Internet Voting Protocol Based on Implicit Data Security Abhishek Parakh Subhash Kak Computer Science Department Computer Science Department Oklahoma State University Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74075 Stillwater, OK 74075 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 0 1 0 Abstract—This paper presents a new protocol for Internet generation that has become accustomed to online banking, 2 voting based on implicit data security. This protocol allows online shopping, secure email transactions and secure online n recasting of votes, which permits a change of mind by voters storage. a either during the time window over which polling is open or However, as in other network technologies, Internet voting J during a shorter period over which recasting is permitted. The 1 securityofvotesdependsonmultipleserverssuchthateachvote is vulnerable to viruses, Trojan horses and denial of service 1 is divided into partitions and these partitions are distributed attacks. A number of measures can be taken to nullify the among the servers, all of which need to be brought together to consequence of such attacks [18], one of which is holding ] reconstruct the votes. Such a protocol has potential applications the elections over a period of many days, as in the case of R in bargaining and electronic commerce. Switzerlandfortwo weeks[14], andin Estonia [15] fora few C days.Moretrustmaybeobtained[10]ifallthevotersactually . I. INTRODUCTION s voted, which in practice is almost impossible to ensure. c Security in Internet voting is a basic research problem due When an election is open for a long period, an undecided [ totheoppositerequirementsofconfidentialityandverifiability. voter may wish to change the vote as the election debate 1 Several cryptographic solutions have been proposed to meet progresses during this period. If not allowed to do so (i.e. v these requirements, but their effectiveness is predicated on change the vote), the voter may tend to wait until the last 1 several assumptions. In general, security of voting and its minute to cast his vote and to arrive at a final decision. 1 7 trustworthiness depends on the honesty of numerous agents, Avoiding“lastminutevoting”overtheInternetisdesirableso 1 human and virtual, and it is therefore easy to argue that as to decrease the chances of network attacks and disruptions 1. universal verifiability and unconditional privacy cannot be aimed at the final “rush hour.” simultaneouslyachieved.Nevertheless,weprovideaneffective 0 Also, voters can accidentally vote for the wrong candidate 0 solution based on implicit data security, which has several (similartoerrorsinchoosingwrongoptionsinonlinebookings 1 attractive features from the point of view of implementation. and purchases), instances of which were noticed in the Cali- : v An elaborate frameworkfor data security based on implicit fornia recall elections [2], [13]. Therefore, a voter may wish i architecture is described in [21]. Online data security has to correct his mistake by casting another ballot overwriting X direct applications in Internet voting because each vote can the previous one. As a result, it is essential that electronic r a be regarded as a voter’s data that needs to be protected. One votingincludeaprovisiontorecastvotes.Noneofthepresent advantageof using vote (data) partitioningscheme in Internet schemes allows voters to do so. voting is that one does not require an encryption/decryption key and that the security is implicit in the partitions. None of II. PREVIOUS WORK the partitions reveal the vote when the election is open and only when all the partitions are brought together, after the A number of electronic voting schemes are described in closing of elections, can the votes be recreated. the literature [1], [3]–[6], [11], [12], [19]. An overviewof the Although several problematic issues remain with current problemsofInternetvotingandimplementationstrategiesmay approaches to electronic voting [19], Internet voting is gen- be found in [8]. Convertible blind signatures [16] have been erally expected to become widespread in the next few years applied on the ballots in [1] to achieve ballotsecrecy, and the and is already in use in Switzerland, Estonia, England, and intermediateresults(fairnessproperty)protectedusingsecretly Netherlands, and on experimental basis in the United States generated random numbers. However, it is not clear how the [17].Itofferseaseofaccesstoseniorcitizens,disabledpeople, voterprovidestheauthoritieswiththissecretinformationafter people who are traveling on the election-day, citizens living theelectionisclosed.Inpracticethevotercannotbeexpected abroad but who are eligible to vote, soldiers serving abroad, to go back to the election website in order to provide the and eliminates the hassle of obtaining an absentee ballot in decryption key. Complicated Mix-Nets are used to provide advance.Italsoencourageslargerparticipationbytheyounger anonymization in [3]–[5], [11], which we believe can be avoided using anonymous IDs that are untraceable to the on the voter’s computer which sets up a secure connection voter’s real identity. with the servers that will record the partitions, and (2) At Juelsetal[6]proposeapracticalframeworkfordeveloping a primary server that, in turn, sends the partitions to other Internetvotingschemes,buttheyassume an untappablechan- servers. In most cases, the second approach may be more nel during the registration phase which is not truly available trustworthy.Allofthesepartitionsneedtobebroughttogether inpractice.Postalmailissuggestedasanuntappablechannel, to recreate the final vote during the counting phase. Security whichisnottrueconsideringthenumberofidentitytheftsthat of the system is such that as long as one of the servers is occur due to its insecurity [7]. Moreover, this scheme is not honest any attempt to change a vote by manipulating k−1 suitable for large scale elections due to its large overhead. partitions succeeds with a probability of 1/p, where p is a Thevotingschemepresentedin[12]and[8]replacese-cash large prime. For example, if p ≈ 2100, then the probability withvote.Itdoesnotallowthevotertorecastaballotandaims of changing a vote as desired, without detection, is 1/2100. at revealingvoter’s true identities in case of attempt at recast. Further, the probability of changing a vote into another valid To the authors’ knowledge there does not exist any scheme vote, not necessarily the desired vote, can be achieved with that allows a ballot recast and presently all the intermediate a probability of m/p, where m is the number of candidates election results are protected using encryption. The article contesting in the election. aimsatpresentingaschemethatovercomesthislimitationand does not require any explicit encryption of votes. In general IV. THEPROPOSED PROTOCOL an electronic voting scheme needs to satisfy the following The following notations are used in the description of the properties [1], [3], [5], [6]: protocol. 1) Receipt freeness: The voter must not possess any proof Vid:the eligiblevoter’strueidentification.Thismayincludea of the cast ballot that can be used to convince a third national ID number (Social Security Number in the US) and party of the way in which the voter has voted. certainpersonalinformationsimilartothatprovidedbyvoters 2) Privacy: No one should be able to determine how the to a credit score reporting company over the Internet. voter has voted. rid: a random identification number that the voter generates 3) Un-reusability: A voter can cast only a single vote. and uses at the time of casting his ballot. This, when signed 4) Un-forge-ability:Anineligiblevotercannotcastaballot. by the registration authority acts as voter’s anonymous ID. 5) Fairness: Intermediate elections results must not be Cj:thejth candidatebelongingtoasetC,andthecardinality available as they provide incentive for fraud. |C|=m. 6) Distributedsecurity:Thesecurityoftheelectionprocess gx: the public key that the registration authority (RA) an- must rely upon and must be overseen by more than nounces, where x is the correspondingprivate key. Computa- one authority. This has been traditionally achieved by tions are performed modulo a prime p where g is a primitive numerous poll workers and helper agencies (NGOs), rootand public knowledge.Therefore,mx is the signature on under the assumption that not all of them have been a message m, where 1<m<(p−1). compromised at any given stage. ballotj: the ballot for the jth candidate. It is a randomly chosen number from the field Z and is publicly known. Thesecurityofthesystemlargelydependsontheeffectiveness p Hence, if a voter wishes to vote for a candidate he needs of the distributed systems and multiple audit trails. to submit this random number as the cast ballot. III. OUR CONTRIBUTION server : is the jth server from the set of servers S and j Ourcontributioninthisarticleistwofold.Firstly,wepresent |S|=k. a scheme thatallowsvotersto recastballotsin case theywish A. Registration Phase to change their decision or have accidently voted for a wrong candidate. The proposed scheme achieves this by generating 1) Voter generates a random identification number rid, an anonymous ID at the time of registration and retrieving a chosen uniformly from a set of 100 digit numbers. set of authentic-signed ballots that can be reused. Each vote 2) Voter generates a blinding factor b independently and is trackedby theanonymousID andonlythelatest castballot uniformly and sends to the registration authority (RA): is taken into consideration. The scheme is implemented so rid·gb mod p, Vid. that when a recast in intended, the voter need not contact 3) The registration authority determines if the voter is the registration authority. A variation in which the voter may eligible to vote and determines to what precinct the wish to contact (under certain circumstances) the registration voter belongs. Then the registration authority signs the authority while changing vote may also be implemented. voters blinded rid and sends him a set of signed ballots Secondly,we protectthe intermediateresults of election by thathe/shecanuseforvoting.Theregistrationauthority using implicit data security. We assume that a voter has k replies with the following message: (rid·gb)x mod p, servers at his disposal and he votes by creating k partitions (ballot1)x,(ballot2)x,...,(ballotm)x mod p of his ballot and sending them to the servers along with his 4) The voter now un-blindshis anonymousrid as follows: anonymousID. The implementationof this partitioning could a) Using RA’s public key compute (gx)b mod p and bedoneinoneofthetwoways:(1)byanapplicationresiding then compute its multiplicative inverse. b) Multiply (r ·gb)x mod p with the multiplica- id tive inverse computed in step a. and retrieve (r )x mod p. id 5) Voter now issues a zero-knowledge challenge/response protocol to verify RA’s signatures on r and the set of id ballots he has received. If the signature is found invalid then the voter can launch a disavowal protocol. The proper formation of the ballots can be checked by the voter if he wishes. The voter at the end of registration phase has a valid signed r and a set of signed ballots that can be used to vote. The id voter may proceed to cast his ballot as follows. Fig.1. Illustration ofproposedvotingprotocol B. Voting Phase 1) Voter contacts his assigned online polling booth using D. Re-voting a secure shell (SSL) connection over the Internet and sends: (r )x mod p, r . If a voter wishes to change his vote, he may do so by id id 2) Thepollingboothverifiesthevalidityofr usingeither contacting the online polling booth using his r to authenti- id id of the following approaches: cate himself and simply choose another ballot from the set of a) Each online polling booth may have a copy of x, signed ballots and divide it into partitionsand distribute them in which case checking for the signature is trivial. tootherservers.Theserverswilloverwritehispreviouslycast b) Alternatively,theonlinepollingboothmayconduct ballot partitions if any. azero-knowledgechallenge/responseprotocolwith V. ANALYSIS OF THEPROTOCOL the RA to validate the signature. Theorem 1: Weassertthefollowingregardingtheproposed In case a collision is detected, the voter may need to protocol: contact the RA again and obtain another singed r . id 3) If the signature is found valid the online polling booth 1) Even if k − 1 servers collude, they do not gain any stores the voter’s r and provides the voter with a information about the cast ballot. id secure session key that he can use to cast his ballot by 2) If k−1colludingserverswish to changethe cast ballot contacting the k voting servers. into another desired ballot, then this can be achieved 4) The voter chooses the ballot corresponding to the can- only with a probability of 1/p. didate that he wishes to vote for and divides the ballot 3) The probability of k−1 colluding servers changingthe into k partitions and sends one partition to each of the cast ballot to another valid ballot is m/p. k servers. In order to partition the ballot, the voter uses Proof: The proof of the assertions is presented below. the following procedure: 1) One of the ways to create the partitions would be that a) The voter generates an equation of degree k such the voter chooses k−1 roots at random and computes that its coefficients belong to Zp. For example, the kth root using rk = r1 · ...· rk−1 ·ballot mod p. xk + ak−1xk−1 + ... + a1 + ballot ≡ 0 mod p, Since, the colluding servers do not know that cast where a , ballot∈Z . ballot,knowledgeof allbutonerootleavesthe lastroot i p b) He then computes the k roots of the equation undetermined and vice versa. Without knowing the last such that, (x−r1)(x−r2)...(x−rk)≡0 mod p. root, the cast ballot remains undetermined. It is to noted that roots may not exist for any 2) All the operations are performed in the field Zp such arbitraryequationandthecoefficientsmayneedto thateachcandidate’sballotisarandomlychosennumber be adjusted. Also, r1·r2·...·rk ≡ballot mod p. (knowntopublic)fromthefield.Furthera signedballot c) The voter now stores these roots on different isagainanintegerwithinthefield.Thereforethereexist servers as partitions. m integers in the field that are valid singed ballots. From the part 1 of the proof, we notice that even the knowledge of k − 1 roots does not reveal the ballot. C. Counting Phase Consequently,ifthecolludingserverswishtochangethe 1) All the servers pool together the partitions of the vote castballotintotheirdesiredballotbyonlymanipulating and recreate the secret by multiplyingthem in the finite k−1 (or less) partitions then the best attempt they can field Zp. makeisbyfixingk−2partitionsandchangingthevalue 2) Thesignatureisverifiedontheballotsandiffoundvalid of(k−1)st partitionsothatthefinalresultisthedesired the ballot is included into the final tally. ballot.However,sincetheydonotknowthevalueofthe kth partition (which is also fixed) and neither do they thepreviouscastballotforthatID.Furthermore,forging know the value of the already cast ballot, the colluding a new r is ruled out by property 2 above. id serverscan achievetheir goalonlywith a probabilityof 4) Fairness:Theballotcastisdividedintopartitionsduring 1/p. thevotingphaseandunlessallthepartitionsareknown, 3) It follows from part 2 of the proof, that since there are all the ballots remain equally likely. This is established m valid ballots, manipulating k−1 (or less) partitions by the above theorems. will result in a valid singed ballot with a probability of VI. CONCLUSION m/p. We have presented a new protocol for Internet voting in which the security of the cast ballots depends on numerous Theorem 2: Theknowledgeofk−1partitionsisequivalent servers and the fairness property is satisfied by the use of a totheknowledgeofk−ipartitions,1≤i≤k−2,i.e.aserver ballot partitioning scheme. No encryption/decryption key is does not gain any information about the ballot by colluding used and there is no explicit encryption of the votes. The with other servers as long as one at least of the servers does partitions of the ballot provide implicit security. Variations not collude and manipulation of k −1 ballots is equivalent of this protocol may be used in a variety of applications in to manipulation of k−i partitions. 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