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Interpopulational Comparison of Dose-Mediated Antheridiogen Response in Onoclea sensibilis PDF

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Preview Interpopulational Comparison of Dose-Mediated Antheridiogen Response in Onoclea sensibilis

MISSOURI BOT«Ni-«i. DEC 1^99 2 9 Fern Journal 89(4):221-231 (1999) 1 Comparison Interpopulational Dose-Mediated of Antheridiogen Response Onoclea in sensibilis — Abstract. Intraspecific variation in antheridiogen response has been reported in several fern we species. Here, characterized and compared dose-mediated antheridiogen response among six populations spanning the range of Onoclea sensibilis, a species widely used for antheridiogen A A assays. crude aqueous filtrate (CAF) of antheridiogen was obtained from cultures of Pteri- PT dium aquilinum and introduced into mineral agar at six concentrations ranging from (control) 10" to 1 Response was initiall] aaracterized for one population using three criteria: percentage . i of male gametophytes, number of antheridia per gametophyte, and mean surface area of gameto- phytes. Percent male was consistently the best descriptor of the response profile and was used to compare among responses populations. In all populations, gametophytes exhibited or no little CAF response concentrations 10 s and lower; a saturated response, almost gametophytes at all being male at 10 3 and higher; and an intermediate response, usually between 50% and 80% males, at 10 4 With few exceptions, response levels and profiles were very consistent among . populations. Data and methodology provided herein indicate that use of the percent male criterion can provide a reliable quantitative assay using Onoclea that can facilitate tuture comparative research antheridiogens. in Gametophytes of numerous and diverse taxa within the Polypodiaceae sensu A lato share response to antheridiogen (sensu Voeller 1964; in this paper an- A theridiogen refers to the general class of antheridiogens produced by and biologically active in taxa belonging to Polypodiaceae sensu whereas an- lato, A A Naf theridogen sensu [19791 refers specifically to antheridiogen pro- PT , , duced by Pteridium aquilinum Kuhn). However, antheridiogen response (L.) among neither pervasive nor equivalent polypodiaceous ferns. Species rep- is may minimum by magnitude resenting different genera differ orders of for the A and dose required response (Naf 1975; Naf, 1979), congeneric for et al., PT may shown Bommeria species also differ in antheridiogen response, as in and and and (Haufler Gastony, 1978), Cystopteris (Haufler Ranker, 1985), po- may lystichoid ferns (Yatskievych, 1993). Variation in response also occur among among within populations or even individuals within species, either Hemionitis palmata lower response was detected pop- populations. In in L., ulations with lower genetic load (Ranker, 1987), suggesting that reduced re- may sponse to antheridiogen facilitate a higher selfing rate, thereby eliminating A recessive lethals within populations (Schneller et 1990). genetic basis al., was determined for variation in antheridiogen sensitivity in Ceratopteris. Ge- notypes with lowered antheridiogen response were obtained experimentally Brongn. through application of mutagens, and a simple two- in richardii C. was gene basis of inheritance for antheridiogen sensitivity determined (Scott Warne and Hickock, 1987; et 1988). al., combine These observations to indicate that antheridiogen response sub- is AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 222 89 4 (1999) may evolutionary change. Because antheridiogen be importance ject to of in mode determining or facilitating the of sexual reproduction by gametophytes, may evolutionary changes in antheridiogen response represent variation in an important history life attribute. Of compared by Naf the species (1979), the greatest sensitivity to antheri- A diogen was exhibited by Onoclea which was used sensibilis therefore L., PT as a reference for interspecific comparisons and has become the standard fern species for assaying antheridiogen A. This species broadly distributed, oc- is curring over most of eastern North America and disjunct in eastern Asia (Gas- tony and Ungerer, 1997). Although geographic sources of O. sensibilis have among varied studies, the possibility of geographically based variation in an- theridiogen response has not specifically been addressed. Most workers utiliz- and ing O. sensibilis Haulier Ranker, 1985; Miller, 1968) have reported (e.g., highly sensitive antheridiogen response and lack of spontaneous without (i.e., exposure to antheridiogen) antheridium formation, comparable to that indi- cated by Naf (1979). However, unusual responses have been reported from occasional frond collections example spontaneous antheridium (Naf, 1979), for formation (Klekowski and Lloyd, 1968; Miller and Miller, 1970; Rubin and way which Paolillo, 1983). Furthermore, the in response levels in relationship to antheridiogen doses have been quantified has varied among and studies sometimes has not been fully explicit. The objectives of this study were to determine consistent criteria for quantifying antheridiogen response of O. sen- and determine whether among sibilis to there are differences in response pop- from ulations different regions. Materials and Methods The antheridiogen exudate used in this study was obtained from gameto- A phytes of Pteridium aquilinum, a standard source of antheridiogen due to the high activity of exudate. Spores from aquilinum accession its P. Sheffield 56 from England were sown under axenic conditions as follow. Spores were from by separated sporangia rinsing through a Nitex screen with 100 u.m open- ings, using a wetting solution drops of Tween-80 per 100 ml (2 distilled water). Spores were made collected in a cylindrical "basket" from an inverted plastic mm The 30 centrifuge tube. conical bottom of the tube was cut and the off, A was cap perforated with numerous holes using a hot dissecting needle. fine- meshed Nitex screen u.m openings) was placed between the cap and the (5 centrifuge tube opening to form a "basket" bottom that would retain spores but allow passage of liquids. Spore samples, wet with Tween were the solution, rinsed three times with water and distilled set in the dark overnight to allow germination of fungal The spores. following day, the baskets were placed in a sterilizing solution of 5% commercial hypochlorite 90 then placed for sec, in three rinses of sterile distilled water. Spores were then sown by pipetting onto mineral agar in den- cm ranging from 5-30 sities spores per 2 in plastic petri dishes. Mineral agar contained Parker's macronutrients and Thompson's micronu- & WERTH: ANTHERIDIOGEN RESPONSE ONOCLEA IN 5 Collection localitu [his study. Collectors a Population Location GA Gray, Georgia: Jones Count}. 129 South of Gray (C. R. Werth) S. 1 W&OD VA Vienna, Vnginia Fnrfax County, along near intersection with Gallows trail Tennessee Davidson County, plant under cultivation, collected near Nash- (D. Whittier). ville P. PA TR Berwick, Pennsylvania: Luzerne County, Beach Haven, Salem township 438 (J. Montgomery) D. VT Richmond, Vermont: Chittenden County, 3 miles northeast of Richmond (C. A. Paris and D. Barrington) WI Eagle, Wisconsin: Waukesha County, Section 29, County Highway mile west- 5, 1 (W southwest of Eagle C. Taylor) trients, as described in Klekowski (1969). Media were autoclaved and poured into petri dishes. Petri dishes inoculated with spores were placed under con- tinuous light of 45 micromole quanta provided by 40 watt cool-white fluores- cent bulbs. The water in which the spores were introduced evaporated (or was absorbed by the agar) after one to two days. Petri dishes were then placed in sandwich minimize sealable bags to further evaporation. grown Gametophytes aquilinum were approximately one month. of for P. The agar was then frozen and thawed, and the aqueous phase was separated from the agar matrix by filtration, yielding a crude aqueous filtrate (CAF). The A CAF summer present study used 89-1 produced during the of 1989, which PT was stored frozen in 100 ml plastic bottles until use in the present series of experiments conducted over the years 1990-1992. Single bottles of antheri- diogen extract were used for several experiments and these bottles were kept thawing and used successive experiments. Antheridiogen in refrigerated after was apparently stable over the duration of the experiments under these activity was conditions, as no appreciable decrease in response observed (see results). Sporophylls of O. sensibilis were obtained between January and February before spores were released) of 1990 and 1991 from various locations (i.e., by Spores were harvested from loose chaff or inducing sporangial (Table 1). was found dehiscence could be induced by thoroughly dehiscence. that It them on smooth and soaking sporophylls in water, placing paper, allowing them dry overnight. This procedure resulted in release of large quantities to of spores with minimal amounts of sporangia (note: sporophylls collected in the did not release spores after soaking, implicating a role for vernalization fall and wetting timely spore release in nature.) Spore collections represented in from 5-20 separate sporophylls each population pooled spores released for which was TN, from sporophyll except the Nashville, site, a single obtained. Spores were and sown using the same technique as described above sterilized aquilinum. for P. Antheridiogen enriched media were prepared by adding various amounts -1 -10~ CAF Unenriched media provided (10 6 of prior to autoclaving. a control ) 224 AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 89 4 (1999) for antheridiogen dose experiments. Cultures were scored 21 days sow- at after Although ing. axenic conditions were sought, fungal contamination was ex- A perienced number in a sizable of replicates at all concentrations, appar- PT ently resulting from use age-weakened of hypochlorite To solution. evaluate we the influence of fungal contamination, performed an analysis of covariance to determine differences between contaminated and uncontaminated repli- contamination -) cates, state (+, being the covariate. There were no significant male— differences in response (percent see below) between contaminated and uncontaminated CAF = same replicates of the concentration (P 0.248). There- contaminated were fore, dishes included in the data except a very few set, for where had overgrown fungi the gametophytes. For experiments, gametophytes initial thirty per treatment were harvested in an unbiased fashion, mounted on microscope slides in a solution of part 1 medium Hoyers mounting and 1 part acetocarmine, and examined one day under low power compound later using a microscope. For each gametophyte, length and width were measured using an ocular micrometer, and number the of each kind gametangium of antheridia or archegonia) was (i.e., recorded. Later experiments were evaluated only percentage male for of gametophytes was per found culture. It that the addition of acetocarmine directly to cultures would both fix the gametophytes and stain gametangia, and gametophytes that could be scored reliably for sex expression under a dissecting microscope without removing them from the petri dish. In these latter experiments, 50 gametophytes per treatment were scored for sexual expression. All experi- ments were repeated at least once. Results Characterization of Response to Antheridiogen.— Consistent with most previous observations (Naf, 1979), O. sensibilis gametophytes grown on media CAF lacking (control cultures) failed to produce antheridia, with rare excep- tions (a single male individual was observed in a control culture of the Gray, GA, population). Although not individuals matured all sexually during the week three experimental period, nearly gametophytes all in control cultures allowed grow to greater lengths of time ultimately became female, pro- i.e., duced archegonia in the region of their meristematic Male notch. gameto- phytes, possessing away antheridia scattered from the meristematic notch, CAF consistently appeared in cultures with 10 4 and Also higher. consis with previous reports (Dopp, 1950; Naf, morphology 1979), differences in v observed between male and female O. sensibilis gametophytes. Females \ invariably cordate and than which larger males, tended develop numei to A marginal and lobes often were ameristic at higher concentrations (10 and ! PT 10" 2 CAF). Frequently, in cultures that possessed 100% males initially (10 3 and CAF, 10 2 see below) but were allowed continue growing to past the sam- number pling date, a small gametophytes became of and large cordate in the week fourth or later after sowing. Microscopic examination revealed that these were hermaphrodites had that apparently switched from being male and had STEVENS WERTH: ANTHERIDIOGEN & GA Gray gametophytes from GA, the Gray, varied doses rilis site to (i.e., A by mean number >en as characterized of antheridia per PT , x gametophyte surface area, estimated as length width (right). developed archegonia in the vicinity of their meristematic notches. The ten- CAF dency for these hermaphrodites to appear seemed to be greater in 10 3 10~ cultures than in 2 CAF. Similar observations were reported by Naf (1979). To determine the suitability of various criteria that could characterize and quantify antheridiogen response, initial experiments using a single accession GA) (Gray, evaluated three observable attributes of response by O. sensibilis A ^-10 10 gametophytes over concentrations of 5 CAF. These attributes were: PT mean number mean of antheridia per gametophyte, surface area per 1) 2) ga- metophyte, and percentage of male gametophytes. 3) mean number Antheridiogen response characterized as of antheridia per ga- Number metophyte illustrated in Fig. 1A. of antheridia per gametophyte was is Maximum very both the control and 10 5 CAF. response was close to in at CAF Two observed concentrations of 10 3 or higher. of the three replicates at CAF ^-10 showed very similar response levels across concentrations 10 \ sug- mean number gesting that at this concentration of antheridia exhibits a satu- showed However, rated response. the replicate a substantially higher first re- showed sponse 10 2 than either 10 3 or 10 \ All three replicates an at at in- mean number termediate response 10 4 CAF. In replicate the of antheridia at 3, per gametophyte was substantially lower than in the two This first trials. is believed be due differences in the spore sowing density. to to The second gametophyte was evaluated because known criterion, size, it is and num- to be affected by antheridiogen extracts (Naf, 1979) to influence the gametophyte, demonstrated and ber of antheridia per as in Cystopteris (Haufler Ranker, 1985). To determine the most effective means to estimate gametophyte surface gametophyte outlines were traced onto paper using a camera- area, lucida. These were cut out, their length and width measured, and their surface Area was area determined using a leaf area meter. regressed against the follow- Squan Of Square of 5 St Length Width X width Length width t 2 0.78 0.70 064 r 0.7 0.93 65.55 43.56 68.4 34.01 T <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 001 N 20 lo 20 ing independent variables: length, width, square 1) 2) 3) of length, 4) square of width, and length x width. The product of two dimensions X 5) (length width) provided a substantially better approximation of area than any of the other variables (Table and product was this therefore used. Variation 2), in gametophyte surface area (as estimated by the product of length and width) in CAF response to concentration is illustrated in Fig. IB. The area response was CAF not as consistently predicted by concentration was mean number as either of antheridia or percent male (see next paragraph), and furthermore was in- consistent across experiments. However, tendency a for area to decrease with CAF increased was concentration clearly indicated, consistent with previous reports (Naf, 1979). Antheridiogen response characterized as percent male is illustrated for the GA, CAF Gray, population Response in A. Fig. 2 concentration 10 was at 5 at or near zero and indistinguishable from CAF the Response control. concen- at trations 10 \ 10 and 10 3 was at or near 100% males (96.5-100 2, %), indi- cating a saturated response CAF for this criterion. At 10 4 an intermediate response was observed (68.9-79.3% males), indicating that the threshold for substantial response lies between 10 5 and 10 4 CAF. This concentration seems highly comparable Naf to s (1956) determination of 3.2 X 10 5 as a response A threshold concentration for exudate. Values for percent male each con- at PT were centration highly much consistent across the three more replicates, so than number for either of antheridia or area. The relationship between gametophyte surface area and antheridium num- was ber explored. To determine whether number the of antheridia per game- tophyte increased with area, regression analysis was performed within each Number treatment (Table was of antheridia 3). positively associated with ga- metophyte surface area for all three replicates at 10 CAF, for 10 2 two " all at , of the three at 10 and two at 10 4 In other treatments, was no all there ' . significant relationship between and area antheridial number. Thus, significant regressions tended to be observed in cultures where most or gametophytes all possessed antheridia, indicating that male gametophytes, number for of an- theridia increased with size of the gametophyte. However, the strength of this was association not great, the highest value of 2 being Nor was r 0.722. the etophytes from six populat STEVENS & WERTH: ANTHERIDIOGEN RESPONSE ONOCLEA IN GrayGA Eagle V AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 89 4 Table Relationships betwe 3. phytes for each of the three repl degrees of freedom, and F > gametophyte unit of even approximately i ;een by comparison between 1A and Figs. Clearly, percent male gametophytes not only provided more a consistent response criterion, but also could be more rapidly scored than number of an- theridia. Therefore, subsequent experiments were evaluated using only the percent male criterion. Comparison of Populations.— Five additional populations were compared to each and other GA, to the Gray, population antheridiogen for response using the percent male To criterion (Fig. 2). allow for the possibility that some pop- ulations might A exhibit greater sensitivity, the range of concentration was PT CAF extended to include 10 The was <> level of response similar in popu- all Response approached lations. saturation 10 3 CAF, with means at across rep- licates for populations varying from 96.6-100% male (the lowest value an for individual replicate was 85%). most In populations, response 10 5 and 10 « at CAF was similar to that of the control, few to no males. The exception i.e., was the Eagle, WI, population, which numbers in substantial males were of observed some in replicates at both 10 5 (21% males) and 10"8 (16% males); control cultures for this population contained no males. All cultures exhibited intermediate Mean levels of response 10 4 CAF. response at values dose at this among differed substantially populations, ranging from 18% TN) (Nashville, 78% to (Gray, GA). Relative to the amount of variation among populations, was there a substan- STEVENS & WERTH: ANTHERIDIOGEN RESPONSE ONOCLEA IN 229 amount tial of variation in response at 10~ 4 between replicates for some pop- among ulations. Variation in response replicates was greatest in the Richmond, VT, population (26-84% males at 10 4 CAF) and least in the Gray, GA, pop- ulation (68.9-79.3% males 10 4 CAF). at Discussion we Herein have components by quantified three of response O. sensibilis to A varied concentration of antheridiogen Percent males and mean number of PT . antheridia per gametophyte increased and gametophyte surface area decreased A with increasing doses of Of these, percent male was the most predictable, PT . and provides a consistent and convenient means characterize antheridiogen to A response. Using this criterion, threshold and saturation doses of concen- PT were found by approximately two magnitude tration to differ orders of (ca. 10 5 and 1G- 3 CAF, respectively), with the intermediate concentration (10 4 CAF) an intermediate response. This response by and eliciting profile large is among consistent populations sampled across the species range. However, some among there is evidence of at least variation populations at the inter- mediate dose 4 CAF). Notably, the Nashville, TN, population exhibited (10 a CAF 18% (mean substantially lower response of males) at 10* 4 than other all mean 50% which populations, exhibited response levels in excess of males at 10~ 4 CAF. There were also some populations in which males appeared con- at WI below 10" which centrations 4 notably the Eagle, population, exhibited , numbers males 10 5 and 10 6 CAF. substantial of at among The fundamentally similar results populations could reflect a lack of determining antheridiogen-response phenotype genetic variation in O. sensi- may Alternatively, substantial genetic variation for response exist, but be bilis. evenly distributed among populations such that population means appear among equivalent. Phenotypic differences genetically different individuals would be small antheridiogen response variation polygenically deter- if is mined. uncertain whether the differences in response by individual ga It is CAF among metophytes exhibited 10 4 are a result of genetic differences at among gametophytes or instead represent stochastic response variations A^ metophytes that are genetically uniform with respect to determinants of CAF response. The lower response value at 10 4 in the Nashville, TN, popu some gametophytes lation and the occasional response of (e.g., in the Eagle WI, population) extremely low doses (10 5 and 10~ 6 CAF) suggests that a at may some However, genetic variation exist. the heritability of antheridi least unknown any ogen response completely in O. sensibilis or in other poly is mutation podiaceous (sensu lato) fern. In Ceratopteris richardii (Parkeriaceae), was shown have simple induced lack of antheridiogen sensitivity to a (two gene) mode of inheritance (Scott and Hickok, 1987; Warne et al., 1988). How- more remains possible that this species includes subtly differentiated, ever, it continuously varying phenotypes that are determined polygenically. As most on antheridiogen response, the present experiments with studies were under highly conditions that constrain their carried out artificial rele- AMERICAN VOLUME NUMBER FERN 230 JOURNAL: 89 4 (1999) vance to the natural life history characteristics of O. sensibilis. Unnatural con- ditions included use of agar solidifed media instead of heat soil, sterilization media and of antheridiogen via autoclaving temperatures exceeding at greatly those encountered continuous and in nature, illumination, use of antheridi- ogen derived from bracken rather than from Onoclea Use of definable itself. make artificial conditions such experiments more and feasible, repeatable, comparable to the broad literature which has used similar conditions. The and validity of this other similar experiments and relevance nature could to be evaluated by repeating them under more natural conditions, has been as done but and rarely (Haufler Ranker, 1985). whether Irrespective of the present results reflect life-history attributes of O. they do have on sensibilis, bearing the use of this species as a standard assay organism detecting antheridogen The for A. similar response observed profile across a large portion of the species range further validates the and reliability consistency of O. sensibilis for this purpose. The means by which antheridi- ogen response among is quantified has varied studies, having included deter- minimum mining the dose can produce any that response Naf Naf, 1956; (e.g., et al., 1975), percentage of males in cultures (Naf, 1965; Klekowski and Lloyd, 1968; Schedlbauer and Klekowski, Rubin and 1972; and Paolillo, 1983; Scott Hickok, 1987; Nester-Hudson number et 1997), or of antheridia per al., ga- metophyte and (Haufler Ranker, 1985). The response variation among popu- lations the lower at concentrations may indicates that inconsistencies be ex- perienced using the minimal response same criterion, unless the spore source We Onoclea of is always used. found that the most easily scored response attribute, percent male, most A also the is reliable for judging concentration. PT A The strength of extracts could be standardized by determining PT the dilution which 50% at of the gametophytes are male, analogous LD50 the to criterion used in toxicology. Moreover, the discovery of individuals such one as the from TN, Nashville, with lower sensitivity could provide an additional assay more point for precisely standardizing antheridogen Such concentrations. standardization have will importance as research on antheridiogen response CAF continues, as different may extractions vary in their / and diminish over time. We are grateful to Paul Wolf providing for bracken spores, Ralph to Brooks, Carol Kuhn, Chris Haulier, John Miller, Carl Taylor, James Montgomery, Dean Whittier, David Barrington, and Cathy Paris providing for collections of Onoclea sporophylls, and to Lisa Wellborn for help in developing methodology. Helpful comments by an anonymous reviewer resulted in i REU supported by a supplement NSF to grant 1 LITERATURE ClTED Ein die Antheridienbildung Farnen bei fordernde Substanz . aquilinum Kuhn. (L.) Ber. Deutsch. r? Bot. Ges. 63:139-147.

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