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introducing the catoctin hollow lodge the newsletter of the potomac appalachian trail club PDF

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Preview introducing the catoctin hollow lodge the newsletter of the potomac appalachian trail club

THE NEWSLETTER OF THE POTOMAC APPALACHIAN TRAIL CLUB JUNE 2016 ‑ VOLUME 45, NUMBER 6 WHAT'S THAT FLOWER? CATOCTIN LODGE; INSET: THE FRONT PORCH 6 PHOTOS BY SANDY STAIGER INTRODUCING THE CATOCTIN HOLLOW LODGE Catoctin Hollow Lodge will be coming into the PATC Cabin System around July 1, with online booking available after June 1. KUDZU 7 So named because it is a full-scale house like Dunlodge, Catoctin Hollow will accommodate eight people with three bedrooms and two full baths. It is unique among the PATC house-type cabins in that to access it, renters must make a fairly level .7 mile hike. PATC holds a 20- year lease on this 1988 log house from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. The property, which was recently added to Cunningham Falls State Park, is adjacent to Olive Green Cabin and the Catoctin Trail. Renters will be able to enjoy hikes to Cunningham Falls, swimming and fishing at Hunting Creek Lake, and many other beautiful trails and facilities on thousands of acres of state park and the adjacent national park right outside the back door. TRAILHEAD 20 Thanks to the generosity of PATC members in the 2014 end-of-year fund drive, the Cabins Committee has been able to restore Catoctin Hollow Lodge to excellent condition. Besides the bedrooms and baths, the air-conditioned lodge features a great room with 22-foot ceilings and loft, stone fireplace, full kitchen, sunroom, front porch and wrap-around deck. We think that PATC members will find that it is more than worth an easy hike to stay at Catoctin Hollow Lodge. 118 PARK STREET, S.E., VIENNA, VA 22180‑4609 WWW.PATC.NET —Mel Merritt ISSN 098‑8L54 of PATC Officers. You can also talk to any member of the Council, PATC Staff Director (Brewster Thackeray, Brewster@ patc.net) or any member of the Elections Committee: ([email protected]). The rules of the election are clearly spelled out in these documents. Of particular note regarding the process is the role of the club president. While the club president is generally an ex- officio member of every committee, the Photo credit: Theresa Thompson, Flickr president is expressly prohibited from participating in the Elections Committee. CALL FOR CANDIDATES FOR Any member eligible to vote in the While not required, it may be helpful election can run for office. Eligibility PATC ELECTIONS to inform the Elections Committee that includes: you wish to run for a given position PATC is at a critical juncture for several * All individual members 21 and over well before Aug. 15. That way we can reasons this year, and the pool of those may vote. send you reminders and answer any willing to serve as an elected officer has questions you have. We will not attempt probably never been more important. The * All student members age to determine who is qualified for which club is in excellent financial condition 18-20 may vote. position; however we will send out an and has a growing membership. At announcement to all known candidates * Both members of a couple membership the same time, very important choices if a position is undersubscribed, asking may vote. need to be made about how to use if anyone wishes to serve in that office. club resources and where to form new * A family membership entitles two We will also offer proofreading and partnerships. We also need to provide people over 21, living at the same address, editorial assistance at the candidate’s more opportunities to engage members to vote (two votes) but does not allow request (included with their response in club activities, especially a wider dependents to vote, regardless of age. package). If you want to use such range of rewarding volunteer activities. (Dependents under 18 cannot vote due assistance, send your written statement to their age; those 18 or older would The club is a multifaceted organization before Aug. 1. Editorial comments need their own membership to vote). with strong service, recreational, and will be sent back to you and you can land management components. We If you want to offer your expertise, resubmit your final statement. Any own about 40 properties covering more please consider running for statements sent in later than Aug. 1 will than 2,000 acres in four states and one of these elected offices be printed as written by the candidate. have an operating budget of over $1 The committee itself will not alter the million, with assets totaling over $9.2 • President final submissions. Final statements must million. We need the best leadership • Vice President of Operations be received no later than Aug. 15. possible to sensibly manage these assets and expand club functions. • Vice President of Volunteerism Should an elected position go unfilled, • Supervisor of Trails there is a provision in the PATC If you are a member we would like YOU Constitution for the president to to consider serving on the Executive • Supervisor of Lands nominate someone to serve in that office. Committee. PLEASE feel free to self- • Supervisor of Facilities nominate! In the culture of PATC, this is While candidates are expected and • Supervisor of Membership called “stepping up to the plate” and is a encouraged to talk about their plans with mark of those willing to provide service. • Supervisor of Marketing club members, the Elections Committee itself will not release any information • Supervisor of Activities The PATC election of officers will about who is running for which office be held at the Annual Dinner in • Supervisor of Communications until the August deadline has passed. It November this year. The process is • Treasurer is up to the candidate to advocate for governed by the Constitution and his/her office of choice. So talk it up! Bylaws which can be found on the • Secretary PATC website at patc.net/documents. If you do not have computer access, At the end of this article is a set of please mail your request to the Staff The single most important requirement questions developed by club leadership Director and he will get copies is that candidates provide a 200- to help prospective candidates of the Constitution, Bylaws and word (maximum) written statement determine if they wish to serve. Duties of Elected Officers to you. announcing their candidacy by Aug. 15. A photograph is also useful. For specific job descriptions for elected —Dewey Clark, Elections Committee This must be sent to the Elections officers, go to http://www.patc.net/ Committee ([email protected] or by PATC/Library/Club_Documents/ mail to the PATC Staff Director at Council_Documents.aspx to find the 118 Park St SE, Vienna, VA 22180). Guide to the Duties and Responsibilities 2 JUNE 2016 • POTOMAC APPALACHIAN Things to Think About for Prospective Candidates for PATC EXCOM 2017 – 2018 These questions are for your use. They TRAIL MAINTENANCE are suggested to help you assess yourself WORKSHOP as a candidate for a position on PATC’s Executive Committee (EXCOM). You Saturday and Sunday, might consider using these as a basis Sept. 17‑18, 2016 for your statement announcing your candidacy that will be published in Shenandoah National Park the PA. Please see the Dick’s Musings North District column on p. 4 for more information about the general qualities desired This annual workshop, conducted in a PATC EXCOM member. by PATC’s Hoodlums Trail Crew and the Shenandoah National Park Questions include the following: and held in the North District of the Park, is designed to teach basic 1. What do you wish to accomplish skills to new and prospective trail during your term on EXCOM? maintainers as well as provide more advanced training in trail design, 2. Some positions may be construction, and maintenance. “oversubscribed.” The Election Instruction will be provided Committee will NOT discourage you by SNP trail professionals and from seeking your primary choice, but experienced PATC crew leaders. we may ask you to consider another UPCOMING HIKE LEADER spot that has no nominees. What Workshop participants who wish other positions would you consider? to camp during the weekend TRAINING COURSES will stay at the Mathews Arm 3. What has been your “career path” Campground in the North District Trail Patrol offers a hike leader class with PATC? How does that prepare you of the Park. Participants will for hikers who are learning new skills for the position you would like to hold? have free entry to the Park and as well as formal hike leaders of outing Campground. The projects we’ll groups who are updating their group 4. What was your reaction when you were be working on will be announced leadership skills. The 2 day course faced with a PATC-related challenge? at the start of the workshop. provides essential skills for leading What did you learn as a result? The Workshop will begin Saturday safe, environmentally responsible, and morning at 9 a.m. and end Sunday enjoyable hikes. It includes 2 co‑led 5. EXCOM is typically composed of at 1 p.m. A $28 fee covers some hikes with an experienced hike leader people who were successful in other meals: Saturday dinner, Sunday areas and have confidence in their breakfast, and a Sunday buffet We cover how to handle basic first aid, judgment. What experience do you lunch will be provided. Participants leadership development, trip planning, have in that environment? Can you will need to provide their own standard procedures, emergency express your informed judgment even trail lunch for Saturday afternoon. procedures, gear and clothing, map though it is not the consensus view? Please make your reservations reading and navigation, and Leave early. The workshop has a strict No Trace outdoor ethics. The training 6. Being a member of EXCOM requires limit of 30 participants and in includes lectures with hands‑on dedication and many hours of your time. How will you handle this new past years has filled up early. The applications and trail‑based scenarios. consumer of your free time? (This could registration deadline is Friday, The course is open to all levels, from Aug. 19, assuming the workshop take on the life of a full-time job.) novice to experienced hikers. hasn’t already been filled. Fee: $50 for PATC members; $85 for 7. What is your vision for PATC over For more information, or to register, non‑members. Pre‑registration is the next two years? And, assuming you contact Peter Harris via e‑mail required & limited to 10 students. run for another term, where do you see ([email protected]) or by PATC at the end of your final term? phone: 703/408‑7812. Please do 2016 Dates are: not submit the form and fee until 8. Organizations like PATC do not you contact Peter to make sure • July 23‑24 at Blackburn Trail Center adopt change quickly; oftentimes it takes the workshop isn’t already full. • Nov. 5‑6 at Blackburn Trail Center patience to “bring people along.” Will Participation in the workshop you have a capacity for patience in the is available only to members light of what you perceive to be a burning of PATC and registration in issue that your colleagues do not? advance is required. JUNE 2016 • POTOMAC APPALACHIAN 3 set by Council are being accomplished. word essay to Dewey Clark at elections@ EXCOM also makes time-sensitive patc.net. For more information, refer policy and financial decisions. to the elections article on p. 2, where you will find concise instructions on PATC is entering a challenging and the nominating process, and how to exciting time as pressures on our partners request consideration as a nominee. increase and the demand for our services continues to grow. The club must remain Strategic Plan aware of demands that reflect on the services we provide. PATC has a tradition The Strategic Plan is being reviewed of high-quality service and activism to determine how the club is doing in related to the trails and cabins we following and accomplishing the work maintain for our partners and customers. envisioned by the plan. I am happy to say that progress is being made Terms of office start with the on a number of fronts. Let me share EXCOM meeting in December of with you the progress made to date. the election year and run for a period of two years. Officers are limited Leadership: to two terms in the same office. EXCOM has begun looking at how DICK'S MUSINGS If you are interested in becoming a PATC is presently organized and member of EXCOM, I suggest that how change management may be In November of this year, the Potomac you review “A Guide to the Duties implemented to be more efficient in club Appalachian Trail Club will be electing and Responsibilities of PATC Officers, operations. It has been pointed out on several new members to the Executive Committee and Section Chairs and numerous occasions that as organized Committee (EXCOM). Dewey Clark, Chapter Presidents,” found on the club today, the Vice President of Operations chair of the Elections Committee, has website at http://www.patc.net/PATC/ has the vast majority of management prepared an article on his expectations Library/Club_Documents/PATC_ responsibility. On the other side of and the method by which a slate of Policies.aspx, for information about the the coin, the VP of Volunteerism has nominees will be put forth to the duties of the positions. Once elected, a very limited share of the managerial membership (see p. XX). You will find EXCOM members are expected to responsibility. EXCOM must find a way it very interesting and informative and participate in club management as their to bring balance into the equation. perhaps enlightening. He will take position dictates. While it is asked that Communications: you through the process as it is found EXCOM members play an active role, in the Constitution and Bylaws. we pride ourselves on supporting each PATC has had a number of issues other as a team and believe that EXCOM relating to communications. The internal In selecting nominees, the Elections offers an opportunity for club members communications of the club are poor; Committee will be looking for members to learn and grow with the organization. in a number of cases, individuals have who believe in the club’s mission and are taken it upon themselves to staff a project willing to be active in their governance PATC has always been a strong volunteer without communicating their efforts to roles. PATC believes that this work has organization and the duties of each others. This causes a bit of duplication, never been more important than it is officer have grown out of a division of misunderstanding, confusion about today. The committee will be looking responsibility that has evolved over the who is the responsible individual— and for someone whose experience and years. These activities, while seemingly the list goes on. Now that PATC has involvement in PATC would be an asset separate, are intertwined, and the a website and the latest in information to the organization, with the hope that organization of the club reflects this technology we must look to better use of they will consider becoming a nominee. dichotomy. Duties and responsibilities those resources across the organization. need not compromise the spirit of EXCOM comprises the 12 elected assuming unassigned tasks needing We must develop external branding officers who guide day-to-day club to be done in the interest of the club. and a visibility strategy to let the activities. It assists the president in New and unassigned tasks do arise and outside word know who and what preparing the agendas for Council may be met by those who see the need, PATC is. We must reach out to areas meetings and coordinates the preparation preferably with the coordination and other than metropolitan Washington. and review of policies, plans, budgets assistance, if necessary, of Council. A branding strategy would be very and motions to be recommended for useful. Of course, there is a need for Council decision. EXCOM addresses EXCOM officers should be action an experienced volunteer or volunteers problems outside the scope of individual -oriented; don’t run if you are coming to help put something like that officers and formulates solutions, to build your resume. To help the together and get us off and running. recommending action to Council where Elections Committee understand appropriate. It implements Council why you feel you are best suited for a decisions and reviews how well the goals particular office, please submit a 200- 4 JUNE 2016 • POTOMAC APPALACHIAN Partnerships: Please contact Janis Stone, Acting VP- LETTER TO THE EDITOR, THE Volunteerism at [email protected]. Janis POTOMAC APPALACHIAN The interaction with many groups in will put you in touch with someone who the Metro area tells us that the club will be able to use your skills. I hope you Last weekend I and a group of other has been increasingly involving the will consider volunteering in PATC as members spent the weekend at a PATC community, but we must also approach it is your club. We need your support. cabin for some hiking. Around the businesses to explore opportunities for campfire at night the talk turned to the partnerships. The club has received If you wish to comment, please send a club and some of the changes taking grants from both REI and L.L. Bean, Letter to the Editor to [email protected]. place. One member revealed that he but we must seek others. Government —DICK was not going to renew his membership partners have been working to make old due to dissatisfaction with changes MOUs current, which is very helpful. “The best way to find yourself is to lose in cabin rental policy that seemed to As far as new partners go, the club yourself in the service of others.” Gandhi favor revenues rather than the renter’s continues to be approached by a number experience. Another trail maintainer of organizations expressing interest in expressed dissatisfaction with the trend the club maintaining their trails. Prior of the club away from its roots and toward to accepting any new trails, the VP of the quest for the almighty dollar. Operations, the Supervisor of Trails and others do “due diligence.” PATC In the wake of all this discussion I read is a “doer” and not a coordinator. the April PA the next morning, and was surprised to have “Dick’s Musings” Funding: confirm the concerns of the discussion the night before. Two lines in the President’s Through the efforts of the Finance message were particularly disturbing. Department, the club has become WANTED! The first was his quoting, “Bottom line: compliant as a non-profit organization Improve PATC’s ability to raise money in validating the IRS and other VOLUNTEER OF and expand its influence within the regulatory agency requirements at the ATC stakeholder group.” The other was federal, state and local government THE MONTH “Branding is an important aspect of any levels. Requirements for a number business…” of policies and procedures have been NOMINATIONS met. Our filing of a Form 990 will PATC is not a “business” it is a club, a be completed by the auditor and hiking and trail maintenance “club”! One submitted in a timely manner, as has We all know one – or more… those that also maintains and operates a large been the case for a number of years. PATC volunteers who go above and number of cabins for the enjoyment of its members, and others. These things the beyond the “call of duty”, achieving The Fundraising Committee will be club does extremely well as it has done looking for ways to seek out charitable extraordinary results on behalf of the for many years. I understand that it takes giving in the coming months. The target club. Help us recognize these special money to maintain the trails, cabins and for increasing financial support over the people by nominating them to be protect the corridors, but let’s not get next couple of years will be 15 percent, carried away. Volunteer of the Month. They will be as established by the Strategic Plan. Let’s get back to the basics of being recognized both on the PATC website about the members, of which there are PATC is a volunteer based organization and here in the PA. Nominations thousands, without whom there would and has many opportunities that may should be typed in Microsoft Word. be no PATC. Let’s continue the fine work match your skills and interest, help you hone new skills and continue your Nominations should be 400 words that is being done on the trails, shelters and cabins. Let’s add more hikes to the personal growth. If you would like to or less. Include notable PATC schedule, as there were in the past. Let’s volunteer to work on trails, maintain accomplishments, current duties and encourage more Chapter meetings for a cabin, be involved in fundraising, outside organization involvement. those that live too far from headquarters do office work, help develop a social media program, or just leverage your A brief biographical sketch may to feel involved. In short, let’s get back to being a “club”, not a “business”! knowledge as a professional, retiree or also be included. Pictures should student, PATC may have just what you accompany every submission. —Dave Kirkwood are seeking. If you are skilled with hand Concerned Member Pictures should be in jpeg format, tools, carpentry, administrative work, social media, web design, development high resolution and at least 300k. of policy and procedures, library science, Send nominations to archival work or would just like to volunteer, PATC could use your talents [email protected]. for various projects throughout the year. JUNE 2016 • POTOMAC APPALACHIAN 5 CERTAIN DUES TO INCREASE At its March meeting, the PATC Council approved a $5 increase in three of the club’s basic dues categories. The dues increase does not apply to senior memberships. Individual, Couple and Family memberships will increase by $5 each; all other dues categories remain unchanged. Membership Type Old Rate New Rate Individual (Standard) $35 per year $40 per year Couple (Standard) $40 per year $45 per year Family (1‑2 adults plus children under 21) $50 per year $55 per year This is the first dues increase in over 10 years and is necessary to keep up with increased expenses, which have increased significantly in the last 10 years. For the last couple of years, PATC operating expenses have exceeded operating income; this is part of our effort to balance the operating budget. The three primary categories of operating income are (1) membership dues, (2) cabin rentals, and (3) sales of maps and other publications. The $5 increase in dues is expected to generate about an additional $15,000 annually beginning in 2017. The impact will be smaller in 2016 as the dues increase will not go into effect until Aug. 1. WHAT IS THAT FLOWER— -a -half tall. The flower spike is very hairy. It is flatter than heal-all and MINT FAMILY IN SUMMER can grow in upper axils as well as at the top of the plant. Only a few of its The common name heal-all (Prunella pink flowers open at a time. The upper vulgaris) derives from its medicinal uses lip is flat and shorter than heal-all. The (explained in William Needham’s Hiker’s lower lip is bent down abruptly and Notebook, http://hikersnotebook.net/ divided into three lobes, the middle one Heal-All). It is also called selfheal. the largest. Wild basil is native to both the old and new worlds and common The genus name, Prunella, derives either in the mountains and piedmont. from Latin prunum (purple), referring to the flower color or from German American germander (Teucrium Bräune (quinsy, a throat inflammation), canadense) is a much larger plant; it which it was said to cure. Vulgaris means grows up to five feet tall. The flower common. The plants are usually under spikes are on top of the plant and are as a foot tall. The flower spike is on top of much as eight inches high. The upper lip the plant above paired leaves. Usually of the individual flower is almost non- only a few flowers are open at a time. existent and is obscured by the stamens curling out of the throat of the flower. Each flower is dominated by the purple, upper hood. When all the flowers Each flower is dominated by the are gone, the inflorescence looks like central lobe of the lower lip. It can be a tiny corn cob. The species grows one-half inch long and bends down almost anywhere. It is not native but is as it parts from two upright, pointed not invasive as it does not take over a side lobes. As it descends, this light habitat. It starts blooming in April and pink with darker stripes or speckles can be seen flowering into late fall. widens with ruffled edges. . Many of the flowers can be open at once. The common name wild basil (Clinopodium vulgare) derives from the With relatively large flowers near eye use of the leaves to flavor food, though it level, this is a Mint Family member is not commonly used for that purpose you won’t miss. The name germander anymore. Formerly it was in the genus derives from Greek, meaning “ground ABOVE: American germander flowers are Satureja, which is the genus of the oak” because of a creeping European dominated by the long lower lip; OPPOSITE culinary herbs summer and winter savory. species. The genus name is the ancient PAGE, FROM TOP: heal‑all flowers are Greek name. The species’ Latin name dominated by a purple, upper hood; the Both Clinopodium and Satureja are means Canadian, and it is also commonly hairy flower spike of wild basil has pink ancient Latin/Greek names. Vulgare known as Canadian germander. flowers, only a few open at a time. means common. It can grow a foot-and All photos by Richard Stromberg 6 JUNE 2016 • POTOMAC APPALACHIAN COWS, PIGS, GOATS, HORSES AND CHICKENS THRIVE ON THE COPIOUS KUDZU LEAVES; IT WAS USED FOR ANIMAL FODDER FOR MANY YEARS. PHOTO BY WILLIAM NEEDHAM KUDZU of Foreign Seed and Plant introduction, experimented with the plant in his home GREEN ACRES REDUX garden in the suburbs of Washington, DC in 1902, eventually discovering Kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata) is its suffocating propensity. In his 1938 the epitome of the invasive noxious weed. memoirs he wrote that “… the vine It out-competes native species to engender climbed over a precious White Barked an uncontaminated ecology devoid of Pine…which was growing in my yard diversity. at ‘In the Woods,’ near Washington. After trying for years to establish it and Draping across the encumbered landscape succeeding, I spent years of unsuccessful of denuded tree trunks like a leafy green effort to eradicate it.” However, no official kimono, kudzu is a metaphor for its Asian action was taken to discourage kudzu origins. It is a woody, perennial vine that planting and it continued to spread, its extends its tendrils of alternate lobed prodigious growth a vector for its second leaves with nearly visible celerity (up to a historical phase as fodder for livestock. foot a day) to the tops of the tree canopy and across the expanse of the sub-canopy Charles Pleas, a farmer from Chipley It grows in all the lower 48 states and until it becomes both: a sea of leaves. in the Florida panhandle, was one of most Canadian provinces and likes the earliest recipients of kudzu, which wet places but commonly grows in Kudzu has earned the sobriquet he planted as an ornamental. When moist but well-drained forests. I have “vine-that-ate-the-south.” Estimates its aesthetic qualities failed to meet his seen it many places in the Northern of its smothering ubiquity range expectations, he relocated it to a waste Section of Shenandoah National from 2 to 5 million acres, about the area where it flourished, apparently Park, notably around the Elk Wallow size of Vermont or New Hampshire. preferring the execrable hardscrabble to parking lot and in White Oak Canyon. Kudzu’s success as the world’s most the garden. I have also seen it along the AT north accomplished invasive has a measure of of the Park as well as a few places in irony; it was intentionally planted and With the serendipity of the chance George Washington National Forest promoted as an exotic ornamental, an encounter, he noticed that his livestock, to the west. “Finding Wildflowers agrarian fodder crop, and finally as a including cows, pigs, goats, horses and in the Washington-Baltimore Area,” soil conservation ground cover during chickens, thrived on the copious kudzu by Cristol Fleming, Marion Blois the first half of the 20th century. leaves. With entrepreneurial zeal he seized Lobstein, and Barbara Tufty, says it on the opportunity; by 1910, he had grows on flood plains of the Potomac Kudzu debuted in the New World planted 35 acres of his land with kudzu in Turkey Run and Riverbend parks. at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial that he sold locally. He became a life- Exhibition, the first official World’s long advocate of kudzu until his death in Finally, three species of Bugleweed Fair in the United States where the 1954, promoting it through a pamphlet (Lycopus) grow in wet places in our area. now iconic brands Heinz Ketchup entitled “Kudzu – coming forage of the The white flowers are inconspicuous— and Hires root beer were introduced. South” and by opening a mail order less than one- quarter inch each, The Asian import was featured in a business to supply cuttings from his Glen growing in clusters around the central garden in the Japanese pavilion. Arden Nursery, now commemorated stem in the axils of the paired leaves. by a roadside placard on U.S. 90 Distinguishing the species requires Admired for its profuse and luxurious proclaiming “Kudzu developed here.” close examination. The flowers are so vegetation and for the tantalizing insignificant and hidden that I have fragrance of its delicate blossoms, it However, kudzu never established itself recorded seeing them only twice. quickly won favor with the emerging as a viable fodder crop, as farmers who In the future, I will be looking for American middle class and kudzu seeds experimented with it found that it was them in every wet place I pass. and cuttings were thereafter marketed hard to manage and that the vines, through mail order catalogues. David which make up a substantial portion —Richard Stromberg Fairchild, the head of the USDA Office of the overall biomass, not only lacked continued on p. 8 JUNE 2016 • POTOMAC APPALACHIAN 7 KUDZU result of the increasingly obvious extent to which kudzu had metastasized from CONTINUED FROM P.7 its original plantations to dominate the landscape in many areas, spreading at nutrients, but also tended to clog up farm rates of up to 200 square miles per year. machinery designed for the more friable grasses of traditional silage— not for the The USDA officially removed kudzu from tenacious rootlike kudzu. By the 1930s, its recommended cover crop list in 1953, only about 10,000 acres of kudzu fodder ultimately relegating it to weed status in had been established in the South. 1972. Since then, the focus has been on containment and localized eradication, a One of the many unintended laborious process dictated by the tenacity consequences of the Black Friday stock of the plant: the root crowns and the market crash of 1929 and Depression was rhizomes that emanate from it must be the spread of kudzu. Years of intensive forcibly extracted and the resulting stump monoculture farming of cotton and treated with one of several herbicides. tobacco in the South had depleted the soil of its nutrients to the extent that Dense copses of kudzu may require it could no longer support vegetation. up to ten years of monitoring and Eroded and rutted fields led to the selective retreatment to fully extirpate. diaspora of farmers in the early 1930s The effects of long-term applications of to the more fertile fields of the prairie kudzu control toxins are rationalized Midwest and valleys of the West. as not excessively harmful to other plants and to animals; however, long- In a last ditch effort to save the agrarian term effects are indeterminate. areas, the government instituted the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), which Kudzu is not a problem in its native experimented with several erosion Asian habitat (it is known as Kuzu in control plants and settled on kudzu. This Japanese and Ge Gen in Chinese), as was based on up to 20 years of testing it is kept in check by the ecological that had been conducted at various balance of indigenous insects and government Agricultural Experiment other environmental factors so that its Stations, notably Auburn, Ala. inherently beneficent properties have become manifest. Kuzu is the name By 1936, the SCS was embarked on its of both an ancient Japanese people own kudzu demonstrations, planting and town (now part of Sano) in the thousands of vines in areas denuded by Tochigi Prefecture in northeast area construction associated with Tennessee of Honshu. It is likely that the Kuzu Valley Authority dams and easements. used Kudzu or that it was originally A government subsidy of $8 per acre identified in the Kuzu region. FROM TOP: Kudzu has earned the was offered to farmers to plant kudzu, sobriquet "vine‑that‑ate‑the‑south"; encouraged by government publications Kudzu is a bountiful plant if properly kudzu was admired for the tantalizing extolling its virtues as soil fixer and managed. Aside from its demonstrated fragrance of its delicate blossoms at the fodder proffered by official optimistic Japanese Pavilion at the 1876 Philadelphia propensity to hold depleted soil as an testimonials. Centennial. All photos by William Needham erosion control agent and its potential as a nutritious and succulent fodder, it is Hugh Bennet, the head of the SCS, create their own habitat by penetrating a member of the pea family of legumes. remarked “What, short of a miracle, the root cells and stimulating the creation This property is vital to the restoration can you call this plant?” The result was of their characteristic root edemas. of soil, which becomes depleted of that by the end of the decade, over 73 million seedlings had been produced key resources, notably nitrogen, when Once ensconced, the bacteria absorb and the Civilian Construction Corps used continuously to produce crops – atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to produce (CCC) had succeeded in planting every harvest a nitrate drain. Absent ammonia (NH3) with energy in the kudzu in every southern state. The the application of natural or artificial form of sugars provided by the plant Kudzu Club of America was founded fertilizers to restore the nitrogen – in this case kudzu – which benefits in Atlanta in 1943 by Channing Cope, balance, the land becomes very dry. by using excess ammonia to use in the self-proclaimed “father of kudzu.” its own growth. It is one of the more Legumes do not directly absorb gaseous important mutualistic relationships and nitrogen from the air but rather provide There is no clear line of demarcation epitomizes the interdependence of the a habitat in swellings called nodules or between the era of kudzu the cure and different kingdoms of the biosphere tubercles on their roots for nitrogen- kudzu the bane. The change occurred in the ecological balance – plants fixing bacteria. Actually, the bacteria sometime in the early 1950s, likely a depend on nitrogen-fixing bacteria 8 JUNE 2016 • POTOMAC APPALACHIAN and animals and fungi depend on effects? Recently, it was determined the plants. It is for this fundamental that kudzu contains serotonin and reason that kudzu can thrive in severe that it lessens the pain of migraine environments, and in fact restore them. headaches. Thus, plausibly, kudzu could also be used for hangovers. Kudzu has been used as a medicine Kudzu may rise again – the ideal food in China for several millennia. The to meet the needs of a thirsty nation. first written reference appears in the “Shennong Ben Cao Jing,” a compilation —William Needham of medicinal plants which appeared about 100 CE; it is based on the legendary and mythological Emperor of the Five Grains known as Shen Nong (“divine farmer”) who purportedly tasted hundreds of herbs to determine their medicinal value 5,000 years ago. Relatively recent phytochemical analysis methods have revealed that kudzu has high levels (up to 12 percent) of the compounds puerarin, daidzin and daidzein. It is currently listed in the Pharmacopeia of the People’s Republic of China as a treatment for various debilities including fever, back pain, headaches and heart disease. However, kudzu has a considerably broader usage, according to Chinese folk traditions, for treating conditions ranging from angina pectoris to tinnitus to the effects of alcohol abuse. In fact, the use of kudzu as a treatment for alcohol dependency has gained it entry to the staid conservatism of the western medical establishment. Based on a 1992 Shin-Yang University study that demonstrated efficacy in THE FUNGUS AMONG US reducing the alcohol intake of what MUSHROOM TIME are described as “alcohol-preferring” laboratory rats, an experiment was run with humans by the Harvard Soon spring rains and warm nights will University-affiliated McLean bring a delicious culinary treat to those Hospital in Boston in 2005. afoot on the trails and in the woods. Morels and “chickens” and puffballs The experiment, which consisted of can provide an additional treat to your a mockup apartment complete with days hiking and exploring the forest. lounge chair, television and an adequate Study the “edible fungus” guides in supply of cold beer, revealed that the print and online to assure your safety not- unwilling volunteers who were as many forest fungi are not edible. administered kudzu drank half as much Not a mushroom or fungus fan? Then beer (1.8 versus 3.5 cans) as those who enjoy the beauty and your discovery received a placebo. The experimental of another important member of the results, which were later published in ecosystem and leave them for the next the journal “Alcoholism: Clinical and hiker along the trail. Watch where your Experimental Research” (ACER), did foot falls along the trails you hike and not resolve the fundamental question discover something wild and delectable. concerning the effects of kudzu. Be kind & “Leave No Trace.” FROM TOP: Chicken of the woods in the Did people drink less beer because the forest; a clump of morels in the woods. All kudzu reduced their desire for alcohol —Andy Quill photos by Andy Quill or because it enhanced its inebriating JUNE 2016 • POTOMAC APPALACHIAN 9 Potomac Appalachian Trail Club and Trail Patrol Present: LEAVE NO TRACE TRAINER COURSE JUNE 25‑26, 2016 This two‑day, low‑mileage backpacking format course is designed to enhance your understanding of Leave No Trace practices and ethics and to increase your level of expertise and confidence in teaching Leave No Trace skills. Through focused activities, hands‑on field experience and both formal and informal discussions, you will be introduced to concepts and methods that will advance your knowledge of Leave No Trace issues, expand your repertoire of low‑impact skills and increase your effectiveness in teaching these important skills to others. Participants should be experienced campers or backpackers. Instruction will concentrate on the incorporation of low impact techniques in camping and backpacking settings, but we will not be teaching basic camping skills. This is a fun course where all participants have a part in demonstrating the choices that can be made to minimize our impact on the land and our resources. On completion of this course, participants will be registered as Leave No Trace Trainers with the national Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics and will receive a certificate of course completion as well as their Leave No Trace Trainer lapel pin. When: Sat. – Sun., June 25 ‑ 26 Where: Shenandoah National Park Cost: $45 for PATC members, $65 for non‑members. Join PATC at the time of registration and get the member price! The cost covers course materials and some meals. Course Size: Limited to 8 participants. Register early! Registration: Pre‑registration is required. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Visit www.patc.net/LNT to register on‑ line or contact Cindy Kelly at [email protected] for more information. TRAIL TALKERS FLIP FLOP To promote flip-flop hiking, the ATC along with three new Trail Talkers. It and the Harpers Ferry/Bolivar ATC was a very successful day for PATC, Trail Community held their second ATC and all the participants. There are three ways to hike the entire Flip Flop Festival on April 16. It Appalachian Trail. The traditional was a huge success. There was easily —Rush Williamson - and best known is a thru-hike which twice the number of visitors as last Supervisor of Activities. usually takes six months. Eighty year, as evidenced by full parking percent of thru-hikers start at Springer lots, but the very capable Flip -Flop Mountain in Georgia, completing their volunteer staff managed to expand hike at Mount Katahdin in Maine; the parking options quickly. the other 20 percent do it in reverse. Workshops about the AT and how to The second group consists of those hike it were held throughout the day, who, for whatever the reason, hike the presented by veteran hikers. Bands complete AT in two or more years. This provided great music outdoors as people is known as a section hike. The third way visited PATC’s Trail Talkers as well as a is to start somewhere in the middle of variety of vendors from local businesses, the trail and head to one end, and then outfitters and food establishments. Over flip-flop back to the original point and 100 people stopped by our display and head in the opposite direction, or go to learned about the opportunities and the other trail terminus and head back. benefits of being part of the club and In an effort to reduce the large number the services and trails it provides. of people attempting to thru-hike these Randy Motz and Georgia Harris, long time days, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy I am pleased to say a number of Trail Talkers, taking a break at the Flip Flop is encouraging hikers to do a flip-flop. veteran Trail Talkers came out to help Festival. 10 JUNE 2016 • POTOMAC APPALACHIAN

Catoctin Hollow Lodge will be coming into the PATC Cabin System around July 1, with online Supervisor of Communications .. We must develop external branding . At its March meeting, the PATC Council approved a $5 increase in three of the club's .. to Hancock, Md. and to Berkeley Springs,.
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