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LauraJ.DowningandAnnieRialland(Eds.) IntonationinAfricanToneLanguages Phonology and Phonetics Editor Aditi Lahiri Volume 24 Intonation in African Tone Languages Edited by Laura J. Downing and Annie Rialland ISBN978-3-11-048479-3 e-ISBN(PDF)978-3-11-050352-4 e-ISBN(EPUB)978-3-11-049907-0 ISSN1861-4191 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData ACIPcatalogrecordforthisbookhasbeenappliedforattheLibraryofCongress. BibliographicinformationpublishedbytheDeutscheNationalbibliothek TheDeutscheNationalbibliothekliststhispublicationintheDeutscheNationalbibliografie; detailedbibliographicdataareavailableontheInternetathttp://dnb.dnb.de. 62017WalterdeGruyterGmbH,Berlin/Boston Typesetting:RoyalStandard,HongKong Printingandbinding:CPIbooksGmbH,Leck ♾ Printedonacid-freepaper PrintedinGermany www.degruyter.com Table of contents LauraJ.DowningandAnnieRialland Introduction 1 I Northern Africa SharonRoseandPagePiccinini IntonationintheThetogoveladialectofMoro 19 II Western Africa MichaelCahill Kɔnniintonation 53 FrankKügler ToneandintonationinAkan 89 BruceConnell ToneandintonationinMambila 131 Emmanuel-MosellyMakasso,FatimaHamlaouiandSeunghunJ.Lee AspectsoftheintonationalphonologyofBàsàá 167 AnnieRiallandandMartialEmbangaAborobongui HowintonationsinteractwithtonesinEmbosi(BantuC25),atwo-tone languagewithoutdowndrift 195 III Eastern Africa CharlesW.Kisseberth Chimiiniintonation 225 CédricPatin ToneandintonationinShingazidja 285 vi Tableofcontents IV Eastern Central and Southern Africa NancyC.KulaandSilkeHamann IntonationinBemba 323 LauraJ.Downing ToneandintonationinChichewaandTumbuka 365 SabineZerbian SentenceintonationinTswana(Sotho-Tswanagroup) 393 Notesoncontributors 435 Index 439 Laura J. Downing and Annie Rialland Introduction 1 Organization of the book Thetwelvelanguagesinvestigatedinthestudiesinthisvolumerepresentdifferent language families and are spoken in disparate regions of the African continent. The chapters are organized geographically, moving from north to south and west to east. The first chapter is thus on Moro (Kordofanian), spoken in the Nuba Mountains region of Sudan. The next five chapters discuss languages spoken in western Africa: both non-Bantu – Kɔnni (Gur, Ghana), Akan (Kwa, Ghana)andMambila(Bantoid,Cameroon)–andBantu–Basaa(A43,Cameroon) andEmbosi(C25,Congo-Brazzaville).Wemovethenroughlydueeastinthenext twochapters,whichdiscusscloselyrelatedeasternBantulanguages(withquite different prosodic systems): Chimiini (G42, formerly spoken in Somalia); and Shingazidja (G44a, Comoros Islands), both considered varieties of Swahili.The final three chapters discuss east central and southern Bantu languages: Bemba (M42,Zambia),Chichewa(N31)andTumbuka(N21),bothspokeninMalawi,and Tswana (S31, South Africa). Two of the languages – Chimiini and Moro – are endangered, and documenting their prosody is especially urgent.The selection of languages also represents a variety of prosodic systems, from highly tonal Mambila (with four level tone contrasts) to the restricted tone or tonal accent systemsofChimiini,ShingazidjaandTumbuka. Each chapter contains a discussion of the complete prosodic system of the language(s) under investigation: tone and intonation and the interaction betweenthetwo.Theauthorswereaskedtoinvestigatetheprosodyofparticular constructions (declaratives, polar and content questions and focus construc- tions), and, if possible, dislocations and complex sentences. In analysing their data,the authors were asked to be attentive to register effects like downstep or pitch raising,to boundary tones and to evidence for different levels of prosodic phrasing.Within these guidelines, the authors were left free to take a more or less quantitative approach, though all were asked to provide pitch tracks of representative constructions. Sound files for the pitch tracks in each chapter canbefoundatthefollowinglink:http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9783110503524.suppl. The authors were also left free to concentrate on the topics related to intonation thatturnedouttobemostinterestingfortheirparticularlanguage. LauraDowning,UniversityofGothenburg AnnieRialland,LaboratoryofPhoneticsandPhonology,(CNRS)Paris DOI10.1515/9783110503524-001 2 LauraJ.DowningandAnnieRialland 2 Realization of intonation in tone languages The contributions aim not only to broaden the descriptive base for intonation typology but also to test proposals about the way intonation can be realized in tone languages.Current textbooks on tone and/or intonation – like Cruttenden (1997), Yip (2002) and Ladd (2008) – survey the expected range of phonetic means for expressing intonation in tonelanguages, based on the scant existing literature. The consensus is that tonal languages can make use of: 1- pitch registerraisingorlowering(Cruttenden1997,Yip2002);2-downdrift(downstep) and the suspension of downdrift (Cruttenden 1997, Yip 2002); 3- expansion or narrowing of the pitch range (Cruttenden 1997, Ladd 2008 and Yip 2002); 4- some kind of modification of the final tone of the utterance (Cruttenden 1997); or 5- boundary tones at domain edges or on the closest head (Yip 2002, Ladd 2008). The studies in this volume make particular contributions to our knowledge of the role of “downtrends” (i.e., downdrift, downstep, declination and final lowering), changes in register, and boundary tones, especially final boundarytones,intheintonationoftonelanguages. 2.1 Downtrends Within the field of prosody, the study of downtrends is almost a field in itself. Manyarticleshavebeendevotedtodowntrends,aswellaslengthybookchapters (Ladd 1996, Gussenhoven 2004). While pioneering approaches analyzed down- trends as overall slopes (Cohen & t’Hart 1967, Delattre 1966, Gårding 1982, for example), the field has made progress by decomposing the downtrends, differ- entiatingtheprocessesatworkandprovidingabettercharacterizationofthem. Currently, the following processes are generally recognized as participating in themakeupofdowntrends: 1) Declination isa gradualdownsloping ofthe fundamental frequency.Declina- tionismoreeasilydetectableinsequencesofliketones(sequencesofHighas well as sequences of Low). Declination is generally considered as not being underphonologicalcontrol. 2) Downdrift(or“automaticdownstep”)isaprogressiveloweringoftonerealisa- tion inalternatingHigh and Low tonesequences.It differs from declination, as it is not gradual. Since the seminal work of Liberman & Pierrehumbert (1984), it has been shown that its general shape is that of a decaying expo- nentialtoanon-zeroasymptote.Phoneticstudieshaveconfirmedthisshape Introduction 3 fordowndriftinmanylanguages,includingAfricanlanguagessuchas:Igbo (Liberman et al. 1993), Dschang Bamileke (Bird 1994), Yoruba (Laniran & Clements2003),Chichewa(Myers1996),andDagara(Rialland&Some2011). Downdrift is often modeled with hierarchical structures, encoding the pro- gressionofthestep-by-steplowering(Clements1979,1981;Ladd1990). 3) Downstep (or “non-automatic downstep”) is a downward register shift of a tone,which extends also to the realisation of the following tones. Realisa- tions of “automatic downsteps” (downdrift) and downstep can be similar ornotwithinagivenlanguage;seeRialland&Some(2011)foracasestudy and an overview. Downstep can be triggered by a floating Low tone, or not. In some systems, downstep separates two adjacent High tones and is triggered by the OCP (Obligatory Contour Principle; see, e.g., Odden 1986; Yip1988fordiscussion). 4) Final lowering is an additional lowering at the end of an utterance (or a prosodic constituent). This final lowering can be partial or total (lowering of a High tone to the level of a Low). Its domain varies depending upon languages,fromasinglesyllabletoaphonologicalphrase. 5) Registercompression/expansionorregisterlowering/raisingareregistermodifi- cations of the tonal realisations.They can have linguistic or paralinguistic functions. If they apply locally, as in register compression of the post-focus parts of anutterance, for example,they can modify the shape ofthe down- trend. Understanding downtrends in a given language involves trying to find answers to questions such as the following: do the observed downtrends involve down- drift or declination? To what extent does the downtrend depend upon the sequences of tones involved? Is there final lowering? What is its nature and its extent? If there are downsteps, are they due to floating Low tones, or are they introduced to separate two consecutive High tones (as a consequence of an OCPeffect)?Isdowndriftrealisedsimilarlytodownstep? Inthechaptersofthepresentbook,downtrendsareexaminedindetail,and theprocessesinvolvedareanalysedanddiscussed.Thetablein(1)liststhepro- cesses involved in the downtrends of assertive utterances found in the various languages investigated in this volume. (F0 trends in questions are discussed in aseparatesectionoftheIntroduction,below.) 4 LauraJ.DowningandAnnieRialland (1) Downtrends Tones Downdrift Downstep Finallowering Akan H/L – + +(Neutralisationof (but“phonologized finalLandH) declination”) Basaa H/L + + – Bemba H/ø + +duetoOCP +(2typesofFL) Chichewa H/ø + – + Chimiini H/ø + – + Embosi H/L – – + Kɔnni H/L + + – Mambila T1,T2, +(optionaldowndrift – +(onlywiththe T3,T4 inT2,T3alternating lowesttone,T4) sequences) Moro H/ø + +duetoOCP + Shingazidja H/ø + – + Tumbuka H/ø – – + Tswana H/ø + +duetoOCP +(onlywithfinalL) The table in (1) reveals a great deal of diversity. Note that there are languages both with and without downdrift.Two languages (Embosi and Tumbuka) have no downdrift, but they still exhibit a form of downtrend as they have final lowering.To our knowledge, these descriptions are the first ones of a language with this type of prosodic organisation, that is,with final lowering but without downdrift. Note also that in the chapter on Akan, downdrift is reanalysed as “phonologised declination,” based on the fact that the downdrift slope shares similarities with the declination found in non-alternating High and Low tone sequences.Various types of downstep are illustrated, including three cases of downstepseparatingadjacentHtones(inBemba,MoroandTswana),motivated bytheOCP. The data and discussion concerning final lowering are particularly rich in this book. Final lowering can be identified in most of the languages: Akan, Bemba, Chichewa, Chimwiini, Embosi, Mambila, Moro, Shingazidja, Tumbuka, Tumbuka, and Tswana. Note that in two languages (Mambila and Tswana), onlytheLowtoneorthelowesttonesareaffected.InBembatwoformsofFinal lowering are found depending upon their domain: a final lowering on one syllable, triggering a sharp drop, and a final lowering stretching over several tonebearingunits,formingasmootherfall.Manyofthechaptersbringinterest- ing new information about the process of final lowering, showing its variety in terms of domains and phonetic implementation. Final lowering can be total,

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