(cid:1) 1 Introduction: Climate, people, fisheries and aquatic ecosystems robert engelman, daniel pauly, dirk zeller, ronald g. prinn, john k. pinnegar and nicholas v.c. polunin INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK conservation. The extent to which wilderness areas Evidence of human damage to natural resources and the everywherewerecontaminatedorotherwiseinfluencedby environmentislong-standingeveninthesea,butsome50 human agency was beginning to be generally recognized, years ago awareness of human degradation of natural andsomepeoplepredictedtheseimpactswouldonlygrow environments around the globe grew substantially. This in future. But few predicted the extent and number of concern was expressed above all in the creation of pro- globalenvironmentalchangesthatarenowoccurring.The tectedareas,organizationsandagenciesfocusedonnature limitstogrowthoftheworld’seconomies, individuallyor AquaticEcosystems,ed.N.V.C.Polunin.PublishedbyCambridgeUniversityPress.ªFoundationforEnvironmentalConservation2008. 1 2 R. ENGELMAN ET AL. collectively, were little questioned in ecological contexts. horizonsufficientlyfarinthefuturetoprovokethoughtful Uncertainties surrounding how economics and ecology and imaginative projections across all the ecosystems, but might relate to each other were little explored, and ques- within a time-frame for which some detailed scenarios tions such as ‘At what points will economies become such as of human population growth and global ambient constrained by the decline and loss of natural ecological temperatures existed. The year 2025 was chosen as an goods andservices?’ persisttothisday. appropriate compromise between those two constraints. Waterisincreasinglyseenasaconstraintonsustainable Thisbookaimstoassembletheviewsofexpertecologistson humandevelopmentandfocusofpotentialhumanconflict. thestatusofallecosystemsacrosstheaquaticrealm,review Nevertheless,ithasbeenrarefortheprovisionofthisgood, contemporarychangesandtheirdrivers,andconsiderlikely andrelatedecologicalservicessuchasfishproductionand outcomes at the 2025 time horizon. Major drivers con- wastedisposal,tobeviewedholisticallyinthecontextofthe sideredareclimatechangeandthedirectimpactsofhuman natural environment. Also, there have been no compre- populationgrowthandeconomicdevelopment. hensive reviews of status and trends encompassing all Climateisusefullydefinedastheaverageoftheweather aquaticenvironments(Clarketal.2006),fromthefreshand experienced over a 10–20-year period. Temperature and terrestrialsalinetothoseofthedeepestseas.Certainfresh rainfallchangesaretypicalmeasuresofchangethatcanbe waters and saline lakes have been radically altered by expressedatlocal,regional,nationalorglobalscales.Global humans, but the extent and nature of these impacts vary warmingorcoolingcanbedrivenbyanyimbalancebetween amongecosystemtypesandgeographicallocations.Theseas the solar energy the Earth receives from the Sun and the andoceansretainagreatercomplementofresource-devel- energy itradiates back tospace as invisibleinfrared light. opmentfrontiersthandoestheland,forexampleinmining Thegreenhouseeffectisawarminginfluencecausedbythe andfisheries(e.g.Berkesetal.2006);theirwildernessvalue presenceofgasesandcloudsintheatmosphere,whichare remainssubstantial.Clearly,theextentofhumandisturb- veryefficientabsorbersandradiatorsofthisinfraredlight. anceisincreasingacrossenvironmenttypesandlocations, The greenhouse effect is opposed by substances at the yet there is little comprehensive scientific appraisal of the Earth’ssurface(suchassnow anddesertsand)andinthe magnitudeandnatureofthispermeation. atmosphere (such as clouds and white aerosols) that effi- It is important at this time to consider what is hap- cientlyreflectsunlightbackintospace(albedo)andarethusa pening ecologically to the world’s aquatic environments, coolinginfluence.Globalclimatechangesandtheirpossible and where possible project these forward to an appro- consequences are and will remain a major area of debate priatetimehorizonatanappropriateecologicalscale.The withinandamongmostnations.Internationalnegotiations terminology surrounding ecological units is large and intheFrameworkConventiononClimateChangeandits application can be problematic especially where, as here, Kyoto Protocol are contentious in particular because the freshwater and marine environments are to be bridged. componentsoftheproblemaremany,thescienceisuncer- Thus the term ‘biome’ is discerning of terrestrial envir- tainandthewholeissuehasamajorbearingonotherglobal onments but not with respect to those of the sea, while problemssuchaspoverty,inequalityandeconomicdevel- ‘ecoregions’(e.g.Bailey1998)omitthecontinentalshelves. opment. Another aim of this introductory chapter is to It was important in the design of this book to focus on consider uncertainties in climate predictions and review a number of natural environments that would be com- warming, sea-level rise and related trends as they might prehensive yet feasible in terms of relevant data and affecttheworld’saquaticenvironments. expertise.Oneaimofthischapteristoconsideralternative The human population is approaching the 7 billion comprehensive categorizations of aquatic environments as mark, increasing by c.1.2% per year. Mapping and pho- abasisfor thisbook. tography of the Earth’s night lights (Weier 2000) show Naturalprocessesandecologicalservicesrelyonnotions howunevenlyhumanbeingsaresettled(Deichmannetal. of system functioning that have long been integral to the 2001). Especially dense populations characterize northern concept of the ‘ecosystem’. Otherrecognizedtypes ofeco- SouthAsia,EastAsia,Europe,easternNorthAmericaand logical unit such as the biotope exist, but the term ‘eco- south-western Africa. More than half of the world’s system’ is the most relevant, and most widely used and populationliveswithin60kmofthecoast,andthisfigure recognized, and is thus the unit of choice for this book. could reach 75% by the year 2020 (Roberts & Hawkins Whatwasalsoneededinthedesignofthisbookwasatime 1999).Inaddition,humaneconomicwealthandoutputare Introduction 3 often concentrated close to major rivers or estuaries, 100%andnitrousoxide(N O)byabout15%.Thesegases 2 especially in the temperate regions of the northern hemi- are now at higher concentrations than at any time in the sphere (Cohen 1997; Nicholls & Small 2002). Various past160000years(IPCC1996).Thecombustionoffossil humaninteractionswithcritical natural resources andthe fuelsand,toalesserextent,changesinlanduseaccountfor environmentillustratethatthehumanpopulationoverthe anthropogenic CO emissions. Agriculture is responsible 2 past several decades has reached levels that significantly for nearly 50% of human-generated CH emissions and 4 modify aquatic ecosystems. While some of this change is about70%ofanthropogenic N Oemissions. 2 economically and socially beneficial, some is ecologically Whentheconcentrationofaparticulargreenhousegas detrimental(e.g.biodiversityloss;seebelow).Athirdaim increases, it tends to lower the flow of infrared energy to of this chapter is to introduce a human backdrop for spaceandincreasestheflowofinfraredenergydowntoward assessingglobalchangesinaquaticecosystems;thiswillbe thesurface.TheEarthisthenreceivingmoreenergythanit doneinparticularbyreviewingsomeoftheconsequences radiatestospace.This‘radiativeforcing’warmsthesurface of human population growth for water, water supply and and the lower atmosphere; however, the rate of surface itsnatural sources. warmingisslowedbyuptakeofheatbytheworld’soceans. Fisheries have been recognized as a major driver of Thegreenhouseeffectasquantifiedbythisradiativeforcing change in the aquatic realm. They constitute a major isrealandthephysicsrelativelywellunderstood.Whatis impactattheinterfacesamonghumanpopulationgrowth, more uncertain, and the cause of much of the scientific economic development and environmental changes, both debate,istheresponseoftheglobalsystemthatdetermines anthropogenic and natural. Modern industrial fisheries climatetothisradiativeforcing.Feedbacksinthesystemcan resultedfromtheeconomicandtechnologicaldevelopment eitheramplifyordampentheresponseinwaysthatarestill of Europe, North America and Japan over a century ago. onlypartiallyunderstood. Frontiers in the development of global fishery resources The IPCC was jointly established by the World persistintheuseofSouthernOceananddeep-seaorreef Meteorological Organization and the United Nations resources. What are the current trends in global fisheries, Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1988, in order to andhowdotheserelatetowhatishappeningintheaquatic (1)assessavailablescientificinformationonclimatechange, ecosystems involved?Theintention inthischapterisalso (2)assessthe environmentaland socioeconomic impacts of to introduce marine fisheries as an important example of climate change, and (3) formulate response strategies. The humanintrusionintotheoceansandseas;thisisfollowed IntegratedGlobalSystemModel(IGSM)isonemeansthat byanoverviewofglobaltrendsinaquaticbiodiversityand theIPCChasatitsdisposaltoanalysecarefullythescientific specificextinctions. and economic implications of proposed mitigation policies (Fig. 1.1). The IGSM consists of a set of coupled sub- modelsofeconomicdevelopmentandassociatedemissions, COMPLEXITIES OF CLIMATE CHANGE natural biogeochemical cycles, climate and natural ecosys- AND ITS CONSEQUENCES tems (Prinn et al. 1999; MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Globalclimatehasremainedrelativelystable(temperature Technology]2003).Itattemptstoincludeeachofthemajor changes of <1(cid:2)C over a century) during the last 10000 areasinthenaturalandsocialsciencesthatareamenableto years.However,societynowfacespotentiallyrapidchanges quantitativeanalysisandarerelevanttotheissueofclimate because human activities have altered the atmosphere’s change(Schneider1992;Prinn&Hartley1992;IPCC2001a, composition and changed the Earth’s radiation balance b, c). Amajorchallengeinherentinglobalclimatemodel- (IPCC[IntergovernmentalPanelonClimateChange]1996). lingistodecidewhatisimportantandwhatisunimportant. The most important greenhouse gas is water vapour, In the IGSM, the coupled atmospheric chemistry and whichtypicallyremainsforaweekorsointheatmosphere. climate model (Fig. 1.1) is driven by a combination of Concerns about global warming, however, revolve around anthropogenic and natural emissions. The essential com- much longer-lived greenhouse gases, especially carbon ponentsofthismodelarechemistry,atmosphericcirculation dioxide but also other long-lived gases (methane, nitrous andoceancirculation,eachofwhich,byitself,canrequire oxide, chlorofluorocarbons), concentrations of which have enormouscomputerresources.Theatmosphericchemistry increasedsubstantiallysincec.1750.Carbondioxide(CO ) is modelled in sufficient detail to capture its sensitivity to 2 has risen by about 30%, methane (CH ) by more than climateanddifferentmixesofemissions,andtoaddressthe 4 4 R. ENGELMAN ET AL. HUMAN ACTIVITY land use agricultural change national and/or regional production economic development, emissions, and land use CO , CH , N O, NO , SO , 2 4 2 X X CO, CFCs, HFCs, PFCs, SF , 6 NH , VOCs, BC, etc. 3 CH 4 NATURAL N O 2 EMISSIONS 2D COUPLED sea ATMOSPHERIC level CHEMISTRY ocean AND CO 2 uptake CLIMATE land PROCESSES CO soil C 2 uptake soil N coupled ocean, temperature, atmosphere, rainfall and land land nutrients, temperature, vegetation pollutants rainfall, clouds, CO2 change DYNAMIC TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS PROCESSES NPP, vegetative C, soil C, soil N Fig.1.1. SchematicillustrationoftheframeworkandprocessesoftheMITIntegratedGlobalSystemModel(IGSM).Feedbacks betweenthecomponentmodelsthatarecurrentlyincludedorproposedforinclusioninthenextgenerationareshownassolid anddashedlinesrespectively(Prinnetal.1999;MIT2003). relationship among policies proposed for control of emis- driveaterrestrialecosystemsmodelthatpredictsvegetation sionsrelatedtoairpollution,aerosolsandgreenhousegases changes,landCO fluxesandsoilcomposition(Xiaoetal. 2 (Wang et al. 1998). But linking complex models together 1998),andthesefeedbacktotheclimatemodel,chemistry leadstomanychallenges,illustratedbythefailureofcoupled modelandnaturalemissionsmodel.Theeffectsofchanges ocean–atmospheremodels(includingIGSM)toaccurately inlandcoverandsurfacealbedoonclimate,andtheeffects simulate current climate without arbitrary adjustments. of changes in climate and ecosystems on agriculture and The IGSM coupled chemistry–climate model outputs anthropogenicemissionsarealsoincluded. Introduction 5 Hundreds of runs of the IGSM have been used to 1.6 quantitatively assess uncertainty in climate projections 1.4 2050 Policy (a) (Webster et al. 2002, 2003). One study shows a global y 1.2 median surface temperature rise from 1990 to 2100 of sit 2050 No Policy 2.4(cid:2)C, with a 95% confidence interval of 1.0–4.9(cid:2)C Den 1.0 y 0.8 (Webster et al. 2003). For comparison, IPCC (2001a) bilit 2100 Policy reported a range for the global mean surface temperature a 0.6 b rise by2100 of 1.4–5.8(cid:2)C, but did not provide likelihood Pro 0.4 2100 No Policy estimates for this key finding although it did do so for 0.2 others. The implications of the projected level of climate 0.0 warming for the aquatic realm are unclear, but will vary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 with type of ecosystem. For example, small surface Global Mean Temperature Change from 1990 (°C) freshwater bodies will typically vary readily with climate, 12 whileintheopenocean,ambienttemperaturewilllagthat (b) oftheatmospherebydecades ormore. 10 2050 Policy globWalhseunrtfhaceeptreombapbeirlaittyurdeisatrnidbusteiao-nlefvuenlcitniocnresafsoerstbheetmweeeann ensity 8 D 1990and2100arecomparedbetweenno-policyandapplied- y 6 2050 No Policy policy scenarios (designed to simulate strict regulations abilit 2100 Policy leadingtostabilizationofatmosphericCO concentrationsat b 4 2 o abouttwicepre-industriallevels),amedianofonly1.6(cid:2)C Pr 2100 No Policy and 95% range of only 0.8–3.2(cid:2)C is forecast (Fig. 1.2). 2 Thereisa50%chanceofwarmingexceeding2.4(cid:2)Cinthe 0 no-policy case and a 1-in-7 chance in the policy case. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Implementingthepolicythereforelowerstheprobabilityof Sea Level Rise due to Thermal Expansion (m) largeamountsofwarmingtoasubstantialdegree. Fig.1.2. Probabilitydensityfunction(PDF)forthechange Tobetterappreciatetherisksoftheno-policyscenario, inglobalmean:(a)surfacetemperatureand(b)sea-level itisimportanttoexaminethelatitudinaldistributionofthe risefrom1990to2100estimatedasabestfitto250 projectedwarming.Incommonwithotherclimatemodels, simulationsusinglatinhypercubesamplingfrominputPDFs the computed temperature increases in polar regions are foruncertainvariables.ThesolidlineshowsthePDF resultingfromnoexplicitemissionsrestrictionsandthe much greater than those in equatorial regions (no-policy dashedlineisthePDFunderhypotheticalemissionspolicy case:Fig.1.3).Polarregionscontainvulnerableecosystems leadingtosteadylevelsofatmosphericCO ofabouttwice with large carbon storage (e.g. Chapter 8), and the 2 pre-industrialvalues(Websteretal.2003).TheIPCC Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets with large water stor- (2001a,b,c)upperestimateisbeyondthe95%confidence age(e.g.Chapter21).Releaseofsomeofthisstoredcarbon limit.Basedonthisdistributionthereisa12%chancethat and water is of significant concern. A 1-in-40 chance of thetemperaturechangein2100wouldbelessthantheIPCC warmingby8–12(cid:2)Corgreaterinpolarregionsfortheno- lowerestimate. policycase(Fig.1.3)isparticularlyworrisome.Thepolicy scenario lowers the polar warming in the 1-in-40 calcula- uncertaintyforkeyprojections,withanexplicitdescription tionto5–7(cid:2)C(Webster etal.2003). ofthemethodsused(Allenetal.2001;Reillyetal.2001). Similarsignificantreductionsintheprobabilityoflarge andriskyamountsofsea-levelriseduetothehypothetical Sea-level rise policyarealsoevident(Fig.1.2).Emissionsreductionsare predictedtolowerthechanceofexceedinganextremecli- Globalmeansealevelhasrisenby10–25cmoverthelast100 mate outcome but not to eliminate the risk entirely, and years,andalthoughtherehasbeennodetectablechangein analysisofthereductioninprobabilityisanimportantpolicy therateofsea-level riseoverthecourseofthecentury,it consideration. Future climate assessments would better wouldappearthatthishasbeensignificantlyhigherthanthe serve the policy process by including formal analysis of rate averaged over the last several thousand years (IPCC 6 R. ENGELMAN ET AL. 14 e Lakes, streams and wetlands g an 12 h Inland aquatic ecosystems are expected to be greatly influ- C perature °100 (C)108 No Policy eflO¨noqcwuedisrtebgyeitmcaleilms.aa1tn9ed9c6hw).aanWtgeerattlehervr-oeleulsvgeh(lea.dglte.ecKrleinadecwszmamtaearreyktebmeetpsaeelrv.aet1ru9er9ei6sn;, m2 e– 6 lakesandstreamsindryevaporativedrainagesandinbasins T0 ean 199 4 withsmallcatchments,whilstthedistributionofwetlandsis M Policy likelytoshiftwithchangesintemperatureandprecipitation nal 2 (IPCC 2001a; Chapters 2–10). Wetlands temporarily store o Z 0 runoff water, thereby reducing floodwater peaks and –80 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 protectingdownstreamareas,consequentlyareductionof Latitude wetlandareaduetoclimatechangecouldseverelyhamper Fig.1.3. Zonalmeantemperaturechangeinsurfacewarming flood-controleffortsinsomeregions(e.g.Kaczmareketal. bylatitudebandbetween1990and2100inthecaseassuming 1996;O¨quistetal.1996;Chapters 9and10). noexplicitpolicyinFig.1.2.Thereisa1-in-40chanceof beingaboveorbelowtheupperandlowercurvesanda1-in-2 Coastal systems and small islands chanceofbeingaboveorbelowthemiddlecurverespectively (Websteretal.2003). Coastal systems are economically and ecologically important.Climatewarming,sea-levelriseandincreasesin 2001a,b).Itislikelythattheriseinsealevelhasbeenlargely storms and storm-surge frequencies may result in erosion duetotheincreaseinglobaltemperatureoverthelast100 of shores and associated habitats, altered tidal ranges in years.Thepossiblefactorsincludethermalexpansionofthe rivers and bays, changes in sediment and nutrient trans- oceans and melting of glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets. port, and increased coastal flooding (see Bijlsma et al. Changesinsurfacewaterandgroundwaterstorage(related 1996). Some coastal ecosystems are particularly at risk, to changes in human activities and changes to drainage namelysaltmarshes,mangroves,coralreefsandatolls,and basins)mayalsohaveaffectedsealevel. river deltas (Chapters 11–13 and 16). Changes in these Model simulations have predicted 2–7 cm of the ecosystemsarelikelytonegativelyaffecttourism,fisheries reported sea-level rise over the last 100 years (10–25 cm) and biodiversity (IPCC 2001b). Many small island coun- and attributed it to thermal expansion of the oceans, yet tries could lose asignificant part of their land area with a many of the world’s mountain glaciers have retreated sea-levelriseof0.5–1m,theMaldivesforinstancehaving substantiallyoverthistimeperiodandmayhaveaccounted averagealtitudes ofonly1–1.5m(Bijlsma etal.1996). for2–5cmoftheobservedrise.However,mostofthenon- oceanic water onEarth residesingreat icesheets, namely Oceans those of Antarctica and Greenland, and most of their volume lies on land above sea level. Loss of only a small Climatechangecouldleadtoalteredoceancirculation(e.g. fraction of this volume could have a significant effect on weakening of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation) and sealevel(Warricketal.1996).InAntarctica,dischargesof wave climates, and reductions in sea-ice cover (IPCC enormous icebergs and recent break-ups of Antarctic 2001a, b, c; ACIA [Arctic Climate Impact Assessment] Peninsulaiceshelveshavefocusedpublicattentiononthe 2004). As a result, nutrient availability, biological prod- possibilityof‘collapse’ofthisicereservoirwithinthenext uctivity,thestructureandfunctionsofmarineecosystems, century,withmajorpotential impactsonsealevel. andheatandcarbonstoragecapacitymaybeaffectedwith According to the IPCC (2001a, b) ‘best estimate’ cli- important feedbacks to the global climate system (see matechangescenario,globalsealevelisprojectedtoriseby Ittekkot et al. 1996). These changes would have implica- 20cmbytheyear2050(withinarangeofuncertaintyof7– tionsforcoastalregions,fisheries,tourismandrecreation, 39 cm) and by 49 cm by 2100 (within a range of uncer- transportandoffshore structures. taintyof20–86cm);morethanhalfofthisisattributedto Most CO released into the atmosphere as a result of 2 oceanic thermalexpansion. burning fossil fuels will eventually be absorbed by the Introduction 7 ocean.AstheamountofCO intheatmosphererises,more Table 1.1. World population byyear and UN projection 2 ofthegasreactswithseawatertoproducebicarbonateand variant hydrogenionsthatincreasetheacidityofthesurfacelayer. Ocean pH was around 8.3 after the last ice age and 8.2 Low-variant Medium-variant High-variant beforeCO emissionstookoffintheindustrialera.Ocean Year projection projection projection 2 pHisnow8.1andifatmosphericCO exceeds1900ppm 2 2010 6843645000 6906558000 6967407000 bytheyear2300,pHattheoceansurfacecouldfallto7.4 2025 7568539000 8010509000 8450822000 (Caldeira&Wickett2003).Thereislimitedunderstanding 2050 7791545000 9191287000 10756366000 oftheeffectincreasedaciditymighthaveonmarinebiota, but coral reefs, calcareous plankton and other organisms, Source: UNPD (2006). skeletonsorshellsofwhichcontaincalciumcarbonate,may besubstantiallyaffected. all but the most remote and best-protected areas, there is constant pressure on water resources. By hydrological PEOPLE AND WATER benchmarks of water stress (c.1000–1700 m3 per person Perhaps the best-documented human interaction with per year) and scarcity (<1000 m3 per person per year) aquatic ecosystems involves the use of fresh water (Falkenmark & Widstrand 1992; Engelman & LeRoy (Engelman&LeRoy1993;Engelmanetal.2000).Precious 1993), the numbers of human beings living in these two little of the world’s water is salt-free, and only a small high-risk categories is growing much faster than popula- proportion of this fresh water is accessible to human tion growth generally. One-third of humanity lives in beings.Waterusehasincreasedformanycenturies,butin countriesexperiencingmoderatetohighwaterstress(WRI manymajorwatersheds(thekeygeographicunitofinterest [World Resources Institute] 1998), and a billion people forfreshwateruse),onlyinthepastfewcenturieshasthe couldfacesevere watershortages by2025 (Potts 2000). scale reached the point where natural variations in water Apart from fisheries, which are considered below, supply have begun to collide with growing human use. several other interactions between human population and This is most evident in western Asia and eastern and the environment are especially salient for aquatic ecosys- southern Africa, but to varying degrees such problems of tems.Interms offoodsecurity, much ismade ofagricul- availabilityarealsopresentelsewhere.Humansalreadyuse tural intensification as the antidote to forest loss. When morethanhalfoftherenewablefreshwaterthatisreadily morefoodcanbeproducedonthesameland,thereisless accessible (Postel et al. 1996), and human population needtoconvertrelativelywildlandtofarmland.Thiscan, growthiscurrently thedominant factorintheincrease of of course, benefit wetlands, which historically have been waterwithdrawals worldwide. lost to farmland more frequently than to settlement, The world’s urban population is currently growing at although this ratio is changing as coasts and river valleys four times the rate of the rural population. Between 1990 becomemore denselypopulated (Chapters9–13). and 2025, the number of people living in urban areas is Water is the greatest transportation network for projected to double to more than 5 billion out of a total chemicalwastesofalltypes.Humanitynowexceedsnature 8billion(Table1.1).Anestimated90%oftheincreasewill as a fixer and producer of nitrogen compounds (Smil occurindevelopingcountriesandatthecurrentpace,over 1997),andstudiesofrivershaveshownthatnitrogenloads 60millionpeopleareaddedtourbanpopulationseachyear, arehighlycorrelatedwithhumanpopulationdensityalong placinggreatstrainonlocalgovernmentstoprovideeventhe river banks (Cole et al. 1993). Intensive farming can also mostbasicservices.Ofallurbaninhabitantsindeveloping exacerbatesoilerosioniffarmersdonothavetheresources countries,25–50%liveinimpoverishedslumsandsquatter tomanagetheirsoilproperly,andtheworld’sriversoffload settlements, with little or no access to adequate water, muchoftheresultingsiltontothecontinentalshelvesand sanitationorrefusecollection(UN[UnitedNations]1997). beyond.Conversionofforesttofarmlandisanothersource Human water demand for agricultural irrigation (an of soil erosion, also closely correlated with population increasing proportion of food production comes from densityandgrowth. irrigated cropland), industrial and household uses almost Introduction of alien species is an indirect result of invariably takes precedence over environmental needs. In humanpopulationgrowthandeconomicandtechnological 8 R. ENGELMAN ET AL. development, because human beings uniquely face few world’s countries, couples are only just replacing them- barrierstotheirmovementovertheEarth’ssurface.From selvesinthepopulation,ortheyarehavingfewerthanthe Nileperchtozebramussels,thelistofintroducedaquatic c.2.1childrenneededfornetreplacement(UNPD[United species altering aquatic ecosystems is lengthening. In Nations Population Division] 2002). Contrary to public addition, marine life is at growing risk from a range of impressions,thisdoesnotmeanthatthesepopulationsare diseases, the spread of which is being hastened by global nowstableordeclining.Thelargeproportionofpeopleof warming, global transport and pollution (Harvell et al. childbearingageinpopulationsthatupuntilrecentlywere 1999, 2002). Well-documented cases include crab-eater growing fairly rapidly guarantees that more births than seals in Antarctica infected with distemper by sled-dogs, deathswilloccurforessentiallyanaveragehumanlifetime sardines in Australia infected with herpes virus caught after replacement fertility is reached. Also, high levels of from imported frozen pilchards, and sea-fans in the migration mean that most nations experiencing low fer- Caribbeankilledbyasoil-borne fungus. tility rates will continue to grow (International Organiza- The further interaction between human populations tionforMigration 2000;UNPD2002). and economics offers an additional obstacle to the con- servation orrestoration of aquatic ecosystems. When eco- GLOBAL TRENDS: THE CASE OF systemsaredegraded,acommonactionoflastresortisto GLOBAL MARINE FISHERIES attempt some sort of protection, where human use and accessarerestricted.Buttheprocessofsettinglandand/or Given the means and opportunity, fishers like hunters fishing space aside becomes more difficult as population beforethemultimatelydepletetheresourcesthattheytarget density increases. People may bid up the price of land to (e.g.ClovisofNorthAmerica:Alroy2001).Understanding the point where conservation efforts become financially this analogy is important, as it provides a framework for impossible(Cincotta&Engelman2000).Landconservation understandingtheseveredepletionofsmallerandmid-size organizationshaveincreasinglyfocusedonwetlands,coasts mammals in Africa (‘bushmeat’: Bowen-Jones 1998) and and other aquatic ecosystems, knowing they are in a race large fishes in the world’s oceans. The recent marine fish with time to buy key parcels of land or convince govern- biomassdeclines(e.g.Christensenetal.2003fortheNorth ments to protect them. Too rarely, however, do conser- Atlantic) are primarily attributable, not to scientific vationists acknowledge that continued population growth incompetence in monitoring (Malakoff 2002), nor shifts in limitstheirprospectsforlong-termsuccess,simplybecause distribution (Bigot 2002), nor regime shifts (Steele 1998), land will become too valuable to serve environmental buttooverfishing(Jacksonetal.2001). ratherthan economicinterests. When fishing starts in a new area, the large fishes go Market forces and global economics can also greatly first,astheyarerelativelyeasiertocatchthansmallfishes influence theneed for anddevelopment ofportand ship- (e.g. with harpoons or lines) and tend to provide a better pingfacilities.Historically,estuariesandsaltmarsheshave return on investment (Pauly et al. 2002). Large fish, with provided cheap sources of land for development. As theirlownaturalmortalitiesandrelativelyhighageatfirst commodities continue to be traded onglobal markets and maturity (Pauly 1980; Froese & Binohlan 2000), cannot shipsbecomeeverbigger,thedemandforcoastallandfor sustain substantial fishing pressure and rapidly decline development will increase and much of it will become (Denneyetal.2002),forcingthefisherseithertomoveon degraded(Pinnegar etal.2006). to smaller fishes, and/or to other, previously unexploited While these interactions between human population areas.Aslargerfishtendtohavehighertrophiclevelsthan andaquaticecosystemspaintableakpicture,therearealso smallerfish–indeed,thelatterareusuallythepreyofthe reasons for hope. One of the most positive trends is that former – this process, now called ‘fishing down marine the human population is seen by most demographers as food webs’, leads to declining trends in the mean trophic unlikely to double again. One way to explain this is that level of fisheries landings (Pauly et al. 1998; though see women all over the world are having fewer children than Caddyetal.1998). everbefore,andseeminglywanttohaveevenfewerinthe The ‘fishing down’ process has occurred around the future. Average family size has shrunk from five children world (Table 1.2) and the broad pattern is that fishing per woman in the early 1960s to a bit more than 2.5 targets a succession of species until the residual species childrenperwomantoday.Inmorethantwo-fifthsofthe mix ceases to support a fishing economy. This implies a Introduction 9 Table 1.2. Occurrence of ‘fishing down’ using local/detailed data sets, following the original presentation of this phenomenon by Pauly etal.(1998), basedon the global FAOcatch dataset Country/areaa Years Decline Source and remarks Iceland 1900–1999 1918–1999 ValtssonandPauly(2003),basedoncomprehensivecatch databaseof Valtsson(2001) CelticSea 1945–1998 1946–2000 Pinnegar et al.(2002), based ontrophic levels estimated fromstableisotopes of nitrogen GulfofThailand 1963–1982; 1965–1982; Christensen (1998); Pauly andChuenpagdee (2003) 1963–1997 1965–1997 Eastern Canada 1950–1997 1957–1997 Pauly et al.(2001), based ondata submitted toFAOby theCanadian Department ofFisheries and Oceans Western Canada 1873–1996 1910–1996 Pauly et al.(2001), based oncomprehensive dataset assembled byS.Wallace Cuban EEZ 1960–1995 1960–1995 Pauly et al.(1998) and Baisre(2000) EastCoast, USA 1950–2000 all R. Chuenpagdee et al.unpublished data;emphasis on Chesapeake Bay Chinese EEZ 1950–1998 1970–1998 Pang and Pauly (2001) West Central 1950–2000; 1950–2000; D.Pauly andM.L. Palomaresunpublished data, based Atlantic 1950–2000 1950–2000 onFAOdata (Area 41),disaggregated into USA (North)and other countries (South) World,tuna and 1950–2000 1950–2000 D.Pauly andM.L. Palomaresunpublished data, based billfishes onFAOdata (ISSCAAP [International Standard Statistical Classification ofAquatic Animals and Plants]group 36 only) World,all fishes 1950–2000 1950–2000 Pauly and Watson (2003), based onspatially disaggregated data aEEZ,Exclusive Economic Zone. transition fromfisheries targeting largefish (e.g.northern Exports have become a major issue in fisheries, with cod) to those targeting smaller fishes (e.g. capelin) or marine products being amongst the most heavily traded invertebrates(e.g.northernshrimpandsnowcrab).Inthe commodities (Pauly et al. 2002). The general trend is for north-east Atlantic, fish species that mature later, grow developed countries to increasingly to compensate for the more slowly and have lower rates of potential population shortfall of products from traditional fishing grounds in increase, have exhibited greater long-term declines in their exclusive economic zones (EEZs) by fishing in abundance than closely related species which are smaller, developing countries (Pauly et al. 2005). Given the debts grow faster and are more fecund (Jennings et al. 1998, thatmostdevelopingcountrieshaverunupwithrespectto 1999; Dulvy et al. 2000). In sharks, rays and skates, large international lenders, this implies that marine resources, sizecombinedwithlowfecunditymakesthemparticularly and their underlying ecosystems, suffer from increased vulnerable to overexploitation; many populations have pressure to make up shortfalls. Examples include the beenrapidlydeclining(Dulvyetal.2000)andarelikelyto countries of West Africa, whose dependence on financial be rendered extinct in the coming decades (Dulvy et al. support from the European Union forces them to sign 2003). In some cases, depletion of keystone species may fisheriesagreementsprovidingaccessforEuropeanfishing haveimportantindirecteffectsoncommunityandhabitat fleets under terms that appear unfair to these countries structure (e.g.Dulvyetal.2004). (Kaczynski & Fluharty 2002). In Argentina, demersal 10 R. ENGELMAN ET AL. Table 1.3. Marine fishthat are unlikely to survive,given continuation of presentfisheries trends Majorfeatures Representative groups Large- tomoderate-sized, predaceous, territorial reef Snappers, seabasses, emperors, rockfishes, seabreams fishesand rockfishes with late age atmaturity, very lownatural mortality ratesand lowrecruitment rates versus adultstock size Large- tomoderate-sized shelf dwelling, softbottom Cods, flounders, soles, rockfishes, croakers, skates predators susceptible tobottom trawling Large- tomoderate-sized schoolingmidwater fishes Hakes,rockfishes, armorheads, rougheyes susceptible tomidwater trawling Large- tomoderate-sized shelf dwelling, schooling, Bonitos,sierras, capelin, eulachon, salmon, sharks pelagicfishes Anyspecies withexceptionally high monetary value Bluefintuna, redsnappers, halibuts, medicinalfishes, aquariumfishes,groupers,salmon,redmullets,billfishes Source: Adapted fromParrish (1995, 1998) and Pauly (2000). resourceswhichintheearly1980swereamongthefewthat now derives from aquaculture. However, as currently were both large and underexploited have now collapsed practised, aquaculture also causes environmental damage, underthepressureofbothnationalandinternationalfleets, raising questions about how to meet food demands and licensed for their ability to generate foreign exchange preserve environmental quality (WRI 1998). Aquaculture (Sa´nchez 2002). infactexistsintwofundamentallydifferentforms.Oneis Given present trends and pressures, present target devoted to the farming of bivalves (e.g. oysters, mussels) speciesarenotexpectedtosurviveandsmallnon-palatable and/orfreshwaterfish(e.g.carp,tilapia)andreliesmainly non-schooling species will be those that will fare best onplantmattertogenerateanetadditiontothefishfood (Table1.3).Inextremecases,finfishmaybeprogressively supply available to consumers. This is based predomin- replacedbyconsumerspeciessuchasjellyfish,whichhave antlyindevelopingcountries(mainlyinChina,butalsoin few predators and may impede any finfish recovery (e.g. countries such as the Philippines and Bangladesh), and northern Benguela,Namibia: Lynametal.2006). supplies cheap animal protein where it is needed (New The fishing industry on its own is incapable of 2002).Bycontrast,theotherformofaquacultureinvolves reversing the fishing down of food webs. There are other thefarmingofcarnivorousfishsuchassalmonorseabass, socialforces,whichcanandwillplayanincreasingrolein andincreasingly,thefatteningofwild-caughtbluefintuna. the international debates on fisheries. Foremost is the In nature, salmon, sea bass and bluefin tuna have high communityofnon-governmentalorganizationsdevotedto trophic levels, hence it is impossible to feed them only maintainingorre-establishing‘healthy’marineecosystems, on vegetable matter. This implies that as this form of and striving for ecosystem-based fisheries management. aquaculture increases, there will be fewer cheap fish (e.g. Publicdebateaboutfisherieswasunheardof20yearsago, sardine, herring, mackerel and anchovies) available for andmanyconservationbiologistsfeeltheyneedtodebunk humanstobuyandeat.Itisthusnotaddingtoglobalfish those who deny the need for action (e.g. Lomborg 2001). supply, and instead increases the pressure on wild fish Globalcatchesaredeclining(Watson&Pauly2001;Pauly stocks(Nayloretal.2000). et al. 2002) but catches can and usually do remain high This second type of aquaculture predominates, and it when stocks collapse. Thus the cod off eastern Canada hasledtomassiveimportsbydevelopedcountriesofmeal yielded good catches until the fishery had to be closed fromfishescaughtandgroundupindevelopingcountries, becausetherewereliterallynofishleft(Myersetal.1997). exacerbating fishing pressures in these regions. Coastal Some suggest that aquaculture could help compensate pollution and diseases emanating from the uneaten food for overfishing, and a quarter of human fish consumption andfaecesofthesemarinefeed-lotoperationsarealsoseen