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Intestinal helminths of five species of scincid lizards (Sauria : Scincidae) from Western Australia PDF

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Preview Intestinal helminths of five species of scincid lizards (Sauria : Scincidae) from Western Australia

httn\tutinu.v<>t flit h'tAvlSn i, fl f(fS, fate <2()0i>). 124(2). ffl-l?$. INTESTINAL HELMINTHS OF FIVE SPECIES Ol SCINCID LIZARDS (SAl RIA: SCINCIDAEl FROM WESTERN AUSTRALIA by Smtiikn R. Goldblrc $ Chaki is H. Bnusia Summary tiniimtKi. S R & UtKsiv C. K i^K)()| Inte^liiinl helminths of Rv« species ot suiiad li/ardx lS;iutia: fclncldu*) tVt-m Western AnMralia. /runs. A'. .W. Ami f20lH)t. I24(2i. 137-13?, M)November. 200(1. Inlcslincs t)l'fi.vC speuicsol sunckl ll/urds, Ctrth>!it\ hnrt'ksi, C fhUithttHitts, fi^tt'Oiii titfnWit. I., ilhinuthi iliul r. \fiiuUt f'ro'fP Woslern Australia were euimined lor helminths, One species til* C'csLoiln, Ot>tfn>ii\fiia ttMstntlwnsis ami pjghl species of Nemuloda. Knisiiliti tthryxocutnpth Mtt.svttctiOHin ithirhuutlb W f'urnfthmstt^nJif/tkuruutu, PtttnvtttytthtnkstiHuiu, P. H'liifntn; \Vuiiiin\ttt>it}>\htsrtctitni fUtfttHy.nttvrput Mill Abhtrvhht sp; ilarvaeI. were round. I irieen new host recordsare rcporied, kl v Wokhv (Vsloun NcnuloiU SCiftCKl liyards Australia. Introduction Mulerhdsand Methods Scineidae is thettotniiuuH li/urd family inAustralia Ninety thivc presetved li/ards were borrowed I'ront II contains sonic 3L3 species (Cu£g£f 2<HN)| which the het'pctolosy collection oi' the Nalural History constitute approximately 57 $ ofall h/aril species in Museum ol Los Angeles CouiHy (t-ACM) and Ausiraliu(Cirecr ISRftty, Helminth recordsexist fitM 49 examined for intestinal helminths. These specimens species (Mawson 1972: Goldberg ami Bursey 1995 had been collected hclvvcen Oelober I9(S6 and Cioldberg rf /// |QC)% fttihdin # "/• IWl, The October I96S lor use in an ecological study (Pianka purpose Ofibis paperis lo rcpoil additional liclmii tli 1972) and were subsequent!) lived in formalin £10(1 records lor ( triwws hnn>k\i (Loveridge, 1933), (". preserved in alcohol. Because Ihc ecohigical sludv pimihcnwis (Peters, IMo). Egprnin inonmla Rosen. included stomach analysis, only small and ttti'gtf 190S, /: \irniUi Siernlcld, 1919 and llie first helininih intestines remained with ihc carcasses. Stomachs had records loi h. th'firtsHt ttiunther. IS75K I'aUents of been deposited in (he Weslern Australian Museum. helminlli mle-dions inAustralian skinksarcexamined Perth, Weslern Auslralia and carcasses in LACM. and 19 new hosl records are added lo the checklist ol Numbers ot individuals, mean snout-venr length Pichchn t\ ttL (1999). <S\T ), museum accession numbers and collection Ctau»nt\ hrookst inhariils sandy deserts ol' south- sites (loneimdes, laiiiudes) loreach species are^iven eastern Western Australia and adjacent desert areas in Ihc Appendix. r»l South Australia, ihc Northern Ieniton and pans The small and larye iniesiines, body eaviiy and ol' Queensland and New South Wales. Ctunottts liver or each li/ard were examined tor helminths liunihvruws is widely distributed in south-western using a dissecting microscope. !>ach helminLh was Weslern Australia, northern South Auslralia, Ihc placed on a e-lassslide in a dropol undiluted 'jlyccml Northern Territory and western Queensland. Egrnsm IVu'sliidy muleracompound microscope, Nematodes ih'ptv\.\u occurs tn ccnlrabvvcslcrn coastal regionsof Mere idenlilled Ironi these preparalions; Ihc eestodc Western AuslraMii, Ev\>t>uiti iui>nntfn is widely was stained with hemaloxyhn and mounted in distributed ilmiLi»h the southern hall of Western balsam lor iilenlilicalion. Australia from South Australia lo weslern Queensland, in western Now South Wales and north- Results western Vielorm. /_V-Tm,/ smutd is widely tlistnkilcd IftfOftgF) Ihc iutelinro) Western Aus|i;ilia (jr.n'id individuals of one species .tl' tVsiuda lo stmlh-weslern Ntnll-ieru Territory and north- 0<H-hori,sitctt uiislniticnsis Spasskii, 1951 and seven western South Auslralia (Ct^gCI 2000). species ol Ncmaloda, kivisullii K-hrxstnntufni Joucs V»N5. MiLWtuliitiiia cltafHimh Mawson, 973 rI<intphutyii$t'<ir?it knn<mtt (.Inhiiston ^ Miws1wii Ki|».M0>H BtuK»nv.WhlllK-rCVlltyiW'lnninl'AMlKiUM SA 1941 r J'titintivnihtn kanatm .lohnston .V Mhwmiu lR>iM|liTl.itlinn't'(MHihl•l!VlUttl'n"lo^yhvi.flIhV-iIhHiU^nlv.imi Sl.iir lirnvci-iK Shviuirtjn 1941, P tiHf/Hitr Bavin I9.M) Wifi'H'.wih'ii'.^lii- CiMipitsVIwrClTII'A ''-I"'! S\ I r,.iil .\t-.r(("p4MA-tll! tit /,7»/Kloues. I9S7. W. iHtfHitiiiiiM-iirfttti*Jones. I9S,' 1 > S. R. GOLDBERG & C. R. BURSEY were found. Cysts containing larvae of Abbreviate! occur on stomach walls (Jones 1995) and may also sp. were also found. Prevalence, mean intensity ± be under-reported in Table I. SD, range, location of helminth infections by host species and 15 new host records are presented in Discussion Table 1, Because physalopterid nematodes normally inhabit the stomach (Anderson 1992), the values in Inlections of Australian seineid li/ards by Table I may under-reporl Kreisielta chrysocampa. nematodes are summarized in Table 2. Infections Cysts containing larvae o[ Abhrcviala occasionally by treniatodes. eestodes and aeanlhocephalans are a q 3 2 i i £ 6C u- U&i*• *f&e.+*] +1 I § * 5 J3 q .s^; _ai0O_*>S^ g5, |<*c3uSui ^s2 0^c-J0 -£ji-< Mv<4t9-U>m 2 * u sQ C3j«l | J3u32 53 SOJ ac3 T13) s 4rJ 3E ._ur-" .5 -OaJ .t§5j .cr5/r3 -T0O—a30 -r2;~-c- 0cJ) ~-oi=5<:p.c53J ~I2t£f;3? GCJ -— _gO2r! 4) &ac.u9 T3 3 U <cSo,O £ ^S c/<c-5 52 t/5 ^L 1c535 -J -£J <§ i2 -'1.0 S --J. ) HELMINTHS OFAUSTRALIAN SC1NCID LIZARDS 129 - Wwuiristroftiiyhtspapaiigawin-pacJones, 1987 I I I I Wti}uni\tri>ni>vfn.s ctcnoliJones, 1987 Vewrsiatubercalatn (Linstow, 904) 1 ThviandrostruchysauriJohnston & Mawson, 1947 Spitiicaiida ausuaiicusis Baylis, 1930 Skrjiibifiopleragoldmanae Mawson, 1970 f'seiuforivtuUiriad'tpsardis (Irwin-Smith, 1922) I'twumonema tdicptaeJohnston, 1912 PhyMtlaptcntitlesjificiitida Jones, 1985 " Pharyiigodoii iHUjiUK' Baylis. 1930 PhatyngrMfttt kurtana Johnston & Mawson. 1941 Pharyit^odon hindU't Thupur. 1925 Pharvn\>odoi) australisJohnston & M;iwson, 1942 iJ/itiryn^(>d(m tt.sterostonta Adamson, 1984 Parapharyniiitdon kurtana (Johnston & Mawson, 1941 Rarapliaryni'odonfitzroyi Jones, 1992 Mawiniioniii cliabaudi Mawson. 1972 Maxvticfumia brygooi Mawson. 1972 Kn'is'wlla le.suewiiJones, 1986 Kicisicllaeluysorampa Jones, 1985 JoluipcarxofiUt cgvniiut' (Johnston & Mawson, 1947) llcdrurislongispicula Thomas. 1959 Abhreviani antarcriiti (Linstow. 1899) m O1 sC rE3n> or^c- O£O3 OO _ OO o § a;^4 o>c»35GljaOs>SO aCST"sO> 35 Va3<HU ^<u g ocsr>o\ wce SOs! "^^_, 5 a g ios ta; CLj GO c>" c '-% S3 w5 -5 DO 1 oms3coH §^ 1q --Sdi -"12*-3* ~£455 cb^_"25 3? ooc ff(*l, |a» ~>3 "^1 -"C£w |Cy ; ai i> Q J3 Q Q IX UO v^j G G G 5 s-SJ3 ffl - G c^1 G G G 55 u — ' 1.(0 S. R. GOLDBERG &C. R. BURSEV ^ 5 Z - 1) _^ I I «« I I ^ I I -~ ibsJj |< I I £2 I I CQ ^3 - ^ " I I <* r- 00 I - I o . s — 1 O<s0 f&i .. — sr^- I I I I I I I 3 .= a a CQ 4 I I I I 1 3 ri JS 2 cu^ I I I on jaTO<^SU- -aC*-^-^ o0.0. 5s« "".: I I « 00 OJ r- I I On S o w ^ 9 9 c I s s I I I is o .. I I g S O—N o I On ,, _• 3; r- ,—: r- o. S S CQ jfi — On ?-5S3uE5jC5 g_s51^ —iX^ii- rf."x^Z:i^2-"::-: oQ--'i5galcJCOJJ:-aW-"-'3:S_2s<jC" &wrN«cN"•1; *.2a::—d.53-yn/,5Sr*> -gQ£5- ~«3=u3? •-* ~On c"—S.&P2.. *D04ry~O03rI" -"«rc-: *—F^^ S?-=%*f mOCn -;;-- 32E5 a<o3 — -&•&^•«3sj cOno. o^ OOnn [,. O£Rn3 W# ^3 . e -i ,2 _S u s s- cr ~t, O^ o? "O2£ -J1-n=; ^S u,*i^^—v: ;i5 r=S-«7ij £255/ t 5 -S .3 ? c "c *c S 3 S. c *2"*3*J^ ;3~£'^ ^ X CQ till MINI IIS ()l AI'KIKAI IAN SCiNUD UZAkDS Lil livted mi Piehelm ctal, 1 1tJS9), Additional records Tor HfititU'Fgh f>vnmii and i,cri\io boii,t:aiii\tlfo (Aiifel scineid li/urds are given in Goldberg &l Bursey & Maw.son !9bK) ( Iy05) andGoldbcry vitil (1^991, Including the(XatU C,WaeaiHlwol Acaitlhoccphala have been icpoited horn tins paper, helminth records now exist lor 50 ln>m Auslralian sctucnl h/a.rtl,s- Spluit'trchitu* species ftf Australian skinks. Ib'.v (50/313) of the rh\ov/ni\ ronttiiltnupnuttn Johnston and IJelaud. Australian .scineid fauna. Mean nuniher ol"helminth 102') froni f.ultuopnts ipioyii inuiueiil A Mibrtm. species perslunk species was 2M ± 2.! SlJ, ranee I 1^3Mi, iit'taitt\:i.\ th> >r\utt\i\ tdiviia, lS2yj and I? helminth specie- fil'ono s>, »ir>itJcs had the L<.iti\f>w>phott,\ QtiichvmHr. colleeied in New Soulh eaeatest lielminlh diversity I'12 speciesj. 18 diflercnl Wales, and unidenldied cyslacandis Ironi Hcniii't\;is sIsinK species are reported lo harbour a sinek- pctvnii collected in South Australia (Fichclin n ol helnunih species 1000,. ()i the Trematotla lhal infect Ausn.dian h/aids, The peniastnrnc t\\olhcfivf(o w (monies Alt. Kitey ftitmtittfkWiirih i rurifcr (Nicoll, I9I4> has been & Self l'*S4 was described Irom Viliqua semantics repotted Irom ihe seineids, fffHUttgti prnut'i, collected in Sunih Australia (All ct of. JLJS4)and htlS /cms/*/ hfii^tinn ill'o. THUpttt vt7>/(V»/(/«'\ and been reported Irom a yekkonid iRutsey & Ookinete Irochxii^xoonis rh^>\in, as well as a pyeopodid, a IO00). (Vnlasttimids w-ere not listed in Hiehehn e/ of jiekkonid. and a varanul, Xfrsturw/ntot uncnuot N»co|l 14]4 loan tVitfUU sroir,>t<le\ Mi\>'ophul>\t,\ Nematodes reporletl Irom Australian scincid .sp, from h.tt h\tii>stuiiti\ nf£Wlfo an umdenliliLd li/ards are listed in Table 2, Not included in Tahle 2 nematode from f.crisio hoti^tinvillii. and are reporis ofuuidem.ilicd species of Skrfohiitclojo unidentified dicroeoeliids Ironi an agamid (Pichelin iVimt Ctentfiiis \< inHnL')Oi{lo Lolleded m SvUlh tt oi |vy?}, Mvwuneltmn mo root! has also been Australia (Gt'ldber^ >Si l^ursey IW5J, reporK f)l n ported from amphibians collected in Queensland Pontphaiyn^'ttl(0} konutto and Ski}ohiootlon 'Aieoll 10141. Species ofMicrophallus are parasites Icrisioc Rtifn ti specie^ ot t.ctisia {~ Rhotlono) Irom ol bcshwaiei lisites, although experimental Soulh Australia iMawson |y7l) and reportWs lol infections have been established m amphibians, uhaiviie'»donid oi phvsalopierid Iar\ae (Joikn icpiilcsaiid mammals nama^nti IOsS). lOM.V. Goldberg W-M 1990; (h,s paper)- An I'ive species of Cesioi.a have been icported Irom unidentified species of Skriahfticlo:ia was alsu Australian scincid li/ards. namely. CxIinJrohicnio reported froma.£ckkonid li/ard from SouthAusLra.li:* ollisooor (Schmidt lOKOi I'rorn llnoU re/\ jfyMHil .Aii^i-i & Mawson l0f>S; Mav\soii |V"7i). MaJeS of and U'ristn hnuvitmvitiii. t. lurhmoii (Jones !9S?) this species ol Sh-jtihinclosio have ye! lo be found, Iiom l.ooipropholis ilciicaia (l>e Vis, 1888). /_, ihus no species ryf Skriah<'inLi:,tti has been reported y;iii' fh'tioft iDumeril and liibron. IN30|, from Australian hosis. Ntiinu'Stiitith uiiucoyi it.uca'- and 1'rosl. ltW4>. I'nideubried specimen-. o\ Pluryneodonidae were RttpWttJmtUt clmlh'nw n, ;md S tnihtelimt\ reptM'ted from Cnpb>N(phon^- pfuyioccphuhts hj n > Shauehncssy. IK7-I). (hnhorislico ouslrolicosis .lories 1 19^5) which could bcknie i*y anv one of llu* Spaxskiu 1051 Irom Jtta huh>\utint\ wysus, Or nine oxvund species listed in Tubli More ttiuliv.umn iMacC'allum. 1021 I Irom T. ragouts and difUcuIi lo assess arc reports (Jones \992, [fiH5\ (), vacuolato Hickman. 1954 from fiyo'rtoo Wtf){jl Goldberg ,/ oi Iuti0) of encysted huvae identified (hehchu r( oi |9W|; M. Jones ( 1*>S7) reported as ,\hlov\toHi sp.. Phx^iilopicra sp, or ( ylitnlrofticinoallisotuu looccuralso in a gekkomd. phvsalopierid larvae. Seventeen species of M.icCalUim (.19311 described lochia uachxsoon Abbrcvitiia and two species ol Sksjohhmptcro oecili lixim specimens discovered in rhe intestine ol a in Australian icptiles (ftaker I087r adults ol specimen ol hocltxilosoioo1- [Vjttmts that had died specie* ot I'hxMilopicru are not known as para.-uies in the New Yoik Zoological Garden Bacr lll).7t of Auslralian reptiles but seven specie^.are known moved I //v/W/r\/////7 to (h>< ho)isti'0, Johnston from Auslralian mammals, five from marsiipiaU ( lolJM jeported <> luu-Iixso.im in T lUHOXtts' and two from nahve rodents (Norman & Be\coiler Spasskii ( 1951) believed thai substantial diligences 1000), PhvsaUijnvrid larvae are widely distributed existed beiween die specmieus desi ribed t»y in Auslralia and have been reported from the Ma; <.ilium (I02G and Johnston MMfti and suincid li/iialv Cnprohlepharus olo^oncpliahi^, established th>chonuh\itfRSlttftletish lotrJolmslou's f icthHtis c<ilauc\. (, iht\. C. qratjdfi, C hctnuo i specimens A majcr tlilrcrenee between t>. p,oulu rotoc i1 tflttftfttrtrdtcjhtl.(n<'tun\ I' (W^rolivi}\t\ anUd O Irmliv^.tio-f is the arranecii'L ll -.f hiOlthiO;,;!,)!, r^iioio nnuoohc T- \h uo.t ul |bC ^-^es; tt&JIMt'WQM •'*-. our vIi»-.Il-u l) f ,Ort»o>n-* oxovo *))ti /.r-v^, .w{<•Urn \i |^ehei htfiftyMtan Iu»s two 1'hc specimen Irom EgpftUU IR8U .t> well its Irom u^iimid, uekkonid ami tkffffftLffl exhibitedoneclusterol lestes. Unulcnlilicil varaihd li/.ards and several species ol snakes Mmi& species ol <hnlionsioo \u\c been teporled from IV95) Studies on diet ha\e shown dial \aiuiml 1i I 132 S. R. liOKORRfir, Ac C. R_ Bl RSEV li/ards and the toral eal. AWrv ftUM.V L., 1758. Iced Phurvnxoilon kattanu and Want*n\iroftgWin oil skit)ks(Ji»nov & CotnW 1981; Shine [9S6; James pnptnii>tn<nrfh/e occur in scineids and gekkonids. ftui \yi2\i Because these larvaearcencysted and tit Phxstifoi'tc/t'itlt.s jUhvudu ts known from scineids, relatively high prevalences, the skuiks may serve as aaamids, gekkonids and vnranids. Psctttioriclnfaria paratcnic liostv t!i\pun'H\ occurs in scineids, -amphibians and Of ihe nematode species harboured by Australian mammals. Skridhinopirni xeh/uutnuc is known from senieid li/ards iTaMe 1). fir,hin-<\ I'tfHgisptCUbR scineids, agaumk, a gekkonid and varanids ;nul JifhupL-itrsttnin i^emiiie, PfwrynfVibin (Xxtifivxftuttui Watnirisfioni!Ylu\ clctioii is known from scineids. an /' mWfialh: ft hitutla, Ft ti/itjiitn\ Pm-umnnemn aeamid, a uekkonid and j varanid (Owen £t iHii/tttW. Spinicttniln uttsirulicnsis. I'hcUmdm* Monrlinuse 1080; Pielttlljl </ ol. l<J90J. UWh.WWlH (Mil W-'WJ/fl Hihi'n-uldtii are known only Helmiuihologieal studies on addilional species arc Irwin -.kinks, Ahhrcrinid <miutvtnu is known IVom needed hefoiv the helminth diversity of Australian scineids. agamids, varatitds and snakes. Ktvixkffa skiuks is known. chrvstHam/'a. A h'sttcuni. fatuphnrw^tnlt/n fttZftM are known ['rum scineids and auiuiuuV Maxvtufunnn Aeknonlrduincnls hr\\u;(n'i is known from scineids, ayamids and E| vaunid, M. vhuluttuli is known Irom scineids. a We iliank ft U Ke/v (Natural History Museum of pek-fcomd. a vnranid and a snake. PtirapftHtyngottim Los Angeles County) lor permission to examine kiinmitt ttecurs in scineids. auamids and ^ekkonids. specimens. Kctireneis \i>ais<.n M. I, (IM84) IVM-iipltuiv; of i'lhir\iivt>tl>>i< hii'ini Itis.i- M ( In--. Si imvsi R C-vsMiM I itXlpltlStCttHl n. ^p, and f 'ilif/mi' Hayhs, LOiHI Pamion, I). (' A tiiAKAi u. A G. i IQWl (NoTlliftutitf (_)\yiiroiik'iO Irom fycrtliU <ntittiit.'Jmmi }tthn{ttHi\(niia ucM- inn. and iHliitpfiaMarinijc gtlM iSvitu'idaet mi Anslralia. S\\l PtftUtiiWhfa -W-I61 no\. iMohncoidca. Nematoda) Irom $nfo MVt'ittttS. All. J, H . Km v, J, A: Smi, .1- T tls»R4) hitrilh-i will cinntneiii-s on the primiiivi' niehostronvyk- observations of hhmi hooked raillietieIlids n;irasitL's ol" amphihians and u-pnles. Ptitipthf 1. 15*^- AN(dDNPeeesvicI>e'r.ilisjpoosntpt,i(moMReni.nsiKtCnl.lu'a(inhWdrC*e'*tc'lpI\lnrLae"tnwNlsoenb-mii.aipietvcLnaoiuuedJsie.urslIhofilfiCto.AVatc*Bnr.tc1hIl4rin;7zMia(-ireIUdsM*i;).tnPwlutilcii.hr I [iiinIlhltoiitiIfmt/a'WlKfotoi.dVeSs.OuRf-.lfWiA:ontnHAuhi>H.fK!Syrlkail^ii.alVi siSkRua.luktnsIa.9-!Cit5*jtS(ir<itamhtst\Uoi/id<ina;ri/ie^.s>u(nian/ld WallinL-lnnl Ik). Ihhnmthol. $m\ Wiwk. frl21t7r73#. \.\oi i I.. M. A Mwvsmn, P M. il46H) Hehninllis from & Hi KN iNlJI /. S. I l,M,ili mhiv IJAtrdntiiiwllv IVoiit SuiiHiAlisUuHu. I'ruus. t< Sr>* Nematodes of iwo skiuks. CtWiotns wtmluwlU and \.\usj, 92.59-71 Crrth>tu\ tjtttittm*iJt'rimtnw<ift.»\ iSailfia: Scintidar). 1-1\i u. I G. i \^11> VtonogriipltK'di's(.tunniesile la familh Irom Western Australia ft»>l 6ft, M'j-«P (]es Aiinptiiivphaliilai'- iinli fiittf. FltlNW ti f-biftitfift* (aRilH, A, h. iO'y.O) Iho Biol'fjv and Ivv^luti'in ->f /',om'. su{>i>i. io. i-:a Australian LizardsN'SiWSnriev Urallv Hi Siais I'tv ltd LUkll?-. \1 R (IVH.1) Keileseripia.n o| I'tuumoncnui Chipping Norton, i, iili(fnu< lohtixttm, 10Id (Nl-ih;iIi>lIu: Ivlialxliasul.ic) loan I\mis. T. IX. Losus. J. B. tv k^,,. U, R. UTO'i RefH«fl itn Ai^italtan skink. pan', UvbnmtfitA Sv\ MWr. ^N- dueiivu hioloL-y and diets of cit.tmtas %iKL-pldi..: 159 |W Varanidan InmiAnslralia. K th,f> 2ft, I2K-I T umpJnbiiUTisioasnvdi rSe\pittiil'epss,i>tjociuttoh,ePNupe,mwHiwmhU,i tth^mm,usmUchVm IuHlsij/^anilu.n,liT>,ir1i1.)\(\niWn.nlt^\lmTii'n<'>s<|t>;\i.r;isfilhim--\..nl'AIhtM_r-tr•t,.:'-.nWniHpS}V-wlad.S" Xfntuwu/tntu! til :>2S, UfU. 56,tt2 7(i, fi\i1-1'ii\-.--jninVu"M!",.ttRm.Jn-fhj1ii1,W),I' iINLeimfatithixsl|aoi:;\RhajnldKluiViivsLiNdiapemLii/iitil o.l/ Iohii K;1n;A,:a"M0AW.M'afuOdN-. IS'*»VuId.i(AItt*smittahSa.omAe'c.[wms,aie'\j||,v*/s, Ptfntsiiof A::i Pi 0ii-5,3O\ I C I I'.'O. i i he wxono A//o. 7,_1&45 I4K. ^.h)l2iiheOallar.Ui»llrrimi. ol pOtMtlMI "I du' nciiiilthli.- PuttunnnriHii iHUfUxc. Au\l J imiasitic tiemuiodcs mine Aainiliaii Nhisemn. thai 21. H\MS.iiist.29I,I.4VAt.HiJ9'9l.^Oi Soiul t-dki-a-.idae jroJ Owundar im-ti5, A: t I04M S.nno ncmalotlL--. I I:,NseIuiVait6o.did IhMii Queciislainl. r\//M ,V/r/>. \'itt llisl, Ift. ,1'onAiu.ss.trIa,.liSatnOhi/maarsds. fltr,->It\,( |(»'*sW'.-/l-evol<A>h-\ylOl71I,hc22f0ow^l uhU El| i i -i \. i I0| Jl N,-|niiltKlL*s nh^L'ived in North /I1W//a *a/io (l.t, ui souih-e.LMorn Australia 1. Died ^ItU oiQilWaSvl.Wl(ultkd, !k<<)>(..Aotiiouiuhkuot., s/.>('/R'. '\W\.Qv/Q,9)i(0^1h1r1j,ulh'U-)u4tu>Um Iuni s. IAt'.aIS.(5l3&7W-S5j47,IV-o new spuiiL-s mI itcmalodi' fimthn sp ii (Ntiitaludu: PhuryM^iuluiiutaoi ami oiltei iSpiuuida: Pliysalopiendaet Inun Ansirahan h/;ads iM'linilllltH ol I'l'i'ku-. (Spuria (ickkoiiidac" NVf/hntl'm (Kcphlia: Scin.-idae: Gekkonidaet. I Nttf. fiPf.fl. I'>. Jiphpi) loan AosUalia ,/ Htfmhuhoh Sin Wmh. (>4\, 1 75- viM i »;M/ ()S7t Wbtutty$tttmtf.y'Uiti ^en n iNcinahHl,i; i ('uraau, II <». \ MIOOj 'Rcpjllfi* and Arnphihiaiis i>] I ieliuj*LroiieyiotJta3 Qvin i\td*tfttlfen H/awK, w-iili \l.sOalia'* (Ralph Ciuli:, Ptil-li,lunr H^nlltcj IsI.mkI- •-.-.t'MiXt.m-.i»|"lino1 Tev^ ifWCMW /v''"' tfi'tOWttlwt >•<»' Flnrrdti i SAl '! |A/| 4 Ml / . 1114 MINTHS OFAUSTRALIAN SCINCH) I l/AKDS 133 i IW2) (ijsiiointesiinal nematodes in lite- luard fNcmaioda, Phvsaloptcridae) from nonhcrn Austialia. cc-rwru Wtt/ua and Cwfotlomiirpftm rScineilW) in Hull. Alt);. ,\'<tt \ntl\t. tS'itnu., ScnrJ2 HH4-1UI7. Wesiein Australia. \n\L ./_ /jn>l. 40, II5-I2fi. PlANKA. I: R. iP)72i Zoogeography and speeiaiion ol (|9'>5) Gastric nematode communities in Australian desert li/.yi'ds: an eeo1ouii-:il pei\|vLlive li/urds from theGroat Victoria Dfcsat, .hkIanhypothesis C,>[><«> 1972, I2MI.V JfttNitnS.theMir.ewiKl,ufttolii".S7//>?>//,A43t,a\14o1noImfii4c_ revision l\Jj \w Pl<Amichieni.kSh.s.tIoiliohmevls.minP.thMpa&rasIitteosrMoUfNASuosMt.raMli.anNre(ptIiWle4si. MMA\WlZHpNtkSOheenyxXltflyimpml\uiNvikirtn,lliahtcoiilhaPktam).sik:,..ieHM&n°Si.TiCC<rviinoi7M.idsm2.jPIm),,c>AoP7.cMaITIe5n)thriIm-e,cSPi2itPiei>tS)h,dan2i-earle,lK>esm\o)a(1n»St0s1,tiolM9nud1a1d9e00Aii5u5eu,s-slgt2|er(1renaiC5#xnul,V-pisslea|lKdnio3iMd.dturuiueuxopmntyhimloPCel>yisooOwi<lna:Tttn8\tfd.i-- SSih'iAAbAAt'srnimnfsooo.ikipplim.iloica.oR.gaV.leyleAsApA.i("oitlfPsiiAtMWa.,uTloio(uMl()uTtiar1hiis9]ejI...5's1oTIy)MotaimtdI''pp"sriaK(ernhttsatawcsneylboletjei('nrtlts{ms>Si,pisafP>eliKhrctsa<io[ub5iegofi,s4lrt2aal|o.Ct-)mtsco<4lsn4v,iua(aeun>TsiJ-dotuo4ri6lmcr<odehgpaySrlc,noiidzdeaVunroctWdltis.ifiliviIcden lion's, Ihitl. Wi, 101 I0K. Iraiislaiions, Jerusalem). Nud(iQ'uieensWla_nd.(1I0.1P4a)M&tTlhoefojnjeymaft.to33d3e-.l5pfalr.asites ol' North Tmarievp\tKil\es0.-/.S.IM1m19.25XJ SS3t-ud1i5e0s. tin the oWiuid parasites ol Nuiniw. R. J 1)1 IT A HiMUil»r;i, I. t P)l><>) Redexerip- THOMAS, P. \T (PTW) Some uem;tlode ptirasiles froni lions of the species of f'hwsttfopii'ru Rudolphi. I8P> Australian hosts. Tnms. A*. Soc, S. Attst- HI. 151-102. t.NeniHlodu; Spimridu)puiusiheinbandieitots(MarNiipnilni: Ywiua'Tl. S. (P)5N) "SyMema Helnnntlium. Vol. I, The ( KmPern.aniI.r.lAoidMcan)tminiiAousotMr'a.lia0..SvPs.t.(Pfa>wSf0i>iitfotiLtf4d3e.sc1r0i3p-t1i2o1n. ol DPuib^lcinschleircs,TIrnce.utNaelowdeYsorkt)il.' Verlebraics" (Inlerseiciuv Ihi*iiijiIcP\tinftnit(n/,uitt(!i\/vnifi\(|rv\in-Smilh. I''"12) Appt'iuliv Scincid It/ards borrowed (unit Natuial History Museum of LSNPC 8"252 Muwmhoiiht rh.thcuu/r. USNPL* N025• l.m Angles Omul) (LAt'M) with lont-iliule and lat'tude hmiphoryni-thhui hirlan>r, l.'SNPC K0254 Phunnv<>tl>>r of collection sites and helminths deposited in die I S ktuiinnr, IjSNPC JSV255 W<1f}etrfxtWf}%yfas ftihoti. National ParasiteCollection (USNIX i. Eacrniu tU-piv\\Lt <N = 8. Mean SVI ~ ')! mm i 7 SP>. Cft-wiltis htihiksi (N --- 25- M-:in SVI. - 4! intn i- ^ S _). ntnge ^l "'I mm) collected P'on. wa, LAOM C5M$403 rPaAtiCn'eM~ 3(7X--S45H25n,un2)(.colUl'ecteSd. \1M251'W5e8sl1eIrjn,Au(s3t5r5al2i^a55i\5V3A1)-, 055M'04S,, 2\MW274'7'S!y•)M.^iUS0N5P'CI IH.0t255r7,4(thWt-r5tMioIm\ii5ffui4PtSt.ust2n7t 5I5>58^35-155'5134,i,,[25d5'55t^t.(V5S5.5WIV.'15/51 5f1t1r.\:5).>5o<>^5-»>.552M3.fl5W.^-61<>S,. IlwiitvisTitvi.iu[iSihN»nWnit,89(2K58=PiP)i,utMyetatgnmbSwVIHlh-fiu7w4.mm ± 4 Sl> 55ST(i 55fj73-555?4 5557S, 555S4, 38° OB' S, 123' S5' ranye O0S0 nun) collccied 1966-196$. WA. I.ACM I ). \55$$5. 2K' tK>' S. 123 50' E): Nonhetn lenitory, (5(4^4. 5o4>6. 5<44$. 5o44(). 5<i442-5644^. 2K ' 27' S LA( M i5554t. 2^ IV S. 120' 54' Yi) (55544, s5^4^. IP) 05' I ,..0(^7.5^450-50452. 28" OS'S. 124' 55' Bl. 55550-55551. 55553. 2.V |,V S. I21)J 5-1' B.L USNPC (56455. 5(>4f>--56464, 56466, 5(>472. 5f>474, 5(i477-Sf»47'-> X0JS0 \hhn\u<u< sp. t_<id RWgc larvat USNP<' X0247 2K° M)' S. 125' 50' I). t'SNPC \')1S0 Kni.uvUa Ac. i\nll« thty\t'<ai>,(f(t; IISNPC K024K M,f.\v<tcfl'>nia vfvywtwyptti USNP( S'Poo Muxwkmtat iJwhairiJt, thtihttmtr. PNNPC Kl>241' \Mttutristi,ot\!\(n,\ ftcmrti. tiSNPC K42bl rhuivivtultm lifhfH.tr: IJSNPC X')2(»; t'lrtuuttsfuiiithctitttts iN - "Ml MeanSVL = 42 mini SSO. WanttivettrMffykis fui/ntn^nwiirpiu'. r5a5n0jHicS.=23H7"-I2K7'mrrSf.i cIoPl)l'ect0esd1 l\*i>)<.>7.tfWoAW.I.I.5\6(()MtHI-(55o5l9)t8l6l- 7(Sv-f1uu0t3tmfimtr)hiUcio(llNec-te2dI 1M^e6;7a.iWSAV.L=LAM5CnMun(JS:6HSSI3D-.56ra?jIi»7tf 560H4. JR° »)' S. 125' 50' p), isoor. t>U\}>. 2K" 08' S. 50521-50525. 50530-50541. 565S3. 56515^65^7. 56534 t2_r5i* hj.tSUUX Son-tO m.ii-R. ?K'^' S, 120^50'] I lH -' s t v; jb' t-.i, (50541. 30545. JS JH' \. | ^7 if iffltib 1ft" 14' S. 121" l3'Btt56053-56054,.5(i05&-:560S9. Hi. (5(olb. S654R. 2S1 2S' S, 122 ' 50' t | L'SNPC S'P)»- 3SUM. !^ |/'S. 121 OO'lo.l SNPCXo>y_,,\/./>/rw,(„».sp, foiWpfaifytttftiUtni kiiiiuixt: USNPC SM?f>4 I'ihirvn '.It/f( (4ul anvr l.iiv-o; L'SMPC" S'»251 Kniuifiu t'hnfAttfumfiv; iiliifituf: I SNPC K/)36-^ lti///.7Wv/nM/(ev/M\ rwi/tit

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