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Preview Intraspecific Chloroplast DNA Variations of the Alpine Plants in Japan

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlant SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN1346-7565 Acta Phytotax. Geobet, 56 (3) :265-275 (2005) ShortCommunication Intraspecifi cChloroplas tDNA Variationsof the Alpine Plants inJapan KEI SENNIi,NORIYUKI FUJIIi,HIDEKI TAKAHASHI2, TAKASHI SUGAWARAi and MICHIO WAKABAYASHIi 'imkino Hbrbarium,GraduateSchoolofScienc7bed,yo MettopolitanUriivenyiJc-}1lMlnami-Osawa, Hachicv'i, 7blyo JP2-039Z .ku)an; 2The Hblakaid oUhiversit Myuseum, Sapporo 060-08iO, .k4pan [I bobtain more inforrnati oonn the geneti cdi fferentiat iofoJanpanese alpine plant si,ntraspeci fvairic- ations ofchloroplast DNA (cpDNA o)f23 species were investigat Weed, examined the samples frern the populations in Centra lHonshu, Tohoku, and Hokkaido, Japan; and in Sakhalin ,Russia. In thc nucleotide sequence of two non-coding Tegions (trnl:trnL re-gitonrn aFnd t7?l16 intron) of cpDNA, the intraspec ivfariiactions were detecte idn all species, except Cbuua scita. The species with a relatively high (includiinndgels) Anemone (O.909A/r6e)n,aria proportio nof mutational events were nanrissijiora aretica (O.74% G)e,um calthijblium (O,86% I)(,J/peric ukmamtsehaticu m(1.04% P)l,edicularisyezoen- sis (1 , 1 8%), and 7lolli ursieclerianus (O.77%). Key words: chloroplast DNA, haplotype i,ntraspeci vfairication, Japanese alpinc plants p,hylogeog]'a- phy, rpII6 intron ,tm7LtrnL-trnFregion !n recent years, the intraspeci fviacriations of of the phylogenetic analysis of the haplotype sin cpDNA have been frequent lusyed fbr inferri nthge Rediculari schamissonis Steven (Foj eit ial, 1997) evolutionary histor oyr the past migratien ofplants and Primula cuneijblia Ledeb. (FLi jeti ail, 1995, (Avi s2e000) .In case of Japanese plant ss,everal 1999) ,Furthermore ,these clades have clearly shown phylegeographic satuldies using cpDNA vanations the phylogeographica sltructure, and the clade have been perfbrmed (Abie sTs,umura & Ohba endemic to the Centra lHonshu was observed in 1994; Iblygonum, Inamura et al. 2000; Ilagu sF,iijiieach species. The structure was discusse dto be et aL 2002; Aucuba and Stachyurus, Ohi et al. formed due to the glacia ladvances and retreats 2003a, b; Michetia ,Lu et aL 2002; llemerocallis,during the Pleistocene .In order to assess the gen- Noguchi et al, 2004; the plant sof broad-leaved erality of the distribut ipoantter onf these clades, we evergreen fbrest sAo,ki et al. 2003, 2004; euereus,must accumulate more data on cpDNA variations Kanno et al, 2004), In Japanese alpine plant sg,eo- using other species. Fiij ieti al. (1996 i)nvestigated graphic cpDNA variation among population hsas the intraspeci fcipDcNA variation of the other been reported fbr seyeral species (Foj eit ial. 1995, Japanes ealpine plant susing 40 taxa; however ,the 1996, 1997, 1999), Two or three major cpDNA study has been limite dwith regard to the lengt hof clades were identifi ien dJapan based on the results the nucleotide sequences of cpDNA (approximate- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 266 APG M)1. 56 ly 300-400 bp) and the number ofpopulations ana- lyzed .Therefbre ,in the present study, in order to obtain furthe irnforrnati oonn the geneti cdifferen- tiatio nof the alpine plant samong populations in Japan, the intraspeci fcipDcNA variations were examined, We selected 23 species of the subalpine or alpine plant stha tare commonly distribu tien dJapan (Appendi Txh)e. uncommon or rare species were avoided in order to obtain as many populatio nass possible .The species includ ethe seven species on which a prelimina ranyalysis was conducted in Ft!iii et al. (1996 a)s, fo11ows A:renaria aretica (Caryo- phyllaceae)C,Zimpanula lasiocailp(aCampanula- ceae), Gentiana aigidu (Gentiana Gceeuam eca)lt,h- ijbli u(mRosaceae )Pe,dicularis yezoensis (ScrophulariacePaoete)n,tilla matsumurae (Rosace aaend) ,7}olliu sriederianus (Ranuncula- ceae). A total of five to thineen populations from Centra lHonshu, Ibheku, and Hokkaido districts ofJqpan; and the Sakha]i nIslan dofRussia (Fi g1., and Appendix) were examined fbr all the 23 species. During sampling, we collected relatively more pop- ulations from Central Honshu because high haplo- type diversi wtays reported in previous studies (Fiijii et al. 1997, 1999) .A single individu aflrom each populatio wnas analyzed. The taxonomy ofall these species fbllowe dShimizu (1982 1,983), though intraspeci tfaixca were not adopted in this study, The leaves ofthe samples were dried and pre- served in silica gel. The leave swere powdered using a mixer mill (Vibrat Miiolnl type MM300, FiG. 1. The sample Iocation sfbr the presen tstudy. Retsch ,Haan, Germany), and tota lgenomic DNA was extracted from O,O1 g of the powder by using accessions. In Ap7iic aunalaschcensis (Asteraceae), the slightly modified C[[AB method of Doyle & the non-coding regions between the trnT (UGU) Dickson (198 o7r )a DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagenand trnL 3' exon (faber lete atl. 1991) ,and the Inc. ,Hilden, Germany). The non-coding regions rpl16 intro nwere used. The non-coding regions of qpDNA between the trnL (UAA) 5' exon and the between the trxT and trnF includin tghe trnL intron trnF (GAA) ,includin tghe trnL intron ([fabe ertlet([labe retl ael,t 1991) and the rpl16 intro nwere al. 1991) ,and the rpll6 intro n(Jord eatn aL 1996, used in the followin fgbur species: Cassiop elycopo- Klechner & Clark 1997) were amplified using the dioide s(Ericace Gaeen)ti,ana aigido, Geum calth- porymeras echain reaction (PCR )method in most 4fbli aunmd, fledicular iysezoensi (sAppendi Txh)e. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics December 2005 SENNI et aL : Intraspecif cipDcNA variation in Japanese alpine plants 267 PCR product sfbr direc tsequencing were excised from 09i 6(CZii sucirta (Cyperace aDei)ap,ensia iap- from 1% agarose gels and purified using a ponica, and Mingia cv'anensis (Apiace atoe 1) ,)59% Geneclea nIII Kit (Qbioge Innec. ,Carlsbad, CA, (Ilyper ihcamutmschaticu mi)n the tnnL-trnP r"egion, USA), Sequencin greactions were canied out using and from O% (Artemi ssiinaanensis, Capmmine aii ABI Prism BigDye terminato rcycle sequencing nipponica (Brassicac eCaateex) ,scita, Cassiope ready reaction kit ver. 3.1 (App] iBeiodsystems lycopodio Liudzeuisa ,ancuata (Juncace aande), Inc. F,oste rCity ,CA, USA). The sequencing reac- Rumex montanus (Polygonac teo a1e.)83)9 '(67itingta tion preducts were purified c,oncentrated by EtOH ojanens iisn )the rpl16 intron region, The value of precipitati oannd, then apptied to an ABI Prism the trnTLtrnL 3' exon in Arnica unalaschcensis was 3100-Avant automated DNA sequencer (AppliedO.489, 6T.he values of the trn T-trnF region varied Biosystems). The nucleotide sequence data report- from O,46% (Geum caithijblium) to 1,489'6 ed in this paper will appear in the DDBJ, EMBL, (fedicul yaerzoiesnsis) ,We did not observe any and GenBank DNA datal)a sunedser accession num- correlation between the proportio nofsmutational bers AB219580 to AB219763. Alignment of the events ofthe trnL-trnF region and the ilpll6 intron. sequences was done manually using the DNASIS- For example, in Cassiop elycopodio ialdtheousgh, Mac program ver. 3.0 (Hita cSheiftwar eEngineer- the value of the trnL-trnF region was relatively ing ,[[bkyo J,apan) T,he insertionsfdele (tiionndselsh)igh ,no intraspecif ivacriation was observed in the were generaI Ipylace dso as to maximize the number ";pl16 intron ,On the other hand, in 7ilingi aqfa- of matching nucleotides in the corresponding nensis, we observed the opposite patter nth;e varia- sequences. Subsequent lwye, determine tdhe cpDNA tion in the rpl16 intro nwas relatively high, while haplotype osfall the samples from site change and that of the trnL-F region was O%. inde lcharacteristics using the combined cpDNA The proporti eofn mutational events combining regions. Additional lweM estimated the proportio nof the sequences of trn7iL-F regions and the rpt16 mutational events of each region in the fbllowing intro nranged from O% to 1. 1 8% (Appendi Txh)e. manner: the proportio onfmutational events = (NS species with relatively high values were Anemone + ID)IL, where NS = number of nucleotide substi- naFirissij7ora (O.90% )Ar,enari aatz]tica (O.749t6), tutions ,ID = number of observed indel sa,nd L = Geum calthi.f'olium (O.86%) ,Ilypericum sequence lengt h(O'Donn e1l9l92). kamtschaticum (1.04% )Pe,dicularis yezoensis The non-coding region between the trnL 5' (1.18% )an,d 7lolliu sriederianus (O,889 Orn6 )th.c exon and trnF varied from 628 bp Cllypericuomther hand, the species Artemisia sinanensis, Carex kamtschaticu m(Clusiace taoe 1)0)16 bp (Carexscita, and Lttzul aarcuata indicat ead value of O. 1% stenantha (Cyperace aien )l)ength ,whereas the or lower, rpll6 intro nvaried from 752 bp (Gentia anigaido) Through the presen tinvestigation st,hree or to 1338 bp (Diapen slaipaponic a(Diapensiacemoaree) h)aplotype swere observed in most species in lengt h(Appendi xT)he. trn7LtrnL 3' exon in (Appendix F)o.r example, in Cassiop elycopodi- Arnica unalaschcensis was 1039 bp in length T,he oides and Geum calthijbiium, alt populations ana- trn7LtrnF region varied from }446 bp (Gentian alyzed in this study possessed differen ctpDNA hap- aigida) to 1747 bp (Cassiq pleycqpodio iinde slo)type sA.dditional lay r,elatively greate nrumber of length. haplotype wsere detecte idn the fo11owin sgpecies: The (includinAngemone (9haplotypes)A,renaria proponion ofmutational events narcissijlora inde lcharacters) of each region was also variable arctica (7 )C,a,ziamin eniprpoinca (7 )D,iapensia depending on taxa (Appendi Txh)e. values varied iapponic a(7 )G,entiana aigidu (8) L,oiseleuria NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 268 APG Xlo15.6 proeumbens (8 )I,ledicula yreizsoensis (8 )i],btentilla References matsumuvae (8) a,nd 7ilingi atu'anensis (7) O.n the other hand, only one or two cpDNA haplotypes Aeki, K,, T, Suzuki & N. Murakami. 2003. Intraspecific were observed in Artemisi sainanensis, C2ite srcita, sequence variation ofchloroplast DNA among the and Luzula areuata, component species of evergreen broad-lcav efdorests cu l a risAc cckaomrisdsionnisg to (thFe tpi reetj vaiil,io u1s9 9st7u)d itehse, p rion pPoerdtii-on iP, nh yJlaopgaen, o.JTg .,rP-alWpa.nh t yo fRHes tush. e 1c&o1mp6 o:n Ne3.nt3 7M-u3r 4askp4ea.cmicis, of 2b0r0o4a,d- ofmutational events was 2.1% and 17 haplotypes leaved cvergreen fores tisn Japan, based on chloro- were detecte dan;d in Pri'mul acuneij2)lia (Foj eit ail, plas tDNA variation. J. PIant Res. 1 17: 77-94. 1995, 1999) the proportion was 1,9% and eight Ayise ,J .C. 1994. Molecular markers, natural history haplotyp ewesre recognized. ln the present studM the and evolution, Chapman & Hall ,New Ybrk. values obtained fbr all these species were lower L. o2n0d0o0n. .Phylogeography H.arvard Universit Pyress, than those of the two above-mentioned species. Doyle, J .J. & E. E. Dickson ,1987, Preservati oofnplant Pedicularis yezoensis showed the highes tyalue samples fo rDNA restriction endonuclease analy- (1,18 9an(d h t)he eight haplotype swere detected. sis. faxon 36: 715-722. Howeveg we may be al)l teo clarify the phylogeneticFiiji iN,., K. Ueda, & T, Shimizu. 1996. Intraspecific relationships among the cpDNA haplotype sby sequcnce variation ofchloroplastrlbx DeNnA in Japanese alpine plants J.. Phytogeogr, 44: 72-8 1 . adding appropriate outgroups in the above-men- Y INleita&noT,Shimizu,1995.Intraspecific tioned species that have a high pToportion ofmuta- s, equence, variation i n c hloroplast DNA ofPrimula tional events and many haplotypes, cuneijblia Ledeb. (Primulace aJ. eP)h.ytogeogt As mentioned above, the geneti cdifferentiatio n Taxon43: I5-24, between the populations of Central Honshu and , , & . 1997. Intraspeci fsieqcuence nienrtPhterendi caurelaa r(i[s[bh oHokkulc,(aiFduo ,jetic.i) were19 i9n7f)erred vsoanriisat ioSnt eofvchelno r(opSlasctrop DhNAul ainr 1i la aadcnidec augelea)o rgcihrasamipsh-ic chamissonis et aL and structuring ofthe Japanes e"alpinc" plants. J. Plant Primula cuneijZ)lia (FLi ejt iali. 1995, 1999) .In the Res. 110:195-207. presen tanalyses, among the populations of central , , & .1999. Further analysis of Honshu and northern area, most species possessed intraspecif iscequence variation ofchloroplast DNA differe ncptDNA haplotype se,xcluding Artemisia in Primuta cuneij2)lia Ledeb. (Primulac eiamepl)i:- sinanensis, Ctitex scita, U)/peri chaummtschaticum, cations for biogeography of the Japanese alpine floraJ.,PlantRes,112:87-95, Luzula 1>rollius (Appen- areuata, and riederianus N.Tbmaru,K.Okuyama, T,Koike,T.Mikami& K. dix) ,A]though the present results are preliminary, ,U ed a. 2e02 . Ch loroplas DtN A phy lo geogra ph yof these results might imply a similar situation as Flagu screnata (Fagace iane J)apan .Plant Syst .Evol. observed with Pbdicuiari schamissonis and Primula 232:21-33. Inamura,A.,YlOhashi,E.Sato,Y.YOda, T.Masuzawa, cuneijbtia. M. Ito ,& K. Ybshinaga 2.000. Intraspccif iscequence We exprcss eur sincere thanks to A. Kitada and Y, variation ofchloroplast DNA reflecting varicty and Koshizuka fbr their assistance with the laborator wyork. g(ePooglryagpohinca acdleiasitenr)Jiabpuat nio.ofJn P.bPllyagnotnRuems .cus1pild3ot:um419- This study was partl ysupported by a Grant-in-Ai fdor 426. Ybung Scientist(sA)G,rantNo. 15687003,The collect- Jordan,W, C,,M. W, Courtney& J.E,Neigel.1996. ing ofsamples ofthe Sakhali nIslan din Russia was sup- porte dby a Grant-in-Ai dfbr Scientif Riecsearch, Grant Low level sof intraspeci fgiecneti cvariation at a No. 13575008(toH. Takahashi). rapidly evolving chloroplast DNA locus in North Americandnckweeds(LemmaceaAeme)r..J.Bot.83: 430-439. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics Deeember 2005 SENNI et al,: lntraspecif cipcDNA variation in japanese alpine plants 269 Kanno, M., J .Ybkoyama, Y Suyama, M. Ohyama, T. ascomycete Fuasarium sambucinum (Gibberellaputi- Itoh, & M. Suzuki. 2004, Geographical distribution caris). Curr ,Genct .22: 213-220. of two haplotype sof chloroplast DNA in fbur oak Ohi, T, ,T, Kajita, & J. Murata. 2003a. Distinc tgeo- species (2uereu isn )Japan. J. Plant Res. 117: 311- graphi cstructure as evidenced by chloroplast DNA 317. haplotypes and ploidy levc lin Japanese Aucuha Kelchner S,. A., & L. G. Clark .1997. Molecular evolution (Aucubacea eA)m.er, J, Bot 90: 1645-1652. and phylogenetic utility of the chloroplast rpl16 , M. Wakabayashi, S, Wu, & J. Murata. 2003b. intro nin Chusquea and the Bambusoideae. Mol, Phylogeegraph yof Staciryur puisuecox (Stachyura- Phy]ogenet E.vol. 8i 385-397, ceae) in the Japanes eArchipelago based on chloro- Lu, S.-YZ K,.-H, Hong, S.-L .Liu, YrP. Cheng, W.-L. plas tDNA haplotype sJ, ,Jpn .Bot. 78: 1-14. Wu, & T.-Yl Chiang .2002. Genetic variation and Shimizu ,T. 1982, The new alpine flor aofJapan in color population diffk)rentia tofi oMnichelia formosana vel. I ,Hoiku$ha, Osaka, (i nJapanesc) (Magnoliace baaes)ed on cpDNA variation and . 19g3. 1[he new alpinc flor aofJapan in color vol. 2. R.APD fingerprin trselievance to post-Pleistocene Hoikusha ,Osaka. (i nJapanese) recolonization. J. Plant Res. 1 15: 203-216, Taberlet, P., L. Gielly, G. Pautou & J. Bouvet. 1991. Noguchi, J. ,D.-Y/ Hong & W, F. Grant .2e04. The his- Universal primers for amplification of three non- toric aelvolutionary developmen tof Hbmeroeallis coding regions of chloroplast DNA. Plan tMol. Biol. middendoijii (Hemerocallid raccveealaede )by non- 17:1105-1109. coding regions in chloroplast DNA. Plant Syst ,Evol. Tsumura, YL, Yl Suyama, H, Ilaguch i&, K. Ohba. 1994. 247: 1-22. Geographica lcline ef chleroplast DNA variation in O'Donnell K,. 1992. Ribosomal DNA intern atlranscribed Abies mariesii. Theer .Appl, Gcnet. g9: 922-926. highlydivergenitnthe spacers are phytopathogenic Received Mtirz r2h8, 2005, 'aecepted October 24, 2005 NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 270 APG Vbl.56 AppENDTx. Intraspeci fcipDcNA variation of Japanes aelpine plants. Haplotypei Haplotype' Species and locality (b'nL-F) (rpl16introhna)pClootmybpeined voucheP AnemonenarcissijloraL.(RANUNCULACEAE) Russia :Sakhaiin ,Mt. Zhdanko [2(lNS, 12 ABCDEDEFGDHI N, FzijiFiOKI.0S6e0Snln2i2N6.FO1703FO1787FO1744S2617FO1652S874SS96S361S3225S1818S2334 JJaappaann:: Hlowkaktae iPrdeof ,P rMet£., YMatkse, iTslhaiidsaektesuzan 3(INS, 2SIIDD)) (INS)13 FLijiiN.FLljiiN. Japan Y:arnagata Pref, M,ts. Iidesan 4 (3NS ,3ID) (INS)333333333 Japan: Gunma Pref. ,Mt. fanigawadake FLijiiK. Japan/ Nagano Pref. M,t. Shjroumadake 5 (4NS ,3ID) SenniN.FLljiiK, Japan/Toyama Pref,,Mts, Tbteyama 4567(3NS,51D) Japan: Ishikaw Paref iM,ts. Hakusan SennjK, Japan: Nagano Prei, Mts. Ontakesan SenniK. Japan:Nagano PreE,Mt.Kisokomagadake SenniK. JJaappaann ::YSahmiaznuaoskha iP rPerfe,£ M, tM. tA. kKaiitsahdiadkaeke 48(3NS,4ID) SSeennnniiKK.. Japan :Nagano Prefi, Mts. }latsugadake 9 (4NS ,4ID) Senni Length]Tbtalpolymorphiccharacters 950bp8NS, 929bp2NSO.22l,879bplONS, 7ID1.58 7ID P4 (%) O.90 "renaria aretica Steven cx Ser .(CAI(YOPHYLLACEAE) Russia :Sakhalin ,Mt. Zhdanko 12(INS,3ID) 12 ABCDECFG N. Ftij iFiOI070 japan: Hokkaido Prefi, Mts. Thisetsuzan (INS, 2ID) K. Senni S15S2 Japan: Nagano Prefi M,t. Shiroumadake 23(1NS,4ID) 3(IID)4 K. Scnni S2818 Japan:Toyama PreC,Mts.Tlateyama (2NS,IID) N.FajjiFO1657 Japan: Nagano Pref iM,t, Kisokomagadake 4{1NS, 4ID) 5 (INS ,IID) K. Senni S243 Japan :Yhmanashi Pref, Mt. Kitadake 225 36 K.Senni S3626 Japani Shizuoka Pref, Mt. Akaishidake (2NS ,31D) K.Senni S1998 Japan :Nagano Pref, Mts. Ylatsugadake (2NS, 41D) 2 K. Senni S2354 Length'Tbtalpolymorphiccharacters 931bp3NS, 970bp5NS, 1,901bp8NS, 4IDO.75 21DO.72 6IDO.74 P4(%) Arnica unalaschcensis Less. (ASTERACEAE) Japan: Hekkaido Prcf, Mts, Thisetsuzan 12 12 ABCDEFFF K. SenniSN1.392FOI705FO17g6FO1740S3023FO1664S157S3267S1878 Japan: Iwate Pref, Mt. Yakeishidake (2NS ,2ID) (3NS ,IID) FLijiiN, Japan] Yamagata Pref. M,ts. Iidesan 3 (INS, IID) 3 (2NS ,1ID) FtijiiN. Japan: Gunma Pref, M,t. Tanigawadake 4 (INS ,21D) 4(INS)5 FLijiiK. Japan: Nagano Pren, Mt. Shiroumadake 5 (2NS ,IID) (4NS ,IID) ScnniN. Japan: Toyama Pref, Mts. tateyama 5555 6(3NS)66 FiijiiK. Japan N:agano Pref, Mt. Kisokomagadake SenniK. Japan: Yatnanash iPref, Mt, Kitadake SenniK. Japan: Shizuoka Pref, ,Mt, Akaishidake Scnni Length3Tbtal 1,e39 bp (ad)5984 bp6NS, 2,023 bp9NS, pelymorphic charactcrs 3NS, 2IDO.48 2IDO.81 4IDO.64 P4(%) Artemisi asinanensis Y. Yabe (ASTERACEAE) Japan [Yamagata Pref, Mts. Iidesan 12(INS)222222 11111111 ABBBBBBB N. FiijiFiOK1.782S2940FO]656Sl141SS57SI89S3366S17t8 Japan /Nagano PreE, Mt. Shiroumadake SenniN. Japan :Ibyama Pref ,M,ts, fateyama FojjiK.SenniK. Japan: Ishikawa Pre£, Mts. Hakusan Japan: Nagano Pref, Mts. Ontakesan SenniK. Japan: Nagano Prei, Mt. Kisokomagadake SenniK. Japan: Yamanashi Pref, Mt. Kitadake SenniK. Japani Shizuoka Pref, Mt. Akaishidake Senni LengthiTotal 841bpINSO.12972bpoo 1,813bpINSO.06 polymorphic characters P4 (%) NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics Decernber2oo5 SENNI et al.: Intraspeci fcipDcNA variation in Japanese alpine plants 271 AppENDIx.Continued Haplotype] Haplotypei Speciesandlocality Nbuchee (trnL-E} (rpU6intronh)aCploomtbypiened Campanula lasioca,;pCaham. (CAMPANULACEAE) Russia /Sakhalin ,Mt. Chamginskiy 112(INS)22222 12 ABCCCCCC N. FLijiFiOKI.183S1471S2656FO1655Sl149S780S3607S2170 Japan :Hokkaid oPrefi M,ts. Taisetsuzan (INS, IID) SenniK, Japan :Nagano Pref. M,t, Shirournadake 3 (INS ,IID) SenniN. Japan :Toyama Prefi M,ts. Tateyama 33333 FLljnK. Japan :Ishikawa Prefi M,ts. Hakusan SenniK. Japan: Nagano Pref, Mts. Ontakesan SenmK. Japan: Yamanashi Pref, Mt. Kitadake SenniK. Japan: Shizuoka Pref, Mt. Akaishidake Senni Length3Total 913bpINSO.I1 1,021bp2NS, 1,934bp3NS, polymorphic characters 1IDO.29 IIDO.21 p4(ya) Caidamine n41ponica Franch. et Sav. (BRASSICACEAE) Japan/ Hokkaido Prefi, Mts, faisetsuzan 12 ABCDEFCCCG K, SenniNS,13S2FO]765S2778FO1673SI020S535S42S3547S1738S2262 Japan: Ytimagata Pref, Mts. Iidesan (2NS)3 111111111 Fng11K, Japan: Nagano Prefi M,t. Shiroumadake (4NS)4(3NS)5(5NS)6 SenniN. Japani foyama Prefl M,ts, Thteyama Fng11K. Japan :Ishikawa Pref. ,Mts. Hakusan SenniK.SenniK.SenmK. Japan:Nagano Pref,M,ts.Ontakesan (5NS)3337 Japan:NaganoPref,Mt.Kisokornagadake Japan :Yamanashi Prcf, Mt. Kitadake SenniK. Japan iShizuoka Pref, Mt. Akaishidake SenniK. Japan :Nagano Pref. ,Mts, Yatsugadake (3NS ,IID) Senni Lcngth3Totalpolymerphiccharactcrs 872 bpgNS, 694+375 bpfi l,941 bp8NS, IID1.03 oo IIDO,47 P4 (%) CZirexhakkodensFirsanch. (CYPERACEAE) JJaappaann:: HYaorknkaagiatdae PPrreef£,, MMttss.. TIaiidseestasnuzan 1 2(5NS)3(5NS1) 2(42(14DN)S3)(4I4I4D4A)BC3D3DD3D3D3 K. SFclnunlilNKS.,1694FOI771g3043FO1666SI098S800S452S210S Japan: Nagano Pref. M,t. Shiroumadake SenniN. Japan :Teyama Pref, Mts. Tateyama FiijiiK. Japan :Ishikawa Pref. M,ts. Hakusan SenniK. Japan :Nagano Pref, ,Mts. Ontakesan SenniK. Japan :Nagano Pref, Mt. Kisokomagadake SenniK. Japan: Shizuoka Pref. M,t, Akaishidake Senni Length]fotal 989 bp7NSO.71 g49 bp3IDO,35 1,838 bp7NS, polymorphic characters 3IDO.54 P4(%) Carex Maxirn.(CYPERACEAE) scita Japan H:okkaid oPref, Mts. Tbisetsuzan 111111 11111l AAAAAA K. SenmK.S1674S2637FO1668SII33S3489S2548 Japan: Nagano Pref, Mt. Shiroumadake SenniN. JJaappaann:: TIosyhaimkaaw aP rPere£f, .M, tMst.s .1 lHaaLktuesyaanma FSuejniniiKK.. Japan: Yarnanash iPref. M,t. Kitadake SenniK, Japan: Nagano Prefl .Mts. Yatsugadake Senni LengthiTotalpolymorphiccharacters 990bpoo 848bpoo 1,838bpoo P4 (%) NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 272 APG va)15.6 AppENDIx.Continued Species and locality H(atprlontLy-peF') H(arpplottiy6peiintrohna)pClootmybpeined xlouchee Cla,u xstenantha Franch. et Sav .(CYPERACEAE) Russia: Sakhalin ,Mt, Zhdanko 12(IID)3(1ID)33A4BCCCDEEEF N. FiijiFiOIK0.86S1652S2837FO1646Sll13S720S266S3327S2128S2508 Japan: Hoklcaido Pref, Mts, Taisetsuzan 12(2NS)223(INS)334 SenniK. Japan: Nagano Pref ,Mt. Shiroumadake SenniN. Japan T:byama Pref, Mts. fateyama FiljiiK. Japan: Ishikawa Pref, Mts. Hakusan SenniK. Japan: Nagano Pref, Mts. Ontakesan (INS ,IID) SenniK. Japan: Nagano Pref ,Mt. Kisokomagadake 3333 SenniK. Japan :Yamanashi Pref. ,Mt, Kitadake SenniK. Japan :Shizuoka Prefi, Mt. Akaishidake SenniK. Japan :Nagano Pref., Mts. Yatsugadake (INS ,IID) Senni Lengthifotalpolymorphiccharacters 1,O16bp2NS, 8l8bp2NS, 1,834bp4NS, IIDO.30 IIDO,37 2IDO.33 P4 (%) CZissiopelycopedio(iPdaelslD..)Don (ERICACEAE) Japan: Hokkaido Prefl, Mts. faisetsuzan 12(8NS, 11111111 ABCDEFGH K. SenniSK1.208S2704Sl170SS76S318S3567S2176S2528 JJaappaann: NI:asghainkoaw Pa rPer£e,f M, tM.t sS. hHiarkouusmaandake 3 (6NS 22,IIDD)) SSeennnniiKK,. JJaappaann:: NNaaggaannoo PPrTee£f,l MM,tt.s .K iOsnotkaokmaegsaadnake 4S ((56NSN S,, 221IDD)) SSeennnniiKK.. japan: YZimanash iPref. M,t. Kitadakc 6 (6NS ,2ID) SenniK. Japan: Shizuoka Pref, Mt. Akaishidake 7 (7NS ,2ID) SenniK. Japan: Nagano Pref, Mts. Yhtsugadake 8 (6NS ,1ID) Senni Length3Tbtal 1,747 bp (aDS 884 bpoo 2,63I bp12NS, polymorphic characters 12NS, 3ID 31D P4 (%) O,86 O.S7 Diapensiai`pponicLa,(DIAPENSIACEAE) Russia :Sakhalin ,Mt. Zhdanko (S-4) 11l11111111 12(2ID)3(11D)24ABCBDDEFDDG N. Faji iFOI061 Japan :Hokkaido Pref, Mts. waisetsuzan K. Senni S1311 Japan :Iwate Pref, Mt, Yitkeishidake N. Filj 'FiOi1700 JJaappaann; YN:aatgnaangoa Ptra Perfe, £M,t M.t sS,h iIrioducrsnaandake (INS ,2ID) NK.. FSuejnlnl i FSO31076638 Japan T:byarna Prcf, Mts. Tbteyama 45(3NS,2ID) N. Fu.j iFiO1651 Japan: Ishikawa Pref, Mts, Hakusan K. Scnni Sl186 Japan: Nagano Prefi M,ts, Ontakesan 6(INS,2ID) K, Senni S515 Japan: Nagano Prefi M,t. Kisokomagadake 447 K. Senni Sl Japan: Yatnanash iPref., Mt. Kitadake K, Senn iS3528 Japan: Shizuoka Pref, Mt. Akaishidake (2NS ,2[D) K, Sermi S2088 Length3Tbtal 920 bpoo 1,338bp3NS,2IDO2,,32578 bp3NS, pelymorphic characters 2IDO,22 P4 (%) Gentiana aigida Pall .(GENTIANACEAE) Japan :Hokkaido Pref, Mts. 1lajsetsuzan 12(3NS,2ID) 12(INS)3(2NS)4ABCDEFGH K. SenniKS.1512S2798FO1665S474S218S3466S2038S2468 Japan :Nagane Pref, Mt. Shireumadake SenniN.FLijiiK. Japan: Toyama Pre£, Mts. [[hteyama 23(4NS,2ID) Japa] :Nagano Pre£, Mts. Ontakesan (2NS)25 SenniK. Japan :Nagano Pref, Mt. Kisokomagadake 4 (4NS ,IID) SenniK. Japan :Yatnanash iPref, Mt. Kitadake 5 (3NS ,IID) (2NS)22 SenniK. Japani Shizuoka Pref, Mt. Akaishidake 56 SenniK. Japan: Nagano Prefi M,ts, Yatsugadake (3NS, 2ID) Senni Length3Ibta1polymorphiccharacters 1,446bp(afiS 752bp4NSO,532,198bp8NS, 4NS,3IDO,48 3IDO.50 P4 (%) NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics December 2005 SENNI et aL: Intraspecif cipcDNA variation in Japancse alpine plants 273 AppErvDix,Continued Haplotypei Hapletypei Speciesandlocality vouchee (t,'nL-F) (rpl16introhna)pClootmybpeined Geraniumyeseense Franch. et Sav. (GERANIACEAE) Japan :Jwate Prei', M,t. Yhkeishidake 112 AABcCC N.FLijii FO1707 Japan :Yamagata Pref, Mts. Iidesan N. Fu]' iFiO1779 Japan: Nagano Pref. M,t, Shiroumadake (INS ,11D) K. Senn iS2960 Japan: lshikawa Prei, Mts. Hakusan 3(IID)33 K. Senn iS896 Japan: Yamanashi Pre£, Mt. Kitadake K. Senni S3247 Japan Sihizuok aPret, Mt. Akaishidake K. Senni S1758 Length3Total 926 bpINS, 926 bpINS, polymorph iccharacters IIDO.22 IIDO.22 P4(%) Ceum ealthijbliutn Sm. (ROSACEAE) JJaappaann: :IYwaamtea gParet£ aP, rMte.f .YM,ttask, cIiisdheisdaanke 12(4NS, IID) 1 2C4NS ,5ID) ABCDEFGHIJK N. FFlilijj1iF1iONN1,.702Fe1784FO1748S28S7FO1650S916S659S136S3347Slg38S2426 Japan /Gunma Pref, Mt. Tbnigawadake 13(IID)4(IID)S(3 ICNS5)I1D6()44NS)67 F-nK. Japan :Nagano Pref, Mt. Shiroumadake (41D)S SenniN. Japan :Toyama Pref, Mts, fateyama (4NS ,5ID) F-11K. Japan :Ishikawa Pref, Mts. Hakusan 56(4ID)7 SenniK, Japan :Nagano PreE, Mts. Ontakesan ScnniK. Japan: Nagano Pref. M,t. Kisokomagadake (lNS ,4ID) SenniK. Japan: Yhmanashi Pref, Mt. Kitadake 8 (4NS, 5ID) ScnniK. Japanl Shjzuok Paref ,Mt. Akaishidake 9(4NS,5ID) SenniK. Japan: Nagano Pref, M,ts. Yatsugadake (4NS ,1ID) 2 Senni Length3Total 1,738bp(afiS 1,063bp9NS, 2,801bp15NS, polymorphic characters 6NS, 2IDO.46 7ID1.5] 9ID P4 (%) O.86 HzpericumkamtschaticunLvedeb.(CLUSIACEAE) Japan: Heklcaido Pref, Mts. Taisetsuzan 12(4NS,5ID) 12 ABCCDBBEFB K. ScnmN.Sl187FO1715FO1777FO1742S2558FO1677SI040S740S381S3187S1898S2412 Japan: Iwate Pret, Mt. Ylakeishidake (2NS ,2ID) FLijiiN. Japan: Yamagata PreE, Mts. Iidesan 3 (5NS ,4ID) 223{2NS,4ID) FLijiiN Japan: Gunma Pref, Mt. Tanigawadake 34 FojiiK. JJaappaann:: TNoaygaamnao PPrree£f, . M,Mtt.s .S 'hi[rtoautrenyaadiankca 2 2(242N2S ,3ID) 224 SFeininjiiNi.K. Japan: lshikawa Pref, M,ts. Hakusan SenniK. Japan :Nagano Pref, M,ts. Ontakcsan (3NS ,2ID) SenniK, Japan :Nagano Pref. M,t. Kisokomagadake 45(2NS)22 ScnniK,SenniK. Japan:YhmanashiPref,Mt.Kitadake Japan :Shizuoka Prcf. M,t. Akaishidake SenniK, Japan :Nagano Prefi M,ts. Yhtsugadake Scnni LengthiTotalpolymorphiccharacters 628 bp5NS, 1P13 bp3NS, 1,641 bp8NS, 5IDi.59 41DO,70 9ID1.04 P4 (%) Lo iseleur iparocumbens (L. )Desv, (ERICACEAE) Russia :Sakhalin ,30km South ofOkha 12(IID)3(IID)412(1ID)3 ABCDEEFGH N.FngllKF.OS15e0n7nSi1N24.8FO1790S2706FO1674S454S64S1918S2223 Japan:HoklcaidoPrefiM,ts.Taisetsuzan Japan:YhmagataPref,Mts.Iidesan (2ID)2224(2ID)22 FL"11K. JJaappaann ::NToaygaarnnoa PPrree£fi, , MMtts.. S Thaitreeyuammaadake 5 ((I2NSN,S1 ,2IIDD)) SFeLninjiiNi.K. Japan :Nagana Prei, Mts, Ontakesan 56 ScnniK. Japan :Nagano Prcf, Mt. Kisokemagadake (2NS ,IID) SenniK. Japan :Shizueka Pref, Mt. Akaishidake 67 SenniK. Japan: Nagano Pref, ,Mts. Yatsugadake (2NS, llD) Scnni Length3Total 854bp3NS, 956bp2IDO.2I 1,810bp3NS,4IDe.39 polymorphic characters 2IDO.59 P4 (%) NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 274 APG VOI.56 AppENDTx, Continued Haplotype] Haplotypet Species and locality (trnL-n (rptli6ntron)Cheampbliotnyepde xicuchee Luzuia areuata (Wahlen bSw..) (JUNCACEAE) Japan /Hokkaide Pref. M,ts. Taisetsuzan 12(INS)222212 l111111i ABBBBBAB K. Senni S1573 JJaappaann NT::aogyaanmoa PPrree£f,i MM,tt.s .S Ihibrtoeuymaardankae KN..SFeLninjii iFOS12677359 Japan :Nagano Pref. ,Mts. Ontakesan K.Senni S639 Japan :Nagano PreE, Mt. Kisokomagadake K, Senn iSIOO Japan: Ybmanashi Prefi M,t. Kitadake K. Senni S3386 Japani Shizuok Paref, Mt. Akaishidake K. Senni S2048 Japan: Nagano Pref, Mts. Yatsugadake K.Senni S22g2 Length3Tota1 84SbpINSO.12 762+377bp6 1,987bpINSO.05 polyrnorphi ccharacters oe P4(%) RedicularisyezoensiMsaxim, (SCROPHULARIACEAE) Japan I:wat ePref. ,Mt. Yhkeishidake 12 112(3NS)3(INS)4A<B4CNDSE)F3G5G(C4HNS)55n5o voucher speeimen Japan :Yamagata Pref, Mts. Iidesan (4NS ,21D) N. Foji iFOI788 Japan :Gunma Pref, Mt. Tanigawadake 3 (4NS ,5ID) N. FLij iFiO1750 JJJaaapppaaannn :::NTIaosgyhaainrkonaaw PPa Prrree££ef,, M,M Mttt.s s.S ,T hHliatrktuoesuyaamnmaadake 4S6 (((781NN0SSN ,6,9S [6I,DID)D)) KNK... SFSeeenjnnin iii FSSO2l1816976771 Japan /Nagano Pref, Mt. Kisokomagadake 7(7NS,9FD) K. Senni S178 Japan: Ybmana$hi Pref, Mt. Kitadake 778 K. Senni S3123 Japan: Shizuok Paref, Mt. Akaishidake K. Senni S1978 Japan: Nagano Pref, Mts. Yatsugadake (6NS, 7ID) K.Senni S2183 Length3Total 1,627 bp (ab5 g31 bp5NSO.60 2,458 bp20NS, polymorphic characters ]5NS, 9ID 9JD P4 (%) 1.4g L18 llotenti tmaltsaumurae Th. Wblf(ROSACEAE) Japan :Hoklcai dPoref ,Mts. faisetsuzan 12(2ID)23 12 ABCDEFGDHDF K. Senni S1452 Japan :Iwate Pre£, Mt. Yakeishidake (INS ,IID) N, Filj iFiOI706 Japan :Yamagata Pref, Mts. Iidesan 13 N. FLij iFiOI794 Japan :Nagano Pref, Mt. Shiroumadake (2ID)33334( (12NNSS, ,23IIDD)) K. Senni S2980 Japan :Toyama Pref, Mts. fateyaina 4 (21D)5 N. Fiiji iFO1659 Japan :Ishikawa Pref, Mts. Hakusan (2NS ,IID) K. Senni SIOOO Japan :Nagano Pref, Mts, Ontakesan 6 (2NS ,2ID) K. Senni S70I Japan: Nagano Pretl M,t. Kisokomagadake 37 K. Senni Sl17 Japan Y:hrnanash iPref. M,t. Kitadake (2NS ,4[D) K. Senni S3307 Japan: Shizttok aPref, Mt. Alcaishidake 33 35 K.Senni S1938 Japan: Nagane Pref, Mts. Yatsugadake K. Senni S2448 Length3Totalpolymorphiccharacters 978bpINS,31DO,49168bp2NS, 1,946bp3NS, 5IDO.72 8IDO.57 P4(%) Rumex montanzag Desf (POLYGONACEAE) Japan: Hekkaido Pref, Mts, Thisetsuzan 12{IID)23 1111 ABBCD K. Senn iS1413 JJaappaann:: NYaamgaagnaot la 'Prree ffM,i tM,. tSsh, iIrioduemsaadnake NK,. FSaejnni ii FSO21577875 Japan T:oyama Prefl M,ts. lateyarna (INS, IID) N. FLij iiFO1648 Japan: Nagano Pref, Mt. Kisokomagadake 4(IID) K,Senni S3S7 Length3Tbtal 864 bpINS, 691 bp (part)61,564 bpINS, P4(% p)olymorphic characters IIDO,23 oo IIDO.13 NII-Electronic Library Service

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