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Preview Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press

LeadiJnogu rnalEixsptosst eh Mey tho fa F rePer ess INTO THE LeadiJnogu rnalEixsptosst ehM ey tho fa F rePer ess editbeyd KRISTIBNOAR JESSIO N ForewobrydG orVei dal � PrometheBouosk s 59J ohnG lennD rive Amherst, New 1Y4o2r2k8 -2197 Publish2e0d0 2b yP rometheBuoso ks IntthoBe u zzsLaewa:dJ ionugr nEaxlpiotsshtMeesy tohfa F rePer eCsospy.r ig©h t 2002b yK ristiBnoar jessAolnrl. i ghrtess ervNeod p.a rotf t hipsu blicamtaioybn e reproducsetdo,r eidna retriesvyaslt eomr,t ransmititnae ndy f ormo rb y any meansd,i gitealle,c tromneicch,a nicpahlo,t ocopyriencgo,r dionrgo ,t herwiosre , conveyevdi at heI nternoerat W eb sitwei thouptr iowrr ittpeenr missoifot nh e publisheexrc,e pitnt hec asoef b rieqfu otatieomnbso dieidnc ritiacratli calneds reviews. Inquirsiheosu lbde a ddressteod PrometheBuoso ks 59J ohnG lenn Drive AmhersNte,w York1 4228-2197 VOICE7:1 6-691-0e1x3t32.,0 7 FAX:7 16-564-2711 WWW.PROMETHEUSBOOKS.COM 06 OS 04 03 02 5 4 3 LibraorfyC ongreCsast aloging-in-PuDbaltiac ation Inttoh eb uzzsa:wl eadijnogu rnaleixsptosst eh em ytho fa freper es/s editebdyK ristiBnoarj ess;of no rewobrydG oreV idal. p.e m. Includbeisb liograprheifcearle nacnedis n dex. ISBN1 -53792-972(-a7l pka.p er) 1.F reedoomf t hep ressU-niteSdt ate2s..P ressU-niteSdt ates. I.B orjessoKnr,i stina. PN4738. 15280 02 323.44'5'0973 2002018911 PrintiendC anadoan a cid-fpraepee r NOT FORS ALEI NT HEU NITEKDI NGDOM Thisb ooiksd edicated to those whofi ght ands acrifice tok eeApm ericpar'esfrs ese . I CONTENTS Foreword GorVei dal 5 Acknowledgments 9 EditorI'nst roduction 11 Chapte1r: TheP ricoefL iberty GeraCrodl by 15 Chapte2r: TheF oxt,h eH oundsa,n dt heS acreCdo ws JanAek re 37 Chapte3r: TheS ilenocfet heL ambs: An AmericainnJ ournaliEsxtiilce GrePga last 65 Chapte4r: Shoutiantgt heC rocodile MauriMcuer ad 77 Chapte5r: Inttoh eB uzzsaw KristBionraj esson 103 Chapte6r: CoalM ineC anaries DaviEd.H endrix 151 Chapte7r: WhenB lacBke comeWsh ite PhilWiepi ss 175 3 BUZZSAW! 4 I;.;TTO� � Chapte8r: StoriWees L oveS,t oriWees H ate HeleMna lmgren 189 Chapte9r: TheS torNyo OneW antetdo H ear f.R obeProtr t 201 Chapte1r0 :A DreamJ ob ApriOll iver 215 Chapte1r1 :V erdiFcitr sEtv,i denLcaet er: TheC asef orB obbyG arwood MonikJae nsen-Stevenson 223 Chapte1r2 :L et'Bsl owU p OurB rand: TheD angeroCuosu rsoef T odays' BroadcaNsetw srooms KarIld svoog 247 Chapte1r3 :M ainstreMaemd iaT:h e DrugW ar'sS hills MichaLeelv ine 257 Chapte1r4 :T heM ightWyu rlitPzleary Osn Gary Webb 295 Chapte1r5 :C rimeasn dS ilence: TheC IA'sC riminAaclt asn dt heM edia'Ssi lence JohKne lly 311 Chapte1r6 :W hatH appenetdo G ood Old-FashioMnuecdk raking? CarJle nsen 333 Chapte1r7 :T heL ighTth atW on'Gto Out BranHto uston 351 Chapte1r8 :T heR isaen dF alolf P rofessional Journalism RobeMrctC hesney 363 Index 383 t FOREWORD Gore Vidal I ntot heB uzzsaiws a splendiadn-dh eartenicnogl-lectoifo n essaySso.m ea reb yw ritekrnso wnt om e;o thernso tT.h eo ne greatth intgh aeta chh asi nc ommon witht heo therissa dedication noto nltyo f reedoomfs peecbhu tt oa c lossec rutiofnt yh inpgosl itical and-alasr-eligiTohuesyg. o t ot her ootasn dt heays kt heo nlqyu es­ tiowno rtha sking-whOyn? Novembe2r5 ,1 644t,h ep oetJ ohn Miltopnu blisAheerde opagIintt ihcema i.d sotf t heE ngliCsihv iWla r­ RoundheaPdu ritavnesr suKsi ng'Csa valieMrisl-townr otae p am­ phleitnf avoorfd ivorcFuen.d amentaPlriostte stCahnrti stiaasnkse d Parliamtehnatit tb eb urneadn dt hatth el awso fc ensorsthhirpo ugh thel icensoifpn agm phleettsc,b. e,r einforMcieldt.o nr'ess pontsohe i s critwiacsst oi nvokteh ec ommonm eetinpgl acoefA thenicaint izens, theA ereopagbuysp ,u blishtihnepg a mphlAeetr eopag"iAts ipceae,c h ofM r.J ohn Miltofno trh el iberotfuy n licenpsreidn titnotg h,eP arlia­ mento fE ngland." Althougthhe c ountwrays e ngageidn a civwialr w hoser esult wouldb ea s" fundamenatnadla stoundiansgL "i ncosltny leodu r CiviWla r, Milntooton n lrye fusteosd u bmihti wsr itintgops r iocre n­ sorshaispr equirbeydo rdinanbcueth ed enouncPeadr liamietnste lf, forh avinmga del awss oe ntiruenlwyo rthoyfw hatt heb esmti nds hadt houghwta s tob e a new erao fE nglish libaenrdt hiee s, demandetdh er epeaolfa lcle nsorslhaiwps I.n t hee nd,i fn othing elshee,r edefitnheedp rospe"cLte:t( trutahn)df alsehogorda pple; whoe vekrn ewt rutphu tt ot hew orsei,na f reaen do pene ncounter?" Onew onderhso wM ilton wohualvadens wered tshpaotk esmfaonr PresidGeenotr gWe. Bushw ho admonishtehdep resosn C NN," You bettweart cwhh aty ous ay.C"e rtainl,hy ew oulhda vneo tetdh atth eP en- 5 AyY] INTl2_TJ:f�BUZZS 6 ___ tagoJnu nttah artu leussw antesv ersyo rotf p owert os ilenictcesr itics. We alalc cetphte f actth aatc ontemporary wMoiulltdno ontb ea llowed onp rime-tniemtweo rkt elevis(iwohni cohr iginallilktyeh, e a iri tself, belongteoad ltlh ep eoplbeu)t,h ec oulpdo ssibpluyb liins has malmla g­ azinoerw ritaeb ookn evetro b er eviewiendt heNew YorkT imes. Ic itMei ltobne causteh er oootf tphree seInstl amwiacr a gainst us,p rovokeodv ert imeb yu s,i sn otu nlikEen glandc'isv iwla ri n Miltond'asy w hen eascihd ew ent into sbhaotuttlie"n Kgi ll for Jesusa!n"d k iloln ea nother tJheossues -lodviedr.s From1 644t o1 791i so nly14 7y earsH.e rei sw hatw asr atifbiye d then ewU niteSdt ataesst hef irasmte ndmenttoi tnse wc onstitution: "Congresshsa lmla ken ol awr espectainne gs tablishomfre enlti gion, orp rohibittihnefg r eeex ercitshee reoorfa ;b ridgitnhgef reedoomf speecohr,o ft hep resosr;t her ighotf t hep eoplpee aceabtloay s ­ semblaen,d t op etittihoenG overnmefnotra r edreosfgs r ievances." Thats asy ita liln a very briesfp aceM.i ltowno uldh aves aiidt moree loquenbtultyh ,ew ouldh avem adet hes amep oints. Int heh undredosfw arst hatth eU niteSdt atheass f oughsti nce theU niowna si nventaetde ,v ertyi moef t rucer isai ssm algrlo upc an alwasy bec ounteudp ont ou set hec risoifst hed ayt os tifflree e speecAhf.t etrh eW hitHeo uses pokesmawna'rsn inagc ,r ingiCnNgN newsr eadecra rneo nt hea itro s ayt haCtN N wouldn ol ongebret ele­ castidnigr ectalnyyt hintgh eM uslimS atahna d saidd irecttloy camerfao rf eatrh ahte m ighcto nveCrhtr istiaanndJs e wst oI slam­ needletsoss a yt,h eswee ren oth ere xacwto rdsb,u ts hed ids eemt o belietvhea hte m ighuts eC NN forc odemde ssagteosh ism ad fol­ lowerassA ngelLaa nsbumrayn ipulattheebd r ainwasMhaendc hurian Candidawtiet ha phrasTeh.i sd idn otp laya nyb ettetrh ant he attemptseudp pressoifoA ne reopagiatnidc,ba e forleo ngt,h eB ush teamw erec rowdionngt ot heM usliTmV prograwmh eni ta greetdo dispenBsues h-speaaswk e lals d evil-talk. Iti st ot hec redioftt heP entagoJnu nttah atth eyh avep ro­ grammedt heiBru shn ott ob utitn w itht oor eligiao luisg hLte.t Osarnag oo nw ildlayb ouAtl laahn dS ataInn.s tetahde,J untsae nds thes mokinBgu sht oa mosquet,os peamki ldloyft hesaed,m ittedly, "eviple oplweh"o m ayh aveh ijacktehdeU niteSdt atpeoss tsaelr vice fort heirra ndogmi fotfsa nthraIsx a.y r andomb ecautshee m ainline mediam akese vereyv enste emr andosmi ncteh ecya nnotte lulsw hy badt hinghsa ppeno,n lyt hatth edyo b ecaubsaed p eopllei kdeo ing

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