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Preview Interpretation of Stationary States in Prequantum Classical Statistical Field Theory

INTERPRETATION OF STATIONARY 6 0 STATES IN PREQUANTUM CLASSICAL 0 2 STATISTICAL FIELD THEORY n a J Andrei Khrennikov 6 2 International Center for Mathemati al Modeling 1 in Physi s and Cognitive S ien es v University of Växjö, Sweden 4 7 Email:Andrei.Khrennikovmsi.vxu.se 1 1 0 6 0 Abstra t / h Wedevelopaprequantum lassi alstatisti almodelinthattherole p of hidden variables is played by lassi al (ve tor) (cid:28)elds. We all this - t n model Prequantum Classi al Statisti al Field Theory (PCSFT). The a orresponden e between lassi al and quantum quantities is asymp- u toti , so we all our approa h asymptoti dequantization. In this note q : we pay the main attention to interpretation of so alled pure quantum v i states (wave fun tions) in PCSFT, espe ially stationary states. We X show, see Theorem 2, that pure states of QM an be onsidered as r a labels for Gaussian measures on entrated on one dimensional om- plex subspa es of phase spa e that are invariant with respe t to the ψ S hrödinger dynami s. (cid:16)A quantum system in a stationary state (cid:17) in PCSFT is nothing else than a Gaussian ensemble of lassi al (cid:28)elds ((cid:29)u tuations of the va uum (cid:28)eld of a very small magnitude) whi h is not hanged in the pro ess of S hrödinger's evolution. We interpret in this way the problem of stability of hydrogen atom. Keywords:PrequantumClassi alStatisti alFieldTheory, omplete- ness of QM, hidden variables, interpretation of pure quantum states, stationary states, stability of hydrogen atom. 1 1 INTRODUCTION The problem of ompleteness of QM has been an important sour e of investigations on quantum foundations, see, e.g., for re ent debates Ref. [1℄-[6℄. Now days this problem is typi ally regarded as the prob- lem of hidden variables. This problem is not of purely philosophi interest. By onstru ting a model that would provide a (cid:28)ner des rip- ψ tion of physi al reality than given by the quantum wave fun tion we obtain at least theoreti al possibility to go beyond quantum me- hani s. In prin iple, we might (cid:28)nd e(cid:27)e ts that are not des ribed by quantum me hani s. One of the main barriers on the way beyond quantum me hani s are various (cid:16)NO-GO(cid:17) theorems (e.g., theorems of von Neumann, Ko hen-Spe ker, Bell,...). Therefore by looking for a prequantum lassi alstatisti al model oneshould take into a ount all known (cid:16)NO-GO(cid:17) theorems. In a seriesof papers [7℄there was shown that in prin iple all distin- guishing features of quantum probabilities (e.g., interferen e, Born's rule, representation of random variables by non ommuting operators) an be obtained in lassi al (but ontextual) probabilisti framework. Themainproblemwasto(cid:28)nda lassi alstatisti almodelwhi hwould be natural from the physi al viewpoint. One of su h models was pre- sented in [8℄. It was shown that it is possible to represent quantum me hani s as an asymptoti proje tion of lassi al statisti al me han- Ω = H H, H i son in(cid:28)nite-dimensional phase spaH e L×(R3w)here isHilbert 2 spa e. By realizing Hilbert spa e as the -spa e we obtain the representation of prequantuψm(x )las=si (aql(xp)h,aps(ex)s)pa e aRs3.the spa e of lassi al (real ve tor) (cid:28)elds on We all this approa h to the problem of hidden variables Prequantum Classi- al Statisti al Field Theory, PCSFT. In this model quantum states are just labels for Gaussian ensembles of lassi al (cid:28)elds. Su h ensembles ρ) (Gaussian measures are hara terized by zero mean value and very small dispersion: [p2(x)+q2(x)]dxdρ(q,p) = α, α 0. ZL2(R3)×L2(R3)ZR3 → (1) Thisdispersionisasmallparameterofthemodel. Quantumme hani s lim α→0 is obtained as the of PCSFT. Let us onsider the (cid:16) lassi al va uum (cid:28)eld.(cid:17) In PCSFT it is rep- ψ 0. vacuum resented by the fun tion ≡ Sin e a Gaussian ensemble of lassi al (cid:28)elds has the zero mean value, these (cid:28)elds an be onsidered 2 asrandom(cid:29)u tuationsofthe(cid:16) lassi alva uum(cid:28)eld.(cid:17) Sin edispersion is very small, these are very small (cid:29)u tuations. There is some similar- ity with SED and sto hasti QM, f. [9℄. The maiRn3d,i(cid:27)eren e is that we onsider (cid:29)u tuations not on (cid:16)physi al spa e(cid:17) but on in(cid:28)nite dimensional spa e of lassi al (cid:28)elds. In [8℄ we studied asymptoti expansions of Gaussian integrals of analyti fun tionals and obtained an asymptoti equality oupling the Gaussian integral and the tra e of the omposition of s aling of the ovariation operator of a Gaussian measure and the se ond derivative of a fun tional. In this way we oupled the lassi al average (given by an in(cid:28)nite-dimensional Gaussian integral) and the quantum average (given by the von Neumann tra e formula). In [8℄ there was obtained generalizations of QM that were based on expansions of lassi al (cid:28)eld- n = 2,4,6,.. fun tionals into Taylor series up to terms of the degree n = 2 (for we obtain the ordinary QM). In the present paper we hange ru ially the interpretation of the smallparameterofourmodel. In[8℄thisparameterwasidenti(cid:28)edwith h thePlan k onstant (inmakingsu ha hoi eIwasverymu h stimu- lated by dis ussions with people working in SED and sto hasti quan- α tum me hani s, f. [9℄). In this we paper onsider as a new param- eter giving the dispersion of prequantum (cid:29)u tuations. We onstru t a Mα, α 0. one parameter family of lassi al statisti al models ≥ QM is α 0: obtained as the limit of lassi al statisti al models when → lim Mα = N , quant α→0 (2) N quant where istheDira -vonNeumannquantummodel[10℄,[11℄. Our approa hshouldnotbemixedwithdeformation quantization,see,e.g., [12℄. In the formalisΩm of=deRfo2rnmation quantizationl imlassi al me hani s 2n h→0 on the phase-spa e is obtained as the of quantum me hani s (the orresponden e prin iple). In the deformation quan- tization the quantum model is onsidered as depending on a small h: N Nh , parameter quant ≡ quant and formally lim Nh = M quant conv.class. h→0 (3) M conv.class. where is the onventional lassi al model with the phase- Ω . 2n spa e The main problem is that our model does not provide the magni- α. tude of We may just spe ulate that there might be some relations with s ales of quantum gravity and string theory. 3 In this arti le we pay the main attention to the interpretation of so alled pure states in PCSFT, espe ially so alled stationary states. Weshow, seeTheorem 2, that pure statesof QM an be interpreted as simply labels for Gaussian measures on entrated on one dimensional omplexsubspa esofphasespa ethatareinvariantwithrespe ttothe S hrödinger dynami s. Thus PCSFT implies the following viewpoint to quantum stationarity. First of all this is not deterministi lassi- al stationarity. Nevertheless, this is purely lassi al, but sto hasti ψ stationarity, f. [13℄. (cid:16)A quantum system in a stationary state (cid:17) in PCSFT is nothing else than a Gaussian ensemble of lassi al (cid:28)elds ((cid:29)u tuations of the va uum (cid:28)eld of a very small magnitude) whi h is not hanged in the pro ess of S hrödinger's evolution. We interpret in this way the problem of stability of hydrogen atom, see se tion 7. Here (cid:16)anele trononastationaryorbit(cid:17) isastationaryGaussianensembleof lassi al (cid:28)elds. The stru ture of these Gaussian (cid:29)u tuations provides the pi ture of a bound state. Tosimplifytheintrodu tion toPCSFT,inpapers[8℄we onsidered quantummodelsovertherealHilbertspa eandonlyinse tion5ofthe se ond paper in [8℄ there were given main lines of generalization to the omplexHilbertspa e. Inthispaperwestartdire tlywiththe omplex ase. Here the ru ial role isplayed by the symple ti stru ture on the Ω, in(cid:28)nite-dimensionalphasespa e f. [12℄. Inparti ular, inourmodel all lassi al physi al variables should be invariant with respe t to the J, J2 = I. symple ti operator − WeshowthattheS hrödingerdynami sisnothingelsethanHamil- Ω. ton dynami s on Therefore quantum stationary states an be on- J sidered as invariant measures ( on entrated on -invariant planes of Ω) phase spa e of spe ial in(cid:28)nite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems. In ontrast to [8℄, in this paper we study asymptoti of lassi al averages (given by Gaussian fun tional integrals) on the matheati al levelofrigor. We(cid:28)nda orre tfun tional lassinthatsu hexpansions are valid and obtain an estimate of the rest term in the fundamental asymptoti formula oupling lassi al and quantum averages. 2 ASYMPTOTIC DEQUANTIZATION We de(cid:28)ne (cid:16) lassi al statisti al models(cid:17) in the following way, see [8℄ for more detail (and even philosophi onsiderations): a) physi al states ω Ω are represented by points of some set (state spa e); b) physi al 4 f : Ω R variables are represented by fun tions → belonging to some V(Ω); fun tional spa e ) statisti al states are represented by prob- Ω S(Ω); ability measures on belonging to some lass d) the average f V(Ω)) of a physi al variable (whi h is represented by a fun tion ∈ withrespe ttoastatisti alstate(whi hisrepresentedbyaprobability ρ S(Ω)) measure ∈ is given by < f > f(ψ)dρ(ψ). ρ ≡ Z (4) Ω M = (S,V). A lassi al statisti al model is a pair Ω W=e rRe nall thRant 2n lassi al statisti al me hani s on the phase spa e × gives an example of a lassi al statisti al model. But we shall not be interested in this example in our further onsiderations. We shall developa lassi alstatisti almodelwithanin(cid:28)nite-dimensionalphase- spa e. The onventionalquantumstatisti almodelwiththe omplexHilbert Ω c state spa e is des ribed in the following way (see Dira -von Neu- mann [10℄, [11℄ for the onventional omplex model): a) physi al ob- A : Ω Ω c c servables are represented by operators → belonging to the (Ω ); s s c lass of ontinuous self-adjoint operators L ≡ L b) statisti al states are represented by von Neumann density operators, see [4℄ (the (Ω )); c lass of su h operators is denoted by D ≡ D d) the average of a A (Ω )) s c physi al observable (whi h is represented by the operator ∈ L with respe t to a statisti al state (whi h is represented by the density D (Ω )) c operator ∈ D is given by von Neumann's formula [11℄: < A> Tr DA D ≡ (5) N = ( , ). quant s The quantum statisti al model is the pair D L M = (S,V) We are looking for a lassi al statisti al model whi h N = ( , ). quant s will give (cid:16)dequantization(cid:17) of the quantum model D L Here the meaning of (cid:16)dequantization(cid:17) should be spe i(cid:28)ed. In fa t, all (cid:16)NO-GO(cid:17) theorems (e.g., von Neumann, Ko hen-Spe ker, Bell,...) an be interpreted as theorems about impossibility of various dequantiza- tion pro edures. Therefore we should de(cid:28)ne the pro edure of dequan- tization in su h a way that there will be no ontradi tion with known (cid:16)NO-GO(cid:17) theorems, butourdequantization pro edure stillwillbenat- ural from the physi al viewpoint. We de(cid:28)ne (asymptoti ) dequantiza- Mα = (Sα,V) tionasafamily of lassi alstatisti almodelsdepending α 0. T : Sα on small parameter ≥ There should exist maps → D and T : V s → L su h that: a) both maps are surje tions (so all quantum 5 T : V R s obje ts are overed by lassi al); b) the map → L is -linear (we re all that we onsider real-valued lassi al physi al variables); T : S ) the map → D is inje tion (there is one-to one orrespon- den e between lassi al and quantum statisti al states); d) lassi al and quantum averages are oupled through the following asymptoti equality: <f > = α < T(f)> +o(α), α 0 ρ T(ρ) → (6) < T(f)> T(ρ) (here is the quantum average); so: f(ψ)dρ(ψ) = α Tr DA+o(α), A = T(f),D = T(ρ). Z (7) Ω f(ψ) This equality an be interpreted in the following way. Let be a lassi alphysi alvariable(des ribingpropertiesofmi rosystems- las- α). si al(cid:28)eldshaving very smallmagnitude Wede(cid:28)ne itsampli(cid:28) ation by: 1 f (ψ) = f(ψ) α α (8) 1 < (so any mi ro e(cid:27)e t is ampli(cid:28)ed in α-times). Then we have: f > =< T(f)> +o(1), α 0, α ρ T(ρ) → or f (ψ)dρ(ψ) = Tr DA+o(1), A= T(f),D = T(ρ). α Z (9) Ω 1 Thus: Quantum average ≈ Classi al average of the α-ampli(cid:28) ation. Hen e: QM is a mathemati al formalism des ribing a statisti al ap- proximation of ampli(cid:28) ation of mi ro e(cid:27)e ts. We see that for physi al variables/quantum observables and las- si al and quantum statisti al states the dequantization maps have dif- T : V s ferent features. The map → L is not inje tive. Di(cid:27)erent f f 1 2 lassi al physi al variables and an be mapped into one quan- A. tum observable This is not surprising. Su h a viewpoint on the relation between lassi al variables and quantum observables was al- ready presented by J. Bell, see [14℄. In prin iple, experimenter ould notdistinguish lassi al((cid:16)onti (cid:17))variablesbyhismeasurementdevi es. T : Sα In ontrast, the map → D is inje tion. Here we suppose that quantum statisti al states represent uniquely ((cid:16)onti (cid:17)) lassi al statis- ti al states. The ru ial di(cid:27)eren e with dequantizations onsidered in known (cid:16)NO-GO(cid:17) theorems is that in our ase lassi al and quantum averages f are equal only asymptoti ally and that a lassi al variable and the 6 A= T(f) orresponding quantumobservable anhavedi(cid:27)erentranges of values. 3 PREQUANTUM CLASSICAL STA- TISTICAL MODEL Ω = Q P, Q = P = H We hoose the phase spa e × where and H is the in(cid:28)nite-dimensional real (separable) Hilbert spa e. We on- Ω (ψ ,ψ ) = 1 2 sider as the real Hilbert spa e with the s alar produ t (q ,q )+(p ,p ). J Ω : J = 1 2 1 2 We denote by the symple ti operator on 0 1 . (Ω) R (cid:18) 1 0 (cid:19) Let us onsider the lass Lsymp of bounded -linear − A :Ω Ω operators → whi h ommute with the symple ti operator: AJ = JA (10) (Ω). This is a subalgebra of the algebra of bounded linear operators L (Ω) symp,s We also onsider the spa e of L onsisting of self-adjoint op- erators. J Ω By using the operator we an introdu e on the phase spa e J i. Ω the omplex stru ture. Here isrealized as − We denote endowed Ω : Ω Q iP. c c with this omplex stru ture by ≡ ⊕ We shall use it Ω later. At the momentC onsider as a real linear spa e and onsider Ω = Ω iΩ. its omplexi(cid:28) ation ⊕ (Ω) symp Left :uΩs onRsider the fun tional spa e V onsisting of fun - tions → su h that: f(0) = 0; a) the state of va uum is preserved : f J f(Jψ) = f(ψ); b)f is -invariant: f : ΩC C ) an be extended to the analyti fun tion → having the exponential growth: f(ψ) c erfkψk f | | ≤ C c ,r 0 ψ Ω . f f for some ≥ and for all ∈ We remCark that the possibil- f Ω ity to extend aCfun tion analyti ally onto and the exponential Ω estimate on plays the important role in the asymptoti expan- sion of Gaussian integrals. To get a mathemati ally rigor formulation, onditions in [8℄ should be reformulated in the similar way. The following trivial mathemati al result plays the fundamental f role in establishing lassi al → quantum orresponden e: Let be a 7 J f′′(0) (Ω). symp,s smooth -invariant fun tion. Then ∈ L In parti ular, J a quadrati form is -invariant i(cid:27) it is determined by an operator (Ω). symp,s belonging to L Sα (Ω) We onsider the spa e statisti al states G,symp onsisting of ρ Ω ρ measures on su hthat: a) haszeromeanvalue;b)itisaGaussian J α. measure; ) it is -invariant; d) its dispersion has the magnitude J Thus these are -invariant Gaussian measures su h that ψdρ(ψ) = 0 σ2(ρ) = ψ 2dρ(ψ) = α, α 0. Z and Z k k → Ω Ω Su h measures des ribe small Gaussian (cid:29)u tuations of the va uum (cid:28)eld. The following trivial mathemati al result plays the fundamental role in establishing lassi al → quantum orresponden e: Let a mea- ρ J B = cov ρ sure be -invariant. Then its ovariation operator ∈ (Ω). (By ,y )= (y ,ψ)(y ,ψ)dρ(ψ). symp,s 1 2 1 2 L Here R Ω c Wenow onsider the omplex realization ofthephasespa eand < , > . the orresponding omplex s( Ωa)lar produ t · · We remaCrk that symp the lass of operators L is mapped onto the lass of -linear (Ω ). A (Ω), c symp,s operators L We also remark that, for any ∈ L real and omplex quadrati forms oin ide: (Aψ,ψ) =< Aψ,ψ > . (11) Bc = We also de(cid:28)ne for any measure its omplex ovariation operator covcρ by < Bcy ,y >= < y ,ψ >< ψ,y > dρ(ψ). 1 2 1 2 Z J ρ We remark that for a -invariant measure its omplex and real o- Bc = 2B. variation operators are related as As a onsequen e, we J obtain that any -invariant Gaussian measure is uniquely determined by its omplex ovariation operator. Remark. (The origin of omplex numbers) In our approa h the omplex stru ture of QM has a natural physi al explanation. The ψ(x) prequantum lassi al (cid:28)eld ((cid:16)ba kground (cid:28)eld(cid:17)) is a ve tor (cid:28)eld, ψ(x) q(x) p(x). so has two real omponents and And these ompo- ψ nents are oupled in su h a way that physi al variables of the -(cid:28)eld, f = f(q,p), J J areR -invariant. Se ond derivativfe′s′(0o)f su h fun (tΩio).nals symp,s are -invariant -linear symmetri operators, ∈ L As pointed out, this spa e of operators an be represented as the spa e 8 C (Ω ). s c of -linear operators L But QM takes into a ount only se ond derivatives of fun tionals of the ve tor prequantum (cid:28)eld. A As in the real ase [8℄, we an prove that for any operator ∈ (Ω) : symp,s L < Aψ,ψ > dρ(ψ) = TrcovcρA. Z (12) Ω We pay attention that the tra e is onsidered with respe t to the om- plex inner produ t. We onsider now the one parameter family of lassi al statisti al models: Mα = (Sα (Ω), (Ω)), α 0, G,symp Vsymp ≥ (13) f (Ω) ρ Sα (Ω). Lemma 1. Let ∈ Vsymp and let ∈ G,symp Then the following asymptoti equality holds: α < f > = Tr Dc f′′(0)+o(α), α 0, ρ 2 → (14) Dc = covc ρ/α. where the operator Here o(α) = α2R(α,f,ρ), (15) where |R(α,f,ρ)| ≤ cf ΩerfkψkdρDc(ψ). R ρDc Here is the Gaussian measure with zero mean value and the Dc. omplex ovariation operator Mα = We see that the lassi al average ( omputed in the model (Sα (Ω), (Ω)) G,symp Vsymp by using the measure-theoreti approa h) is oupled through (14) to the quantum average ( omputed in the model N =( (Ω ), (Ω )) quant c s c D L by the von Neumann tra e-formula). The equality (14) an be used as the motivation for de(cid:28)ning the T following lassi al → quantum map from the lassi al statisti al Mα = (Sα , ) model G,symp Vsymp onto the quantum statisti al model N =( , ): quant s D L covc ρ T :Sα (Ω) (Ω ), Dc = T(ρ) = G,symp → D c α (16) ρ Dc (theGaussianmeasure isrepresentedbythedensitymatrix whi h isequaltothe omplex ovariationoperatorofthismeasurenormalized α by ); 1 T : (Ω) (Ω ), A = T(f)= f′′(0). symp s c quant V → L 2 (17) 9 Our previous onsiderations an be presented as Theorem 1. The one parametri family of lassi al statisti al Mα = (Sα (Ω), (Ω)) models G,symp Vsymp provides dequantization of the N = ( (Ω ), (Ω )) quant c s c quantum model D L through the pair of maps (16) and (17). The lassi al and quantum averages are oupled by the asymptoti equality (14). 4 PURE STATES Ψ = u+ iv Ω , u Q,v P Ψ = 1. c Let ∈ so ∈ ∈ and let || || By using the onventional terminology of quantum me hani s we say that su h Ψ a normalized ve tor of the omplex Hilbert spa e represents a pure quantum state. By Born's interpretation of the wave fun tion a pure Ψ state determines the statisti al state with the density matrix: D = Ψ Ψ Ψ ⊗ (18) Ψ This Born's interpretation of the (cid:21) whi h is, on one hand, the pure Ψ Ω ) c state (normalized ve tor ∈ and, on the other hand, the statis- D Ψ ti al state (cid:21) was the root of appearan e in QM su h a notion as individual (or irredu ible) randomness. Su h a randomness ould not be redu ed to lassi al ensemble randomness, see von Neumann [11℄. D Ψ In our approa h the density matrix has nothing to do with the D Ψ individual state ( lassi al (cid:28)eld). The density matrix is the image J of the lassi al statisti al state (cid:21) the -invariant Gaussian measure ρ ρ Ψ ≡ BΨ on the phase spa e that has the zero mean value and the omplex ovariation operator B =αD . Ψ ψ PCSFT-interpretation of pure states. There are no (cid:16)pure quantum states.(cid:17) States that are interpreted in the onventional quan- J tum formalism as pure states, in fa t, represent -invariant Gaus- sian measures having two dimensional supports. Su h states an be imagined as (cid:29)u tuations of (cid:28)elds on entrated on two dimensional real planes of the in(cid:28)nite dimensional state phase-spa e. 5 SCHRÖDINGER'S DYNAMICS States of systems with the in(cid:28)nite number of degrees of freedom - ψ = (q,p) Ω; lassi al (cid:28)elds (cid:21) are represented by points ∈ evolution 10

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