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Preview Interplay of quantum stochastic and dynamical maps to discern Markovian and non-Markovian transitions

Interplay of quantum stochastic and dynamical maps to discern Markovian and non-Markovian transitions A. R. Usha Devi,1,2, A. K. Rajagopal,2 Sudha,2,3 and R. W. Rendell2 ∗ 1Department of Physics, Bangalore University, Bangalore-560 056, India 2Inspire Institute Inc., Alexandria, Virginia, 22303, USA. 3Department of Physics, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga-577 451, India. (Dated: January 4, 2012) It is known that the dynamical evolution of a system, from an initial tensor product state of system and environment,to any two later times, t ,t (t >t ), are both completely positive (CP) 1 2 2 1 but in the intermediate times between t and t it need not be CP. This reveals the key to the 1 2 Markov (if CP) and nonMarkov (if it is not CP) avataras of the intermediate dynamics. This is broughtouthereintermsofthequantumstochasticmapAandtheassociated dynamicalmapB – withoutresorting tomasterequation approaches. Weinvestigatethesefeatures with fourexamples whichhaveentirelydifferentphysicalorigins(i)atwoqubitWernerstatemapwithtimedependent noise parameter (ii) Phenomenological model of a recent optical experiment (Nature Physics, 7, 931 (2011)) on the open system evolution of photon polarization. (iii) Hamiltonian dynamics of a 2 qubit coupled to a bath of N qubits and (iv) two qubit unitary dynamics of Jordan et. al. (Phys. 1 Rev.A70,052110 (2004) withinitialproductstatesofqubits. Inallthesemodels,itisshownthat 0 the positivity/negativity of the eigenvalues of intermediate time dynamical B map determines the 2 Markov/non-Markov natureof thedynamics. n a PACSnumbers: 03.65.Yz,03.65.Ta,42.50.Lc J 2 I. INTRODUCTION the joint unitary evolution – if the system and environ- ] mentareinaninitiallyquantumcorrelatedstate[11–14]. h In such cases, the open-systemevolution turns out to be p Understanding the basic nature of dynamical evolu- non-Markovian [15]. However, the source of such non- - tion of a quantum system, which interacts with an in- t Markovianity could not be attributed entirely to either n accessible environment, attracts growing importance in initial system-environment correlations or their dynami- a recent years [1, 2]. This offers the key to achieve control u overquantumsystems–towardstheirapplicationsinthe cal interaction or both. This issue gets refined if initial q global state is in the tensor product form, in which case emerging field of quantum computation and communi- [ the sole cause of Markovianity/non-Markovianity could cation [3]. While the overall system-environment state be attributed to dynamics alone. It is known that the 1 evolves unitarily, the dynamics governing the system is v describedbyacompletelypositive(CP),tracepreserving timeevolutionofasubsystemfromaninitialtensorprod- 7 map [4–6]. uct form to two different later times, t1,t2 (t2 >t1), are 7 bothCP.Howeverthedynamicsintheintermediatetime Markov approximation holds when the future dynam- 4 steps between t and t need not be CP. The quantum 0 ics depends only on the present state – and not on the 1 2 stochasticAanddynamicalB maps–firstintroducedas . history of the system i.e., memory effects are negligi- 1 aquantumextensionofclassicalstochasticdynamics–by ble. The corresponding Markov dynamical map consti- 0 Sudarshan,Mathews,RauandJordan(SMRJ)[6]nearly tutes a trace preserving, CP, continuous one-parameter 2 five decades ago, offer an elegant approach to explore 1 quantum semi-group [7, 8]. Markov dynamics govern- Markovian/non-Markoviannature of open systemevolu- : ing the evolution of the system density matrix is con- v tion. The interplay of A and B maps at intermediate ventionally described by Lindblad-Gorini-Kossakowski- i times, to bring out the Markov or non-Markov avataras X Sudarshan (LGKS) master equation [7, 8] dρ = ρ, dt L of open system evolution, is established in this paper. r where is the time-independent Lindbladian operator a generatLing the underlying quantum Markov semi-group. To place these ideas succinctly, there are three ba- GeneralizedMarkovprocessesareformulatedintermsof sic aspects in open system quantum dynamics: (1) na- time-dependent Lindblad generators and the associated ture of dynamical interaction between the system and trace preserving CP dynamical map is a two-parameter itsenvironment,(2)roleofinitialcorrelationsinsystem- divisible map [9, 10], which too corresponds to memory- environment state and (3) nature of dynamics at inter- less Markovianevolution. mediate times. Last few years have witnessed intense efforts towardsunderstanding these [9–21]. The third is- Not completely positive (NCP) maps do make their sue is the focus here to discern the Markov/non-Markov presencefeltintheopen-systemdynamicsobtainedfrom nature of dynamics in terms of intermediate time A and B maps. The contents are organizedas follows: In Sec. II some ∗Electronicaddress: arutth@rediffmail.com basicconcepts[6]onAandB mapsaregiven. Theemer- 2 gence of CP/NCP maps, at intermediate times, under t to a final time t – passing through an intermediate 0 2 open system dynamics is discussed in Sec. III. Sec.IV is instant t (i.e., t < t < t ). The A-map associated 1 0 1 2 devoted to a powerful link (brought out by Jamilkowski with t to t and that between t to t are identified as 0 1 0 2 isomorphism) between the B map and the dynamical follows: state. Some illustrative examples of dynamical B map to investigate the CP/NCP nature of dynamics at in- TrE U(tj,t0)ρS(t0) ρE(t0)U†(tj,t0) =A(tj,t0)ρS(t0) ⊗ termediate times are discussed in Sec. V. The examples (cid:2) =ρ (t ), j =1,2. (cid:3) (5) S j arechosenfromdifferentorigins: onebasedentirelyfrom the generalconsiderationsofJamiolkowskiisomorphism; The stochastic map A(t ,t ) is completely positive (cor- j 0 second one on the recent all-optical open system exper- respondingly the dynamcal B(t ,t ) matrix is positive). j 0 iment to drive Markovian to non-Markoviantransitions; In order to identify the intermediate stochastic map theothertwoexamplesarebasedonopensystemHamil- A(t ,t ), we make use of the composition law of unitary 2 1 tonian dynamics. In all these four examples, no mas- evolution U(t ,t )=U(t ,t )U(t ,t ): 2 0 2 1 1 0 ter equation is employed in the deduction of Markov to non-Markovtransitions–buttheCP/NCPnatureofthe TrEhU(t2,t1)nU(t1,t0)ρS(t0)⊗ρE(t0)U†(t1,t0)oU†(t2,t1)i= intermediate dynamical map (via the sign of the eigen- A(t2,t0)ρS(t0). (6) value ofthe B map) has been invoked. Sec. VI has some concluding remarks. However, this does not lead naturally to A(t ,t ) = 2 0 A(t ,t )A(t ,t ) for the A map. Invoking Markovian 2 1 1 0 approximation (memory-less reservoir condition [22]) II. PRELIMINARY IDEAS ON DYNAMICAL A U(t ,t )ρ (t ) ρ (t )U (t ,t ) ρ (t ) ρ (t ), AND B MAPS 1 0 S 0 ⊗ E 0 † 1 0 ≈ S 1 ⊗ E 1 (cid:8)the LHS of (6) may be expressed a(cid:9)s, ThestochasticAanddynamicalB maps[6]transform Tr U(t ,t )ρ (t ) ρ (t )U (t ,t ) =A(t ,t )ρ (t ). E 2 1 S 1 E 1 † 2 1 2 1 S 1 the initial system density matrix ρS(t0) to final density (cid:2) ⊗ (cid:3) (7) matrix ρS(t) via, Further, substituting j = 1 in (5) and expressing ρ (t )=A 1(t ,t )ρ (t )in(6)theintermediateAmap [ρ (t)] = [A(t,t )] [ρ (t )] , (1) S 0 − 1 0 S 1 S b1b2 0 b1b2;a1a2 S 0 a1a2 A(t ,t ) is identified: aX1,a2 2 1 [ρS(t)]b1b2 = [B(t,t0)]b1a1;b2a2 [ρS(t0)]a1a2, (2) A(t2,t1)=A(t2,t0)A−1(t1,t0). (8) aX1,a2 a ,a ,b ,b =1,2,...,d Inotherwords,whentheenvironmentispassive(Marko- 1 2 1 2 vian dynamics), the intermediate A-map has the divisi- where the realligned matrix B is defined by, ble composition as in (8). In such cases A(t ,t ) is en- 1 2 Bb1a1;b2a2 =Ab1b2;a1a2. (3) sured to be CP – otherwise it is NCP, and hence non- Markovian. Correspondingly, the intermediate B-map The requirement that the evolved density matrix ρ (t) S has unit trace and is Hermitian, positive semi-definite B(t2,t1) is positive if the dynamics is Markovian; nega- places the following conditions on A and B [6]: tive eigenvalues of B(t2,t1) imply non-Markovianity. Tracepreservation: XAb1b1;a1a2 =δa1a2, b1 IV. THE B MAP AND THE JAMIOLKOWSKI XBb1a1;b1a2 =δa1a2, ISOMORPHISM b1 Hermiticity: Ab1b2;a1a2 =A∗b2b1;a2a1, Bb1a1;b2a2 =Bb∗2a2;b1a1 (4) thaTthtehJeaBm-imolkaopwisskdiiirseocmtloyrprehliastmed[5t]oparodv2idesda2nsiynsstiegmht- Positivity: X x∗b1xb2Ab1b2;a1a2ya1ya∗2 ≥0, ancilla bipartite density matrix. More spe×cifically, the a1,a2,b1,b2 action of the map AId A on the maximally entangled a1,aX2,b1,b2 x∗b1ya1Bb1a1;b2a2xb2ya∗2 ≥0 system-ancillastate|ψM⊗Ei= √1d di=−01|i,iiresultsinthe It may be readily identified that the dynamical B map density matrix ρab which may bePidentified to be related is positive, Hermitian d2 d2 matrix with trace d – cor- to the dynamical B map i.e., × responding to CP evolution. We would also like to point 1 out here that the compositionof two stochastic A-maps, ρ = AId A ψ ψ B (9) ab ME ME A1 A2 tranforming ρS(t0) A1 ρS(t1) A2 ρS(t2) is (cid:2) ⊗ (cid:3)| ih |→ d ∗ −→ −→ merely a matrix multiplication, whereas it is not so in gives an explicit matrix representation for the B-map its B-form. (HereAId is the identity A-map,whichleavesthe ancilla III. CP/NCP NATURE OF INTERMEDIATE undisturbed). TIME A AND B MAPS In detail, we have, Let us consider unitary evolution of global system- environment state ρ (t ) ρ (t ) from an initial time S 0 E 0 ⊗ 3 (ρ ) = AId A [ψ ψ ] ab a1b1;a2b2 a′,aX′,b′,b′ (cid:2) ⊗ (cid:3)a1b1a2b2;a′1b′1a′2b′2 | MEih ME|a′1b′1;a′2b′2 1 2 1 2 1 = d δa1,a′1δa2,a′2Ab1b2;b′1b′2δa′1,b′1δa′2,b′2 a′,aX′,b′,b′ 1 2 1 2 1 1 = A = B , (10) d b1b2;a1a2 d b1a1;b2a2 or (ρ ) = 1B . ied. Its use here as a valid B-map is novel in identifying ba b1a1;b2a2 d b1a1;b2a2 In other words, Jamiolkowski isomorphism maps ev- transitions between Markovianityand non-Markovianity ery completely positive dynamical map B acting on d di- inthedynamicsascapturedfromtheirintermediatetime mensional space to a positive definite d2 d2 bipartite behavior. × density matrix ρ (See Eq. (10)) – whose partial trace On evaluating the corresponding A map A(t,0) (ex- ab (overthe firstsubsystem– asseenfromthe tracepreser- pressed in the standard 0,0 , 0,1 , 1,0 , 1,1 basis) {| i | i | i | i} vation property on dynamical map B (as in Eq.(4)) is i.e., a maximally disordered state. One such set of bipar- tite d d density matrices belong to the class that are 1+p(t) 0 0 0 × 2 kinnvoawrinanWteurnndeerrdUen⊗sitUy m[2a3t]r–icewsh.icOhnceomnsatyituntoewthideenwteilfly- A(t,0)= 00 1−p2p((tt)) −1−pp(4(tt)) 00  several toy models of dynamical B maps – including the  0 −04 02 1+p(t)  two qubit Werner state example motivated by the above  2  remark – to investigate the nature of intermediate time one can obtain the intermediate dynamical map dynamics. A(t , t ) = A(t , 0)A 1(t , 0). The intermediate time 2 1 2 − 1 In the next section we present specific examples cho- B-map B(t ,t ) is given by 2 1 sen to illustrate the features of intermediate dynamical maps: (i) A toy model map inspired by Jamiolkowski 1 p(t ) 2p(t ) isomorphism – which is not based on any Hamiltonian B(t2, t1)= 1 2 I2 I2+ 2 Ψ(−) Ψ(−) . 2(cid:18) − p(t )(cid:19) ⊗ p(t ) | ih | underpinning. (ii) Recent optical experiment by Liu et. 1 1 (12) al., [24] on open system evolution of photon polarization to bring out non-Markovianity features is reinterpreted Its eigenvalues are λ1 = λ2 = λ3 = 21(cid:16)1− pp((tt12))(cid:17) and in terms of NCP nature of the intermediate dynamical λ = 1 1+ 3p(t2) . map. (iii) Intermediate dynamical map in the Hamilto- 4 2(cid:16) p(t1) (cid:17) nian evolution of a two-level system coupled to N two- A choice p(t) = cos2M(at) for any M 1 leads to ≥ levelsystems[21](iv)opensystemdynamicsarisingfrom NCPness of the intermdiate map – as the eigenvalues a two qubit unitary evolution [11]. λ1,2,3 λ of B(t2,t1) may assume negative values – ≡ and hence non-Markovian dynamics ensues. We have plottedthenegativeeigenvalueλofB(t ,t )asafunction 2 1 V. EXAMPLES of µ = t2/t1 and for typical values of M = 1,3,5 in Fig. 1. This reveals transitions from Markovianity to non-Markovianityand back in this model. A. A toy model dynamical map The two qubit Werner density matrix is a natural 20 choice for a prototype of dynamical B-map – arising M=1 fromgeneralconsiderationsoftheJamiolkowoskiisomor- 10 phism: Λ 0 M=3 -10 [1 p(t)] p(t) B(t,0)= − I2 I2+ Ψ(−) Ψ(−) (11) -20 M=5 2 ⊗ 2 | ih | 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 with a time dependent noise parameter 0 p(t) 1, Μ and Ψ( ) = 1 (0,0 1,1 ) is the Bell ≤state. F≤or a | − i √2 | i−| i dynamical map, time dependence in p(t) occurs due to FIG. 1: A plot of the eigenvalue λ of B(t , t ) versus µ= t2 theunderlyingHamiltonianevolution. Thisstateisespe- for different values of M. The dynamics2 is1non-Markoviatn1 ciallyimportantinthatitexhibitsbothseparableanden- when λ assumes negative values and otherwise it is Marko- tangledstates,asits characteristicparameterp(t)isvar- vian. 4 Another choice p(t) = e αt corresponds to a CP in- where κ(t) denotes the decoherence function, magnitude − termediate map – resulting entirely in a Markovian pro- of which is modelled as (for details see [24]), cess. In this case,we alsofindthat A(t ,t )=A(t t ) 2 1 2 1 and this forms a Markov semigroup. However, if p(−t) = κ(t) = e−21σ2τ2 1 4A1(1 A1) sin2(τ∆ω)(14) e−αtβ, (β 6= 1), the intermediate map is still CP (and | | q − 0≤−A1 ≤1. hence Markovian), though A(t ,t ) = A(t t ) and 2 1 6 2 − 1 The corresponding A and B maps (in the therefore, it does not constitute a one-parameter semi- HH,HV,VH,VV basis) are readility identified group. { } to be, Furthermore, we wish to illustrate through this toy model that concurrence of ρ (t) = 1B(t,0) (given by 1 0 0 0 ab d C = 3p(t)−1) can never increase as a result of Markovian A(t,0) = 0 κ∗(t) 0 0  2 0 0 κ(t) 0 evolution. ThisisbecauseensuingdynamicsisalocalCP 0 0 0 1  map on the system. Any temporary regain of system-   ancilla entanglement during the course of evolution is 1 0 0 κ (t) ∗ clearly attributed to the back-flow from environment to 0 0 0 0 B(t,0) =   (15) the system – which is a signature of non-Markovianpro- 0 0 0 0 cess. This feature is displayed in Fig. 2 by plotting the κ(t) 0 0 1    concurrence of ρ (t) for different choices of p(t). ab We construct the intermediate time dynamical map B(t ,t ) from the corresponding A(t ,t ) = 2 1 2 1 A(t ,0)A 1(t ,0) to obtain, 1.0 2 − 1 1 0 0 κ∗(t2) e 0.8  0 0 0 κ∗0(t1)  oncurrenc 00..46 B(t2,t1)= κκ((0tt21)) 00 00 10 . (16) C Eigenvalues of B(t ,t ) are given by, 0.2 2 1 κ(t ) 0.0 λ =1 2 ,λ =0. (17) 0 1 2 3 4 1,4 ±(cid:12)κ(t )(cid:12) 2,3 (cid:12) 1 (cid:12) at (cid:12) (cid:12) The eigenvalue λ4 can ass(cid:12)ume n(cid:12)egative values indicating Markovian/non-Markovian regimes. A plot of the neg- FIG. 2: Concurrence C = 3p(t)−1 of the system-ancilla state ρfoarb(tth)e=fol[l1o−w4pi(nt)g]Ic2ho⊗icIe2s+(i)p(Mt)a|2rψkMovEiphrψoMceEs|s,:vps(ts)ca=leed−taitm(esoalitd, atM2t/iavtre1k,oeivisgiaegnnivv(eaλnlueina0Fs)iaga.nfu3dnn–cotwnio-hnMeroaefrkoAonv1e,iacfnaonr(λdcilffe<aerr0ley)nrtseergeaimttihoeess line) and (ii) non-Markov process: p(t)=cos2M(at), M =1 4 ≥ 4 in this model. (dashedline)andM =5(dot-dashedline). Notethatthereis adeathandre-birthofentanglement(dash,dot-dashedlines) dueof back-flowfrom environment. Λ4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0A1 -2 t2 =1.5 B. Optical Experiment -4 t1 t2 -6 =2 t1 Recently, Liuetal[24]reportedanopticalexperiment -8 t2=3 t1 on the open quantum system constituted by the polar- -10 t2 izationdegreeoffreedomofphotons(system)coupledto t1=4 thefrequencydegreeoffreedom(environment). Theyre- portedtransitionbetweenMarkovianandnon-Markovian FIG.3: Aplot oftheeigenvalueλ ofB(t , t )versusA for 4 2 1 1 regimes. different values of µ= t2. Thedynamicalevolutionofthehorizontalandvertical t1 poloarizationstates H , V ofthephotoniscapturedby | i | i the following transformation: C. Hamiltonian evolution of a two level system H H H H | ih i 7→ | ih | coupled to a bath of N spins V V V V | ih i 7→ | ih | H V κ∗(t) H V (13) We now present a Hamiltonian model, which give rise | ih i 7→ | ih | V H κ(t) V H to explicit structure of time dependence in the open sys- | ih i 7→ | ih | 5 tem evolution. Interaction Hamiltonian considered here onthesystem-environmentinitialstateρ (0)=ρ (0) SE S is [21] ρ (0) = 1(I +σ ) 1(I +σ ). The A(t,0) map ⊗is E 2 2 x ⊗ 2 2 z given by, N A H = σ σ . (18) z kz √N Xk=1 A(t,0)= 1(1+cos(ωt)) I I +1(1 cos(ωt)) σ σ . 2 2 z z 2 ⊗ 2 − ⊗ This is a simplified model of a hyperfine interaction of (22) a spin-1/2 system with N spin-1/2 nuclear environment Following (8), we obtain inaquantumdot. Takingtheinitialsystem-environment statetobeρS(0)⊗I22NN,thedynamicalA-mapisobtained B(t2,t1) = 1 (I2 I2+σz σz) by evaluating TrEhU(t,0)ρS(0)⊗ I22NN U†(t,0)i (where 2 cos(⊗ωt2) ⊗ U(t,0)=Exp[ iHt]): + (σx σx σy σy). (23) − 2cos(ωt1) ⊗ − ⊗ 1 1 A(t,0) = (1 x(t))σz σz + (1+x(t))I2 I2, The eigenvalues of the B-map are given by 0, 0,1 2 − ⊗ 2 ⊗ ± x(t)=cosN 2At) . (19) (cid:12)ccoossωωtt12(cid:12). Theeigenvalueλ=1±(cid:12)ccoossωωtt21(cid:12)canassumeneg- (cid:18)√N (cid:19) a(cid:12)tive va(cid:12)lues – bringing out the (cid:12)non-Ma(cid:12)rkovian features (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) prevalentinthe dynamicalprocess. Fig.5 illustrates the From this, the intermediate map A(t2,t1) (see (8)) and transitionsfromMarkovianitytonon-Markovianity. This in turn the corresponding B(t ,t ) may be readily eval- 2 1 uated. We obtain, 1 2.5 B(t , t ) = (I I +σ σ ) 2 1 2 2 z z 2 ⊗ ⊗ 2.0 x(t ) 1.5 2 + (σ σ σ σ ). (20) 2x(t ) x⊗ x− y ⊗ y Λ 1.0 1 0.5 TheeigenvaluesofB(t ,t )are0,0,1 x(t2).Clearly,the 0.0 2 1 ±x(t1) intermediate time dynamics exhibits NCP as one of the -0.5 eigenvaluesi.e.,λ=1−xx((tt12)) ofB(t2,t1)canassumeneg- 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ativevalues. We illustrate regimesofMarkovianity/non- Μ Markovianity revealed via positive/negative values of λ (cid:12) (cid:12) (plotted as a function of µ=t2/t1) in Fig. 4. FIG. 5: The plot of the eigenvalue λ = 1−(cid:12)(cid:12)ccoossωωtt12(cid:12)(cid:12) as a functionofµ= t2. Theperiodictransitionsofλfrompositive t1 tonegativevaluesindicatesthetransitionoftheprocessfrom 15 Markovian to non-Markovian. 10 N=1 5 model,withinitiallycorrelatedstates,hasbeenexplored Λ 0 N=3 before in Refs. [11, 15] and the dynamical map turned -5 N=5 out to be NCP throughout not merely in the intermedi- -10 ate time interval). 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Μ VI. SUMMARY FIG. 4: The variation of the eigenvalue λ of B(t ,t ) (as a 2 1 function of µ = t2/t1) from positive to negative values and In conclusion, a few remarks on a variety of defini- back with thepassage of time for different valuesof N. tions of non-Markovianity in the recent literature may berecalledhere. Mainlythefocushasbeentowardscap- turing the violation of semi-group property [15, 17] or more recently – its two-parameter generalization viz the D. Two qubit unitary evolution divisibility of the dynamical map [9, 10]. Yet another measure, where non-Markovianity [18] is attributed to We now consider the open system dynamics arising increase of distinguishability of any pairs of states (as a from the unitary evolution [11] result of the partial back-flow of information from the environment into the system) and is quantified in terms U(t,0) = e−it[ωσz⊗σx] (21) of trace distance of the states. It has been shown that = cos(ωt/2)I I isin(ω t/2)σ σ the two different measures of non-Markovianity – one 2 2 z x ⊗ − ⊗ 6 based on the divisibility of the dynamical map [10] and ing the hyperfine interaction of a spin-1/2 system with the other based upon the distinguishability of quantum N spin-1/2 nuclear environment in a quantum dot [21] states [18] – need not agree with each other [19]. A displayingMarkovian/non-Markovianbehaviourand(iv) modified version of the criterion of Ref. [10] was pro- Unitary evolution of Jordan et. al., [11] – wherein ini- posed recently [21]. In this paper we have established tialsystem-environmenttwoqubitischoseninaproduct the interplay of stochastic A and dynamical B maps at state. Here too, intermediate time dynamical map ex- intermediatetimes,revealingMarkovian/non-Markovian hibits Markov/non-Markov regimes. It is interesting to regimes. We have explored four different examples re- note that the dynamics had been identified to be NCP vealing the features of intermediate time maps originat- throughout not merely in the intermediate time interval ing from variety of physical mechanisms : (i) A toy – wheninitially correlatedstates wereemployed[11,15]. model map inspired by general considerations based on Placing these two results together, brings forth that the Jamiolkowskiisomorphism – which explores a two qubit source of non-Markovianityin this model is attributable Werner state with time-dependent noise parameter as a entirely to the unitary dynamics — rather than initial dynamicalmap(ii)Areinterpretationofthephenomeno- correlationsofsystem-environmentqubits. Wehavethus logical model explaining the recent optical experiment exposed the underlying features of intermediate time A by Liu et. al., [24] in terms of NCP nature of the in- andB mapstobringoutclearlyifthedynamicsrelieson termediate B map. 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