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Intrinsic Spin Hall Effect in s-wave Superconducting State: Analysis of Rashba Model H. Kontani, J. Goryo and D.S. Hirashima Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan. (Dated: January 27, 2009) A general expression for the spin Hall conductivity (SHC) in the s-wave superconducting state at finitetemperatures is derived. Based on the expression, we studytheSHCin a two-dimensional 9 electron gas model in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI). The SHC is zero in the 0 normalstate,whereasittakesalargenegativevalueassoonasthesuperconductivityoccurs,dueto 0 thechange in thequasiparticle contributions. Since this remarkable behavioris independentof the 2 strengthoftheSOI,itwillbewidelyobservedinthinfilmsofsuperconductorswithsurface-induced RashbaSOI,or in various non-centrosymmetricsuperconductors. n a PACSnumbers: 72.25.Ba,74.70.-b,72.10.-d J 7 2 The spin Hall effect (SHE), which is a phenomenon the superconducting state. Based on the expression, we that an electric field E induces a transverse spin cur- analyze the two-dimensionalelectrongas (2DEG) model ] l rent JS, has attracted considerable attention. The in- with Rashba SOI as a typical spin Hall system, and re- l a trinsic SHE, which is independent of impurity scatter- veal that a giant SHC emerges in the superconducting h ing, was first predicted in semiconductors [1–4]. Later, state due to the CVC, independently of the strength of - s it was revealed that the large intrinsic SHE emerges in the SOI. This phenomenon will be observed in thin film e transition metals and their compounds, since the com- superconductors with the aid of surface-induced Rashba m plex d-orbital wavefunction induced by spin-orbit inter- SOI [18], or in various non-centrosymmetric supercon- . at action (SOI) gives rise to the “orbital Berry phase” that ductors such as CePt3Si, Li2Pt3B, MgSi, and Y2C3. works as a spin-dependent effective magnetic field [5–8]. The Rashba 2DEG model describes the electrons in a m In severalmetals, the spinHall conductivity (SHC, σ ) semiconductorinversionlayer. Ithadbeenstudiedinten- SH - d hadbeenexperimentallydeterminedbyobservingthein- sivelynot onlyas the issue ofsemiconductorspintronics, n verseSHEsignal[9–11]. TheobservedSHCinPtexceeds but also as a model for non-centrosymmetric supercon- o 200~e 1 Ω 1cm 1 [10],andtheSHCsinNbandMoare ductor [19]. The SHC in Rashba 2DEG model was first − − − c · negative [12]. These results can be explained in terms of studied by Sinova et al [1]. They found that the SHC [ the intrinsic SHE [8, 13], suggesting the importance of takesauniversalvalue e/8πintheballisticregime. ( e 3 the intrinsic mechanism in transition metals. is the electron charge.)−Later, Inoue et al [3] had show−n v Inspintronics,superconductivityiswidelyusedtocon- that the SHC vanishes identically in the diffusive regime 7 3 trol the spin state. In this sense, a natural question is due to the CVC induced by short-rangeimpurities. This 2 whether and how the SHE emerges in the superconduct- fact is also explained by the relation Sˆ˙ i[Hˆ,Sˆ ] JˆS 4 ing state. Although DC electric field E cannot exists in in the Rashba model [4, 20], where JˆSx ≡is the spxin∝curx- . x 6 bulksuperconductors,theSHCinsuperconductorsisob- rent. However, this relation does not hold in the super- 0 servable as follows: For example, the Hallvoltage due to conducting state. For this reason, the SHC in Rashba 8 inverse SHE should appear in the superconducting tun- 2DEG model shows a considerably large value just below 0 neling junction, thanks to the charge imbalance effect T unless the SOI is zero, as we will show below. : c v [14]. Moreover,the gradient of temperature will induces The s-waveBCS-Rashba 2DEGmodel is expressedby i X the transverse spin current in a bulk superconductors thefollowing4 4formintheNamburepresentation[19]: × when the SHC is finite: The observed spin Nernst con- ar SdHucCtivbiytythαeSHM≡otJtySre/l(a−ti∇onxTσ)SH[15∝]wToσuS′Hld(ǫbFe),realsatdeidsctuossthede Hˆ = 12Xk φˆ†kHˆkφˆk, Hˆk =(cid:18)i∆hˆ0kσˆy −−ihˆ∆0−σ∗ˆky (cid:19), (1) in the intrinsic anomalous Hall effect [16]. In addition, theSHCintype-IIsuperconductorswillbemeasurablein where σˆi (i = x,y,z) is the Pauli matrix, and φˆ†k = the mixedstate under the magnetic field, since the resis- (c†k ,c†k ,c k ,c k ); ckσ is an annihilation operator of tivity is nonzero [17]. Therein, SHC will not be affected elec↑tron↓. −hˆ0k↑=−ǫk↓ˆ1 + λ(σˆxky σˆykx) is the 2 2 k- by moving vortices since they do not convey spin. linear Rashba 2DEG Hamilton−ian in the normal×state, In this letter, we present a general expression for the where λ is the SOI parameter and ǫk = k2/2m µ; µ − intrinsicSHC inthe superconductingstate. This expres- is the chemical potential. ∆ is the superconducting gap; sion indicates that the current vertex correction (CVC), we assume that 0 ∆ µ hereafter. The quasiparticle ≤ ≪ which is a consequence of the conservation laws in the spectrumisgivenbyEk, = (ǫk λk)2+∆2. Wealso ± ± fieldtheory,cancauseasignificantchangeintheSHC in we assume that the spin-orbit splitting, ∆ = 2λk , is p SO F 2 much smaller than µ. In this case, the triplet pairing Thesecondterm,∆ΛˆC n I2 Tˆ GˆRΛˆCGˆATˆ ,rep- y ≡ imp k 0 y 0 induced by the Rashba SOI is negligible [19]. resentstheCVCforI-term. AsshowninRef. [3],thefac- Below,westudytheSHCinthepresenceofshort-range tor n in eq. (7) cancels with P GˆRGˆA O(γ 1) imp k − nonmagneticimpurities,bywhichTcisunchangeddueto O(n−im1p). Therefore, the CVC fPor I-term i∼s importan∼t Anderson’s theorem [21]. In the Nambu representation even in the clean limit (n 1). We will show this imp ≪ [21], a single impurity potential term is given by fact explicitly in later calculation. On the other hand, CVC for II-term is negligible in Hˆimp = I φˆ†kTˆ0φˆk′, (2) the clean limit: The charge CVC for II-term, ∆ΛˆCyII, 2 k,k′ is given by eq. (7) by replacing GˆA with GˆR. Since X GˆRGˆR is regular for γ +0, ∆ΛˆCII O(n ), where I is the impurity potential. Here and hereafter, k → y ∼ imp whichisnegligibleinthecleanlimit. Moreover,∆ΛˆCII is we define the following 4 4 unitary matrices: P y × related to the self-energy Σˆk through the Ward identity. Tˆ = ˆ1 0 , Tˆ = σˆx 0 , Since Σˆk is k-independent in the SCBA for short-range 0 (cid:18)0 −ˆ1(cid:19) 1 (cid:18) 0 −σˆx (cid:19) impurities, ∆ΛˆCyII vanishes in the present study. Thus, bare currents enter into eq. (5). σˆ 0 0 σˆ Tˆ2 = 0z σˆ , Tˆ3 = σˆ 0z . (3) By following Ref. [8], we rewrite eqs. (4) and (5) in z z (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) the band-diagonal basis. In this basis, (Uˆk†GˆRUˆk)l,m ≡ TGˆhke(ωG) r=een(ωˆ1funcHtˆiokn)−i1n[2t1h]e, aNnadmtbhue rreetparredseedntaatnidonadis- [iGsˆtRh]el,mun=itaδrly,mm/(aωtr−ixEfoklr),thwehcehraenEgekio=f b±asEisk.,±Thaennd, Uwˆke vanced Green−function are GˆRk(ω) = Gˆk(ω + iγ) and canperformω-integrationsusingtherelationshipsIm(z dGˆaAkm(ωpi)ng=rGˆatke(ωis−giiγv)e:nInbythγe B=ornnimappπprIo2xNim(ωa)t,ionw,htehree iσγII)−1is=giπveδn(za)sandIm(z−iγ)−2 =−πδ′(z). Forexampl−e, SH N(ω) = (m/2π)Re 1/ 1 (∆/ω)2 is the density of { − } states (DOS) per spin. 1 [JJ] ∂f 1 p m,l +2f(El) , it SwiinllcebethiensSeHnsCitiisveintdoeptheendeelencttroifctfiheeldMferiesqsnueernccyurωrefnotr, 2kX,l6=mEkm−Ekl "(cid:18)∂ω(cid:19)Ekl k Ekm−Ekl # ω γ . In the linear response theory [8, 22], the DC | | ≪ 0 where [JJ] Im [JˆS] [JˆC] . The first (second) SHC is expressed in the 4 4 Nambu representationas m,l ≡ { x m,l y l,m} × term corresponds to σIIa (σIIb) in Refs. [8]. As a result, SH SH σI = dω ∂f 1Tr JˆSGˆRΛˆCGˆA , (4) σSH is given by the summation of σSI+HIIa and σSIIHb: SH 2π −∂ω 2 x y σSIIH = X−kXkZ Z d2ω(cid:18)πf(ω)R(cid:19)e21Trh"JˆxS∂∂GˆωRJˆyCGˆiR σSI+HσIIIIab == kX,l6=m2([EJ[∆kJmJΛ−]]mmE,,llkl)(cid:18)−f(∂∂Eωfl(cid:19))Eklf,(Em) ,((89)) ∂GˆR SH 2(Em El)2 k − k JˆSGˆRJˆC , (5) k,l=m k − k − x y ∂ω # X6 (cid:2) (cid:3) where [J∆Λ] Im [JS] [∆ΛC] . Now, we can where f(ω) = (eω/T + 1)−1. JˆyC is the bare charge calculatethemS,Hl C≡ing{enexraml,sluperycoln,mdu}ctorsusing Eqs. current operator, which is given by δhˆk+eA/δAy A=0 (8) and (9), which had not been derived previously. − | (JˆδShˆ∗−k+eJˆAC/,δsAy/|A(=20)e)fiosrthpearbtaicrelesp(ihnolceu)rrcehnatnonpeelra[2to2r].. k k’ Inxt≡he{prxesenzt}m−odel, they are given by JxS k λk+ I −λk’ JyC k k JˆyC =−e myˆ1+λTˆ1 , JˆxS = 2mx Tˆ2, (6) k I −k’ (cid:18) (cid:19) −k where eλTˆ inJˆCiscalledtheanomalousvelocity[1,3], which−is esse1ntialyfor the SHE. FIG. 1: An example of terms for σSIH that is finite under Tc. ΛˆC in eq. (4) is the total charge current dressed by This term is proportional to ∆∝p1−T/Tc. y the CVC. When the elastic scattering dominates the in- σI+IIa ineq. (8)representsthequasiparticlecontribu- elastic scattering, the CVC is derived from the following SH tionatthe Fermilevel,andσIIb ineq. (9)representsthe Bethe-Salpeter equation in the self-consistent Born ap- SH Berrycurvaturetermthatisrewrittenasthesummation proximation (SCBA): oftheBerrycurvatureofBlochelectronsinsidetheFermi ΛˆC = JˆC+∆ΛˆC, (7) sea. In the normal state in bulk transition metals, CVC y y y 3 due to localimpurities almostvanishes inthe cleanlimit for x = 0; ΛC = JC+∆ΛC = e(k /m)ˆ1 [3]. However, y y y − y since the main matrix elements of current operators are this cancellation does not occur in the superconducting odd functions of k. Therefore, σI+IIa 0 and the total state, and therefore σI =0 below T . SHC is approximately given bySσHIIb f≈or γ 0 [8]. In Now,wederiveσI+ISIHa t6 hatrepresenctsthequasiparticle the Rashba 2DEG model, in contrSaHst, σI+II→a = e/8π in contribution. In a gSeHneral basis, eq. (8) is rewritten as SH the normal state because of the CVC for I-term. Since dω ∂f σIIb = e/8π, the total SHC vanishes identically in the σI+IIa = B(ω) (14) SH − SH 2π −∂ω normal state [3]. k Z (cid:18) (cid:19) X Interestingly, such a balance between the quasiparti- cle term and the Berry curvature term in the normal where B(ω) ≡ 21Tr JˆxSGˆR∆ΛˆCyGˆA . Since B(ω) is sim- s(∆tat=e i0s)dsreatsstiinca:lσlyI+chIIaanvgaendiswhhesenatthTe=su0pebreccoanudsuecotfivtihtye pfolrifiγed as1,(ew/e32ombt(a1i+nh txh2e))follαow=±in1g(ǫiekx+prαesλskio)2nδ:(|ω|−Eα) fact6or ∂f/∂ω. TShHus, σI+IIa should show a prominent ≪ P change−below T in spin HSHall systems where the CVC is σI+IIa = e X(∆,T), (15) c SH 8π significant: such examples are metals with Rashba-type or Dresselhaus-type SOI [3, 4] and doped graphene [23]. X(∆,T) = ∞ dǫ ∂f ǫ2 . Ontheotherhand,σSIIHb isfiniteevenatT =0unless∆is Z−∞ (cid:18)−∂ω(cid:19)√ǫ2+∆2 ǫ2+2∆2 much larger than the SOI splitting. Therefore, the SHC It should be stressed that σI+IIa is independent of λ(= can show a nontrivial temperature dependence below T SH 6 c 0). The asymptotic behavior of X(∆,T) for ∆ 0 is due to the imbalance between σI+IIa and σIIb. ≥ SH SH Hereafter, we calculate both σI+IIa and σIIb in the π ∆ SH SH X(∆,T) 1 for ∆ T (T T ),(16) BCS-Rashba2DEGmodel,andshowthattheSHCtakes ≈ − 2√2Tc ≪ ∼ c a large value just below T . According to eq. (7), the c πT lowest order CVC for ∆ΛCy is given as ≈ 2∆e−∆/T for ∆≫T (T ≪Tc).(17) r ∆ΛˆC(1)(ω) = n I2 Aˆ(ω), (10) In the same way, we derive that σIIa = (e/8π)Y(∆,T), y imp SH Xk where Y = ∞ dǫ(−∂f/∂ω)√ǫ2+∆2 is the Yosida func- tion. Since Y−∞= 1 O((∆/T )2) for T T , σI where Aˆ(ω) = Tˆ GˆRJˆCGˆATˆ . Hereafter, we assume the R − c ∼ c SH ≈ 0 y 0 ( e/16√2)(∆/T). Figure 1 shows an example of terms damping rate in the normal state, γ0 = nimpI2m/2, is fo−r σI that is of order O(∆) after k,ω-integrations. It the smallest parameter. Considering that the pole of repreSsHents the spin current due to the triplet (k , k ) GˆR is ω = E iγ and the relation (z2 + γ2) 1 = ↑ − ↑ (π/γ)δ(z), th±e e±xp−ression of Aˆ(ω) is greatly simp−lified particle-particle excitation induced by the Rashba SOI and the impurity scattering. 2π forγ0 ≪1. After performingthe integration 0 dφk/2π Next, we discuss σSIIHb, which is called the “Berry cur- (φk =tan−1(ky/kx)), Aˆ(ω) is simply given asR vature term” [8]. It is caused by electrons in the Fermi sea that satisfy El Em < 0. In the normal state, the Aˆ(ω)= −8eγ·π αmk +λ δ(|ω|−Eα) Tˆ1−xTˆ3 k-summationineqk.·(9)kis restrictedto kF− <|k|<kF+, αX=±1(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) where kF± are two Fermi momenta [8]. This restric- tion approximately holds in the superconducting state where x=∆/ω. As a result, eq. (10) becomes in the present model. Moreover, [JˆS] = [JˆC] = 0 x m,l x m,l ∆ΛˆC(1)(ω) = e(λ/2)( Tˆ +xTˆ ), (11) for (Ekm,Ekl)=(Ek,α,−Ek,α), since there is no number- y − − 1 3 nonconservingelementsineq. (6)[22]. Forthesereasons, where the relation γ =πnimpI2N(ω) is considered. in contrast to σSI+HIIa, σSIIHb is insensitive to T and ∆ if (T,∆) ∆ ,whichwillbeverifiedlaterbyperforming The second lowest order CVC is given by eq. (10) SO ≪ by replacing JˆC with ∆ΛˆC(1). After taking the k- numerical calculation of eq. (9). y y Now, we show numerical results for m=µ=1, under summation, it is simply obtained as the condition that ∆,∆ γ . Figure 2 (a) shows the SO 0 ≫ ∆ΛˆC(2)(ω) = (1 x2)/2 ∆ΛˆC(1)(ω). (12) ∆-dependenceoftheSHCforλ=0.1andT =0.01. The y − · y quasiparticle term σI+IIa and the Berry curvature term SH σIIbaregivenbyeqs. (15)and(9),respectively. Toverify Thus, the total CVC, ∆ΛCy = ∞l=1∆ΛˆCy(l), is given as thSeHcorrectness of eq. (15), we have also calculated the CVC by solving the Bethe-Salpeter eq. (7) numerically λ P ∆ΛCy = −e1+x2 −Tˆ1+xTˆ3 . (13) for γ0 = 0.001, and derived σSI+HIIa using eq. (14). The (cid:16) (cid:17) obtained result is shown by square dots. Since σSIH = σI vanishes in the normal state since the off-diagonal (e/16√2)(∆/T )+O(∆2)andσII =O(∆2), σI gives SH − c SH SH anomalousvelocitycancelsoutinthetotalchargecurrent the increment in σ just below T . SH c | | 4 (a) 1 λ=0.1 SOI shows a prominent increment in the superconduct- σIIa T=0.01 ing state. Similar drastic change in the SHC will be ob- E=1 0.5 SH I+IIa F servedincasesofthek3-typeRashbaorDresselhausSOI, I+IIa (numerical) sincetheCVCfortheanomalousvelocityislargeinthese π8] cases. The present study opens the way to distinguish C [1/ 0 between the quasiparticle contribution (eq. (8)) and the H Berry curvature contribution (eq. (9)), which had been S σI desired to understand the mechanism of intrinsic SHE. SH −0.5 total SHC Insummary,wehavepresentedthefirststudyofthein- σIIb trinsic SHE in the superconducting state. Inthe Rashba SH −1 ∆ 2DEGmodel,theSHCchangesfromzerotoalargenega- 0 0.05 0.1 (b) 0 tivevaluejustbelowTcunlessλ=0,duetothechangein Tc=0.2 I−term the quasiparticle contribution σI+IIa. This phenomenon T=0.1 (indep. of T, λ) SH c c willbeobservedinthinfilmsuperconductorswiththeaid π] λ=0.05 of surface-induced Rashba SOI, in non-centrosymmetric 8 1/ Tc=0.05 superconductors,andinsemiconductorsusingthesuper- C [ conducting proximity effect. Moreover, the SHC in su- −0.5 H S perconductors will also be observed using the AC mea- al surement, since σ (ω) is finite for ω = 0 whereas the ot xx 6 t T=0.02 intrinsic SHC is independent of ω for 0 ω .γ 1 [3]. c ≤ − T=0.005 X(∆,T)−1 We are grateful to Y.Otani, T. Kimura,and E. Saitoh c (indep. of T, λ) −1 c for valuable discussions. 0 0.5 1 t FIG. 2: (color online) (a) ∆-dependence of the SHC; com- parison of I-, IIa-, and IIb-terms. 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