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Into the Fringe - A True Story of Alien Abduction PDF

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Cl mu I lunntm m i f t naFumr nnrjiiMiiiii i DTTPi. WTI1TEj! | t MTTETH) I I ruwoBioi I i Mill,IH (cid:127)(cid:127) aji n minus amEDRU* st I! i pauivm I* I i i .muiTiai I * ; KTDRBIK I I] JT» Btroioia L leruranuva m TWHBtPliDi r t one ‘'Herewasmyhusband,amanofintelligence |KARLS TURNER andgreatanalyticalability,tellingme — abouttwodifferentchildhoodencounters ZI. |AND HER FAMILY withnonhumanbeings...” ForKarlaTurner,itbeganinthespringof1988— ; !DIDN’T BELIEVE IN THE butithad,inreality,begunmuchearlier. 3 f DrOsiUNTIL TRf “Twomonthsbefore,ourliveswerenormal. i : Yetherewewere,beingfollowedinthemiddleof 1 DAY THEY NO thenight,havingspenttheeveningactually FRINGE consideringtheabsurdpossibilitythatalien >-9 I LONGER HAD A beingshadsomehowtouchedourlives.Wedidn’t ) realize,atthattime,justhowdeeplyand 3.1CHOICE.... J irrevocablytheywouldchangeourworld...” tn i ForDrTurner,herhusband,andherchild,there wouldbesudden,shockingdiscoveries-of long-buriedmemoriesaswellasactualphysical evidenceofongoingintrusion:themarkson eS 1 DR; TURNER HAS theirbodies,thesightings,the : ’ “missingtime”episodes. PROVIDED A ATRUE “SometimesIstilltriedtopretendthatitwasall 3 COURAGEOUS AND V I inourimaginations...” STORY m .UNCENSORED Itwasn’tintheirimaginations.Itwasreal.Andit’s f allhere,inthemostchilling,convincingaccount JOURNALOFTHE 1 OFALIEN ofaliencontactsinceCommunion.... 3 INTIMATE AND 1 “EXTRAORDINARY” r* -R.LeoSprinkle,PhU, |g ABDUCTION DISTURBING CounselingPsychologist,Founderofthe RockyMountainConferenceonUFOInvestigation 1 l»F INTRUSIONS INTO 1 351 0> 3s" HER FAMILY’S LIVES...” KARLA -JohnS.Carpenter,MSW/LCSW MutualUF0NetworkDirector 71831 00499 4 (cid:127)jyo-r torAbductionResearch TURNER,Ph.D; I ISBN D-MBS-lBSlD-l 09us <«90W| , "DR. TURNER HAS PROVIDED THE READER with an extraordinary glimpse into the lives of her family and friends. With curiosity and courage, she has explored their UFO encounters; with compassion and commitment, she has helped them to deal with their anxieties, doubts, and fears. Dr. Turner has shown intellectual integrity in describing her detailed records of events, and writing skill in expressing her concerns about the implications of these encounters ..." —R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Counseling Psychologist, Founder of the Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation ". . . the stunning correlations among these ac- counts will give the cautious researcher a reason to pause and reconsider the boundaries of his own beliefs." —John S. Carpenter, MSW/LCSW, Psychiatric Hypnotherapist, Mutual UFO Network Director for Abduction Research INTO THE FRINGE ATRUE STORYOF ALIEN ABDUCTION KARLA TURNER, Ph.D. Most Berkley Books are available at special quantity discounts for bulk pur- chases for sales promotions, premiums, fund raising, or educational use. Special/books or book excerpts can also be created to fit specific needs. For details, write or telephone Special Markets, The Berkley Publishing Group, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016; (212) 951-8891. BERKLEY BOOKS, NEW YORK If you purchased this book without a cover you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as "unsold and destroyed" to the publisher and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this "stripped book." ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Without the help and support of several people, the expe- riences described in this book might have been overwhelm- ing. I want to thank my dearest friend, Bonnie, for her faith in my sanity and honesty, for always being there when I INTO THE FRINGE needed to talk, and for offering an objective perspective. A Berkley Book / published by arrangement with the Sandy and Fred, two others who had experiences of their author own, were great confidants, and I thank them for their friendship. I also thank James for his courage and persever- PRINTING HISTORY Berkley edition / November 1992 ance, and especially for his generosity in allowing me to include his story with ours. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1992 by Karla Turner. Barbara Bartholic proved to be the greatest ally that This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, Casey and I could have had in our quest to understand what by mimeograph or any other means, without permission. we were going through, and there are no words adequate to For information address: The Berkley Publishing Group, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016. express our appreciation to her. Without her tireless work on our behalf, this story would be greatly diminished. ISBN: 0-425-13510-1 Finally, every woman should be blessed with a husband A BERKLEY BOOK 8 TM 757,375 as strong, supportive, and loving as Casey. Thank God I am. Berkley Books are published by The Berkley Publishing Group, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016. The name "BERKLEY" and the "B" logo are trademarks belonging to Berkley Publishing Corporation. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 A NOTE TO THE READER All of the people in this account are real. Because of the nature of the events they experienced, however, several people involved have chosen to be identified by pseudonym or by first name only .Whenever a pseudonym is used, it will be noted at that name's first appearance in the story. INTRODUCTION In December 1987, Casey (a pseudonym) Turner was a successful computer consultant in a large southwestern city. He had a happy second marriage, good health, professional respect, intelligence, and a kind, good-humored nature. At the same time, David Trayne (pseudonym), a bright science student at the local university, was living on five acres of a 35-acre area on the edge of the city. He had a roommate, James (pseudonym), a girlfriend, Megan (pseudonym), also a science student, and three dogs. Today, almost three years later, it would seem that things are still much the same for Casey and David, but I know better. Casey is my husband, David my son, and Megan is now our daughter-in-law. Together, we have all struggled to understand an astonishing phenomenon that revealed itself in our lives. It has altered our whole reference of reality in ways we could never have imagined. We discovered that we were victims of abductions by some alien force. We learned that this force, this alien presence, had in fact been a part of our lives for many years. And through sharing our experiences, and seeking answers and help from others who had also encountered these beings, we learned to survive with our sanity intact and our perspective on life immeasurably expanded. ix Introduction xi x Introduction of this phenomenon. I have not limited our story, as has Stories of humans abducted, examined, and crossbred by been done in other abduction accounts, to only that infor- alien beings of unknown origin are nothing new, not since mation I judge to be believable, or palatable, or conforming Budd Hopkins's, Whitley Strieber's, and most recently, the to some theoretical explanation of my own choosing. media's interest in the subject. But that interest itself, a Instead, this is the whole story of our first year after the serious interest, is new. There hasn't been so much discus- discovery of alien intrusion, with all our fears, doubts, trials, sion on the air and in print about UFOs and ETs since the and successes. 1950s. And although UFO activity never ceased in the past The information in this book is very personal, yet I forty-five years, it certainly has changed, most noticeably believe its focus is of great, immense importance. We are in since 1981. the midst of a reality-challenging mystery, and although I Undreamed-of numbers of people have discovered that once said that this story couldn't be written until it was over, they, too, have encountered this alien presence. Abduction we no longer have the luxury of waiting. Like some activity affects all types and ages of people, and for the species-wide recurrent nightmare, it may never be over. Or victims there is no shelter and no one to offer any real help. the mystery might all be made clear tomorrow, with They are victims of affronts which no official power— revelations that mark the end of the world as we know it. political, spiritual, or social—admits to be real. The people in this book are victims. They are also my When we discovered this phenomenon in our lives, I family and friends, both old and new, and it matters very began keeping a journal of events. At first it was only of much to me what happens to us. It should matter to Casey's experiences, but it soon expanded to cover mine everyone else, too, because our story is proof that no family, and those of David, as well as of Megan and James. no child or friend or mate, is safe from intrusion and Awareness and involvement in the phenomenon, it seems, abduction. The experiences of our small group, in fact, are was spreading. being repeated in thousands of homes right now. What follows is an integrated account of our experiences, Finally, the things we've experienced prove that our taken from the journal entries from May 1988 to the global reality is not what we once thought. This phenome- summer of 1989. Many of these events were consciously non continues to spread, and, no matter what the actual experienced and remembered. But other occurrences were nature of its cause, the world will change irrevocably. For blocked from memory and known only from the evidence of us, it already has changed, and we can't help but fear to marks on our bodies, episodes of "missing time," or discover the direction it portends. strange phenomena in our homes. In several instances, hypnotic regression was used to uncover more about the —K.T. blocked episodes, although many of our experiences have yet to be explored in this way. This account also includes information from television reports, from books and other research documents, and from the stories of new people who came into our lives because CHAPTER 1 In the spring of 1988, our world ended. Life went on, but everything we had always known about reality—our trusted perceptions of ourselves, of the present and the past, of the nature of time and space—were destroyed. The end of one's reality is truly the end of a world. Another world follows, of course, but exile from the first one is permanent. We were thrust into new territory, a place of missing-time episodes, of UFOs and unhuman beings and all sorts of bizarre phenomena that wouldn't go away. Yet we hardly noticed its beginning, and later, when it became clear that some- thing strange was occurring, we had no idea that the very fabric of reality was about to change for my husband, Casey, and myself, as well as for our family and friends. This is the story of how we came to this new reality. It is an account of the experiences that erupted in our lives, of our entrance into that other world of altered realities we "sane" people merrily deride or ignore. In the beginning, we kept these things to ourselves, out of fear and confusion, 1 Into the Fringe 3 2 Karla Turner bizarre account purporting to be factual, about his experi- but now we realize the story should be told, for two very ences with some sort of alien entities, from some undeter- good reasons. mined source. I read the book skeptically, yet was intrigued First, what happened to us is not unique. It is occurring all by his emotive story of intrusion, terror, and the groping for over the world, yet until now such an account, involving a understanding. cluster of people, has never been presented in its entirety. In late April I was on my way to the West Coast for a few What follows here is the complete truth, with nothing days, leaving Casey alone at home. Before I left, my son, omitted or added to make the story more believable or more David, borrowed Strieber's book and took it to his house. At fantastic. Second, the implications of our experiences are the airport I looked for something to read on the flight and, global, in fact cosmic, and they point to a very disturbing remembering that Strieber had mentioned Budd Hopkins as future. If our world has truly changed, so has yours, for we a researcher into UFO phenomena, I bought Missing Time, occupy the same world. Hopkins's account of several abduction experiences. Please don't assume that my friends and I were unbal- In California I read the book late at night, with very anced or fanatics of some sort, given to extreme beliefs, strong reactions. For one thing, I wondered how on earth when this all began. Instead, we were generally open- Hopkins and Strieber could get away with claims that their minded about most things, which I'm sure would have books were factual, since the material—strange alien be- included the existence of aliens if the subject had ever come ings, small and gray and clone-like in their actions—was so up. But it didn't, at least for me, until quite inexplicably obviously impossible. Hapless humans abducted, medically while teaching a freshman course in argument and logic I examined, then released with little or no memory of such did something I'd never done before in my eight years as a events? Who were they trying to kid? I also remember university instructor: I brought up the subject of UFOs in thinking how glad I was that these stories were not true. class, as part of an assignment. How, I wondered, could you ever live in a world where such UFOs were one of three topics, actually, including the Loch things could happen? Ness monster and Bigfoot, and my students were asked to It was hard enough, I thought, to cope with the real world, make an objective evaluation of the evidence pertaining to one even for the sanest of us. Casey and I, for instance, were of these phenomena. I chose these three because I assumed the financially solid and very happy in our marriage. Yet for evidence would be weak and inconclusive when examined several months, we had been attending separate counseling from a clear-thinking, insightful, educated point of view. In sessions in an effort to find out why we'd developed truth, however, I had never really looked at the evidence with physical symptoms of stress. more than a passing curiosity. For me, it was the onset of TMJ,' with all its painful But in reading these research papers, I became familiar clenching of the teeth and jaws, and for Casey it was a with titles of available books on these subjects. Perhaps variety of things. He was usually a calm, centered person, that's why I suddenly decided to buy a paperback I'd seen but since Christmas he had grown increasingly tense and for months at the mall bookstore, one which had never short-tempered. His eyesight worsened, he had frequent interested me before: Communion, by Whitley Strieber, a

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