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Intraspecific Variation in Four Distinct Populations of Anemia villosa Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. (Anemiaceae) Occurring in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PDF

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Preview Intraspecific Variation in Four Distinct Populations of Anemia villosa Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. (Anemiaceae) Occurring in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Four Intraspecific Variation in Distinct Populations of Anemia Humb. & villosa Bonpl. ex Willd. (Anemiaceae) Occurring Rio de in Janeiro, Brazil Maria Luiza da Costa Ribeiro Ribeiro* UNIGRANRIO Escola de Ciencias da Saude, Marcelo Guerra Santos Departamento de Ciencias, Faculdade de Formagao de Professores, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Claudla Franca Barros Laboratorio de Botanica Estrutural, Instituto Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Costa Cecilia G. The diversity of plant communities comprise that the Brazilian Atlantic rain complex prompted number forest has a of studies on functional variation of species that are vi^idespread in various habitats within this complex. All of these studies have indicated a large degree of intraspecific variation between distinct populations at different habitats, regarding both anatomical and physiological traits (Scarano et al., 2002; Scarano et 2005; Mantuano et al, al., 2006). Anatomical and may morphological characters serve as reliable indicators in and the study understanding of ecological adaptations of living organisms (Fahn, 1964]. Environmental conditions, such and as light intensity nutrient availability, can influence the size and shape of leaves as well as anatomical many aspects. For example, high in light habitats, leaves of plants tend be to and more smaller deeply incised than under shadier conditions (MacLellan, known 2000). In addition, there are other well shifts in leaf traits such as * Corresponding author. Escola de Ciencias da Saude, UNIGRANRIO, Rua Professor de Jose Souza Herdy Duque 1160, 25 de agosto, de Caxias, Brazil, [email protected] RIBEIRO ET AL.: INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION IN ANEMIA VILLOSA cuticle thickness, epidermal stomatal frequency and length, and cell size, trichome frequency and length that are often related environmental to conditions (Olson and Rogas Hlwatika and Carlquist, 2000; et al, 2001; Bhat, 2002]. common on morphology and anatomy Studies fern are (Kraus et al, 1993, Gragano et al, 2001; Chaerle and Viane, 2004; Pita et al, 2006a, however b), on such studies intraspecific variation in traits in ferns are not usual (Liu et al, Boeger al According Mickel hundred 2006; et 2007). to (1962), in the last Anemia years, has been an explored subject for morphological studies that have been largely concerned to the taxonomy. Little work, other than that of how Ribeiro al has been done on understanding environmental et (2007), conditions influence morphology genus Anemia. in the Anemia Humb. & villosa Bonpl. ex Willd. widely distributed in eastern is Brazil, from Santa Catarina to Ceara, and also in northern South America from commonly Peru Surinam. Rio de populations to In Janeiro State, large are with on and associated vegetation islands rocky outcrops (Santos Sylvestre, According Mickel 2006). to (1962) this species has a considerable variation in size and form that can lead to confusion with other species. In Rio de Janeiro State, A. villosa populations exhibit two different specimen sizes. The aim of study was analyze anatomical and environmental parameters this to variation in A. villosa growing at four different sites in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil to generate a better understanding of the degree of plasticity exhibited by this species across a variety of habitats. Material and Methods Anemia Leaf samples of villosa were collected in four distinct sites in Rio de Janeiro State, Southeastern Brazil: Pedra de Itacoatiara (Serra da Tiririca State Park) and Forte Imbuhy, on the coast of Niteroi; Pedra Dubois at municipality of Santa Maria Madalena and Lumiar, municipality of Nova Friburgo. All grew which was populations in inselbergs, except for Lumiar, collected at the The two border of the Atlantic rain forest (Table populations in 1). km municipality of Niteroi are approximately 14 apart from each other. each were randomly In collection site, five plants chosen, except for the site where From Pedra Dubois, only were each of three plants selected. plant, five were and immediately leaves collected fixed in formalin-acetic acid-alcohol 70% and (FAA70) (Berlyn Miksche, Fragments each pinna 1976). of last cm^) were gradually dehydrated in ethanol and embedded in glycol (0.5 methacrylate resin (Feder and O'Brien, Five micrometer thick transverse 1968). made sections were with a rotary microtome, and were subsequently stained O with 0.1% toluidine blue (O'Brien and McCully, 1981). The tracheary elements were observed in material dissociated using the Franklin method and by (1945) stained hydroalcoholic safranin (Johansen, 1940). Identification of vascular bundle types followed Ogura (1972) and stomata Sen and De (1992). AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 72 JOURNAL: 101 2 (2011) Forte Pedra de Pedra Dubois Lumiar Imbuhy Itacoatiara Anatomical observations and measurements were made Olympus using an BX50 microscope with light the aid of Image-Pro Plus version 4 software. The images were acquired by a video camera Cool SNAP-Pro. The following leaf anatomical parameters were measured each for sample: thickness of leaf blade, mesophyll, adaxial and abaxial epidermis; trichoma and length density; stomata length and and density; lignified petiole area. Means and standard were deviations calculated from a sample size of 25 fields A ANOVA each measurement for (N-25). nested was used study to the association between the outcome and Component variable group. Principal Analysis (PCA) was used to find the higher variance components. To the test hypothesis that the analyzed sample was composed morphologically of different discrete groups, a Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) was performed (Schlichting, 1986; Zar, 1996). Overall differences between the compared groups are presented by Mahalanobis The distance. statistical analyses were performed with Statistica 6.0 (Zar, 1996]. v. As described by Mikel populations Anemia show (1962), different of villosa differences in leaf morphology. The specimens from Lumiar and Pedra Dubois exhibit the typical oblong blade with pinnae leaf fertile close to the sterile pinnae, and the specimens from have Niterdi triangular leaf blade with fertile pinnae that vary in their localization from remote to close to the sterile pinnae (Fig. 1). The four populations analyzed are similar in qualitative characters such as type and The of stomata, trichomes, stele. petiole has a uniseriated epidermis with lignified walls along with uniseriated trichomes. The stomata are parallel in the adaxial epidermis, making up two and supported above lines, are the common epidermal by with Below cells cells lignified walls. the epidermis there are four to five layers of sclerenchyma followed by parenchyma with some The amyloplasts. V-shaped and endodermis stele the is clearly visible is and shows evident Casparian two were strips; layers of pericycle observed. AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 101 2 (2011) _ © o .(D e 0 e Figs. 3-14. Sections of leaves of four populations Anemia Humb. & of villosa Bonpl. ex Willd. occurring in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. 3-5. Leaf of Itacoatira populations. 3) Cross section of leaf blades. 4) Adaxial epidermis surface. 5) Abaxial epidermis surface. 6-8. Leaf of Imbuhy populations. 6) Cross sections of leaf blades. 7) Adaxial epidermis surface. 8) Abaxial epidermis surface. 9-11. Leaf of Lumiar populations. 9) Cross sections of leaf blades. 10) Adaxial epidermis surface. 11) Abaxial epidermis surface. 12-14. Leaf of Pedra Dubois populations. 12) Cross sections ^" nm ^ Figs. 200 3. 5, 6, 8. 9, 11, 12, 14; in Figs. 4, 7, 10, 13. All populations have hypostomatic The leaves. epidermis comprised of is one layer of cells with sinuous anticlinal walls and convex periclinal walls, in both and The abaxial adaxial surfaces. stomata are desmocytic and polocytic, and the guard cells of the stomata protrude a from the surface of the little epidermis. Pluricellular trichomes are present in both adaxial and abaxial The surfaces. mesophyll shows 3-4 which more layers of arm-cells, are compactly arranged near the adaxial epidermis 3-14). (Figs. RIBEIRO ET INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION ANEMIA VILLOSA AL.: IN 75 ^ ex Willd (Mean ± standard deviation) and F values (NESTED-GLM). ANOVA The among results of the nested were significant sites (F -115.67) ANOVA and among = significant individuals (F 5.66). Nested results for the among quantitative variables groups are presented in Table All populations 2. were similar for one out of 10 variables (epidermis thickness of adaxial surface). All populations were different in three variables (trichome density on adaxial surface, leaf thickness and mesophyll thickness). The inland mountain (Pedra Dubois and Lumiar) and coastal land (Pedra de Itacoatiara and Forte Imbuhy) were populations statistically different in three variables (trichomes lengh of adaxial surface, trichomes length of abaxial surface and stomata length). and two components and Factor loadings eigenvalues the (PCsl for first 2) PCA extracted in the are shown in Table These accounted for 57.71% of the 3. total variance. Anatomical characters such as trichome density of abaxial surface, uniseriate trichome length of adaxial surface, uniseriate trichome and showed length of abaxial surface, trichome density of adaxial surface the highest (either positive or negative) correlations with PCI, and epidermis and showed thickness of adaxial abaxial surface the highest correlations with PCA PC2. Figure 15 shows that separated the populations analyzed in two groups: one formed by the coastal land populations of Imbuhy and Itacoatiara, and other formed by the inland mountain populations of Parque Estadual do Pedra Dubois and Lumiar. Factor structure for the 10 variables and eigenvalues for the two factors first DFA (DFl and shown DFl was extracted in the are in Table positively 2) 3. 76 AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 101 2 (2011) correlated with trichome lengh of abaxial surface and negatively correlated with trichome density DF2 of abaxial surface, whereas was positively DFA with correlated stomata density. was 98.27% classification individ- for uals from groups and (Fig. I, II III 16). Discussion In this study all populations of A. villosa showed similar qualitative characters but variation was demonstrated in the quantitative characters. This quantitative variation occurred between specimens at different latitudes, temperatures and altitudes in the Rio de Janeiro State showing two distinct groups: the coastal land populations and the inland mountain populations. These two groups were by described Mickel Rio de (1962) in Janeiro state as specimens with oblong and leaf blades pinnae approximate fertile to the sterile pinnae (inland mountain population) and those with broader leaf blades with pinnae fertile varying in their origin from remote approximate to the to sterile pinnae land (coastal populations). Other have studies verified quantitative variation populations in of angiosperm species that occur in different habitats or micro-habitats (e.g., Rogas et al, 1997, 2001; Hlwatika and Bhat, 2002; Mantuano The et 2006). al., anatomical Anemia differences in villosa are evident in traits such as trichome density of adaxial and abaxial surfaces, leaf thickness and mesophyll thickness between populations and in trichome length of adaxial and abaxial surfaces and stomata between length the inland mountain and coastal land popula- The inland mountain populations, submitted lower temperatures and to higher humidity, presented thicker leaves with longer stomata and trichomes, and low when stomata frequency compared to coastal land populations. The difference in thickness of the leaf and mesophyll was expressed in length but RIBEIRO ET INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION ANEMIA VILLOSA AL.: IN mesdens,ty Tricho abaxlal surface in OOaOo' ° Trichomeslerghonadaxiplsu^c^ ° i v.*. -2,0 -1,5 -1,0 -0,5 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 not in number of cell layers. According to some studies {Woodward, 1979; and Willians Black, 1993; Korner, 1999; Loeys et al, 2002) biomass allocation is temperature sensitive, and exposure to low temperatures results in plants that exhibit reduced investment in the shoot and leaves that are thicker than their warm-growth counterparts. Differences in stomata frequency were also observed by Hlwatika and Bhat studying Rapanea melanophloes (2002) (L.) Mez and Cunonia These capensis authors in distinct ecological L. sites. may suggest that the higher stomatal frequencies in sclerophyllous vegetation be a reaction to the favorable photosynthetic conditions. Rogas studying Alcbornea et (1997, 2001), intraspecific variation in al. Mantuano triplinervia (Spreng.) Miill. Arg., et (2006) verifying intraspecific al. variation in Erythroxylum ovalifolium Peyr., and Pereira et al. (2009) studying variation of Andira legalis Toledo leaves, observed differences in (Veil.) epidermis thickness between the populations and related this to changes in light regimes. In A. villosa populations analyzed are fully exposed to all which may why sunlight, explain there no difference in their epidermis is thickness. Although intraspecific variation in ferns has been poorly explored, it is crucial to understand the distribution of this group. According to Liu et al. (2006), the leaf anatomy of Isoetes shows less environmentally induced variation than the external leaf morphology. In this present study, however, it AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 101 2 (2011) Root Root 2 vs. 1 was under verified that different environmental conditions Anemia villosa populations shov^ed both anatomical and morphological modifications. We thank the Institute de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de CAPES, CNPq Janeiro, (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento and Museu Cienti'fico e Tecnologico) Nacional-UFRJ for fellowships, We funding and MSc research grants. are grateful to the Gabriel U. C. Araiijo dos Santos for the English revision and to Carlos Eduardo Jascone for the aid in collecting plants. This paper was derived from the dissertation of the author. first Literature Cited Berlyn, G. p. and P. Mikschk. 1976. Botanical microtechique and cytochemistry. Iowa State J. BoEGER. M. R. T., L. E. Cavichiolo, M. W. Pil and P. H. Labiak. 2007. Variabilidade de fenoti'pica Rumohra adiantiformis Ching Hoehnea [G. Forst) (Dryopteridaceae). 34(4):553-561. and Chaerle, p. R. L. L. Viane. 2004. Leaf anatomy and the occurrence of false veins in Asplenium (Aspleniceae, Pteridophyta). Bot. Linn. Soc. 145:187-194. J. Some Fahn, a. 1964. anatomical adaptations of desert plants. Phytomorphology 14:93-102. RIBEIRO ET INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION IN ANEMIA VILLOSA AL.:

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