [circling] desert ; murv to bind ; mm to robe ; mi dto swell . These changes were efiected in many cases ' b y the influence of liquids (rt, r , m , ar), but chiefly by the influence - of the early and wide spread root ué (to breathe, blow, [efiect , which could be added to an y other root . Thus, in the group taksh, l l l — iv tdkas which formed the text of Curtius, we find the forms tak sh. tvaksh , tvalé, tvish, tush (pp 302 , Another case is tri , tar , tvar , tur , ’ [tarv] , tarb, p . 3 3 4 . The roots bhang, bhag, bhug bhzksh (pp . 46 , 47 > fin are intertwined in the same wa y, and we cannot be surprised to Lat . nabes as the representative of Sanskri t nabhas , or Greek WEby ' the side of maktum. The 11 is especially liable to metathesis and spri ngs u in some lan ua es where not found in others (157190, R li ven P p g g 1 1 8 ; dfldog p . 2 84 ; R. davat p . 2 85 . Another most influential root was yd (to becoming i , if, and constantly chan ging a roots to ay and i . It i s the source of the causa t ive forms in the Sanskrit and the cognate languages. An instance of its effect is found in the group vddh, vyadh, vidh, védh (p Sad (to go, rush, attack, find) becomes syand (to run , flow), S indhus the ’ I ndus ; and its co gnate form sad (to [plunge into lair , throw one s self ’ d own ] , sit ; cf. jaczo, jaceo) has the present form siddmi , while the Greek retains Y Couazby the side Of gramm Rt (to spring up , stir , rise , act , shoot , attack , meet , adapt , fast en) ‘ p roduces the terminations of active agency (mdtfi , pfif fl p, mdter ; Greek terminations —r ap, 4 119; Latin —dr , —tdr) ; it develops its parts f indmi , ’ ' ardmi , dram and the forms aras, aram, 07 0, mu, ardti s , drtauas , arthas , al , alam by the side of ritas , rims (pp . 1 1 3 Prefixing yd it becomes its intensive i yarmi contracting to tr (to hurl , whirl , speed , utter ) ; £1 to go, hurl , lie down (cf. and of terminations in r and l the li uids r and l interchan e in Sanskrit with perfect free ; ( q g ’ dom ). Prefixing vd , 11 becomes the branching root vri ( 1 89 and ' develops $717 5 to hurl , szm to utter , b y the side of sru (to advance , — speed , flow ; pp . 1 53 1 54, A list of roots with the initial r and their development b a prefixed v is iven on p . 1 2 2 . P d to y g ( [grasp , hold safe] , protect) and its correlative dp, with desiderative form i ps (to grasp , touch), furnish the Sanskrit causal forms, and pass into the other lan guages . Thus dd (to divi de) through it s causal dd paydmi produces 802mm (to rend , tear , devour) ; daps (a. sacrificial feast of flesh ) ; while ddpaydmi the causative of dd (to give) appears in ’ Bam vazw (to lavish, expend). The termination p, thus formed , is most variable , bein g probably influenced by terminations produced by hardened Thus in the development of fl (to start , rise , move) we have the causative ar paydmi (to send , deliver , attack, hurl), resultin g in arpanas (offering, delivery) arb, mph, ramph (to go, shoot , slay ) ; romb (to go) ; ram (to [roam, hunt] , attain , enjoy) ; rambh (to [flash out , utter] , sound) ; rap, lap (to utter , praise) ; ribhus (whirlin g spirit , nature force) ; rabh, labh (to [pounce] , grasp , begin , efiect , con ceive . ) _ _ v The primitive roots ans , arip, aksh to roll, heap , whirl, scatter. - glance , twist ofi, divide prey (wrenching preceded flint knife in many roots ) ; arih, anlé, ang, ang, angh, ag, to speed , go ; [aah to coil , press] ; - ah to speak ea gerly (pp . 1 9) produce the guttural terminations . The termination arih turns into airs , an; and may become an, as , a; — ak , ang, aksh, ash ; here the Zend preserves arik when Sanskrit has - — — urih , an, as (pp . 2 6 5, The roots given by Sanskrit grammarians, even when not found in literature , deserve the same attention which is given to the Greek forms preserved b Hes chius. The rammarians were familiar y y g with writin s and dialects which have been lost . In some cases the g y ma y have invented a link in the development of a chain of roots , as I have employed hypothetical roots in brackets. S was a favorite prefix not onl of the li uid but of the mute con y q sonants, bindin g them in groups which may be dissolved by the loss of the prefix. The y are best studied by the root sthd (to stand , be — firm , exist), which is developed on pp . 2 78 2 83 ; (observe the Greek derivatives pp . 3 1 1 , Losing the sibilant, sthd becomes [thd] , which the Sanskrit replaces , according to its regular rule, by dbd (to set. place , put , make firm, do). t hardens into dd (to bestow, give), the roots dhd and dd melting into each other in a remarkable wa y in the Teutonic languages (p . Again, sthd drops its aspira tion , giving stand s ([firm, tense] breast) ; stan (to [heave breast , burst forth ] , groan , thunder) ; tan (to make tense , stretch) tanus (tense , thin) b y the side of sthdnus firm, immovable . S thd nd (stump, trunk, pillar) ' produces tri p (to curve, round , fill) ; tanas (quiver). Sthamras firm, - stron g, sthdras (strong, large , firm, bull) develop craupdg [firm set] stake , cross and rafipoq bull ; Goth. stiuryan (to establish firmly) ; stiur bull, steer ; O ld Norse tha n (ox) ; see also stabh, p . 3 1 1 ; strih, p . 2 tri ium p . 1 3 9; t , 3 3 ‘ In the same wa y we see on pp . 3 5, 48, 44, 45 how pd , pdye (to [grasp] , guard , [compress]) develops through pydi , pyay and sphdy (to round out, [swell against pressure, burst with fatness, flash s phitas (swollen), sphug (to burst out , crack, open), into [phi], bhi , bhd yay (to quiver [wi th bhd, bhas (to [quiver, burst forth], flash , shine). This connection of p and ph through sph explains the Zend fri corresponding to the Sanskrit pri (p . 6 6 ) fra corresponding to — Sanskrit pra (p . Pp . 46 53 develop these roots with guttural and dental terminations. Those with dental endi n gs are given on pp . 48 53 , showing howan original form [sphand] develops in spaad , sphund, s phumsphug, [pinata bhunt] , past, bust, bud, bhang, bhand, bhadras . Sanskrit uses bh for ph as it does dh for ih, though not so universally. — vi The termination nth ver y frequently becomes st. Studying the root 111 ' Greek we find ocevaév' b the side of cit e-68m, anaauw and , p q y cinder while the last loses its sibilant in r ar dccm. In Latin we have ], s unda fundo -fendo b the side of spendo, pendo. pandeo. [ lf , , y Gothic s edists carries the initial p over with its sibilant . O n the other p hand , sphund, budhnas (pp . 49, 50) become wufipniv, r uvfldvoaaz, Bdfiuvog, irévflog , iro' Oog, fundus, fans , while O ld Saxon has bodom correspondi ng - to fun dus ; but the initial p is regularly developed in Anglo Saxon fynde, gefonda’an ; O ld Norse fadha . The Anglo-Saxon initial p has alwa s been carried over by a sp form whose sibilant has been lost, y as there was no b in the original Indo-European . See Anglo-Saxon pyndan, pand , p , 5 1 ; English put, pat, pet, p . 54. The process is developed on p , 4 1 , by O ld Norse spengya, spenya, peningr, Anglo ’ Saxon pemg, German packen ; and by the formsfunk, spunk, punk, p . 42 . In the same wa an initial k may be carried over by a lost 5 , as in y O . N. kortr , A. S . scort short , corresponding to Latin curtus , scortum, Sanskrit krit, pp . 1 6 1 , 1 6 2 . Sanskrit b is either a hardened bh or a hardened v. The latter case is very frequent , and the hardened v as b is carried over without change to the Teutonic forms ; see Gothic baaths , Anglo-Saxon baedan, beadu , beatan, p . 2 7 3 ; O ld Norse bédha, beidha, bidh ya, p . 2 7 5 . The Sanskrit g was equivalent to the soft German ch, the Greek and the Russian kh. The ripple of breath over the roof of the mouth x, produces in succession h , g, sh, s . C interchanges freely with the other three sibilants ; cf. the words mupalas , mushalas , masalas (pestle); pdlas, ' gdla, sd las , p . 1 59, which become in Teutonic skdli , holl, 5 02. At ’ ’ the same time p readi ly hardens into k, as in guk, kuk ; ping, kin/aim; " pat, katth ; math, knath ; 51 12, km; grath, krath. In Zend it may take the place of s ; Zd . ptavra , grand , glare representing Sanskrit sthaviras , sthd na stri ; and this sequence explains the use of h for s in Zend , Greek , and Welsh. Zend also replaces p by q (Sk . svar heaven , Zd . hvare sun , [caretha] , qaretha glory), and by kh (prwuas , krd ras , Zd . khrdra , p . Russian represents g: and its deri vative k by s, while ‘ Russian kh stands for either 9or s . In some cases an initial 5 becomes either k or s in other lan guages ; thus the root subh, sumbh, pubh, gumbh (fair , bright, beautiful ; p . 2 2 8) becomes in Greek oeuvég and xoaéw; in Latin semones and comis ; in Irish saim and edem. The same develop ment is found on pp. 1 53 , 1 5 7 in the sequence 5 12 7 , ai r , Greek Zeiptog — ' xé pzocg; on pp . 1 7 4 1 7 5 in the sequence sri , pri , kri , Q idh, hrid , km ’ dzni . hradas , hldd , prath, pranth, grath, granth. Hrid (heart ; p . 1 7 5) exhibits the possibilities of the sounds . Sanskrit hrid ; prad -dhd (settin g heart , believing) Zd . [haredh, gharedh] , zaredhaya ; Armenian [gi f t] , sif t ; Greek m pbfa ; Latin cord[is] , credo ; Gothic hairto ; Lith. shirdis ; Lettish sirds ; O ld Russian sruditze ; Irish cride. Sanskrit go passes through [9b] to Iranian sp ; thus wan dog becomes Median spaka, Russian — sobaka ka diminutive) ; Sanskrit awas horse is Zd . appa, Persian as p. Sanskrit h passes into gh, g and g, as in han (desiderative form ’ gighdns) and its kindred verb gag, gang ; see p . 2 4 1 , with sequence hu , ' ' hvé, hduas, kham, ghn, ghash, khu, kshn, kn , hung, gn, gang. Akin is p . 2 3 7 with hnn, kshnn, ghin , ghun, pnath, knoth. The Greek ma y add or prefix c to x. and ir, and prefixes it to r , producin g the initial forms ox, 5, air, q», or . Initial up is almost invariabl y developed from 112 ; see pp . 1 7 , 3 7 , 4 1 , 56 , 6 1 . Ini tial 7: adds 17 , producing m aipm, mépva corresponding to spiro, sperno ; ' mal e aog corresponding to mm, icozkl w, pello. Initial x. also adds r ; — see pp . 2 3 5 2 3 7 , where pi (to lie down), kdyas (house), kshi (to dwell, possess ) become xefaau, write), xr iczg, xrdzéuaz, urnae ; and Iéi (to collect stones, heap , count) becomes ximv, m ile) . Kr ffiw loses its it ; — becomin g r im, r ive), r iots; in the same way [has], kim, kis , Latin quis become the Greek [mtg] , r ig. The 7) or di amma of earl Greek was lost except in dialectical use g y ; in the hiatus of Homeric words (éél awp, él eéw); in a rough breathing ; and in the Laconian and E olic initial 3 and . The combination so is [ y represented b y so in oesig, calyyw, écpcbg and other words. Sanskrit i 31 becomes i or C. Latin loses initial 1) in idus , inanis, idonens . lraiia, B oth Greek and Latin form b from hardened v and so do the Celtic lan ua es . In Slavoni c thi s occurs less fre uently. The Teutonic has g g q — many such forms inherited from a former period pp . 2 1 2 ( 7 7 The rou h breathin in Greek usually represented a lost a or g g di gamma, but its usage became confused ; it is lost in many cases, while in others it has been erroneousl y inserted , as in duaprd , p . 95. ’ Sanskrit employs l for d in certain cases (vadabhis, valabhzs, p . and this peculiarit y reappears in Greek and Latin , where we have ’ ' Mzazog , l trvug, lacrnrna, levir representing an initial d . Both Greek and Latin occasionall y lose initial p before I, after the Celtic fashion . Instances are Marv, Mvdg, l fipog, l abga, l ifiog, ’ ’ — l exow n, ME, l aEetm, lautus , larix, later, lnturn, lanx, lien, renes , r e. Greek euphon prefixed a vowel before sibilant combinations y ' (dct fip, dacpozpayog, écopahaoaaz) and before the strongly rolled initial 5 (épéqxo, dpocpfi); initial 5, on this account, bears a rough breathing. ’ Initial 1 also prefixes vowel dl arcozfim, él a xbg). H fre quently becomes f and g in Latin , and as initial it is used ' with the same irre gularityas in Greek ; thus it is lost in arundo,ar2 sta, er , area , arena ; wrongly added in honor . Primitive or becomes 5 in astutas — viii and asper . Latin shortens a lon vowel to differentiate meaning5 , g - as in dcer , acer . This habit of differentiation in similar words I S found in all lan ua es. Latin and Celtic develop u from a before g g li quids ; almus, ulrnus (p . [anya-quam], ungnaw; [alna], ulna ; ’ Ir . a le uhnd p . Russian avoids initial a. ; ( Latin and Celtic confuse the sounds k and g ; the same letter C represented both in the primitive Roman alphabet, the d iacriti cal dash of G bein a later addition . In W elsh cenethl corresponds to g evéflk p . y q ( - The O ld Norse omits v in man y instances . With Anglo Saxon and German it sometimes develops g from v and y (pigge, p 3 5 ; Anglo Saxon gist, p . 1 07 , gehan p . and often prefixes [y] , i to vowels . Wit h An lo-Saxon and Latin it constantly changes 5 to r . In San g skrit we observe dus =dur ; in Greek mish becomes uuoég, aucapég, [uncapég] , urapég ; Lat . miser , moereo, moestus . O ld Norse and Gothic have been affected in some cases by their contact with Slavoni c lan ua es. g g Russian often prefixes y to an ini tial vowel . The same phenomenon appears in Scandinavian and is perhaps due to the Finnish influence which makes Scandinavian smoother in pronunciation than German . The Gothic alphabet was deri ved from the Greek ; therefore Gothi c a gga=anga ; Goth . siggqan or sigqan ==sinkan . Irish almost invariabl y loses the letter p, both as ini tial and medial . The same phenomenon appears less fre quently in the Welsh , Cornish, and B reton , which are widely differentiated from the Gaelic by the use of p for k and h for s as the Latin is from Greek and the Sanskrit , from Zend , forming three couples with the same peculiar variations . The development of h from s was commencin in Gallic at the time g of the Roman con uest . At that time 1) was a re ular Celtic letter q g , thou gh it appeared as f in certain cases (pp 2 6 1 , In Iri sh 2) re gularly becomes f; in Welsh, Corni sh , and B reton it becomes gu and g, but the B reton retains f in some instances . 5 1) becomes Welsh chw. Irish often hardens mr to br see pp . 1 0 1 Celtic was ( differentiated at an early time , not only through the division of its two chief branches , which must have made Irish un intelli ible to a g Gaul in the Roman period , but by the diverging dial ects of the Gallic tongue, which spread from Hun gary and Dalmatia to Gibraltar , and b y the influence of Iberi an and Thracian lan ua es . It was earl in g g y Italy, closely akin to the Italian speeches , and is the best ke to their y geographical and personal names. The in terlacing of the ori gi nal root-groups often brings a definite r oot in a single lan guage under more than one head . In some cases doubtful root s are su ggested under different headings ; they can be compared b means of the index. Occasionally two roots melt in a y particular word , especially in words having a distant relationship. In other cases two derivations seem plausible . A few omitted words are referred b the index to their evident roots. y The eneral s stem of transliteration has been transferred to g y = Slavonic words for the sake of c onvenience . Kh ch of Curtius ; 12 ’ ’ his 0 ; k=E; the last letter was originally m, and passed into a and . It is represented b in terminations . In y y y Lithuanian sh=sz. Zend is transliterated like Sanskrit . Y is used for in the Teutonic lan ua es. j g g — _ x REGULAR CO RRESPONDENCE O F SOUNDS Greek Italic a e o d e o ( ) d a) a é 6 n ao eu initial h medial g O sc . Umbr . f , initial f medi al d b 050 Umbr. f initial f medial b s sh h g - IN THE INDO EURO PEAN LANGUAGES O ld Hi h g Gothic German Russian a 0 ei u an u 0 au iu on 6 in io h hv (g) th d ( ) S Z r ( ) ( )

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