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Interplay of frustration, magnetism, charge ordering, and covalency in a model of Na0.5CoO2 PDF

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Preview Interplay of frustration, magnetism, charge ordering, and covalency in a model of Na0.5CoO2

Interplay of frustration, magnetism, charge ordering, and covalency in the ionic Hubbard model on the triangular lattice at three-quarters filling Jaime Merino,1 B. J. Powell,2 and Ross H. McKenzie2 1Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica de la Materia Condensada, Universidad Aut´onoma de Madrid, Madrid 28049, Spain 9 2Centre for Organic Photonics and Electronics, School of Physical Sciences, 0 University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia 0 (Dated: January 19, 2009) 2 We investigate the ionic Hubbard model on a triangular lattice at three-quarters filling. This n model displays a subtle interplay between metallic and insulating phases and between charge and a magnetic order. We find crossovers between Mott, charge transfer and covalent insulators and J magnetic orderwith large momentsthat persist evenwhen the charge transfer isweak. Wediscuss 9 ourfindings in thecontext of recent experiments on thelayered cobaltates A0.5CoO2 (A=K,Na). 1 PACSnumbers: 71.10.Fd,71.15.-m,71.27.+a ] l e - The competition between metallic and insulating a the site energy. We specialise to the case with two r t states in strongly correlated materials leads to many sublattices, A (ǫ =∆/2) and B (ǫ =−∆/2), consisting s i i . novelbehaviours. The Mottinsulatoroccurswhenasin- ofalternatingrows,withdifferentsiteenergiesonthetwo t a gle bandis half-filledandthe on-siteCoulombrepulsion, sublattices (c.f., Fig. 15 of Ref. 10). This is the lattice m U, is much larger than hopping integral, t. A menagerie relevanttoA CoO wherethedifferenceinsiteenergies 0.5 2 - of strongly correlated states is found when a system is results from the ordering of the A-atoms [11, 12, 13]. d driven away from the Mott insulating state, either by Twolimitsofmodel(1)at3/4-fillingmaybeeasilyun- n o doping, as in the cuprates [1], or reducing U/t, as in the derstood. For non-interacting electrons, U =0, a metal- c organics[2]. Geometricfrustrationcausesyetmorenovel lic state occurs for all ∆ as at least one-bandcrosses the [ physicsinMottsystems[2]. Thereforetheobservationof Fermi energy. In the atomic limit t = 0, and U > ∆ 2 strongly correlated phases in the triangular lattice com- oneexpectsachargetransferinsulatorwithachargegap v pounds A CoO , where A is K or Na [3], has created of about ∆ whereas for U < ∆ a Mott insulator with 0.5 2 5 intense interest. charge gap of U occurs. However, realistic parametriza- 2 Animportantmodelforinvestigatinginsulatingstates tion of A CoO materials imply U ≫ ∆ and ∆ ∼ |t| 0 x 2 in correlated materials is the ionic Hubbard model. On [14]; we will show below that in this parameter regime 4 . ahalf-filledsquarelatticethis modeldisplaysacrossover the model show very different behaviour from either of 8 betweenMottandbandinsulatingstateswhichhasbeen thelimitsdiscussedabove. Thisinterestingregimeneeds 0 8 analyzedwithquantumMonteCarlo(QMC)[4],dynam- to be analyzed using non-perturbative and/or numeri- 0 icalmeanfieldtheory(DMFT)anditsclusterextensions cal techniques. Thus, we have performed Lanczos diag- : [5]. However, except for the case of one dimension [6], onalization calculations on 18 site clusters with periodic v i thismodelhasnotbeenstudiedawayfromhalf-filling[7] boundary conditions. X and/or on geometrically frustrated lattices. In Fig. 1 we plot the charge transfer, n −n as a B A r In this Letter we study the ionic Hubbard model on function of ∆/|t| for several values of U. We also plot a a triangular lattice at three-quarter filling. This Hamil- n −n in two analytically tractable limits: the non- B A tonian displays a subtle interplay between metallic and interacting limit, U = 0 [15]; and the strong coupling insulating phases and charge and magnetic order. It has limitU ≫∆≫|t|[16]. Severalinterestingeffectscanbe regimesanalogoustoMott,chargetransfer[8],andcova- observedinthiscalculation. Firstly,thesignoftstrongly lent insulators [9]. The study of this model is motivated effects the degree of charge transfer on the triangular in part by our recent proposal [10] that it is an effective lattice. Secondly,chargetransferdependsonlyweaklyon low-energy Hamiltonian for Na CoO , at values of x at U. Thirdly, regardless of the sign of t or the magnitude x 2 which ordering of the sodium ions occurs. of U, the charge transfer increases rather slowly as ∆ The Hamiltonian for the ionic Hubbard model is increases. The chargegap,i.e., the difference inthe chemicalpo- H =−t X c†iσcjσ +UXni↑ni↓+Xǫiniσ, (1) tentials for electrons and holes, is ∆c ≡ E0(N + 1) + hijiσ i iσ E0(N −1)−2E0(N), where E0(N) is the ground state energyforN electrons. We plotthe variationof∆ with c where c(†) anihilates (creates an electron with spin σ at ∆ for various values of U in Fig. 2. ∆ vanishes for iσ c sitei,tisthehoppingintegral,U istheeffectiveCoulomb U = 0, however finite size effects mean that we cannot repulsion between electrons on the same site, and ǫ is accurately calculate ∆ for small ∆. ∆ = ∆ for t = 0 i c c 2 1 lattice is half-filled and hence becomes a Mott insulator. t>0 If there were no hybridisation between that chains, one 0.8 t<0 would find a metallic state for any finite charge trans- fer from the B-sites to the A-sites (self doping), even for 0.6 U ≫ |t| as the A-chains are now electron-doped Mott A n insulators and the B-chains are hole-doped band insula- -B n 0.4 tors. However, Fig. 2 shows that the insulating regime tb, t<0 of the model extends far beyond the well understood U=0, t<0 n −n = 1 regime. This is because the real space in- 0.2 B A terpretation is incorrect as hybridization between A and B chains is substantial. For |t|∼∆≪U the system can 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 remain insulating with a small gap [O(t)]. This state is ∆/|t| analogous to a covalent insulator [9]. One expects that for ∆=0 the ground state is metal- FIG. 1: (Color online) Variation of the charge transfer with licastherethesystemis3/4-filled. However,asmallbut ∆ for different Coulomb repulsion energies. Lanczos results finite∆=0+ leadstoastronglynestedFermisurfacefor onan18-siteclusterfor: U/t =0(stars),15(opensymbols) and 100 (filled symbols) are| |shown. The U = 0 results are t>0 whereas for t<0 the Fermi surface rather feature- in excellent agreement with the infinite lattice tight-binding less. Thus, rather different behaviors might be expected (tb) result (dashed-dotted line) [15]. Strong coupling results for different signs of t even at weak coupling. At large (dashed lines) are also shown for comparison. U our exact diagonalization results suggest that a gap may be present even for a small value of ∆/t. However finite-size effects, inherent to the method, mean that it 8 is not possible to resolve whether a gap opens at ∆ = 0 U=100|t|, t>0 7 U=100|t|, t<0 or at some finite value of ∆. U=15|t|, t>0 To test this covalent insulator interpretation in the 6 U=15|t|, t<0 ∆ ∼ |t| and large U regime we have also calculated the 5 spectral density, A(ω), c.f., Fig. 3. There are three dis- ∆/|t|c4 tinct contributions to the A(ω): at low energies there is a lower Hubbard band; just below the chemical poten- 3 tial (ω =µ) is a weakly correlated band; and just above 2 ω = µ is the upper Hubbard band. Furthermore, the large energy separation, much larger than the expected 1 U = 15|t|, between the lower and upper Hubbard bands 0 isduetoanupward(downward)shiftoftheupper(lower) 0 2 4 6 8 10 ∆/|t| Hubbard bands due to the strong hybridization. In con- trast,inthestrongcouplinglimitA(ω)hasamuchlarger gap, O(∆), between the contributions from the weakly FIG. 2: (Color online) Variation of the charge gap, ∆c, with correlated band and the upper Hubbard band. ∆ for U/t =15 and 100 (the charge gap is zero for U =0). | | Themagneticmomentassociatedwiththepossiblean- The tendencytowards an insulating state is greater for t<0 tiferromagnetism, m = (3hSzSzi)1/2, where ν = A or than for t> 0. Dashed lines show the strong coupling limit: ν i j U >> ∆ >> t. Note that although strong correlations are B andSz = 1(n −n ),is evaluatedbetweentwonext- i 2 i↑ i↓ essential for creation of thecharge gap they are not required nearestneighborsontheνsublatticeatthecenterofclus- for the charge transfer, c.f.. Fig. 1. Note that, for U >> ∆ ter (to reduce finite size effects [18]). Fig. 4 shows that withU large,thechargegapisrobustagainst thevalueofU. m increaseswith∆andissubstantiallyenhancedbyU, A whereas m is always small. This is in marked contrast B toaspindensitywave,aspredictedbyHartree-Fockcal- and U ≫∆; this result is reminiscent of a charge trans- culationswherethemagneticmomentisfarsmallerthan fer insulator [8]. Both perturbative [17] and numerical that experimentally observed [19]. results show that the charge gap depends on the sign of We now turn to discuss the consequences of our re- t due to the different magnetic and electronic properties sults for understanding experiments; for simplicity and arising from the geometrical frustration of the triangu- concreteness we focus on Na CoO . The x = 0.5 mate- x 2 lar lattice. In contrast, on a square lattice, ∆c, does not rials have remarkably different properties from those on depend on the sign of t. other values of x [20, 21]. Above 51 K the intralayer re- Inthelimit, ∆≫U ≫|t|,theAandBsublatticesare sistivity of Na CoO is weakly temperature dependent 0.5 2 wellseparatedinenergy;theBsitesaredoublyoccupied with values of a few mΩcm [20] characteristic of a bad (i.e.,theB-sublatticeisabandinsulator)andtheAsub- metal [10]. Below 51 K the resistivity increases, consis- 3 0.2 tent with a small gap opening (∼10 meV) [20]. Thus A-sites a (bad) metal-insulator transition occurs at 51 K. The B-sites insulating state of Na CoO has a number of counter- 0.5 2 intuitive properties,notthe leastofwhichis the absence µ = of strong charge ordering. NMR observes no charge or- ω ) ω( 0.1 dering up to a resolution of nB − nA < 0.4 [22, 23], A LHB while neutron crystallography suggest n −n ≃ 0.12 B A [11]. Thus the insulating state is not the simple charge- UHB transfer-like state predicted by (1) in the strong cou- ∆=10|t| pling limit. Na0.5CoO2 develops a commensurate mag- netic order below 88 K [22, 24]. A large magnetic mo- 0 ment [m = 0.26(2)µ per magnetic Co ion] is observed B in spite of the weak charge order [note that classically ω) 0.05 m<(nB −nA)µB/2]. Above 100 K the optical conduc- A( ∆=|t| tivity [21]showsno evidence ofaDrude peak, consistent LHB withabadmetal. Intheinsulatingphasespectralweight UHB islostbelow∼10meV,consistentwiththegapseeninthe 0 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 dcconductivityandapeakemergesat∼20meV,whichis ω/|t| toosharpandtoolowenergytocorrespondtoaHubbard band [21]. ARPES shows that the highest energy occu- piedstatesare∼10meVbelowtheFermienergy[25]. No FIG.3: (Coloronline)Evolutionfrom achargetransferinsu- equivalentinsulatingstateisseeninthemisfitcobaltates lator to a covalent insulator. The energy dependence of the [22], which supports the contention that Na-ordering is spectral density, A(ω), is shown for two different parameter vital for understanding the insulating state. regimes of the model with t<0 and U =15t. The spectral | | Various theories have been proposed to explain these density in the upper panel (∆ = 10t) is that characteris- tic of a charge transfer insulator [9] t|h|ere is a single weakly intriguing experiments. Lee et al. [26] have performed correlated band largely associated with the B sites and ly- LDA+U calculations, which include Na-ordering, but ing between lower (LHB) and upper (UHB) Hubbard bands not strong correlations. Other groups [27] have studied (separated by U) that are largely associated with the A strongly correlated models that include the Coulomb in- ∼ sites and ∆c ∼ ∆. In contrast, the lower panel (∆ = |t|) teraction with neighbouring sites, but neglect the effects showsaspectraldensitycharacteristicof acovalentinsulator of Na-ordering. Marianetti and Kotliar [28] have also [9]: thereareonlysmalldifferencebetweenAandBsites,the studied the Hamiltonians proposed in [10] for x = 0.3 separation of the LHBand UHB is >U, and ∆c t. ∼| | and 0.7. 0.6 In order to compare our results with experiments on 0.15 Na CoO we need to restrict ourselves to the relevant 0.5 2 0.5 B 0.1 parameter values: t<0 and |t|∼∆≪U [14]. This cor- m 0.05 respondswiththeregimeofthethreequartersfilledionic 0.4 Hubbardmodelthatisboththemostinterestingandthe 0 0 1 2 most difficult to study via exact diagonalisationbecause mA0.3 ∆/|t| of the deleterious finite size effects. Nevertheless we pro- pose that in Na CoO the insulating state is analogous 0.2 0.5 2 toacovalentinsulator. Thisexplainsawiderangeofex- 0.1 U=2|t| periments. The peak observedat ω ∼30 meV in the op- U=15|t| ticalconductivity[21],isinterpretedasthetransferofan U=100|t| 0 electron from the weakly correlatedband to form a dou- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∆/|t| blon in the strongly correlated band. The weak charge transfer (n −n = 0.1−0.3; c.f., Fig. 1) is caused by B A thestronghybridisationbetweentheAandBsublattices FIG. 4: (Color online) The magnetic moment as a function and is consistent with the value extracted from crystal- of ∆ for t<0 and various U. The magnetic moment on the lographic experiments (0.12 [11]) and the bounds from A sites, mA, (main panel) is strongly enhanced when U ≫ NMR(<0.4[22]). Thelargemoment(0.1-0.2µ ;c.f.,Fig. t. The inset shows the moment on the B sublattice. mB B i|s|much smaller, reduced by ∆, and only weakly dependent 4) is comparable to the moment found by neutron scat- on U. These results demonstrate that, for large U and ∆ > tering(0.26µ [24])andresultsfromthe electronsinthe B t, theelectrons on the A-sublattice are much more strongl∼y strongly correlated band, i.e., the single spin hybridised | | correlated than those on the B-sublattice despite the small betweentheAandBsublattices. Finitesizeeffectsmean charge transfer (see Fig. 1). thatwecannotaccuratelycalculatethechargegapinthis 4 regime. However, we propose that the experimental sys- rows of singly occupied A-sites. In the strong coupling tem corresponds to a parameter range where the gap is limit, U ∆ t, virtual hopping processes lead to ≫ ≫ | | small, ∆ < O(|t|), consistent with the gap, ∼7-10 meV magnetic interactions between electrons in A-sites. Eq. c (1)reducestoaHeisenbergmodelonanrectangularlat- [20, 25], seen experimentally in ARPES and resistivity. This is consistent with the expectation that ∆c → 0 as tice: H =JP{ij}(cid:2)Si·Sj− 41(cid:3)+J⊥P[ij](cid:2)Si·Sj− 14(cid:3), ∆/|t| → 0. Accurately calculating ∆c for small ∆/|t| where J = 4Ut2 − 8∆t23 and J⊥ = 1∆6t24[U1 + 2∆1+U + 21∆]. J and large U, and hence further testing our hypothesis, results from the usual superexchange antiferromagnetic couplingand‘ring’exchangeprocessarounda3-sitepla- therefore remains an important theoretical challenge. quette[6].Inourpreviouspaper[10],theO(t3)termwas WethankH.Alloul,Y.S.Lee,andR.Singhforhelpful neglected. J becomes negative for t >0 and ∆ < √2Ut discussions. J.M. acknowledges financial support from leading to a ferromagnetic interaction. In contra∼st J is ⊥ the Ramo´n y Cajal program, MEC (CTQ2005-09385- always antiferromagnetic. C03-03). B.J.P.wastherecipientofanARCQueenEliz- [17] The lowest order correction to the charge gap, in the abeth II Fellowship (DP0878523). R.H.M. was the re- strong-coupling limit, comes from the kinetic energy cipient of an ARC Professorial Fellowship (DP0877875). of a hole (doublon) propagating along the B(A)-chains Some of the numerics were performed on the APAC na- whenextracting(adding)anelectrontothezerothorder ground state configuration. 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